Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Not Actually Free Willy 29] - Balmorra Invasion OOC


[member="Draco Vereen"]


My apologies for trying to make a good story. I'll die in the next post to make this all better.
So apparently inwas supposed to be your opponent [member="Adekos"] but since then I've been engaged by [member="Kylath Amadis"]

how do you guys want to handle this?


If any GA need an opponent and it's not too late to jump in. . . newb droid looking for experience.

Whether in combined action with NPCs, one on one, outnumbered or just for story developing. Not picky, and as a droid I lack ego. Willing to work it out :)


Since I'm jumping in so late, I've started out a little banged up to account for the combat fatigue of the people that have been here from the start. Willing to fight 1vX, friendly chill person, just looking for experience.
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

I appreciate that you want to follow the 1v1 concept, but if you are landing in my backyard barking and rummaging through my tomato garden, I'm gonna come out to meet you. Of course, I posted today, but I will be posting tomorrow in response to your entrance and engaging you.
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

I think one of your walkers missed a spot.

1) 6 x MAT-TE's spread out to surround Sith-end of canyon (140º) at 20º intervals
2) K-Wing's run perpendicularly to the canyon, cutting across it to minimize exposure
3) 240 Republic Commandos dismount into the air and assault the Sith
4) 2 x Artillery Pod Walkers and 1 x AAC Hovertanks remain out of line of sight on plateau on each side of the canyon
5) Republic Commandos assault Garrison's
6) Tanks assault Garrison
1) 20 x Surface-to-Air missiles target the 100 Vong sensor bat-thingies.
2) Hidden cave entrances are identified by the discrepancy in surface temperature between their coverings and the canyon walls themselves.
3) 2 x MAT-TE's fall down into canyon. Both have 1 x damaged leg. 1 x destroyed missile launcher.
4) Excess of artillery fire, countermeasures. Shield damage.
5) After artillery wave, dismounts jump out with jump packs, rockets and descend into canyon.
6) MAT-TE's follow and start closing in.
7) 2 x Artillery Pod Walkers target 1 x Tannhauser (the one with the broken firing arm) and launch 16 artillery shells at it.
8) 2 x Artillery Pod Walkers target 1 x Tannhauser (the one with the broken shields) and launch 16 more shells.
9) 2 x Hovertanks launch 20 missiles total at a single AT-AW.
10) 2 x MAT-TE's fire 20 rounds total of armor piercing ion rounds at a single Sith Phaedra AA Gun.
11) 7 x K-Wing Assault Bombers launch: 14 T-33 Plasma Torpedoes (artillery emplacements), 7 Conner Nets (AA gun/artillery emplacements), strafing run of quad laser cannons (infantry).
12) 8 x A-10 LAAT Gunships attack:
– 4 x Croesus Weapons Emplacements with: 4 x Combined Composite Beam Laser Turrets
– 1 x Garrison with: 16 total Mass Drive Missiles
– Exposed infantry at Garrison with: 16 total Heavy Repeating Cannons
13) 6 x Republic Commandos (1 x Fire Team) flank 1 x AT-AW and placed 2 x Detpacks on superstructure, just below main gun and attempt to detonate
14) 10 x Republic Commando Squads place breaching charges on entrances/perceived weak areas of Garrison in attempt to force entry
15) Ali Hadrix joins the assault on the ground at the Garrison's upper levels
16) 5 groups of 10 Republic Commandos fire PLEX missile launchers at 2 x AT-AW's (50 missiles total)


1) 2 x MAT-TE's take 10 % shield damage from AT-AW's (@ 80%)
2) 1 x AT-AP at 50% shield strength (@ 50%)
3) 1 x AT-AP: damaged right hip joint, preventing sideward movement (Shields @ 85%)
4) 2 x MAT-TE's: 50% shield damage under increased barrage (@ 50%)
5) 2 x MAT-TE's: 45% shield damage from AT-AW attack (@55%)
6) 2 x MAT-TE's fall down into canyon. Both have 1 x damaged leg. 1 x destroyed missile launcher. (Shields @75%) Decreased movement speed, decreased attack capability.
[member="Commander Lusk"]

Ack I was not aware of that my apologies. Thought you were free, anyway nice fight so far from yourself :)

If you like I can have kylath pull back up to you [member="Adekos"]

[member="Veris Tagge"]

Thanks! Was wondering who was involved in the back and forth.
Sage Bane said:
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

I think one of your walkers missed a spot.
It's like when you are ordering a pizza and you emphasize extra pepperoni and then the cook just fills a pan with pepperoni and cooks it for you. Lol

[Member=Yurzhoc Shai]

I just broached that subject with [m Member=Isamu Baelor]. I know we're one on one, and the garrison isn't crucial to our objective goals, but I didn't really see a way to avoid it. I wanted to get my post out do I just jumped in. I was thinking you could either respond with the infantry forces you have at the garrison if your wanted, or Isamu could write some of his guys there.
Either way I figured the garrison deserved some attention since you went through the trouble of spawning it and people have been ignoring you. :(
Maybe we could just make a garrison fight narrative fluff and you and I could duke it out? I've got Ali there... *Sprinkles bait on the ground* lol
Edit: I don't even care when this thing end, I'll fight it out with you.

However you want it, just know I didn't intend anything ill by jumping in there; it was in my plan to surround and again I didn't see any way to ignore you.
I know fleeting can be pretty time consuming, and I get that- but being timely with posts is what will make this invasion fun.

I've kept the 24 hour rule for courtesy sake, even up to 3 days in some points in this thread, but as this nears to an end, I'm trying to write a good story with my writing partner. And having to wait more than 24- 48- and often 72 hours wondering when we will get a post is frustrating when we get no heads up.

Just tossing that out there.

[member="Catalys Maijora"]

So, over the course of 3 posts, I have fired a total of 99 HVC rounds at one single ship of yours--51 in one post, a break post to reload, and then 48 in the next.

Now, that ship I am firing upon is over 2km in length. It has a Hutt-rate speed and maneuverability rating that all my ships outclass. You also have kept your gravity well up for the entire duration, which should pull any inaccurate mass rounds directly towards your ship. (I have reiterated this in multiple posts.) On top of that, I have the Night Watch to help with what little targeting I may have to actually calculate. Your ship is hard to miss, sensors jamming or no sensors jamming. A Stormtrooper standing on my ship's hull with a blaster rifle in hand could probably hit your destroyer.

Considering all of these factors, it is utterly absurd that all you take are "minor glancing shots".

On top of that, I have launched multiple artificial meteors carved out of moon rock into your gravitational well. Which you have completely ignored.

Now, we have ignored things like firing missiles without reloading and the ridiculous turning of one of your star destroyers completely 180 degrees in a single post up until now. But this is now becoming comical.
[member="Commander Lusk"] :D Cool and that AT-AT walker is toast now, feel free to bunny/godmod it out, or I will, I wanted to make the center piece of Kylath's line have an epic explosion of its own.
So I just looked over your bio real quick, to see if I might have a character that would be a good fit for a fight with you, and let me just say wow. Honestly that was a fantastic read. I'm not the fastest poster, admittedly, but if you're still looking for a duel partner, I have a couple GR characters I could potentially use.

There's [member="Svarin Noimare"] and [member="Kronk"]. Svarin is a former slave, nearly full-blooded Echani, and a Jedi padawan. Kronk, on the other hand, is actually the subaccount I use for NPCs. Basically I use him when my other characters don't quite fit in a thread, when the story calls for something flexible, or when someone needs some more background noise. He's the result of my unfinished 'Kronk Project'.

For this I'd basically just construct a fairly simple NPC (probably a Republic soldier), give them some basic gear, and then toss them into the fray.
[member="Tålamod Shapochka"]

We have four or five electronic warfare ships, if you guys want to get into attack range, you're going to be affected by all of them. There are some countermeasures to this. A tip for the future; bring EW ships of your own or develop an anti-EW firewall/device, or just use generic 'advanced firewalls' in your subs. I also disabled my gravity well several posts back (like literally a post or two after Lash showed up.)

As well, your assumption that people can blind hit in space is questionable at best. I mean sure, you could with the force (like Luke Skywalker did in A New Hope) but even then, I'm sure the onboard systems were heavily in use to allow the weapon to launch at all. Modern fighter jets--such as an F-16--are nigh impossible to pilot without every one of their computers to function. It's pretty solid to assume that starships which have a lot more to deal with, would rely far more on computers than even that.

When I spoke with Lash, he told me he was at least 200,000m outside the engagement zone, and that it would take him four posts to get into range. You yourself were behind a moon as we moved to leave the long-range engagement which would put you at least at 350,000km away from us. So even if you used a gravity slingshot or whatever, with trajectory you managed to show up with them in range of our fleet that was continually moving only one speed pace slower than the ISD.

Unless the ISD and other destroyers remained far back as the smaller, faster ships were chasing us instead, each ship in a fleet is going to be moving at the same pace to maintain formation. Which to me isn't enough to cover such vast distances in one post(to which lash was still 1 post away from his 4 post claim. Putting him still outside of the engagement zone.)

And honestly, I don't really care that much hence why I never have and still haven't asked for edits except in the case of a misread, I'm here to write, but it's hard to react as you desire in this situation.

My suggestion is a pretty easy one, and I believe it's one we can find acceptable.

Just write it out rather than sitting here asking each other to write differently. If this scenario is just a pain for you--likely even all of us--then maybe next time there's a fleeting objective, the writers who wish to fleet can discuss a scenario that limits the amount of wildcards and thinking that has to go into every little action. There's a reason why [member="Valiens Nantaris"] made his dice sheet for fleeting. We can always take concepts like those, and adapt them to our needs.

Food for thought.
Yeah, go fleeting system, then they'll be no complaints about people taking too little damage.

But then it becomes a wargame, and many people don't want that.

For some reason, because this freeform thing's not been working out great. :p
[member="Catalys Maijora"]

You initially came up behind me and were suddenly in range for an aft bombardment of my ships. Lash is not with my flank of the engagement zone. Considering all the fancy, physics-defying maneuvering you have been doing, if I am not able to get within long range three posts after an orbital slingshot, then I find it ludicrous that your ships are able to perform a 180 as well as move at a fast reverse-thrust velocity--with your gravity well activated, to boot.

To say that an EW attack can hack every single weapon on a star destroyer in one go is crazy. Also, the two ships you targeted are not the only ships in my fleet with HVCs. It doesn't take advanced sensors to line up a gimbal or IR sights and calculate a firing trajectory that will result in solid rounds being pulled into the hull of an activated interdictor field.

Whatever, though. This is the second fleet engagement now that I have ended up taking significantly more damage from you for equal or greater firepower than reciprocated.

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