Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rains of Contruumere [One Sith vs GR Invasion of Contruum]

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: Talith Family Group and Jedi
Enemies: [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Music: One way or another!
Gear!: (cause i forgot to link it >.>) Regular blue and grey robes! One waterproof lightsaber! My necklace! No more flyaways Hair Pins!

Honestly, the Sith probably shouldn’t have done that.

Mainly because it brought back really bad memories. Of Nemene. Of Oliver. Of how the youngling had been ripped from his innocence and snuffed from the world due to Sith who had not a single shred of decency in them.

Granted, this was her now dead sister-in-law we were talking about, but still. It had made an impact then. It made an impact now.

The mischief from her blue eyes would fade. In their place was steely determination. When the black came to cut the man in two, Kira’s aloft yellow blade managed to be the faction that had helped shove her down on the ground. Granted, this did nothing for the cloud of charred, seared, burning flesh that came around her as the Rodian Acolyte fell.

Nausea rolled.

Granted this was also when the short stack reacted. Left hand braced upon the ground, the Force surging through her. With a grunt, the Lorrdian Jedi Master immediately swung her right leg around to clip the shutta behind the ankles to bring her down onto the ground beside her.

Hey, gravity works for everyone.

Even more so when it is followed by a force push to help topple her back.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: Nope
Enemies: [member="Zaria"]
Theme: What doesn’t kill you…

Sometimes you can be a little too fancy.

Like now…

Nubica’s face was full of dust and no sooner had she started to spit out the dust and grit in her mouth than she was sent sprawling backwards by her opponent.

As she fell, her lightsaber flew up in the air. Surely the result of a weak hold on it?

Her lightsaber tumbled through a long arc. She wondered if her opponent would fractionally relax: the slightest easing of intensity: the tiniest shift of adrenaline-charged concentration. She expected her to relax because she was now unarmed.

Because too few understood what a lightsaber was.

Nubica had begun the construction of her lightsaber when she was a young Padawan. On the day she first put hand to metal, she had dreamed that lightsaber for three years already: had imagined it so completely that it existed in her mind, perfect in every detail. Its construction was not creation, but actualization: she took mental reality and made it physical. The thing of metal and gemstone, of particle beam and power cell, was only an expression; her real lightsaber was the one that existed only in the part of the Force Nubica called her mind.

A lightsaber was not a weapon in Nubica’s eyes. Weapons might be taken, or destroyed. Weapons were unitary entities. Many people even gave them names of their own. Nubica would no more give a name to her lightsaber than she would to her hand. She was not the girl who first imagined its shape, seven years before; nor was her lightsaber identical to that first image in the dreams of a nine-year-old girl. With each new step in her ever-deepening understanding of the Force and her place in it, she had re-imagined her lightsaber. Remade it. It had grown along with her.

Her lightsaber reflected all she knew. All she believed.

All she was.

Which was why it required no effort, no thought, to seize her lightsaber's tumbling handgrip through the Force and fire it like a bullet.

It screamed through the air and its butt aimed between the eyes of her foe. Some might had stared to admire thir handiwork. Nubica was already in motion: she Force-sprang up – back to her feet, ready to recall her saber.
Objective: PVP, Killing Fields
Location: Arriving on the battlefield
Allies: [member="Zaria"]
Enemies: [member="Nubica Felidae"]
Gear: Sage’s Dark Armor, Blade of the Satvas, Sessile-triostaff, Lightsaber

With The Dark Lord’s otherworldly voice still swimming in his head, filling every crack of his his labyrinthe grey matter, by His decree had Sage arrived on Contruum, and today His wishes would not be denied: to extinguish the ever-weakened Galactic Republic, inexorably snuffing out their existence like a waning candle flame in a storm. As armies of the One Sith advanced upon the battlefield, a stinking remnant from the Yuuzhan Vong war, the Sith Lord could feel innumerable souls perishing, soldiers on both sides of the war. The sorrow and atrocity bolstered him, fed him like blood to a tick, plumping his powers, further flooding the sea of the Dark Side as it lay across the landscape.

The Lord of Thorns rode in on a wild-maned Guarlara mount, its three-clawed hooves kicking up the dust in his wake. Hoping down from Nightbrother’s saddle. He left his faithful steed at the base camp, under the watch of his troops, and strode forward, panning his gaze to the battlefields, looking for the weakest Jedi pups to put down. The Hand of the Dark Lord had found that it was always nice to have a snack before the main course.

Clad in his crimson-colored Dark Armor, its inset jeweled eyes blinking from his torso, armor he had forged himself in the Temple of Pain on Fresia, he ignited his saber with a snap hiss. Moving at a preternatural speed, Sage whirled into a graceful pattern of Ataru strikes, slicing down Republic soldiers in all directions, as he began to cut a slick swath of blood across the ancient battlefield. Once the Sith Lord had dispatched of enough soldiers, he stopped to lick their blood off his hands. Sage found that literally tasting the enemies' defeat was just as pleasurable as watching their severed bodies slump to the ground.


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Shipyards
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Drana'stair'eno"] | One Sith
Enemies: [member="Davin Skirata"] | Galactic Republic
P-4 & P-11

Another display of surprising agility for someone wearing beskar'gam. She was told those things were heavy, but then again, she'd never worn one; the lady preferred something a bit lighter for those duels that tended to get drawn out. Like the one she was looking at right now.

The ruse didn't appear to be working at all, and the mandalorian weaved and moved in the tunnel between his four opponents as if the whole thing were a carefully staged dance. A bit of disappointment flared up in the firrerreo, for she'd been hoping that the man would focus on her decoy, foolishly turning his back to the real threat; especially since he seemed to know more about her than your standard Republic soldier. Oh, well. Combat was all about adaptation, and currently adaptation was calling for more space.

Just as Astaire was about to wrap up his flying escapade, Vrag would step in to salvage his face from meeting the flat of a beskad upon seeing the mandalorian's hips starting to turn. Her open hand would shoot back in a quick yank, hoping to destabilize the turning foe just as he was on his weakest point of balance, for turning around to deliver a strike after carefully shooting a speeding bug out of the air was no small feat, bound to relegate technique to sloppy execution; it was that that would give the Hand the opportunity to pull his leg from under him with the Force, applying just enough of it to the enemy's ankle to hopefully send him sprawling on his side or back while ruining his sideways slash at the chiss.

For all his sass, she quite liked the possessed blueboy, and he could hardly sass her anymore if he got his teeth knocked out by a beskar blade.

P-4 and P-11 would receive a shorthand mental nudge through the oggzil installed in her helmet, and disappear further into the bowels of the shipyards to deliver the Sith troops unto the main control room. Vrag would follow in their tracks soon enough; just a minor mandalorian bump in the road, and then she would rejoin the army flooding the corridors with gusto, kicking down what doors still remained on their proverbial hinges.
Location: The Killing Fields
Objective: Being a Jedi. First. Foremost. And only…
Allies: Nope
Enemies: [member="Vengeance"]

Her emotions were locked away – which was a good thing. Her heart was imploring her to open up – to feel the pain now that she would feel later. It was desperate for the anguish – for in a sense, it believed she deserved it.

She’d last seen her sister at an Invasion. She was unconscious and cuffed. Through a great deal of effort she’d released her and ensured she’d be found by the One Sith. It would have been easier to have simply captured her. And safer, since she stay by her side, hidden by the White Current until the last moment . When she saw Darth Ferus take her, believing he had rescued her. Melori would too when she woke.

What had stopped her waking her sister? She’d just opened up to Silara and by definition Braith and would have felt a hypocrite if she’d denied her little sister her own life. The act of a Jedi? Perhaps. Perhaps not. For she still believed in redemption. And in her experience it happened by itself – just as Taeli had turned to the Light. Sith turned people through torture. You could not torture someone to return to the Light.

Perhaps one day Melori would hear of what Corvus had done. Remember she was prepared to lay down her life for her sister not once but twice. Maybe that would do? Or maybe the love of a man was what she needed?

Corvus was conflicted. Not in her emotions but in her logic. The Code was clear – but it was also full of holes at times. She believed there was truth between her heart and the Force. And facing Melori in battle, she would not let her walk away – or kill others.

On reflection she’d made a mistake back then. People make mistakes. Jedi make mistakes. But mistakes do not make people.

“You know I care. I hear it in your words. She is my sister, my flesh. As Luke believed his father was redeemable, so do I believe she is. It is just a matter of time. But I love her regardless.”

“But I am glad she is alive. Betrayal is a hard thing to bear. A Grand Master with two Sith sisters? One who fled to the One Sith just to spite you? To live every day knowing your younger sister is a Sith just out of hatred of you? To every day read reports and wonder if your own sister’s name is listed amongst the dead? Or those that murdered innocents?"

"You talk to me of betrayal?”

There was no anger in her voice. Or bitterness. Not even softness. It was just a level tone, nothing but facts and logic escaping her lips.

“And how long do you think she would have fared if the One Sith knew she was my sister when she first arrivd had Taeli not protected her. Until they were sure of her worth and not just a piece of meat to bait a trap with? I hear the One Sith wanted to kill my parents just to flush me out. Her parents. And they offered her the chance to come along and kill them too.”

“And you talk to me of betrayal?”

“The day I met my little sister for the first time? She tried to kill me twice. Left me for dead and ran away to the One Sith. I came to love and she planned to kill. She’d even had a gravestone made up for me.”

“And you talk to me of betrayal?”

“I love her and I will always love her. But I am a Jedi. First, foremost…and only.”

“So love her. Be the rock I would gladly be but know she won’t accept. The future is what matters, not the past. It is the path she plans to tread…that you both plan to tread, that matters most. I have already forgiven her. She just has to learn to forgive herself and allow the Light in.”
Objective B - On the Shipyards - Annoy team Double Vahla Trouble
Location: Currently at Hangar 18
Allies: Mum is at A
Enemies: [member="Ameli Trahir"] [member="Lassiter"]

With every step and every pointed, emphasized word, Micah grew more and more amused. He practically radiated mischievous mirth. And if he didn’t have the helm on, they would have seen just how broad his Cheshire cat rin spread.

Left, right, left. The Brunette came at her all full of fire and brimstone. As if ushered by the Aseir of Assassins himself. He would likely bet that his uncle would be intrigued. Then again, he might also find her rather lacking. Cameron Centurion wasn’t one to impress easily. I would know, he would internally muse, giving a roll of his shoulder with a wince in remembrance. The Sith Lord did not hold any quarter when it came to training his siblings and he.

As it was, his wrist gave a rotation, and the orange blade would hum with a precise grace, a butterfly motion in front of him as an idle movement.

“You know, the only things that get real ugly is all that anger you are seething in,” he’d toss at her, watching her cut the distance down to three meters. Two.

“You’ll get wrinkles if you keep on that.” he told her, gesturing to his face with his free hand in emphasis, cracking a crooked grin under his helm. He would show no outward presence of backing down, or taking their threats fairly seriously.

Really, the man was a walking practical joke.

“Besides… you already ruined my dinner. I was looking forward to spicy Bantha wings and a Corellian Sunrise.” The drink of course.

And his only plan of attack?

“Maybe you two ladies can take responsibility, and buy me dinner for my woes.” oh one could not miss the devilry in his modulated voice. The baiting.

“Don’t worry,” another slight incline of his head as if whispering a secret, “I’m a cheap date.”

Jak Skirata

Objective: B
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: The One Sith [member="[/FONT]Vrag"] [member="Drana'stair'eno"]

Davin fell to one knee and was tackled by the Chiss from behind, falling forward. The Force pull tug was unexpected as was the weight of the Chiss on his back. Luckily for him the other two had left the battle to move on ahead. Personally he didn't care what happened to this planet, but he needed his life and his answers from this Sith Lord.
Objective: A.
Location: Contruum, Killing Fields.
Allies: OS love <3
Enemies: [member="Kira Talith"]
Gear: Standard lightsabre, armour, Nagajj, Tsaisibola.

A miss, but at least the Jedi was prone and the Sith was standing, right? Not for long. While Ophidia could see the clipping of her heels coming in and moved to intercept, but found herself with a face full of force-push. Her legs went up, and her shoulders went down to meet the mud. The Rattataki Assassin slapped her right hand and lightsabre into the mud in order to break her fall. The water steamed around the superheated blade and rather stained the exterior, but was not enough to inflict any damage to the hilt.

Darth Ophidia’s left hand splayed out to the side, her fingers curling into a signal instantly picked up by her Tsaisibola. Using the falling Sith Lord as a base, the serpent released itself from her waist, extended and wrapped its’ tail around her wrist. Ophidia felt the serpent tighten around her wrist and smiled inside the enclosed helmet. With a grunt of effort, she drew her knees to her head, - a motion allowed by her armour thanks to the segmented waist and back - used her torso as a springboard and launched herself to her feet while swinging the Tsaisi like a whip at the Jedi’s legs. The purpose of the whipping was both to occupy the Jedi’s attention as the Sith got to her feet, but also to give the Tsaisibola a chance at biting one of Kira’s legs and inject its’ potent venom before doubling back to its' master's wrist.

Landing on her feet in a rather crouched position and whipping out with her Tsaisibola, Ophidia would bring her lightsabre to her centre line as a protective threat, warding off any advances from the Jedi. She did not intend to allow her opponent to rest, but maintained a constant pressure.
Location: Space Station
Objective: Multiplying
Allies: [member="Ameli Trahir"]
Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Gear: Non-descript (non-special) armor and a Lightsaber

Sena offered no response. Not a snicker, not even a slightly more agitated look on her face. She knew the type. She tended to leave kids like him with wounds much like they kept their mouths; open. The saber of Sena’s apprentice slid into her hand as finger by finger she steadied her grasp around the hilt.

Her free hand subtly shifted by her side in the same way she had practiced so many times before. If things went right there would be a sudden influx of women around the boy. First one Sena, then three Sena, then several more until finally the illusion would seem to encircle the boy in a continuous chain of half-Vahlan redheads staring right at him. They all circled around him.

“Lie down,”
“Give yourself up.”

The voices would bounce back and forth. Front, back, left and right. In reality all Sena had done was gotten herself to the point where she could finally stand behidn the kid. If the trick had worked, of course.

She could only imagine what it looked like to Ameli. Or maybe not, circling around opponents must have seemed like one of the things Sena did. What remained to be seen was what the apprentice would do. This was the point when Sena begged to the goddess that the girl had learned something from all their 'low-intensity courses.'

Yes... Low-intensity courses...
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Mantic Dorn"]

The droid sat in the shadows of the field, looking out, watching the organics squabble over this world. Some fought for glory, some fought for freedom, all of them fought for petty territory. What a shame. Perhaps it was the abysmally short life spans that caused them to squabble like this, to cling to possessions like magpies. How pathetic.

There was one that caught the droid’s attention, a Jedi who had come out victorious. How quaint. He needed to be shown the error of his ways. For it was not Sith you were the antithesis of Jedi, but Droids who were the antithesis of life.

Servos whined with a low tone as the droid surged to its feet and began moving across the field. It moved silently, much faster than a human could run, the lone photoreceptor locked onto its prey. Once it had closed the distance to reasonable, within blaster range, the droid’s servos surged with energy, urging it towards its target faster.

The photoreceptor cast its pale light in the direction of the Jedi. It wasn’t that he hated Jedi more than other Organics, only that he despised that the Jedi stood for continuing the existence of weaklings that did not deserve to be part of this galaxy. That was why organics died. It was nature’s way of cleansing its own filth.

As it approached, its pair of six digit hands reached for a pair of lightsabers at its waist, the other three concealed on the back of its chest. They would only come into play if he needed them. <The day is not yet through. Jedi> said like a whisper, the last word garbled through the vocabulator, almost like it had been spat out. <There is still much time for us to play.>
Location: Grid 19, Start of Road
Controller: Adekos
Objective: C - Fury Road This Sh*t
Equipment: Exemplar-class Personal Energy Shield, Lightsaber, Obsidian Armor

- - - -

Outside the bounds of the map, the landing zone had been cleared and secured. The Republic's forces were largely concerned with defending the garrison base and wouldn't stray this far from it. Six speeder bikes were waiting for him and the five Scout troopers the One Sith had assigned to this division. There was no disputing this: Adekos flip-flopped from admiring the One Sith to despising them on a tri-yearly basis. This still put them in a better position than the Republic, which Adekos despised year-round. Today just happened to be a day where Adekos felt sufficiently moved to lend his aid to these Vong-loving sociopaths. If they were to drive a decisive nail into the coffin of a decrepit and thoroughly inept government, he could stomach the thought.

"Gentlemen." Adekos greeted. "Am I correct to assume you have all been briefed and do not require an extensive explanation of what we're going to be doing here today?"

No one said anything.

"Splendid. Let's kill some people."

They spent the next few minutes ensuring the equipment on their bikes were secure. Just the bare necessities and then some. Rations, rifles, ammunition, electrobinoculars, etc. At least one of the scouts were carrying explosives of a high enough grade that they could potentially cause avalanches. Probe droids were dispatched into the adjacent mountain ranges as they ran inventory. If the Republic had any forces stationed within them, their presence would soon be revealed to Adekos and his men. Information would stream in regarding that very shortly. Once everything was accounted for, they were ready to remove out. Adekos mounted his speederbike, activated the engines, and took off down the road. The scouts followed suit, trailing behind him in loose formation.

Commander [member="Sinistra"] would be appraised by other personnel that Adekos' operation was beginning.
Objective: beat mr pretty
[member="Sage Bane"]

We will skim over the details and blast the audience into the THICK OF BATTLE!

Enter Sage Bane, washboard abs and an ass that can bounce a credit chip off of.

The challenger! Rhen, Corellian Green Jedi, blade master, and crystal nerd. A bit of a pooch belly and a thick grey beard. Burlap brigade is UP!

Gear?! Standard lightsaber, Jedi Robes, and plenty of wiggle room for these old bones to move on.

The action? Nothing fancy. In fact, not an action at all! Rhen merely gave the half chiss a rather stern look.

"It is best you leave this place."
Location: Grid 33, over the ridgeline away from the garrison.
Controller: Sinistra
Forces:Sin's forces
A&B Batteries, Tannhauser (8 per battery, 16 total)
C, D, E Batteries, Lohengrin (14 per battery, 42 total)

Gulliver Foyle - Artillery Commander
Fela - Darkside adept
Aurek - Darkside adept
Arianrhod - Darkside adept
700 standard troopers
Isamu's forces
First Wave:
21,000 x Soldiers
8 x AT-AW
20 x Tartoros Walker
10 x Phaedra Squadron (3 each)
10 x Croesus Squadron (3 each)
5 x Lohengrin Squadrons (5 each)
1 x Tannhauser Squadron (5 each)
Objective: C
Allies: [member='Adekos'] [member='Cryax Bane'] [member='Darth Rapax'] [member='Draco Vereen'] [member='Isamu Baelor']
Opponents: [member='Ali Hadrix']


Real soldiers are nothing like what you see in the holodramas.

Real soldiers don’t give a damn about all that motivational crap. They couldn’t care less about the speeches of generals, especially since the long winded bastards could go on for hours, and they’d be expected to stand at parade rest in the hot sun or the freezing cold until it was over with.

They would be perfectly happy to be left alone to do their jobs without interference from officers. So when Gulliver heard the cries of “FIRE MISSION!” echoing from the TOC, he just smiled and let them have at it.

“Target number TG0001, enemy artillery emplacements. Grid....21”

The FDC chief verified the information and that there were no friendly troops in the area.

“Target plots safe, does not violate any fire support coordination measures. Battery 4, when ready.”

In other words, each artillery piece would fire four rounds as soon as they could get laid on target. The multicannon design of the massive guns would allow them to fire a sustained barrage if necessary, but without dialing in the aim first, they could very well end up burning through shells for nothing. The Fister on top of the hill would observe the impacts and the computers would automatically correct calculations for the next salvo.

At times like this, Gulliver missed the rocket artillery his Travelers prefered. Instead of being nearly on top of the enemy, they could be sitting pretty some 60 kilometers away and get the same results. Sure the rocket pods took longer to reload, but they were far more maneuverable than the hulking pieces the Sith favored. Still, a job was a job, and he’d do what he was paid to do.

Which included coming up with ideas on the spur of the moment that just might save their bacon.

He stuck his head in the TOC and found the Master Gunner.

“Hey chief, after this salvo, have Echo load up with flak rounds. I want to give those gunships a nasty surprise if they crest the ridge.”

The Master Gunner nodded once, then went over to a console and began inputting the order.

He had barely arrived before the first of the earth shattering reports sounded. The massive guns began belching flames as the shells were lobbed towards the enemy. The shells themselves weren’t much different from the standard HE rounds, save one key difference: they had altimeters in the nose cones. Once they detected that they were a meter above the target, they would explode midair, pelting the crews and the guns with shrapnel. The durasteel casings were thin, but the charges themselves were wrapped with notched tungsten wire that would fan out and punch holes through trooper and gun alike.
If there was one thing redlegs liked killing more than infantry, it was the enemy’s redlegs. It was said that the Force fought on the side with the best artillery, and they were determined to make sure it was on their side today.

Sinistra stood behind the consoles as the information from the battle in the valley below fed into the interactive display in front of her. She noted Isamu's position to her east and began to issue commands based on the replayed reports coming into her position.

"Have Baelor continue to shell Grid 28, target number TG0002. Send the walkers forward to keep the pressure on."

Adekos had landed and started up the road to scout, reinforcements waiting to drop in. She stepped behind the coms officer, tapping him on the shoulder as she watched the pieces on the board.

"Launch the second wave of drops. Deploy batteries F,G, H, I and J to grid 3. I want Bane and Rapax backed by some long range fire. Tell them to prep for both anti-air and taking out that garrison. Get me the northern command post, I want a sitrep on what they are doing up there. I see Mandalorian assets out there, make sure I'm briefed on all this in 5 mikes. "

The man nodded, relaying radio messages through to the northern command post, Baelor's position, and the orbiting ships to launch additional artillery units for the northern reaches of the battlefield.

-Sin's artillery in grid 33 is shelling location F.
-Isamu's artillery in grid 35 is shelling location G.
-Isamu's walkers are moving forward to grid 29.
-Sin has been informed of Adekos landing at grid 19.
-Sin has called for additional artillery deployments matching her own at grid 3.
-Sin is attempting to establish communications between all Sith forces located within the engagement zone.
Objective: B Shipyards
Location: Hanger 23
Objective: Try not to ogle [member="Kurt Meyer"] too much. Prob fail

“Yeah.. ahh,” Cho adjusted herself, straightening onto her feet. “Not sure…” she would glance to the left and right. People were all scattering to their ships, some already hitting the engines.

“Buttttt… I think this is a --”


The hanger suddenly gave a shudder. A random starfighter came crashing inside, skidding across the bay as sapients would scream in horror and panic.

“WATCH OUT!” she screamed, jerking the Podracer celebrity over towards her and to the back wall to avoid the shot of metal debris and explosion as fuel barrels incinerated in balls of fire!

She would slam him against the wall, both hands falling flat against the durasteel as a bubble of protection would flare behind them, sheltering them from the bulk of the burn.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Objective: B Shipyards
Location: Hanger 23
[member="Choli Vyn"]

His eyes popped open, almost to the size of saucers.

An explosion tore through the hangar, blinding him for half a second as the young woman pressed him against the wall. Instinct took over, and her wrapped his arm around her to pull her close and away from the explosion itself. The barrier flaired for a moment, probably because Kurt had disrupted her concentration, though he didn't know that. The rupture ended, and slowly the bubble around Kurt and Choli winked from life. For a moment the pilot simply stood and blinked.

"Kark." He said to himself, still holding the girl.

It seemed that today could indeed go worse, had gone worse in fact.

His head slowly turned over towards the ship, finding that his vessel was still in tact. The mechanic that was working on it, however, not to much. The man laid there was a smoldering corpse, his body burnt and broken. Kurt watched the body for a few moments, then glanced back towards the girl. He realized that she was probably some sort of Jedi or something, though that hardly seemed to be matter. "Do you have a way out of here?"

Oh god not again.
Location: Shipyards
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Vrag"]
Enemies: [member="Davin Skirata"]

Magic missile, meet magic Mandalorian. Arms around the Mandalorians neck, he dragged the man to the ground in a heap - though he didn't realize Vrag had given her hand to assisting his endeavor. He'd not even realize he was potentially going to get cut. Instead, he hefted a vibrodagger from his boot and tried to jam it down into the neckpoint of his opponents armor, hoping to pierce down into his collarbone and start the short process of letting adrenaline bleed him out for them.
Location: The Killing Fields
Objective: Defeat Nerius & Mullarus
Allies: -
Enemies: Nerius & Mullarus

Ella had been resolved to kill the two Sith Acolytes that had opposed her, the first moment she had lain eyes on the transport that had carried her original opponent. But the moment to utilize Form Zero- to find an ulterior means to diffuse the situation- had come and gone. With it's passing, the Jedi Knight was left with only her original choice.

The Dun Moch that ensued between the two sides had been beneficial to both of them. It had given both Sith to rest, regather themselves and begin their next assault in a combined force. They were set to become a formidable conclave against their Jedi foe.

For Ella, it had allowed her to rest. The Force was soothing, an ever constant ally in the face of adversity and subsequently, the wound delivered by Nerius- whilst an ever constant thorn for the duration of the battle- no longer affected her as much as it had done before. Still, a few flurries between her and the acolyte before her and she would be reminded how fatal a wound delivered by a lightsaber could be.

Rage. Ella felt it seething out of the body, mind and soul of Mullarus. It manifested itself in an invisible hand, that clenched itself around the Knight's throat, beginning it's squeeze. Spluttering, instantly red in the face, Ella reached out to Force Stun Mullarus before her neck was snapped in two. Dousing his mind and causing that rage to be a non factor was a good strategy on her part.

But it was only a stop gap. As Ella hung in mid air, desperate to knock Mullarus off his focus with the Force Stun, the Jedi Knight was acutely aware that she was facing two opponents. She hoped her words had run true with the pink monster, before he decided to attack her too.
Location: "The Killing Fields"
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Gear: Lightsaber x2, Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, Amphistaff, Razor bugs

Jedi Master Taeli Raaf. Now he had a name to the face, like a curse he could pronounce, and channel his hatred over onto. Taeli Raaf. Little did he know he was facing the sister of the Jedi Grandmaster. She remained polite, even curtseying. Even so, her voice carried with it a tone of mockery. Politeness and formality was merely its shield.

Then Azurea struck. There was little patience, she was eager for battle, eager to unleash her inner darkness on her chosen victim. It was hard to blame her, for it was a beautiful piece of Sith Magic. Her skills in that area had grown immensely. The teachings of the Jedi held her back no longer. Power was within her grasp. The Jedi defended herself, but she knew a small measure of what Azurea was capable of. This was no mere Sith Acolyte. This was a full-fledged Darth standing beside him.

It wasn’t the way she defended herself that surprised Pyrrhus, or the jab against his pride that fuelled his anger. It was the way she spoke about the spell, as if she had used it herself. That hardly seemed appropriate for a Jedi. Had she studied the dark arts of Sith Sorcery? Had she been on the receiving end of it one too many times? It certainly filled him with questions.

Then it came. The biggest news either of them had heard in a long time. Needless to say, this would affect Azurea more than it would Pyrrhus. Her sister was alive. Even Pyrrhus couldn’t hide his surprise. Thank the Force for the helmet. They were getting into a precarious moment. Taeli had her agenda, Pyrrhus had his. Questions hung thick in the air. How would this affect Azurea? Would she recover? Would she unleash her rage on Taeli, or break down in a stream of tears?

Their blades were yet to be fully drawn. Still, it was becoming evident that they were already at a crucial point in their duel. The pace of the rest would likely be determined here. Worst case scenario, the news would be so devastating, distracting, to the point where Azurea wouldn’t be able to fight by his side. He felt the conflict and confusion within her. Instead of striking her down or dismissing her for showing weakness or emotion, he would try to empower her. Her sister had been important to her. Now that she was alive… Assuming Taeli was telling the truth… She had to be brought to the dark. The two sisters would be reunited once more, even if that meant they would meet in the form of conflict. What he did know was that he would not let this Jedi steal her away from him a second time. Ruusan had been enough. He would not see her swoop Azurea’s legs away from under her without Pyrrhus ripping Taeli’s off in return. It was clear what she was trying to do. Undermine him. Take the fight out of her. Break her with news of her family. If it was the way of the light, it was a glimmer of light on the edge of darkness.

He tilted his head towards Azurea, while not taking his eyes off his target. “If what the Jedi says is true, we have her location now. We can get her any time you want. We will rescue her from the clutches of the Jedi. We will make her see them for what they are.” he assured her. More than a comforting lover, he spoke with the authority of a Sith Lord who commanded armies. He would not hesitate to amass his fleet and his forces, and launch an attack on Voss. He did not shy away from challenges. And he knew what it could mean to Azurea, to them, to the Sith. Though he tried to push her, show her what it meant to be Sith, he would go to great lengths for her. What good was power if he could not determine or influence the outcome of the lives of people that mattered? “At long last, we know the truth. If you can walk this path, so can she. You will make her understand. Finally, we can bring her home.” to their home. Pyrrhus would accept her without judgement. She was Azurea’s responsibility, and so he would not torture her… Although he might strongly encourage her to do so. But that was for later. “The only thing that stands between you and your sister is this Jedi…”

Oh, he may have seemed relatively calm. But he was furious. How dare she? He felt the Dark Side reach near boiling point within him. He transformed it into that calm, white, burning hatred, yet he felt it boiling within him. Like Azurea had been, he was itching to strike at Taeli, to unleash his fury. For now, he kept it contained, even though it felt like it was pushed to the point of an actual physical pain. “This is your chance. You can save your sister. You can free her. Destroy the Jedi.” the Jedi would keep her from her. Azurea had seen what the power of the Dark Side could do. All of their futures could be secured. There was but one obstacle. If she didn’t have the motivation or the hate to destroy the Jedi before, he hoped she certainly would now.

A lot would depend on how Azurea dealt with the situation. She was in a position of distraught. Chaos. Raw emotions. Fear, sorrow, relief… Paths to the Dark Side. Within her now was a bottomless well of emotions she could tap into to fuel the Dark Side. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. He only needed guide her in the right direction. Time would show whether he had properly done so. Hopefully seeing him support her rather than break her further down would boost her confidence. After all, he was not here to break her, but to break the Jedi. He needed her in this, just as he needed her outside of this fight. Azurea would know the love Pyrrhus had to offer. It was perhaps not an innocent love. It was dark, it was twisted. But they were together in it. They were in many ways safe from the terror the other was capable of, instead they inflicted it on others and drew strength from it. They were like one being; dark, terrible, and in his biased opinion, unstoppable. Ironically, while Taeli said that love could purify hearts, it was love that had drawn Azurea to the dark in the first place.

No… Taeli would not take her from him. Azurea would not betray him. While Azurea’s sorrow and hate might make her fury unfocused, his was not. It was locked on Taeli properly now. He had her in his sights. Even if she wasn’t to blame for everything that had gone wrong, he convinced himself she was. She would receive his fury.

And then she revealed her true identity. Darth Arcanix… It wasn’t a persona he was well familiar with or had interacted with, but the name rang a bell. A Sith Lord had gone by that name, before she went missing. Or, missing is perhaps not the right word. He heard she just left. The One Sith were not kind to deserters, and the whispers had followed the name with words like ‘traitor’. That rumour was certainly now confirmed, as here she stood, Sith mark and all, but announcing herself as 'Jedi Master'. She seemed almost proud of it. It made him wonder. “We shall have to put that to the test, won’t we Arcanix” he said, barely containing his disdain for her treason. He still used her Sith name, in part mockery to the Jedi, but omitted the Darth title, part mockery to the Sith. He wanted to ask her why, why had she turned, what had compelled her to leave the Sith… But that was a question better asked in an interrogation, if he brought her in. Now, all that mattered was that she paid for her crimes. To him, to the One Sith, but also to Darth Azurea.

“Call upon your darkness, Arcanix. I know it is calling to you. Channel it. Else this is the end of the road for you.” Things were certainly starting to make sense. Her knowledge of the ability Azurea had used. He found it odd, however, how she, as a former Sith, who had seen both sides of the coin, seen the truth, had abandoned their cause to live in restraint. Safe from pain, truth, choice, and other poison devils. She was a traitor. There wasn’t much hesitation in what he did next, nor was there long considerations or words spoken. His right arm raised and he drew upon the vast reserves of hatred within him. The Dark Side came easy to him, as he summoned it to do his bidding. In this moment, its task was to restrict the very airspace that surrounded her, grasping with invisible waves around her throat, and applying that pressure. Force Choke. Meanwhile, telepathically, his warm words entered into the mind of Azuea. <She is all yours, love> Perhaps it was unlikely that Taeli would be choked to death, but perhaps it would be enough to make a point. Perhaps it would be enough to keep her in place.

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