Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rains of Contruumere [One Sith vs GR Invasion of Contruum]

Location: The Killing Fields: Contruumere.
Objective: A.
Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] and [member="Darth Veles"], One Sith and allies.
Allies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and GR.
Gear: Lightsaber, Armour, “Gorgon” Web Rifle.

She did not have time to see the victorious Sio conclude her fight. Her vision filled with the stuff of nightmares, Kaine Zambrano. As the two combatants continued, Coci felt little joy at her hit to Kaine, but still he stands once more to destroy anything and everyone in his path and she is here today to provide the barrier to prevent him from more of it.

His words would mean little to her, just as if she would deem to speak, "Save your breath", she only said. Her shoulders rolled, to take away the tension building up around her. The force pounding through her body, filling her with much energy and she still has plenty in reserve. As his hand raised, a telegraphed more, deliberate she tilted her head to the side, her senses reaching out to ascertain his next move. The feign did not work but his timing did. The ground erupted from beneath here, after it sunk before propelling her upward at speed. Coci flew through the air awkwardly twisting her body to try and get out of the way of a swift strike of his red blade. Her arms raised out to the side to try and regain balance in the air, her legs she tried to tuck under her by his saber to quick struck her on the upper thigh. Although she had managed to prevent his saber from severing her leg, it bit her Valkyri armour the plate cut and fell to the ground.

Coci screamed in pain, not so much from the saber burn but the melted slag of the metal. It burned her flesh, melting it and the pain almost made her loose consciousness. Gritting her teeth as she fell to the ground, Coci pushed out her hand and sent a telekinetic wave directed to his back before he would land. Using the force to cushion her fall, Coci landed and groaned again with the shooting pain of her leg. A small reprieve in the fight allowed her to take stock, remove some of the pain through the power of healing. It would be enough to see her continue the fight.
Objective: C
NPC Template:
Locations: See below
Controller: Cryax Bane
Forces: 9,631 N1 "Chiss" Battle Droids (loadout: Charric Rifle, 3 Vape charges), 1 AT-AW, 8 Tartoros Class Walkers, 30 CRC slicers with Blue Phoenix Slicing Software
Objective: Sending troops, slicers, and vehicles towards the garrison
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Kerstas"] [member="Sinistra"] [member="Adekos"]
Opponents: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Jordun Darko."] [member="SC-4486"]


  • 4 slicers and 50 droids at the garrison on the northeast side

  • 900 droids and 1 AT-AW at the garrison

  • 2 Tartoros-Class Walkers and 450 droids closer to the garrison on the west side

  • 300 droids and 8 Tartoros-Class Walkers heading south into the mountains

  • 9,300 droids, 25 slicers at Cryax Bane’s Northern base camp now hiding in mountain caves, crevices, and behind low ridges

As Cryax’s AT-AWs, droids and walkers on the south, southeast, and west side took grievous casualties from the combined shelling of [member="Alva Calvarona"]’s and [member="Ali Hadrix"]’s forces, VOI speeders and 40 light freighters from [member="Taneas Haring"], and not to mention, rockslides from Republic mines and K-wing assault bombers from [member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"], he shook his head, cursed, and yes, questioned his life choices a bit. Clearly the Galactic Republic was a suicidal and probably homicidal bunch, because there was no way that those bombing runs from 40 freighters couldn't have hit some of [member="Alva Calvarona"]'s Imperial Remnants forces, organic troops and walkers alike. Guess that Black Flag Order must have been extended when he wasn't looking. Be that as it may, Bane was a slicer first and foremost, a support player, yet inevitably thrust into the role of battlefield commander. It was usually his gift but sometimes his curse, this mastery of man over computer, that made the One Sith call upon Bane over and over to fight on places like the Wookiee world of Kashyyyk, where he lost a blue cybernetic leg, and the canyons of Ord Mirit where he fought off waves of PSTD, brought on by mingling with so many Yuuzhan Vong forces. His therapist kept telling him that he was self-sabotaging by putting himself in these types of situations, but did he really have a choice in the matter? He worked for the One Sith. They didn’t fire people, they fed them to sarlaacs the size of bolo ball fields. The Chiss began to wonder if, much like his position as the Imperial Governor of Csilla, thrust upon him by [member="Darth Vornskr"], he would be doomed to play roles that he felt as if he were Holo-calling in. Sadly, the answer was probably.

That heart-sinking moment of doubt intensified at the sight of a squad of Republic K-wing fighters veering towards the Chiss slicer’s own base camp situated just north of the garrison behind the low mountain ridges. As he saw their approach, Bane frantically ordered his forces to begin taking cover in the nearby caves and crevices in the mountain range, but anyone could see that there simply wouldn’t be enough time to avoid their barrage. Luckily the Mythosaurs of [member="Draco Vereen"] fired upon the missiles, intercepting the worst of the attack. Some droids were blown to bits however. Once the coast was clear, jumping on his commlink, he ordered the remaining eight of his Tartoros-class walkers along with another company of droids to head down from the southeast side of the mountains where Imperial Remnant forces had taken the most damage and thus were thinned out.

Cryax Bane’s five slicers, now scrambling up the ridges towards the garrison’s shield arrays after their AT-AW toppled over and lay crumpled across the Contruum landscape, were having an even worse day than their boss. While the slicers weren’t taking cover from the opponent’s massive overkill of artillery, mines, and bombing runs, they were running for their lives from the horde of flaming zombies created by [member="Darth Rapax"]. There were also Imperial forces interlocked in battle with Draco Vereen's forces, and thanks to the Chiss Ascendancy's droids maser weapons and vape charges, the ragtag group of slicers made it through with only one casualty, a Chagrian named Fred, but nobody liked him anyway. Soon, the some of the slicers were hooking their datapads into the garrison’s shield arrays in attempts to disable defenses. The rest were hitting the garrison’s auto-turrets, aiming to shut them down.

Bane had mixed feelings about the arrival of Commander [member="Sinistra"] to the battlefield, emerging from the south side. Although she called in reinforcements for him, given his past experiences with the Sith Lord, he feared for the lives of not only his slicers, but the safety of his own blue hide. As evidenced by an almost fatal run in he’d had with her on Taloraan, Lord Sinistra would probably simply kill everything on Contruum and let the Maker sort it out.

The arrival of [member="Adekos"] to the field did not cause him a similar concern. The man knew his droids and computers, which was enough for Cryax Bane.

OOC note: There was a lot to respond to given the length of everyone’s posts (so many words :D), so if I missed anything please let me know.

Summary of Actions:

  • 4 slicers and with 50 droids at the garrison, north east side (lost 2 AT-AWs, 130 droids, and a slicer named Fred). Droids lobbing vape charges at the garrison, baradium detonators which disintegrate everything they hit. Slicers head in away from the droids attempting to disable shield arrays, security systems and defense turrets systems.

  • 1 AT-AW with 900 droids at the garrison, north side (1 AT-AW and 50 droids destroyed). AT-AWs firing on garrison and droids attacking with vape charges which disintegrate any matter they come into contact with

  • 2 Tartoros-Class Walkers and 450 droids moving through the mountains on the west side, closer to the garrison (1 walker, 20 droids destroyed)

  • 69 droids were decimated by the missiles from [member="Ali Hadrix"] K-wing assault

  • Reinforcements called in by Lord Sinistra, new forces will spawn in next post

  • Slicers at Cryax’s base camp continue to search for new comm satellites to exploit

Cryax’s Gear:
Objective: A​
Location: Contruum (Killing Fields)​
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"]​
Enemies: [member="Nubica Felidae"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"]​
Zaria's red eyes tracked the tumble of the Jedi and they temporarily tracked the upshot hilt. Zaria took a step toward her foe - her saberstaff twirling over her head with both hands building up momentum and speed. Then she stopped. She stopped walking. She stopped twirling. Zaria brought her blade down - eyes still locked to the Jedi. Zaria wanted to defeat her opponent fair and square and not like some hungry predator falling on a defenseless prey. Her decision not to attack could come back to haunt her in the end - but what little she knew of the Jedi she did know one thing. They were respectable fighters.
Zaria backstepped allowing the Jedi to recover and knew a split second to late the Jedi had already recovered. Snapping her head toward the hilt turned missile - she barely had time to turn her head to avoid the full impact of the projectile feeling it slice across her cheek sending a splash off her own blood to the ground. Zaria felt the Force from the Jedi - as she was recalling her weapon back to her hand.
Zaria - who learned at a very young age that quickness and speed was a natural gift to her - timed her hand properly and snatched the hilt in mid-flight on it's way to it's owner. Zaria shook her head holding the Jedi's weapon in one and her ignited saberstaff in the other. It was then Zaria realized that two others had joined in their physical debate. One she didn't recognize - another Jedi she hazard to guess. The other was Lord Bane.
"Try not to lose this," Zaria said arching the hilt high in the air toward the Jedi. Zaria might be playing a good sport but she had fight to win. While the Jedi's hilt was floating through the air back to it's owner - Zaria charged toward the Jedi sweeping the left ended blade of her saberstaff toward the legs of her opponent.
Objective A
Killing fields
Allies GR
Enemy OS, [member="Agamemnon"]

With his super speed the droid rushed past beneath him before he could land his attack. Evrn before Mantic touched ground the machine also turned and fired two different types of guns.
Both aimed at him in mid air.

The machine was fast and Mantic had clearly misscalculated on this.

As the rope like ammunition sped toward him Mantic did not dodge but used the air he was in, a push downward made him propel toward the droid in an attempt to still be able to pierce it with his saber.
But the other attack hit him before that could happen and he was thrown back, landing a few meters away from [member="Agamemnon"].

A thintrail of smoke rose from his chestplate, the hit had caused him to loose air and initiative.

What in the frek was this thing? No doubt some diabolical killing machine from the depth of the sith war factories. He would have to concern himself with these matters at a later time though.

To level the fight Mantic, instead of attacking, turned inwards, calling on the force to empower his physics, his body, his entire being. Lifting his saber high, a force sensitive would have felt the wave of power summoned within the knight. He had mastered this ability under supervision from the grand master herself. His reactions, speed, strength and thought would be greatly enhanced with the aid of the light that was hus solid cradle of hope in these dark times.

Having secured this he twirled his saber once and resumed the soresu form. As the world turned into a slow motion for Mantic he eyed his opponent in preperations of the machines next attack.

Lets see just how fast it really is...
Location: Grid 14, Sniper Street
Controller: Adekos
Objective: C - Fury Road This Sh*t
Equipment: Exemplar-class Personal Energy Shield, Lightsaber, Obsidian Armor

- - - -
Five scout troopers following after an oh-so-obvious Sithling on the lead bike in the formation. One didn't exactly have to take a target prioritization class to know that shooting the only man dressed in black would probably put a dent in this clandestine operation. A single, yellow blaster bolt smacked into Adekos at the shoulder. His entire body lit up as the personal energy shield he was equipped with activated, absorbing the bolt without incident. That only saved his life- it didn't nullify the kinetic impact of the bolt. Adekos was wrenched around in his seat and his bike swerved about erratically for a few moments before he could stabilize it again.

"Sniper!" Someone shouted, likely to secure their promotion to captain: Captain of all things Clearly True and Painfully Obvious.

"Pull off the road, keep behind the treeline." Adekos ordered.

A bit more precarious to put the bikes in that position, but it was less precarious than having his unshielded compatriots try to ride through sniper fire. He needed them alive. Hopefully no one smacked into anything. As they continued down the road, they arrived at the first designated waypoint. One of the scout troopers peeled off and took up position somewhere in the woods. The rest of them, plus Adekos, continued forward. As this transpired, the probe droids continued their search and continued to come up devoid of any significant information. Probably for the best.

[ [member="Ali Hadrix"] ]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Forces: 20,000[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] N1-Battle Droid[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] (Loadout: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]BTI-reaver[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] series repeater x3 Thermal Detonators)x20 {url=[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]}Tartoros[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]class walker alpha model{/url} x8 [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Iw-02a[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Logengrin x10 [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Daisya[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Infiltrator [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective: Just get rid of the bloody garrison[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] [member="Kerstas"] [member="Darth Vyrassu"] [member="Adekos"] [member="Sinistra"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Opponents: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] @Kiera Ticon [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Jordun Darko"] [member="SC-4486"] [/SIZE]
His two lightsabers, 2 Verpine shatter guns, The blade of Satvas, Poisoned dauntless blade

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rapax got up from his meditation he felt a little drained from performing his necromancy for so many so he decided to rest for a moment and regain his energy to begin again....he couldn't command and necromancy at the same least not with the full force he's brought to the field. He got up and walked around the camp. He was pleased to see that his necromancy was helping alot in this case...what was more deadly then that which was already dead as your enemy especially now...they where walking napalm due to [member="Ali Hadrix"]'s phosphorus assault on them, He went to find [member="Cryax Bane"] to speak with him for a moment....he had something to give him that would better help in his focus on creating more undead warrior's for this war..[/SIZE]
Objective: Freedom
Location: The Killing Fields
Allies: [member="Erinyes Draclau"]
Enemies: [member="Erinyes Draclau"]

Lightning crashed, thunder rolled. Earth shaking booms resounding through the atmosphere. A thousand shadows streaked through the boiling clouds. Among the shadows one strange shape moved of it's own accord. A careful eye would need a few moments before recognizing the shape and terror would follow the recognition. It was a long serpentine shadow, gliding effortlessly. The body sinuous, graceful with a powerful tail whipping out gale force winds. It's face angular and reptilian, open jaw lined with countless teeth.

The shape was a primeval one, remembered across galaxies and cultures. Perhaps a tragic memory belonging to all our shared ancestors. An unmistakable form.

The Dragon.

From it's neck hung a crimson scarf, nearly as long as the body of the dragon itself. Whipping eerily in the wind. In this form, Skorn felt little pain, almost no anger or fear. His emotions were basic. One overriding emotion guided his actions. Love. His love for his sister. Of course a Dragon did not truly know what love meant. Love is a rich and complex emotion. A potent cocktail of pleasure, pain, memory and need. So like all things his love for his sister was also transformed. A dragon knew naught of love, knowing instead it's closest equivalent.


Skorn no longer yearned for Erinyes. He hungered for her. A hunger so deep that it gnawed at his bones. He sniffed the air and swung, changing direction. Massive body brushing past one of the many invading ships still coming down. Golden eyes glowed ominously in the half light of the storm. His eyes transfixed on an invisible path lit up by lightning and his own innate senses.


Reptilian tongue flicked out and tasted the air, confirming her presence. There she was. A tiny speck amidst the dancing lightning. He turned and began to descend. The wind screamed in his ears as his body fell from the clouds. The gigantic shape came crashing down in front of Erinyes Draclau. The titanic serpent body completely engulfing the perimeter about Erinyes in it's coils. Then the coils began to shrink, the body began to morph. Twisting, breaking and remaking itself until it was no longer a dragon. Until once more it began to attain a familiar shape and proportion. At that instant the sky's finally let up. Hot rain drops raced down only to disappear into the thirsty earth.

Skorn rose up, white hair singing with the rising wind. Hot rain lashing over his naked body. His crimson cloak, animated by his strange powers, twisting about his form. Golden eyes looked straight at Erinyes. He was standing not more than a few feet away.


His voice was soft, heavy with emotion. Heavy with hunger.

"I missed you."
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6667px]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]Space Station - Docking Bay D39[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] B (Hold The Line)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Allies:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] He, himself and him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Enemies:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] Render of Hearts ( [member="Greta Kohler"] )[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]The subtle shift in energy suddenly stopped as Greta started talking [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]his[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] language - which wasn’t credits, it was a long time since the Underlord could be claimed by anything as trivial as a few credits changing hands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“I have more money than I know what to do with, ma’am.” which was a lie. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]He knew perfectly well what to do with it, and none of those ideas revolved around just sitting back and enjoying the cash earned. Which was showcased by the lack of expensive attire, jewelry and other fragrances that rich boys usually utilized to show off - the usage of his earnings usually came back to investing in his business.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Crime doesn’t spread itself, regardless of what the HoloNet Newscast would like to tell you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“Give me a good incentive… and I might just join you, maybe.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Khal didn’t have any lasting loyalties to the Republic anymore, he still had his citizenship, but these days he had so many identities… that it didn’t really matter anymore. What would a man want that had everything already though?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]That was the question.[/SIZE]
Location: Closing in behind Sith front lines
Objective: Engage
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"] Republic
Enemies: One Sith Cryax Bane [member="Kerstas"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Darth Rapax"]
Gear: Same as the NPC clones
Forces: x3300 Spaarti Clone Trooper
x3300 Spaarti Combat Engineer
x700 Spaarti Combat Medics
x700 Spaarti Communication Operators
x500 Spaarti Snipers
x500 Spaarti Naval Personnel (Air support)
x50 Redeemer Battle Tank
x30 Mobile Artillery Cannon

Thousands of feet stomped the icy ground as if a wild heard of untainted beast stampeded towards the enemy. Eager, ready, and battle lusting clones with mechanical exo skeletons propelling them forward with minimal fatigue and faster paces. They began to close as they ran in dead sprints that shook the ground beneath their feet.

"FULL SPEED AHEAD LADS!!" Lusk yelled to the men surrounding him as they grew closer to their targets.

Three thousand meters, two thousand meters, their exosuits pushed hard and fast keeping them going through the rough terrain. Pushing more and more they could hear the blaster fire being exchanged between imperial forces and those of [member="Cryax Bane"] and [member="Darth Rapax"] their advancing, that had to stop right now.

So pulling in between the pass the clones closed at one thousand meters and pulled up their rifles. Pulse Rifles, DC-17s, Scrappers, every kind of piece of fire under the sky they were armed and equipped to handle the situation at hand. Upwards to thirty thousand droids all within the pass were hammering republic lines and [member="Alva Calvarona"] looked as if they could use a hand from the onslaught of droids she was dealing with, not to mention the sight of reanimated stormtroopers that seemed to rise once they fell. So this meant there was a Sith among them.

"LET THEM HAVE IT!!" Lusk yelled as he raised his rifle and began to open fire on the droids flanks.

Drawing up battle lines Lusk could see the droids scaling up the mountains to get to the garrison, so that had to be priority one of taking out. With the clones grabbing cover wherever they could the clones began to dig in at a good seven hundred meters away from current enemy positions. With Spaarti Combat Engineers quickly building fox holes as fast as they could using their exo skeletons, Lusk quickly got in to a hole and started to map out strike patterns while infantry engaged the thirty thousand from their flanks.

"Fox! This is Lusk you reading me!" He asked over his comms to the artillery and drop off position where they had ran from.

Back at the position more clones were being shuttled from the Justicars in orbit to bring in more clones to support elsewhere in the battle. But mortar crews kept firing from their Macs and a clone officer dressed in combat gear lifted a finger to his helmet as a transmission came in.

"This is Fox! I read you Lusk!" He said as a massive boom of a cannon went off behind him.

"I need you to shift fire on these coordinates I'm sending now. We've got droids on the mountain and we need them taken out. Shift all fire to the lower and middle sections of the mountains!! I don't want an ounce of snow left on that bastard!" Lusk said his rifle popped off a few rounds.

"Can do Lusk. We are shifting now." Fox responded and quickly organized his crew of men to get things moving.

Artillery fire popped off at [member="Darth Rapax"] and [member="Cryax Bane"]'s forces who were attempting to strong arm imperial forces. However they would have to deal with small arms fire, artillery fire, and the best was yet to come. Heavy foot steps rumbled as the Redeemer's and Walkers came up behind the clones. Their massive cannons and anti personnel weapons targeting enemy forces to unleash in a hellish barrage of heavy laser cannon fire and more. The Sith forces were being flanked with more on the way across the battlefield.

Lusk and clones are engaging [member="Cryax Bane"] and [member="Darth Rapax"]'s forces at the pass.
Clones aren't quite dug in yet and most still lack cover however they are spread and a good 700 to 800 meters away from Sith forces.
Artillery strikes, Walker fire, and tank fire are all coming down directly on Rapax, Cryax, and their men inside the pass.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A - Ease the passing
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Braith Achlys"]
He would watch through molten orbs, the power of the force was evident without being seen directly or even felt. In another life, without the shaping, he may have interpreted it beyond the power to move heavy sword from one hand to the other. But a study in the differences between a sword and a lightsaber, between one wearing armor and one without such metallic hindrance, would be made in practicum. In the here and now, they would divulge the pros and cons, the dead lying in the dirt of the killing fields as consequence. He wondered if he would care to be kissed by the blade, to feel it's tongue slip hard into the wound it created. He wouldn't quit this fight, but he wouldn't mourn the loss if it came.

As it the chom-huun blade hit against the empty gauntlet, the Vong Slayer instinctively depressed the polyp that withdrew the beam of energy back through the rectum and eye lens of the vong saber. Therein lied the first strength, the flexibility of the beam to be withdrawn. Thankfully, the timeliness of the extraction left a wholesome amount of inertia to continue his fluid form, in tandem with the upward twist of the wrist to alleviate any depression of speed. The lightsaber, unlike the sword, required no force to sever flesh, required no angular pull across the blade to cut. In it's own way, Maalik was fighting with a form of a bat, a brute taken to finesse, as he intended to batter this mysterious figure with a peppering of a thousand strikes. As he pulled his right hand back, he twisted his left shoulder back and stepped back on his left foot. Quickly, he retracted his right knee, moving his entire body from the crosshairs of the swinging sword. Like a helicoptor blade, his right hand would continue upon endless circles and infinity signs, the Makashi practitioner using every attack as a stepping stone to the next.

His right hand swinging horizontally over his head, from his left to right, he would attempt to smack his opponent right across the mouth with the once again ignited orange beam. The opening in her helmet, despite the covering of the gorget, was a glaring weakness, as all helmets tend to provide an ample source of weakness in regard to the rest of the armor. The need for sight, for sound, for maneuverability, to speak - were all concessions that left the head less defended then the chest or body.

Prior to the orange blade cutting across once more, the Amphistaff lunged out from a hip held left hand in response to a hand gesture. As the power gland fired up, not only strengthening the crystalline structure of the flesh, it projected an atomically thin barrier for a cutting edge. And as it struck the swinging blade with an open mouth, it would attempt clench on with that very particular energy field, attempting to remove the mobility of it in an effort to pin it between energy and ground. And in the fashion of a Makashi practitioner, Maalik would continue to move in reference to his opponent. Now, he was trending to her left, strafing her with the dodge to create the opening now being taken advantage of with speed lacking armored obstacles.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Calculations, analysis, and algorithms buzzed through the mechanical mind of the Droid as it looked upon its Jedi Foe. Perhaps, just perhaps this would be an interesting fight for the Droid. It was obvious that the man was on the defensive, unsure of the droid, unaware of any weaknesses or flaws in its design. Hegemonic had taken great care to hide what flaws there were, but perhaps this man could find a way to exploit what little there was. The legs released with an audible click, and the droid was moving again.

The droid assessed the Jedi and the brain told it to keep its tricks hidden until it was forced to. Continue as planned. The droid surged forward with blinding speed, rolling to the man’s left as it advanced towards him with mechanical precision and coming up as close as he could to the man.

Hoping to engage the Jedi in lightsaber combat were the droid held the advantage it swept the left saber high, aiming for the next and crossed the right saber low for the knees. The hope was to keep the Jedi off balance, keep forcing him back on the defensive until he made a mistake and left himself open for one of the many tricks and traps that its superior form held within it.

<Now comes the part where you DIE JEDI!> The raspy, gravelly voice exclaimed as the sabers sought the Jedi’s form.
Location: [member="Cryax Bane"] ‘s base.
Controller: Khallesh Val
Forces: 24 Yuuzhan Vong warriors, 8 hunters, 2 Thrall herders, 72 Chazrach, 4 Yorik Trema, 8 Grokhutta (Brb finding link)
Objective: land, scout
Opponents: none

Another day, another battlefield.

Another test of skill and mettle.

Who needed holidays when the One Sith provided such glorious distractions?

This wasn't a full Yuuzhan Vong operation. Not yet at least. There was no war coordinator, just Khallesh Val and a small host.

The Yorik Trema shook as it skimmed the mountains, keeping close to the ground at all times. There were few things that Khallesh Val feared. Dying before she could reach a battle was one of them. The organic vessel lurched and her knuckles whitened.

Soon it was over, the vessels touching down gently. Khallesh snarled at the Chazrach and they skittered out of her way. As she stepped down onto the rocky terrain her arachnostaff roused from its slumber. Sensing her excitement it unravelled from her waist and coiled around her arm.

She barely caught sight of the hunters in their cloaks of nuun as they vanished from sight and disappeared into the terrain.

“Who is in charge here?” she called tersely.
Objective: A
Location: The Killing fields
Enemies: [member="Vengeance"]

She listened to his thoughts. If it wasn’t something she hadn’t said to herself countless times, she might have been upset.
If it wasn’t something she’d been fighting with her entire life, she might have been shocked.

In truth she knew she was a Jedi at the cost of a personal life. That is what being a Jedi had meant to her. In the last few weeks things had turned on their head — but even her chuisle accepted she was a Jedi and still loved her.

But it was still important that her emotions were under lock and key, for the guilt of pushing Melori into the hands of the Sith was still at the forefront of her mind when she considered her younger sister.

But the news of Melori was at once troubling and rewarding. Her sister stood up for values — which was a Jedi trait compared to what she’d heard of the Sith.
“I will not pretend to be happy with her current lot. I did not even know she existed until our parents died — but I’ll let you draw your own conclusion as to that being a good or a bad thing. And you’re a Sith aren’t you? Are you saying it’s wrong to leave her to your clutches?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think so. But I’m pleased the One Sith have shown their true colours to you and her. Maybe there is hope for her future after all?”

“And I did offer my life to see her live…twice. Not that she’ll know — and nor will you tell her. So do not lecture me. I can see you love her and wish you well together. But as for regret? Would I make things different? Ideally. But to change the past to change the present? Never. No life, certainly not my life is worth saving for the greater good. For as long as I have breath I shall fight evil. Fight the Sith. And I shall never regret that.”

She accepted they would have to duel. To leave would to allow him to find another — and she could not live with herself if another died because she stepped aside.

So she closed her eyes momentarily. She entered Center of Being. She remained stationary. When the time was right, the Force would tell her to act — and she would not move before that. But she would speak.

“You may leave the battle-field now unharmed. Or you may surrender. To fight is not my first choice — but it is not one I shall shy away from either.”
Location: Shipyards.
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Lassiter"]
Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Gear: Lightsaber

Nope. Sena was not amused. Nopenopenope. This guy was gonna get it, and he was gonna get it good. Ameli had seen Sena in action. She was a beast with a blade as well as the Force, in Ameli's eyes. And when Sena behaved like she did now... Well, she got vicious. She was making it personal. While it had its cons, it certainly would bring her in touch with the destructive powers of the Dark Side of the Force. Now it remained to be seen how Micah would fare against the fury of the Sword of Vahl.

Ameli's eyes were fixed on Micah now, not deviating for one second. In part, it was a fear that she would give away Sena's true location with a glance. The technique was one she had messed up before, but luckily then, their victim had not caught on. Sena had though, and she had not hesitated to point it out to Ameli. Never again. So while Sena did her thing, Ameli would do hers. They each had their role in this. Now was Ameli's moment to redeem herself. Perhaps she could sneak her way clear of post-fight punishment.

Despite whatever wit or charm he possessed, he did not seem to get to Sena. Or perhaps he wanted to rile her up. However entertained she may have been in a normal setting, she would not let a snicker escape for fear of adding to Sena's list of things Ameli had done wrong today. It had a way of coming back to bite her. Sometimes literally. He may have been a cheap date, but "I don't pay for dates."

Her hand reached out and she summoned the Force to her. No push, no pull, nothing extravagant. Her purpose was simple. Using the Force, she gathered its currents surrounding the boy, bringing them closer, forcing them to press hard towards his neck in an attempt to choke him. The move was, of course, Force Choke. More than just the increased amount of Senas surrounding him, he also had to concern himself with ripping himself free of her grip. Preferably before Sena sunk her blade into him.
Objective A
The killing fields
Allies GR
Enemy OS, [member="Agamemnon"]

There it came, fast and relentless. No guilt, no hesitation. Just a program running, a program that apparently was set on Mantics death.

The sight in itself was a terrifying one and this was a time for peace of mind.

"There is only serenity..."

Almost as if not looking the jedi unleashed the guiding hand of the force to protect him. Methodically he began parrying the swift attacks, there was no hesitation, nervousness nor eagerness in Mantics movements as he brought his saber to the low left, then back to the right side.

His manner of fighting was in an ironical way resembling that of a droid. No visible emotions but rather tactical moves to constantly counter his foes attacks.

While this came off as the jedi being pressed to merely defend that had indeed been part of Mantics plan. As [member="Agamemnon"] had closed in, most likely calculating on the jedi being pressed by his sabers to soon reveal a weakness. A most likely outcome of the situation, and thus it was logical to press the attack. And logic was what drove a machine fore most.

It was at this time that Mantics plan unfolded. Them both locked in close quarter combat seemingly in [member="Agamemnon"] s favor, Mantic suddenly flipped his thumb to unlit his saber. Then he pressed forth the hilt and force pushed it into in one of the droids many pockets keeping its joints and parts together. The push should be powerful enough to press the droid back several meters as well.
Unarmed, Mantic then twisted his hand to lit the saber that if the plan had worked should be resting inside a vital part of the robotic killing machine.

Allies: The One Sith, their assorted candies minions, and Lord Useless Fish ( [member="Darth Veles"] )
Enemies: The Repooblic, Lady Gon' Get Broke ( [member="Coci Heavenshield"] ), and Mistress Lung Crusher McRood >:L ( [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] )

At last!

A hit! A palpable hit!

It had not been the strike he had been hoping for, but it was better than cutting through thin air. However; his train of thought was derailed as he grunted in surprised as a wave of telekinetic energy crashed into his back, sending him fumbling forward as he neared the ground. He crashed on his side, a sharp pain shooting through his left bicep and shoulder, and he rolled for a moment until he was able to right himself and bring himself to a crouching stop. Nothing was broken, but now a dull numbing pain had settled into his left arm, no doubt something had been pulled or bruised internally to cause such an ache. No matter, pain; however slight, was enough to give him some sort of satisfaction and it sharpened his senses as he enveloped himself in it. He let loose a guttural snarl as he looked up at Coci, her leg smoldering slightly from the melted metal that had been grazed by his lightsaber's edge.

Her pain and discomfort gave him pleasure, and he smiled wickedly as he rose up to his full height. During the tumble he had instinctively deactivated his lightsaber to prevent it from accidentally injuring himself, but now with a press of his thumb the red line cut through the air in an instant. "You don't look so good, Heavenshield." he jeered, "Do you want to take a breather?" Another insult, his arrogance engorged by the hit he had landed upon her, but she was willful and would not cave in so easy. He sensed the Light Side at work, no doubt relieving the Jedi Master of her pain, a total opposite of the method Vornskr was using to augment his pain rather than relieve it.

But then again that was one of the fundamental differences between the Jedi and the Sith. The Sith nurturing their pain into power, while the Jedi sedated it. He now made it his goal to show Coci the true meaning of pain, and with another snarl he lunged forth at her with his blade coming in hot and fast, the ground cracking as he launched himself towards her.
Objective: PVP, Killing Fields
Location: Battlefield
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Gear: Sage’s Dark Armor, Blade of the Satvas, Sessile-triostaff, Lightsaber

Sage lunged forward, his movements chaotic to the untrained eye, but to a practitioner of Ataru his strikes were sequenced in order to confound his opponents, fluid and beautiful feints and flurries that distracted and overpowered the Jedi brave enough to raise their sabers against him. As Sage thrust his red blade into the stomach of a padawan, eviscerating the girl like a mere animal, he felt a stronger Light-sided presence looming near.

He stopped and turned, coming face-to-face with an older Jedi in simple brown roughhewn robes. Through the eye-holes of his helm, the Sith Lord’s eyes flashed red with rage for a moment and then back to honey-brown. Sage twirled his red blade once then clipped it his gear belt. Behind his helm, The Hand of the Dark Lord smiled at the gramps, and let out a dark gravelly laugh.

“Aw, I'm getting the feeling you don't like me very much," he said, an edge of mockery in his tone. He gathered the Force around him, using it to branch out in an attempt to push into the grizzled Knight’s mind. If the Jedi did not have the proper defenses, Sage would wriggle inside, and once there, the Sith Lord would have access to emotions, memories, fears, and even desires.

There was a shriek, then a thump, and the slayed body of a dark-cloaked Sith warrior rolled towards his feet. Cocking his head he stared down at it for a moment, then raising his gaze, Sage locked eyes with a male human Jedi. Eyes narrowed, flashing red, as a smirk lifted the side of his lips.

“Oh look. The Jedi doggie brought me a treat. What a good boy you are.”

Suddenly, flesh in his left arm suddenly peeled away, revealing his trio of black, leathery amphistaves. The creatures had been grafted onto his shoulder blade. His amphistaves hissed ferociously and lashed out like whips, all three spraying poison towards the Jedi, the man he knew to be Jedi Master [member="Varus Shatterstar"].
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Mantic Dorn"]

The Jedi was swift. Swift enough to parry both blades, but this would not be enough. Not in the long run. The mathematics proved that the Jedi would flounder and fade well before the droid, perfectly designed to hunt and destroy Jedi and Sith alike. It was only a matter of time. What the Droid failed to realize with its brain going through algorithms or increasing complexity, logically going through the variables of the combat as each blow decreased the number of possibilities, was chance. There was always a chance things did not happen the way that mathematical logic dictated. The Force was the representation of that chance.

The Jedi deactivated his lightsaber, pressing to the droid, attempting to stick the weapon into the Droid, and succeeded, following this action by pushing the droid away. The Droid, back flipped using the force of the telekinetic blast to haul itself out of reach and land on its feet. It was only then that the Lightsaber activated. The azure blade blazed into the droid, and scored deep into the armor of the droid, causing severe damage to the chest piece and damaging the internal, secondary brain within, but the phrik armor did keep it from being a killing blow.

As if in response tiny, quarter sized droids emerged from the droid crawling over its phrik carapace. Time would show their function, if the Jedi and the Droid lasted that long. With the weapon blazing against phrik and metal of the Droid, the Jedi was defenseless and no was the time. The melted and scored phrik on the left arm caused those to be less responsive at the moment, but still dangerous. It was time to step it up a notch. The arms separated into four, and one of these spare arms grasped and withdrew the Jedi’s Lightsaber. The damage was done, and it would be a time before it could be undone, but now the Jedi was weaponless, and the Droid, it was not, armed with now three lightsabers.

With the distance here, it was necessary to occupy the Jedi with the worry of other weapons. The pair of blasters blazed out again, snapping crackling red bolts of kinetic and thermal energy of Chiss Charrics and the elongated white bolts of the Ion Beamer intended to paralyze and disable the enemy.

<No, Jedi. I am no cyborg. One of us will be in dozens of pieces before the other may leave.>
Location: Northwest
Controller: Draco
Forces: Unleash the First Wave
Clan Vereen Mercenaries
3 Mythosaur Walkers (Fitted with MOIP) Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn
Titans (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn)

Aliit’Drahr (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, Dorn, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta)

Aliit’Drahr (Aurek, Besh)
Bes’uliik War Droids

Aliit’Drahr (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot)

33 Avenger-Class Starfighters

Objective: C (KILL THEM ALL)
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"] @Isamu Balor
Opponents: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Commander Lusk"]

Uplinks green Commander. Ready to triangulate and transmit on your order.” Came the call from the Titans. Perfect. Everything was in place. It was coming to an end. The forces that were here would hold out for a long time, but they would never leave this place again. Even if the only thing that happened here was this base got stormed and the Mandalorians spent the next weeks holed up in the depths of the mountain making the enemy pay for every inch of taking it back.

Shields. Those were the next target. “Alright, hunker down, cover the door, and keep them out of here squad.” Nods from the squad of massive armored Titans. They were perfectly equipped to indefinitetly defend a corridor or threshold with their large reflective energy shields, myriad of weapons, and terrifying heavy blaster cannon more potent than an E-Web on their shoulders. Basically, these pubbies were boned, fighting veterans in the type of combat their opposition excelled at, against weapons and equipment designed for this style of fighting.

Group up, we are going for the reactors now. Press them hard. Two grenades into every room, brute force seal the door after clearing it. We cleanse this level by level until this battle is over.” The titans were brutall efficient, support by a YVH probe each, at two grenades per room each titan could handle twelve rooms each, and there were quite a few of those good old boys left wrecking things in this house. The rapidfire or heavy power blasters, they were alternated to offer the most death to their opposition cleared hallways in a flash and would either pin enemies down, or cut them down. Anyone that got to close got their insides turned to jelly by shock wave generators meant to break up diamonds and other high carbon rocks. As weapons, they sent people flying and turned armor to pieces. Good times for the Mandalorian trained Titans. Bad times for these Pubbies trapped in the garrison with them.

I turned my focus on the unfortunate souls left in this garrison. Dread, fear, horror, nightmares. These are the things they would have to deal with in their minds as my mind stretched through the Force weakening the fighting resolve of those inside, making them afraid, sluggish to react, too busy with the internal conflict they were dealing with to make proper decisions. I had used this before to get whole companies to commit ritual suicide rather than face the enemy, making those left cower in fear? Well that was nothing in comparison.

Outside the garrison, in the forest at the rear of the Imperial Lines, there wasn’t much that could be changed. The Imperials continued to be heavily distracted by the inferior Mandalorian Forces that drew fire and attention away from the advancing Droid armies of the Chiss Ascendency. Good old Armatech Protected, Hegemonic Produced Droids superior, or equal depending on who you asked, to Imperial Storm Troopers. Distracted, outnumbers, and with no chance of escape as it stood, the Imperials were doomed, it was just a matter of how long they lasted.

Who knows what is going on with the three remaining Mythosaurs. One can only assume they are still pounding away at whatever is left.

The K-Wings, out maneuvered, out-paced, and flying against equal numbers, weren’t about to shake Avengers. In atmosphere, Avengers were equal to an interceptor in terms of maneuverability, and were fairly heavily armed. If the K-wings thought sweeping them past the defenses were going to shake them or lose them, they would only be endangering themselves and if none of them got basted in the AA fire, one could expect minimal casualties from the Avengers as well. Even still three of the little fighters plunged from the sky in flaming wrecks.

The response was little more than a nod and firing sixteen little multipurpose missiles into the room, sealing it behind them. Gaps would start appearing in this little garrison’s defenses.

There was still one group of titans engaging Artillery crews, shredding down the crewmen and disabling the weapons the old fashion way, by literally smashing the barrels so that if they were fired it would only be bad for the poor souls attempting to.

Summary of Actions
Titans go about disabling Shield Generators in the Garrison
Three squads seal rooms with Uplinks and defend them (8 Titans, 8 YVH Probes each)
Avengers still engaging Gunships and K-Wings
Mandalorians stuck in stalemate with Imperials
Mythosaurs continue fighting or whatever
Draco Begins using Force Horror on Republic Forces in the Garrison (Proliferating effect)
Location: "The Killing Fields"
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Gear: Lightsaber x2, Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, Amphistaff, Razor bugs

They had done away with the formalities and introductions. The fight had begun. This was what every fiber of his body ached for. He could do little else than be grateful that Azurea was with him even in this. It was not for him, however, but for herself, and for her sister. To Pyrrhus, this was something that reinforced his faith in her. There was more that kept her by his side, tied to the Dark Side, than merely her devotion to him. While it was undeniably strong, it was reassuring that even without him, even should he fall today, he imagined that she would develop into a mighty Sith. In his eyes, she already was.

The hatred Taeli had invoked was real. Now came the punishment. Dun Möch was certainly effective against Jedi, to throw them off their balance, get them to deviate from their otherwise calm and collected approaches to fights. This, however, was how Sith fought. Fueled by emotion, yet not a slave to them. Empowered by Force Rage, Darth Azurea flung herself at Taeli with a series of well-executed Makashi strikes. Her master and companion would not be far behind. His opening move had done its job, keeping her occupied with raising a shield in its defense, while allowing Azurea to approach unopposed. Already the Force gathered at his feet. Not fueled by Force Rage as she was, he would still employ it to enhance his launch, and close the distance quickly.

However, the Jedi was quick to deflect the strike from Azurea and follow up with a lightning fast attack. He could have faced it head on, but that would distract him from his intention. Besides, he was already ready to lunge after the brunette. Though she did force him to deviate from his original plan, which was to dart straight ahead. Instead, he leaped forwards and to the side, in a diagonal line, allowing the lightning strike to pass him by. Landing, he would from there launch himself further forwards, his pace enhanced by the ability Force Speed, to close the distance. His blade roared to life as well, in a lava-like red. While Taeli was occupied feinting and prodding at Azurea's defences, he would bring his blade down against her in a powerful Djem So diagonal swing. It was a shoulder-to-hip swing, starting high up to the light, moving downwards towards the right. Time to make his introductions.

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