Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Podrace PODRACE: Celebration on Ossus (Open to Spectators and Gamblers!)

The Map:


The Rules:


As the fireworks exploded above the arena, the crowd roared in jubilation. About 25,000 people locals and Jedi alike were eagerly awaiting he first ever Podrace on the planet Ossus. The night sky continued to be showered by fireworks while the flag barriers each carrying the racers unique flag lined up in the middle of the starting line. They held each flag up high before they clear the area and allow the Podracers to continue looking over their vehicles. Up in the arena, a young woman with brown hair, blue eyes looked over the racers her lips next to the loudspeaker.


"Welcome everyone!" The woman's voice echoed through the arena. "To the first ever Ossus Podrace event! I'm your host: Iro Sor and we have big turnout 25,000 strong from all over the Core Region. Podracing has seen a resurgence in popularity in the past decade with sold out ventures across the galaxy. After much lobbying, the famed Jedi Knights have organized tonight's Podracing circuit constructing the beautiful United Knights Arena! The event is bought to you by: Corellia Digital who has set up the distribution of the show, Atrisian Commonwealth, and Upper City Industries!"

The crowd continued to roar while Iro couldn't help but stifle a laugh. She's fresh out of college comm major and her first job was to commentate over a major event for the Jedi no less. The pay is average as expected for fresh out of college girl but as a huge Podracing fan having watched Podracing with her family when she was a kid, Iro was just like the people in the arena: Eager for some action and jubilant to have a Podracing arena built on a planet like Ossus. "I see the contestants preparing their Podracers near the starting line. We got a bunch of newcomers along with some veteran racers."

She pressed a button, displaying the faces of the racers. "We got the main organizer of the event!: Jedi Master: Jaxon Thio!"

The crowd applauded the cameras point to Jax bickering with his droid: BB-12 about his shifter breaking again. Jax stared at the camera and in turn the cheering crowd before a sheepish grin formed on his face. He waved to the crowd kicking BB-12 out of the way as if he's a pebble on the floor. "A veteran of the Stygnan Campaign, Jax has been distinguished battles like Korriban and Ziost. He's also a Podracing enthusiast with an upcoming book: Very Fast, Very Dangerous which details the entire history of Podracing! Pre-orders will be available at entrance of the stadium!"

Iro listed the rest of the racers before showing off the map on the display screen. "This will be a traditional race!" Iro said. "The racers must cross four legs to get to the finish line whoever finishes first will receive a grand prize 3,000 UCs plus purified coaxium bought to us by the wonderful company: Artisan Commonwealth! Although the track may look simple there are some twists and turn that will place the old school Podracing fans on the edge of their seats!"

The young woman then smiled. "Looks like the officials have given the thumbs up!" She said. "START YOUR ENGINES!"

Jax Thio Jax Thio Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna (Used Roll)88 (16 on reroll)131653
Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble (Used Roll)1615172 (6 on reroll)54
Slider Slider N/A1517171160
Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill (Used Roll)51616239
Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos (Used roll)2 (14 on reroll)1317953
Juno Sabat Juno Sabat N/A1816
Tris Tris N/A1614201464
Eslo Anderson Eslo Anderson N/A
Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha (Used Roll)10151812 (17 on reroll)60


Zav Traros Zav Traros (Bets 1,000 UCs on Valery Noble Valery Noble winning the race)​


Mir Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor
Corellia Digital
Upper City Industries (5k)
Artisan Commonwealth (Purified Coaxium)


1st Place: 3,000 UCs and the Purified Coaxium
2nd Place: 1,500 UCs
3rd Place: 500 UCs

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Part of life was finding a new path for oneself. And part of that was actually following that path. Stellaris knew she was a soldier, a damn good one at that, well, soldier in the way of combat pilot. She tried the Jedi, didn't work. Tried the Matukai, that worked, and felt more like how she wanted. It was useful and not all tricks and nonsense. She carried her Kyber crystal around but retired the lightsaber itself. Anyway, with the awaiting trial, the need to get away from the Alliance life for a bit, she found herself having chased down a lead for a podrace.

And a game of sabacc.

And another game of sabacc.

And a night in the drunk tank.

And then a street race.

And through that? She found herself at least a sponsor.

Which meant she found a pod. And with a pod she made a promise in order to get herself a mechanic. She'd figure out all those details, and make good on the promise after the race. Her pod was sent ahead to Ossus, and she found herself there, a few people she knew, some of the more instructor oriented Jedi. But she wasn't there to reclaim her life.

Looking over at Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos she nodded. "We good?" She was speaking over the headset in her helmet as the Nodachi roared to life. She'd taken it for a few runs, and while she waited for the lights. The pod was ready and leapt off the line, as Stellaris moved it faster, she was pulling it through the first arching turn. She had a bit of a straight before that hairpin. What was going to pose a problem, she already knew was not letting this thing get ahead of her as she went into that 90 degree.
Supporting Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu

[ For A Forgotten Jedi ]
A young Twi'lek bounced anxiously in his seat.

He was no more than perhaps nine or ten summers. Restless and impatient. Eager to take in the race, but lost in the event. Swallowed by the crowd, no more than a speck of blue against a sea of bodies massed around the track. There was nothing special or different that he should have caught anyone's attention.

But he had.

Because a long time ago, in what felt like it had been a galaxy far, far away, Sor-Jan had known another blue Twi'lek who'd been about that same age when they'd first met at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when the Republic had still reigned and all stars burned as one.

Before the dark times.

Before the Clone Wars. When the galaxy had taken stability for granted. The universe had made sense then. Sor-Jan had been a Jedi then. Because it had been easy then. No morals sacrificed on the altar of war. The ideals of democracy not yet abandoned for the illusion of security. When Jedi had been Jedi and Sor-Jan had been proud to count himself among their number.

A tear slipped down the young Anzat's face as he watched the restless, young Twi'lek tug on the adult beside him -- his father perhaps. When Sor-Jan reflected back on his first padawan, he wondered if he could ever really account for all the ways in which he had failed Dilandau. Failed to protect him from the Clone Wars. Failed to shield him from the slow death of the very ideals which the Jedi had pledged to uphold, and then so quickly abandoned when the war was upon them.

Failed to foresee how it had all played right into the hands of their enemies. Not been there when the Purge had taken place.

That was the nightmare that plagued the Anzat, the lingering question of how Dilly had died. And, when the Empire had come for him, did the Twi'lek look up and wonder where his Master was? Had he called out Sor-Jan's name?

Or cursed him, for the fact that Sor-Jan hadn't been there. He'd been nine hundred years away, crashed on Lothal without a single gorram idea where he was.

"Welcome everyone!"

The announcement broke the youngling's reverie. Expressive, steel blue eyes flickered up, away from the crowd to the holographic images that hovered in the air over the track.

" the first ever Ossus Podrace event! I'm your host: Iro Sor and we have..."

Sniffling, the small Anzat cleared his throat, bringing a hand up to wipe the tear from his face. Coughing, he turned toward the array of pit droids that were finishing up the last minute preparations for the yellow podracer that was on the starting line.

When Sor-Jan had met Jerek Zenduu, the two had been close in age. Relatively speaking anyway. Now, the long-haired human was a young man. A Jedi Knight. It was remarkable, the speed at which the other races aged. Sor-Jan could blink and it was as though the human life came and went.

The young Anzat's mouth opened. Once upon a time, he'd have offered, may the Force be with you. Now, it was as though the words died on his tongue. Like bits of sand, the memories leaving his throat parched.

Clearing his throat a second time, the youth awkwardly managed to say, "Careful not to choke the throttle and keep an eye on the flow regulator."

Hardly a startling revelation. Jerek was a pilot, he knew what he was doing.

Sor-Jan could have wished him luck, but neither of them believed in that. Instead, with a nod of his head, the Anzat turned and guided the maintenance droids over to the crew pit as the engines started and the race about to start.
Podracer: The Wheelhouse
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio - Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris - Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha - @Others as they come
OOC Roll, Leg 1 (when it starts): 15 (Scar Worlds Discord)

The Wheelhouse was acting up again.

Something was wrong with the monowheel's suspension, he knew it. Whenever he hit a particularly bumpy patch of a race, he heard a scraping sound beneath him. The pod didn't need to touch the ground, it had repulsors powered by the spinning motion of the big wheel, but when it did, things got dicey quick.

The Bereth-Aku kneeled next to his vehicle, hydrospanner in clawed hand, and orange-tinted goggles over his eyes. Slider had tried every trick he knew, from replacing the hover coils to giving the old scrapheap a good kick, but nothing seemed to work. He had a new mechanic for this race, maybe they could take a look at the old bike afterward. Assuming it didn't fireball out halfway through.

Which was a possibility.

Finally, resigning himself to the fact that this problem wouldn't be solved in a day, he put his tools down, and mounted the Wheelhouse, testing the controls, and craning his neck around to see the crowds. A smile touched his beaked lips, and he tightened his hands on the controls.

It was time to show the Jedi just how fast a turtle could move.
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(OOC: Rolled a 14 replacing Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris ' original roll of 2 Mandalorian Enclave Discord)

The only thing that Ossus was good for was the food. Buttery Popcorn and some Bantha Dogs were enough to fill Kaul's stomach while he observed the Podracer's engines roar to life. He had the best seats in the house as well, right at the pit station. A few weeks ago, one of his Revenant Squadmates: Danielle Stellaris had come to Kaul asking him to be her engineer for the upcoming race on Ossus. Given that Kaul was bored out of his mind having been grounded for months now, he agreed on one condition..... She goes out on him on a few dates.

Of all of the women in Revenant Squad, Danielle was a total bombshell of a woman. Helped immensely with her love for flying and knowledge of Starfighters. It was way more than enough to make Kaul fall head over heels in love with her. It was the ultimate opportunity for him to ask considering that his flirtations bounced off of her the same way blaster bolt would to a Lightsaber. She quickly agreed and now here he was, on the track sipping on some cola. "Hey Danielle!" Kaul called over onto the comm. "I've looked over the Pod last night and did some quick modifications. I've installed some Injectrine into the pods. Should give you the boost you need."

He leaned back, the Podracer Danielle bought was pretty nice and advanced. But like everything, it can be even better. "Go leave them in the dust sweetheart." Kaul smirked as he watched the race begin to unfold.

Valery: Appearance
Support: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Roll: Roll | GA discord (16)
This was going to be her very first race.
All her life, Valery had enjoyed the thrill of taking a speeder through tight turns and accelerating on long roads. Very few things scared her, and the adrenaline rush was something she could appreciate. But she had never spent any of her time racing or competing with others — life kept her too busy for it, and she didn't care much about winning to earn money either.
In fact, she planned to donate her earnings, if she were to win something today.
Looking over at the stands from within her podracer, Valery spotted Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble with their daughter, watching and being ready to support her through this race. With them nearby, she just knew that something special could happen today. Finally, her attention shifted forward and she quietly waited and watched for the signal, as her mind transitioned into the zone.
Pulling hard on the throttle, Valery accelerated rapidly towards the first bend, her long hair flowing in the wind behind her. At the right moment, she pulled on the brakes and hit the apex just right for her to smoothly transition into the straight. The U-turn that followed, she passed through without any trouble and the second she came out of it, she blasted away down the long straight going into the second leg.
Valery had no idea if she was ahead or not, but one thing was certain. She was fast
Ossus was a beautiful world filled with lush forests, rolling hills, majestic mountains, and beautiful seas, though admittedly nowhere near as beautiful as the seas of either of his 'homeworlds'. The stadium roared with anticipation as the racers prepared their pods. A Quarren and a red-beareded man were working on his, both part of his team from Pamarthe. The Quarren was wiping his face down with a damp cloth, it seemed he wasn't used to a climate as dry as this one when compared to Pamarthe. He looked up at Leith, his tentacles curling.

<You should be ready sir,> he said in his native tongue. The human Pamarthen stood and nodded in agreement after checking one of the drives. The cockpit of his racer was elegantly shaped, a product of Nubian design. Etched with sharp lines and painted to look like the chariots pulled by the great warbeasts of his species' homeworld, the pod was attached by plasma energy binders to a series of three large hybrid ion-turbine engines, each with ornamentation shaped in the sneering, growling heads of the Miredrake.

"Good, good men." The countdown began and the pair scampered off. Leith wished the track was larger, he still dreamed of racing in the Bunta Eve Classic, but for now he needed to prove himself again in these smaller races. The light turned green and he shoved his control arms forward, launching into the race. He had a good start, and pulled forward, wind whipping his short, dreadlocked hair back and forth. He couldn't help the grin as it inched its way across his face. Now THIS was podracing!
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Betting as a spectator

"Yeah, I'll place a thousand underworld credits on Valery Noble Valery Noble " Zav announced upon approaching the wagering booth, pushing a handful of the currency across the counter to the clerk. He took his ticket soon after, making his way back out through the crowd. Now that he'd placed his bet, Zav searched for a place where he could get a drink.

He was far from alone; the bar was even more crowded than the betting area. The race was set to start soon, and if he waited in line he'd miss the first leg of the race; maybe the second as well. That didn't seem to matter to those customers in line who wanted their drinks just that badly. Zav wanted a drink pretty bad too, but he didn't want to miss the race. Besides, he'd prepared ahead.

Ducking into one of the gates he searched the seating until he found something good. Noting the location, he quickly made his way back through the gate, walking along the perimiter of the arena until he walked through a gate by the first leg. Moving down the stairs, he saw his desired seat was still empty; he immediately made his way over and occupied it.

He'd made his way just in time, and once the race began and held the attention of the roaring crowd, Zav reached into the inside of his boot and pulled out a small flask, taking a quick swig from it. He didn't know if they allowed outside liquor, but he knew kriffing well better than to ask.

With his ticket in hand and his flask concealed into his jacket, Zav looked to the race to catch up on what he missed. He soon found the racer he'd bet on, and Valery was making great time. He leaned in further, watching with hope that he'd placed his credits on the winning contestant, his interest greatly motivated by the wager.

It just wasn't as exciting without credits on the line. Or whiskey in the stomach.
Location: Ossus
Podracer: Yes, technically
Mechanic: Some guy I found at the end of Korriban's Race ( Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill )
Roll: 5, oof

Cassus had a real thrill on Korriban, but he was pretty sure he must've scared Daiya after succumbing to the illusions of that ritual pit. Luckily, she was able to lead him out of it. That didn't stop his curse from wrecking his janked up Podracer at the very end of the race and getting leapfrogged by some unknown. At least he ran into some kind of scrapper at the end that could salvage his smoking machine.

He didn't question it and offered him some UCks if he'd follow him to the next race. Maybe the stranger would balance out his luck or something. Not likely, but he was interested in trying out ways of making new connections. Before the race started, the young man decided to take a look at the more functional-looking Podracers waiting to get off the finish line. That's when he came across the most bizarrely yellow contraption that looked far too clean to be a podracer. Or at least, his conception of what a podracer should be.

"You buying or flying?" A voice comes down from above him. In the pilot seat, fretting over the startup sequence and looking like he was missing a manual, is a blonde male a few years older than Cassus.

"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of either. It looks like it's begging to crash." In my hands, is what he thought, though that last part didn't seem to get out as he put an admiring hand on the side of the pod racer.

The racer, Jerek, let out a scoff. "I get that a lot." He pulled his legs back underneath him to rest on the seat, giving him enough clearance to lean over the viewport and tap the side of the pod's yellow skin. Not his favorite color, but it must be in fashion somewhere. Jerek had asked SJ to pimp his ride, and this is what he got. The man promised himself he would add stripes or some kind of contrast before the next race so it didn't look as much like a banana. "Nah, I've flown worse than this." He tossed his head, long hair tied up in a bun today, over at the other contestants. "In deadlier matches, too."

Cassus considered this with all the attention span of duct tape because that's what he felt like right now, his hand holding behind it a massive crack forming on the banana-colored frame. He nodded to the older guy's words and tried very carefully to extradite himself from this situation.

"Hoping you are right because I have to say, you aren't going to survive if the wind blows wrong on this. I'd bet solid money on it," At that moment, it was time to get back into his podracer or he'd be left behind. Some of the exterior of the yellow podracer seemed to fall to the ground after taking his hand away to head back to his own racer.

"Sorry, about that. I'll pay for it if my own junker busts. Hope you didn't spend too much on that!" He said running back to his podracer. Cassus barely got into his vehicle in time for take off.

*co-written with Jerek

Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Jax Thio Jax Thio

Jerek's Podracer

Ossus was home to Jerek.

Even if he had spent most of his life elsewhere. Even if it had taken repeated wars to restore it. Even if everything looked different than what he remembered. Here, his heart would forever adapt, and the rest of the Jedi Knight could follow suit.

Ossus never had an arena before. Or a podrace. Part of the man lamented for lost opportunities for the boy he had been, a boyish desire to have raced here years ago when war had trumped recreation. It was a foolish sentiment, but Ossus sometimes made him feel foolish in many ways. Jerek did his best to take it in stride now, making up for lost opportunities and boyish desires as best he could.

So of course he had entered the race.

The next step was a podracer. For some reason, the race declined his suggestion to use his J-2 starfighter. Something about the arena not being tested with vessels built for zero-g...well, it seemed like a silly reason when podracers were barely built for gravity itself. They defied it with every turn, shrugging off the pull of the planet below them, and often the very confines of their construction. A bad podracer was as much a deathtrap as a starfighter in the hands of a bad pilot, something the arena operators would probably find out very soon.

Jerek was doing his best to ensure he wasn't the first victim of the arena today. His podracer was a gift of sorts, a masterpiece that could only have been crafted by the indomitable Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha . Which meant it looked fantastic, sounded even better, but was probably held together by a bunch of engine tape and faith in the Force. That put Jerek squarely in the pilot seat for the rest of his free time before the race, putting his faith more in the Force than in the quality of engine tape SJ might have used.

"So the energy shunts from the plasma matrix to the combustion resequencer? Why, SJ? Just why?" Tracing the path of the startup sequence was harder than he expected. Jerek would have killed —not literally, but close— for a manual. Then he laughed at his own demented expectations for the Anzati master.

He looked up to see a curious observer near his podracer. Jerek glanced over to the other pods, to see which one was missing a pilot. Anyone down here at this point was either a racer or a sponsor. Grabbing the edges of the pod viewport, the young knight pulled himself up to lean against it, giving him a better vantage point. "You buying or flying?"

The kid looked up, and now Jerek could see that it was a kid. A few years younger than Jerek, but built sturdier than he had been as a teenager. The teen put his hand on the side of the podracer's plating. Admiring it? The boy was another racer, the knight could tell, from the helmet he carried at his side and the tone of his words. "Oh no, I wouldn't dream of either. It looks like it's begging to crash."

Jerek let out a scoff. "I get that a lot." He pulled his legs back underneath him to rest on the seat, giving him enough clearance to lean over the viewport and tap the side of the pod's yellow skin. Not his favorite color, but it must be in fashion somewhere. Jerek had asked SJ to pimp his ride, and this is what he got. The man promised himself he would add stripes or some kind of contrast before the next race so it didn't look as much like a banana. "Nah, I've flown worse than this." He tossed his head, long hair tied up in a bun today, over at the other contestants. "In deadlier matches, too."

"Hoping you are right because I have to say, you aren't going to survive if the wind blows wrong on this. I'd bet solid money on it."

"HA!" The boy had cheek to make such a wager. Jerek grinned, it wouldn't be a proper contest without plenty of bragging. His smile faded as the kid —no, he revised his opinion, the punk— pulled part of the pod's skin away, leaving the bare mechanics of the slapdash podracer on display. The pilot worked hard to keep his gear in good shape, and this one hadn't even left the starting line yet. "I'll hold you to that, friend."

"Sorry, about that. I'll pay for it if my own junker busts. Hope you didn't spend too much on that!"

Jerek jumped down to the spot vacated by the departing racer. He called out to the punk's backside, "How about 5000 credits, then, if mine's in better shape than yours by the end of it all? Accept, and I'll forget your little sabotage here."

He put his fingers in the space at the front of his suit's helmet, the small ventilation gap that only closed in adverse environments. Licking his thumb, Jerek rubbed thoughtfully it on the seam of the pod's skin, then kicked up the carbo-plas sheeting from the ground. He caught it, then hopped up into his pod as well, tucking it alongside for later. The race was ready to begin, he didn't even have time to glance toward the stands for SJ's impression.

As the timer counted down, Jerek felt the grin rise again. Undampened by the encounter, or anymore disturbed by his podracer's haphazard construction, the man flipped the ignition and felt the engines roar into being.

It was loud.

It was dangerous.

It was life.

(Written jointly with Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin ))


Location: Ossus, Jax's Podracer
Equipment: Racing GearJax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna

(OOC: Rolled an 8)

"All right let's see here..... Tradium engines have responded really well to the computer, pressurization systems are good, Injectrine is responisve."

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Jax flashed a genuine smile. He was back doing what he loved: Podracing, the speed, the unique and interesting designs, the dance with danger which ignited the adrenaline within him. Ever since Jax watched his first Podrace on Coruscant, he was hooked on the sport. Of course, he knew about the controversies that surrounded Podracing such as the corruption, the shady racers and the fatality rates. Though Podracing had went through a bunch of reforms throughout the years, the Ratts Tyrell Foundation was still hellbent in shutting Podracing down and they had funds and connections to make it hard to get HoloTV deals.

Still, the Foundation couldn't prevent Jax from organizing this event for Romi Jade Romi Jade celebrating her revival of the Praxeum. The Jedi Master had to fight the Brotherhood soon as well as many Jedi who was racing and watching this race. But for now, it was time relax and enjoy a good Podrace. <Hey Jax!> BB-12 whirred through his intercom. <You cost me a lot of money at Korriban you son of a Bantha!>

"Ignoring that I survived?" Jax chuckled. "I mean it could be worse."

<What's worse is that you lost me money!> BB-12 beeped. <You b->

Jax immediately shut off the intercom as his racer roared to life and accelerated out of the starting line. He had some ground to make up but it was good to be racing again.

Podrace: [1d20]=18

Juno sat in her rented pod, perhaps over excited at the prospect of a race. She very briefly considered doing the race with blinders as an instinctive astrogation excercise, but decided a podrace was too high stakes for that. She'd keep her eyes, and hopefully she could trust them. She scanned the crowd, looking for familiar faces. While she'd told Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill she was a Jedi mutt, she had met a bunch of friends who trained here. She tried to get Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam , Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek , Iris Arani Iris Arani and Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky tickets to the event, but didn't know if they were able to make it. With a bit of nervousness she hoped to do her friends proud and readied herself for the start. The Jedi Master, also on the ground, said a few words and then the race was on.

Juno managed to hit the gas right at the start, and was one of the first racers off the line. She climbed forward before veering right at the first turn. She pushed her machine up to second gear and barely made the next hairpin turn, narrowly missing the edge of the track but retaining a spot at the head of the pack. Juno bit her lip and pushed the gas, aiming to bring her machine up to third gear before making the next turn.
Location: Arena Support, Ossus
Supporting: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Cross. Yes, Kira was quite cross. After everything she'd done for Master Jax Thio in the last race -- even if she'd not told him -- they'd not so much as exchanged limp conversation of the weather! Let alone any gratitude for what he'd managed to achieve despite any set backs. And now to find him here on this world indulging in his fantasy of being the Galaxy's Greatest Podracer...! Did he expect her to 'tinker' with the other Pod Racers this time as well? Surely not, being a fine, outstanding Master of the Jedi Order with no time for a mere Padawan such as herself; and with no compensation as well! Help him win and then be content with a sweeping glance over a crowd in which she just happened to stand. Outrageous.
The announcer, Iro Sor—

"Around the first loop and over the bridge, and Juno Sabat Juno Sabat is in the lead with Tris Tris and Valery Noble Valery Noble fighting for the number two slot. Two Jedi and a Pamarthen sailor out front! Oof, that was a shaky start for Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris , but it looks like her fuel injection kicked in hard. She's coming up to a strong position in the middle of the pack…"

Back in the pits, Jorus watched the monitors and slurped his dinner from a pack of rehydrated tomo-spiced Karkan ribenes. He kept an eye on Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin . Rough beginning, but far from out of the race, especially the way people crashed in races like these.

An AWFUL lot of money to be won, one way or another. He'd had a serious talk with Cassus about the Vault side purses and the risks associated with that.
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An AWFUL lot of money to be won, one way or another. He'd had a serious talk with Cassus about the Vault side purses and the risks associated with that

The Gand was well aware of the lucrative bounties offered on podracers. The Gand had this come with a specific target in mind, Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin . He was the most natural target, as he was, to the Gand's recollection, the only pod racer who had attended all three of the recent resurgence of races.

The Gand used a bit of Ucks to arrange for fans of different racers to be seated adjacent to other. He used a bit of alcohol to make them a bit more rowdy than usual. He used the force to ever so gently suggest that one of the racers was cheating, which was repeated, offended other fans, and ultimately resulted in a brawl of at least thirty sapients. The Gand used this distraction to begin assembling his TriTech GSS-11 Deluxe Sporting Rifle.

The Gand aimed to have a shot ready to meet the racer by the next leg.
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Location: Arena Stands
Purpose: just here to enjoy some podracing and cheer on some friends

Rhemti wouldn't have missed Juno Sabat Juno Sabat 's podrace for anything, well, so long as he had free time from his duties. Luckily since his Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was going, he had to travel along too, to root for both Juno and Valery Noble Valery Noble alongside him and baby Vera.

The start of the race had the red and white skinned Nautolan on the edge of his seat, cheering loudly for his female padawan friend as he spectated from the stands.

"Way to go Juno! You've got this!" It would be clear Rhemti will have never been to a podrace before.
Podrace: [1d20]=16
Total: 34

The second leg was characterized by a slight right turn, followed by a sharp turn left, the a decent amount of road before another sharp left. The slight right was to avoid a patch of mud that would play havoc if they got inside s pod's engine. An adventurous racer could try to jump the mud, but Juno was in the top of the pack, battling for first place. She decided to play it safe.

She hugged the track just to the edge of the mud, minimizing her right turn and setting herself up for the next. At the end of the turn she hit a button on her left country and pushed the lever forward. She heard a click and a roar as she hit the next turn, gaining speed.

The race was hitting the halfway mark, but she was doing well so far. Hopefully she'd make Jorus and the Praxeum proud.

Valery: Appearance
Support: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Roll: Roll | GA discord (15) | Total of 31
For her first time podracing, Valery felt like it was going rather well. She had gotten through the first leg without any issues, and it seemed that she was sharing second place alongside one other racer, while the Padawan who had taken the lead wasn't far out — there was plenty of time to catch up and pass her.
Coming into the second leg, Valery grinned and passed through the first bend with speed about equal to the last one she took. With her family watching, there was no going slow, no taking it easy on her first time. She wanted to make it a good show for them.
"Come on..." she muttered to herself as she hit the accelerator when she came through the turn, blasting away and into the final turn that would lead her into the third leg. The race was at its halfway point, and Juno was still ahead just a little bit. It seemed like she was going to have to step it up a little in order to win.
But regardless of where she'd place in the end, she was having a great time.
She was cussing up a storm in her mind, she hoped it wasn't verbal, but she knew that part of it probably was. What was she doing… Shaking her head she remembered what Kaul had said, injectrine. That was going to be good. Her start was a bit rough and the others were getting along fine but her? No, she needed the boost. Smart man, definitely knows his stuff. She hit that 90 degree turn and kicked the throttle. This was just what she needed.

She had seen a few of the others pass her, and that was fine. She was a fighter plot by training, a racer by a somewhat forced choice. It wasn't my fault they can't have fun in an organized navy. She missed serving out on the Rim. But being in last wasn't a bad thing, just meant she had some catching up to do. And that was just about what she was doing. The next turn was coming and she'd be on a straight.

That would be good. Dump all the power to the throttle and try to take off. Hopefully that awkward start wasn't going to set her back, but what she knew now? She knew she was in a good spot. Just had to jockey for position.


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