Cato Nemodia System
Onboard "The Mythosaur." Bastion Class Star Destroyer
POV: Solan Charr.
Jupitus Hanger Composition
[member="Reshmar"] @Anyone at Cato Nemodia
Solan may have ran to lick his wounds, but that was not the complete reason for this retreat and as the forces of Admiral Jorest and soon [member="Vernan Holt"] would come to find out as the occupation fleet that settled over Cato Nemodia would find out. You see, the Black Ties, and by extension as their Allies, the Mandalorians were here at the behest of the government set up on Cato Nemodia. They had enjoyed rather... annoying freedom in Solan's concern being that the people had been given pretty much free reign to ruin what sliver of morality was left on that planet. But hey, he was just here to give the Republic the worst day of their lives and the last. His offer had been transmitted to all the planets, but it was clear no one would surrender so rather than worrying about the act of dropping out of hyperspace out of range and waiting for them to come to him... well this time was a bit different.
In a second, what had once been clear space around the relatively small fleet was now taken up by one singular Battlecruiser, that looked more space station than ship. Its body faced towards the enemy and for a few seconds nothing happened, no transmissions, no hailings, not even gunfire being the ship was well within range of normal weaponry. It simply sat there, staring at the Republic fleets until a trace of blue ran over is surface, rushing towards one point where in a second the shape took a lot more prominence. The entire ship shook for a second before firing off the cannon and what had shot out from it was a massive ring of electromagnetically charged particles, that ring extending slowly and filling more and more space before finally slamming into the republic fleet, hitting the larger ships that had been grouped together ready for an attack.
This was no regular weapon, it was an Ion Pulse Cannon that was one of the few still in the galaxy. While not destroying the ships that it hit, the damage would be there, frying systems and maiming the ships before a sudden torrent of fire poured out from the single ship, raking all fire down on the Flagship of this small fleet. It had been one of the few Remembrance-class ships in the galaxy, a Battlecruiser developed and produced by the Eshan Drive yards that now lie far outside of Republic space. Three hundred and fifty batteries fired down on the damaged ship, thirty more assault missile tubes looking to spread the damage up the surface of the ship. Fighters and bombers fell from the hangers of the Jupitus, taking up their positions as they arced through the open space and engaged enemy fighters, the bombers making a bee-line for the Noblesse aiming to take out its weapons and even looking to send a few bombs into its bridge if at all possible.
It would soon become far worse though, within moments of the first cannon fire upon the Republic fleet, they would find themselves under a new threat that is far worse. In seconds the fleets that had 'retreated' dropped out beside the very same Jupitus that was already firing on the Republic ships, but now it would become impossible for them to escape. For as soon as the ships dropped out of space, the Vong Omini Cruisers and the Bastion class Star Destroyer would set up their interdiction fields and ensure that not a single soul would be able to run from this instance. Slowly the Republic fleet would be surrounded, heavy guns firing from all directions, their assault craft not even launched as the need was not there. Only the Jupitus' ships would launch, and even those only focused on the Noblesse and the Remembrance.
That wasn't the only problem for the republic ship, soon faced with the unloading of three guns into the side of that very same Noblesse heavy destroyer. In seconds the sounds of would vibrate through the hulls of those ships that turned their fronts on the Republic Destroyer, the light flaring as Plasma and Ion Pulse Cannons soared through open space and striking it. Energy would ripple across the Destroyer and punching into its shielding and hulls. All of this would be made slowly worse as their own assortment of guns would add to the damage itself, spreading across the hull of the Noblesse but in no way would this be the end to the damage coming from them. Situated in the center of those three cruisers would be the Experimental Battlecruiser that saw its first moments of true action. Slowly a ray purple light started to form in its central cannon, expanding slowly and drawing into drawing out in a spiral motion before finding the ring. There it continued to build up energy as a small field started to form, energy rippling through it and pulsating, dark purple and white energy flaring brighter and brighter.
And in a second, the cannon's field broke, the initial burst of energy erupting in a bright flash that for a few milliseconds blocked out the view of the cannon itself, energy waves erupting out over the ship as the cannon fired off its composite like beam at the Noblesse Destroyer, aiming to strike at its side and do as much damage as it could. The entire instant appeared to happen in only a few seconds, the travelling of the beam over such a short distance relatively, the burst of light that had proceeded it an the damage that would be caused on the ship that was getting punched by both the Pulseflares, the Pegasus's own guns, the Jupitus' bombers, and the initial ion pulse cannon burst that had erupted from the ship itself. All of it without a doubt making the situation for the ship very clear and yet, that was only an ounce of the punishment the rest of the fleets were dealing upon the doomed Republic officers and crewmen, much less those on the ground.
Away from all this, and away from the few ships that had been tasked with defending the Republic's new holdings as vain as the attempt was, would be the two Lucrehulk class carriers which would be taking their positions in orbit around the planet. They needed not to wait, taking up position on either side of the Republic fleet that was doomed from the start, no instead they released the dropships and troop transports they carried, as well as receiving those from other ships and using them to slowly ferry down the occupation force that each ship contained. After all the Lucrehulks were meant as troop transports, able to transport enough men to occupy a planet on their own, but with two it was soon found that any Republic soldier on the ground was in far more danger than those on the ships. For not every droid was under solan's direct command like the ships were, making the control of those who surrender and the treatment of them much harder. What was made worse was that some droids would not even be designed to take prisoners, the Eel class for example, would simply tear apart any soldier that tried to surrender, using its Claws and drill to cause the trooper's last moments to be excruciating. Similarly, prowler droids hunted down any Republic trooper that tried to flee, tearing them apart like wild dogs who had not been fed for weeks.
All while this happened, not one droid would move on the Local Government, only republic forces and their locations. The Government that had hired the Black Ties would be spared, even fighting the Republic soldiers now that they had no worries of causing problems. To them, they had just been given the chance to ensure the Republic would never have a foothold here, and to that end it offered another element uncontrolled by Solan. Those they took prisoner were out of his control and he had no chance to help them, leaving them to whatever fate the Nemodians thrust upon their prisoners of war. It was a bit disheartening for Solan, but he had to focus on the extermination of the fleets above... or at least the capture of those ships should their crews surrender. Even with the damage already done, none of his ships aimed to knock out life support, or completely tear apart the ships in front of them. Instead, every shot was meant to disable and cripple the vessels, to give them a chance to launch escape pods and to surrender... that didn't mean he was letting up on the punishment, though.
Set up before the Republic's Remembrance now was a line of cruisers, all five of them with their guns turned on the Star Defender and ready to fire. In seconds the rain of Swam Missiles and Pyroclastic Missiles shot out of the Rockspitters, six of each from each of the five Omini Class Cruisers. These were the Vong Cruisers that had been created for use of the Techno Union in the years before but with their collapse and the integration into the Empire's arsenal, Thirty Pyroclastic and Thirty Swarm missiles would be sent soaring for the Star Defender. Each would impact, this time simply aiming to tear apart the ship's frontal section and bore into the gun emplacements, to cause both external but now internal damage as the crew of the Omini would not be hesitant to kill as many as it would take to cause the Republic's surrender. Made worse was the man Yaret Kor, Yaret Cri, and Yaret Shel that dotted the crafts, numbering 375, 200, 175 respectively. It was a like the trails of fireworks as they came down to touch the fields and water they had fallen over, and yet when they impacted on the Remembrance's shields, and perhaps even its hull should the shields have fallen by that point, it would simply become a field of orange and yellow. Plasma sparking like twisted flowers and ejecting debris and the lives of the crew into the void of space.
Solan's mind was already running wild, the bloodlust of Void on the Pegasus, mixing with that of the crews around him. He could feel their glee, their excitement, but also the repressed horror at the loss of life. For all intents and purposes they were warriors, but even warriors understood the only ones ready to take a life should be those who are ready to die, as every man in the fleet knew what had happened to many of the Valkyrie's servicemen, the ship itself still in the back of the fleets trying to repair and recuperate from the battle at Gyndine. Clansmen had been killed in mass during that battle on board the Valkyrie before the order to retreat had been given, and they knew full well that the crews onboard the republic ships would feel the same about their fallen comrades... Solan could even feel that loss and pain now with every death, with every new soul passing on.
His Empathy could feel the loss of life both on the planet and off it, the souls passing into the next life while their own remained in this one. It was something he had not felt since the events of the Makeb massacre caused by Dredge, but even this was but a fraction of the death caused there. His hands gripped at the chair he sat in as he had to close his eyes and focus on his sense of self, at least what was left of it with the numerous battles he's had to sit through.
None the less he had more important things to focus on and push as he did he was able to focus on the Republic ships once more. The Bastion would be the next to open fire, but not alone and neither on the Noblesse or the Remembrance. Instead, it would open its guns on the Centurion Battlecruiser that stood before him and soon a similar curtain of green fire would arc out towards the enemy ship, the sounds rocking the ship's corridors and slamming into the shields and hull of the Centurion. That curtain of green would not only come from the Bastion though, as the Pillar and Procursator joined its own guns by unloading all batteries on the awaiting enemy ship. Like a chorus the guns blared, warheads joining in and with each strike of the shields, and then hull after the flashes and ripples of enery simply continued. Each strike carried with it fear, anger, pain, bloodlust, and the will to live in the case of those who would find themselves on the receiving end of the combined firepower leveled against them.
Even the Grievous star destroyer that had taken the flagship role of the second fleet added onto the extensive damage from the firepower being thrown onto the Centurion. It was hard even see the ship under that curtain of green, seeing it cascade and almost paint the ship a vibrant color that made him simply stare in amazement at the sight. The last time that a battle had contained this many ships had been back before he had even left the Maw Consortium and worked to restore Kesh to a glory it had not known for a long time. Back then it had been the Republic he fought for as Void, acting from the shadows as Yusan's dagger rather than a King and Admiral as he was now. It was a change he didn't quite contemplate until he stared at the battle before him, until he heard the cannon fire echo through the ship and feeling of the ships body shaking with each impact from the slowly recovering enemy. It was hard to bring all of this as the facts of his existance and how it seemed he was only meant to cause the loss of life on such a massive scale, but there were still those moments where he did more than just cause the death of many like now.
The enemy ships of lesser size would find themselves engaged by his own Illustrious and Annhilators, the Severances and Wodratas, even the Poggle joining in the blaze of lights and energy before them. From the ground the remains of debris would be streaking over the sky and creating falling stars. The sight of the battle like a painting in the night sky as they fought on the far side of the planet, the sun still hours from reaching their position as they fought in orbit. It was dark for those below, but with each flash of a solid hit, there was a new light that pierced that veil of green, red, and yellow. The flares of energy that looked like lights that shone from the heavens.
It was a picture of beauty born from death.