Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Man Sun's Looking Down on Us. (Open to Brat Pack)

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Daria spun and collapsed her pike, returning the telescopic weapon to her back pocket. She only had the one good arm, so it wasn't like she could keep a free hand AND her walking stick. The girl was up, she was moving, it was a step in the right direction - even if she looked positively codswalloped. Daria squat down to check her eyes, slipping her glasses down to do so. "Alright. Listen. You might be concussed, so no sleeping." She instructed in an authoritative tone, her hand on her leg. "You look small and nimble, though, so I need you to do something for me."

"There should be an emergency kit somewhere nearby. Can you help me find it?" A sling, some water, and a radio would go great right about now. Those were the sorts of things that should be kept in an emergency kit, right? "I can't climb - my arm is busted. But I'll boost you up as high as I can, because I think that passageway up there leads to the cockpit." Daria explained, pointing to a ripped-open maintenance tunnel exposed by the great tear down the middle of the ship, about ten to twelve feet off the ground.
[member="Daria Cavill"]

Mara bristled at the authoritative tone, but 'no sleeping' struck her as a wise move, and if indignation was what it took to keep her from lapsing into an uncaring sort of death, well, apparently she owed indignation a drink. Balancing on the pod, she listened to the older girl's request-slash-order. The explanation was what earned Cavill a listen. A broken arm could make anyone tetchy, even if they hadn't just lived through a few hundred terrified deaths. "Sure, boost me up," she said. With her weight on Cavill's knee, she bent and jumped, just enough to snag an exposed hull strut. She pulled herself up, feeling wakefulness flood through her and hating it, then clambered into the maintenance tunnel. "Be right back," she said, and meant it. You didn't refuse a distress call. Rule number one.

Twenty feet into the ship, up a thirty-degree incline, she found an emergency pack thanks to the trail of dripping disinfectant. It and its erstwhile owner were draped over a strut that was not in its preferred location. Which one of the dead had this guy been? She'd felt them all.

It took longer than she expected to grab the broken pack and slide back down to the gap. She tossed it out onto the protruding pod where Cavill waited. "There we go." She could be normal still, right? Other people went through this.
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Daria reached up to catch the pack, realized a little too late that her depth perception was completely shot, and barely managed to cradle the slightly-sticky pack to her chest rather than letting it... fall into soft sand. Great. A heartbeat later, she realized that it wasn't just sticky with broken bottles of medicine. Blood. Hopefully, the girl hadn't seen anything that'd messed her up too bad. A kid could go crazy, being around stuff like that. Absolutely bonkers... Good thing Daria wasn't a kid. At all. No sir.

"Perfect, kid - just what we needed." Daria replied, setting the pack down between her feet. There was no way this thing had enough medicine to help everyone, but if she could get her arm sorted, she'd be able to help out a lot more. Distress signal would be even better.

Daria took a deep breath once Mara was down on semi-solid ground, opening up the emergency kit. A long, elastic bandage and a couple of rods - perfect. Daria wasn't a medic by any means, but a sling should be common sense, right? She knelt down and started to her work, keeping an eye on her new favorite little helper. "How are you holdin' up?" Daria asked cautiously - empathy wasn't in her nature, but it felt wrong to go with her usual nature at the moment. "Lemme know if you see or hear anyone moving. I already found a boy, but he was running around in his briefs - don' think that one's going to be much help."
[member="Daria Cavill"]

As Daria got to work on the sling, Mara shimmied down to the strut. She got a good grip on it, eased herself down, and let go, landing on top of the pod. From there it was a pretty straightforward slide down to the sand. She landed light, already too warm, and pried at her collar. "Your friend mighta had the right idea. It's fething hot out."

Mara squinted around, but not a soul was in sight. She consulted her gut and learned that thattaway would be the best of a set of bad options: a gut feeling wouldn't keep you from dying of dehydration. Instinctive navigation was worthless without, say, a functional engine. That got her thinking -- a welcome distraction -- about what could be salvaged from the ship. She eyed the wreck in speculation, steadfastly ignoring the other question for reasons too obvious to name.

"That kit should have a poncho or a tarp or something we can drape off this hatch. We should set up shade or we'll burn to death, no question. Roasty toasty."
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

After a bit of digging, Daria found a slightly disenfectant-wet tarp at the bottom of the kit and nodded, pulling it out. "Good plan." She complimented Mara as she dug - a moment later, producing a small hand radio. She gave it a considering look, gave Mara a considering look, then pushed the radio into the younger girl's hands. "Here. Hold onto this for me, short stack." Daria ordered with a dry smile as she stood up. "You've got both your hands, yer less likely t'drop it than I am." She explained as she stretched her arm out and glanced over her shoulder - just in case @Hylocerous, the nude wonder, were to come bouncing into view. He hadn't, yet. Hopefully, the kid was alright.

She wiped her forehead off and glanced at the other half of the wreck behind them. "I'll get to working on a shelter from this heat. See if you can find summore survivors, or supplies." Daria ordered 'gently'. "Don't lift nothin' heavy or step on anythin' that creaks, and don't fall asleep." Daria insisted as she began gathering stones to work with. "If there's trouble, you come find me right-a-way, got it?"
[member="Daria Cavill"]

It was a pretty good thing Mom and Dad insisted on her knowing basic radios. Nobody hardly used them anymore, though they'd gotten sort of popular during the Dark Age. You could make a radio out of a pop can or whatever. Mara thought about doing what Daria had told her to do -- not an endearing trait -- and also considered taking the tarp from her. A shelter made with one hand? Well, fine, if Daria needed to feel useful even with a broken arm, whatever. If it didn't work, Mara could take over and make the tarp into some shade. Worse came to worst, they might even get back inside the ship and ride out the sun in there. So far the only breach had been high enough for one of them and too high for both, but there could be another, or a hatch that wasn't totally skewed. For now, wordless, Mara cracked open the radio and started looking through the components.

She pretty quickly found a little transmitter block with an even littler microphone nub, thoroughly crushed. About to cuss, she paused and bit off the microphone, then started tapping wires together in dadita code. Short short short, long long long, short short short. Et cetera.

Ambria was a Republic world, and starliners didn't just crash on Republic worlds without someone being dispatched to check it out. This many people couldn't die a couple hours from Onderon without rescue teams and Jedi and clone troopers and crap getting sent to fix everything.

This was Ambria, right?

"Got the radio working, kinda," she said. "Sending a distress call."

Liam Quez

Of course. Her parents bestowed her with a conscience. I personally don't know what's worse a Princess with a conscious or a crazy girl with the urge to do good. Guess they're pretty much the same really. I could sense it from her though, it wasn't going to be some glory run for her, she seemed honestly interested in helping. Looking around I noticed that the Peregrine was only a few moments away, which was a good thing especially since she wanted to help. "Wait here." My feet stumbled down the dune, I tried moving faster but all that did was make me lose my I went face first into the hot sand. Head over heels over and over again I cursed Ibaris and her little dog too. It didn't take me too long to find my footing and when I did I used my momentum to stand up and head towards where I kept a speeder bike.

Chains and hooks fell to the side of the bike and I lugged it out. After twisting a few knobs the bike fired up and quickly took off towards my comrades. Stopping I purposely kicked up some of the dune sand onto the girl and with a grin I leaned on the handle bars. "Well Princess, your steed awaits lets go check out what's happening, if it's too much though we call for help okay?" I wanted to tell her she didn't have to be like her parents and probably she won't ever be like them. Thinking though, I continue to smile because I knew she had a possibility to be better than them.

Around my neck hung my goggles, I snapped them onto my face and tousled my hair a bit. "Common we are burning daylight."

[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]
His cigarette was down to the stub and almost out. He had half a pack in his jacket pocket and most of a fresh pack in his pants pocket, but a few had been broken in the landing he figured. That was just his luck, it seemed. First a crash and then broken smokes. Maybe he could try puffing on the broken ends? If he was careful, he wouldn't get that many tabac bits in his mouth that way.

The sun beat down harder, it seemed. The temperature was always hot in deserts, it didn't seem to vary from planet to planet much. Had it always been that temperature, though? It hadn't been that long. Maybe he was just now realizing it? He doubted it was shock, though that could be the case. He knew the feeling well, the dizziness and nausea and disorientation, but this wasn't quite the same. Just... it was hot and he was hot and his hair, his combed and swept back hair, was getting hot.

With a small grunt, he picked up his old biker's cap from the sand and pulled it on top of his head. It helped some, but not a lot. It mostly just kept the sun out of his eyes.

He watched the other survivors as they rummaged around here and there. Admittedly, he watched one girl climb up on top of the starship a little longer than he should have. Her and the one that had helped her up onto the ship. He'd have to get to know them better later. Maybe they liked bikes?

Speaking of bikes, he had no way of getting up and moving, much less going anywhere at the moment. He pulled out a cigarette after tossing the spent one away and figured it was time to start talking.

"Oi! A little help here? I can't karking move myself with a busted leg," he shouted at the group a little ways ahead of him. Baz jabbed his lit cigarette at the other survivors. "Anyone see a bike in there? Should be bolted down to the deck. I ain't gonna be movin' much without it, so someone's gonna need to bring it out here."

[member="Liam Quez "][member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Daria Cavill"]

Ibaris Varanin

When he told her to 'wait here', it was enough to stop her a step or two into her barreling forward in the direction of the smoke, enough to make her watch him as he jogged back to the Peregrine, and when he bailed right into the burning sand, she couldn't stifle the staccato of her laugh fast enough. Adas wandered up beside her and nudged his muzzle up under her right palm while she rolled her shoulders and scratched at the back of her neck with her other hand. Another moment passed and it found her turned towards their new destination, stretching out her senses for intel - how many people were there, and were there any hssiss in the vicinity? She knew what those creatures felt like by now. They felt dark, and all that was to her was information, and information was the greatest power she had at her disposal, to this point. Everything else was very much a work in progress.

There was life, that much was confirmed, but... being showered with the very stuff that shifted beneath her feet snapped her focus, and she whirled around, ready to do... what, exactly? There her pilot sat, on his speeder bike, with a smug grin on his face. Her mouth became a thin, flat line and her brow creased. Adas growled, and she placed a firm hand atop the canine's head, 'No, Adas,' her eyes leveled on the Mandalorian boy, 'he isn't trying to hurt me,' and the dog snorted as Ibaris brushed at what sand had managed to cling to her clothes, 'but I'll rub his face in the sand later if it makes you feel better.'

She eyed the boy and the bike a few beats longer, then shuffled across the sand and hopped on, straddling the bike behind him, and looked to her faithful companion, 'Follow, Adas,' then she patted Liam on the back, 'Let's go.'

[member="Liam Quez "]| [member="Hylocereus"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Daria Cavill"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Laura Na'Varro"] | [member="Baz Bralor"]
"I'm fine, stay still." he'd push her hands gently away, instead focusing on her wounds. If there was something he could do well, it is track his siblings. The Force and that bond would be able to tell him more about Kai's well being an position. And right now, with a slight frown and then a nod, he felt her.

The tiny ripple Kai was in his mental pond.

"I'll get her," he told her, moving the damp blood streaked golden hair away from her neck. The seaweed would get placed around the nape of her neck, and he'd start to smear the sticky zap over the small cuts and such.

"Try not too move too much," there was a plea in his voice, in his eyes. A wipe at his nose with his sleeve would smear a streak of red under it an across his right cheek. Pain was a dull ache adrenaline would numb.

Micah would then swivel his head over to @Hylocereus. "Take care of her okay? I'll be back." He'd get to his feet, reaching over to squeeze Hylo's shoulder in thanks.

Then he went to look for [member="Kaili Talith"].

Now he swore he had hear her voice.
Aela scowled.

Her brother pulled away from her, but he seemed to be okay, and he was getting Kaili, which was the important thing. She looked after him for a brief moment as he trotted off, grinding her teeth as the sap stung her cuts and wounds.

Aela looked down, her eyes trailing over her own disheveled state and checking the mess that she had made herself. She could still taste blood on her tongue, and indeed could feel where it had come from. A scowl carried across her face as she traced a cut on the inside of her mouth with her tongue, spitting out a wad of blood onto the floor before wiping her mouth in a very unlady like fashion.

“Helo.” Aela said a shortened version of the boys name. “Help the others, I'll be okay. Just a bit shaken.”

Her head swiveled from side to side, her shoulders rolled. She tried to fight through the pain, but every little movement made her want to scream and punch something. Whatever had caused that crash, it had done its work.
[member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Micah Talith"]

Laura's frown deepened as Kaili continued to speak, her concern growing. Of course, that didn't do much for her head. She now felt like she was getting a living lobotomy, so much so that she could see black spots forming in her vision. Gotta keep moving. Because stuff water, right? Stuff sustainment. She wasn't going to go down.

"Kaili, you have a concussion." Laura Na'Varro, M.D. in the house. She knew the symptoms for concussions like the back of her hand. Thank you never-ending Holonet feed pumping into her conception tube. Thank you Dad. "I'm gonna need you to lie in the shade for a while, while I ... figure out what I'm gonna do next."

Which was ... there wasn't a lot she could do, actually. Feeding the other girl some more water, she looked around for someone else. Finally, she caught a glimpse of Micah moving in their general vicinity, and smiled. Thank the Force.

"Hey Micah!" she waved. "I'm with Kaili!"

Then she promptly flopped on her backside and grabbed her head as everything started to go dark.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Something was on top of him.

At first the main assumption came up that he had finally done it, done and sealed the deal like his uncle had been telling him, probably some backwater part of Zeltros. But then Johnny tasted the blood in his mouth, everywhere around his body shet started to hurt and the realization settled in… it was far too bloody here to be in any good part of Zeltros.

Then again, ain’t like Deagan was gonna go and give me the extensive tour.

So it might still be Ze- as Hunt opened on eyes, blinking blearily against the rays of the sun trying to burn a hole through his face. He tried to shift his weight and finally noticed that some durasteel folding was weighing down on his chest and making it hard to breath.

So… not Zeltros then. The feth am I?

Johnny literally didn’t have a clue where he was, why a piece of metal was hugging his body and why it seemed like he had bitten through his tongue- ‘least it felt that way.

H-help?” he finally shouted.

[member="Daria Cavill"] | [member="Laura Na'Varro"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Micah Talith"] |[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] | [member="Baz Bralor"] | [member="Liam Quez "]| [member="Hylocereus"] | [member="Kaili Talith"]
Don’t fight me, Hylo said telepathically. He hadn’t really talked in the heads of his friends yet or used the silent talk. In the silent talk he could speak with an authority he didn’t otherwise have. “Valerian herb has some minor sedative properties. It could help you with the pain,” he nodded to himself as he searched through his bag of seeds. He found the particular little seed he had been looking for and put it in his palm letting it grow into a small plant with sharp pointed leaves about the size of his fingers. Plucking a few of the leaves he… well he basically shoved them into the poor girls mouth. “Chew and then hold it in your mouth for for two minutes and then spit it out,” he said, “and the pain should be gone. But don’t swallow!”

What else? Seaweed wrap. Brilliant. He created a few long strands of seaweed and started to wrap it around the girls arms as a sort of soft cast. Better safe than sorry. It didn’t take long for him to have her supported.

Tunnel vision kicked in. Micah had trusted him with his sister! He had to do everything he could for his friends sister! What else? What else? What had been taught about medicine. Then a thought arrived. Her head hurt obviously, she had been unconscious. Hylo took some of the leftover seaweed and few a small star shaped fruit native to endor. The fruit whose name he couldn’t remember had healing properties when it was mashed up and put into contact with the skin.

Without asking he started to comb through the girls hair finding the spot on the head where she had been knocked out from. Or at least what he thought was the spot. Then he quickly smashed the fruit in half taking the mashed up mess and putting it on the spot holding it in place with the second half of the star fruit which he quickly tied to her head with a wrap of seaweed… “That should help…” Hylo said with a confident smile….

[member="Daria Cavill"] | [member="Laura Na'Varro"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="John Hunt"]| [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] | [member="Baz Bralor"] | [member="Liam Quez "]| [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Where was she?

How was she still strapped in?

Her left arm felt numb - tingling sensations and even a light pulsing emanated through the limp joint as she dangled a few feet from the ground itself. She could hear movement - through the ringing in her ears and through it all, a wave of nausea overcame her in such a rush she'd vomit in such a violent manner, her body jerked against the restraints. She wouldn't be able to hear herself cry out as her shoulder hit her with a backlash of pain as she jerked against the restraints again - vomiting once more. Tears streamed down her face - from the involuntary re-flux of her stomach muscles to the pain that just encased her form.

What happened?

The taste of iron and salt would mix in her mouth with the bitterness of her bile, causing her to try to purge her mouth by spitting - but the blood was coming from beyond her internal organs. Her dark hair was matted and her face shroud in a tattered and torn hood - she was lucky unlike the two people who were sitting next to her. One was gone completely while the other, well the other wasn't all there. It appeared the bulkhead had torn open a few meters from where she was sitting and something exploded beside them - ripping it further apart. That's what took out the Ithorian beside her and his remains were left to dangle from the seat. She could feel it - through the Force anyways - the chaos surrounding her.

It was overwhelming and she just couldn't take it. Not right now, no matter the training - she couldn't handle it. It wasn't long before her garnet colored eyes rolled back into her head and she fell limp in her seat again, against her restraints. Passed out.

[member="Daria Cavill"] | [member="Laura Na'Varro"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] | [member="John Hunt"] | [member="Baz Bralor"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Mara D'lessio Merrill"] | [member="Liam Quez"]
[member="Laura Na'Varro"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Aela Talith"]

"Hey Micah!" she waved. "I'm with Kaili!"


With a surge of his natural abilities, Micah would rush forward, pushing through the pain. His feet would pound the sand and he'd come sliding to a halt next to Laura as she fell back on her bottom.

"You okay?" he saw Kai right beside her, that measure of relief at seeing his sister filling him. Before Laura could pass out and fall back, the Talith would bend down. Sliding his arms under her knees and at her back, he gave a small grunt as he'd pick her up in his arms.

"Kai, come over, let's just get everyone in the shade." he'd say. It was clear they were on some sort of desert world what with the sun beating down on them.

But they had to get situated.

That's when he frowned, his senses tingling. Now what was that?
She frowned, but didn't push the odd boy away.

There was no strength in her to do such things, instead she simply did as she was told. It was foolish to reject help when it was being offered, especially from a friend. She found herself shaking her head, frowning slightly, and simply going with the flow of things.

Aela looked inward. She tried to remember what had happened during the crash, she tried to remember what had caused the ship to break, where they had been going, why? She couldn't remember anything, her eyes fluttering shut. Unconsciously she reached for the force, grasping the small orb of blue that floated within her at all times and peeling it open.

A surge of energy flowed through her, and the plants, aided by the force quickly began to heal the little girl.

The taste of blood left her mouth, the stinging pain of her head moved away, and her vision became more clear and focused as she let her eyelids fold open again.

Liam Quez

I felt the slump of the bike and heard the growl of the dog. Boy, it was like their emotions were linked or something. Forcers were weird. I waited for a moment letting her get settled onto the bike, she didn’t hold on which would and could turn into something nasty – then I’d have to explain to her parents. That was something I never looked forward too. Looking over my shoulder, I watched her for only a moment. “You need to hold on to me.” Reaching back, I grasped her hand and placed it on my waist. “If you don’t Adas will be needing to find another owner.”

The bike came to life as it shot forward with both Ibaris and I upon it. It was quick and we covered a lot of ground. The smoke clouds grew larger and larger as we drew closer, the smell of burning oil and flesh filled my nose and as much as I wanted to gag I didn’t. Stopping the bike close to the wreckage, I kicked the stand and stood for a moment. “I still have a bad feeling about this Princess…” The bike remained where it was and I headed towards the wreck and climbed inside. “Princess, try and help whomever you can find. We should try and transport them to our ship hopefully to ge—“The sounds of vomiting echoed in the vicinity and I climbed over the remains of the unlucky ones that didn’t survive. I watched the girl pass out covered in her own vomit.


Getting a good grip of my stance I straddled the seat and the vomit, leaning forward my hands fumbled with her straps. “Damn things…” They didn’t budge, reach back I felt around for my small knife – it didn’t take long to find and when I did I made quick work of the straps. Putting the knife away, I leaned forward the best I could, arms hooking under the girl the drawing her towards my frame. I supported her as I crawled out and then heard the echo of the boy speaking of his bike. “Ey! You seem well enough if you’re barking requests. Sit tight I’d rather pull out survivors before working about your bike!” The girl still against me as I bring her to the clearing. Her body laid against the ground as I made my way toward my bike. There was a small canteen there and I quickly brought it to her and filled the cap with a little water. The last thing she probably wanted in her mouth was the taste of vomit, so tilting her upper body up enough, the cap filled with water met her lips.

“Hey wake up, get some water in you common now.” I did my best to sound as gentle as possible.

[member="Mira Gyndar"] [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] [member="Baz Bralor"]
Kai’s head slowly turned to look at Laura as she collapsed on the ground. Still unsure what exactly had happened and still unsure just exactly who these people were. So it would seem her name was Kaili and the boy helping the older girl was called Micah. It had a ring of familiarity to it, but the idea why was beyond her.

He picked Ponytail Girl up and just like that it was expected of the amnesiac to get up and walk again.
“Yeah, I’m good.” She grunted as she rose from the ground. “Just splendid, Micah.”

Playing it cool, just plain old playing it cool. She knew his names, casual mention of it removed any suspicion from what was actually going on. As she slowly staggered her way towards the shade she couldn’t help covering her eyes. Each step was like an explosion that would cause her head to explode in a gory fashion and each crunch from each grain of sand underneath her boot left her with the explicit need to keep her eyeballs from imploding.

Without being careful she slumped to the ground in a rest against the metal exterior of the ship’s hull. Nope her head definitely exploded and she let out a pained yelp that only served to cause her even more pain.

Her genius processing drivers seemed temporarily uninstalled and in its place someone seemed to have installed the FaceScrunch 844 ones. With that said her face scrunched up and she looked to Micah.

“I am okay. Just fine.” She waved her hand. “Why were you helping that other girl? Is she hurt bad?”

[member="Micah Talith"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Baz Bralor"]

Mara was busy fiddling with the radio, so it fell to Daria to prepare shelter in an equally efficient fashion. With one arm. Okay. She could do this. Just had to be smart and efficient about how she applied herself to the task. She took a deep breath, she sized up the part of the ship they were leaning against, then she wiped her brow off. Okay. It'd be tough, but she had a working idea. The hull layered, from the looks of it, which meant the outermost portion was thin and flexible - meant to repel radiation, while the thicker durasteel underneath did the heavy lifting of protecting and keeping everything in place. She shifted her grip on her pike to the very end, maximizing her potential reach and allowing her to at least use her other hand, then turned it on - using the weapon to cut a big semi-circle in the thinner radiation shielding, the apex of that semi-circle far above the girls themselves.

Okay. Almost there.

She reached out with the Force, pulling at the lip of the semi-circle she'd made. Daria's TK was far from the best, but what she lacked in skill, she tried to substitute with power and enthusiasm. And it was slow, slow work, peeling the shielding back and down. Loud work, as the metal creaked and groaned and popped. But eventually, that half-circle was low enough that she could pry at it with her bare hands in addition to applying as much downward Force as possible, until her work created a makeshift porch of sorts. They'd still be sitting on the ground, sure, but at least it was out of the shade. She brought the thing low enough that she could place the ends of the tarp over the lip and weigh it down with a ring of stones, then on the bottom. A wall. Perfect. The merrily flapping red tarp would serve as a flag of sorts, pulling the other survivors to the location of the suddenly, Daria realized, woefully inadequate shelter.

Ughhh. She'd already just about exhausted her capability to use the Force making the thing. Exertion and heat pulsted at her temples, insisting that she take a load off. Not yet. Not yet, she would when she could but she certianly couldn't, now. She heard more people waking up and calling for help. Collapsing her pike, Daria scanned the wreckage and spotted some boy in a stupid-looking hat, sitting in the sand. Looked like his leg was broke, and he was babbling about a bike. "Gonna go get that guy." She informed Mara absently, wiping off her brow as she trudged down the dune away from the Shelter.

When Daria reached Baz Bralor, she reached down and offered to pull the shorter boy's arm around her shoulder so she could help his one-legged self back into the shade. "We'll go looking for your bike later." The broken-glasses girl huffed, trying to haul Baz to his feet. "Let's get you into the shelter before your brains roast, okay?"

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