Wandering Naval Officer
Location: Asmeru System
Objective: Primary: Seize Control of System
Objective: Primary: Seize Control of System
Secondary: Defend Grand Admiral Tregessar
Allies: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Aermoira Cyone"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Enemies: GA/ORC Fleets [member="Bryce Bantam"]
"Sir incoming fire from the Outer Rim fleet at 395 mark 26."
"Understood 'Weps' redirect fire to that fleet, open fire with all weapons. How are shields holding?"
"Captain shields are at 87% but holding, we don't need to worry anytime soon."
"Thank you commander Halsey."
This new engagement threw Aran for a loop, he didn't expect someone to be so ballsy to try to break through to line to attack the rear guard, but alas someone did, and now it was Aran's job to deal with this.
"Captain the FIV Barrage has reported 27 boarding shuttle kills between the three of the corvettes defending the Malice, but some did get through."
"Blast, do we have enough cover to send Colonel Eversman over to assist in the defense?"
"With this firestorm going on I doubt most would survive, I would suggest against it."
"BLAST! Have Eversman prepare his forces incase they change target to us. Lock down all vital areas of the ship and have stormtroopers patrol the corridors."
"Aye Captain."
"Eversman, Halsey, alert status one."
"Halsey, Eversman, roger."