Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paradise Found, Schutta (Rebellion of Mimban hex)

Location of Element 2 Mimban
Allies: New stuff
Enemies: again new
Objective: Activate plan 27

Aedan finally stood and snapped his fingers his lightsaber flashing to his hand as he used the force to drag the captain of the Centurion-class battle cruiser to him stabbing the man through the heart as he smirked. "This is Aedan Miles to all ships activate secondary IFF Code and ID we are now fighting against the Republic. Prepare to begin combat primary target is the Libita-class I want it disabled yesterday. Send the signal to the first element to begin there attack on the Republic fleets as well. All ships are to prepare for combat order our gunships to return and strafe across the flagship of Reshmar's fleet. Bombers and fighters are to strike at the Libita's engines. Have the Dire-class begin to engage their fighter swarms and devastate them while they don't expect it. All ships are to fire on the libita immediately." Aedan sat in the command throne calmly crossing his legs as he watched the holo board and the ships in his fleet moving the holograms representing Solan's fleet flashing from Red to blue as the Republic forces flashed from blue to red marking them as the new enemies. Immediately attacks started to rain down and the young pirate laughed loudly his violet eyes gleaming as he watched the chaos spread in front of him. This plan had taken him nearly weeks to prepare mostly with convincing the captains of the Avenger-class and the Salvation-class that any government that backed someone sending their ships on a suicide mission like the one back at Selkaus clearly wasn't looking out for the good of their soldiers. They had then spread the word until the captains of almost every ship in Aedan's fleet had heard about what he did for them and how if they joined him he would look out for them as well. Their new role in this fight was now very precise deal a ton of damage to the Republic forces and than disembark. They were not to stay all the way through that would just invite trouble both fleet elements were to regroup over Cato Nemodia and prepare for the second stage. Closing his eyes Aedan started to use Battle Meditation letting it flow over the forces of his remaining 2nd Element fleet every manuver seeming more precise and natural.

Location of Element 1+Salvation-class

Finally the first element of Aedans fleet dropped out of hyperspace behind [member="Gir Quee"]'s fleet their weapons and shields powering up as the flew towards the large engagement calmly finally starting to fire at the mass of ships. But to the surprise of the republic forces their fire was hitting the rear of Task Force 710's ships. A single message was sent from the captain of the Salvation-class to Void. "Aedan Miles sends his regards and the message Honor among Thieves we are here to assist." Turning their attention back to the holo boards the captains each took over their ships most of them operating individually in the over all battle they were to assist in the dismantling of the Task Force before going to Cato Nemodia. The fighters and interceptors launched by the Salvation-class took off flashing across space to engage any bombers left undefended. Meanwhile the gunships and bombers from the gathered ships flew into the midst of Task Force 710's ships heading straight towards the Obi-Wan quickly knowing that to send the fleet into disarray they were to target the flagship. The captain of the Salvation sent one message from his ship to [member="Isley Verd"] "This is Captain Drake of the Chimera we were told by Lord MIles to contact you and inform you that most of the Dragon Reaper Fleet has dedicated itself to the Mandalorian Empire we are beginning our attack against the Republic forces now. We hope you will allow us asylum within your borders as we work under Lord Miles." With that said they truly begin their attack in earnest all ships opening fire on the rear of Task Force 710's formation.
Enroute to Gyndine System
Onboard "The Katana." Pegasus Class Battlecruiser,
POV: Void.
Fleets Currently in Group = Fleet #2, #3, #4.
Forces listed Here,​
[member="Gir Quee"] [member="Dallen Thayne"]​​
In a moment, his eyes shot to the side, still hidden behind the lids that had fallen over them. Had he not given the order he had, the Valkyrie's engines would have been torn to shreds and with it the rest of the ship would no doubt have followed, but instead the shields held long enough for a reaction to form from the three fleets that now fell around Gir's own wedge. What had possessed the man to attack alone was beyond Yusan, and for a moment the thought of hesitation found him before his mind hardened once more. They had called him a traitor, they had abandoned him, they wanted their traitor and now they would receive it. And so his mind pushed the minds of others, pushing them in this forceful form of Battle Meditation that controlled more than it supported. He would see the Republic ships burn before him and with them would be the souls lost on the field today.​
This was because Yusan had no other targets, the other Republic ships were out of range right now by a pretty decent amount, and Gir had jumped out thinking himself in range of the planet to benefit from the Jedi's actions on the planet below... that was simply not the case. Instead, he was utterly alone, in the blackness of space, with three fleets turning to bear their weapons down on him. First came ensuring the ships would not be able to shuttle away from their fate, his mind extending to the crews of the Omini Cruisers for which there were five of in this fleet group. Together they would turn their weapons and more importantly the Doven Basals they carried with them, on the enemy now brought to the field. Six of the Dovin Basals would prepare themselves for the defensive duty they acted on for each cruiser, while the last two carried by each cruiser would set up what was essentially an interdictor field, strengthened around and creating a complete cage for the enemy ships.​
Next came the carriers that Gir had thought would be helpless, and yet he had underestimated the numbers he faced. Hundreds of fighters would leave the Tambors, the Valkyrie, The Lucrehulk, and the Numerous Severance class cruisers. All of these fighters acting in an instant as Yusan moved his hands like this were a symphony, the men his players and their ships his instruments. Not a single capital gun had fired down on Gir's fleet, but he would not need to with the tidal wave of fighters moving for him, covering the bombers who's singular purpose was to cripple the ships before them and eliminate every trace of resistance. He had orders to spare any that surrendered, to only disable their crafts and if necessary board them... but that was only if they had the time to surrender. Bombers would move for the Cruisers and Star Destroyers, looking to remove the enemy's heads by targetting the bridges, and disabling all their guns with the use of Ion and Proton bombs that they carried. Fighters would crawl over the ships, shooting down what every pilots found themselves ready to meet their makers and gunships would move to bring down death upon any that survived the flood of drones before them.​
Those would not be the only forces that lifted from their hangers. Dropships would carry from the Lucrehulk and from the Geonosian Battlecruiser numerous numbers of droids, should any ship surrender. Without a problem the ships would find their hangers being flooded by those who would seize the ships from them, offerings that Yusan intended to send back with the Mandalorian fleets to their base, giving the custody of they Prisoners to the man who commanded this fleet group.​
For those that would not surrender, though, they would find a worse fate. Just as Aedan had come out with his guns blazing, Yusan's Second and Fourth Fleets would turn their weapons and noses on the enemy before them, the bright flashes of two Pulseflare Cannon Cruisers firing their main guns, a combination of Ion Pulse and Plasma weaponry descended on the enemy fleet's left side, targeting the Arendal Cruisers as they focused their fire on the now pelted and engineless Valkyrie. It mattered little to Yusan, even if the Valkyrie was destroyed because of the hail of gun fire placed one it. Instead all fire focused on the ships of Gir's fleet. The Pillars aimed their guns on the Delphin Frigates, Star Destroyers The First and The Secret fired all guns on Gir's Flagship, aiming to remove him as soon as possible. The Omini Cruisers scattered around Gir's fleet fired with all weapons, as well as launching what swarm missiles they could to cause damage both internally and to the hull of the ships themselves, focusing on the Arendal Cruisers in order to remove the biggest threat.​
As for the Pegasus Battle Cruiser, the Experimental weapon which Solan had expected at the battle of Mimban.​
That turned its Antimatter cannon on Gir's flagship and watched, fire from its cannons arcing towards the man's bridge as Yusan smiled and just watched, waiting for the cannon to charge. It was something that he had been curious to see in action, a weapon that worked much like a composite beam weapon but with a bit of an extra umph to it thanks to the very nature of the energy. Antimatter was volatile in any situation, and a weapon that fired it in a concentrated beam was nothing to shrug off. It was still experimental itself though, and Yusan expected nothing spectacular from it, but when it was ready, he expected to smile all the more.​
He had the Republic ships trapped, and their commander had led them to this fate. All that was required was his surrender and their punishment would cease... as per the orders of Solan Charr.​
Location: Yractos, Generator Station Alpha.
Allies: Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: Galactic Republic
Objective: Slicing is magic.

It was a the sort of day when everyone was focused elsewhere. That was his assessment of the current situation as he slipped into the station without any real resistance. The sounds of combat somewhere beyond visible range erupted, and another planetary shield began to materialize and overlap the first. That meant several generators were being employed, which implied a day's worth of walking if he wanted to go the old school route of powering them down one at a time.

There would most likely be some resistance when he got to the power source. That was his real goal, after all. At the conception of this decision, the control room would have been his primary target. Now that there were multiple targets, he needed to hit them all at once. A nasty hit to the entire network would do the trick, and while the shields were slaved to separate consoles, it was impossible to direct their energies from anywhere but a focal energy source.

The beautiful thing about being Alkor Centaris was that he didn't have to be an electrician. Energies flowed hot all around you, and it didn't take cutting into a wall and following a wire to know where the flow of power was concentrated. The real challenge was slipping past security unnoticed, but most of them had been either rerouted to the evacuation effort or concentrated on the systems themselves. Emergency situations had that effect on people, he had learned.

He followed the low pulsating river of electricity downward, hand on the cold metal wall. It was not a deep bunker, and lit up consoles littered the aesthetic. At the very least, his target would not prove hard to find. It was a far cry from his usual kill missions, and the stealth aspect brought back memories of his youth. Hopefully when this was all over, he could sink his lightsaber into a worthy opponent. That would make up for the boring, sneaking around portion.

The door creaked open a hair as he pushed it, and Alkor listened intently to the voices beyond. His interruption was hardly enough to draw their attention away from the screens that blared with real time images of the battle in orbit. He watched as a cadre of fleets over Mimban engaged, and he took instant notice of the flip of one fleet from blue to red. There was treachery in the skies, it seemed.

Chaos reigned, and it was perfect.

The door flew open and his lightsaber ignited in a flash. Brilliant white skewered the first operator before he could cry out, and Alkor spun the second blade clean in an instant. He cut down the security detail before they had time to fire their blasters, all but one bolt that seared the floor as he redirected it away.

The man stumbled backward as Alkor moved toward him without breaking stride. He tripped over himself and hit the floor with a graceless 'oof.' Alkor stared down at him without any expression, and he did not relish the thought of killing him. He simply followed through.

As the head rolled free of the body and it slumped to the floor, Alkor returned the saberstaff to his hip and made his way to the control panel. The process was made easier by the fact that their codes were already entered and the systems were completely online. That point at least halved the amount of time a proper slice would take.

Alkor deftly hardwired the datapad to the mainframe and brought up the encryption program. He keyed in several commands to the system itself and brought up the prompt for security clearance.

"Run program" went green on his datapad, and thousands of characters in bocce and binary flared across his screen every second. The defense grid computers flashed red and "security breach" appeared on screen, but Alkor ignored it. "I just need ten minutes," he muttered quietly.

As the program ran its course, Alkor watched the door intently.
Location: Mimban, Woodline on North side of the Temple
Allies: The Republic, Jedi, CSAF, [member=Karen Roberts]
Enemies: [member=Keria Ticon], specifically [member=Keira Ticon]
Objectives: Secure the Temple

::Gaunt, what have you got?:: Ali asked. The BOG Commando remained silent for a moment, then the holo-in-holo function in her helmet kicked on and she could see through their A-10 pilot's POV. A pair of gunships were dropping in from the sky on the other side of the Temple, soon to vanish behind its architecture. Ali frowned, then checked the position of the MAT-TE units further North, behind their position. They were still over 20 minutes out. ::Get elevation, reposition Eastward.:: Ali told the pilot. The camera view in her HUD shook and began drifting upward and to the right, bringing the enemy gunship's landing points into view. The A-10 was well out of sight still, relying on its powerful scouting systems to focus in on the incoming crowd.
::Commander, if you want to position within that Temple, you'd better be quick. Looks like they're setting up positions away from the Temple.:: The pilot warned. Ali considered the information for a moment as she watched the live feed. Footsoldiers, all those that she could see. Those soldiers not taking up security positions in the woods were handling equipment and gear. Ali couldn't make out what they were doing. Reconnaissance equipment? Mortars? She wasn't sure. It didn't look like entrenchment though. A position like that, in the swamplands, was not a good one to stay in for long.
::Why aren't they moving to secure the Temple?:: Gaunt asked sidelong from his position some 50 meters East. Ali narrowed her eyes, watching the feed intently. ::They don't want to secure it.:: She muttered, realising their intent. It was the same intent of BTS elements all throughout the galactic region. Cato Nemoidia, Gyndine, and Mimban's capital. Rampant, unwarranted destruction. ::They want to destroy it.::

::Are we going to let them?:: Gaunt asked. ::Our reinforcements are a ways off and we're evenly matched. That's not a smart fight.::
Ali agreed. ::No...we're going to wait. Let them do what they're going to do. Temples are not my concern, and the ones who built this one are long since dead.:: Ali replied, then a sudden thought struck her as she wondered if the Temple was occupied. She turned her attention to their eyes in the sky. ::Alpha 1-1, it's CC-02.::
::Go ahead, CC-02.::
Came the reply.

::Reposition and raze their position from the South. Push them North, toward the Temple.:: Ali ordered curtly. The pilot's reply sounded uncertain.
::Are you sure?:: He asked.

::Absolutely. Make a display of it. Show off. That gunship's packing more heat than an armada.:: Ali bit back. The anger in her tone was for their attackers, not the pilot. He seemed to understand this; his tone was more certain, excited even. ::Copy that, Lord Commander.::

Ali waited in silence with the rest of the platoon, tucked away in the woods, out of sight, out of mind. They steeled themselves against what was to come as Ali explained her plan. They only had a few minutes before the gunship positioned itself and began its run. The platoon split down the middle, one line turning East, the other West, and began slipping through the woods around the Temple...out of sight...out of mind. Ali began considering who might be leading the enemy forces, both here at the Temple, and across the sector at large. She knew little about the Black Tie Syndicate, about their origins, or motivations, or how they managed to amass such a force. Regardless of the details, what mattered was the here and now. After subjugating their enemies at the Temple, Ali would grill those who remained alive for what information she could squeeze from their minds. They would not live beyond that, for Ali had no patience for prisoners.

When the gunship came in, angling from the South-east relative to the two gunships on the ground, it came in roaring. Engines were at full, and it soared barely a meter over the treetops, so low the thrumming of its repulsors wasn't heard through the dense forest until it was tearing overhead. Almost immediately its weapons screamed, painting the landscape in fire and heat. Heavy blasters mounted on the nose stitching a zipperline of death through the forest. A pair of mass drive missiles loosed from their tubes, each targeting one of the docked gunships. Brilliant green-white composite beam lasers cut through the trees and seared the earth. Clots of soil were rent from the ground and thrown into the air as the energy pulsed into the dirt and boiled swamp water. Gouts of steam expanded in tow, and smoke began to build over the ground, trapped amongst the troops by the forest canopy, from which treetops tilted and fell, crashing mightily into the earth below.

And just like that, the fire ended, and the vehicle roared away. The gunship's victims could see glimpses of its thickly armored body and expansive wings between the trees and clouds of fog and smoke as it shrunk in the distance, looping around wide to the South once more. The great warhawk was toying with its prey.
Location: Low orbit over Mimban
Objective: ---
Allies: ---
Enemies: ---

Face was having pleasant dreams fantasizing about some cute Mandalorian she had spied on
Mimban, when she was suddenly jolted out of her sleep by the blare of alarms. Her once darkened room was now awash in red strobe lights. Rubbing at her eyes with one hand, she reached out for datapad on her nightstand with the other. There was loud clang against the floor as she knocked over an empty glasteel mug in the process. With a little more fumbling, she finally grabbed hold of the fracking thing to bring to her face. She winced as the thing first came on, but her fingers were a blur over the touch display as she rang up the bridge.

Shockley came up on the screen, bare from the waist up save for his scraggly bush of a beard. She hadn't been the only one caught dozing.

"The hell is going on out there?"

"A whole enemy battle group just dropped into the system. You'll never guess who."

"I don't have time for games, spill."

"The Syndicate,"

"Us, who is 'us'?"

"Mandalorian Empire..."


Any vestiges of grogginess immediately vanished at that news.
Face had been slouching back against her bedpost, but now she sat up straight. After all the work that she and other Mandalorians from the ME had been putting in for the Galactic Republic, she would have definitely never guessed her own showing up.

"Did you hit them up and see what's happening?"

"Yeah. Somehow, the 'Pubs pissed off Isley enough to book a flight here with a Merc. All over the damn sector, actually."

"Sounds like our glorious leader is on a power trip. One I don't think I want to be a part of."

"You getting soft for the 'Pubs?"

"Hell no, but none of this makes sense. Why the hell is Verd picking a fight with the Republic, when he doesn't even have a lock on Mandalore yet? The One Sith is right next door west. So many better things to do right now than piss off half the galaxy."

"Speaking of Sith, another whammy. Now there's Sith coming in to fight for u--the Mandalorian Empire."

"Sith...yeah we're out. Pull out all surface teams, then we're going to wave goodbye to the Republic and Empire. Hit up Mason at Echoy'la and tell him to get the fleet far out of ME space."

"You got it, boss. So much for that."

"Yep, let me get dressed. I'll be at the bridge in 10."

She clicked off the call and bumped her head back against the bedpost, sighing.
Face was all about the Mando life, warmongering and pillaging, all that fun stuff, but what she didn't like was messes, and that Isley punk had just dropped the motherload of messes on her lap. She had a real good gig going with the Republic, overcharging them for all sorts of easy tasks like taking out brainless firebreathers. About the only other thing she liked as much as fighting was counting the credits, and the Republic had never left her in want. Now the Mister Mand'alor had probably screwed up that revenue stream. She didn't take kindly to those frakking with her bottom line.

While silently fuming to herself, she rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. The grogginess had passed, but she could feel the onset of a hangover, so took a quick snort of a stim pack just to set herself straight. There was no time to enjoy one of her luxurious showers while a war was going
on outside (the strobes and alarms were still kicking), so she gave herself a quick wipedown so that she wouldn't reek like a bantha's behind on the bridge.

After a little hygiene care, she moseyed onto her closet to grab a fresh set of duds, when her datapad lit up and started buzzing. She rushed over to answer it, thinking it was Shockley or another crewmate giving her a call, but to her surprise, she was met with the face of an
Atrisian woman, decked out in a mean set of gunmetal armor. A helmet rested under her arm, with a distinctive T-shaped visor. A casual observer would have incorrectly guessed a Mandalorian origin, but she knew better. For one thing, the helmets exterior assembly was like nothing on a typical buy'ce. It definitely looked like something a Thyrsian commando would wear, but this woman didn't look Thyrsian in the slightest. Whatever her story, she had to be some kind of heavy hitter to be fielding armor like a Sun Guard.

"Are you one of those damn Sith lackeys? If so then you
can toss-- "

"I am Suravi Teigra, a Senator of the Republic."

Face raised an eyebrow. In that heavy armor, she didn't look quite...senatorial, not as she imagined it. Usually, those political types pranced around in flowing gowns all day flapping their gums, but this
Teigra character looked like she was about to go off to war herself.

"I am also the Chair of the Armed Services Committee. As it concerns you, I'm the one that makes sure you get a check cut for your costly services."

"How gracious. So, to what do I owe the honor of Chair of the Armed Services Committee calling up little ole' me?"

"I would like to retain said services for a new contract."

"If you're talking about the Mandalorian Empire, then forget it. I won't have any part in that. I wish you the best of luck with that trainwre--"

"50 million."


"I can have 50 million credits wired directly to your personal account within the next 10 minutes. Maybe you would prefer deposit into a shell account, whichever you desire."

"You're...just going to give me 50 million, right now? For what, I just told you that I don't want jack squat to do with the ME if that's your aim. Feel free to drop the credits on me though, if you really want."

Teigra smiled at Face, but the Mandalorian found it unsettling for some reason. With those yellow eyes she had, the woman reminded of her of some predator with that toothy grin, sizing up fresh meat. That was usually her routine when she had someone on the chopping block, so it was surreal having it done to her.

"Miss Partas, you have a very important choice to make right now. Either you accept my employment and bonus, or you accept the end of a force pike through your gut when I catch up to you. "

The woman never stopped smiling as she spoke, so now Face found her downright creepy. Creepy, and honest. She believed every single word that came out of the woman's mouth at that moment.

"What do you want? I only have a flotilla here. From what my people are telling me, the ME has brought enough forces to siege the whole sector. My main fleet is on the other side of the galaxy. Bum frakking useless here."

"I know, moored right in the heart of the Mandalorian Empire."

Face made a small o-face as she made a realization, which gradually turned into a smile of her own. It was insanity, but just the kind she lived for. Especially if she was getting paid bookoo credits in such pursuits.

"This is going to be pretty pricey...50 million won't even cut it for payroll." A
lie, but the merc would get what she could take!

"As I said, this is only a bonus. Now let's hash out the details, shall we?"


As Face had ordered, her fleet quickly mobilized for departure. Any easy task, as there weren't many accommodations at Echoy'la, so most of her crewmen and soldiers lived aboard their ships. The spacer's life indeed, that's all she had ever known her adult life. About the only habitable living space existed in one rinky dink colony, based in a hollowed out moonlet over the gas giant. Echoy'la was a capital planet in name only. The ME may have set up shop here for the beskar, but with the depleted stores, Tibanna extraction would probably turn out to be a more profitable venture for the locals.

The motley collection of vessels that comprised the Tekkadan fleet split off into smaller groups before blinking out of view as they entered hyperspace. All save for one. As the other groups left the systems, this group had been spinning up weapon systems, and when the second to last group last, they opened fire with a salvo of hundreds of torpedoes against every major military vessel and known installation around
Echoy'la. That included the Echoy'la colony itself, targeted with a special delivery of ion missiles against surface emplacements.

Finished with their mission, as the last ships prepared to make their own jump to hyperspace, one
Munificent-class frigate passed right over the colony, delivering one more special package, in the form of 30 thousand B-1 battledroids, jumping right off the decks to drift toward the surface of the moonlet. They had been programmed with a simple set of directives. 1) To seize control of the colony's infrastructure and defense grid 2) To place every person present within
Echoy'la colony under house arrest 3) To eliminate said persons if they attacked the B-1s as they followed through with first and second directives. Considering that the colony was made up almost entirely of trigger happy Mandalorians, a blood bath would probably ensue.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

That was the lesson her new employer desired to be imparted upon the rulers of the Mandalorian Empire. This was only the beginning, as Face had been hired to do her thing across the Empire, from Bastion to Yaga Minor.

Operation Weedkiller had commenced.

[member="Isley Verd"] [member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Zef Halo"] (I'll tag more people as I become involved in combat operations within the hex.)
Location: Yractos, Gyndine; FOB Danube, Underground CIC
Allies: [member="Dallen Thayne"], @Thoja Arlos, [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Sylvia Nuru"] ; the Republic
Enemies: the Mandalorian Empire
Objective: Continue Coordination // Production

Buried beneath the surface the coordination efforts continued. The word from Yutan was that they were going to be sending reinforcements in the form of a massive Carrier Strike Force when they would get here would be another question. Symara looked with a hand on her chin, she was watching as forces moved in to meet with the Mandalorian boots hitting the ground. Confident that Jedi Master Rhur would put down whatever Mandalorian force user was about, she turned to the other FOB leaders. Commander Avarro among them, she herself wasn't the leader of FOB Danube, no that fell to Colonel Sei'Av who was taking the call over while she maneuvered her snipers in and around Yractos itself.

"How long until Rhienstrom has that Q-class carrier outfitted?" Sei'Av could be overheard speaking with a naval leader out on Rheinstrom. "We've got more units on the move but I couldn't tell you what it is General Arlos has in store, just know that the boys from the 228th are here. How's the secondary generator system coming?"

FOB Llesek's CO sort of smirked. "It's about to come online shortly, Command Post Hotel reports one hundred percent on their end, as well as Command Posts Auresh, Bantha, Crusader, Delta, Echo, Finn, Gamor, and the other six Command Posts throughout the planet. Gyndine Command Center still has the main switch and power sources. With the new redundancy systems in place even if one goes down the others will pick back up and auto-repair."

Symara and Avarro coordinated [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Erran[/FONT][FONT='times new roman'] [/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Lanith[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"]'s Rocket Jumpers to key points throughout the city to hold their ground, planetary shields were still holding and would most likely continue to hold. The Republic had keyed into the old fortress world's strengths and built into it, which turned out to be working in their favor. Word was that things above Gyndine wasn't looking so hot, and that was where Symara and Avarro turned their attentions now that their heavy armored units were getting into place they were relaying coordinates to anything that was coming into orbit, punching through shields and hulls. The planetary shields didn't blink when their shots were fired, it blinked at any attempt to bring it down or anytime someone tried to punch through it.

Commander Avarro keyed into the Rogue fighter's communication link. "Is this Rogue Fifteen? We've got more Speeders for you, the word is we've got force users on the ground, we'll be dispatching a flight of pursuers soon, think you can keep those fellas busy for us?"

"Fellas?" Symara raised a brow, "pretty cheeky ain't it, wait - let me guess, Naboo right?"

"Was it the accent?" Avarro returned with a smile, "are you seeing this from Echo?"

"Yeah, that's huge, what's down there anyway?" Symara asked Commander Merceline Avarro or Mercy. Which sounded kinda interesting right about now. Mercy shifted her weight and sighed, Symara only kept her brow up.

Mercy caved, "something about retrofitting old Mandalorian carriers, and some Imperial destroyers? Not sure, when we got here initially there was a lot of leftover technology from all the flags that have flown over Gyndine." A pause as she sighed. "If it hadn't been for the fresh load of engineers and infantry I'm not sure if we'd even have the stomach to hold out this long, to be honest."

Colonel Sei'Av must've heard that he turned over and remarked. "We'll hold out just fine, you kids act like this is the first time someone's tried to fiddle with the Republic's numbers. Don't worry just got word that we've got a Carrier Battle Group en route from Denon, they'll converge here with the Strike Force from Yutan."

"Well, you heard the Colonel." Symara looked at Mercy with a smile, holy fething bantha poodo, Symara Tarriq actually busted out a smile for someone. "Gotta ask Mercy if I may?"

"Go ahead, you've taken several liberties so far." Mery acknowledged, she'd first met Symara when Symara arrived at Command Post Hotel checking in and getting her assignment. Mercy was hoping to get stationed with the Medevac teams but ended up heading Exocron which wasn't all that terrible, to be honest. She saw what were once lovely shops and boutiques, even a knock off store of Contessa. Which amused her greatly, but now she turned to the Corellian.

Symara sighed and looked over her shoulder, the Bothan pretended to look away while he shouted something about engineers and machine gun nests. "You seem pretty relaxed and comfortable over there, I don't know maybe it's because I'm a little new to this soldiering for the Republic, but you seem..."

"What?" Mercy wanted to hear this, "like a person? I might bark my orders but I do have a life even before I was running Exocron."

"Oh, you guys do that do you. Have a life?"


"I've got to go coordinate with the lovely pilot about shooting things, but I'll be back."

"Oh, ho, ho. Is that a date?"

Mercy chewed on her lower lip, "tell you what, we live through this and I'll buy you dinner back on, where was it did you say you were posted before this?"

"Denon, babysitting the Senator, remember?"

"Right, then let's do dinner on Denon, stay alive."

"That would be enough, Mercy."

When Symara had turned around she looked at the faces of her peers. "What?" She took a bottle of water from someone and headed back to the communications systems. "Stop looking at me like that."

Colonel Sei'Av just shook his head, "humans."
Location: Raptor (Shinigami-class Star Destroyer) in Mandalorian Empire Space
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Enemies: [member="Face"] (the Dar'manda)

Aleksander was taking a nap in one of his fathers patroling Shinigami-class when one of the security team that Aedan Miles had assigned to his son woke him saying something about distress beacons and attacks in Mandalorian Empire space. Sighing the young man sat up and nodded gesturing. "Very well gather the nearby patrols and have them prepare to intercept whoever this is while dad is away we shall play. Besides its a bit of fun against someone who is attacking our new home only fair that we respond as quickly as possible." Aleksander strode from his room and onto the bridge gesturing towards the captain of the ship as he sat in a chair near the command chair. Looking out the view port to see three Shinigami-class Star Destroyers two Facade-class pocket carriers and five Dire-class patrol ships a decent flotilla. He nodded and gestured as the flotilla set destination to intercept the rogue fleet at Muunilist looking to the side he gestured quickly. "Send a message to the Home Guard fleet that Shadow Reaper flotilla is moving to intercept under command of Aleksander Miles."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Orbiting around Echolya
Onboard "The Historian" - Grievous Class Star Destroyer
Home Defense Fleet, Defending the Home
POV: Alexandra Feanor, Historian of the Grey
Mandalorian Home Defense Fleet #1

[*]The Warden - Lucrehulk Command Carrier - 2000

[*]Interceptor Squadrons (6 Squadrons)

[*]Star Fighter Squadrons - (48)

[*]Scurrg H-7 Bombers - (48)
[*]Umbra Class Dropships - (40)
[*]Confederate Assault Tanks (50)

[*]The Sentinel - Lucrehulk Command Carrier - 2000

[*]Interceptor Squadrons (6 Squadrons)

[*]Star Fighter Squadrons - (48)

[*]Scurrg H-7 Bombers - (48)
[*]Umbra Class Dropships - (40)
[*]Confederate Assault Tanks (50)

[*]The Guardian - Procursator Star Destroyer - 1200m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Lord - Procursator Star Destroyer - 1200m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Harbinger - Procursator Star Destroyer - 1200m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Student - Omini Class Cruiser - 800m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Master - Omini Class Cruiser - 800m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Sage - Omini Class Cruiser - 800m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Shadow - Omini Class Cruiser - 800m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Crusader - Procursator Star Destroyer - 1200m
  • No Fighter Compliment

[*]The Protector - Procursator Star Destroyer - 1200m
  • No Fighter Compliment

Alexandra was having a nice, quiet night, when suddenly someone decided that attacking the Mandalorian's Empires Capital was something that any two bit criminal can do. Funnily enough... ya cant do that. Firstly, the planet had ample warning of a fleet moving with more than enough power to do damage towards them... its the god damned capital of the Mandalorian Empire... they don't just leave their asses exposed because they are helping an ally. Its like the attacker had the reasoning of a Republic official for some reason, short sighted and weak in all sense of the word. But alas, the attacker jumped right into a deathpit for her and her people.​
Firstly, she would find her missiles harmlessly turned away thanks to the Dovin Basals used in the Home Defense force's ships, and even if not for those, there were several interdictors not even mobilized for battle at the moment, so those would have turned away the missiles should the dovin basals fail. Further more, the failed bombardment would be met with amost instant heavy fire from heavy destroyers of all makes and models, from the Pillar Heavy cruisers to the Procursator Star Destroyers. Like the fall of rain but colored green, turbolaser fire fell on the attackers without a single hesitation to them, the guns of Ion Cannons following with streaks of blue.​
[member="Face"]'s attack would be stopped in its tracks, and she would never find work in the Empire again. For she would be Da'manda after this. Mandalorians do not fire on their own people, and she had broken that cardinal rule. She was dead to the Empire and Alexandra's job was to ensure she was dead to the Galaxy. It was her mistake in thinking the Capital of the empire would be lightly defended and not expecting a retaliation attack, shame that the mind who convinced her to attack was so dimwitted as to even think this up.​
Boots ain't made for walking
Location: Mimban Capital Streets.
Mission: Decide who to shoot first.
NPC Allies: 10/11 Mandalorian Crusaders + Battlesister Seka
NPC Background Allies: Invading Crusaders and Varad Clan, will match your numbers as needed.

PC Enemies: [member="Nick Sept"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Willa Isard"] | [member="Sean Ailín"]
NPC Enemies: Zombies! Brains and Such

With [member="Willa Isard"] concentrating fire on their dropships, leaving them cut off in places, and someone else raising the dead around them! Who could really blame her for assuming at first glance it was a cowardly setup, she had no bird's eye view. There were certainly other cowardly actions going on about the city, unknown to her at this point that he could bring up to her. "We have fired on no innocents without weapon." Nor would they. For her sense of honor, there was just the Mandalore's call, chance for a battle and so she came, that was enough, their treaty with their allies upheld. When you made a treaty, you upheld it, else your word was worth dirt.

Khia's usually shoot first ask them later attitude, was what met [member="Nick Sept"] unsurprisingly.

She fired toward him....


....Nailing a zombie behind his head, with a sonic concussive three round burst, rupturing its body, and possibly saving his life. Her flaming red force blade cut the head off another to her side. Sonic wave weapons were exceptionally useful for bursting apart these Zeds, and weapons imbued with the fire of the force were not bad either! Trouble was she was bringing the bulk of the horde with her, with the noise she was making, or trying to, looking to put what she saw as the republics own zombies against their clones. [member="Warok the Defiler"]

Nick didn't have a whole lot of time, horde some 200 meters behind, zombies at least didn't move as fast as mandos at a run or flight. Her pistol was pointing directly at Nick, her crusaders with her covered any clones or individuals she saw ahead with aim, as well as continuing to pick off zombies to their left, or right. No stragglers were getting close, but the roaming mass behind them was only growing as they made one hell of a noise purposefully. One of their crusaders was strapping up an explosive charge, for maximum noise as they began to negotiate, mandalorian style.

Staying in cover because she wasn't stupid. "Surrender?" She said in basic, claiming leadership from behind her armor. Not fully understanding his gesture. Woman of few words, his directness was appreciated over any formalities. He didn't need to spare politeness on her, he'd get better reaction if he didn't. Pointing to the mass of zombies they were trying to pull behind them purposefully. "Fight us, or throw down weapon." Her basic was rusty, understandable but not often used. She didn't believe him at first glance, and was going to take some convincing. Direct convincing if he knew anything about mandalorian crusaders.

Gear: Mark III Katarn-Class Commando Armor (Shields Up) | MRS-1 Assault Rifle [10mm SPA-I] (Shoulder) | 2x Frag 2x Ion Grenades (Belt) | Jackknife Pistol (Left Hand) | Forceimbued Blade [Fire] (Right Hand) | 53-R High Yield Explosive, AP Ammo, DS-8K (Pack)

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Yractos, Gyndine
Allies: GR
Enemies: Mandalorian Empire
Objective: Engagement of enemy forces, take command of ground forces

As [member="Symara Tarriq"] departed for Command Post Hotel, Arlos made his way to the staging area where his men has amassed. Saluted by his squad, he got the attention of all the men under his command.

"Alright men, this is it! We aren't playing nice anymore! Field Operations Sector will be hitting key Mandalorian positions, whilst the Support Operations Sector will be aiding the advancing armour! Form up, and await additional information!"

With that, Arlos, flanked by the men in his squad, headed towards Command Post Hotel. The republic heavy armour had also arrived, and the Support Sector had formed up and were now following them to their objective. Hard to believe that there were Mandalorian's on the planet, but all manner of things happen in war. Entering the Command Post, which was already in session, Arlos was saluted by all the people within.


"At ease." He said, before walking into the centre of the room. Looking over the data before him, he made note of troop deployments and casualties sustained so far. The Galactic Republic had a decent amount of air support, coupled with both infantry and armour, they were in a good position, as long as they didn't get bogged down in a trench war that was. Taking a quick glance at the faces before him, Arlos stood up straight. "Alright people, you've all been here much longer than I, so any suggestions or advice you have will be appreciated. At the moment, we need to push through the Mandalorian line, removing any anti-air or anti-tank equipment they might have. What units are available to us?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Mimban Capital City
Objective: Take the upper hand
Enemies: [member="Nick Sept"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Willa Isard"] | [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Songbird"]
Allies: [member="Khia Varad"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"]

The Republic line was broken and they were falling back, but it was a very short lived victory to say the least. Zombies were still swarming the streets and spreading the gospel of infection. If they weren't put down soon they'd end up swarming the entire city and destroying everything and converting everyone in their path. Which wasn't a problem for Miss Blonde, she didn't care for the fate of this world, only to see what the Republic had made become undone.

So as her phalanx of droids marched over lines of undead she was able to advance and see what was causing the infection. From the looks of it, there were two figures over by a bargain plus outlet shop creating a massive green whirlwind of zombies and souls, whatever they were planning it was going to be big and bad for everyone.

"Nope, nope, nope, nope nope nope." Was all Blonde could say about that situation.

It was kind of like playing a board game where the dungeon master would purposely throw a monster at you that was twenty levels higher than you and expected you to fight it. But the smartest thing was to just walk away, and that's exactly what Miss Blonde decided to do, walk away.

"CIRCLE UP!!" Blonde yelled at her droids.

"Khia! The republic line is falling back! Deal with your problem the push forward before hurricane Pete kills you! We're getting distance between us and whatever the hell that thing is!"

Soon formations would start to shift through the various phalanx lines and the droids would form perfect circles that would move through the streets faster and more securely to push zombies aside and remain efficient. The day was almost theirs, all they had to do now was keep pushing forward away from the giant soul cyclone of death and depression, and let the city chew itself apart from the inside. Besides she had better places to be right now than playing hero.
Location: Mimban Jedi Temple
Objective: Bury it
Allies: [member="Zef Halo"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] @Karren Roberts

As the artillery unit was dropped off at the edge of the clearing by the Espada transport the twin stealth led ship began to raise themselves up from the top of the tree line where the commandos set up bellow. Lusk and his men were ready and set to go to start giving hell on the structure a good hundred or so meters away. However before they could do that a godly fire storm was rained down on their heads by a swooping Republic gunship. But something happened just then, the explosions detonated high above them as if they were inside a protective bubble.

But that would of been silly. No, rather than some force bubble the two Espada class transports were hit by the strafe were going down. One lost control completely and nose dived into the front yard of the temple crashing and exploding brightly creating a middle ground between them and the temple. The other however would prove to be more useful.

With it losing control the Espada tilted right as its engines went out and would crash into the temple with the bulk of its mass still intact. It wasn't going to destroy the temple by any means and they had just lost their ride out, which meant this was now do or die.

"I got something just for Hadrix then." The clone said with a bit of anger to his tone.

"Shields up on the artillery unit! Hit them!"

The Jedi Roberts had the wrong idea, the clones and Keira weren't there to steal precious secrets, crystals, or even take selfies by a big spooky temple. No they were there for one thing and one thing only, destroy the temple and break it down into nothing.

"FIRE!" Lusk yelled towards the artillery unit.

Barely having enough time to get the ammo out before the ships went poof the small artillery unit fired a round out towards the temple in attempts to damage it and take it down.
Location: Shield Station
Objective: Just a few more minutes...

The system initialized without a hitch. Soon after the security warning had blipped across the screen, the tunneling software found the breach point and secured it. While anyone who had seen the warning flash across the scene would still most likely question the strange occurrence, the systems now waved green as the preliminary keylocks were overridden. Alkor was in their system, and things were about to get really good.

The system command prompt appeared on the first terminal and it prompted him to enter a series of commands. Alkor took a moment to skim the files and issue the fluctuation protocols that bifurcated the energy systems and allowed them to run hot for long periods of time by switching back and forth between power sources.

That sort of system had withstood the test of time for a reason. The first was that it allowed for the surface contingent to dig in for extended durations during siege, and the second was that if power failed, it allowed them to quickly shift over to back up. All of this could happen in an instant, and without ever powering down the shields.

Alkor smirked quietly as he found the sequence- of course, it was lovked out and required another key that would take several minutes to crack.

He didn't need to proceed that far to get things started. Alkor flipped over the manual override toggles and began to vent the generators- a seemingly normal process that helped to extend the duration of their run time. Nothing out of the ordinary would show up if someone took the time to check readouts.

Not that they ever did. They glanced now and again, sure, but people rarely kept constant watch on power levels. Not unless they were dwindling. And they weren't.

Not yet, at least.

He keyed in the command for all power sources to switch over and perform the transfer in five minutes. The secondary generator was already online, which made the task simple enough. Someone had done that for him. The Republic must really have been worried about the Mandalorian presence overhead, Alkor could only assume.

The Dark Jedi cracked his knuckles and returned to keep watch over the door, which would allow his slicing tools to do their worst.

On screen, the power grid flashed yellow and showed signs of slightly increased output. It was almost time.
Location: Mimban, Capital City, Coway Dwellings
Allies: The Republic, Jedi, CSAF, [member=Veiere Arenais]
Enemies: [member=Miss Blonde], BTS Forces
Objective: Maneuver through the Coway dwellings and mirror Republic positions in the city.

Lord Commander Alena Reckar

Alena's walker continued to lumber down the streets of the city, shaking the ground with every step. They passed all kinds of dwellings, tall, short, industrial, administrative, corporate, that had been established in the planet's capital throughout the years. As the result of shifting regimes, the buildings took on a cavalcade of designs, some aesthetically, others pragmatic. Alena kept her eyes front, scanning the area ahead as they began filtering through rearward positions of Republic troops, casualty collection points, and operation areas. She stopped the vehicle briefly at one of the latter areas, and called for the nearest Republic commander. A Major, in full battle gear, was soon seen jogging toward her, a retinue of soldiers at his side.
"CSAF? I'm Major Marjory Dukakis." The Major called. Alena nodded. "Commander Alena Reckar. We just strolled in, how are things fairing?" She asked. The Major shook her head. "The majority of our lines are holding, but our center formations just broke. There's a plague of reanimated corpses assaulting our lines, pushed along by Black Tie droids. We're getting swarmed, and my casualties are mounting by the minute. I think it's some sort of Force powers, I doubt a biological contaminate would spread this fast."
Alena frowned, it wasn't good news, and they were not as well equipped to handle Force Users as she would have liked. Her Commandos were trained against many of their influential abilities, but this was different. However, it wasn't the end. "Reform your security forces here. Get casualties North, towards the outskirts and industrial sectors. Our support elements there will escort them to safety for transport away from the region. Can you pull your broken ranks far enough back for a reprieve and reformation?"
Major Dukakis nodded, "Certainly. the call for a partial retreat has already been issued. We'll stage in this area and place explosives and fighting positions along the way. How long do you need before the rest of your forces join us?" Alena glanced at her wristcomp. "About five minutes. I've got a line of walkers pushing through right now to reinforce Republic lines that have yet to shake. I'll divert another unit to this area."
The Major nodded, "Much appreciated, Commander. We've got roughly a kilometer to reinforce, can you manage that?" Alena nodded, "I can. Just sit tight, get those casualties and civilians out of here. No mercy missions though, I've got air support coming; they'll be clearing the streets." Dukakis sighed, and nodded. "I'm taking control of the forces in this area now, Major," Alena continued, "Between CSAF and the Republic, Command defaults to the forces shouldering the main effort." Major Dukakis nodded, "Understood, Commander. I'll put out those orders immediately." Major Dukakis lifted her commlink and spoke to the Republic forces breaking to the South. "Republic Commanders, you are required to organize your retreat and reinforce positions to the North, toward the center-sector casualty collection points. We are working to evac casualties out of the city. Civilians are not priority at this time. Security of our formations is primary one. Establish fighting positions where you can, armor units are five mikes out from reinforcing you there."
Alena thanked the woman and briefly watched her return to her command staff, then rechecked her wristcomp and ordered her walker's pilot to move out once more. The MAT-TE shuddered as its engines roared and the vehicle was propelled forward on insectoid legs. CSAF's armor units began to press forward, joining stable Republic formations throughout the city. The several MAT-TE's Alena had diverted to her area soon joined her, filtering in with heavy steps from the East and West. Alena was headed toward the breaking ranks of Republic troops, to eliminate this reanimation plague, and crush the Black Tie Syndicate.

::We've got hostiles on scanners, Commander.:: Alena's gunner noted. She pulled her buy'ce over her head and her HUD flickered on, giving her the gunner's POV. Just over a kilometer away, Alena noted the scattered Republic troops retreating. She saw abandoned fighting positions, barriers, burning speeders, and the horde of reanimated corpses nipping at their heels. Smoke filled the streets, and fire boiled from the windows of dozens of buildings. The Republic forces began their retreat in chaos, but soon reformed into a more organized fall back, fire teams and squads offering fire support for one another as they endeavored to put distance between them and the enemy. There were three main avenues leading through the city, and they all looked like this. The buildings in between them, separating the city blocks, gave a wide area for Alena's MAT-TE's to operate in. There would be plenty of room for firing, she was pleased to see.
"Gunners, start marking targets. Let's see what these droids are made of." Alena ordered. Throughout the area, CSAF's MAT-TE's settled into comfortable firing positions as Republic troops continued to swell their way. Comms began blowing up as the retreating forces noted the positions of Alena's vehicles; overwhelmingly pleased to see they had reinforcements.
Alena hunkered down behind the mass driver cannon on the back of her MAT-TE as it began to shift back and forth, scanning for a decent target. The gunner, tucked away within the vehicle and operating the weapon using a CROW system, began marking areas for attack.
::Whelmer 1-1, targets identified. Gunners note, utilize EMP ammunition on enemy droids. Leave reanimated hostiles to foot-mobiles.::

::Whelmer 1-1, this is Badger 2-1, copy that. Ammo selected, drawing solutions now.::
::Ronto 3-3, Ronto 3-1, watch that alley, you've got BTS forces there.::
::Ronto 3-1, thanks for the heads up. Scanning for civilians and collapsing building.::

::Badger 2-1, 2-2 here, I've got enemies in dead space to my 220º, can you hit them from your angle?::
::2-2, copy that, I can. On the way.::
As cannon fire and explosions filled the air, CSAF's comms chatter was filled with the voices of Commandos operating within their element. The massive EMP rounds utilized by CSAF's MAT-TE's were powerful enough to disable enemy vehicles of equal size. The fired rounds filled the flooded the BTS ranks with waves of cascading electrical energy, giving an eery blue cast to the smoke that filled the city. The fires of war were the specialty of many cultures throughout the Galaxy, and CSAF was one of them. Alena reviewed the burgeoning combat situation, then decided the time was ripe for air support. ::CC-L11, this is CC-01, I need CAS at the following target locations. Lasing them now.:: The gunships hovering North of the city outskirts were swift to respond, drawing their firing solutions and moving into the city.
In the distance, to the North, [member=Miss Blonde] and her villainous comrades would hear the thrumming repulsors of gunships making their way inward. Through the smoke and flame and corpses that riddled the streets, they would catch hazy glimpses of the warhawks making their approach, heavy cannons blaring and composite beams searing through bodies and droids alike. Surface-to-ground rockets screamed from their wingtip carriages and careened into the ground amongst the ranks of the reanimated and BTS droids alike, sending gouts of fire and debris into the air, further filling the streets with smoke.

Colonel Hasska

Within the Coway dwellings, Colonel Hasska led CSAF Commandos through tunnels and across boardwalks, rushing to cross the expanse between the North and South skirts of the city. The artificially light corridors of the Coway cave systems offered little to go by, so they relied on their visors to take them through the dim halls as they traveled South at a running clip. ::We are approaching our exfil areasss.:: Hasska noted, her Trandoshan lisp plaguing the end of her sentence. ::Copy that Colonel.:: Came the response from Captain Artrad, the Zabrak under her command that led Able Company. ::We're still a couple klicks out, but we'll be there in ten.:: The mass of CSAF Commandos filtering through the Coway dwellings were moving as fast as they could, but they had nearly twice the ground to cover of the MAT-TE forces. Hasska worried they wouldn't reach their position in time, and Republic ranks would be broken. Already she heard reports of their centermost formations flagging, retreating. Commander Reckar was already approaching her first set of firing positions.
::Fassster, Commandosss!:: Hasska urged them, propelling herself forward at great speed on powerful legs. Coway civilians struggled to stay out of their way as CSAF's forces rushed through their underground streets and walkways, having no time to leave apologies with those who were shoved out of the way. Time was of the essence, and something they were swiftly running out of.
[member="Strask Ak'lya"] [member="Grey Raxis"]

There was a feeling in the force that was coming to the jedi knight as she moved through the mists to the base of the arch. They were readying their ascension guns as the sound were coming all around the team. The feeling in the force from the massive city suspended above them when they were moving up. The ascension hook latched in and she secured it to her belt. Riing up with the others in the team when she felt someone above the planet. They had a slicer to work on things while the distant sound of gunfire and attacks were coming to them. Sarianna was pushing out with the force energies to sense the world and space above them. She could feel more approaching when they came to a ridge under the cables of the city when they were going and she spoke. "When we get in there be fast and careful. We don't know the full situation so be sure about things and record everything. We will have once mop up is finished to rejoin Gir." She was ready for anything and ascending toward the city with her staves on her thighs.
Location: Yractos, Gyndine; Command Post Hotel
Allies: [member="Thoja [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT='courier new']Arlos"], [member="Dallen Thayne"] ; the Republic
Enemies: the Mandalorian Empire
Objective: Oversee Operations

Beneath the surface of Gyndine, units were carried through to the command post on little else than something that looked like a floating golf cart. Symara's job had changed, given that she had been coordinating from Danube, she would now be assisting Colonel Nolan Tory an Arkanian. Colonel Sei'Av had gone with General [member="Thoja Arlos"] into the briefing for the 228th Black Operations, whilst Symara worked with Col. Tory in arranging forces from the 740th, 102nd, and more platoons and companies than Symara knew what to do with. Thankfully, this was more of Tory's thing and not hers.

Meanwhile, behind a few closed doors laid Colonel Sei'Av, Sgt. Pakma and a handful of other officers, including a holo appearance from Commander Avarro. Each one had a look at General Arlos, and then the Bothan. Colonel Sei'Av spoke up and addressed him, "plenty at your disposal sir." Hands behind his back as he moved around the holo terminal and brought out an overlook of the city. "Here is where we were, sir. FOB Danube which sits roughly sixteen clicks east of FOB Exocron where Commander Avarro is now overseeing both operations, they roughly perform the same duties, save that Exocron has a larger tower than Danube."

Clearing his throat he continued on, "both Danube and Exocron will be pushing out our heavy armor in addition to infiltration and recon units, as we speak, Sgt. Venner and Corporal Vass have led their units here. Dead center between both bases, the 102nd is splitting between this section and going into the city to clear out any Mandalorians who might've gotten through the flak or gotten in through our barriers around the city."

"Sergeant Pakma has more information on our supplies and power, sir. Sergeant, you have the floor." Colonel Sei'Av sidestepped away from the holo terminal as the Mon Calamarian stepped up and plugged in his information.

An overlay could be seen on top of the city, and then he zoomed out to view the planet. "General Arlos, sir. Gyndine was a fortress world before we came back, and as you can imagine there had been quite a lot left behind, from our own predecessors, the Imperials and the Mandalorians. " He adjusted his overlay to highlight roughly sixteen to twenty command posts dotted throughout this side of the planet. "This is where we are, and as we can see the Republic didn't have to do much to dig their feet in, we've got the twenty command posts up and running. Gyndine Command is located here. With approximately twenty other command posts on their side of the planet, our planetary shields as you can well imagine are dug in just as deep with Gyndine Command holding the big switch, and we've established a redundancy system between both sides of planet. Additionally, we've completed a second source power generator system which, as you know runs independently of shields." A pause as he let the General catch up. "Both primary and secondary generators do have safety measures and fail safes in place. We have our own teams of slicers and engineers monitoring the situation."

"As far supplies, I can only speak for Hotel and Yractos, Quartermaster Jhalwok, informs me that we are well supplied, for now, sir. He does highly suggest that we end this quickly, as we're not built for a trench war, not yet, General sir." Having concluded his report Sgt. Pakma stepped back and Colonel Sei'Av took over and brought back his overlay.

"General Arlos, we have the 774th Medevac ten clicks north, they've dispersed medical teams into the city, we've got the 114th heavy infantry throughout the city, and we are currently sending out additional engineering elements aside from the ones that both Danube and Exocron pushed out earlier." The Bothan rubbed his chin, "makes us glad we built those engineering training schools, mhmmm, they've bene instructed to build a repair facility here and here to help with the heavy armor rolling through. Lieutenant Tarriq who is not here, has deployed her full platoon of snipers throughout the city as well, Lieutenant Mernos from Exocron has also deployed her own platoon of snipers." Colonel Sei'Av keyed up FOB Llesek's CO. Colonel Hin, a muun.

Muun appeared on holo, "we've got infantry elements pouring out of Llesek as we speak, General. We've just sent out an SMG platoon not too long ago and a squad of light armor to help get them there. We're waiting for the Medevac's engineers to finish clearing out those tunnels, from my understanding they're doing things the old fashion way as to not give away positions, but with luck we'll be able to use it to ferry wounded and supplies. And am I reading this right? We've got a flight of purusers out from Rhienstrom? Is that what those boys have been doin' over there."

"And girls, and those who do not identify as such." Commander Avarro chimed.

"Care to take over, Commander?" Colonel Hin gestured as his holo was moved to the side.

Commander Avarro's face now had the full attention of those in the room. "Rhienstrom asks that we keep all enemy forces occupied, and yes they have just delpoyed a flight of pursuers with two more flights being produced in the process. The Republic had been keen on reusing Gyndine's sources and it so happens their source are left over ships. The locals have been very cooperative with us, and in exchange we had been rebuilding Yractos and the surrounding cities, but of course that has been put on hold." A pause, "and yes we do have a larger tower here at Exocron. I've been coordinating with a lovely pilot from the Alliance, and a young man who has been leading the 102nd's Rocket Jumpers."

"Thank you, Commander Avarro. Colonel Hin." Colonel Sei'Av set their holo imagery to the side as he brought up the world map again, and pointed to Command Posts Echo and Indigo. "Both Echo and Indigo dug themselves into some of Gyndine's former industrial complexes and as we know the Empire likes to build. They built shipwright factories for destroyers, and frigates, which is here at Indigo. Echo is dug into a former Mandalorian production site from MandalMotors, we'll be able to push out the Dungeon-class carriers shortly but the Q-Class is going to take a little bit longer. Not sure what Indigo and their bases are up to, all we know is that they quote, unquote found a score of Imperial holdovers."

It was here that Lieutenant Symara Tarriq was escorted into the briefing, "heard you needed a sitrep of ground teams?" She didn't smile she mostly took to the holo terminal and gestured for Pakma to show her overlays. "General Arlos, the boys in the heavy armor wanted to thank you for your assistance in the support sector. Danube has plans to continue rolling out more armor, but that will take time, thankfully with Exocron matching Danube we should have a healthy supply of armor, and the speeder production is being shifted to Command Post Finn, they'll also be retrofitting a few of the faster Imperial and MandalMotor vessels to make for quick strike teams, mostly hit and run units."

"As far as our ground teams, what you see here is what we have right now." She gestured to certain points on the map. "Jedi Master Dune Rhur has been dispatched to deal with this here." She gestured to the force signature that seemed to be mucking about their dud generators, which seemed to be why it was so easy to get there. "We've alerted Alliance-led air support to force user presence on the ground, but as far as groud troops. All company commanders are standing by for your orders."

Location: En Route to Gyndine
Objective: Converge over Gyndine
Allies: the 102nd [member="Dallen Thayne"]

Carrier Strike Force Erso // Task Forces 575 & 577
Admiral Quoald, Aboard the Republic Carrier, Princess Leia

Quoald, a Selkath who commanded CSF Erso that was now half way to Gyndine from Yutan. "This is Admiral Quoald to all Republic forces, prepare to engage with the enemy. Word is a few of our boys could use the help." A pause. "We're not sure why the Mandalorian scum have arrived, but it's clear they are determined to invade every Republic system and terrorize our citizens, butchering them as they see fit. As members of the Galactic Republic this cannot and will not stand, we will not go quietly into the night. We'll be meeting with a Carrier Battle Group en route from Denon. This will not be an easy battle, this will be a hardfought battle for our very lives, and so I wish you all the best of luck. May the Force be with us all."

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Yractos, Gyndine
Allies: GR
Enemies: Mandalorian Empire
Objective: Coordination of ground forces

Arlos took in all the information, watching the holos as they appeared and taking note of the positions of all those now under his command. A lot of people were counting on them, and they needed to crush this rebellion before it got out of hand. Gesturing to one of his men to approach, he looked around the room.

"The Jedi went alone... Of course he did." He muttered, turning to his squadmate. "Tell Squad Cascade to head to the Jedi's location and assist in any way possible, they are under his command as soon as they make contact." Turning back to the rest of the room as his squadmate left. "Force user presence, great. How many of them, and more importantly, how many of our men are trained to deal with people with their abilities?"

[member="Alkor Centaris"] / [member="Dune Rhur"]

"If possible, redirect the rocket troopers to only focus on the city, we need to clear Mandalorian presence there asap. I'll have a couple of my squads clear the other section for them. Snipers should focus on any outside threats trying to enter the city, whilst Medevac should also have fire whenever needed."

"Once the advancing armour is in position, half of the Support Sector will push into the city to aid the Medevac there. I'd like that SMG platoon to swipe the surrounding area for hostiles, whilst their light armour joins the heavy armour within the city."

"I'll also be sending two squads into the tunnels to aid the Medevac's, and once that's completed they'll stay at the tunnels to make sure they stay clear of enemy presence."

Turning to Lieutenant [member="Symara Tarriq"]. "Did I miss anything? If not this information needs to get passed along."
Location: Mimban
Allies: [member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Khia Varad"]
Enemies: [member="Nick Sept"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Willa Isard"] | [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Songbird"] [member="Alena Reckar"]
Gear in Bio

Cyrus had to rub his mask to clear it of what he thought was fog. Zombies!! Really....Cyrus' face went sour. He hated things that didn't stay dead. His lights went Red and he killed the last of the hostages. The horde of zombies below made an awful disgrace of everything Cyrus had worked for. He'd killed so many, and now they were back up again. He would not stand for this atrocity. Grabbing hold of a corpse, he slid down the side of the building upon him like a flesh surf board.

As the blood was smeared upon the panes of windows, he was able to make it to the ground safely. Though, the whole way he blasted one zombie after another. The Surgeon was regaining his pleasant mood with each zombie headshot.

[member="Miss Blonde"] would see a light on the horizon, a green light that Cyrus was working his way toward her. He had to keep his boss safe from the zombies. After all, if she died, who would keep the Surgeon in check?
Location: Talasea
Enemies: [member="Miss Blonde"] ; [member="Khia Varad"] ; [member="Cyrus Falcor"]
Allies: Galactic Republic, Friendly Neutrals

Objective: Defend Talasea

The Numbers they were looking at were not insurmountable. Large and well trained, but their objectives were cruel and inhumane. Zhan and his men had the right of it. They were a determined defense force, there to prevent innocents from being harmed. Surely, by all that was right in the Galaxy, they would triumph. It had always been that way, and should continue to be.

His eyes narrowed as he appraised the skyline, their enemies' stealth ships were malfunctioning, that was always a good. Despite their attempts at infiltrating via the sky, Republic AA emplacements and mobile AA units would keep them from being able to approach the capital city directly, forcing them to set down and approach through the forests instead. Various heavier emplacements nests held heavier ordinance and weaponry to deal with a directed charge, further discouraging any advance movements.

With the picket lines seriously in place now, it was all a matter of waiting. Zhan would have liked to have laced the area and countryside with mines, but it would have been too dangerous on the civilians after the battle's end. Nor did they have much in the way of combat vehicles. The Command Jeep and two armored fighting vehicles were all he had to cover the city's various sides. He would have given an arm and a leg for half a dozen APCs to bring his troops from point to point in case of an emergency

Alyona Volkovna (Алёна)

Алёна Вохин (Light of the Voxyn)
Location: Ancient City in the Mountains
Allies: The Republic, Jedi, CSAF, [member=Darth Lykos]
Enemies: Firebreathers
Objective: Purge Firebreathers from Ancient City
Story Continued From: GR Dominion of Mimban

As Alyona sat up on the rooftop of the massive tower, looking out over the land, she basked in the warmth of the sunlight that beamed down on her. Her mind was at peace, pleasantly distracted by thoughts of Xavka. He was tall, like her, taller even. And his hunter's instinct was far more developed. Alyona had trained to be a huntress, but Xavka had been raised within it on the plains of Dathomir. There was so much he could teach her, so much he could do to her...Alyona teased herself at the thought, letting it simmer joyfully as she regaled in the sunlight.
It wasn't until several hours into the afternoon that she decided it best to return to the city below to complete her task. The climb down would take some time, but she knew there would be enough sunlight to tackle at least one more of the beasts. After gathering her things, Alyona carefully lowered herself to the tower's edge, gripping it firmly as she dangled her body into the open sky. She briefly checked her next footholds and grips, the jutting support beams of the tower's roof, then swung her legs forward and let it go. Hands splayed and reaching out, Alyona landed against the wall of the tower, grasping the beam tightly. Constantly checking her next gripping points, Alyona lowered herself down the tower much as she had climbed up. She did not pause to take in the view this time, but rather focused on returning to the ground. The winds were whipping up around her, tugging at her clothes and backpack. It would do her no good to dally about.

Nearly an hour later, Alyona was dusting off her hands and stretching her fingers and arms. The climb down had left her sore, but feeling exhilarated. After a light stretch and a quick snack, Alyona drew her map and checked the locations of Firebreathers she'd noted the night before. By her estimate some six remained, wandering about different parts of the city, burning out and consuming walls and structures as they were wont to do. The monsters did not seem to eat much, roughly three or four times a day she had heard them roaring throughout the city before she had cut their numbers down by half. With a smile, Alyona folded the map and returned it to her backpack, then threw herself back into the mess.

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