Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NPC Creation FAQ & Questions

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Well-Known Member
[member="Maria Natalja"] I'm aware, but I feel like when things are written down it's common courtesy to consider to a large degree an important feature not to be ignored. When something isn't officially written, it can be walked all over the place. I'd rather not to have to change senator backgrounds every once in awhile just because he was a toss away that no one cared about.
[member="Mrrew"] REAAAALLLY late on this, but Ashlan wolve's were designated sentient despite popular belief. (They were intended to be semi-sentient but they were apparently seen as smarter than I thought so I rolled with it)

[member="Veliz Fett"] Figured this involved you too so it would be good to note if you think about the wolf. 6 inches tall but the red ones are especially vicious and might be good for taking something out by going for the chinks in the armor. Just keep in mind that you might need to give him some armor and rely on his intelligence more than brute strength. Also, Ashlan wolves choose bond mates so he can't really be tamed like any beast, but he'll basically be a miniature shield brother that should follow orders of an alpha personality
Barking nightlights(astral glowing pelts) for the win. Come in handy when ya got two sith torturing you and you need a telepathic friend to warn your old master to save your hind end... If ya haven't noticed, I speak from experience.

Quick question since you mentioned Chewie in the other thread.

Rancors. Since a lot of Witches have their own, and Satara's rancor is specifically the herd mother of the Singing Mountain Clan rancors so would putting them up as NPCs be a good idea?
I don't see a reason, [member="Maria Natalja"]. It's just an entirely new concept where as the herd mother is someone that should be accessible to all members of a clan and Ashin's mention of Chewie got me thinking. She does equal as a companion to my character as well so just wanted to check.


News They Don't Want Heard
If some major event happens to our NPC characters, for example mine happens to be Force sensitive, same as Niamh, and is subsequently being trained at the same time as Niamh, can we have things changed in the app to reflect it? For example, the Company forum has a place where we can post for edits to be added to our companies.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Cain Laatl"]

Yes you can however there are some things.

How advanced is the technique?
How detailed is the NPC?

If it is to teach you a super rare obscure ability and the only reason is for that with no real meat to it. Well NPC's are optional and don't have to be done but we'll discuss it.
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