Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onna o yametai (Anastasia Rade)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu gave a nod of her head and didn't push it to pry into her past. The ruins they were going through the jungle to appeared and slowly as the jeep stopped Matsu looked at the overgrown stones while she got out of the jeep and smiled. "Well there is nothing wrong with being sheltered so long as you have trustworthy people to show you the wonders." She raised an eyebrow while looking around. "Welcome to the Mimban ruins, here there was a legendary crystal being kept and..." Matsu trailed off while she ran a thumb over the ring on her hand and it felt strange... Stronger, beautiful. "There are still shards of it people are finding. Buried treasure as it is."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Well, sheltered in the bad way. I was actually a prisoner or slave I guess for my whole life. Exploring the Galaxy and seeing all these things is really amazing. I have missed so much and so this is really good." She half smiled as she kneeled down in the ruins picking up what looked to be a necklace.

"Are we allowed to take things?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Ah that explained a few never mind. "I can understand that feeling of wanting to be free and yes we can take what we find." Matsu continued to explore and move around as she looked at the stone pulling some of the vines away for the temple and took in the murals. The depicted statue that used to hold the great crystal was there but as she turned to see the tall statue the hands were empty. It was a small temple so seeing everything was easy on the surface, below it was all caves and alcoves for room. It was all below the surface and she could feel through the force the slight vibrations of the massive firebreathers. "Did you find something good?"
"I think so, I have never seen anything quite like it before in my life but that's not saying much," she giggled slightly holding up the sparkly necklace for her traveling companion to see. She wasn't sure what the gems on it were but they were pretty and looked expensive. It was definitely something that she wished to keep for herself.

Looking back to the ground she saw more sparkly things popping up. It was almost as if nobody had ever been here before as the ground looked untouched. She would have thought smugglers and the like would have come though and snatched up everything that looked even a little bit valuable up. It made Anastasia wonder if this place was haunted or if there was a reason behind it being untouched. "Did you find anything?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu moved forward and looked at the necklace as she brought a hand to touch it for a moment while she spoke. "It looks beautiful, rubies and electrum." It was quite a find and Matsu looked down as she spoke letting a bottle of water glow with the force as it created a green mist. She brought it out and slowly worked to enhance her senses with the magics while she brought the mists for Anastasia. "The witches of Dathomir taught me this, will let you see the details and the world differently. Namely what you might be able to find that glitters." A small smile on her face while she moved looking at the stone and could make out more of the details. The local species were known for their skills and for their shyness that would prove helpful in not being bothered.
"You know the Witches?" Anastasia perked up a little as she put the necklace around her neck. She had nothing in the way of fancy jewelry or clothes so this wouldn't go with anything but all the same she would wear it. "You know spells? Could you teach me?" She desperately wished to learn more and grow as a witch so that she would be a true force to be reckoned with and the Sith couldn't terrorize her or anyone she cared for again.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her and she was looking at the woman with the spell enhanced eyes her head tilting a little as she turned around and moved looking at the vases and stone. "Yes I know a few witches, the Singing Mountain Clan is a friend from long ago. They taught me their spells and magics in exchange for some knowledge and understanding of the jedi." The idea o teaching another was complicated but she wasn't one to turn down knowledge or horde it. She preferred that some of it that could be taught and there were spells she could teach the young woman. "I could teach you, there are some magics that are harder to do but spell wise the Witches were quite good. All of it starts with the spirit ichor, your ability to channel the force into the water and create a substance that can heal and be understood. Your inate energies will then be able to be used to enhance your senses and skills."
“I’m learning from the clan mother,” she nodded. She knew well of the Singing Mountain Clan as that was where she had been taken to learn. Since then she had chosen to join the Mandalorian’s over the clan. She loved the teachings of the witches and the planet was very beautiful however she wished to join and fight with those whom had saved her. She felt as if that was where she belonged. The young woman didn’t have a clan yet but she would work on that one.

“I need to focus my energies on the water and creating like a mini ball of water?” She wanted to ensure that she was doing it correctly before she tried. She was sure that there were also words that needed to be said in order to get the spell to work as well. If she could get down the basics she could learn and do anything.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu nodded to her wantignt o get into and help. "Not a ball of water, you are putting power into the waters, adding energy to it but not enough to evaporate it. Just enough that it is lightly misting so you can call it forth for spells. The energies come from the force and from the spirit of the caster, it is one of the major differences between jedi like myself and witches. While we use the same energies their spirituality is far more important to how it gives shape. Then slowly you twist it with your words and intent, twist the force energies to enhance your eyes, your ears, your grip and ability to track people across the galaxy." She was looking at everything around and approached the statue with a smile while she placed her hand son it and the green mist came, her hands sticking to the stone and Matsu climbed up a few feet. "You try."
“The Sith use their gifts through their anger and hatred. I’m sorry to say I have done that myself a few times. I have since learned to positively focus my energies. It’s harder and takes more concentration and focus but it’s worth it. I’m fighting for a very worthy cause. I don’t want anyone to have to live with what I did.”

She would never wish for anyone even her enemy to have to endure the horrors that she had. The young witch would do whatever it took to fight for that which was good and just. Fighting against the oppression of the Sith The more she knew the more she could do.

Taking a deep breath Anastasia cleared her mind and focused on what she was looking to do. The young witch remembered a spell that she had read would enhance ones senses just it wasn’t anything she had tried before. It was silly of course but she had never thought of doing self-training.

As she had with previous spells she practiced in her mind to ensure that she had it in her mind before saying it out loud. Nothing happened though and she saw no mist whatsoever so she was unsure if it had worked.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at Anastasia and stood there for a moment before speaking and nodding her head. "It is alright, it will take time. No one is expected to get it the first time and we shall have to work on that. I might have found an interesting person to teach and train. Well if you want it, I could show you how to do the spells but you would want a witch who is able to do things and can show you all the real secrets of the clans. I'll just give what I learned and show how I practice it." Matsu was still on the stone climbing as she had been using the force to make sire her voice was near Anastasia and her hearing so she could always make out what she was saying.

Now she was looking at the slot where there had been the crystal and could only find some shards of it. Bringing them to her pocket and they were decently sized but only here in the temple did she feel them making her stronger. "Alright now pour a little of the water in your hands to get it started, you want the mist to envelope them before you begin." The jedi sat there on the stone like it was the floor and not just a wall. She'd have to remember this spell for getting into less open places as it was proving useful. She'd also have to find that holocron she had on the witches and nightsisters.
"You know witches? I would love to learn from them. I feel the more people I can learn from the better. I want to be prepared for anything." She knew anything that she did learn would take time to master. She was willing to be patient and take the needed time to learn. She would practice too. One of her goals was to be a great witch as well as Mandalorian.

Following the directions she scooped some water in her hands and said the spell again. This time she saw a little mist began to develop in her hands. It wasn't much but it was something.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu dropped down to stand beside her and gave a nod of her head to that. She was getting it and taking the time to learn, to do it all would benefit each of them int he long run. Matsu could pass along some of the knowledge she had and spoke bringing a hand over it. "Just like that, slowly and as the mist forms you want to direct it. To your senses, to your goal or to your voice. You can enhance many things and create a powerful experience to disorient others. All a matter of what you wish the mgic to be used for." She had a grin from that on her face though and brought her hands up to guide her. "And one of the strongest things you can do, it serves several purposes... The blood trail isn't solely for the nightsisters for the witches you can use it to protect and find loved ones, find friends or students."
"I don't know what I wish to enhance. I already have enhanced vision which so far has not served me well. I think being able to smell others and sense different things would be quite useful. I could track different things and people down. It would be helpful in that sense."

Going silent she focused on that very thing. She wanted to be able to smell the wonders around her. Well, not really wonders as all she really could smell at the current moment was a bunch of dirt. Which meant she would need to learn how to hone her skills. It was a work in progress just as everything was for Anastasia. She didn't mind too much, as she loved a work in progress which was herself.

The only thing that kept her from going totally crazy was that she kept telling her that eventually she would get to a point and everything would click for her. She couldn't give up or surrender as that would just mean the Sith would win.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu gave a nod to that and a work in progress was what they all were learning never stopped, never ended for true students. Even when they became the teacher. Her hand brought some of the mist up to her nostrils and she breathed it in to enhance her senses. "Then focus on the mist, focus on the watches magics and as you inhale it let your senses become more. Able to smell the moisture in the air, smell the predators when the wind shifts. There is much you can find and do with even the barest touch of the spell. Take your time the ruin is not going anywhere and we have all the time here and on the ship. Still much of the galaxy we can explore."
Closing her eyes Anastasia could sense a great many things through the mist. The smell of the dirt that they were sitting on, the sound of a wolf howling off in the distance it was something else. It even showed her that she wasn’t alone in this galaxy. There was so much going on around her and she was only a very small part of the magic. “I hear a crying wolf in the distance and I smell the air. It’s very different and if not useful it’s calming for me.” She was sure that this sounded weird but for her it was and it made her feel free for once.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu understood and wouldn't judge as she continued to stand there and take it all in. Her own senses expanding outwards and pushing at the galaxy to find all that she could. Off in the distance came the scent of burnt air from firebreathers and she knew they were a distance off but still it is always best to be prepared and safe. She moved only to lead the girl around through the temple ruins and safely at that, slowly as she spoke. "That is the world, there is much more you might find as time goes on with training. Some of the strongest witches know how to use their magics to smell a lie from the changes the body makes. Even here from this temple you can find things, the smell of fire in the air from the vong creatures that were put here."
"It looks as if it can be used for many different things. The spell has many different uses." If she focused more she could not only find what she was looking for but smell things others couldn't. This was quite an interesting spell.

"Thank you, this spell will be really useful. What else do you know, you seem to know a lot." She would take advantage of the knowledge of her traveling companion.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at Anastasia with a grin. "That is because I have studied carefully with many people and then I went back to the ones who raised me and practiced, practiced practiced. It can take years to learn but you are young and can learn." Matsu continued to look around. "Another useful thing is when you need to run." Her hand indicated the ruins and as Matsu led the way there was a large jump over a collapsed section leading down into the basement. "You use the magic to enhance your legs an surge forth with a burst of speed. It can let you leap long distances easily." Matsu focused and hummed breathing in the mist and tapping her legs as she moved jumping and landing as the magics burst her forth with a quick shot of speed.
"I have not had the opportunity to learn until now. I'm not even sure who my parents are though I do see flashes of things every now and again. I practice as much as I can and when I can't sleep. I know I have a lot to learn but I'm willing to learn." She was a survivor and would catch up to where she was supposed to be. Anastasia was very lucky that so many people were trying to help her. She could never really thank any of these individuals enough.

The young witch watched as [member="Matsu Ike"] showed her how to run. This would work very well when she was fighting or needing to get herself or others somewhere fast. "Does this work for strength as well? I could use it to pick someone up and quickly get them to safety?"

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