Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question about faction types

Just wanted to know if people are free to create major factions or do you need administrator approval before submitting one.
IF so then why The Silver Jedi Order is to be considered "Major faction" instead of "Light Side"? Sith Order "just" a Dark Side one?
[member="Darth Strider"]

Hi! You might find this link useful. :)

In short you're free to create your own minor faction, but major factions comes with more demands which basically boils down to activity and size that warrants it being put on the map as a force to be reckoned with.
[member="Darth Pyrrhus"] Thanks for the answer!
But what if certain requirements are met and faction is decided by administration to become Major? How should I actually create capital planet, I mean if wanna encourage planet's government to join me or overthrow an existing government NOT controlled by other factions? How to build an army before it?

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Strider"]

Hypothetically speaking if you where to get a minor fraction major it's up to you and those who are in the fraction to decide how that story goes. You can talk a planet into joining or you can essentially claim it and make that world bow to your rule. A capital planet is where your home base it. It's where your fraction will operate from.
[member="Darth Strider"]

When all requirements are met, you fill out this Major Faction Application Template. You list three unclaimed planets from the map, one of those selected will be your capital.
Presumably the selection will reflect the threads/activity your faction has had up to this point , your general base of operation, government HQ, what you've built up, etc etc. From that point onwards you expand as a Major Faction through dominion and invasion threads.

How you go about setting up the way your faction runs things and building an army is pretty much up to faction leadership and its members. Work on a fun story together and establish who you are and how you wish to run things.

Hope this cleared things up. :)

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