Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rains of Contruumere [One Sith vs GR Invasion of Contruum]

Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A - Rip apart the field
Allies: None Nearby
Enemies: [member="Atham'aali'kema"] | [member="Darth Isolda"] (I'm coming for you soon)
Gear: Plates of Scorn, Great Divide, One (1) Offering Crystal, Simmersilk Bodyglove
Theme: Walking Dead by Z-Trip ft. Chester Bennington
Living in war always came with inherent risks, of them death was the least of a wise man's, or woman's, concern. War is cruel, it has always been cold, callous, and uncaring - there was no righteousness the galaxy over that could change or hide that fact. The very words that the Chiss spoke assured Braith of such, reminded her that any reservations on ending a life were for naught and needed to be discarded. It reminded her that honesty, honor, and any form of fairness must be forgotten on the field of battle - why she had created the very armor she wore. Though her plated mail was heavy, encumbering, and restricted her from sprinting or rapid movements beyond moving her arms and hands while standing practically still, it still protected her far better than any mundane armor would have. This would be a fight that could very well end in a death, and she accepted that - pushed out her want to spare this cretin - even as he swung his blade initially.

The blade of his strange weapon came fast, striking at her shoulder and bouncing away harmlessly against the alchemized steel that had been forged specifically to combat lightsabers, blasters, and the like, but he made the horrible mistake of continuing this strike towards a position that was much easier for the shorter woman to react to. She didn't raise her sword to strike back when he flourished his blade and stroke at her hip, rather she moved her hand down, one covered by spiked gauntlets that were, honestly, the most protective portion of her armor. Any normal person wouldn't have even considered catching a blade, much less a lightsaber or whatever this sort of weapon was, to be a sane thought, but Braith knew herself to be quite different than the average, mundane, fool who would have tried to parry the strike or otherwise move. She anchored her feet down, her left hand opened and a telekinetic pull was made while she released the sword in her right hand to shove the back of her hand in front of the oncoming blade, catching it rightfully so between the knuckles and the spikes which protruded behind them.

The form the man fought with was one she was intimately familiar with from watching through the eyes of another, eyes of a woman that had preferred it over more brutal forms such as Juyo or Djem So. A mere puppet, perhaps, and certainly there was no skill in Braith's body to fight utilizing the form, but she knew it when she saw it - Makashi - and knew how to conquer its shortcomings. Aggression and strength could bat away the blades of the less powerful, but could result in an untimely decapitation or loss of limb. Speed and voracity was met equally with skill and an arm's length of plasma to parry and counter at every turn. So came the benefit in a combination of such brutal and quick acts of swordplay, of which she was proficient in. Certainly without armor the blade in her hand would have been used in defense against the fluid stroke of Maalik's blade, likely more than capable of shunting the momentum-lacking form right out of her way, but today she had donned her proverbial shield and it would be her crutch in this match up.

"Death is silent."

They were the only three words she expected to say for the rest of the duration of their little duel, and no sooner had the words left her lips than had she pushed her right hand towards the blade that had connected with it, attempting quite clearly to take advantage of the dexterous style of form two with brute strength, and her left moved with a heavy strike from her large sword towards the Chiss, much of her weight shifting with it as she rotated slightly in the direction that the blade moved. Beneath the visor of her helmet, again, she smirked. If this man wanted a fight, a real one, she would more than give it to him, and he would learn a valuable lesson in overconfidence.

Ten thousand years ago she had learned hers, and she was still picking up the pieces from it.
Objective A
Location killing fields
Allies GR
Enemies OS, [member="Agamemnon"]

There was always things to contemplate after a struggle like that. Having faced the sith [member="Asajj"] gave Mantic allot that he would need to meditate on. If there at least had not been that familiar force pattern about her. If it at least had not been his decision to end her.
The question, regardless of how well trained he was, was always - had he done the right thing.
But fate would not allow the jedi any respite on this matter yet. No fate wanted to keep his mind occupied with other matters, namely war...

As he moved across the broken field he sensed much movement and was trying to discern any jedi that might need his help. This was easier said than done though. And so he found a low hill to try and gain some overlook over what was going on in the grander scale of things. But he had barely reached the top of the hill before he sensed danger anew.

The whirling dust gave the impression that a huge tank of sorts was approaching. As it closed in Mantic could distinguish the shape of a humanoid, a very large one. His hand reached for the hilt attached to his belt.

"By the force..." he breathed. "What is that thing?"
While the rain still kept the field of battle wet with its mixture of water and blood Mantic lit his saber. Whatever it was, it most certainly was not going to be good he mused the few seconds he had time to ponder about it.

As [member="Agamemnon"] lit two of his sabers Mantic realized the extremely fast machine aimed for him.
Surprised and slightly unsure on how to respond to this new threat he raised his saber in a defensive manner and prepared to make a leap straight up into the air. If the droid passed under him he would turn and resume his position prepared to start parrying blows, or if the machine stopped underneath him he would utilize a force push beneath him followed by a powerful strike downward meant to pierce [member="Agamemnon"] s spinal plates.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Location: The Killing Fields
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Gear: Lightsaber x2, Blade of the Satvas (it's just a fancy dagger)

The dialogue between the much taller Togruta and the Jedi Master gave Darth Azurea a chance to turn inward and begin to process what she had heard. She was still in state of emotional shock, but her outrage was easier to catch by the tail now. How did she not know this information? How had she been fooled for so many months? She began to fill up with a seething hatred of the situation, of herself... and her opponent. The Jedi had fooled her purposefully! No one even tried to contact her. She may have been Sith, but it was downright cruel to keep her in the dark, she thought.

Darth Pyrrhus's familiar voice broke Azurea out of her fog. "Rescue her." Yes that's exactly what they needed to do. Chastity was eighteen. She was too young for all that had happened to her! To be sold into slavery and now lying in a medbay somewhere fighting for her life. It was an easy rationalization for Darth Azurea to make - her mind already so warped from the Dark side of the Force - that the Jedi somehow caused all of this pain and misery for her and her sister. Azurea meant anguish in the Sith language, and the brunette Sith Knight, once such a good daughter and constant perfectionist, was satisfied to dwell in this mental space. She deserved all of this punishment and torture. Not that Chastity did, but that could be worked out. Chastity just needed to be saved first.

She certainly is, Azurea sent back telepathically to her Master. By this time, and like her Togruta companion, her rage had reached a fevered pitch. She hated this Jedi, and everything she stood for. Force Rage flowed through her body freely now. The Sith Knight ignited her crimson blade and jumped at Taeli Raaf in a series of rapid, hungry steps, utilizing Makashi footwork, but she swung her blade in a low arc, attempting to slice Taeli Raaf from her midsection and through to her upper body.
Location: The Killing Fields and among "friends"
Objective: A
Allies: Galactic Republic
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] [member="Darth Azurea"]
Gear: Robes Lightsaber Second Lightsaber

"Good luck with that one," Taeli replied, sensing the shift in the air. It had arrived, but she would say the first round went to her. Her opponents were angry and/or off balance, not something that was conducive to not making mistakes in a fight. Taeli felt the Force rushing from the male, aimed at her throat and she just had a sense of disappointment wash over her at the cliche nature of the attack. A Force Choke ... really?

Reinforcing her throat with the Force to counter the force trying to crush her ability to breathe, a amethyst colored blade ignited from the hand guarded hilt in her hand as she met the Lunelle girl's wild attack and deflected it to her side. Pivoting, her left hand whipped up to send a blast of green lightning at the male over the girl's shoulder while Taeli just smiled at the girl.

"Makashi, oh very good, but very sloppy," she said, still smiling as she threw a feint with her blade at the girl's left hip. "Can't fight with Makashi if you're full of rage."

She couldn't afford to not discount the male, he was the stronger of her two opponents after all, but she had a plan for him after he dealt with the Electric Judgment she sent at him. Two more feints would be thrown at the girl, one at her left foot and another at her shoulder, before Taeli threw a flurry of elegant attacks at her opponent's right side.
Galactic Republic
Supreme Commander Ali Hadrix
Republic Garrison of Contruum
0030 Hours (Local Time)

[member=Draco Vereen]

The shelling of [member=Cryax Bane]'s incoming forces continued smoothly, and Ali took a moment to update herself on the situation throughout the battlefield. [member=Alva Calvarona] had somehow halted the Sith advance through the mountains to the East, and while their Mythosaurs in the West were being pushed back toward the Garrison, artillery would hopefully lend a hefty hand to seeing the rest of Vereen's force broken.
However, Vereen's jump-troopers had made their way to the mountain's bottommost slopes, and his soldiers were now pressing up along the ridgelines, outmaneuvering available Republic squads. Their speed gave them a great advantage, and whilst the Republic had jump-packs of their own, they were for burst-use as opposed to continual flight.
Even so, Ali organized a response as best she could. The Mandalorians seemed intent on driving up the mountain, so rather than send up teams that would at best fall behind, she merely readied those soldiers already stationed at the mountain's upper slopes and bases. She joined the fight as well, clipping her rifle to her shoulder and leaping into the air. Her own jump-pack kicked on and sent her flying dozens of meters up from the back of her MAT-TE.
She landed at a crouch on the cleft above, ran along the fighting position there and kicked herself upward once again. ::Jump units on the upper levels, mount a defense as swiftly as possible. Seal the entrances on decks ten through fourteen.:: Ali looked to her right, where the Mandalorians were vying to beat her to the top of the mountain.
Oh no you don't, she thought to herself, launching herself into the air yet again. Their race continued though Ali maintained ground above them. There were dozens of Mando'ade, hundreds, and the thousands of Republic soldiers manning the defense of the Garrison Hill were only so effective due to their dispersed positioning.
Soon enough, however, Ali was able to engage them. She'd arrived just ahead of the Mandalorian soldiers at a fighting position near the last cleft of the mountain. Above them were the summit levels, which were barren. Taking her rifle into grip, Ali swiftly organized the Republic troops available to her. Looking down Ali saw Republic soldiers engaging incoming Mando'ade as best they could. E-WEB's and blaster cannons shot down unfortunate stragglers to the Mandalorian wave, and sharpshooters managed to pick off lone wolves. The bulk of the Mandalorian force, however, was gaining a foothold on four different levels. If they were allowed to remain, they could wreck havoc on the artillery weaponry and MAT-TE positions.

Ali turned and opened the entrance to Deck 14, slipping inside and leaving her soldiers to shoot down on the Mandalorians from above. She lowered herself down to the Mando'ade's upper level, Deck 11. As the turbolift door opened, she collected a gaggle of soldiers who were waiting for her, directing them to the entrance outside. They keyed the doors open and funneled out, immersing themselves instantly in a cacophony of blaster fire and blood.
Ali slid to a kneeling position behind a waist-tall rock, picking off a pair of Mando troopers who had just killed an E-WEB weapons crew. She immediately called for the weapon to be remanned, then turned her attention on another incoming pair of enemy soldiers.

(Grid 14)

The Republic Mythosaur walker positioned aside its fallen mate began backing up hurriedly as the Mandalorian force advanced, taking cover behind hills just as the Republic's own had. Cannon fire erupted sporadically from the walker to cover its retreat as it made its way around the slope-side behind which the third Republic walker had taken position. The fresh vehicle took position between its mate and the approaching Mandalorians, shields fresh and ready for a beating.

The fallen Republic walker was down, but not entirely defeated. Like its Mandalorian brethren, the vehicle retained power and many of its weapons were serviceable, apart from the main 420mm cannon. Unlike the Mandalorian Mythosaur, which was stuck away from the shifting position of the battle, the Republic vehicle was directly in the path of it almost. As the new lead Mandalorian Mythosaur came into line of sight, the Republic walker unleashed its missile payloads at the hulking monster, whilst loosing it's anti-aircraft weaponry at the Avenger-class starfighters engaged with the K-Wing Assault Bombers in the skies above.

The two remaining Republic Mythosaurs progressed Eastward along the dirt road that bisected the two mountains there, directing themselves toward the Republic Garrison, where artillery support would be available. Their communications crews held [member=Draco Vereen]'s forces in sight, loosing 420mm rounds on the move and doing what they could to assault the Mandalorian starfighters with their alternate weaponry as artillery bombardments were plotted in the approaching Mythosaur's path.
The new lead of the Mandalorian walkers was shelled from the Garrison Hill with 15 cannons spared from the barrage against [member=Cryax Bane]'s seemingly halted AT-AW walkers and droid forces.

In the sky above, Captain Alek Valdwin was holding his own as best he could against the swarming Avenger starfighters. They were outnumbered, and after losing two K-Wings already and picking up his own tail, he ordered the squadron to retreat to the Hill.
::Form up and head on a point-two-two bearing.:: He demanded. Swiftly the assault bombers heeded the command, and as a group the remaining 10 K-Wings pushed ahead toward the Hill. Their escorts were not at all shaken by the maneuver, and followed in hot pursuit. Valdwin's path took them right overhead the remaining Republic Mythosaurs, which would force the Avengers to either fly around or risk losing fighters to anti-aircraft emplacements on the behemoth walkers.

Valdwin's plan was simple, circle the mountain and reengage the Mandalorian forces. The South face of the mountain came up on Valdwin's left, they stayed below the height of the Southern peaks due to the presence of anti-aircraft weaponry there led by [member=Isamu Baelor]. The anti-aircraft emplacements on the Hill opened up on the pursuant Avengers, the mountainside exploding into a veritable Lite-Brite of red and orange flashes. Unbeknownst to Valdwin, many of those flashes were from the fighting that had ensued between [member=Draco Vereen]'s jump-troopers and the Republic's own soldiers.

The loop around the mountain was swift, and despite still carrying add-ons, which lost Valdwin another bomber, the remaining 9 were able to lock in Vereen's lead Mythosaur for another run...


A lone Republic sniper, tucked away high in the mountains at Grid 20, overseeing the East-West-running road North of her position, was looking through her macrobinoculars when she saw them flicker past across the snows in the distance.
::Home Plate this is Longshot-Three-One, I have hostiles heading East along Route Able, how copy over?::

Moments later came the reply. ::Longshot-Three-One, this is Home Plate, how many hostiles, over?::
::I've got five bikes, over.::
::Roger that, engage if you can, otherwise, refer target to East-lying forces.::
::Copy that, Longshot-Three-One out.::

Three-One let out a long breath and dial her scope in to a comfortable power on the scouts she'd spotted below. With the click of a button she relayed all the data in her optic to her fellow Longshots, who would be able to pick up on the targets fairly quickly once they made it to range.
Three-One pulled her zoom out a bit and lead the first speeder bike. Her optic took a moment to re-calibrate, then it clicked, and Three-One pulled the trigger on her beam rifle. The weapon fired and a bright yellow blaster bolt jettisoned out from the muzzle and tore through the sky from the mountain above the road.


Corporal Gilka Tarbor suddenly exploded into a spray of dirt and heat and compressed air, the sand-bag barricade that was her firing position exploding with her. The explosion ripped through the area at (F) the outpost, rending a hole in the ground that was a human's height deep. The Republic soldier manning the gun of a troop transport swung his barrel around, searching for the enemy, gazing out at the landscape around him.
It was then that a second round exploded aside his vehicle, launching it into the air and onto its side. The gunner felt himself crushed by the vehicle and was swiftly knocked dead by the force of the explosion. The shelling continued for several minutes, demolishing the small outpost that had been the Garrison's primary warning of advancing troops. Currently, none were heading up the road that led to the Garrison Hill, though that didn't mean there weren't going to be any at all.

The outpost at (G) was similarly hit, destroyed by Sith artillery coming from the South. The outpost's radio guard managed to make contact with the Garrison and warn them of the attack, though none of the squads stationed there survived.

(Garrison Hill)

::New hostile forces have been detected North of the Garrison, at Grid Three, I repeat Grid Three.:: The Comm's officer updated Command. The battle in orbit seemed to be going well for the Republic Navy, but the fight on the ground was more evenly matched, and the Garrison Hill was beset on nearly all sides. The reserve Southern force was waiting to be engaged by [member=Sinistra]'s incoming forces, though they had no idea of when to expect contact. The combat outposts the to the South-East and West of the Hill had gone dark, and a distress message had been sent from one of them. To Command it sounded like an artillery barrage that had ruined both positions, though that didn't answer the question of which avenue of approach the Sith were likely to use. The approach through (F) would require they scale the ridge there and skyline themselves, and it provided no cover on approach.
Thus, the expected path of attack was from the South-West, though fires could not begin until they had a verified target. Unfortunately, the nearest Forward Observers were located at Grid 23 and 28, and had yet to see anything. They had lowered their jammers just long enough to file their reports with Command that there still remained plenty of snow.

Even so, Command kept the Gunships waiting. They couldn't risk engaging without confirmation that the anti-aircraft weaponry had been destroyed in the last wave of artillery strikes, and at the moment the Sith held the advantage of cover; the Republic could not see them. Once they did, all hell would break loose, but until then the A-10 LAAT Gunships waited in reserve. If another K-Wing unit could be spared, a JDAM drop from high elevation would be possible, as had recently been used to destroy one of Draco Vereen's Mythosaur walkers.
Still, the cannon crews had readied themselves, and they laid in wait.

Summary of Action


--Artillery at locations F and G destroy two outposts there, blinding the Republic from any hostile movement through those locations.
--New hostiles identified from long range at Grid 3.

[member=Draco Vereen]

--Second Mythosaur takes refuge behind third, firing on approaching Mando'ade and retreating through the pass at Grid 15.
--Primary Mythosaur fires on Draco's lead walker with full compliment of missiles. This will be the vehicle's final act unless it is ignored by enemy fire.
--Ali Hadrix and Republic foot soldiers and jump troopers beat Mandalorians to the upper levels of the mountain and engage them. Casualties are slanted in favor of the Mando'ade due to the density of their numbers and relative expertise in relation to their Republic adversaries.
--K-Wings lead Avengers around South side of Garrison Hill, taking 3 casualties. This will draw any pursuit into direct range of Garrison AA weaponry. K-Wings head back on course toward lead Mandalorian Mythosaur.


--Scouts identified and fired upon by Republic sniper.
--These scouts will face on-going sniper fire during their travel from varying sources.

[member=Cryax Bane] | [member=Darth Rapax] | [member=Darth Vyrassu]

--Continuous shelling from North and East mountain faces by parabolic and artillery ion cannon artillery.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: [member="Vengeance"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]| [member="Barrien Siegfried"]

Vaulkhar was not surprised when the Jedi put the two of them into a saber lock. After all, Vaulkhar was the smaller of the two opponents, simple physics would tell any opponent to use and abuse their strength on the smaller foe. So when the two sabers became locked, he began a simple and slow backpedal while Barrien made his move. Instead of disengaging or moving to defend himself, Vaulkhar quickly brought his left hand up, palm outward. The young Sith shoved his body forwards as Barrien moved to shoulder him, closing the distance and lowering the amount of time for the buildup of momentum. His breath was caught in his throat as it was forced upwards from his lungs, but there was a grin on the blind Sith's face.

As the two were locked closer together, a sudden burst of electricity would explode outward, directly at the Padawan's face.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"]

Curious that the smaller man stepped in, though a good move to avoid the momentum. It was as the man lifted his hand that he started to sense the build up of Force energy. It was too quick for him to fully avoid it, but he was amazed when energy began to shoot out of the apprentices hand. Not nearly the left of a Master, it was more like a spark, but it surely hurt, and didn't give him a lot of time to react as his saber jerked down and away as a result of the shock.

But as he fell away he knew he needed to strike to get himself some space. The only option was the simplest as he opened his hand towards the Sith and unleashed a blast of the Force aimed at sending his opponent away, to buy him the time to recover from getting hit in the face with electricity.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: Vengeance
Enemies: @Corvus Raa f| [member="Barrien Siegfried"]

Vaulkhar was quite literally lifted from the ground and sent nearly two dozen feet at the burst of force energy. He crashed down against the ground and went tumbling momentarily. As he eventually rolled to a stop, he spit a small amount of blood from his mouth and began to stand. He dashed forwards at the Jedi, the force guiding and aiding in his movements. He jumped upward into the air, clearing the remaining distance by quite a bit. As he reached the peak of his leap, he thrust his hand outwards and his lightsaber flew forth into his grasp.

The blind man then fell downwards towards Barrien, his lightsaber activating and bursting forth from it's hilt. He raised his blade high, a build up of force energy all around the young man, centralized around his lightsaber. His eyes were on that of Barrien, fully expecting the man to thrust out at him in an attempt to stab him through. It was the most logical decision in this situation.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"]

The push bought him some time, and he rubbed the back of his primary saber hand against his face, blade pointed away. More scars to add to the myriad of the ones he already had, but at least it wasn't as deadly as what a Master would have done. If it were, he'd have been dead instead of shocked and singed. As it was, he still had a foe to battle, as a Force Push was simply not enough to end a fight unless the end result was his opponent on a spike, which really wasn't what he wanted, but he was beginning to understand something in this fight.

Battles were often going to cause grievous harm to one or more opponents. This was not a spar.

As he looked on, his opponenet went airborne. Immediately, he reached one hand around his back and shifted his grip on the saber he was already holding, a flittering spin sent the single blade flying, saucer like, through the air at the Sith while his other hand pulled his double-blade from behind his back, which he ignited to send two yellow blades springing forth, ready to catch, and parry, the oncoming strike down to the ground, depending on how the man reacted to the flying saber.
Location: Aboard Space Station
Objective: B - Defend Station
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Foes: [member="Reverance"] - The One Sith

Everything the Shard experienced visually and audibly was instantly processed, his memory crystal and advanced subsystems working to their max. Thermal imaging proved what the modified droid exactly what he assumed - this man was garbed from head to toe in Yuuzhan Vong equipment. Sirus had done his research and studying, assessing hundreds of hours of footage of how Jedi and their Republican counterparts dealt with this kind. The droid had to admit, it was harder than defeating most enemy combatants.

Hard, but not impossible.

"Surr-" his next command was silenced as his foe took off in a dead sprint towards him. The droid was already moving forward the second Reverance took a step forward, squeezing the trigger to his CZ-836 twice. He moved fast, or early, enough to manage to avoid both of the projectiles spiraling towards him by shouldering through a nearby door and moving down another corridor.

Strange, Sirus could've sworn he had ordered this whole section to be sealed off with blast doors - doors that could barely be cut through with lightsabers.

Whatever the case was, the droid pursued his opponent around the corner and into another room with remarkable quickness and reaction time. There was only one door to this room, so he brought his rifle to bear on the man once he came into view. The droid's body blocked the doorway as he stepped in and flicked his setting to automatic. A K-65 Targeting System allowed him impeccable accuracy and perception from this range as he began to empty an entire magazine of VENOM rounds at the lightsaber-wielding Sith Lord.
Location: The Killing Feilds
Objective: A
Enemies: [member="Blane Nightfall"], The Republic
Allies: One Sith.

Mythos stood before his fallen foe to finish him off blasting him with force Lightning. His hand extended towards his downed foe and unflinchingly he called upon the powers of the Dark Side to finish the job only.... They did not come. Mythos turned his palm in confusion and then back to what looked to be his dying foe only to see the Familiar Lizard... Ysalamiri... Force Inhibitor and the steadfast guardian of all those not blessed with the force... or so it seemed, As Mythos had encountered them before often in his Apprenticeship.

When he lunged forward he caught the kick from his foe in the chest and it swung the Axe from his hand as he geared back, the axe slumping to the ground in a thud and the Red and Gold cloak flown back with the wing before he came forward yet again... he smiled. "I Do hope That's not your only trick"

Bringing forth his Black Core Lightsaber to bare before his enemy Mythos dashed forward and charged with a Maddening Flurry Of Juyo; the 7th Style of Lightsaber combat. Swinging a kick at his chin meant for both impact and momentum he used his acrobatic conditioning to make up for the lack of Force Enhanced moves, he had fought without the Use of the Force and infiltrated without it... He knew he would face a Time when the Force was of no use to him... he had decided to become ready for that long ago
Objective: A the killing fields (aka ruin Jedi Grandmaster's Day)
Location: The Killing fields
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Vengeance let her finish her thoughts. It was only polite. One thing however stuck in his mind. Something he repeated.

"...........a Jedi. First, foremost…and only.”

He paused.

"...........a Jedi. First, foremost…and only.”

He paused again.

"...........a Jedi. First, foremost…and only.”

He stopped letting it sink in. The words out of her own mouth.

"That Corvus is your betrayal." "That is the very root of Melori's feelings towards you." "I am sure that philosophy probably makes you the greatest Grand Master in Centuries." "However as a woman and a sister it makes you the most worthless fething person alive."

He sighed.

"Light.........dark..............good.............evil." "Those are words Corvus." "They mean nothing next to family." "Family gets you through the bad celebrates the good times." "When Melori needed you most....when she was her most vulnerable you left her to fend for herself in an unforgiving Galaxy among rampaging Sith."

He looked at her with a tilt of his head.

"Do you know what happened to her?" "She had it all.......the pinnacle of achievement within her reach." "All she had to do was turn on her Master." "Turn on a stranger......well a mentor but in comparison to family a stranger." "What did she do..........she refused.............refused to betray her Master." "For that she was punished......stripped of everything she had gained."

He paused a genuine look on his face.

"How was she rewarded by such loyalty?" "She was betrayed and branded a Traitor for the actions of her Master." "It was a shame Melori was not shown the same loyalty she showed others."

His expression turned serious.

"You know nothing Corvus." "Nothing about me and nothing about my path." "I would give everything even my life just to see Melori happy." "Would you?"

Vengeance looked out towards the battle raging around them.

"I live my life without regret and you say the same?"

He didn't wait for an answer instead he drew his saber, ignited it, and saluted Corvus. A measure of respect for his opponent.

"We have spoken enough Corvus and wasted enough time." "I have no illusions about my ability to defeat you but that does not mean I will not try." "However should the unthinkable happen know this." "If I do win I am going to hand you over to Melori...........she will decide your fate."

Vengeance gripped his saber his opposite leg sliding back just a hair for better balance.

"Should I fall this was a pleasure to have met you in person Corvus and may the force be with you."

He smiled holding his position waiting to see what she did.
Location: Contruum

Objective: Destory Republic Fleet

Allies: [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Eliza Lunelle"] [member="Kyra Proga"] @Other OS Fleeters

Enemies: Republic Fleet [member="Raymond Mosses"]


Thanith smiled has his fire hit home thankful to get first strike.

"Sir the enemy is returning fire."

Thanith nodded watching the impacts on the Dark Blade and Vanguard. They were sturdy ships able to take some hits. However he was not expecting their own Corvette turn into the fire taking the bulk of the hits for the Vanguard. He shook his head knowing the Corvette was crippled.

"Status report."

"Sir Delta has lost 80% shields with two decks taking hull damage." "Thanks to a major sacrifice X-Ray took only moderate damage." "They are holding together so far." "We are still in this fight Sir."

Thanith nodded

"Get me a firing solution on the lead ship." "Focus fire." "I want that ship out of commission asap."

Thanith turned looking at the readouts before turnign back.

"Have the Task Force break Formation." "Send Hellhammer X-ray to flank the enemy." "Have Delta adjust position."

Thanith made a few calculations.

"Please forward this attack plan to all ships." "Time to get creative."

Watch Dark Blade and Vanguard take hits.

Return fire focusing on the lead ship with all guns.

Task Force breaks formation spreading out.
Location: Docking Bay D39
Objective: Get to control centre
Allies: She, herself and her
Enemies: Mister In-the-way ([member="Khaleel Malvern"])

Now that they were not going to fight, Greta unlocked her helmet with a hiss, the airlock working its way. Holding it underarm, she would observe the man in the strange attire as he spoke once more, this time replying to her previous statement. “Well, that’s one way to celebrate our first date.” He called this a date. Hmm. That works, she supposed. Greta then watched as he gave himself a little stretch here and there before brushing his tie with a touch and shrugging once again. She spoke then, but just briefly. "A date huh? Weird way to have a date, but whatever works I suppose."

The man then spoke once more, this time implying a tad more hostility and annoyance than before. “You sure you want to do that? You could still surrender, you know. I promise I will release you once I am gone.” "Well you leave me no choice, don't you? I have an objective to complete, and you're kinda in my way right now."

As the time passed, the thoughts of the man in front of her being a mercenary appeared in her thoughts. Perhaps he held no allegiance to the Republic at all. Perhaps he could be bought off somehow?Twirling her hovering lightsaber hilt in her hand using the force, she continued, this time coming up with a proposal of her own. "Why not you leave me be, allowing to reach the control centre, and I don't attack you, and instead reward you with a sizable amount of credits? Does that sound workable to you?"
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: Contruum
Allies: [member="Nubica Felidae"]
Enemies: [member="Zaria"] - [member="Sage Bane"]
Gear: Jedi Guardian Robes - A pair of standard lightsabers, one blue and one purple - A flask of whiskey

The sights were less than appealing to a Jedi, but Varus had grown to be able to stomach such gruesome scenes. Scenes like that very one that was still unfolding around him, both blood, gore and filth covering the area as Jedi and Sith alike went at one another like male Banthas during mating season as they were trying to claim a female. It was raw and unfiltered violence, and it the only reason that it was getting any better was because the more that died, the less there were to fight.

Jedi didn't like killing, but they would if they had to, no questions asked. Most would try to restrain their foes, but when left with no other alternative they would use their blades meant to protect to enact a killing blow. It was commendable, but just like in any battle, as the war would rage on eternal, someone had to do the killing. Someone would have to be there to dispatch the lesser beings from that world. Those weak enough to let the force control them instead of guide them hand in hand. They were Sith, and Varus could kill them. In fact, he did, and he didn't mind getting his hands dirty so that the others could keep theirs clean. He didn't mind swinging the axe, for if he made it through that life to old age, he'd felt condemned to hell one way or the other.

He could only hope that the force would reward him with peace, but for now he would do what was necessary. And what was necessary was to destroy in order to preserve. To kill in order to save the lives of comrades, and as three Sith closed in on an injured Jedi trying frantically to retreat to another who'd come to aid him, picking him up and dragging him along with her as best she could, Varus took the opportunity to step in. How could he simply step in, though? That wasn't his style, seeing as he preferred to make a bit of a boom when he happened upon a scene, and as the first Sith raised his blade to land the killing blow into the back of the pair of Jedi, Varus finally intervened.

From high above and armor clad man came crashing down atop the saber toting Sith, a heavy knee striking the back of his neck and thrusting him face down into the dirt. Not a second later did that Sith's neck crack an all too sickening crack as his neck broke and life slipped away from him. The Jedi Master then rose to the others, and with the flick of his wrist he activated his blade and cut vertically across the second Sith's throat, who hadn't even had time to raised his saber in defense. He fell to his knees and doubled over into a pile as the third stepped up and slashed at Varus, but her aim had not been true, and her saber careened over Varus left shoulder as his left free hand darted out towards her neck, snatching her up with ease and driving his saber through her chest.

Instantly she fell lifeless, and with a second flick of the wrist Varus tossed her about thirty yards across the battlefield, her lifeless body landing and turning over on itself a few times before rolling to a stop at the feet of Sage Bane. A certainly ominous sign, to say the least, as the broad shouldered Jedi approached Nubica from behind, slow and calculated steps carrying him towards the little group that had formed as he craned his head back and displayed a curious look as frozen blue eyes fell on the Sith Lord.

"What was that old saying about size and picking on people?", he asked, knowing full well how the quote should go. He was simply refusing to miss an opportunity to be facetious.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: Destroy Sith
Allies: OS
Enemies: GR [member="James Mathison"]

Iziz watched as it seemed that the Jedi still had the control and the ability to control the force on a pinpoint level which bordered surgery as he placed the crystal back in a position which did not allow any stray energy to be propelled against the interior of the Saber, that was a feat in of itself. A level of force control on the battlefield which Iziz would have assumed would be reserved for Masters and Lords. Grimacing at the fact the Jedi was not only able to sense the fact it had happened but also able to undo the damage before any of the negative effects came to pass. The Eyes of the Jawa sharpened as his tail waved from side to side as in an instant the Jedi decided to make strides towards the Jawa. Iziz became angered, and began to channel his power in the force through his body again, but not in the same way as he would with his speed, rather allowing the force to flow down the length of his tail as his opponent came into range, Iziz would step in with his two blades.

The First horizontal strike was met with Iziz's left lightsaber, blocking high up the end of his blade and using the length of the lightsaber's weightlessness as an Axis to his advantage, making his opponenet's strength and size meaningless, parrying the blow over him as the second blade came down. With Iziz's other hand he would do the same, parrying the blade to the opposite side of himself wedging his small frame in between the arms of his opponents, exactly where he wanted to be.

Iziz performed a single back-flip, allowing his tail to chop upwards at point black range rapidly before the blast of force energy would form. Iziz's attempt to intercept it would be chaotic and powerful in scope, the force power he had flown into his tail with his expertise in force weapon would explode to life with force lightning as the dark side power channeled into it, The links of the tail would part and extend as the flip continued, reaching out longer with the intent of slamming into the jedi and electrocuting him badly before cutting him up the middle with the blade at the end of his tail. The Arc of lightning expanding from the tail itself as a point blank projectile which would extend about a dozen meters from the direction he threw it.

Arcing backward with the flip, Iziz would land, the lightning down his tail still crackling as the Jawa dashed in for his opponent again, retracting his light-saber blades for a moment only to reveal their true nature. Each of the shoto blades were double ended, much like the lightsaber of the late Exar Kun giving the jawa a total number of 5 blades on his person.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Mantic Dorn"]​

The inferior being leaped into the air, soaring high into the sky, much farther than a human would be capable of. The Force. How horrendous. The abomnible power that all these, Force Users, seem to use. Such a crutch only a weakling would need. The Droid slid to a stop a few meters away and raised its limbs, readied for what would follow. The audible click from its legs snapped, locking them, and its arms bent at the elbow turned the forearms up towards the Jedi.

Always so confident, Jedi. Always so misguided. A pair of energy bursts emanated from the droid’s arms aimed at the airborne Jedi. Perhaps he was skilled enough to avoid them despite being in the most vulnerable position against ranged attacks, but perhaps not. The first, a bolt of crackling red energy was much more than a blaster, but a kinetic energy blast favored by the Chiss, a charric of moderate power. Nothing incredibly dangerous alone.

But it was not alone. The other was an elongated beam of white energy. If he was an experienced fringer he might have encountered the weapon. An Ion Beamer, known for being able to wrap around lightsabers unabated, pierces armor and shields and deliver a local paralytic to its victims. While the Jedi of old were aware of how to deflect said bolts, this jedi would be left with few choices even if he was properly prepared. He could deflect one or the other, not both.

Then it was only a waiting game for him to fall to the ground and suffer the fate of all inferiors. Death.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A
Enemies: One sith, [member="Darth Mythos"]

Blane rolled to his right as soon as he saw the enemy's lightsaber coming in battle he did payed attention what he just said, just before he could have rolled on the ground, the young lieutenant let a cardinium grenade where he was laying before, once he would get up on his feet, Blane would begun to run away as fast as he can still holding his AR-47 in one of his hands and attempting to take cover.
He didn't thought this would be enough to even hurt his foe, as it wouldn't be really hard to notice his little trick, yet it was enough to buy him some time to prepare his other ones, or so he hoped.

Blane smirked as he checked if he had more grenades and his knife... what was he up to? "Alright Dasy, time to have some fun with our little guest." He then raised his voice so that the sith may hear him "We kind of made some disaster at Csila, not to mention the chaos on Coruscant... It was nice to mock your sith friends every time I see them, but i promise, once this battle is over, I will show you what true chaos means!"
Location: Killing Field
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Mullarus"]
Enemies: [member="Ella Nova"]

Nerius saw the woman gather herself, ignoring minor pangs of inflammation wherever they happened to appear. He meanwhile, ignored the pain he felt, choosing to save the physical healing he could perform for a much more necessary time.

When it seemed Mullarus had said his word, the other raised a hand to choke Ella. As she was raised to the air, a mutter in the Force told Nerius to attack now. But the Robes said otherwise. Their constant change in his demeanor was annoying, yet something that was strong enough to cause him to wait a split second...

Until he remembered who, and what he was.

Drawing back one arm, he let his Pink lightsaber fly like a bat from hell, hoping to slice through her upper chest. Then he also leapt into the air to attempt a skewer that sought her abdomen.
Location Flying over grids 28-32
Objective Droppin Bombs
Allies [member="Ali Hadrix"] and The Galactic Republic
Targets [member="Sinistra"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Draco"] Vareen @Sith schuttas
NPC'S Raptor Squadron (5 npc's flying K Wing Assault bombers)

Nearly unseen above the raging battle, Jack and the rest of Raptor squadron flew in a tight V formation. Jack was beginning to think he and his squad would never get a chance to let loose the bombs they carried. Luckily at that same time the radar in Varren's K Wing pinged a group of what looked to be eight AT-AW walkers heading towards grid 29. Finally.....Some action He thought as he began flipping switches on his controls, Activating both his weapons and his comms systems....

Alright Raptors! Let's get cocked, locked, and ready to rock!....We got us a group of AT-AW's passing into grid Two Nine. Bout eight of them boys, Let's keep it tight and clean, Fire on my mark and blow these Karkers back to hell!! He definitely needed to work on his inspirational speeches if he survived this battle. His squad quickly radioed back their support as they drew closer to their targets. Varren locked onto the foremost AT-AW before gripping the stick and plunging his K Wing towards the group of walkers, His nerves amazingly calm as his targeting reticle switched from red to a deep gold signifying that he had a hard lock on his target. With a smile curling his lips Jack released his bombs, Quickly followed by the five K Wings flying with him......The group of AT-AW walkers standing little chance of surviving the attack as Jack pulled back on the controls allowing his K Wing to climb upwards to avoid the coming devastation, His squad following suit with their leader....


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