Aedan Miles
Pirate King
Location of Element 2 Mimban
Allies: New stuff
Enemies: again new
Objective: Activate plan 27
Aedan finally stood and snapped his fingers his lightsaber flashing to his hand as he used the force to drag the captain of the Centurion-class battle cruiser to him stabbing the man through the heart as he smirked. "This is Aedan Miles to all ships activate secondary IFF Code and ID we are now fighting against the Republic. Prepare to begin combat primary target is the Libita-class I want it disabled yesterday. Send the signal to the first element to begin there attack on the Republic fleets as well. All ships are to prepare for combat order our gunships to return and strafe across the flagship of Reshmar's fleet. Bombers and fighters are to strike at the Libita's engines. Have the Dire-class begin to engage their fighter swarms and devastate them while they don't expect it. All ships are to fire on the libita immediately." Aedan sat in the command throne calmly crossing his legs as he watched the holo board and the ships in his fleet moving the holograms representing Solan's fleet flashing from Red to blue as the Republic forces flashed from blue to red marking them as the new enemies. Immediately attacks started to rain down and the young pirate laughed loudly his violet eyes gleaming as he watched the chaos spread in front of him. This plan had taken him nearly weeks to prepare mostly with convincing the captains of the Avenger-class and the Salvation-class that any government that backed someone sending their ships on a suicide mission like the one back at Selkaus clearly wasn't looking out for the good of their soldiers. They had then spread the word until the captains of almost every ship in Aedan's fleet had heard about what he did for them and how if they joined him he would look out for them as well. Their new role in this fight was now very precise deal a ton of damage to the Republic forces and than disembark. They were not to stay all the way through that would just invite trouble both fleet elements were to regroup over Cato Nemodia and prepare for the second stage. Closing his eyes Aedan started to use Battle Meditation letting it flow over the forces of his remaining 2nd Element fleet every manuver seeming more precise and natural.
Location of Element 1+Salvation-class
Finally the first element of Aedans fleet dropped out of hyperspace behind [member="Gir Quee"]'s fleet their weapons and shields powering up as the flew towards the large engagement calmly finally starting to fire at the mass of ships. But to the surprise of the republic forces their fire was hitting the rear of Task Force 710's ships. A single message was sent from the captain of the Salvation-class to Void. "Aedan Miles sends his regards and the message Honor among Thieves we are here to assist." Turning their attention back to the holo boards the captains each took over their ships most of them operating individually in the over all battle they were to assist in the dismantling of the Task Force before going to Cato Nemodia. The fighters and interceptors launched by the Salvation-class took off flashing across space to engage any bombers left undefended. Meanwhile the gunships and bombers from the gathered ships flew into the midst of Task Force 710's ships heading straight towards the Obi-Wan quickly knowing that to send the fleet into disarray they were to target the flagship. The captain of the Salvation sent one message from his ship to [member="Isley Verd"] "This is Captain Drake of the Chimera we were told by Lord MIles to contact you and inform you that most of the Dragon Reaper Fleet has dedicated itself to the Mandalorian Empire we are beginning our attack against the Republic forces now. We hope you will allow us asylum within your borders as we work under Lord Miles." With that said they truly begin their attack in earnest all ships opening fire on the rear of Task Force 710's formation.
Allies: New stuff
Enemies: again new
Objective: Activate plan 27
Aedan finally stood and snapped his fingers his lightsaber flashing to his hand as he used the force to drag the captain of the Centurion-class battle cruiser to him stabbing the man through the heart as he smirked. "This is Aedan Miles to all ships activate secondary IFF Code and ID we are now fighting against the Republic. Prepare to begin combat primary target is the Libita-class I want it disabled yesterday. Send the signal to the first element to begin there attack on the Republic fleets as well. All ships are to prepare for combat order our gunships to return and strafe across the flagship of Reshmar's fleet. Bombers and fighters are to strike at the Libita's engines. Have the Dire-class begin to engage their fighter swarms and devastate them while they don't expect it. All ships are to fire on the libita immediately." Aedan sat in the command throne calmly crossing his legs as he watched the holo board and the ships in his fleet moving the holograms representing Solan's fleet flashing from Red to blue as the Republic forces flashed from blue to red marking them as the new enemies. Immediately attacks started to rain down and the young pirate laughed loudly his violet eyes gleaming as he watched the chaos spread in front of him. This plan had taken him nearly weeks to prepare mostly with convincing the captains of the Avenger-class and the Salvation-class that any government that backed someone sending their ships on a suicide mission like the one back at Selkaus clearly wasn't looking out for the good of their soldiers. They had then spread the word until the captains of almost every ship in Aedan's fleet had heard about what he did for them and how if they joined him he would look out for them as well. Their new role in this fight was now very precise deal a ton of damage to the Republic forces and than disembark. They were not to stay all the way through that would just invite trouble both fleet elements were to regroup over Cato Nemodia and prepare for the second stage. Closing his eyes Aedan started to use Battle Meditation letting it flow over the forces of his remaining 2nd Element fleet every manuver seeming more precise and natural.
Location of Element 1+Salvation-class
Finally the first element of Aedans fleet dropped out of hyperspace behind [member="Gir Quee"]'s fleet their weapons and shields powering up as the flew towards the large engagement calmly finally starting to fire at the mass of ships. But to the surprise of the republic forces their fire was hitting the rear of Task Force 710's ships. A single message was sent from the captain of the Salvation-class to Void. "Aedan Miles sends his regards and the message Honor among Thieves we are here to assist." Turning their attention back to the holo boards the captains each took over their ships most of them operating individually in the over all battle they were to assist in the dismantling of the Task Force before going to Cato Nemodia. The fighters and interceptors launched by the Salvation-class took off flashing across space to engage any bombers left undefended. Meanwhile the gunships and bombers from the gathered ships flew into the midst of Task Force 710's ships heading straight towards the Obi-Wan quickly knowing that to send the fleet into disarray they were to target the flagship. The captain of the Salvation sent one message from his ship to [member="Isley Verd"] "This is Captain Drake of the Chimera we were told by Lord MIles to contact you and inform you that most of the Dragon Reaper Fleet has dedicated itself to the Mandalorian Empire we are beginning our attack against the Republic forces now. We hope you will allow us asylum within your borders as we work under Lord Miles." With that said they truly begin their attack in earnest all ships opening fire on the rear of Task Force 710's formation.