Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pyramid of Light

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her and giving a nod of her head to that, going around and exploring what they might be able to find here on the world. She was leading the way through it while going. The caves were large and extensive allowing her to feel the force and there were far more all around. Coming out into another part there were more crystals and rocks that provided some ideas. She was walking through it seeing where the sun gleamed throughout the other crystals giving a large look. She wanted to study it and parts seemed to have been here before but other had impacted into the old sections. A small look while she was meditating to herself with a small look on her face. "Then we shall continue to explore."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was amazed at the size of the caves. The ones she’d visited so far swear small, with maybe one large cavern. These clearly continued for miles. And miles.

And the Force was so strong here, Sorel felt entirely comfortable as a result and followed her Master as they travelled deeper and deeper. “Is there anything in particular you’re expecting to find Master?”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at her and shook her head while she was going. "No I do not know what we might find here, could be anything but this impact site is extensive. Even if we had a lifetime I don't know if ti would be possible to scout and find all of the crystals or ores that could be here." Matsu was looking at it and she had done a lot with Sorel here already with more chances for them to really come out while she was walking through it and all of the world was jagged, rough and covered in crystals that had been worn down in some areas by air. "This is a very strange world we have found and telling the other jedi about it should get some more minds working on ideas for what happened."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel got a gleam in her eye. “I know a lot about crystals, at least for a Padawan I do. But ores I am entirely ignorant about. I mean, I know broadly what they do, but their uses for Jedi? Those that are in tune with the Force, or affect sabers. I’d like to learn more.”

The infectious enthusiasm in her voice suggested she would not take no for an answer.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at Sorel and she could see the excitement and curiosity as she spoke. "Well I started as an artisan within the jedi, crafting and became a quartermaster that would work on getting new equipment and the latest I could. That is where many of the things developed for the order come from after all and you always want to try experimenting with other things." She was walking and raised an eyebrow. "Most don't wonder where they stuff comes froml, who is in charge of making sure they have clothing and equipment or testing facilities. Someone does have to work on those and design them, find ways to improve for courses to get the jedi moving around."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was always finding out new things about her Master that surprised her — and always in a good way. She knew how strong she was with the Force and she was aware she was a great scientist too — yet here was another facet. Matsu the artisan.

“Well I think I have enough on my plate with the Force right now, but one day you’ll have to teach me at least the basics. I may not become an artisan, and that does not bother me, but I’d at least like to better understand the art.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at her with a nod of her head, not everyone wanted to be an artisan or build things but as long as they made the choice she was glad with that. She disliked making a padawan choose a path when you could easily be skilled in something else before she was moving with her eyes on the crystals around them. "That is fine, not all jedi need be artisan's but they should have a knowledge of where and how their equipment functions. To repair it themselves and if need be make their own gadgets in the field for a situation." Not a big thing but have some thoughts to it while Matsu walked through the jutting crystals and the area continued to pulse and practically vibrate with the force. "Lets see, this area is older, if they were to have impacts like this fairly regularly and based on the size it could just kill things on this planet. Would be a poor place to grow and have a civilization but as a supply of crystals to the order it would be a new one. Just have to ensure there are hazard warnging beacons to let people know. We wouldn't want others to try and settle here."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel had an affinity for mechanical and electronic technology — and was a dab hand at fixing ships and droids but realised it was only a good thing if she extended her repertoire to things she used on a daily basis. Being a field engineer was never a bad thing.

And the idea of crafting or creating equipment on the fly really appealed to her. “Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated Master.”

And then she continued to follow Matsu, listening, learning and serving. She was here for her own benefit, yes, but she was also present to provide a service to the SSC. So she listened as her Master gave advice on warning others.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

With a nod Matsu thought about where to begin and well from the beginning. "First step is to always include with your equipment a multi-tool. Smaller then a hydrospanner and other tools plus it combines several so you can handle more situation. Second is have a datapad with schematics and information so you can pull up information instead of guessing. Those are the basics to any of it but as you work with equipment or start to notice things you will pick up more." She was walking and with Sorel here there was a lot fo things they could still do. Weaving through the rocks and crystal until the edge of the desert came into view again allowing Matsu to look in the distance. "If we keep going this way we should reach the ocean and some of the island ruins, we can use a transport there from one of the droid teams."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was blessed with a great memory. Not eidetic but she had good recall and grasped information quickly. So she readily absorbed her Master’s advice. She made a mental note of the equipment she needed to acquire. The multi-tool she would be able to pick up easily enough. The datapad she would be able to take care of herself.

She listened carefully and also kept an eye on where the were walking. Soon the desert was in view again and they were heading towards the ocean according to her Master.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

leading the way through all of it the small moments they had to go around gave her a small look. Walking through the desert the sounds finally came as waves crashed against rocks and she could see islands off in the distance. with Sorel they had a good pairing and Matsu could continue to teach her how to use the force and how to focus some of the energies around them... while still seeing what can be done with it. "It is rather peaceful and scenic here as well. Another good place for a lesson." She was reaching out with her senses and focusing on where to go, islands in the distance, endless beach to either direction and a desert to their backs. What better time to really learn and practice how to sense and go with direction for guidance. "Focus you mind and see which way we should go."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel enjoyed missions but, if she was entirely honest, she liked training even more. She hoped it was not a selfish trait. In her own mind she saw it as utilising the Force as much as possible and that could not be considered a negative trait - could it?

So she embraced the opportunity to learn from her Master - and hoped it would not end if and when she became a Knight.

But the request confused her. She was used to using the Force to enhance her senses. To even use it as a means of detecting danger - although this tended to be a passive ability. But to use it to find which way to go?

She relaxed and entered into a light meditative state and focused on the Force. But she felt nothing in particular and wondered if her negative thoughts were getting in the way.

"I am sorry Master, I...I...I am not sure what to do precisely."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at Corel and offer a small look. "You are using the force to track on this world to see through the force aura hanging over it. Tracking the location of other force signatures across a world like this, tracking a vehicle like the skyfall so we can eventually return to it will serve a purpose in other things. You can use it to find your padawans or me if you need it across the galaxy even." She was looking over many of the things while her attention went to the bigger things when she walked. Leading the way to give Sorel an impression of it. "You are able to see through the fog of other force users, other sworls of energy and slowly you will be able to track anything you need."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened intently, her face impassive as she took in what her Master was sharing. It sounded as though locating a person was in many ways similar to finding the right direction. If you trusted in the Force as your guide, it would show you the way. It seemed entirely logical and in keeping with what she’d learned as a Youngling and a Padawan.

Armed with this knowledge that – in truth – she felt slightly embarrassed about, as she already knew it deep down, she closed her eyes. She found entering a meditative state before trying a Force ability she was unfamiliar with really helped her connect to the Force and to concentrate on what was required.

As she calmed her mind, she saw her usual mental map. Living things differentiated from those devoid of the Force. Her Master a bright white light so close to her. She noted her range was growing and she was able to ‘see’ through thin walls now.

And then she saw sworls…faint at first. Like thin trails of light you would see on a motion tracking holovid of urban traffic. It seemed to offer paths…destinations. One seemed brighter than all the others.

“We should go this way,” she said – as confidently as she could.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

There we go, she was getting it, as much as you could on the first try, tracking and feeling out others on the worlds or within the galaxy was something you wanted to work on and many neglected to feel or trace. She was watching Sorel as well this was not something you rushed or taught on the fast track. it was all about the patience that the girl was going to be able to feel for herself when she was moving forward with a nod of her own head. Following Sorel's direction as she clasped her hands behind her back and started moving forward with some of the ideas. More details and attention while expanding her mind out and walking next to her padawan, not leading her and not following completely so she got nervous in case they went the wrong way. "Very well then, let us go."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was unsure if her reading of the Force was entirely accurate, but knew better than to second guess. Indecision led to fear of being wrong. Which led to a lack of confidence. Which in turn generated a lack of belief. Which invariably led to failure. Do or do not, she was told repetitively. Believe and you shall succeed. Doubt and you will fail.

So she pressed on, walking slowly as she connected deeply with the Force – almost in a kind of Moving Meditation. She was using her Force Sense to read every flow and eddy of the Force and open herself up to what it was telling her. Slowly but surely – although slowly was the operative word here – she was gaining confidence. The trails of the Force she was reading and following were hair-thin but she felt as if they were thickening, if ever so slightly. Which in turn boosted her confidence which in turn fed her belief. It was becoming a positive virtual circle.

“Yes, this way,” she said, not trusting herself to engage in a full conversation yet, in case she lost the connection to the strands. But even she could hear her voice carried more conviction this time.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Alright then, she was leading the way and they were getting quite a nice pathway now. Sorel seemed more confident as she was using the skill which meant she was starting to hopefully feel it easier and stronger. That would come in hady if she was lost on most worlds or in the galaxy unless it was myrkr, you couldn't be totally lost if you knew how to narrow your focus, feel the galaxy and where you were distance wise from a location. "Good, now as you focus with the energies let your mind think about it, feel and learn how to gauge the distance between them, between you and it and it will further teach you how to feel the force when tracking. You can if there is a malfunction and no mapping relay use this to find your way home."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s understanding of the Force was simplistic – but she didn’t see this as necessarily a bad thing. Too many made life complicated when it needn’t be. In her mind, using the Force was straightforward.

The Force permeated all things and a Jedi used the Force for good. They were, up to a point, servants of the Force – unlike the Sith who considered it to be a tool to do their bidding. When faced with a new Ability, Sorel’s approach was consistent. To let the Force know what she wanted to achieve and to listen to it and be guided by it. It was invariably hard to begin with but as confidence and belief grew – and practice ensued – her control also improved. It had always been so.

So she continued to focus and let the Force know what she looked to achieve. Now she faced an odd situation. Instead of a single strand to follow, multiple strands appeared, some brighter than others. She paused, literally, and reflected, emptying her mind of thoughts and emotions. And then it came to her. The Force was showing options – in this case more than one route to the same destination. But one glowed slightly brighter than the others – she saw this now. So she started to walk again, following this filament and felt confident enough to speak to her Master now.

“This feels strange but I’m becoming more comfortable – albeit slowly. It requires a great deal of faith in the Force and the suspension of personal will to hear the Force properly. I’m sure with time it will become easier, but for now I am growing slowly more capable, I feel that. And it feels good.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu looked at her and the girl was correct you had to rely in the force and allow it to move your body so that you will be able to be guided. "Yes it is something of a skill you have to be willing to lose yourself into. You just need to know and practice how to ground yourself, how to have something you can use to keep yourself anchored when exploring the ebb and flow of the force." Matsu was watching her while they walked and there was plenty of the stone all around that could be found jutting from the ground and they might be able to use it for a number of future projects if they were lucky. "There are a number of skills like this, ones where to really use them you must immerse yourself into the force allowing it to move your body and mind. I know when your skills advanced there will be other techniques that I can teach you."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened and found her focus on the Force wavering a little. She knew it would take a lot of practice until this became something she could do and multi-task with, but she was quietly pleased with the progress she’d made already.

And her Master’s words had prompted a thought she had about a Force Ability she’d heard of and wondered what her Master knew of it.

“When you talk of total immersion, two abilities spring to mind. One is the Art of the Small, which is something I know a little about. The other is a mystery to me and I wonder what you can tell me about it. I’m referring to White Current.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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