Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Man Sun's Looking Down on Us. (Open to Brat Pack)

Liam Quez

Something echoed over to my young male ears, I quickly heard the word ‘naked’ and every fiber of my being woke up. Eyes looked towards the direction I had heard the word and I saw some boy (I think) talking to Ibaris. My brain started to roll over the words and began to make connections. Every time something connected my face grew redder and my heart began to pound. Not because I was thinking wonderful things, no I wanted to punch something. I wanted to punch something green and dopey looking. Standing, I look down at the girl who was injured and grabbed her as gently as possible. Putting her over my shoulder, I headed up the small dune hill towards Ibaris and the green boy.

“What did you just suggest to her.” I hadn’t realized that this kid was almost a whole foot shorter than me and maybe I shouldn’t be so protective of Ibaris. The girl could handle herself and she had the dog….who seemed utterly disinterested in the boy. Now I felt a bit stupid for marching up the hill like this with the girl who I was helping cradled over my shoulder. Coughing, I somewhat wedge myself into the edge of the circle and I help Mira down to her feet giving her support with my arm. “I um, she needs healing you know a bit of that don’t you Princess? Her arm is out at the shoulder...she can tell you uh more...” I do my best to avoid eye contact with Ibaris, the last thing she really needed in her arsenal of throw mean comments at Liam when she’s pissy is that I actually worry about her.

Girls are frustrating.

@Hylocereus @Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs [member="Mira Gyndar"]
[member="Liam Quez "][member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] [member="Mira Gyndar"]

Hylo scrunched his nose as he looked up at Liam. Another person wearing too much clothing… but he might be his new ticket to water. He applied a little mental pressure with his telekinesis and changed up his pheromones to affect the boy as well. From his kneeling position he looked up with narrowed eyes and opened his mouth. “I need water…” Hylo said with a quivering lip. The boy was handsome in a v-neck shirt that had sleeves perhaps a size too tight for his muscular frame.Micah was pretty, but Liam was handsome with a well muscled frame and an air of confidence.. Hylo gulped hard looking up at the larger boy. “Please,” he said standing up and walking over over to Liam’s side. Hylo reached up a hand rested it on Liams shoulder. “If I don’t get water, I’m going to die….”
“Yes.” Aela said as her eyes turned to a look of concern. “Follow my finger.”

She slowly passed the digit over Nohei's face. At first she went to the left, then to the right, then up, then down.

It wasn't really any advanced medical treatment, nor was the idea really all that revolutionary. It was a simple application of basic medical knowledge that Aela had acquired from books, far too many books. Of course if this didn't work, or rather Nohei couldn't follow Aela's finger, then she wouldn't really know what to do.

She wasn't a brain surgeon, and she hadn't studied healing enough to know.

Briefly she wished that she had learned more from Aunt Amorella. Aela made a mental note that when they returned home she would ask her Aunt to teach her at least the very basics of healing, just in case something like this happened again.

Ibaris Varanin

Plant-boy? In this climate? She could be nice and give him some water. A minute later, she was working on drawing water from a separate valve she used to provide hydration to Adas, when she sneezed and the water sloshed in the container she was filling for the green boy. Then she sneezed again.

"Damn it, my nose is..." again, a sneeze, "...itchy."

She held the container out to [member="Hylocereus"], catching another sneeze with the shirt sleeve of her other arm. Her eyes would be watering, but the goggles formed a pretty good seal around them. She kept her arm there, breathing having become a very annoying prospect with the sneezing, and sought to pull the linen coverage up around her nose and mouth, holding it there with one hand. Still, another sneeze. And a cough. She looked to the plant-boy and [member="Liam Quez"], wondering why neither of them was having problems. Then she looked at plant-boy again and it clicked.

"You. Did."




Liam Quez

I still wanted to punch the green mess in front of me despite his little sweet face begging for water on his knees. I looked down and had the sudden urge to just be so nice and so sweet to him. Ibaris started to fill the water for him and I reached for my canteen and handed it to him, sadly it was empty from Mira drinking it all, but all I could think about were his big ol bright eyes. Thank god Ibaris splashed water everywhere and made a bunch of noises. Looking over at her, I still had a haze over my eyes and a dopey grin.

“Why are you sneezing?” It was all I could come up with and with this hazed mind of mine, I felt the urge to give her the shirt off my back to help with her snot rockets. I stood Mira up the best I could and quickly removed my long sleeve from my body. I was feeling hot, but not hot from the sun, just hot all over. My face was flush and I looked toward Ibaris who for some reason looked like one of the beautiful girls in the world, I looked back over and put my hand around Mira’s waist to help stand her up and I realized how delicate she was.

Everything was happening so fast and I had to shift my body weight slightly because I was growing uncomfortable. Then it hit me as Ibaris looked towards Hylo and I remembered everything started when I looked into those big ol eyes of his. Reaching out I grabbed his nose, smiling slightly infatuated with everyone around me I spoke somewhat sweet and husky. “Stop it or no water.”

[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] [member="Mira Gyndar"] [member="Hylocereus"]
Fortunately - for Mira - pheromone projection wasn't quite what the medical droid ordered nor was it something her body would accept in such a painful state. In-fact, much like [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"], it would reject it and she'd simply turn her head with a disgruntled look on her face as [member="Liam Quez"] kept adjusting her, holding her tighter and closer to her. It was like she was some sort've holo-show puppet at this point - and it was becoming a bit annoying. Mira would glance at Ibaris and then to [member="Hylocereus"]. "For the love of the Force - give him some water or I'll vomit on him to make it stop...he can get the water from that!" She exclaimed in agony as she pulled from Liam a bit, maybe it was a bit more disgruntled and hangry - yeah, she certainly was hungry.
Hylo ignored Mira, his eyes focused entirely on Liam. Hylo’s lips quivered as the boy grabbed his nose and a dopey smile appeared over his face. More pheromones popped as he looked into Liams eyes… so dreamy…. “I can’t stop…” Hylo said in a nasaly voice, his nose being plugged. A little smile appearing on his face. Chlorophyll rushed to his face causing him to blush green. “I can’t control my pheromones.”

The young man reached out his hand and clamped them onto Liam’s gently pulling him down to the ground to sit across from him. “And the longer I go without water, the more my natural defenses will kick in….” Hylo said with a smile leaning in to give Liam a peck of a kiss on the cheek. “Please, water me…”

[member="Liam Quez"] [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] [member="Mira Gyndar"]

Ibaris Varanin

Pheromones. Stupid pheromones. She had to get away from this guy. Yet, well, she still had her eyes, catching glimpses of what was going on in between the sneezes, and now the coughing which would quickly turn to wheezing if some distance didn't occur, but the pleas for water tugged at her, for some reason. What was that healer's name? The one that went crazy? She used to work with papa and Mister Lucianus and Mister Na'Varro and was kissy with her Uncle, once upon a time. All the while, the reaction was getting worse, and she was getting more and more annoyed that her offered water was being completely ignored. If it was possible for a scowl to form under her makeshift mask, between all the respiratory events, it happened.

So what did Miss Varanin-Jacobs do? Why, she took two steps forward, dropped the section of linen covering her mouth and nose, slapped heavy-handed on plant-boy's shoulder, dug her fingers in, and dumped the entire container on his head.

"Feel better," she croaked.

His shoulder given a couple pats, she turned and trudged away as fast as she could, coughing, wheezing, and snuffling the whole way. Adas followed, loyal as always and as concerned as a barkspawn could possibly get.

[member="Hylocereus"] | [member="Liam Quez"] | [member="Mira Gyndar"]

Liam Quez

My eyes blinked quickly confused at the fact that Mira pulled away from me. It was okay though, or some reason I was focused on the fact that this boy kept drawing me in with his pheromonies or whatever they were. Do you think I know what those are? Nope, but they suck. My hand started to pull at my pants searching for something and adjusting them for a bit. I couldn’t get comfortable, well that was until Ibaris stepped in. All of a sudden the pheromones stopped and the little plant boy was holding on to me.

Quickly remembering what he had said to Ibaris. My temper quickly flared and where I was before he decided to spread his love dust. My face twisted in frustration and my hand moved back, just as quickly as he had grabbed me and kept me close, my fist went towards his face as hard as I could muster. “Don’t ever talk to Ibaris like that!”

[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] @Hylocereus @Mira Gyndar
Everything happened so quickly. First Hylo was soaked with water, wonderful life giving water. Then he was punched… right in the fice. And Hylo was knocked back and fell into the sand. “The hell did I do…” Hylo said as a large green bruise started to form where the fist had hit him. He felt a little woozy, concussion. Uhg. Hylo’s eyes welled up as he felt tears starting to form. No. Boys don’t cry. Concentrating hard he pressed in on Liam with his psychic abilities demanding that the boy turn around and face him instead of acting like a… “Coward,” Hylo said his teary eyes narrowing. Then a flower bloomed on his head…

“Uhg….” He said, “Boys aren’t supposed to flower.” Frustration rang in his voice. “C-c-c-come back and fight me.”

[member="Mira Gyndar"] [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] [member="Liam Quez"]
Mira groaned at all the movement and gently pushed herself off of [member="Liam Quez"] and flopped down onto the ground with a harsh thud and a loud groan. "Ugh! Stop fighting!" She yelled out in pain and frustration. Right now, if she had the energy she would have just pushed them both away from each other - far away, but frankly she didn't. She couldn't even move her left arm for the love of the Force and no one was doing anything about it. How typical, boys fighting over a girl and there really wasn't much she could do about it - or maybe it was she didn't care to do anything about it in the first place.

She'd glance at [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] and groan. "Please, do you mind taking a look at this?"


Ibaris Varanin

Those words stopped her, and it came back that [member="Liam Quez"] had said something about helping this... this... this girl that he'd had no problem just sucking face with. A grimace spread over her features. It had to be just when the symptoms of allergic reaction to the pheromones were starting to calm, starting to subside, that she would feel pulled back. She couldn't let her personal opinions get in the way, couldn't let feelings get the better of her. No, not those feelings, the other ones. She didn't feel that way about him. No, she did not.

"Stand watch, Adas," she told her barkspawn companion, and turned heel to head back towards the general area occupied by the source of all her respiratory woes, [member="Hylocereus"].

She was wondering just how it was that no hssiss had appeared as of yet, adjusting her linen headcovering to fix a section of it over her nose and mouth as she approached the other girl. It wasn't a perfect seal, but it did mitigate the pheromones in the air somewhat. Hazel eyes looked over her critically as Ibaris came to a stop and crouched before [member="Mira Gyndar"]. The pain in the girl's expression was obvious.

"Can you walk? I'm not going to be much use this close to the bloomer..."

If she couldn't, there were still two, possibly three other options. She was glad, so glad that between her mouth and nose being covered and the darkened goggles over her eyes there was no way her expression could be discerned... even if the shortness of her words said everything, anyway.

Liam Quez

“COWARD?” My temper continued to flare, I was going to let him off easy with just one hit. He didn’t hurt my fists so I wasn’t worried about having to get Ibaris to do that magic healing she has. My fists tightened as I took a few steps closer to the small plant. “I’m going to turn you in to mulch!” Shoulders tightened as my body became the weapon it was trained to be. I’m a southpaw, so my left hand held all the strength. Open palms faced the boy, like claws. Lunging forward my foot quickly swept at his knee, then snapped back into a side kick to his stomach.

Every attack was quick and snapped in and out of the targeted area. I needed to stay close if I didn’t I would need him to come to me. “Plant boy you’re going to learn manners, you don’t say that stuff to girls.”

And then Liam came at Hylo… well he did ask for it. Hylo stood up and immediately started to sway back and forth letting his feet shuffle in a round motion. He kept his body low tracing a pattern with his feet in the sand he prepared for the attack. Examining Liam’s footwork and help from the force allowed Hylo to determine the first attack, a sweep at his knee and a kick to his side in quick rapid succession.

The first kick was easy enough to avoid, he danced back with his leg simply not being there and not allowing the kick to connect with anything. Then the next kick wouldn’t be as easy. Hylo kept up with the movement and spun around as fast as he could enhancing his speed with the force. He wouldn’t block the kick, but would instead try to go under it, he couldn’t match Liam in strength, and used the opportunity to make an attack of his own. He used the momentum of the spin and ducked underneath Liams incoming foot his hand touching the ground to create an extra point of leverage for him to send his heel spinning around Liams leg and straight toward his head….

[member="Liam Quez"]
Mira looked up at [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] with a partial gaze and nodded before she slowly stood - obviously the two boys arguing and fighting wasn't her concern at the moment. The pain was bothering her - well, was her problem and luckily her nervous system was sending signals every direction in a rapid pace she was somehow blocking out the pheromone effects that [member="Hylocereus"] was trying to produce. Slowly she'd grab onto her limp left arm, nodding softly to Ibaris. "After you, of course - let's let these two settle their differences...."

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