Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oderint Dum Metuant | The First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance held Mustafar Hex (Fleeting Thre

Wandering Naval Officer
Location: Asmeru System
Objective: Primary: Seize Control of System
Secondary: Defend Grand Admiral Tregessar
Allies: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Aermoira Cyone"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Enemies: GA/ORC Fleets [member="Bryce Bantam"]
"Sir incoming fire from the Outer Rim fleet at 395 mark 26."
"Understood 'Weps' redirect fire to that fleet, open fire with all weapons. How are shields holding?"
"Captain shields are at 87% but holding, we don't need to worry anytime soon."
"Thank you commander Halsey."
This new engagement threw Aran for a loop, he didn't expect someone to be so ballsy to try to break through to line to attack the rear guard, but alas someone did, and now it was Aran's job to deal with this.​
"Captain the FIV Barrage has reported 27 boarding shuttle kills between the three of the corvettes defending the Malice, but some did get through."
"Blast, do we have enough cover to send Colonel Eversman over to assist in the defense?"
"With this firestorm going on I doubt most would survive, I would suggest against it."
"BLAST! Have Eversman prepare his forces incase they change target to us. Lock down all vital areas of the ship and have stormtroopers patrol the corridors."
"Aye Captain."
"Eversman, Halsey, alert status one."
"Halsey, Eversman, roger."
Attention ALL FO ships in vicinity of the FIV Malice

Location: FIV Malice - security room
Allies: [member="Adder"] [member="Canal"] [member="Jorg"] [member="Raph Thule"] [member="Marcus Collier"]
Enemies: #FO [member="Jaina Ventor"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Blue eyes cracked open for a moment, looking at the pilot with red hair. #fellowhipster Lids quickly closed again beneath glass lenses. The security room was clear. Converse-clad feet quickly took her inside where she sat her bony-butt down on the floor, back against one of the cooled wall paneled. Palms rested on her crossed legs.

With mechu deru, the master technopath's mind nudged past the final barriers and took hold of several long-range FIV Malice's guns, including 30x dual long range heavy turboblaster turrets, 30x dual long range heavy ion cannon turrets, and 30x heavy dual turbolaser turrets. Brow furrowed and she grimaced, knowing what needed to be done. Not slowly, but rather fluidly and quickly as if the technicians were doing this themselves, the guns would turn away from the alliance ships and begin firing on all the surrounding First Order ships.


Attn: [member="Aermoira Cyone"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Gromm Cardan"] [member="Aran Piett"] [member="Achim Veers"] [member="BB-10R2"] [member="Bamuf"]
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Gromm Cardan"] [member="Rolf Amsel"] [member="Aermoira Cyone"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Suravi Teigra"]
LOCATION: Emerging from minefield -> microjumping to join [member="Bryce Bantam"]
DESIGNATED PAIN IN GLUTES: [member="Laira Vereen"]

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

The tiny interceptor corkscrewed through the minefield and burst out. Even after the mines all moved to his rear sensor screen, though, Jorus kept up evasive maneuvers until after they'd exceeded the ion cannons' range. Then, and only then, did he let himself relax a bit. They were behind at least one First Order fleet, outside the sphere of influence of the fighter screens, but it wouldn't be hard for interceptors to ruin their day.

"I'm getting a signal from a friend of mine," he said over his shoulder. "Looks like he's making a big ol' charge at another First Order task force. I'm going to microjump over there and lend a hand. Get ready to shoot at something other than mines." A pause. "And kid, you did good back there. Kept your cool mostly, tagged a good few of those mines. I was impressed."

He didn't bother to take the time to calculate the route: the interceptor's little navicomputer would have chugged along to get there eventually, but there were faster ways. Instead he just oriented his fighter with his eyes closed and tapped the appropriate button twice in rapid and precise succession. Hyperspace flared around them for a dizzying moment, flaring blue through his eyelids, and then realspace returned.

Realspace, and Bryce Bantam's three Gallofree ships on their attack run against [member="Aran Piett"]'s cruiser. Weapons fire was fething everywhere. Jorus dove into the fight.
Location: The Malice
Allies: Galactic Alliance (@Adder @Jorg @Spark Finn [member="Raph Thule"] [member="Ahkmahd Veil"])
Enemies: Imperials ([member="Jaina Ventor"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"])
Objective: TBD
Gear: Here

"Likewise," the clone said to Jorg as the Major made the decision to split the group in half. Half would accompany the blonde Force User to the security room, and the other half would be the first line of defense and hold off whatever hostile soldiers would come in their way. But who was in charge? Raph or Canal? The Fett clone could only assume that he himself was in command for two factors. His military superior complex and his refined experience in war.

He was after all a creature bred for war, and he was excellent at it.

Orders were given out by Canal and the troopers quickly obliged. It wasn't because of his infamous reputation within the ranks of the GADF if they even heard of him. No, it was because they were literally behind enemy lines and aboard the command ship of the First Order's fleet. No time for screwing around or not keeping up pace. If their line failed, then Jorg and his unit would be compromised. Defensive positions and placements were made, everyone ready for whatever bucket head came in their line of fire.

"And remember, no retreat or surrender. You will man your positions until I give you permission to die."
ANS Stoic ResolveTrimiranStar Defender2 A-Wing SquadronsForward shields at 75%minor damage to batteries1900
ANS BrawlDreadnoughtCruiserBoarding ShuttlesGoodGood700
ANS AbsolutionDreadnoughtCruiserBoarding ShuttlesGoodGood700
ANS DauntlessPeregrineFrigate4 Squadrons X wings, 2 squadrons Y wingsGoodGood400
ANS Jaunty StrollPeregrineFrigate4 Squadrons X wings, 2 squadrons Y wingsGoodGood400
ANS DauntlessPeregrineFrigate4 Squadrons X wings, 2 squadrons Y wingsGoodGood400
ANS Opaque GlassLeviathanCorvette Stealth-GoodGood100

The bridge of the Stoic was a hive of activity. Everyone knew their position, their roles and responsibilities. In that storm was an eye if calm. Jacen sat on a chair near the captain with his eyes closed. He found it fascinating to see the crew walking the razor’s edge between panic and calm. He couldn't think of a word to describe the situation in the bridge, but he was certain there was one. Where he felt the rush start to tip over that precipice he reached out with the Force and gently tugged them back onto the correct side of that line. Captain Dondo found his bridge crew slightly more efficient than they had even been at the height of battle.

“Status on those fighters,” the Sullustan called.

“Those that escorted the shuttles to the Malice took heavy damage. Crimson Devils and Blue Storm have almost completely lost Combat Effectiveness. We're tacking them on to other squadrons. But those assaulting the fleet are on better condition!” Came the prompt reply. Indeed, whilst [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] had a formidable defence of seven escort corvettes they were lightly armed and Dondo’s fleet had a full twenty squadrons of fighters. Not an easy fleet to stop without escort fighters to counter with.

Jacen's comm beeped. “Marshal Voidstalker here.”

“Jacen,” came the elderly voice of Omai Rhen. The sounds of combat filtered through the channel. Not even the best algorithms couod isolute a pure voice in the middle of battle.

“On the front lines?” Jacen asked his mentor. Despite his age the Grand Marshal would still take to the front lines if necessary.

“The situation at Mustafar is tricky. The dark side has spawned lots of warriors who want a piece of Vader's heritage. You're at Asemu?”

“I can't leave here,” Jacen replied. He knew this was the place he needed to be. The Force told him a great deal hung in the balance at this anomaly. The future branched down several paths depending on what happened across the sectors today.

“Good fighting.”

“You too.”

“Help coming?” Dondo asked him hopefully. Jacen shook his head. “Very well then. Let's move forwards slowly. I want a round of torpedoes directly followed by another bombing run from the fighters. Their picket guns can't target everything.”

Over one hundred missiles and sixteen squadrons streaked toward the enemy, prioritising the Riot and Storm, but willing to switch to any isolated targets if the enemy responded quickly. Several missiles would fly well wide, disrupted by a the gravitational shear of the anomaly. The fleet came in slow from outside of the anomaly in. Whisky the fighters could move in and out with abandon the star defenders would have to push hard to leave the gravity well. In fact Rausgeber was in some way downhill of Dondo's fleet if related to a traditional battlefield. Soon the forward guns of the Stoic would start their first tentative barrage as the dreadnoughts prepared to close for brutal broadside combat. The leviathan snuck close to the Empire class vessels and prepared to fire.

Bantam and his collection of misfits seem to be determined to tie up one section of the enemy fleet, whilst Cathul was dealing with a large group of enemy vessels head on. The boarding parties had now reached the enemy flagship and we're apparently wreaking havoc.
LOCATION: Microjumping to [member="Bryce Bantam"]

"Oh, Jorus you rogue. You always know just what to say." Laira said in an exaggerated tone, raising a hand to her brow as though she was swooning at the comment, all sarcasm directed at the dark haired pilot. She didn't mind messing with him some, but she did remain focused on the task at hand. The little dual light ion cannon turret was her responsibility and Jorus had made it clear they were heading into combat that he seemed worried about. Or at least serious about. Some of the pilots she had flown with ignored proper military protocol, some had sang or listened to music throughout combat, some cracked jokes and talked a lot. Jorus seemed the quiet type, the very serious type that needed to be alone with his thoughts in order to perform.

"Copy that," she responded to the mention of jumping into or near combat. She readied herself on the guns and made sure everything was in as proper a place as it could be given her cramped conditions. Next time, she would pick the ship if this pair managed to survive each other long enough to have a next time. By the time realspace had disappeared around them she was back to calm and collected, letting Jorus have his alone time and concentration.

The jolt of hyperspace died away and left them near three ORC ships running an attack maneuver on a First Order cruiser with their lone interceptor diving into combat. Laira turned the turret to the rear, angling to pick off any enemy starfighters that tried to tail the fast little interceptor they were in. Jorus was good enough to handle things coming to the fore, or at least good enough to let her know if he needed her to reposition. Little blue energy bolts streamed from her turret in rapid succession as Laira tracked the first fighter that cut across her target zone.


OOC Writer Account
((Skull Unit Closing In))

Agent Totallex
FIV Malice, Hallway.

Jaina shoulders the DLT-19x and waits for the elevator door to open, it chimes and the first thing noticed by the cloaked shadowtrooper is the sound of blaster fire echoing throughout the deck; This is where her prey laid, waiting patiently for a competent hunter to step forth from the darkness. Jaina's emerald spheres are confronted with the sight of a man; obviously a border from his garb pointing a blaster into her elevator. Jaina's index finger depresses the trigger of rifle and fires a single highly powerful blast straight at the man's torso, the nigh invisible Shadowtrooper will then hurl her rifle over the shoulder and goes to draw her DC-15a Blaster Rifle with right-hand reaching eagerly for the weapon, it is a small model and ubiquitous with the ancient Clone Troopers of the Galactic Republic. Jaina found it to be a superior weapon thanks to its use of plasma which had a devastating impact on heavily armoured targets and droids. Jaina trains the weapon forward, in the direction of the man she'd just fired at if he were still standing by some miracle or to the left; Pressing shoulder against the open Elevator's door and taking a peek down the hallway to examine who was still in the hallway leading to one of the Hanger's security rooms. Which Jaina's holographic helmet-mounted display has identified as being 'Compromised' with a great big crimson exclamation mark. A trio of cloaked Shadowtroopers sprint down the hallway with the sound of their boots smashing against the floor, charing towards the security booth and passed the elevators; Skull Unit. If the man who had foolishly stood outside Jaina's elevator was still standing and breathing he'd almost certainly know the cold kiss of Death. If not from Jaina's hand than from one of the three who strode forth to join Jaina against the GA; Gallows, Mairon and Tek. "This is Skull-Alpha to all Skull Callsigns, They've split up but formed a defensive line up-ahead. We're going to smash it. Ready VX Grenades and prepare for casualty treatment."

Mairon's voice fills Jaina's helmet and she gives a simple reply, along with a flash of her vital sign indicator on the teamcom with a flick of eyes. "Acknowledged." Jaina sighs, so they'd be taking the nerf herders alive. VX-Gas wasn't something you'd enjoy being exposed to, it wasn't some pesticide or poison gas no. It is a nerve agent that enters the body through skin contact or inhalation. One second of exposure is enough dosage for symptoms to appear; convulsions, severe nausea and emesis. These symptoms progress to paralysis, respiratory failure, unconsciousness and then death. Between eighteen to forty-two seconds in a testing environment. It was a perfect weapon that not even force wielders could protect themselves against, so horrible and fatal most individuals were disgusted and reviled by their use and prosecuted the users as criminals. For Jaina the borders would be leaving the FIV Malice in one of two ways: In First Order Security Bureau custody, or unceremoniously dumped out of an airlock.

[member="Adder"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Alexandra Morrow"] [member="Aran Piett"] [member="Jorg"] [member="Raph Thule"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Canal"]
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Location: FIV Malice
Allies Nearby: [member="Canal"]
Distant: [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Jorg"] | [member="Adder"]
Enemies: [member="Jaina Ventor"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

I see nothing inside the elevator. No, wait. I see a shimmering.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of blaster discharge and a crimson bolt shoots out from the interior of the elevator and smacks directly into my chest. I stumble backward and into the rear bulkhead. I glance down and see the front of my chestplate is a mess of scorched and melted duraplast, but the bolt did not punch through an armor rated to take grenades point-blank.

"Contact," I call into unit comms, alerting Canal. "They're cloaked."

Hopefully, the twenty-four assorted Legionnaires and SpaceOps Marines who stayed behind react swiftly. The marine standing beside me certainly does. She rips a L.I.S. grenade from her belt and tosses it onto the floor.

Blue, laser-inhibiting smoke quickly fills the hallway. Our sonic carbines will not be affected by the smoke, but the blaster bolts of the enemy - wherever they are - will lose their effectiveness.

I see shapes outlined in the smoky haze, charging toward us. I open fire with my carbine. A cone of hard sound capable of breaking ribs and turning organs into jelly, even through armor, ripples toward them.
Location: The Malice
Objective: Seize Control of The FIV Malice
Allies: [member="Raph Thule"] | [member="Canal"] | [member="Marcus Collier"] | [member="Adder"] | [member="Spark Finn"]
Enemies: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Jaina Ventor"]

"Feth." Cloaked? That presented a problem.

Jorg bit down on his inner lip, glancing towards those within the room. He motioned towards two of his guards to stand in the doorway, watching the Pilot and the Force User. Above him he could already hear the firing of the turbo-lasers, his gaze drifting across the ceiling as he considered their next move. Staying here would be prudent, it was a good defensible location and they could head off even cloaked soldiers, but would they be able to take more of the ship?

He let out another curse. "Can you move and take more of the guns?"

Jorg asked Spark while at the same time pulling a bundle of grenades from his bandolier.

"Here." He offered them to the Pilot along with a heavy blaster pistol. "We have cloaked soldiers incoming, you're going to need all the firepower you can get."

The Soldier glanced towards Spark as he checked his own weapon, wanting to make sure they were set.
Location: FIV Malice
Objective: Take over the ship
Allies: [member="Raph Thule"] | [member="Canal"] | [member="Marcus Collier"] | [member="Jorg"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Ahkmahd Veil"]
Enemies: [member="Jaina Ventor"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

No matter how many times she said she’ll stop. That she wouldn’t do this again. All of this senseless killing, and suffering, and the thousands upon thousands of lives it affected that nobody even saw. You look up war casualties, you always see only that one big, red number that says dead, or wounded, or missing. But they never frakking list what happens to people who get out. Who survive.

Her mouth was full of bile, the stench of burned flesh filling her nostrils. Good thing she’d missed her lunch while working on that drive. Frak.

“Cloaking? Great,” she accepted the blaster and slung the grenades over her free shoulder. “Not a problem for me though.” A sad little smile crooked her lips as she tapped one of her eyes with a finger – it responded with a dull, metallic sound.

She eyed the grenades then, chewing on her lower lip for a moment. The thick blast doors dulled the noise of gunfire and screams outside, let her clear her head a bit. “She can do her magic anywhere, right?” Adder spoke, jabbing a thumb in the direction of the Space-mage girl. “And if we get to Engineering, me and Doug can help too.”

It would be a huge risk, leaving the defensible room they’d holed up in. But…

“You know, with taking over the system. Not just gun after gun, but the whole damn thing.”

A ship this size? Everything was interconnected, automated, and computerized. Most of the time, that was great, Most of the time, until a particularly ingenuine and scrappy band of boarders hopped on to try their luck.
ORC Assistance fleet - Hellburners
Location: Dead space, or in system
Destination: Asmeru
Allies: [member="Raph Thule"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Jorg"] (GA ALLIES!)
Enemies: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Aermoira Cyone"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"]

X <-- Oh oh oh oh

That blast though not affective deffinatly got the attention of the FIV Subjugator Victory-X Class Heavy Cruiser as it responded to the three corvettes proton beams with long range turbo laser fire. As the "125's" had just fired they were not able to get their wedge shields up and took the limited barge full force. Bryce watched as the "power of love" took heavier fire than most and their shields fell.

"Jump out the three of you now, you can't do any more good down there."

The captain and navigators obeyed Bryces order only only too happily and all three ships were able to jump out, the POL taking the worse of the attack. With his three glass cannons safely in hyperspace Bryce turned his attention to his other attacks.

"Jorus, you be fething careful in there and stay far the kark away from those 75's don't want you caught in the Ion wash!"

His friend warned he watched his fire ships and tugs make their final runs on the FIV Subjugator Victory-X Class Heavy Cruiser looking to see if any hit home. As he did he noted something strange, the First order's main battle cruiser began go switch targets and fire on its's own ships.

"Well that isn't something you see everyday. Boarding must be going well."

All ships not in system are in reserve as noted place after condition

"Power of love" "Back in Time" "New Drug" have switched jumped out of system to deep space and will be out of theater needing to reset next turn)

"Hewy Lewis" is far behind beyond extreme long range acting as a carrier. - and all "Hewy Lewis" attack craft have been recalled to re arm and re-fuel

Fodder one has caught up with "Hewy Lewis" and taking screen out in front.

Fodder two is making a kamikaze run at the IRV Relic in an attempt to disable it and allow other forces to make better use of their attacks.

Fodder 7,8 and 9 are now rocketing toward the heavy pickets in [member="Aran Piett"] command especially the FIV Subjugator Victory-X Class Heavy Cruiser, attacking from behind and using a combination of their counter measures, and speed boost sling shot from the vortex to attack and damage their exposed flanks. If not stopped they will impact next turn.

"The news", "All for love" using the broken hull of the Defiant as a shield, pushing it into the vortex "up stream" looking to use it as a battering ram head on and will strike the FIV Subjugator Victory-X Class Heavy Cruiser, if not stopped - fodder 10 and 11 follow 20 km behind and will kamikaze into the nearest FO picket (may or may no be the Subjugator. defences call if another wants to take hit)

OOC New player [member="Silara Varis"] has requested to join in the fun I have deleted enough meters not in system so she can join next post.

(All ships not in vortex are have hyper-drives read to jump put again if need)
CNS "Hewy Lewis" | Peregrine class armed freighter | 400m | All Good - In system
CNS "Power of love" | GR - 125 M1 | 200m | Shields down - Minor hull damage Deep space north
CNS "Back in Time" | GR - 125 M1 | 200m |Shields failing - Deep space north
CNS "New Drug" | GR - 125 M1 | 200m | Shields failing - Deep space north
CNS "The News" | GR - 105 | 120m | All Good - Deep space north
CNS "Believe in love" | GR - 105 | 120m | All Good - Deep space north
CNS "All for my baby" | GR - 105 | 120m | All Good - Deep space north
CNS "Heart and Soul" | GR - 105 | 120m | All Good - Deep space north
CNS "Stuck on you" | GR - 105 | 120m | All Good - - Removed from campaign for new player
CNS Fodder 1 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - In system
CNS Fodder 2 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - In system
CNS Fodder 3 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - Removed from campaign for new player
CNS Fodder 4 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - Removed from campaign for new player
CNS Fodder 5 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - Removed from campaign for new player
CNS Fodder 6 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - Deep space north
CNS Fodder 7 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - In system
CNS Fodder 8 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - In system
CNS Fodder 9 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - In system
CNS Fodder 10 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - In system
CNS Fodder 11 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - In system
CNS Fodder 12 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - Deep space South
CNS Fodder 13 | GR - 75 | 90m | All Good - Deep space South

Attack craft :
Hewy Lewis
36x 30x Modified E-25
12x 10x BTL-Q3 Longshot - Armed with Ion bombs
10x 9x Incom RebelX

Carried by GR - 105's
48x Death Wish Fighters
12x BTL-Q3 Longshot - Armed with Ion bombs


OOC Writer Account

Agent Totallex
FIV Malice, Hallway.

Jaina's lips cock into a smirk watching the soldier double back, she takes cover inside the Elevator and with her DC-15a shouldered, firing at the Galactic Alliance Troops in the hallway ostensibly focused on the approaching skulls. Jaina's gaze makes note of the sonic weapons; How quaint, using less than lethal weapons in a firefight? Mad. Emerald spheres make a gesture and her armour's internal broadband antennae taps into the Navy's TEAMCOM and listens for a moment to the crew's confusion before making a broadcast back in the FOSB frequency with a direct connection to the command crew aboard the Malice's bridge. "Bridge this is Skull Three, disable gravity and vent the atmosphere on this deck, over." Some crewmen's voice fills her helmet for a moment to convey acknowledgement and Jaina peers out from the turbo lift safety, waiting to feel the gentle pull of the deck's atmosphere being vented and mag-boots to kick in when the ship's artificial gravity on the deck disables. "Skulls! Hit the deck! Sonics! Wait for the atmosphere to vent. They won't be able to propagate in the vacuum." The skulls take a knee and disappear behind a blast door's bulkhead and wait patiently for the deck's atmosphere to vent and gravity to go offline. The Squad of Stormtroopers converging into the hallway continue to fire towards the Galactic Alliance Troops, unintentionally covering the predatory skulls. Not that they were in line-of-sight for the Marines anymore; Allowing the sonic weapons to 'whrr' past them without consequence. "For the Alliance!" Jaina calls out into the smoke at her prey in an attempt to confuse them, from her position inside the rounded turbolift. Soliciting a smile from the other skulls as Jaina forget to stop her TEAMCOM from broadcasting. "FIV Subjugator, this is Agent Totallex of the FOSB. We're experiencing difficulties with some uninvited guests aboard the FIV Malice. I'm sending you coordinates for their position inside a security checkpoint, we're close to the hull. Use your concussion missiles to blow a hole open in the Hull above it." Jaina's charming accent belies the immense cruelty of the order, taking a peek out from behind the turbolift and shoots a wolfish grin at the thermal contacts that made up the GA's Troops inside the hallway; One way or another she was seeing them off-of-the FIV Malice. Only a High-Functioning and sadistic Psychopath like Jaina would order something of this nature, for it was the definition of callous ruthlessness. Without a single regard to the unprotected Navy Crewmen on this deck; Their lives would be sacrificed for the Supreme Leader.

[member="Aran Piett"] [member="Adder"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Alexandra Morrow"] [member="Aran Piett"] [member="Jorg"] [member="Raph Thule"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Canal"]
ANS Stoic ResolveTrimiranStar Defender2 A-Wing SquadronsForward shields at 75%minor damage to batteries1900
ANS BrawlDreadnoughtCruiserBoarding ShuttlesGoodGood700
ANS AbsolutionDreadnoughtCruiserBoarding ShuttlesGoodGood700
ANS DauntlessPeregrineFrigate4 Squadrons X wings, 2 squadrons Y wingsGoodGood400
ANS Jaunty StrollPeregrineFrigate4 Squadrons X wings, 2 squadrons Y wingsGoodGood400
ANS DauntlessPeregrineFrigate4 Squadrons X wings, 2 squadrons Y wingsGoodGood400
ANS Opaque GlassLeviathanCorvette Stealth-GoodGood100

The eye of the storm outside was the centre of the anomaly. The point where the gravitational field plateaued right at the heart of the well, where the gravitational shear stopped clawing at the reinforced frames of the largest ships and a Starfighter could observe events with almost no turbulence.

On the bridge of the Stoic that centre was the space around Marshal Voidstalker. Eyes closed, he could still see the bridge around him. Everyone seemed to rush around in almost slow motion. Orders were barked, buttons pressed, levers pulled and monochrome displays monitored. Only part of his attention was on the immediate. Shields flickered, lights flashed, the entire ship groaned as torpedoes were fired. All faded into the background as a tiny part of an infinite universe.

Jacen had been pushed to discover just how far the reach of the Force went when someone dear to him left suddenly. Only the Force had been able to guide him to her then but a Dark Master had been just as determined in his search and he had sensed Jacen’s presence in the infinite ether and tried to stop him. Nothing like a challenge to focus the mind. It was how Jacen worked. If there was a challenge and something he felt he had to do then his determination to accomplish his goals knew no bounds. If he was uncertain of himself then his abilities often failed him.

The Force drew him to the battlefields across the sector. On Rutan he felt little activity. If there was a battle there it was small in scale. Barkesh was easier to hone in on. Trextan was there and Jacen knew that the young man was fighting. A flash of concern started to break his concentration, but the Marshal’s will was strong. The boy was as strong headed as he had ever been. Jacen knew that their relationship would never be what he would wish for, but perhaps there was still hope. There was always hope. Jacen’s problems were his own, he had to do right by the lad and not dump his own issues on his already tall pile.


Mustafar would have been difficult to find normally, so devoid of life. But dark men were trying to commit dark deeds and summon spirits that should have been lain to rest. There the New Jedi Order and allies – led by the Grand Marshall himself - were trying desperately to hold them at bay. Jacen would have wanted to go to keep Trextan safe, but he knew where he was needed the most.

His eyes snapped open and he pushed himself to his feet.

“Follow the command of Morrow Captain. I’m going to need your fastest shuttle and a handful of marines.”

“You’re leaving?” the sullustan asked.

“You have this under control Captain. The Force tells me where I need to be.”

Exit Asmeru


Well-Known Member
--- --- ---
Status: Online, Trying not to get blown up.
Location: Boarding Shuttle
In Vicinity: [member="BB-10R2"]
--- --- ---
A rushed series of beeps and whirs later, M-33P had been righted, the more than generous BB-10 unit had righted the droid. As M-33P was about to thank the droid friend, it felt a less than subtle shift in the orientation of the deck plating - not to mention the sudden rush of troopers as they now occupied the troop bay of the launched shuttle. As the BB unit began to berate the MSE unit, even stooping so low as to call it antiquated, M-33P squealed back in a sharp tone, spinning its wheels and bumping rather violently into the round ball of the BB droid.

//Why I never...//

"It wasn't Me!"

Deciding that efforts were best directed at some form of action as opposed to simply waiting for the shuttle to reach its destination, the MSE series droid squealed off towards the front of the shuttle. There wasn't a docking station for the MSE as they were generally confined to the larger starships but there was a data port which it could jack into to gather telemetry to better ascertain its situation and location. With a quick bleep bloop M-33P had activated the port and began processing the data. It appeared they were being escorted by a full squadron of fighters, TIE's no doubt. While the MSE hadn't personally worked on the starfighters during his maintenance duties, the droid had access to a database of knowledge wtihin the shuttle itself.

"It appears that this shuttle is en route towards an enemy vessel of significant size. Time of arrival is estimated at under one minute."

With another squeal, the droid disconnected itself and made its way towards the troop bay once more. It was entirely out of its element.
Wandering Naval Officer
Location: Asmeru System
Objective: Primary: Seize Control of System
Secondary: Defend Grand Admiral Tregessar
Allies: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Aermoira Cyone"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Enemies: GA/ORC Fleets [member="Bryce Bantam"]
"Captain comms from an FOSB agent on the Malice, they want us to hit a position of the hull....She also gave us the coordinates for it."
"Fire the ten port side concussion missiles into the hull to breach that section, then focus fire all weapons forward on those three pickets rocketing towards us in the vortex."
"Aye sir."
"Eversman, Conn. Deploy four squads of troopers to secure the Malice and assist the with repelling the boarders."
"Conn, Eversman. Understood, we are commencing our run now."
"Commander, order the FIV Remote to fire everything at an ships heading towards us, have her act as a screen for the Subjugator."
"Aye Captain. FIV Remote, Commander Larson, this is Commander Halsey. Orders are to become a screen and engage anything trying to make it's way to the Subjugator."
"This is Commander Larson, orders understood moving into position."
With the orders given, Aran felt more confident he could repel anything thrown at him. Though now regretting transferring the Arrestor to Adm. Rausgeber's command, he had to make due with that. Aran never expected the enemy to be so bold and try to attack the rear guard. Yet could see the advantage to do so, as it would have been what he would do if in the opposition right now.
All three Anti Starfighter Corvettes still formed around the Malice to support it.
FIV Subjugator - Port side Concussion missiles are firing into the FIV Malice at the coordinates provided by [member="Jaina Ventor"] to vent the area and decompress the boarding party. Rest of the weapons are firing at [member="Bryce Bantam"] and Fodder 7, 8, and 9​
FIV Remote has been tasked to screen the FIV Subjugator, and as well firing at Fodder 7, 8, and 9. Then will target "The News" and "All for Love"​
Location: FIV Malice
Objective: Take over ship #peowpeow
Allies: [member="Raph Thule"] | [member="Canal"] | [member="Adder"] | [member="Jorg"]
Enemies: FO [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Jaina Ventor"]

Blue-eyes beneath speckled lenses cracked open as Jorg spoke and then the #hipster pilot. Her subconscious was mingled and swimming within the ship, hoping to spread further. A part of her could remain, though it felt a little like being disembodied. #trippy She could hear their voices on comms, she could sense those fighting nearby, and feel the pendant Munin gave her pressing into the collarbone beneath her thinsuit in case of emergencies.

She could feel the shift and change in the systems of the Malice through the force but her concentration on the guns still wavered. Instead of 60ish turbolasers, her mind was forced to recede as she suddenly became weightless, bony-butt lifting from the floor. Face-plate sealed over the helmet on the thinsuit, tucking back wayward strands of blonde-hair in ward and keeping her glasses tightly secured over the bridge of her freckled nose.

Instead of concentrating to try to regain the guns, she shifted her attention as she continued to float upward, spreading her mind toward the Malice's navigation boards even as the force tingled a warning on something coming.

"I can help you....take the ship," she spoke quietly through their shared comms system to the hipster pilot and Jorg. "Trying to breach navigation," brow furrowed. "Now."
skin, bone, and arrogance

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Aermoira Cyone"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"]​
Luckily for Bartoo and Meep, the boarding shuttle came equipped with a gravity generator, so Bartoo didn't go careening through the air as the shuttle weaved in and out of space traffic, though he did roll back and forth along the deck until he latched himself to a bulkhead with a cable. It was a frenetic journey from the First Order, past the anomaly, to the Hero of Coruscant, but eventually the shuttle landed hard on the deck of the Therapist's ship, and the soldiers poured out. BB-10R2 wheeled down the ramp, examining the battle that was going on outside the ship. The First Order's boarding marines were tough as nails and were holding their own against the defenders, but BB-10R2 knew their position wasn't the strongest. His sensor scanned the hangar, and he spotted a communications console.


He turned back towards [member="M-33P"] and chittered to the MSE droid excitedly.

Location: Asmeru System
Mission: Patrol and Defend System
Allies: [member="cathul thuku"], [member="bryce bantam"], [member="jacen voidstalker"], [member="agenor dyre"], [member="jorg"], [member="marcus collier"], [member="adder"], [member="raph thule"], [member="spark finn"], [member="canal"]
Enemies: [member="aermoira cyone"], [member="butch mahan"], [member="Carlyle rausgeber"], [member="cyrus tregessar"], [member="suravi teigra"], [member="gromm cardan"], [member="aran piett"], [member="achim veers"], [member="jaina ventor"], [member="bb-10r2"], [member="bamuf"]

Battle Group Tempest
ANS LiberatorSovereign Class Star Defender - Shields Hull
Rose Squadron – 12 A-Wing Interceptors
Iris Squadron - 12 A-Wing Interceptors
Queen Squadron – 12 (11) X-Wing Space Superiority Fighters
Rook Squadron - 12 (9) X-Wing Space Superiority Fighters
ANS ResoluteTrimiran Class Star Defender - Shields Hull
Asyr Squadron - 12 A-Wing Interceptors
Dalsa Squadron - 12 (9) A-Wing Interceptors
ANS PhetarDreadnought Class Cruiser - Shields Hull
ANS FirewallValor Class Carrier - Shields Hull
Berserker Wing
Troll Squadron – 6 K-Wing Assault Bombers
Thunderbolt Squadron - 6 K-Wing Assault Bombers
Ward Squadron - 6 K-Wing Assault Bombers
Dark Squadron – 10 To-Vhin Electronic Warfare Fighters
Bishop Squadron - 12 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighters
King Squadron - 12 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighters
Orchid Squadron - 12 A-Wing Interceptors
FNS SarixFrontier Class Corvette - Shields Hull
Blade Squadron – 10 (9) D-Wing Bombers
FNS Fireborne - Frontier Class Corvette - Shields Hull
Sunflare Squadron - 10 D-Wing Bombers
ANS DefiantStrike Class Corvette - Shields Hull
Lancer Squadron – 12 OS-G2 Knight Space Superiority Fighters
Charger Squadron – 12 (8) OS-G2 Knight Space Superiority Fighters
ANS Stoic Resolve - Trimarin Class Star Defender - Shields Hull
ANS Brawl - Dreadnought Class Cruise - Shields Hull
ANS Absolution - Dreadnought Class Cruise - Shields Hull
ANS Dauntless - Peregrine Freighter - Shields Hull
ANS Jaunty Stroll - Peregrine Freighter - Shields Hull
ANS Dauntless - Peregrine Freighter - Shields Hull
ANS Opaque Glass - Leviathan Corvette - Shields Hull

"Ma'am, Marshal Voidstalker has given us command over more ships. They are forward and above of our position." The communications officer reported.

"Move us into their plane and fold them into our formation." Lexi ordered, and began tapping things into the map in front of her.

"The Malice is being fired upon by First Order ships. Seems their shields are down." The sensor tech reported.

"Our boarders are there. Aim all ion cannons at the malice and knock out everything there. All other munitions focus on the closest ship to the Malice that isn't ours." She ordered. Her ships shifted as they came into the plane of Jacens former ships and fired ion weaponry except the two Dual Binary Fusion Ion Cannon Turrets, as those would damage the hull. The rest of her guns focused on the Subjugator.

1) Took in Jacens ships
2) Ion weapons focused on the Malice
3) Other weaponry focused on the Subjugator
Allies: [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Enemies: [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Objective: Protect White Base, Engage Enemy

Time had passed and Task Group 62 was holding, "move up - Choi, how's your piloting?" Aermoira asked the lieutenant, while she looked over her shoulder in time to catch a quizzical look from her First Officer. The commander stepped away from the forward of the bridge and crossed back toward Valasquez. "We can use the gravimetric pull of the anomaly and slingshot around behind enemy fleet movements. We'll just have to be ready on our weapons and shields, tractor beam any small craft into the anomaly itself."

"You realize we put ourselves at great risk, right?" Valasquez questioned as she rose to her feet, "because if this is what you want to do then as much as I trust Choi, you're going to need me."

Now it was Aermoira's turn to give her First Officer a quizzical look. "Valasquez?" She questioned with raised brows, "are you-"

"Choi get over to tactical and don't muck it up, or I'll have you swabbing Number 10's floor with a tooth brush when we get back home." The lieutenant commander ordered as she headed for the Constellation's flight control station. She exhaled and took a look at the layout, "glad to see our systems haven't changed since I was last in the pilot's chair."

"Quentin, I'll need you to maintain coverage over operations and science," Aermoira ordered as she headed for the engineering station herself sending the officer there down to another part of the vessel. Securing her own line of communications with her task group, the young commander issued out her order. It was here she realized that the Malice seemed to be in a bit of a predicament with her boarders but it didn't look like anything that Rausgeber, Piett nor Tregessar couldn't handle and so she switched encrypted channels. "General Teigra, this is Commander Cyone of Task Group 62. We're dispatching toward the anomaly with the hopes of using its gravimetric pull to slingshot us around behind the enemy. If we can chase them out and push them toward the anomaly itself... then I certainly hope you'll be able to engage them, Cyone out."

She switched back to the other encrypted channel. "Task Group 62, Commander Cyone speaking, I'll be issuing out coordinates and details of our plan to you now. Follow the Constellation's lead, and may the Balance be with us all, Cyone out." An added message from Valasquez would give the pilots a better idea of what they'd be doing and with that said, the group moved forward and out of the safety of General Teigra's envelope.


Well-Known Member
--- --- ---
Status: Online, Trying not to get blown up.
Location: Boarding Shuttle
In Vicinity: [member="BB-10R2"]
--- --- ---
While his circular cohort managed to secure itself via cable, M-33P had no such luck, his trapezoidal body scooting first left, then right as the shuttle performed some no doubt fanciful maneuvering - and then the crash. Once more the droid found itself thown up on two wheels but by rapidly reversing direction was able to keep itself upright.

// Note. Upgrade wheel system to magnetic lock. //

It was unclear whether the shuttle had breached the hull, or simply managed to penetrate one of the vessel's hangar bays but as the soldiers poured out the MSE series droid found itself without direction, without instruction, and wholly overloaded as its processor tried to grasp the situation.

Enemy Vessel.
Status: Online
Instruction: Unknown

.̠͕̗̯̣̓̇ͫ͒͢͜/͛҉̛̠̞͟ ͮ͏̲̲̝̘͞P͙͉̫̔̍͒1̫̮ͦ͊̊̂ͮ̕͞͝n̨̝͓͍̪̦̩̲̍ͪͯĶ̶͕̖̼̻͙̠̭̊ͦͯ͌̃͗̋_̡̥͙̞̦̺̪̫̯̅ͨ̽̄ͫ̓͗̆́͘P̸̙̥̄̅ͣ̒͠@̨̢̠̠͍̰̎̀̕N̰̺͖͗ͥ͐̿͛͗T̡̡͓̤ͯ̏̇ͣ̑̌͐͒͢hͣͮͦ̽̒͏͈̬3̏̿̀ͤ̉̽̀͐ͣ҉͉̹͚͕͈̱̤͎R̸̪͉̝̼̥͇̋̍̒ͧ̿̐̐̊ͅ
As the MSE's processors reached a critical point, a short fizzle sounded beneath its boxy exterior prompting a timed series of chirps. With a visible red flash, the ocular track around its base lit up and then faded back to black. A small wisp of smoke rose from the cracks in the exo-skeleton of the droid - a quiet trill before it began moving again, this time towards the ramp after its other droid friend. As it processed the instructions given by the BB unit, it squealed to a halt.

"Inquiry. Help? I'm not a combat droid you know."

It was then the droid recognized a word used by the BB-10 unit. "Communications". Eliciting a high pitched squeal from the MSE, M-33P spun its wheels and shot down the corridor, nearly running into a wall as it streaked across the floor. Whether the MSE droid had known it or not, something had happened and a new program had been started, it was that program which now directed its actions.

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