Duranium Lord
After much consideration, a decision had been made. Ultimatum would turning his attention to outfitting a war force. Obviously there would be those who disagreed with such action, for the droid's purpose had not originally been preparation for battle, but times were changing and the chaos of the galaxy could be ignored only so long. He had seen much and taken part in the fights, but only now did he decide to up his work in that area. Of he knew that combat was little more than a temporary solution. It was however the only solution he had access to at this time.
To create a battle fleet that could effectively prove that which he intended he would need to build everything from the ground up. He decided to start with the fighters, the foundation of any force. Air superiority and a danger to most ground based weapons. However, what was the purpose of just another fighter that would fly around and dogfight and blast ground targets? This had to be special, it had to stand out among the myriad of fighters and excel in ways that others could not.
Ultimatum had decided to name the new lines of ships, the entire battle fleet would be called this, the Wrath-class. Not an exceptionally original name, but then again, names did not matter to the droid as much as what it represented. This first line of ships would be called Awe, for that is the emotion they were intended to evoke in those that saw them in battle. He already had the initial concept and overall appearance ready. He merely needed assistance in planning and executing the intended additions along with some other lesser issues. That was why he had called an acquaintance who more experience in the field of ship building than he. There was another who Ultimatum had come across, who wished to help as well if he could. He had sent a data-package to each along with an invitation to LOOM's main shipyard above Mustafar, the Foresight.
[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Titan Kryze"]
To create a battle fleet that could effectively prove that which he intended he would need to build everything from the ground up. He decided to start with the fighters, the foundation of any force. Air superiority and a danger to most ground based weapons. However, what was the purpose of just another fighter that would fly around and dogfight and blast ground targets? This had to be special, it had to stand out among the myriad of fighters and excel in ways that others could not.
Ultimatum had decided to name the new lines of ships, the entire battle fleet would be called this, the Wrath-class. Not an exceptionally original name, but then again, names did not matter to the droid as much as what it represented. This first line of ships would be called Awe, for that is the emotion they were intended to evoke in those that saw them in battle. He already had the initial concept and overall appearance ready. He merely needed assistance in planning and executing the intended additions along with some other lesser issues. That was why he had called an acquaintance who more experience in the field of ship building than he. There was another who Ultimatum had come across, who wished to help as well if he could. He had sent a data-package to each along with an invitation to LOOM's main shipyard above Mustafar, the Foresight.
[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Titan Kryze"]