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NPC Creation FAQ & Questions

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Veliz Fett


would I have to cut the tail off of the hound ? Im kinda looking for a pack like animal that can be tamed to only me, but is aggressive towards others still. What creature do you suggest I do that with? I just really wanna wolf type creature, would you be interested in creating a race with me in order for this to happen?


Professor of Alchemy
Considering usage of this forum is not mandatory, what happens to "Denied" NPC's? As there is no requirement for submission in order to use an NPC does a denial really mean anything? For example if I create "Darth Uberness" to teach me "Forbidden skills blank through blank." or to serve as an overpowered combat assistant and it gets denied, what's to stop me from RPing with the same NPC that's been re-skinned and simply not put in the factory?

Veliz Fett

Im assuming then that this overpowered bastard could be tricked, or killed after a few posts because it does not have any sort of protection, unless if its approved here.
[member="Veliz Fett"] - I'm in the process of creating a planet with many species that are pretty much all deadly predators. Kind of like Dxun on steroids. I'm sure one of them will fit your needs :p Go look at the Mwitu.
Another quick question. Surprisingly Machinra was made to.. Do exactly what I had the NPC creation thing for, only with another faction. He had his own subaccount for it (As you can see) after approval from the RPJ's.

Would this be usable for RPs?

Also, this is Daichi.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Machinra"]
*shrug* If the RPJs signed off on it, sure, just tread lightly and don't expect him to get the respect of an actual Master, and try to use him exclusively for providing opposition as you suggested. If you do decide to make him a proper PC, obviously he'd start at Apprentice.

Valik said:
Considering usage of this forum is not mandatory, what happens to "Denied" NPC's? As there is no requirement for submission in order to use an NPC does a denial really mean anything? For example if I create "Darth Uberness" to teach me "Forbidden skills blank through blank." or to serve as an overpowered combat assistant and it gets denied, what's to stop me from RPing with the same NPC that's been re-skinned and simply not put in the factory?
Honestly? Nothing. As a friend of mine is known to say, you can't fix stupid. Just as NPC creation is non-mandatory and non-binding, a denial would mean less than in other factory forums. Apart from really off-the-wall stuff, though, I can't imagine many cases when a denial would take place here. Fingers crossed.

Veliz Fett

[member="Ashin Varanin"]

do you have the power to deny a re skinned npc that was not submitted ?
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

If you create an NPC, then along the line something happens to your PC (eg. Death), could you then replace your PC with the NPC you made? (Providing of course the NPC is of the same force rank and power).

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Veliz Fett"] - I'm not sure what you mean. Just remember that the NPC creation forum is not mandatory.
[member="Minna"] - You can't transfer an NPC's Force rank into a recognized PC Force rank, no - all NPCs would start at Apprentice upon becoming PCs. If your NPC had been used over the course of many threads, I could see those being taken into consideration by faction staff for a quick Knight promotion, but that would be entirely up to faction staff (or others responsible for that promotion, as discussed in the promotion rules).
[member="Ashin Varanin"] since he hasn't been in my contcts for awhile or on the site. Can you ask Sargon if I can make the Wrathful One, they had such a fun marriage and her disappearing/being deleted was anti climatic for their marriage.
[member="Ashin Varanin"]
[member="Lady Exedō"]

Thou hast rang? I don't have a problem with that Syn feel free, hadn't seen you and hadn't really done anything with her so I was like eh... feel free you can NPC it
Veliz Fett said:
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

do you have the power to deny a re skinned npc that was not submitted ?
Ashin is the factory Admin, only Teff has more power inside its confines. So yes, though that doesn't look like it'll be a problem.
[member="Veliz Fett"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Can I make Brick!?


He's nice....
Well-Known Member
I just had a thought today. Fatty will be engaging in various politicking exploits in Republic Space. As 'Governor' of Filth, a world many light years away from the nearest Republic controlled world, and due to the fact that Republic members may create an NPC senator for voting purposes, can I make an official senator NPC right here for my explicit use? Or would this be considered a circumvention of the system in place? Additionally, if this was allowable, would we need to request its approval on the end of the Republic leadership?
Well-Known Member
[member="Maria Natalja"] Well the thing is, the current rules state any member of the Republic (which I am under legitimate terms IC despite the nature of my character) may create an NPC senator to act as a stand in for their vote in a senatorial matter.

Does this mean a temporary NPC that we toss aside when we're done with it, or are we allowed to create full fledge NPC character's here in the factory where we can pre determinedly set their loyalties to say, me, the creator. Which I suppose would be the logical thing as it is intended to be a representation of my voice, but what if I have this silly NPC senator voicing my opinions as a representative of a world that later a PC wants to contest? PC's taking precedent over NPC's immediately annuls the submission.

Perhaps you are right, I will address this with the Republic of this possible dilemma. Thank you!
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