Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Hundred Young Gods (GA Dominion of Mustafar)

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders

Hawk made his way down the ship, towards the turbolift. This place was going to be his home for the foreseeable future and he was apparently okay with that. The ship ran on not one, not two but three different power plants, all designed to work in harmony. Should one fail, though, the other two could barely keep her afloat, as it were, on their own. That was going to be something that would come in time, a ship that was stronger than this one, more power plants.

But that wasn’t his focus right now. The lights were all on and he was glad to see that. His armor was able to interact with the ship and he was getting the power readings. Weapons systems were online, and would be one of the last systems to lose power. It was a fun little scenario for Hawk, to run what would go first.

Should the shields hold, those and the weapons systems, as well as life support were the last to go, right before engines and the hyperdrive. First things, ironically were the artificial gravity and sensors. The Dreadguard would have to fire blind in order to make any hits.
They wanted to use him.

One could utter ceremonial words meant to tug at the heart all day, yet the underlying truth was evident. If not for the fact that the newly-appointed Lore Master was a top-tier Alchemist...the Dread Guard would not have seen fit to contact him. Hell, they might have even added him to some "kill" list later on in the future. Yet, Isley was recruited into the ranks of the reconstituted Dread Guard, motivated purely by curiosity and a touch of avarice.

And today was the first of many missions.

The Legions had selected Mustafar to be their capital. Lovely. A lava-filled hole to spawn more Dread Guard. As there wasn't a solid face for the Dar'manda to cave in alongside the armored fellows, he decided to "fulfill" the duties associated with his new title. From above did a taskforce of his own corporate vessels descend upon the opposing side of the world, literal leagues upon leagues away from the Dread Guard staging area. Within this host of vessels were legions...of mining droids, equipment, and other such assets.

"Tara, Hail the Legions. Let them know we're here." said the Dar'manda.

Tara, a former Templar dressed from head to toe in armor, saluted her liege and did as commanded.

"This is the Dread Spear reporting in. The Lore Master has arrived and is heading planet side." (@Rook, [member="Ijaat Akun"])

As this order was carried out, the former Mandalorian made his way down to the hangar of his vessel. He was dressed appropriate for the occasion: garbed from head to toe in his experimental power armor. It was still taking some getting used to, but it was working. Upon arrival, Isley stepped lively towards one of the dropships and filed in, nodding to the sole occupant aside from the pilot. This man...this clone...was practically the only one of the Dread Guard that he could trust.

Why? Because he was family.

"History tells us that there are Jedi ruins on the surface. Perhaps we can find them. Just like old times, eh Canal?"

Queue the roar of the engines.



"Why isn't he responding!?" Mythos smashed the com into a thousand pieces upon his throne as he surveyed the com link to Mustafar. The impossible had come to pass, Mustafar was being invaded and Lord [member="Ultimatum"] was not returning any message he sent to Legion II.

The king of Atrisia had just finished a months work of preparation in the naval fleet and the construction of his first two star destroyers made in Atrisia by his own resources, he hated using One Sith resources or resources from the assassins for things he knew he could handle himself.

For the next few hours Mythos desperately thought of a scheme to come to the rescue of Mustafar yet nothing had come to mind, he did not have jurisdiction in that area and apart from the foresight there was simply nothing he could do at the moment.... yet he loved that planet, the power he had been building on it for so long to see it given to the wretched Galactic Alliance?

Mythos was many things, but a coward was not one, he would not stand idly by while Mustafar was being attacked, that they could count on. Still.... he could not risk a full on invasion without help...

After thinking for along time he decided to call the only people he knew could help him.

First was a message to [member="Thais Kallisto"] and if rumors be true her new husband [member="Darth Vizios"]. The Message would be a small clip of Mythos asking for a call back, underlining the urgency.

The second call... was to [member="Sage Bane"]. That Message was more complex.

"My Lord Bane." Mythos' eyes would reflect even through hologram the gravity of the situation. "A Situation in the outer rim has appeared. The rebel forces of the galactic alliance have invaded the neutral world of Mustafar, i will be sending in all my forces and even those forces i do not have to destroy the scum before it's too late.... I need you Master Bane. You're my only hope"

With that Mythos whirled to his troops. "Assemble my armies. We ride to Mustafar"

The men... roared like animals waiting to slaughter.... he could feel the Jar'Kai thirsting to kill.... like savages...

"Hold fast my friend.... help is on the way..."
Post: [08/20]

Everything slowed down as adrenaline stirred his beating heart with energy. His body was ready to move faster and fight harder, his mechanical eyes shifting back and forth as the Deece leveled and sat against his shoulder. His finger never stopped squeezing, emptying everything he could at the would-be defenders. Most of them were responding to the autocannon going haywire in the corridor while others were reacting quite quickly to Marcus's suppressive fire. He flicked a notch to set the weapon on fully automatic and sprayed the entire area with thundering blaster bolt.

Green, blue, and red streaked past him as the few experienced men fired blindly in their own attempt to suppress him. Some of them had dashed for cover, fewer had succumbed to his purposeful inaccurate fire, and only a trio of men advanced towards him with their trigger fingers working at max.

"She threw it. Detonation in three seconds."

Miranda's face was stress-stricken, her eyes narrowed as he relayed that information directly to his HUD and indicated the distance from the projected explosion in under a single second. A pair of blaster bolts smashed into his chest plate, knocking the breath out of him with a sizzle. One of the advancing men dropped with a startled cry as Marcus returned the favor before he took a third bolt to the uppermost part of his arm, dangerously close to his underlay.

A single second passed before he spun on a dime and took off with all of his might. The artificial muscles within his legs sent him flying away, dashing behind cover just as the detonator went off with a thundering explosion.


Marcus was on the ground, rolling over onto his back just in time to see it go off. The main power grid literally was turned into nothing in the blink of an eye before being replaced by an inferno of flames and metallic shrapnel. The guards were nowhere to be seen - nor was the Jedi.

"Jedi!" He shouted, readying himself to sprint back if need be. "Where are you?! Are you okay?!"

[member="Qyren Leret"], [member="Urya Uvatera"]
The final transformation of Darth Vader would serve the Alliance in making it more tougher. Here in this system was the most appropriate area to establish a new generation of Dreadguard. The harsh environment would make strong units as one would rise from the magma into something new. A good headquarters for such project. The clone still believed that his generation that served the Confederacy of Independent Systems was the most prominent generation than it's other cousins. Was it his pride that made him thought of this? Maybe, but they didn't need a heavy power armor to take down systems in such short time. Not just that, but having the Fett genome meant that one was deadly with suck magnificent skills.

Aboard on one of Isley's vessels the soldier had his modern ARC trooper armor with the DC-17m blaster and two DC-17 pistols in their holster, and several thermal detonators on his belt. Even in a desolated world like Mustafar there were always secrets beneath its layers.

"Those were the days. It's a shame they ceased to be the best they were," Canal said as Isley addressed him. Nothing gold could truly last.


[member="Isley Verd"]

Xander received an interesting message which caught his eye. [member="Lord Mythos"] was requesting his aid on Mustufar of all places. Blackmoore chuckled thinking about how desperate he was to call on the King. Their last meeting Xander had left a deposit of something which would punish him for attacking an ally. So much had changed since then. The note was passed to his pregnant lover, [member="Thais Kallisto"]. Her presence was requested as well.

"We are wanted in Mustufar my love. Though I would suggest you stay behind. We cannot jeopardize our heir."

This explained Xander's absence from much of the Sith dealings as of late. His focus was on securing his rule. An heir would mean he could. An heir no one on Indupar could assassinate was even better. It had taken convincing, but Xander had arranged that regardless of gender, his child would be entitled to reign. A son was prefrred, but a daughter would be accepted. It did not take much, just a reminder of the golden age of Indupar and Ec Pand, when women were equals under his last reign.

"If you insist however, then I will not stop you."

Xander went to the closet of their chambers to retrive his battle armor. The King was going to war.
Allies: [member="Darth Vizios"] [member="Lord Mythos"]

Thais Kallisto had valuable interests on Mustafar. Ten percent of the LOOM quarries, including Durasteel and Titanium outputs, were handed over to Thais on a regular basis, and in turn, through Crix Meriet's slaving company, she provided the workers for the neighboring planet. She was using the ore and materials in the Kallisto Workshop and selling it on the open market. Princess Kallisto was also stockpiling it just in case... well, in case something like this happened.

"Of course I'm going with you," she said, her brown eyes filled with anxiety. "I will be heavily guarded, my King. You won't have to worry. I will stay secure and secluded. We will be safe." And by we, she meant the life growing in her womb as they had just recently gotten the news that Thais was pregnant. She was only a couple months along and wasn't showing yet, except for a noticable fullness in her breasts and hips. And her energy wasn't what it had been. She fell asleep early and slept heavily through the night. But then during the day, she never felt quite rested.

But despite these new sensations, she wouldn't think of staying behind. Her interests were lucrative, and Thais often didn't trust anyone outside of her inner circle to take care of her business operations. While Xander retrieved his battle armor, she had to decide if she were to fight by his side or just be there for moral support. But ultimately, he was right. The heir to both of their thrones was inside her, and she could not jeopardize the child. She would travel with him but would need to stay well out of harm's way.
Ultimatum was alone in his hidden sanctuary. He had sealed himself into his work room and cut off his connection with the computers and droids in his base. He had to think and that was best done alone. He feared not the advanced of the invaders, in fact he did not see them as such. He instead saw them as travelers setting up their base, they were simply expanding. There was nothing wrong with that. Yes, he detested the violence, he had hoped to avoid such things, but unfortunately he had been too late to learn of the arrival to suspend hostilities.

He had contemplated for a moment about fighting back, but he had known better. The strength of the invaders was too grand for any show of arms on his part. Not that he would have wanted to fight anyways, that was simply not his method of countering enemies. He was intended to be a war droid, but he had renounced that and had become stronger for it.

He had only one comm with him, set perfectly in the center of his work table. It was set to pick up messages sent to him from the leader of the invaders. He was waiting as he wanted to try and terminate this battle as quickly as possible. He did not care of the planet was taken from him, he could continue to command his company and live a pleasant enough life without the hassle of dealing with political issues every day of the week. He was not even aware of his friend's calls, having sealed himself off from the entire world except for the comm which he watched with interest.

[member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Alexander Ontonas"]
Post: 10/?

Qyren dove forward, putting as much space between herself and the explosion as she could, and threw her arms over her head. Behind her, all hell broke loose.

Her ears rang, all sounds muffled from the force of the explosion. She kept her shoulders hunched until a voice sounded in her ears, faint but clear beyond the ringing. Qyren glanced up, staring in surprise at the faint semi-circle which arched over her body and which had protected her from whatever flames or force she could not have escaped, and watched it pop out of existence. Rather than lingering on this new, lucky manifestation of her power, she rolled over and sat up, surveying the area. The damage was extensive; the grid was not so much destroyed as vaporized, and, unfortunately, the men who had been near enough to the explosion seemed to have been subjected to the same fate. Some had run in time and lay prone, a few moving feebly and showing they still had life to them, but Qyren shook her head regretfully for those they'd been forced to kill.

"I'm fine, Sergeant," she returned, forcing herself to her feet. Her eyes swept the area for him, but the area was obscured in large part by the billowing smoke from the former grid and guns. "Thank you. We can regroup for the next target. Where are you?" Two anti-aircraft guns were down, but she recalled Marcus saying something about anti-tank fire as well. She hadn't expected she would be fighting a war today, albeit on a small scale, and she hoped the rest of the fighting could be conducted with minimal casualties.

[member="Marcus Foster"] [member="Urya Uvatera"]
Location: Communications room on his ship, Mustafar, Miners Encampment.
Objective: Let things Unfold and then some.
Allies: ?
Enemies: [member="Darth Vizios"] [member="Lord Mythos"]

If you would ask Kezeroth how he felt about being in his new lesser epicanthix form, his response would be a simple smile. Dont be fooled though. The lack of words only meant there was more under the surface. Much more. With the Galactic Alliance aimming to take over Mustafar this would give the Darksider the chance to see if his old Gen'dai philosophy was right.

Bringing up a profile on the data screen with the flick of his hand and with a smirk he stared at a picture of the King of Atrisia. One of the Sith who looked like he was enjoying his position and glory. Ruling a planet made you easy to track. By watching the simple movements of the people and watching the news made for good positioning and resources.

If Mustafar was as important as he thought it was to the Sith then something would happen, if Kezeroth was wrong then he would simply observe and maybe get himself some lava crystals. Only time would reveal this.
The door had just slid open a little under half way when a thunderous boom rocked the settlement. Urya, already unstable on her feet, found herself flung hard onto the floor in a daze. " D.. Dammit you guys! Had to.. use.. the BIG bomb.."

Once again, the cyborg labored to her feet with her useless fleshy arm, and stumbled towards the door. She overcompensated her balance and hit the metal of the door face-first, splitting the skin over one eyebrow. " OW. " Her escape was further hindered by the fact that she was just not quite skinny enough to slip through the opening. She jammed her metal elbow against the frame, placing her palm on the door itself and let her hydraulics do the pushing. The sliding metal door gave a protesting screech when Urya forced it open another two inches, allowing for her exit.

Now, finding these two would be interesting. She assumed walking towards the explosive sounds was where she wanted to go, but now her vision was blurred by the blood pouring out of the shallow wound on her forehead. Damn things always bled too much. If most of her brain wasn't mechanic, she was certain she'd be at least a little woozy. Maybe she was, who knew. She heard dull voices through the walls over the crackle of destroyed electronics and gunfire. It took a second for her 'netics to decode possibilities of what was being said, and she tottered her way towards them. Oh! There was the Twi'lek.

A little more concussed than she'd thought she was, Urya stood there dumbly and waved to [member="Qyren Leret"] and [member="Marcus Foster"] .

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Objective: To be determined
Allies: None
Enemies: There’s this one Sith see…

Ahead she saw him. He’d clearly sensed her approach and waited for her. She reached him in a large and broadly circular room.

The two combatants circled each other, sabers held out before them in standard ready stances. The Sith's breath came in grunts and growls from his flaring nostrils as he tried to intimidate his opponent. Once upon a time she might have been intimidated by his act. Now he simply ignored the posturing.

She lunged out with a simple overhand strike, but he responded with a quick parry to deflect the blow to the side. There was a crackle and hum of blades of pure energy crossing. Immediately the combatants spun away from each other and resumed their ready positions.

She rushed forward, her blade ascending diagonally from right to left in a long, swift arc. The Sith managed to redirect the impact with his own weapon, but lost his balance and stumbled back. She tried to press her advantage, her saber arcing up from left to right. Her opponent spun out of harm's way, back-pedalling quickly to create space. Nubica broke off the half-completed sequence and settled back into the ready position.

She knew that victory required a combination of the Force and physical skill.

She had worked on acquiring that physical skill over the past months. As this ability grew, she was able to devote less and less of his mental energy to the physical actions of thrust, parry, and counter-thrust. This allowed her to keep her mind focused so she could use the Force to anticipate her opponent's moves, while at the same time obscuring and confusing her enemy's own precognitive senses.
Objective: Prepare for the Battle.
Location: Exiting Hyperspace. (On board the Millennial)
Allies: [member="Darth Vizios"] [member="Thais Kallisto"] [member="Sage Bane"]
Enemies: GA [member="Kezeroth the Unyielding"] ? (Finally! <3)

Mythos never had a stardestroyer until now, he could't enjoy it, he was fixated upon the flashing lights of the hyperspace jump. This was madness, this idea was madness, this whole plan was crazy yet all brilliant plans were. The Millennial was a marvelous testament of the might of the one sith, so was the Decimus, both identical, both colossal behemoths of intergalactic conquest. Behind them was a full fleet of the 550th Yovshin 2.0 frigates, an eerie silence hit the com before the space jump finished... war was in the horizon.

Mythos has assembled a ground army fifty thousand strong not counting conscripts and mercenaries from around the dirtier parts of the holonet and what had resulted was a massive assembly of power jumping directly into Mustafars' orbit.

Mythos could already feel the heat and mercilessness of the planets oppressive temperatures, anger and hatred boiled within his veins.

The first ships to jump off hyperspace were small squadrons of blades, the premier OS starfighter, their mission was to scout and clear for the bigger ships. The second to jump were the frigates, which immediately started laying down coordinated firepower and the moving forward to prepare a defensive blockade.... Then... the stardestroyers jumped looming their shadows over Mustafar, Mythos leading their advance like a titan in the shadows.

The crew of the Millennial started to scramble as the sirens heaved their cries over the speakers, this was not a drill, this was the Millennials first taste of real warfare. This was not however, Mythos' first time in the command of a warzone.

His eyes flashed yellow as the red planet came to life in his eyes and the battlefield became a light with fire and energy weapons, the glorious signs of bloodshed and war. Mythos would see to it personally that every life the alliance had taken from sith soldiers would be repaid in full here in Mustafar.

"Divert power to all weapons i want the entire orbit clear for ground team, scramble all bombers to be escorted by the blades, i want clear and smooth bombing runs on every single pocket of resistance in this molten piece of rock" His eyes narrowed as his forces rushed into movement. "They wanted heat... they came to the wrong karking oven."

The squadrons of blades soon started mashing up the skies as the OS Bombers and their escorts lead their mission front. [member="Ultimatum"] reminded Mythos of something needed for every war ,foresight. Mythos nodded, his plan already set in motion and previously discussed with his officers.

Foresight was something organics so rarely had...Mythos was not one of those organics, the foresight had an assortment of seventy five turbo-lazer batteries, over four squadrons of one sith fighters and all that was the start...

The alliance had overlooked a massive installment in the planet's orbit, a shipyard of considerable size operated by Mythos' men and extremely well defended. "Get my Soldiers to the foresight and man the defenses.... i will bathe Mustafar in their blood, if they wish to take this planet they will do so over the corpses of their brothers and comrades that fall in their arms as they wake decades from now, the horror of this day shall never leave their memory...Captain.... Open fire, loose all batteries on the Decimus get the Millennial closer. Keep the Decimus constantly in battery rotation. "

The roar of war began... yet Mythos could not help but feel a disturbance in the force... something... familiar.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Objective: Not dying would be good
Allies: None
Enemies: The annoying Sith that’s lasted the whole Dominion…

Spinning her saber in a quick flourish, Nubica leapt high in the air and came crashing down from above. The Sith parried the attack but was knocked to the ground — clearly not expecting her level of aggression. He rolled onto his back and barely managed to get his saber up in time to block her next slashing attack. The sound of saber on saber filled the room as Nubica's blows descended like rain. The Sith kept her from landing a direct hit with a masterful defensive flurry, then swept Nubica off her feet with a leg-whip, leaving them both supine.

They flipped to their feet simultaneously, mirror images, and their sabers met once more before they disengaged once again. Nubica was disappointed that she hadn't been able to finish off her fallen opponent, but she knew victory was near.The Sith’s survival had extracted a heavy toll: he was breathing in ragged gasps now, his shoulders slumping.

She rushed him again, using his own anger against him. This time, however, the Sith didn't back away. He stepped forward with a quick thrust, switching from Form III to the more precise and aggressive Form II. Nubica was caught off guard by the unexpected manoeuvre and was a microsecond slow in recognising the change. Her parry attempt knocked the tip of the blade away from her chest, only to have it slice across her right shoulder.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders

Hawk had made his way into the bowels of the ship. From this low point there was the noise from the hangar not too far off, as well as the loading racks for the weapons also not being far away. Carried by conveyor belt and the movement of a repulsor train, the ammunition was moved from its main vault to the weaponry around the ship. Was an interesting and useful way to do it, mostly automated. Put the ammo on the sled, punch in its location, and off it went.

Really a smart way to move it, but one had to make sure it was handled properly. If the batteries weren’t properly stocked, then the battle could end really quickly. The Logistics Officer would have someone on shift all the time at this location, and that was going to do well. Hawk nodded as he stepped through the ammo depot on his way to his real target location.

The drop pods.
Darius was not here to interfere with the mission of the Dreadguard or their allies. There was something far more sinister to deal with. One of the old sages had warned him of such before he dared make the trip to the molten planet. One of the old mining facilities was cursed -- in reality it was host to a massive Sithspawn borne of flame and molten rock. The creature was said to be gargantuan, and more importantly, quite hostile. If the alliance was going to be taking this world, then the creature needed to be destroyed.

He was joined by [member="Coren Starchaser"], Kinsey's uncle. The alliance commander did not yet know of the going-ons between his niece and the young padawan. He did not need to know of the bond within the force they shared, or anything else about their relationship. Darius wasn't entirely sure where it stood yet, there was no reason to complicate things with the commander.

It stuck him as odd that Starchaser had wanted him to come along, but he certainly wasn't going to say no. Master Shatterstar knew of his affairs with the alliance; he could do as he pleased so long as it helped to serve the cause of the light. Thus he had come, and the ship was beginning to land not far from the site of the Sithspawn sightings.

"So, uh, how do we kill a lava monster anyway sir?"

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Objective: Not dying would be good
Allies: None
Enemies: The annoying Sith that’s still going…

The Sith howled in victory, and Nubica screamed in pain as her saber slipped to the ground from her suddenly nerveless fingers. Mindlessly, she used her other hand to shove her opponent in the chest. The Sith, surprised, reeled backward, and Nubica rolled away to safety.

Scrambling to her feet, she extended her left hand to the saber lying on the ground three meters away. It sprang up and into her palm, and she once again assumed the ready position, her right arm dangling uselessly at her side. Some Jedi learned to fight with either hand, but Nubica hadn't yet reached that advanced stage. The weapon felt awkward and clumsy as he held it. Left-handed, she was no match for the Sith. The fight was over.

Her opponent sensed it, as well. "Defeat is bitter, Jedi," he growled, his voice deep and menacing. "I have bested you; you have lost."

He wasn't asking Nubica to yield; surrender was never an option. He was simply taunting her.

"You failed. Victory is mine."

"Then come finish me!" Nubica snapped back. There wasn't much else she could say. Everything her enemy said was true, and the words cut far deeper than the saber possibly could.

"This ends when I choose," the Sith replied, refusing to be baited.
The Commander was trusting his right-hand, Rook, to do the right thing. The Dreadguard were ramping up on this world, and having them on the other lava world that he knew of, would only be fitting. The pilot had come out here to ensure that Alliance resources were being used properly, as well as to chase down a lead on something the Sith had left on the world.

He was here to eliminate Sith, and the fact that there was some sort of Sithspawn? That was definitely requiring further investigation.

Pulling new recruits for missions sometimes helped. Coren had Chevu as a student, as well as Tionne, but learning what was bringing people to Alliance space? He should do a little of that, so the GADF knew how to recruit these folk. With the ship touching down, he looked at the student, not his, just a, and shruggd.

“We’ll do what we can, and improvise the rest.” Coren laughed. Not very reassuring.

Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Mining Facilities.

It had been a long while since Arceneau Trade first took stop on the volcanic world of Mustafar. It was back during the early days of the Protectorate, when trade first began to boom across the newly connected Trade Lanes and Danger was the pioneer of establishing that reach.

As of now, this was just a normal check up on the Mirkanite and various mineral ore mines she had established back then, along with the research and development on the manufacture and potential expansion towards the use of a new type of power crystal. It was all in the beginning stages, but signs were promising.
Objective: Prepare for Battle.
Location: On board the Millennial
Allies - [member="Lord Mythos"]
Enemies -?

On board the Millennial the Atrisian Noblewoman known as Arabella Darkhold moved, her cobalt blue eyes settling upon the soldiers who only needed to feel her presence to know to get out of her way.

The Kogo Ren was currently resting her condition warranting protection and Arabella claimed the right to go along as one of the Kogo Handmaiden's. Would the Emperor be pleased? She did not know nor at the moment did she care. She had her own plans, her own desires. This was a move that not only benefitted her position and need for his help, but would also put her once again in his presence.

The Sith Knight had been yearning for the sounds of battle far too long had she sat upon her father's estate looking after the families. She wanted to hear the calls of the dead, the inquisitor trained sith had gleaned many a secret from the dead.

Where they traveled now would offer her the same opportunities. But for now she wanted to make her presence known to the Emperor and to let him know his female was safe.

Dressed in the black she loved so well, on either side she ware the eskrima sticks that she had been trained upon since her youth. Each were about two feet long while Arabella could fight with one, she was better with two. Along her hip she wore the light saber crafted shortly after her knighthood, she knew she needed another but that would come in time, for now it served the purpose it was meant to. Curled up under her cloak her light whip hung within reach she could peal the skin off of almost anything with the flick of her wrist.

She entered the bridge and made her way to stand before the Tenno of Artisia.

"Tenno" Arabella smiled and nodded to him, acknowledging his position.

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