Location: near the
Temple of Pomojema, Mimban
Objective: Apparently fighting and stuff
Allies: Native
Coway, [member="Karen Roberts"], [member="Ali Hadrix"]?
Enemies: [member="Kiera Ticon"] | [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Commander Lusk"] | [member="Ithiel Verd"]
Specific Enemy: [member="Ithiel Verd"]
Gear: See signature for usual gear,
What had started as a relatively peaceful morning in the jungle had quickly turned into bloodthirsty chaos.
Advanced war machines made by galactic powers fought against each other, the jungle, and the Coway.
Even the most basic elements and chemicals had not escaped the violence.
As he descended from his tree, Travot caught a faint whiff of what at first he thought was garlic. He clung onto a branch and turned his head to view a rising column of white smoke that drifted up into the darkening skies. He frowned. It's not Dave's cooking...it's white phosporous... He had only encountered several times before, though on a far smaller scale in smoke grenades. It was a curious if dangerous chemical if one was unaware of its properties. It was widely known to spontaneously combust quite rapidly at high temperatures when exposed to free oxygen. While this made it dangerous to organics who made direct contact with it while it was combusting, this amount of contact time was ephemeral at best. And while that time could be prolonged and especially dangerous in closed settings, the air currents of the almost perpetually stormy Mimban V were well-suited to simply whisking its burning particles in their naturally upward nature and away from the ground. But none of this detracted from the chemical's main use by the rest of the galaxy, as a quick-acting smoke screen.
Travot squinted as he struggled to even see the obsidian bricks of the temple. Even my macro-binoculars won't be of much use in all of this haze. He slowly descended until he reached the lowest branch of the Irewe tree. He froze among a cluster of broad leaves as he saw a shadowly figure walk towards him with a blaster rifle in trained on his tree's trunk. As the figure passed a bush, he saw a second one jump out from behind it, and swing an axe into the mandalorian's neck. The mercenary staggered forward, but the coway didn't hesitate to give with his continued assault, kicking the man behind his knee cap. The man plunged onto the before another axe stroke completed the man's beheading. Travot winced as he jumped to land on the ground.
The coway chief, one D'wen Tone, stalked towards him and grunted at him with a guttural form of pidgin basic, "
Death come to all."
Travot solemnly nodded as he if understood, though he really didn't. Is that supposed to be comforting? Or is that a call to revenge? Ravenna's jaw briefly set as he considered the implications of these latest actions to the Coway. Much of the culture lived underground, so far untouched by the fighting, but the
Temple of Pomojema was sacred ground to them. It seemed unlikely to Travot that they'd simply ignore such atrocities as the destruction being wrought on to their home laying down. They were too proud to ignore, yet not stupid enough to realize that they were outmatched in a standing fight against the high tech mercenaries. The guerilla tactics that they employed on the Galactic Empire years before and on their fellow tribes during war would likely see action here. Hit and fade attacks from the trees, foliage, or even from their underground passages.
I will likely have to adopt the same tactics...The Republic's jedi had no standing quarters or permanent infrastructure associated with the native's temple. While the occasional scholar came to study the glyphs or treasure-seeker came looking for remnants of the great crystal, there was little reason for the jedi to continually intrude upon what was another culture's sacred site, especially with the Republic's flagship academy being only several sectors away. Travot reached out through the Force to feel for the three visiting jedi. He could not feel the first two's presence, and he quickly surmised that they had either been killed or had hidden themselves much as Travot had done. The third, one [member="Karen Roberts"], quite sensibly seemed to be withdrawing from the fight.
Just me and the coway for the moment...I'm sure there have been worse odds in the galaxy...
Travot fell in behind Tone as the coway disappeared into the cover and concealment of the jungle's floor. While not as practiced in moving through the foliage as the coway, his own adventures on the outer edges of the galaxy had exposed him to similar climates in the past. The large man hunkered down into and deftly bent, but didn't snap, the green stalks that rose up from the rich floor. Tone suddenly halted, tapped Travot on his front knee, and pointed through an opening of the brush in front of them. A thick cloud of billowing, white smoke arose from a recently landed shell in front of a massive object that Travot recognized as the temple's entrance.
You get us through," demanded the chief.
Travot nodded.
This is probably not what the Council had in mind when they approved my "environmental training" here...but it's just as applicable as any...Travot closed his eyes and reached through the Force to feel its flow and ebb. He reached out into that energy field, subtly altering its flow by transferring energy from some air molecules to another. As some molecules became cooler, others became warmer, creating an upward flowing wind that accelerated the natural dispersion of the white phosporous.
Another come soon."
With that, the two quickly sprang out of their hiding spot to sprint into the native's temple. As they passed its threshhold, Travot was immediately struck by how much cooler the temple felt than when he was last in it. Instinctively he felt something off, and promptly drew his saber. He tapped a pair of switches, selecting the weapon's shorter, turquoise blade. The blade sprang to life with its characteristic snap-hiss to illuminate the ancient halls. His body entered a stance with a low center of gravity, almost par for many Soresu adherents, as he took the point position. the two warriors advanced down the hall until they encountered the rather incongruous site of man wearing modern body armor among the ancient religious carvings of the Coway's predecessors. Travot raised an eyebrow and warily came to a halt some distance away from [member="Ithiel Verd"].
What brings you to this sacred place?"