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Intent - To provide The Emergence Empire with a Heavy Battle Droid
Image Source - Pinterest
Role - Heavy Infantry Unit / Breach Unit
Links - The Cassum Cabal / The Emergence Empire / P1H Battle Droid
Unit Name - P1H Heavy Droid Infantry
Affiliation - The Emergence Empire
Classification - Heavy Infantry
Equipment - EB1 Battle Rifle, Shoulder-Mounted Downscale Turbolaser (SMTL)
Description - The P1H is the bigger brother to the P1. Equipped with a powerful Downscale turbolaser on its shoulder for anti-infantry, anti-vehicle and siege purposes, the P1H excels at pulling chunks from enemy infantry and providing mobile and immediate artillery
Besides its SMTL, the P1H is a capable fighter. Operated by a Proliator Battle-Brain, the P1H is just as capable as an infantry unit and hand-hand combat as the P1
Unit Availability - Common
Unit Size - Small
Unit Experience - Trained
Combat Function - Integrated with the rest of the P1 forward infantry, the P1H provides fast and mobile artillery giving frontline infantry a powerful counter to vehicles and fortifications.
Splitting off into their own groups, P1H Droids are often seen taking up vantage points and covered positions from which they can shell enemy forces with their SMTL. If forced to accompany forward infantry, P1H Droids will utilise a steady balance between Blaster Rifle use and heavy shelling
Rapid Adaptation - The P1H learns fast, very fast. A battalion in one battle will be noticeabley different in the next, carefully analyzing what mistakes its fellow droids had made and quickly recognising how to counter such actions.
CIS What? - The P1H and subsequent models are nothing like the droids of old. Having mastered the production of advanced warfare technologies, The Emergence Empire's factories produce Strong, Sturdy Droids that are leagues above those that fought on Geonosis and Naboo
SMTL - Equipped with a downscaled Turbolaser, P1H Droids can essentially run around the battlefield wreaking explosive havoc against enemy infantry. Though they tend to take themselves to more distant vantage points and terrorize enemy troops and armour from there
Stronk-Droid9000 - The P1H is designed similar to the P1, but much stronger and tougher in terms of armour
Galaxy Note 7 - The Brain in the head of every Emergence Droid is a super-advanced piece of kit. Except for when it randomly destroys itself. Although not a common occurrence, the spontaneous melting of the brain is an issue.
EMP/ION - The Brain itself is resistant to such devices. But there is a loophole. The Brain destroys itself if the Host Body is shutdown, which itself happens to not be EMP/ION Hardened. Disable the Body and the Brain dies.
Designed back-to-back with the P1, P1H Droids are nothing more than beefier versions of the P1. Since activation in 856ABY, Emergence Droids have been training on Skism extensively. The P1H was designed and tested specifically for Anti-Infantry, Anti-Vehicle and Siege purposes. The intent behind their construction was to bridge the gap between Infantry and Vehicular Artillery, giving forward units a fast and powerful alternative to having to call in Air-Support or Siege Artillery.