Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Man Sun's Looking Down on Us. (Open to Brat Pack)

[member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Aela Talith"]

"I c'n walk," Laura mumbled with vague coherence and tried to shake loose of Micah's "princess carry". It was ineffective. "Jus' need some g'rram painkillers s'all."

"Hey.." Absent-mindedly, Laura floppily patted Micah's face to get his attention. "Kaili's got ... uhhh, ow. Got a concussion."
[member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Aela Talith"]

"What?" Laura's light taps against his cheek would garner his attention. His frown would deepen under the mop of wild hair as he would follow suit to where Kai was at -- Laura was not getting out of the princess carry, despite her feeble struggles. The determination upon the young Talith said there was no way.

"Kai!" he'd call out, coming up against her just as he would reach her. Carefully, he would help Laura sit down next to his sister, "Careful, Cricket." He'd say, dry crusted blood already flaking over his face and on his nose. He looked a wreck. "Just sit tight for a bit."

Turning to [member="Kaili Talith"], Micah would shuffle over to her. Being the older brother that he was, he immediately started to ask her questions, his hands moving to cup her face and get a good look at her.

"How many of me's can you see?" was she seeing double? Bright orange eyes would peer into a pair so much like his own.

"What's the year?"
[member="Micah Talith"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Kaili Talith"]

Slowly Aela felt herself get better.

The pain drained out of her appendages. The hurt flowed away, and slowly Aela stood upright. Her spine twinged slightly, but as her back straightened, and then even stiffened, she felt her entire body relax. It was as if she had found her natural pose again. With the force flowing through her, another trick that had come from her mother, and the plants making her feel as though she were alive again, Aela shook her head.

“Helo. Go see if anyone else needs help. I'll find Kaili and Micah.” She was no healer, but she knew first aid.

Slowly the oldest of the Talith siblings wandered off, her ruined and blood soaked clothes sticking to her as she explored the wreckage of the starship. Every now and again she saw a not so lucky passenger, her eyes folding closed and her head turning away towards something else.

Better not to tell the others.

Quickly she found her siblings, trotting over to them quickly to assess the damage dealt to her sister.
Her vision faded in and out - she saw someone infront of her, touching her? And then moving her? Her body wanted to panic, as much as her mind did, but she couldn't move. She could hear a voice somewhere in the distance? Was it distant?

She could feel again, and her vision came to as garnet colored eyes fell upon [member="Liam Quez"]. The water wouldn't quite go down as intended and run down the sides of her mouth as she tried to pull away from the boy? What was he? She couldn't be too sure, last she remember she was on a transport headed to retrieve some items before she was set to get back on course for her journey. Couldn't just go flying everywhere in the Stealth-X, now could she?

Somehow, when she was dangling she had managed to spit up on herself or someone else had vomited on her - either way, it was disgusting. Blood, mixed with vomit and Force knows what else just caused her stomach to clench tight and the heaving began again as she tried to throw up more - but nothing came beyond a groan of desperation. She continued to dry heave despite the excessive pain that wracked her sides, eventually curling up into a fetal position in the sand - sobbing. Her right arm responded to the nervous signals from the brain and would come to wrap about her stomach as the dry heaving stopped but her left remained limp against her form as she lay against the burning sand.

Why did she have to take public transportation!?
[member="Micah Talith"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Kaili Talith"]

At this stage, Laura was pretty much combat-ineffective. She was blind, and the pain that racked through her head had rendered her mostly motionless. So it follows that she had no idea what was happening, reduced to just lying on the ground and clutching her head. Never had she ever felt as much of a little baby as she felt right now. Never had she felt like such a wuss.

I've gotta get Dad to teach me Force Kill Headache, or something like that ...
[member="Laura Na'Varro"] / [member="Aela Talith"] / [member="Micah Talith"]

“How many of me can you see?”

Kai raised her eyebrow. “One?”

“What year is it?”

The eyebrow dropped and suddenly she began counting on her fingers. A quick look went to check the probable age of the others. So the older one was older than Kai that much was clear. This ‘Micah’ guy seemed at least a little bit older than herself.

“Twenty. It’s year twenty.” Smooth like a breeze. “I mean, clearly, duh.”

No, she would never admit to having lost her memories.

“What? You don’t keep track of time, silly?”

Liam Quez

“Oh please don’t do that! I’m not a medic, girl” I did my best not to shout, she pulled away from me and despite every inch of my body screaming out not to let her - I let her. Though I guided her down hoping to not cause any more harm that the crash might have done to her. She smelled like vomit and it took a lot of willpower to not succumb to the twisting knots in my stomach. I could feel the heat of the dirt on my knees, where I was wasn’t very comfortable and I should have dragged her a bit further away from the crash. Looking at her, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It was a possibility that she lost someone in the crash and now she was in shock with some strange, but rather good looking boy -- man trying to shove water down her throat.

She needed to drink though, especially in this heat. I let her lay there for a few moments longer allowing her shock to hopefully calm down. Her left arm didn’t respond, which meant she might have broken it. I looked at my own hands which were covered in a bit of blood and dirt. My fingers wiggled as I hoped that Ibby’s usual insults of me being some forceless heathen was all just some cruel joke. “Nope, no force powers” Nothing happened as usual. Standing, I moved behind the curled up girl and tucked my hands under her arms and legs. There was a shadow by one of the stray parts and there would probably be the best place for her to rest at least for a moment. “Don’t struggle please, I’m just trying to help you.” I smiled the best I could and walked her to the somewhat shaded sand lot. Carefully I laid her down and I removed my cloak laying it down. “Sit on that so the sand doesn’t burn you.”

My hand held the canteen of water. She wasn’t drinking and she needed it. Remembering some holo vid I watched with Ibaris a few weeks back about some survival stuff an idea popped into my head. I filled my mouth with the water and as gently as I could I lifted the girl up so she was sitting up. I pressed my lips to hers and forced them open, with all the best intentions, I forced the water this way into her mouth - hoping that she would at least drink it or something.
I could be wrong and I might end up with some light sword in my stomach...oh well I tried.

[member="Mira Gyndar"] [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]
[member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Aela Talith"]

Micah gave Kai a rather probing look. His eyes would narrow, and considering he had dried blood smeared across half his face and a bloody nose, it likely came out to look more like a scowl than one of concern.

"Huh... right." he began, shuffling closer to start getting a good look at her eyes.

"Who's Toofless?" asking about Maleah's pet Nexu.

He'd have asked what was her name; buuuuutttt considering true names, that might be an issue.
[member="Micah Talith"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"]

Aela slowly wandered over towards her siblings, Micah's voice being the recognizable beacon that drew her over to the small group. She smiled at first, noticing Laura then Kaili, concern watched over her features however as she heard what Micah was actually asking their youngest sibling. Her heart caught in her chest and she rushed over with quick steps.

“What happened?” Aela said dropping to her knees besides her siblings.

She had no real medical experience, and she was hardly a healer, but she had read books.

Her palms began to float over Kaili, checking her for broken bones, cuts, bruises, anything. Obviously something was wrong with her head, but that could come later, as long as she was okay.
The boy moved in closer along with the older girl. Stares into eyes, hands patting her down and exposing tremendous pain in her left arm. She yelped, her heart began to pound again. No, this wasn’t very cool at all! She was pinned and most of all pained. The boy continued asking questions but the only answer he got was the shuffle of sand as Kai slowly tried to push herself away from the two.

“Stop.” Her plea was cut short by pain in her lower forearm. A hand reached to pull up her sleeve. The fabric stuck to her arm as a wound came uncovered. “Woah.”

What else was there to say? One moment she had been on a ship, the other she was... screaming and crying in total panic... Then after that she was here in the sands with strangers who were patting her down. No, this was not cool. She felt fine except for the wounds on her left cheek and arm. Why wouldn’t they just leave her alone?

She was afraid, disoriented and didn’t even know who she was. Things were going real well.

Look, you should really take a look at her. I'm fine.” Kaili pointed to Laura.

[member="Aela Talith"] / [member="Micah Talith"] / [member="Laura Na'Varro"]
[member="Liam Quez"]

Mira felt the unfamiliar touch of flesh against her own lips and she cringed – her right hand coming up to try to press him off her, but then the cool taste of water hit her mouth and she reflexively swallowed and blinked a few times. Her darkened red eyes blinked away the tears of pain that coated her vision and there she saw rather – cute face of a boy who couldn’t be much older than she was. He had blue eyes that seemed to lock with her own and some visible concern for her well being locked into those handsome features of his?

Maybe it was just the sun and the injuries getting to her.

The water was gone, had been gone for a few moments but her lips remained locked with his own and then reality struck in the form of awkwardness and emotions she hadn’t experienced before causing her to gently push away, breaking the kiss? Her cheeks felt flushed, her blood pressure was elevated and her heart was racing. Was that kissing? The same thing she watched her mom and dad do – Force knows how many times.

She stammered a bit as she remained within his grip, looking away for the moment. “T…thanks.” Her hand fell off his chest and into her lap before her gaze fell upon those azure orbs of his. “F…for the water.” She’d gently pull away and move across the sand as best she could – with the one good arm she had. She’d take his offer and sit on the cloak he laid down for her and take the canteen he had placed next to them within her right hand. Despite the trembling and the odd sensations running through her body – she managed to bring it to her own lips and take sips from it, cautiously. She’d occasionally look at him as she swallowed the refreshing water before her eyes darted in another direction – hoping to avoid direct eye contact…for now.

Liam Quez

The water was gone, but she lingered against my lips. I didn’t want to pull away, mostly because it felt nice. It made me forget everything that was going on, but then she pushed me away and pulled away from me. My eyes blinked catching her garnet eyes, but then they were gone as she moved away and sat upon my cloak. She continued to drink, which made me smile. The girl remind quiet which worried me a little, had I gone too far? Hopefully not, I mean I didn’t have a light sword in my stomach. I continued to smile and I moved closer walking on my knees. She spoke quiet and reminded me of a mouse.

I held my comments back and nodded. “You’re welcome. Are you feeling better?” I scooted closer in case she felt weak again or something. Maybe I just liked being near her, there was something that kept me wanting to help her. Not sure, I’ll probably talk to Ibaris about it. Maybe not, she’ll probably laugh at me.

“Um, my name is Liam. What’s yours?” I take note that her left arm still wasn’t functioning. “When you’re feeling up to it we should move to the others and get your arm looked at.” I didn't know what else to say, but I kept wanting to try to kiss her again. Something in my stomach told me that it wasn't a good idea especially now.

Possibly later.

[member="Mira Gyndar"]
Mira looked around for a moment before turning her attention back to Liam and nodding softly. “I am…for now.” Her hand would rise up to touch the tingling shoulder, grimacing slightly at the touch of her fingers against the dislocated limb. “I think it just needs to be put back in?” She had pulled it out once when she was younger and remembered the agonizing sensation it gave her when she did it – a similar feeling to what she felt now, only being older aided her ability to mask the pain. Her facial expression shifted from pain to a sudden show of surprise as he moved closer to her, her heart racing again as he leaned in to examine her.

Her blood pressure rose and her head began to ache as she turned away, gently scooting to the left and away a bit. “Let’s just find a medical droid or a doc or something…” She insisted as she rose up to her feet, swaying a bit as she did. The sensation of nausea returning as she stumbled forward a bit. She knew he’d be right on her tail to grab her, so her hand came up to grab onto his arm- bracing herself. She’d remain bent over for a moment, breathing in deep.

So many emotions and new sensations flowed through her mind – the Force itself was there but she couldn’t focus on it enough to aide her in the current situation. She wasn’t a healer – what she wouldn’t give for one right now though.

[member="Liam Quez"]

Ibaris Varanin

While Liam had jumped right into the fray, she'd stood with Adas and peered over the wreckage, doing her own assessment and moving only when Liam got out-of-sight. She accounted for each conscious body she could see, and each living body she could sense, taking care not to count the same one twice as she swept back and forth... but she found herself watching her pilot and only fully sentient (there's an assumption!) companion aboard her ship. She liked to think that the barkspawn was smarter than the farmboy, sometimes.

Of course, when she saw him locking lips with a girl he'd presumably just met, that intelligence assessment went in favour of Adas yet again and she bit her tongue, coming so close to yelling at him for his lack of sense of priority, a 'conversation' that might've went a little as follows:




She would totally turn away, at this point, a frown deepening on her face.






And then she'd whip around to face him, a slight tinge of anger running across her expression.




Then he grins.





"What, you going to make Adas kiss boys for you?"

"You'd like that," she'd sneer.

"I like to kiss girls, not dogs. I might even like kissing you, Princess."

And her eyes go wide: "... I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

"I said might, I highly doubt you kiss like Adas."

"Oh? How do you know how my dog kisses?"


To which she'd likely crumple into the burning sand, dying of laughter. Of course, he'd give off what she'd put down to the Mandalorian version of a sigh, and come dump his entire canteen on her head. That's so him, and the stark contrast of hot sand and still fairly cool water would make her bolt upright.

"At least your dog gets more action than you do. Bet he can teach you how to kiss..."

"Ew, no. Who says I need teaching?"

"You obviously know nothing, Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs."
That was one of her many... talents? Spend enough time around something or someone, a situation or person, and she could extrapolate likely scenarios. She'd been around Liam long enough (and it wasn't really that long at all, 'cause she was a quick study) to have a fair idea of how most conversations might go, and boy, she knew herself, even if she would deny any unappealing parts. Her imagination latched onto a thought, and this ability joined up and they ran with it. She found herself staring. He was still with that girl, and that brought a scowl to her face, a few more moments of staring, and then stalking off to tell Adas what keep watch for, jerking her compass out of her pocket as she went.

Jealous? Nooo. Annoyed? Yes. That. Totally that. No doubt about it. At all. No siree.

[member="Liam Quez "]| [member="Hylocereus"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Daria Cavill"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Laura Na'Varro"] | [member="Baz Bralor"] | [member="John Hunt"]
"Yeah right," Micah would tell Kai, not quite sure why she didn't feel right. As it was, now that [member="Aela Talith"] crouched down to check up on Nohei, he left it to her good judgement and care.

Granted, he still shot an annoyed look at his eldest sister, "You shouldn't be walking around. You're covered in blood for vape's sake!" At that, he nudged at her to sit down next to [member="Kaili Talith"].

"Seriously, think things out would you?" he shook his head, oblivious that he himself was also covered in blood with bruised ribs and enough cuts and scrapes over his face to likely leave a scar or two.

He shot a look over at [member="Laura Na'Varro"], "Hey, how's your head?"
Aela looked at her brother, then shook her head.

She mouthed two simple words to him, though by that time Micah was already looking away and tending to Laura. She smiled down at Nohei and lifted her head, for a moment she cradled her sisters noggen, then gently placed it in her lap.

“Kaili.” She didn't use her real name, not with others about. “I need you to focus.”

Aela placed a finger in front of her face. She had read medical books, though again she was no healer or trained medic. She knew the basics of some practices, but not all of them. This would be hit and miss, and really in the end Aela would only be left with a guess of what was wrong.

It was better than nothing.
She was fine! What was the boy getting at? Actually, never mind that, his attention went to the other girl. Picking a fight wasn’t the smartest of moves she could make at the moment. It rarely was one of her brightest moves if her mind were to tell her something obvious. Still, to lie down in the lap of this young woman was nice too. Never mind the blood and vomit that she practically reeked of, if anything they all probably did.

So, focus on the words coming out of Aela. She could do that. Wait, was that? No, she forgot the name again. The pain didn’t seem to end. Her head hurt like crazy as if someone dropped an anvil on top of her.

“What should I focus on? The finger?” Kaili asked as she set her sight on [member="Aela Talith"]’s finger. “What now?”
Everyone else was wondering around helping others, and Hylo had done his part in that, but Hylo had other ideas now. His feet were in the sand and he was looking about the great desert. A frown formed on his face as he considered the implications of the desert. For a human no water was a big deal… but for a plant it was an utter disaster not to have a readily available source of water. Sylphe would dry out if they didn’t have enough water, die.

Hylo looked about over the scenery, the flat dead sand that passed for a landscape. In the not so distance there was a girl standing with a speeder bike, and one of the girls… yes. Water! Hylo could feel it in his roots.

The heat of the sand didn’t bother him, and the sunlight was absolutely positively exhilarating, but he needed water. Still in bare feet with his customary garb of not enough clothing he ran across the sand towards the pair. “I need water,” he declared running up to them, “If I don’t have water I’ll wilt….”

Ibaris Varanin

The very moment that it was clear someone was running in their direction, Adas had turned around, a low growl starting in the depths of him. This in turn pulled Ibaris' attention from the horizon that she scanned with the magnification aid from her goggles, making her turn to see what was causing her longtime companion to turn on the aggression. It was pretty much naked, and when it - he... she was certain-ish - got close enough he was yelling about water and wilting and skidding to a stop. A staying hand kept the barkspawn from following through on acting as he was made to act towards an unfamiliar, and she tugged the swaddle of linen around her head, forehead and neck where it had loosened. She eyed the boy through the set of electrogoggles with a scrutinizing look, attempting to deduce if wilting was metaphor or...

"'re green, so definitely not Zelosian," she started, "hmm... let me think..."

She'd went through an exhaustive amount of information on an exhaustive number of species in the spectrum of sapience ever since she was five and her mother had gifted that and more to her in one go. She felt the little cube under her shirt, searching her head for every sapient botanical species she knew of, and...

"...Sylphe, right?" She glanced down at her dog, "what do you think, Adas? Is this guy a plant?"

Adas looked skeptically at the boy, edged forwards and took a cautious sniff, then simply sat back on his haunches, casting a look of disinterest up at Ibaris. Ibaris, for her part, looked to the boy again.

"So, you'll wilt, huh?"
Hylo nodded looking up at the woman and releasing a healthy amount of pheromones designed to lower her guard. Already the head was getting to him. “The sun feeels soo good…” Hylo said looking at the woman. Photosynthesis was nice. “But the heat, it’s killing me. If I don’t get water, I will literally die.” Hylo fell to his knees feeling the warm sand and lifted his head up and opened his mouth wide. “Could you water me please?”

He stood there for a second before his mind started to wander. First he wondered who this girl was. She wasn’t part of the crash, she had her own speeder. Then after contemplating and determining she was a local he considered something else, something that in his mind was even more important. Hylo wondered what the girl looked like underneath her robes. No not like that. Well, okay maybe little like that. “Why so many clothes?” Hylo asked cocking his head suddenly slightly disinterested in obtaining water. “Don’t you want to feel the sun on your skin? I think everyone should be naked…”

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