Post 4 of 20
Location: The White Palace
Tag: [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]
The young Pantoran looked over at the other man.
"You would prefer a more aggressive approach?" the boy inquired curiously, the slightest hint of an edge underlining the soft voice of the youngling as he turned the Umbaran's question back on him with another question. Their task was to open diplomatic relations with the Hutts, and to maintain a flow of communication between the Primeval and the Cartel. Petty bickering or pandering to some inflated ego -- his or some rusted out cyborg's -- would not achieve the objectives set forth by the Holy See of Bastion.
In fact, such actions would be directly in opposition to those objectives. So it was easy to be meek, or play the fool.
For men such as Catalys, playing the fool ought to come natural. Seeing past the veil of the Umbaran's masked helm, the boy followed the man's gaze to one of the slave dancers. One of the many slaves that populated the White Palace, but Hutts seemed particular to female slaves who danced in particular. For such a large, sedentary species that seemed rather odd. Just what was the big deal about a bunch of girls in metal bikinis dancing?
At the question about his age, the boy looked back up at the masked Umbaran but found that the man's attention was again elsewhere. Looking out into the crowd, the boy saw a rather strange looking woman. She was blue, but not a pale shade as he was. She was a darker tone, with skin like a sapphire. She wasn't a Twi'lek, and she wasn't Pantoran.
She was an enigma, barely concealed behind a thinly veiled secret, and she moved in mysterious ways.
The boy's mouth fell open for a moment, as a blush of violet dusted his cheeks. Pulling his eyes away, the boy gazed down at the ground as he shuffled his feet awkwardly. "Thirteen," the boy said, offering a lie in response. If the question had even been meant for him.