Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Downfall: Carida [One Sith vs. Republic]

Location: Carida City
Objectives: Defend the city and karking wait for an assault
Allies: One Sith and Alies
Enemies: [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]nand all Republic and allies

Smirk coming to her lips as to the fact that could put her plan into play now. It had taken weeks to put this in play, but it was playing off. All the force users she had saved from New Order razing by using her sith magic to protect them. Now they worked for her. Not only that with the right patient she had infiltrated the army of the Republic with her own small army.

Looking towards one of the office that was giving out their orders, all she did was have a smirk upon her lips, as she let her own force work into the weak fool mind, giving him different orders. It would help to get the sith one soldiers into the city by leaving holes with in their defense. If one would look there was people in place but in reality it was her own solider all that was waiting was sending out the code to those that was waiting to flow into the city. Now came to keeping up the look as if she was working with the company she had been place in, with her papers and orders looking in place. All she could do was place herself upon a roof top, to find herself looking over the battle with a calm cool look upon her face. Waiting ...for the fun to begin.


Kiyron stopped, frowning as the directives changed. He rolled his eyes. That new Silver Jedi Order or whatever it was called that left the Republic some time back had gotten some of their forces in trouble and shot down. Great. Now they had to spare people to retrieve them. Meaning him and whomever might potentially be spared. At the moment, that was @RC-1025. Neither of them were particularly suited for civilian evac. They were, but their skills were better used elsewhere. He tapped his comm to contact RC. "Change of plans. We need to medevac some allies that got their dropship shot down 23 kliks West of here. I'm commandeering a speeder. Rendezvous at the pool." He tapped the comm off and started running towards the speeder-pool, yelling at those in his way to move.
Location: En route to Academy of Carida
Objective: Regroup at Academy of Carida
Allies: Republic Forces

Enemies: One Sith Forces

Hasjo marched at the head of the vanguard. Four fireteams had accompanied him on this mission, some of the elite of the Sixth Battalion. There was nothing their naval officers could have done to safely land their aircraft. When you're flying a consular-class cruiser through a fleet of hundreds of Sith frigates and star destroyers, you're lucky to be alive. Each fireteam held three riflemen with the A-1 Harvester, and a single marksmen with the A-2 Onyx. The clinking of their metallic armour was all that could be heard. Their armour and weaponry was state of the art, it boasted some great strengths, but also weaknesses. They would be at the Academy within the hour, or so some troopers reported. The injured naval officers were delaying their march. They looked like a trail of ants following a leader, stretching far back. Hasjo wondered if the One Sith had already landed their assault parties, or if the Republic had finally arrived in orbit to combat the enemy fleet. Regardless, his mission remained the same. The marines of the Sixth Battalion began to cry out their cadence, strengthening their moral, "When I die please bury me deep! Place an AB-1 down by my feet! Don't cry for me, don't shed no tear! Just pack my box with PT gear! Cuz one early morning 'bout zero-five! The ground will rumble, there'll be lightning in the sky! Don't you worry, don't come undone! It's just my ghost on a PT run!"
[member="Daella Apparine"] [member="Popo"]

Cypher had his hands supporting his upper body upon the holo battlefield display. Eagerly watching things unfold and judging; silently, Daella's commands. When she asked a question about the S.C. he knew exactly who she was talking about. And since he'd some experience with the Hutt, his opinions were of some worth. "If I know Popo; and I've a fair bit of knowledge and experience with him. He won't be on that carrier". Cypher manipulated the field and moved it over to the Star of the Republic, a MC180 Remembrance-class Battlecruiser. "If he's here, this is the ship he'd be on. Hiding behind all those guns and thick shields. Notice also these escorts are positioned to take fire for it. Seems like that's their command ship. No good reason for that ship to have that kind of cover, when its not heavily engaged".


here for your dad
WHERE: Carida City
WHO: [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

The delicious pastry finally reached those eager lips. The time was now...



So surprised by her croissant's combustion the mute actually tried to scream, of course what came out instead was a hoarse rasp that sounded like an asthmatic cat on a roller-coaster. Evelynn instinctively flung the pastry aside before she lost both of her eyebrows and just like that, brunch was ruined.

Calm. Composed. You're a lady.

With her face completely still a skeletal hand slowly moved for the coffee cup, and the Silent Sister once more brought the bitter liquid to her lips. Stimcaf soothes the soul, you know? Oh. Who am I kidding? Evelynn whirled around in her seat, eyes glazed over with rage and very promptly moved to throw her cup of hot brown over the Scourge of Brunch.


Space-Between Republic and Sith Fleet
[member="Albrecht Tagge"] [member="Darth Veles"]
Shara flew through the space almost expertly, a grin on his face as he darted his ship in and around his allied fleet. In the distance he could make up his enemies, the Republic fleet encroaching quickly, almost too quickly. He smiled, and turned his Annihilator starfighter towards the Republics fleet. Only there he spotted one teensy little problem, a massive screen of fighters, capital ships, and cruisers.

“Keep headed for the Republic fleet, I have a new Target.” Shara said into the radio as he twisted his controls and pointed his ships directly towards the Protectorate fleet, a wing of Annihilators swarming after him in quick derisive movements. The Protectorate flagship was by no means any less defended, in fact it was perhaps more so, but out of the corner of his eye, Shara saw the flicker of movement.

This would be grand

Admiral Kyrin Nassin
[member="Ayden Cater"]
As Shara moved towards the Republic fleet, an empty section of space to the left of both of the massive fleets flickered slightly. Realspace warped, and from the bowels of hyperspace another fleet vomited itself into existence. Star Destroyer after Star Destroyer fell into the space around Carida, accompanied by more than a Dozen Scythe class Cruisers and headed by a single Bakura Class Star Destroyer.

On board that Destroyer stood a man, short and stout wearing a pair of glasses, his eyes a raging blue.

Kyrin stared out the viewport of the ship, looking at the fleets arrayed before him.

“Well. Ain't this a sight.” Kyrin said to himself as he spotted the fleet of the Omega protectorate. His eyes bulged slightly as he spotted the massive Star Defender. Part of the Admiral shook slightly, goosebumps trailing up his spine. “Alright boys. Looks like we got work to do.”

Kyrin looked at his ensigns who all seemed to be enthralled by the massive fleet ahead of them. This could quite possibly be the biggest fleet engagement since...well maybe Coruscant was bigger but this wasn't anything to scoff at, especially with that central ship in the Protectorate fleet.

The Admiral cracked his neck, then spoke. “Have fighters from The Vindicators and Arden'ts launch, then form a screen around us to protect us from enemy fire and fighters. Keep the Scythes Crossfires in their hangars for now.” Sacrifice was needed. “I want all Scythes to focus fire on those two Indomitable-Class Star Defenders, hit them from the side and tear them apart. Vindicator's fire on their carriers.”

No carriers, no resupply for an extended fight.

“Keep the Ardent Fast Frigates back with us, shields forward fire at the enemy fleet at will.” Kyrin frowned slightly, his eyes shifting across the Protectorate. His own ships were coming at them from a diagonal path. Towards the planet but at a different angle than the One Sith's current fleets. They would have the advantage of surprise, but once the Protectorate fleet rounded on them, it likely wouldn't become a very pleasant endeavor. The Admiral was well aware of what the Protectorate ships could do, and it wasn't anything he or his men would be too fond of.

Then Almost as if an afterthought. “Immobilizers, blanket the Republic and Protectorate fleet.”

There would be no escape, for anyone.

1x Bakura-class Star Destroyer- The Herder 850m
10x Vindicator Class Heavy Cruiser 6000m
16x Scythe 8800m
12x Ardent-Class Fast Frigate 48000m
4x Immobilizer 418 Cruiser 2400m

240 TIE Series StarFighters -Vindicators
144 Predator-Class Fighters-Ardents
768 CF9 Crossfire starfighters-Scythes
Location: Carida City Starport
Allies: [member="Turin Val Kur"] | [member="Rosa Mazhar"] | [member="Tahira Solo"] | ALL REPUBLIC
Enemies: ONE SITH

Sometimes, the simplest things happened. Restocking of supplies was the order of the day, specifically medical supplies, and who better than a couple healers? Ilias had been more than happy to volunteer for the run - he had not been on Carida in some time... one of those times, in fact, had been when the planet was under Imperial rule and the visit had been what his associate at the time had called 'interesting, to say the least'. Back in the days when being a Jedi was still the death penalty.

Even now, forces were attempting once again to make that the case, to a certain degree. The feeling had stopped him in his tracks, leaving Rosa to tend to the supplies as he spread his senses up and outward, past the atmosphere, past the two moons, the standing military force, and further still. He delved deeper into the ebbs and flows of the Force, slipping into a shallow meditative state and gave the eye of his mind a view to the outer fringes of the system. There was nothing, but... something that made the fine hairs up the back of his neck, around and over the markings of his age, stand up on end. His brow furrowed as his physical eyes peered at the sky while his senses swept from the far reaches, to the closest.

Then, as if appearing out of thin air, ships descended on the planet of Carida and the feeling of that apparition sent the ancient master stumbling back a step. It was not long before they were set upon the world, not long before the crackle of the comm on his belt teased at his physical senses, but went numb against his metaphysical ones. Then again, comm activity came, and snapped him out of his barely meditative state, and he turned his eyes and senses to the starport facility, mild alarm coursing through him. Taking one last look as the city before him came alive with battle, he took a deep, calming breath, and wasted no time joining Rosa in the spaceport, to the site of injured and... dead, his eyes assessing the situation while his ears honed in on the chatter. He came to his fellow Levantine, and to a woman who was unfamiliar, but for her name, which she had given.He looked to the unfamiliar brunette, by the name of Tahira Solo, and inclined his head.

"Ilias Nytrau," then, to Rosa: "My apologies, Knight Mazhar..." he said, sincerely, "...the Force sometimes demands my attention even to the detriment of other matters. Things have indeed taken a turn for the worst, but..."

He laid a large, gentle hand on her shoulder. " would do well to calm yourself, my friend. Carida is once again beset by storm, for what I doubt will be the last time, and is certainly not the first. We need our wits about us. And a plan."

Certainly not the last time, indeed. There had been a time, he distinctly recalled, when this planet had been destroyed. He had been deep in meditations for days to sort through and shake off the utter feeling of death that had come with that occurrence. No such thing would happen today, if he could be of any help to stop it.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Carida City
TO DO: [member="Evelynn Zambrano"]
FEATURING @Spencer Jacobs

Seated waif applies negligible muscle mass to the task of propelling a liquid ten metres. Predicted result: very damp boots. The truly lethal liquid spattered Ashin from shin to toe-

Or would have if she hadn't immeasureably overreacted. See, when a Master of the Dark Side, no matter how waiflike, loses it with rage, one senses that. One becomes aware that something nasty is on its way. And thus, one uses those few seconds to prepare to tank some emanation of the Force sufficient to kill.

Ashin's personal specialty was twofold, and that combined specialty could come into play at a moment's notice. What some called Force Weapon, the skill and trick of thought that allowed a Master to make a walking stick invulnerable to a lightsabre, snapped into being -- not just around the gimer stick she used as a cane, but around her entire body. A force field of willpower, of utter denial. She centered herself, grounded herself to the core of the world so that not even the black hole at the heart of the galaxy could have dislodged her. The textbook immovable object.

One inch from contact with Ashin's boots, the caf splashed against a metaphysical force field sufficient to decline entropic invitations from a Base Delta Zero.

She turned it off like flipping a light switch.

Carida City
Enemy: Cream filled cupcake & [member="Evelynn Zambrano"]
Allies: [member="Ashin Varanin"]

Watching everything unfold between the two, Spencer Jacobs wondered how these two would continue on with the fight. A part of her was upset about the croissant mostly because it was food wasted. She didn't feel anything for the Caf that was tossed aside mostly because stim-caf was the devil and made her go a bit bonkers. A hand made it to her face as she pinched the bridge of her nose trying to regain some composure from the display before her. Wasn't this supposed to be a fight? Shrugging it off, she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a cream filled cupcake. She had been saving the treat for after the invasion, but what the heck might as well eat it now.

Taking a bite out of the cake, she paused for a moment. Chewing a few times she searched and searched for the creamy goodness. Looking down at her hand which was now covered in the white filling, she frowned and swallowed the unsatisfying bite of cupcake. Shrugging, she took advantage of the two being occupied with their childish fight and slowly licked the cream from her wrist to her hand. Then finally with such delicate attention to detail, she suckled each finger till they were clean.
Location: Space
Objective: Locate and neutralize The Protectorate Fleet Commander
Allies: Darth Shara, Daella Apparine Albrecht Tagge
Enemies: Ayden Cater Popo
Admiral Tibrius flinched as the protectorate fleet open fire at his fleet. He had a little time to return fire with his long range ships before that salvo hit, though they manged to fire their aimed volley of fire mostly aiming at his front line with quarantined fire. Those that could aimed at ayden command ship. Couple of his front line Victory II class Destroyers reported to be badly damage, while the rest got away with a minor damage. Those two had to fall back or risk destruction. Then Admiral Tibrius order his furys and fighter to close in and brake formation. While the cruiser and frigates moved forward, keeping up an aimed and concentrated fire on lead ships, as well as the Leviathan-class Super Star Defender if possible.
Darth Banshee saw the furys and fighters move in, she stayed back with main fleet. She would engage once the main fire fight died down. She did not want to risk being exposed by stray shot, it would ruin her surprise boarding action. Though it would not be long before the two fleets clashed and boarding actions began.



here for your dad
WHERE: Carida City
WHO: [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
WHY: You throw stimcaf like a girl!

Evelynn blinked.

Then she blinked again

That was some quantity of overkill. It was almost impressive due to the absurdity of it all, but then again hey, at least Ashin gave the blonde skeleton a fraction of credit. I mean, the mute could have done something scary. Caution is a girl's best friend.

Her granite gaze wandered over to the woman in the process of eating and seemingly falling out with a cupcake. Oh! So she could have brunch? BRUNCH: FOR ASHIN AND FRIENDS ONLY. The more you know!

No, you stand up for yourself, girl.

Stuff the Dark Lord.

The Silent Sister stood up, putting most of her weight upon the staff that had been leaning upon the cafe table. Clack. Clack. Clack. It wasn't the most intimating sight, being approached by the fragile creature, in fact, in the face of it all most would have laughed. Frowning little rat faced blonde woman, body full of scars, head full of misery.

I am not leaving.

She strolled right up to Ashin, and not a single care was given. No doubt the other woman could have killed her at the table just as well. Distance made no difference, it only said she wasn't afraid.

I will bring horror and anguish and you will not stop me.

The blonde tilted her head upwards to stare directly at the revered Master.

I will have my fun.
Location: Carida City; undisclosed skyscraper overlooked the Headquarters for the Circle of Merchants.
Objective: Continue to neutralize Republic Troops
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic
...once he'd begun to scan the ground for potential targets again, as predicted it was long before the two men he'd shot to be discovered and others to start seeking out his location, Ronan didn't want to give away his position to early in the game. Using his zoom scope to maximum advantage he'd continue scanning the ground, he saw the various kinds of different infantry that had feet on the ground as well as several vehicles that had been positioned defensively throughout the streets, and he'd bide his time while choosing his next target from high in the skyscraper. Obviously he wasn't the only operative working on the ground with the One Sith either which meant as his eyes trailed the streets and various low level buildings he'd have watched for anyone that could be one of his potential allies in this engagement as well... Ronan brought his E11s Sniper Rifle around for another pass of the Headquarters for the Circle of Merchants he'd have zeroed in on another group of soldiers. These soldiers were positioned outside the Headquarters, waiting defensively behind various sandbags and other outcrops meant to act as cover and slow the advance of enemy troops, where they made perfect targets for him without ever realizing it. The Sniper Rifle leveled itself while its zoom scope did all the work of helping Ronan line up another perfect shot and then there was a brief -pop- that would follow while the man concurrently exhaled a breath...

...tapping the trigger of his rifle he'd watch as a blaster bolt arced from the extended barrel of the sniper rifle, traveled across the distance between its origin and its target at a high velocity, and then...head shot...another soldier fell with a backwards snap of the head that sent the other men stationed with him into a panicked chaos. They hadn't located Ronan yet. All he had to do was wait momentarily for another man to act impulsively and rush to the aid of his fallen comrade as well. Ronan squeezed the trigger of the E11s Sniper Rifle a second time and another bolt was fired, a delicate sound as it exited the suppressed barrel the only indication, then the second target jerked once violently and fell forward onto the ground. Unlike the first time he'd only put his shot into the mans back, he might even still be alive but he'd be incapacitated regardless...

...rising from where he'd aiming down from the building Ronan would have relied on his Camouflage Armor for maximum effect as he backed away from the window and turned to exit the room quickly and quietly without a trace. He needed to relocate to a different fire position. When Ronan reached the entrance to the room he would have let the door close behind him before wandering in the direction of an adjacent room, or maybe one on the level above or below this one, to keep his position a relative mystery inside the skyscraper...
Location: Carida City
Objectives: Give discipline to the sergeant who's giving orders and eliminate enemy hostiles
Allies: [member=Doc]
Ennemies: [member=Brian Shadow-Tarkin] [member=Ronan Dyre]

Canal was the only soldier on the battlefield who was the commanding officer of the whole army. No one was to give out orders except him and his subordinates.

He was still at the entrance to the city, bored and was thinking 'So this is how it feels when you're expecting a huge enemy but doesn't appear. I hate this job.'

But all of a sudden he heard a comm link. He was exited to hear it, hoping that it was one of his scouts telling him they found hostile movements coming straight at them. He listened to the comm link and listened to it.

"Sir, one of our sergeants are telling the men to take ten when you gave the order that everyone was to be ready and be prepared."

Disappointed of this report began talking to the soldier via comm link.

"I'll be right there, trooper. For now, shut his mouth until I get there."

He turned his speeder the other direction, towards the city and heard another comm link. He wondered if the sergeant was doing something stupid that would get him demoted or court martialed.

"Sir, one of our gunships that are patrolling in the city has sight of two of our men dead on the HQ building on the roof the building."

Finally, something that will keep Canal from getting bored.

"I'll be right there, soldier. Send out five platoons, with five walkers to each, to secure the buildings and skyscrapers. Something has infiltrated our defenses."

He looked at Doc and said, "Get your troops at the line. If they have infiltrated our defenses then don't doubt that the enemy will be coming." With that he left for the HQ building on his speeder, along with his Ori'Ramikad.

He arrived at the building and asked for the soldier who was being an idiot at the moment.

"Do you have any idea you could've done to our defenses, trooper! Take him to the brig and I don't want any screwing around you maggots! Is that understood!"

And was replied with a 'Yes, sir!' From the men. "And what about the two troopers who are confirmed dead? What happened to him?"

"We don't know, sir. It couldn't have been a Sith cause there would have been blaster fire from them."

Interesting. But Canal thought he knew what the cause is.

"I want all soldiers on high alert. I want soldiers to view through all the security cameras and stay there so we can see all movements in the city. And I want all the gunships in the city to look around the skyscrapers of the city and the roofs of every building. Check on your HUDs at all time."

After his orders all troopers in the city were on high alert and Canal was still stationed inside the HQ building and would shortly go out to find the ghost assassin who killed the two soldiers. But what happened next was the panic of a soldier who told him that one of the men were hit. Perfect.

"Let's go!" He yelled to his Ori'Ramikad and began exiting out of the building and found two soldiers down. One was still alive.

"," he said.

"Get a medic!" He yelled. And in his comm link he ordered:

"I want three more platoons to search out in the skyscrapers." And began running to the nearest skyscraper to the Circle of Merchants. He wasn't going to allow more soldiers die because of a sniper or snipers in the city.

The Hound

Location: Carida City Starport
Objective: Engage the Sith Ground Forces and Protect Civilians
Allies: [member="Ilias Nytrau"] | Rosa Mazhar | Tahira Solo | Republic+Allies
Enemies: All One Sith PCs

Standing to his full height he let the child down and made his way to the mother, his finger pressed against the com set in his ear. "Yes, yes Rosa, I'm fine." his heart sank when he heard that Jace was dead, but he guessed as much when he heard her call out the man's name. He grimaced and his cold, blue eyes flickered. These Sith...They would just continue to kill and murder until the Galaxy was under their oppressive heel. She was speaking quickly, rapidly. He reached out to her in the Force, empath to empath and attempted to spread calm. "I'm sorry...Is Ilias with you?" It didn't matter, he would find out soon. What separated the group was a collapsed ceiling that had fallen through. He wasn't going to be lifting that out of the way any time soon. Cursing under his breath he pressed his finger to the com again. "Rosa, I'm stuck on the other side I'll have to find a way around.

Looking around the burning hangar, alarms blaring in his ears he sighed heavily, "Is the ship on your side?" he asked, nearly yelling as a small explosion rocked the hangar once again.
| [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member="Popo"] | [member="Daella Apparine"] | [member="Albrecht Tagge"] |

Location: The Niathal
Objective: Take Popo dead or alive
Allies: Daella Apparine, Albrecht Tagge
Enemies: Ayden Cater, Popo

Ayra spun the Niathal in. The Commander of the Ayrix made a mistake in the previous transmission and had corrected himself on the next, explaining that through the Republic chatter, Popo was last sighted on the Star of the Republic. As the Interdictor-class Cruiser and it's Ardent-class fast frigate swarmed around the Heart of Coruscant like swarming bees to nectar, Ayra spotted the Star of the Republic ahead.

She tapped into the comms of her Sith Interceptors. "Form a screen directly ahead of me. I'm going in."
"Yes, my Lord," replied the pilots. Moving in front of the Niathal, they formed a barrier against the incoming starfighters and point defense laser turrets of the Star. An Interceptor to the right exploded, as it was engulfed in energy. So did the other two a minute later. She was alone and she knew it. Her eyes closed, feeling the Force. Expanding her senses out, she knew what she had to do next.

Her target systems locked onto the starfighters ahead. Rolling the Niathal into a spin, the Sith Lord at it's helm performed the Tallon split. The emplacements and targeting systems locked on her ship would be messed up. This, in turn, allowed Darth Ayra to burst through the open hangar bay doors and down into the hangar bay of the Star of the Republic. Activating the cockpit unlocking mechanisms, she leaped out of her seat as the Niathal crashed and slid along the floor, taking out a dozen starfighters in it's fiery inferno. Her Lightsaber spun into ignition as she landed on the ground; and in her Shien technique, she systematically began taking out the on board security teams, one at a time.
Objective: boom.

Doc watched the blaster bolt impact the man. Then another. The first shot of a sniper was the most important. Doc began to wonder why the sniper had chosen to use a blaster rifle. Doc's head snapped, watching for the direction of the sniper as he fired his second shot, watching the man come to the aid of his fallen comrade. Doc saw him cowardly cut down another soldier. Doc ducked downward, and turned. He retrieved a smoke grenade from an adjacent grenadier, popping it on the rooftop. Smoke, thick and covering, began to cover their position for a moment. He already knew the building.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"] was moving and ordering. Doc already knew the building, but not the location of the sniper. He calmly walked over to him, grabbing his shoulder and pointing to the building.

"Open fire at that building. Aim for the support structure, bring that sucker down."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Carida City
TO DO: [member="Evelynn Zambrano"]
Featuring [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

The old Ashin would have cut her in half, electrocuted her, slammed her waist-deep into the earth. The new Ashin might have qualified as having more mercy, but certainly had a better sense of proportion.

This was not, to Ashin's mind, a proportional response to the psychopathic Sith Master before her. This was a proportional response to the teenage...witch.

A gimer stick is a wonderful thing. Yoda could tell you that it serves as both cane and snack; when chewed, the bark releases tasty and nutritious juice. Ashin's gimer stick, carved from a tree near a certain cave on Dagobah, bore a few bite marks. Mostly, however, it just served to lessen the load on her bad right knee, which had taken heavy hits from every kind of enemy. The knee had no luck, save being supported by that excellent gimer stick. As her lightsabre deactivated, the knobbled ersatz appendage rose in a quick sidelong thwack at the outside of Evelynn's left knee. She used a basic emanation of Force Weapon to protect it, of course; she liked her stick.
High Orbit over Carida
On Board the Leviathan
Allies: [member="Popo"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Albrecht Tagge"], [member="Darth Shara"]

Nova Group had little trouble defending itself against the One Sith starfighters. Each corvette had a dozen quad laser cannon turrets. There was simply no direction the One Sith could attack from that the Protectorate corvettes could not fire on them. They moved in a well coordinated wedge, concentrating fire on approaching enemy starfighters while fending off would-be boarders.

Ayden smiled as he watched the devastation unfold. The aging Victory-class Star Destroyers were unprepared for the sudden onslaught. The one that the Leviathan had targeted saw the hypervelocity round run straight through the tower and continue on into space, creating a brilliant fireball trailing in its wake as atmosphere was sucked suddenly and violently out. Other ships of the One Sith fleet fared similarly. They were not as well armed as other modern ships were, and many of the Protectorate ships carried several long-range guns. As the One Sith drew closer, the number of guns that opened fire would only increase. Those ships that made the poor decision to turn and try to flee would only find fire concentrated on their engines.

As their fleet was being pounded on all fronts, they seemed intent to bring down the Leviathan's shields. It was unfortunate for them that they were wasting their efforts there. The massive shield generators used by the flagship were significantly stronger than those on a mere cruiser. And their focus created a second flaw in their attacks. "Bring the Shield projectors back online, and cease fire." Brilliant flashes of blue erupted from the pair of cruisers flanking the fleet, bringing the two large shields together in the middle at the same instance the last cannon fired. A few errant shots connected with the interior of the shield, but it mattered little. The One Sith's fire broke on massive shields, finding no purchase with their target's shields. The enemy commander had apparently never studied the Protectorate's previous engagements.

Any interesting development came when another One Sith fleet dropped out of hyperspace. Amusingly, it too was comprised of outdated ships. "Apparently the One Sith's pockets run shallow. Let's show them how little their numbers count for. Scramble their sensors. Have the fleet begin evasive pattern Kesk-Nine-Zero. Have the Osarian Justice target their flagship. Keep our fighters on alert and have the Breath of Innehes create a flak wall the moment those new arrivals so much as sneeze a fighter in our direction."

Half the Protectorate fleet fired its ventral thrusters at once, slowly elevating themselves relative to the plane of fire from the new Sith fleet. At the same time, the Osarian Justice began turning, firing its quad ion cannons to weaken the Bakuran Star Destroyer's shields in preparation for the big show. The ships on that side of the Leviathan opened up fire on the Sith fleet as well while the other half had fired their dorsal thrusters and were coming around and under to better position itself to face the two fleets at once. Even if they were antiquated ships with antiquated guns, they still had a large advantage in numbers. "Reinforce the Innehes' shields every time they drop below eighty-five percent, or any other ship if theirs drops below thirty. Order the fleet to draw half power from all non-engaged shield vectors and reinforce the ones under fire."

Sensors went off, detecting large shifts in the nearby gravity field. That was when he spotted the ancient interdictors. "Target the closest one with the main gun." Normally it would be foolish to target a simple cruiser with the heavy hypervelocity guns. They were normally far too agile to be hit reliably. But then again, interdictors had a fatal flaw in combat. Their generated mass, the same mass designed to prevent other ships from entering hyperspace, slowed their engines considerably. As well, they also drew in space debris so any micro-errors in the firing solution would be corrected as the slug entered the interdictor's gravity field, which would occur the moment they left the barrel. The enemy commander had just sentenced four ships to die quick deaths. "Fire."

One Leviathan-class Super Star Defender - (Shields at 93%)
Two Antilles-class Star Defenders
- Sword of Ihaer
- Osarian Justice

Two Belsar- class Command Carriers
- Breath of Innehes - (Shields at 92%)
- Wings of Grace
Two Indomitable-class Star Defenders
- Aurelius' Judgement - (Shields at 95%)
- Light of Corell
Four Warden-class Heavy Cruisers
- Spirit of Rhommamool
- Fallen's Burden
- Redemption
- Endless Vigil

Four Stalwart-class Heavy Cruisers
- Everest
- Winter's Night
- Nomad's Retreat
- Breaker of Fate

Two Sentinel-class Cruisers
- Pillar of Dawn
- Eye of Duihr

Two Shield-class Cruisers
- Shield of Corellia
- Shield of Fondor

Ten Blockade Runners
- Nova (Five Corvettes)
- Nebula (Five Corvettes)
Fleet Total: 25,000 meters

Hanger Craft:
---Twenty-four OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons
---Nineteen OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons
---Ten OS-B1 Bomber Squadrons
---Seven OS-B2 Bomber Squadrons
---Eight OS-I1 Interceptor Squadrons
---Seven OS-I2 Interceptor Squadrons
---Eighty-Four Peregrine Gunships
---Forty-Eight Protectorate LAACs
---Thirty-Six Inimica Gunships
---One Hundred Four C/T 400s
---Twenty-Four C/T 400cs
---One Hundred Forty-Four M47 Dropships
---Fifty-Six M32 Agrevant Dropships
---Thirty-Six CXR-75 Heavy Dropships
---Sixteen M59 Heavy Dropships

8 Strike Corvettes
---Ten OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons
---Six OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons
---Sixteen Inimica Gunships
---Thirty-Two M47 Dropships
Location: Skyscraper overlooking the Headquarters for the Circle of Merchants
Objective: Neutralize Republic Troops
Enemies: [member="Doc"] [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
Allies: Sith
...reappearing after he had left to relocate Ronan would have found his way into a different room on the same level of the skyscraper which would afford him a somewhat different angle of fire from his overwatch position. As he approached the window of the room overlooking the Headquarters for the Circle of Merchants he would have set his E11s Sniper Rifle aside against a wall, and reached under his Camouflage Armor to retrieve a glass cutter which he'd use to create a large enough hole for his rifles barrel to feed through while affording it enough mobility to fire at varying angles. Altogether the process was brief involving Ronan placing the device against the window and using it to slice the hole into the window before he moved away to retrieve his rifle once more...

...with his Camouflage Armor still in effect, functioning as it should, Ronan would have blend in with his surroundings becoming essentially invisible meaning that it would be beyond difficult to see him normally and nigh impossible at range. He was attacking from a skyscraper after all which stretched skyward and provided ample view of Carida City as it stretched out around it. Only his shots would give away his position ultimately. With the sniper rifle back in his hands Ronan returned to the window, feeding the barrel of the rifle through the hole he'd cut, before using the zoom scope to scan the ground below in a single slow sweep that would leave little beyond his notice...

...of course his primary target was the Headquarters which meant he would focus on that. As Ronan came back around to preform a sweep of the building he'd notice the smoke that had been used to conceal it from his fire however which would have normally proven extremely effective, it hid the physical body well, however he allowed his vision to adjust to the ultraviolet spectrum, a natural byproduct of his Firrerreo heritage brought on by the nicitating membranes that protected his eyes, which would allow him to track his targets via a different means augmented by the zoom scope that he was looking through. It wasn't perfect but it had its advantages...

...he zeroed in on a man, indistinguishable in the ultraviolet spectrum from all the others, that looked like he was pointing towards the skyscraper and squeezed the trigger of the E11s Sniper Rifle causing a blaster bolt to zip out of the suppressed barrel and down towards the target. Due to the smoke that had been popped Ronan would only aim for the center mass of the torso, the largest target, in hopes of putting his man down before he found another target and did likewise in quick succession without actually checking to grade the success of his shots...

...withdrawing the sniper rifle from the window he moved backwards, reaching under the rifle to pull free the empty energy cell that had been feeding the shots before retrieving another from his person and reloading. Reloading the sniper rifle wasn't a difficult task and Ronan was almost ready, his tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth once...

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