This was literally like the third thing we talked about [member="Colap Ticon"]
So this is either willful ignorance on your part about a conversation you took a large part in, or you decided not to follow after a certain point and only payed attention to the part where you're getting out. I'm also going to point out that nowhere did your side mention bringing half their entire navel force. It just smacks of you figuring out how many guys we have without saying your own force size so you can bring 10 times as much and just dogpile, which is what looks to have happened. So now I've re-evaluated what a 'relatively minor monitoring fleet' is, and given the recent incursions into the Maw, I can easily see it being buffed up slightly, to say, 15 ships or so.
Regardless, here's most of our conversations, all of which you were present for. I've highlighted major points for ease of reference.
[11/9/2014 10:52:28 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: But yeah, as Colap said, about the dominion, that doesn't need to be discussed immediately, but we would like to discuss it briefly later on.
As to the rescue thread, we are looking to sort out the details of it
[11/9/2014 10:52:45 PM] Colap Ticon (Ravens): where when who what why
[11/9/2014 10:52:46 PM] aterfeles: yeah
[11/9/2014 10:54:15 PM] aterfeles: kessel, there's not much there for over-zealous rescuers to mess up and it seems a natural place to send prisoners we arent just going to execute.
[11/9/2014 10:54:54 PM] aterfeles: I would like to ask that you not try to attack the spice mines themselves though and to give us time to interrogate
[11/9/2014 10:55:02 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Classic slave mines
[11/9/2014 10:55:12 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Ah so it won't be in the mines?
[11/9/2014 10:55:13 PM] aterfeles: well droids these days
[11/9/2014 10:55:19 PM] aterfeles: yeah
[11/9/2014 10:58:26 PM] aterfeles: I was thinknig just a standard detainment faculity on the far side.
[11/9/2014 10:59:07 PM] Colap Ticon (Ravens): so me and cryax will be in the same cell right?
[11/9/2014 10:59:33 PM] Colap Ticon (Ravens): just made my thread exit post by the way
[11/9/2014 10:59:34 PM] aterfeles: same wing at least
[11/9/2014 10:59:55 PM] Colap Ticon (Ravens): okay how about cells next to each other so we can at least talk while the thread starts up
[11/9/2014 11:01:44 PM] aterfeles: sure I guess, I'd still like to interrogate, so far we know very little about who's attacking us IC. Just some names and a location for a potential capital
[11/9/2014 11:03:45 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: As for the rescue mission, I don't plan to go balls to the wall the moment it starts up, I plan on organising the teams before dispatching them, so did you want to do the interrogation in the same thread while the RR are off elsewhere getting ready?
[11/9/2014 11:04:12 PM] Star Lord: sorry, doing stuffs
[11/9/2014 11:05:06 PM] aterfeles: mmmm, yeah, that'd be easiest
[11/9/2014 11:28:10 PM] Colap Ticon (Ravens): want to throw it up now and just take it slow?
[11/9/2014 11:29:02 PM] aterfeles: if you like, I'm trying to work on other threads at the moment before they slip away
[11/11/2014 1:50:57 AM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: I can wait in that case
[11/11/2014 9:53:21 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Any specific information i can get on the location of Cryax and Colap? for purposes of description when the thread is thrown up
[11/11/2014 10:13:35 PM] aterfeles: umm
[11/11/2014 10:14:23 PM] aterfeles: maximum security penal faculity on kessel disassociated from the mines in function and distance.
[11/11/2014 10:15:24 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: What would it look like? defences etc?
[11/11/2014 10:17:28 PM] aterfeles: Wall, fences, gun towers and bunkers. guards in pressurized armor.
[11/11/2014 10:17:41 PM] aterfeles: AA
[11/11/2014 10:18:00 PM] aterfeles: localized shield probably
[11/11/2014 10:18:46 PM] aterfeles: We also have a relativly minor fleet there just because of the spice and proximity to the Maw for monitoring and defence/interception/control
[11/11/2014 10:19:47 PM] aterfeles: Basically stuff that'll delay your guys long enough to actually have a decent interrogation and we can learn some of your things
[11/11/2014 10:20:50 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Wow, you went the whole mile
[11/11/2014 10:21:12 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: So whats the gravity like? I understand some of Kessel is vacuum, and Kessel is a large asteroid right?
[11/11/2014 10:22:08 PM] aterfeles: its a partial vaccume, you can survive but not easilly and you wouldn't want to do a jog in it. gravity would probably be something like 2 thirds normal
[11/11/2014 10:22:44 PM] aterfeles: [Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:20 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]:
<<< Wow, you went the whole mileIf you're going to do something...
Besides, got to protect that spice, and the Maw.
[11/12/2014 5:06:52 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Rescue OP be PVP or Objective based?
[11/12/2014 5:06:59 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Or a mix-up of both
[11/12/2014 5:07:28 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: I think PVP-Objective would be neat, having people work together to get the shields down, handle the fleet, you know
[11/12/2014 8:11:47 PM] aterfeles: I was thinking story based
[11/12/2014 8:12:02 PM] aterfeles: and then having the fleet chase you off towards the end
[11/12/2014 8:19:51 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: As this will involving us attacking a compound of yours, shall I classify it as a skirmish?
[11/12/2014 8:21:29 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: The Ravens don't plan on sneaking in
[11/12/2014 8:21:48 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Infiltration is not our forte
[11/12/2014 8:21:58 PM] aterfeles: You want to assault a secure and heavilly guarded faculity?
[11/12/2014 8:21:59 PM] Luke Hales [Lysle]: Thugs aren't smart enough to tread quietly, yah feel
No objections, no asking for things to be lessened or scope of attack to be broadened, too late to ask otherwise once the race has started.
And yet it seems like everything we worked out you're either surprised at us doing as discussed or ignoring your own obligations/reported plan and now you're calling me out on them and saying I'm a liar after everyone said to drop it? There are so many things I want to say to you [member="Colap Ticon"] that just aren't site appropriate right now.
I will say this. For the second time in two years of writing here, I am genuinely upset with another writer. Congratulations.