Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion [OOC Sign-up] War in the Rim — GA Invasion of SO held Sluis Van and Echnos

IC-wise, Pal is still on the GA payroll as a contractor.

Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah I am looking for action, but not necessarily PVP since I’d prefer Pal not get murdered by a Sith Master today. Could join in some shenanigans with you two.

Otherwise, I figured I would go objective I, perhaps as pilot for a Jedi boarding party to get them to the shipyards, then offer assistance and maybe do some BYOO action.

I can also bring Padd out to play if any Sith is still looking for a fight. I am more of an old school writer when it comes to duels — think movies/TCW rather than comics/video games/EU powers.

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