Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Proclamation - the treaty of Vontor [Dominion of Klatooine]

"Later kid." he spoke sharply, the venom broiling to the surface of the airy unspoken threat. "Alright, Jas." he addressed [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"], the sharp look burrowing into his cranium. "He'll have me purging sand people again I just know it." he spat metaphorically with a sharp incline of his head. "You!" he snaked towards [member="Kuryr"], and gave him a look of a challenge all the while sizing him up and testing his metal in the small mannerisms that made up the aliens facial expressions. "Follow me, you'll be introduced to the Hutt." before continuing to follow Jaster.
Location: White Palace
Speaking with: [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]


Jaster just looked at the cyborg as he could observe steam coming off his face plate in anger. The ambassador truely russled the captains feathers when it came to the Primeval, yet their negosiations were key to the cartels survival and Jaster grip on the central trade lanes. No Prime support meant the Silvers and Techos would be at their door step. Jaster didnt like dealing with either nation as both were self righteous and interested in their own means. Jaster was interested in money, and of course helping others when he could.

Jaster continued to walk and spoke up to Flannagin, "It would seem that a few of the tribes aren't interested in joined the all mighty Sempra, they intend to rebel and make a scene, that would not be in our interest." Jaster looked around to see if the senator from the republic was around, he didn't see her, "I've got a few Officers and Transports ready to quell this... Riot... I'll keep the Public Relations saying it was a Goverment act of defense and label them as unsavory, I'm sure Sempra will want you to take them to the Slave Camps for Reeducation, me and my officers will deal with the dead and left behind, no evidence for the other nations to retaliate, can't risk it."

Jaster played politics, like a good game of Holo Chess, Jaster always covered all his bases. Easiest way to run a nations was to make the rumors seem like conspiracies.
[member="Seth A'mun"]

It was just a short period of time before Thrukk was able to excuse himself from the party. Another gun-for-hire took over his duties. The Hutt’s bodyguards were working short shifts tonight, all were expected to enjoy the celebrations at some point in the night.

To his replacement, he added a small datastick. On it was a signed file, so Thrukk would know if it had been open. “If aam nae back in tois hoors, open 'at, come tae th' locations guns blazin'”

“Problem?” the gran asked seriously.

“Nae dornt hink sae, jist bein' cautioos,” Thrukk replied with a shrug. However, he kept his weapons when he left the palace and headed for Knoll alley. He arrived shortly after, checking out the street from a distance, before approaching.
"I've been in the Cartel my whole life." Ash told [member="Nyx"], a simple explanation like that wouldn't need more. However, for simplicity's sake, Ash would say more. "I was born a slave, but worked my way up through the ranks to where I am now." The slave girl on Nyx's lap was staring at her now, with a look of wonder on her face. Perhaps this one wanted the same thing as the Togruta.
Location: White Palace
Companion: [member="Kuryr"] [member="Artemis Exor"]
In the vicinity: [member="Boo Chiyo"]

Just as Kuryr was in his finest armor tonight, he made sure Bellatrix was also the showpiece worthy of a Hutt party. She wore a short, gold metallic suit with arm and wrist bracelets. The gilded body straps were especially striking against her deep blue skin.


Tonight she would not wear her utilitarian collar, nor did her Taung master seem too concerned that she mingled around the party as though she were a normal guest.

For a moment she felt as though she were back in Club Tranquility on Balosar, but she was at this lavish party instead and thankfully wouldn’t have to perform. But since there weren’t many Hutts on her home-planet (although they were one of the main importers of death sticks), it was interesting to watch how the Cartel lived, worked and played. From lavish to seedy it appeared all walks of life were represented here at the Palace. Bellatrix made her way around the room, but as was customary (and from a healthy fear of him) kept a close eye on where her master was at all times.


A hooded figure in russet robes stepped out of the shadows of the alley. He stood off at some distance so as to maintain full view of @Thrukk without having to lift his head upward and expose his face.

"Didn't think you'd come," he said.

He wondered if it was genuine hate or merely suspicious interest that had drawn the massive warrior.

"There's a job. Good pay, bloody work. Tatooine. You would be going up against a Hutt. Not Sempra, but the Kajidics may get involved. Interested?"
[member="Seth A'mun"]

"An' ah was expectin' an ambush! Aww I’d e'en started tae git worked up for a fight!” Thrukk said through a grin. His organic left hand moved away from the heavy blaster carbine he’d converted into a pistol. In hindsight, a few less drinks during the evening would have been in order. The drink took the edge of his senses, and he was slightly on edge, a little jumpy, in an attempt to compensate.

“If th' money's reit aam yoors. Question is: will sempra tak' issue wi' th' wark. If so, pay needs tae be more. Hutt politics move sae quickly, aam afraid Ah cannae keep up. Make sense?”

Catalys was momentarily distracted by one of the slave girls that walked by before once again returning to [member="Boo Chiyo"] who was being verbally roughed up by one of the Cartel's guards. The Umbaran did nothing, just standing there as the young boy received abuse that would normally scar a child for life before festering into some sort of mental condition. When the second man arrived and helped him out, the agent couldn't help by chuckle softly about the entire event.

"You're too soft," he said; walking up to Boo. His eyes returned to yet another girl, [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]. "How old are you anyway?" It always surprised him that someone so young had found their way so far up in the Bleeding Sun. Not even Anja herself, a prodigy in all respects, had been that successful... If he was born a decade earlier it might've been him who lead the Host.
Post 4 of 20
Location: The White Palace
Tag: [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]

The young Pantoran looked over at the other man.

"You would prefer a more aggressive approach?" the boy inquired curiously, the slightest hint of an edge underlining the soft voice of the youngling as he turned the Umbaran's question back on him with another question. Their task was to open diplomatic relations with the Hutts, and to maintain a flow of communication between the Primeval and the Cartel. Petty bickering or pandering to some inflated ego -- his or some rusted out cyborg's -- would not achieve the objectives set forth by the Holy See of Bastion.

In fact, such actions would be directly in opposition to those objectives. So it was easy to be meek, or play the fool.

For men such as Catalys, playing the fool ought to come natural. Seeing past the veil of the Umbaran's masked helm, the boy followed the man's gaze to one of the slave dancers. One of the many slaves that populated the White Palace, but Hutts seemed particular to female slaves who danced in particular. For such a large, sedentary species that seemed rather odd. Just what was the big deal about a bunch of girls in metal bikinis dancing?

At the question about his age, the boy looked back up at the masked Umbaran but found that the man's attention was again elsewhere. Looking out into the crowd, the boy saw a rather strange looking woman. She was blue, but not a pale shade as he was. She was a darker tone, with skin like a sapphire. She wasn't a Twi'lek, and she wasn't Pantoran.

She was an enigma, barely concealed behind a thinly veiled secret, and she moved in mysterious ways.

The boy's mouth fell open for a moment, as a blush of violet dusted his cheeks. Pulling his eyes away, the boy gazed down at the ground as he shuffled his feet awkwardly. "Thirteen," the boy said, offering a lie in response. If the question had even been meant for him.
He watched as the robot wandered through the party until it was close enough to speak. Kuryr wondered if this was some deranged protocol droid, it was rude and it almost seemed to think that a few moments of posturing and posing would have some effect on the large taung. He grinned at the words and took a deep puff of his cigarra. Meeting one of the overbearing slugs could be good for business, but he wasn't the type that would jump when someone called. He was Kuryr, he answered to no one but himself, protocol droid or not, he would take his sweet time strolling through the party.

As he slowly moved through the party, he made sure to stop to try the food that the mostly naked slaves were carrying on trays around the room. He spied [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] mingling through the crowd and smiled, the metal costume stood out in stark contrast to her blue skin. He knew that her presence alone would add to his prestige. He managed another dozen steps before he stopped again to sample a bit of roasted meat slathered in a sweet sauce. The glances he would get as he stopped didn't bother him, He didn't really care what all these psychophants though. they were all here to kiss the slimy tail of the Hutts, they were pathetic. Beings that exuded power, but bended knee at the first sign of a large stinky slug. It was time to pretend to play nice, he was interested in whatever pitch they would throw his way, what was the trap they would try to snare him into that would make him one of their lackeys. It didn't matter in the end, he and his people charted their own path, anyone who would try to stop them would meet the safe fate as anyone that had tried in the past. The would just be more blood for the stew.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

Location: White Palace
Companion: [member="Kuryr"] [member="Artemis Exor"]
In the vicinity: [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]

She was drawn to the boy, whose blue skin was like her own, but as she got closer, she could tell he wasn't a Chiss. He lacked the vibrant red eyes of the species, as did Bellatrix being half-Balosar. He was standing next to male figure in a mask and armor.

Her gaze was momentarily distracted, not by the nudity of the other slaves, but the foodstuff on the trays which they carried. She stopped one of them and peered at the tray.

"What's that?" the dancer-slave asked, pointing to some kind of indeterminate meat.

"Collypod, Miss," said the server.

Gingerly, she picked it up with her blue fingers and brought it close to her mouth. By the Core, it smelled absolutely awful! She wrinkled her nose in distaste and said, "Never mind then." But Bellatrix did take a glass of champagne when that came around.

She approached the boy and in a kind and melodic voice asked, "What species are you? Wroonian?" A sip of champagne and a tilt of the head at the man beside the boy. To both of them she said, "I'm Bellatrix."

She instinctively looked for Kuryr and saw him distracted by the appetizers. His large and imposing presence was attracting a bit of attention, and there did seem to be a tangible strain in the room, probably from all of these posturing criminals in one room.
Post 5 of 20
Location: The White Palace
Tag: [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]

The boy looked up.

The dusting of violet across his cheeks brightened, as the youth's amber eyes now flickered up toward the ceiling in search of some safe place to rest his eyes. Her dress was very...


The comment as to his species almost went unheard, as the hair stood up on the back of his neck as he was unnerved by the proximity to this brazen woman. His feet scuffled over the floor, as the young witch-boy seemed to try and push himself back into the wall in vain effort at putting some distance between the two of them. "Pantoran," the youth murmured in reply, the sound barely audible above the din of the chatter around the room.

At the name, the youth's amber eyes danced around the room again. Briefly flickering over the woman's face as he repeated his earlier answer, "...I'm Pantoran." Realizing that might not have come across correctly, the boy blushed a brighter shade of violet as he stammered, "Well... I mean, my species is Pantoran. My name is Boo."

"And, you are?"
Location: White Palace
Companion: [member="Kuryr"] [member="Artemis Exor"]
In the vicinity: [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]

Pantoran. She had never met one but was close with the guess of Wroonian.

Seeing a child this young at such a hedonistic Hutt party as this one, made Bellatrix feel protective all of a sudden. For both of them. She was quite young herself but had seen enough in her twenty-one years to scar her for a lifetime. Neither of them should be here. They deserved to be elsewhere in the galaxy… in a safer place, following their own ambitions. Not these predetermined paths. At least not Bellatrix. Perhaps the boy was royalty for all she knew.

She motioned to her antennapalps with blue fingers. “I’m half-Balosar, half-Chiss,” she answered. “Born and raised on Balosar.” With the fluid way she moved and her comfort-level with her revealing costume, it would be clear to those around her she was a dancer or at least some kind of entertainer.

“And it’s good to meet you, Boo,” she said.

It dawned on her that the child could provide a lot of intelligence, mostly which she could take back to Kuryr as she was constantly thinking up ways to prove her worth. But also for her own benefit. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get to know the names and figures in this room a little better. Like a slave, a child could be invisible to those around him and could therefore bear witness to information said recklessly in his presence.

She smiled with genuine warmth. “So who exactly do you know at this party, and what do they do? I’m curious because I don’t know anyone here.”
Post 6 of 20
Location: The White Palace
Tag: [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]

The way in which the woman moved made him uncomfortable.

Unnerved, the boy's amber eyes darted about the room as he continued to try and find some safe place to look -- which almost certainly didn't involve looking at her -- whilst continuing to try and escape into the wall that was barring him from escape. "I'm, uh... kinda the same," the youth remarked in answer to the question.

Grateful for the opportunity to suddenly direct attention away from himself, the boy perked up a moment later to gesture toward the armored Umbaran beside him. "I really just know this idiot here," the boy remarked candidly, his speech bolstered by the sense of comfort and camaraderie that he had for his Bleeding Sun partner. Even if he still wasn't so brave as to look the woman in the face. Or the parts of her that were closer to eye-level for him, especially slouching back against the wall.

"His name is Catalys. And, trust me, you want him to leave the helmet on."

"You know Umbarans can tell when you're lying," Catalys made a statement to his earlier response on age.

Catalys pushed off the wall he leaned against and approached the two mid-conversation. "This idiot suggests it's unwise to fraternize with strangers," the gent finally decided to chime in. The Umbaran did hide behind his mask but not for the reasons that Boo seemed to jest at.

It was clear to all who saw him that the man was a soldier of some kind. That didn't mean he stood out here, after all the Hutts employed bounty hunters and mercenaries all the time. Perhaps one dead give away that he was something else would be the Bleeding Sun markings on the right shoulder of his armour. In Primeval space it was akin to the one, only, and final law. In essence they were judges, juries, and executioners all in ones; their jobs were to protect the interests of The Primeval and to conduct various tasks to secure their future as well.

[member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]


Self-Imposed Exiled
All of a sudden a loud crash would echo throughout the palace, the source of origin easily known to come from the entrance and a slight rippling quake follow soon after. Mere moments later cries and shouts of pain echoed throughout, those being of newly trained (or untrained) guards who seemed to do the unthinkable and attempt to stop the one who created such a disturbance. It would seem that many old slaves and guards rolled their eyes, knowing the outcome but those who were uncertain had trained eyes towards the opening and their jaws dropped at the sight.

The giant, wearing armour of an old days past, would walk on in and seem to stride towards the thrown where [member="Sempra the Hutt"] was sitting at peace. Heavy fumes of wet air streaming out of the helmet's visor would easily be seen through out the room, heavy crunches being heard each time the boots made contact with the floor beneath.

Stopping directly in front of Sempra, the helmet would seem to look towards the direction of both [member="Nyx"] and [member="Ashalah Ky"]. Another heavy fume would force itself out of the helmet's visor and with it, came a heavy grunt. Turning back to face the Hutt, the giant fell to one knee causing another slight ripple and pulling the helmet off of his face, the Gen'Dai would speak towards the ground.

"My Supreme Mogul."
It took a while for the bar keep to arrive with what Thraxis ordered, "Thats a good man. Doing your job quickly and effectively, just the way I like the bar keeps." he sighed, a hearty grin growing over his face as he looked at the collection of booze that was placed in front of him. "This is gonna be a good day." he said to himself, water starting to drip from his mouth as he started to pour the alcoholic delights down his throat.

He stopped his drinking of beer as he heard the proclamation of Ursa, quite an offer from a Hutt to have ones desires fulfilled, but he knew it would be wasted on him, the only real desire he had was to either drink more booze or kill more people. Though it did arouse his interest, causing his eyes to drift through the room, wondering as to who would take up such an offer, though wondering more so as to what price the Hutt would ask for in return for their desire to come true.
location: white palace
post count: 6

There was a trail of smoke emerging from the corner of Sempras mouth up toward the ceiling. It took an unbelievable amount of toxins, spice or alcohol, to have an effect on a hutt. Even though several guests were well on their way to a happier place the hutt
himself were barely tipsy. He prefered it that way though, his half closed eyes watching the surroundings and all the intrigues, plots and whatnot occuring underneath his roof.

Many here, well most to be honest, had their own agenda. Some were more interesting then others though, and some, like [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] was so in depth involved with the cartel that he was both dependant on the cartel but also one of the more important pieces for this machinery to function.

As [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] bended his knee Sempra recognised the solid gesture of loyalty, the craving to be part of his grand scemes and that was good.

"Arise Alkah'Kahtel, your precense in my home is wanted at all times. Find your place." he spoke with a grand gesture of his hand. There was more to this then simple words. As all who had been around Sempra for some time knew. This was another test to see where the giant now considered he belonged in the court hierarchy.

As [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] moved on Sempra raised his eyes toward his Cyborg commander who was walking toward him with [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] at his side. They seemed to brung a new arrival, [member="Kuryr"]

Sempra puffed his pipe and beckoned the group to approach.


Self-Imposed Exiled
The giant would rise when told to by the almighty [member="Sempra the Hutt"], his head would dip into a nod before his hands would simply put his helmet back upon his head and with an audible click, it would connect with the chest plate. The visor would reflect the visage of both [member="Nyx"] and [member="Ashalah Ky"] as he would stare intensely at the pair for the moment, before walking towards [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] and taking a stance beside the android. It would seem almost as if the Gen'Dai naturally took on the role of the Major Dom's right-hand, some may see that as an act of submission but the more correct thought would be an act of loyalty and ambition to become a lieutenant within the cartel.
"My lord." it was the formal address he gave [member="Sempra the Hutt"], the incline of his head and the bow that broke his centre core practised and precise. "I introduce [member="Kuryr"], pirate and leader of the Blood Pact. Second in only scale to myself and the Jackals." the implication and the hovering threat that came with that 'honour', second meaning weaker but still meaning a threat and one that might be dealt with in the Huttian court. "And I toast his success, and to his future success in the Hutt court." And.. trap set and placed, to refuse would be an insult and to lie would only make them enemies of the future, but it would quell a rival or turn him into a potential ally, eventually.

He'd make him pay for the slight of waiting, no one made him wait..

"And you spoke of rebels, should I instruct my forces to destroy their settlement or 'integrate' them into the new Huttian rule." he moved, his belt and the subtle developed alteration in his splayed leg's migrating the heavy belted swords that hung low and heavy on his waist, shining blazon vanity on display with ripe red jewels that topped its pommel.

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