The Eye of the Storm


The dance continued. Domina's legs shot up, only to miss her as Jonyna flew upward. Any other day, she'd be happy to keep this going. Keep the ballet of destruction going, as fire engulfed them both.
But today was different. She had

Then the rain started. It started off as a drizzle, but quickly evolved into a downpour, a cloudburst dumping gallons upon gallons onto Domina as Jonyna heard a-
Somewhere out there, Braze had fired a bolt from his lightsaber rifle.
That was it. That was the opening she needed.
Suddenly, she shifted rocketing like a missile towards the monster. The sith lord that had forgone his humanity and become nothing more than an animal to be put down.
Just as she had with

"You focus on Domina. I'll deal with your grandfather. That's an order."
She wasn't usually one to make such commands, but she couldn't risk it in moments such as this. The storm was still coming, and the rain still poured.
It was the Eye of the Storm, versus the Monster of Mandalore now. She stood, saber raised in a strange stance unlike any other, not of any form but of one of Jonyna's own making, only one hand on the hilt as she stared the monster down.
This time she didn't intend on running. This time, she'd make a name for herself.