Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rains of Contruumere [One Sith vs GR Invasion of Contruum]

Location: Hyperspace, en route to Contruum
Objective: The Killing Fields
Allies: [member="Vengeance"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Vaulkhar strode after his master, his saber still active within his hand. The battle around them raged, Sith and Jedi alike meeting in combat to spill blood and win the day. Blaster bolts flew through the air, sometimes coming uncomfortably close to the two Sith. As some came forwards, Vaulkhar simply raised his saber and deflected them, avoiding any harm for the moment. As they neared the Jedi Grandmaster, the young man's senses blew off the charts. He could feel her power from where he was, and it shook him to the core. It reminded him of being near the likes of [member="Darth Ferus"].

The young man found it rather odd Vengeance would move directly towards that beacon of light within the storm, but after consideration it became clear to him. The Grandmaster was the target of Vengeance. Though Vaulkhar was given no target, he was told to follow Vengeance explicitly and offer him aid where needed. This is what command meant when he was told his orders. He was meant to aid him in the coming battle against the likes of Corvuus. That was something the young man was not excited for in the slightest. Though he did desire to fight this battle, his first real invasion, he was unsure he would even survive against that of the Grandmaster. He shook his head and forced the negative thoughts away before peering around Vengeance.

There she was, sitting calmly within this field of battle while Vengeance taunted her.

"I suppose we should be careful, Vengeance. We are afterall, on a battlefield controlled by the Galactic Republic. There are likely more nearby who will come to her aid, as she leads them."


The Only Black Jedi in the galaxy
Objective C
Location: Fields of Contruum
Controller: Jordun Darko
Forces: Five GR Soldiers
Objective: Kick Sith Butt!
Opponents: One Sith

As Jordun walked through the garrison, he saw five soldiers who have not been deployed into battle yet. "So I got the leftover troops", He sighed to himself, "Better make the best of it." He walked towards the men and yelled "Attention!", The five soldiers stood up and loaded their gear. " Let's get out there men, we got to meet up with the others" Jordun and his troops then hopped on republic speeders and headed straight for the battlefield.
Location: Aboard Space Station
Objective: B - Defend Station
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Foes: [member="Reverance"] - The One Sith

The emotion and excitement coiling in the air around him were things he had never felt before. Never before had Sirus been acquainted with emotion of this magnitude seeping from this amount of living beings. Excitement, anxiety, and fear. There was always that underlying layer of fear that seasoned the whole stew of raw emotion, and it was a mighty hard thing to decipher considering his organic nature.

The Shard, quite simply, didn't know about those things. The Force allowed him to utilize a mysterious form of intuition to decode much of it, but there was still room left for assumption and discovery. After a few moments of pondering on these mystical effects of life, his processors and servos kicked into gear. He still had a job to do, and that was cutting the head off of this godforsaken serpent slithering towards his comrades.

"Ready my things," its metallic voice rasped to another droid.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: Contruum-Witch ain't gonna get none of this good stuff!
Allies: Galactic Republic
Enemies: The One Sith-[member="Revy Khai"]

Was this a risky move, yes most likely but Aston was forced to take some chances. He was a Jedi after all, the risks were always going to be there. She was hesitant, slow it seemed as he felt her presence shift ever closer. The Jedi opened one eye and glanced around with it and then raised his head just as he saw his lightsaber leaving the ground, his hand moved up quickly as he activated the blade using the force twirling the blade around looking to cut her in half, with the blade coming around looking to be back in his possession. The Jedi Padawan got to his feet and should that move be unsuccessful his right hand shot forward and sent a force push aiming to hit her directly in her chest.

Hopefully giving him time to regroup and center himself once more, and also with his lightsaber back in his possession.
Objective: A - Crush the Jedi
Location: The Killing Fields
Allies: OS
Enemies: GR, [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Equipment: Phrik Sword, Hidden Blade

The Sith war machine churned forward across the field of past battles. It's slow yet inevitable journey brought a new dose of death and destruction to the land, adding to that which had already been here from the last slaughter. Bodies lay everywhere, discarded with the remains of their armor and weapons. Ruined structures, houses of old villages or outposts of old armies, dotted the land; providing the perfect coverpoints for those so inclined to move ahead of the main force undetected. A web of shadows, stretching across the fields far enough to allow Asajj to travel unseen. Swift, sure steps brought her closer and closer to her prey, yet never once making a sound. Her essence, usually swelling with an empty darkness like a malicious typhoon, appeared transparent as if no existant.

"It's heart beats fast now!"

She could hear it too, death, but not all of it. Blinded by darkness, she saw only the cruel enjoyment of the hunt and not the peace of it. There was no peace in Asajj's mind, only chaos. Her chaos was not loud, she was no longer a child. Now her chaos was silent and swift. That is why her prey had yet to notice her, the Jedi standing over the bodies of her order's creations. From the darkness she watched, examining his actions. The sky took his interest, and soon enough it would be his last sight.

Asajj waved her hand, shifting the earth gently beside his foot. The rotten hand of a lying corpse brushed against his boot, hopefully distracting him for some precious few seconds. Some would be instilled with a sudden fear at the illusion of necromancy, but she did not hope that high. Instead she took her action straight away, pouncing from the shadows as her sword unfolded into it's prime length with a metal click. Soon enough it swung across, aiming for the back of what she assumed would be a turned head.
Location: The Killing Fields
Objective: A
Enemies: One sith [member="Mullarus"]
Allies: Republic [member="Ella Nova"]

And he was ignored... Kaidan offered the chance of a fair fight, to a sith, a person he dispises... And he was ignored. The sith destroyed any thought in Kaidan's mind that he may have honor when he attacked somebody else while he could have engaged him, a warrior without an opponent. "Like in the present then..." He muttered to himself disapointed clenching his left fist. He watched thw two sith fighting a single jedi and did not hesiatte to get involved. Kaidan quickly ran with speed towards [member="Mullarus"] and jumped attempting to give him a powerful blow with his lightsaber, if Mullarus didn't seen him in time, then it would be pretty hard to stop or avoid a lightsaber attack coming from the air.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A - Rip apart the field
Allies: None Nearby
Enemies: [member="Atham'aali'kema"] | [member="Darth Isolda"] (I'm coming for you soon)
Gear: Plates of Scorn, Great Divide, One (1) Offering Crystal, Simmersilk Bodyglove
Theme: The Epilogue by †††
Silence. Though the world around her, the skies above and the ground as far as the eye could see, was full of conflict, action, and devastation on a massive scale, Braith did not allow her focus to falter. Her mind had shut out the sound of explosions, of shouting and screaming, and instead her focus had been poured into rooting herself into the latent force energies that dwelt within the nature itself, the very environment that the two opposing forces fought within. She could feel the rumble of the clouds, the fissures that ran deep beneath the earth, and the trickles of moisture that swelled up within the soil. People had called her a witch, had spoken of her like she was a dark spirit from the past that had purportedly corrupted their ideal Grand Master, and perhaps all of that might be true, but none of these labels could strip her of the knowledge to alter the surrounding environment - to command the very forces of nature that many seemed to so happily forget.

Braith stood wearing her heavy plate armor, which had been hardly a hindrance due to her rather unique biological physique, with her sword in hand. Around her neck was a thin band that held a small blue crystal pendant, an offering crystal, against her chest beneath the suit of armor. If anyone was a representation of a bygone era, it was she - the woman from over ten thousand years ago with little understanding of modern era warfare - and the Dark Lord that the One Sith stood to represent, both of them originating from centuries before the modern age. Unlike the battle on Sullust Braith had decided to keep her helmet firmly on her head, wary of lightsaber-wielding foes that might strike for her face due to the raised collar of her armor that resisted the strikes of lightsabers. Truly, she looked like a relic of an era that was hardly even recorded in history books. Slowly she strode towards the fields of battle with her sword drawn at her side, resting in a firm grip of her right hand, while she stared seemingly into space, straight ahead, and raised her left hand to the skies above.
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes

Location: Objective A Killing Fields
Objective: Awakening
Allies: [member="Skorn Draclau"]
Enemies: [member="Skorn Draclau"]
( [member="Archon Kaan"] )

Blood calls to blood and a soul yearns for that which has been lost.

The gale winds would pick up the dark ebon curls of the Jedi Master, whipping them to dance beside her head. With every darkening cloud, every shadow, it appeared as if the ongoing storm would soon overtake them all. But there was more therein than one could see. Beyond the veil of the Force, across bridge and sea.

It was there that Erinyes felt the brush of another. As old as time, a presence, a call. Shadows danced, and that thrum of anticipation would swell in bittersweet memory.

I see you.

The words would drift silently across the din, beyond the cries of battle, over the fields of death. Towards a being that was a part of her being as much as blood and flesh. Heir to a scorched Kingdom. Dragon son to claim his birthright.

Immediately, the child of her past brought back memories. The scent of cedar filled her nostrils, saturated her clothes, and cold, icy frost surged in her breath.

“...and all die alone.,” she whispered, a lost look etched upon her face. Distant. Not quite there. Staring off into the horizon, watching ghosts that weren’t there. Flutters of the Force would sing a keening cry through her mind.

As if moondazed, the Shi’ido Princess slowly began to move forward. Lost in her visions, that magnetic pull would summon the other.

To live. To die.

To meet in aspect and his eyes.
Objective B: Hangar 23
Location: Contruum
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Yeah I'm --" ever had one of those moments where time just seems to stop? Not one of those love at first sight, that's pretty dumb. But one of those ohmygawd I can't believe this is really happening? Yeah that happened then. Not because the cute guy managed to catch Cho before she fell, but because of the sudden dawning realization that she knew those eyes.

She knew that tousled brown hair. The cut of his jaw. The rather boyish smug grin of one of the most popular Podracers' this side of the 'verse.

It was Kurt Meyer. THE Kurt Meyer! Okay granted it had been a couple of years since he ran the circuits, but it was him. And he was holding her. And for the Tatooine native, this was as close to cloud nine and a celebrity she got!

"I'm great!" He squeak came next and she couldn't help the avid blush that ran over her cheeks. "I'm good!" She attempted to regain her balance.

Oh feth, forget the alarms for a second there! He was every bit as cute up close as the posters plastered over Mos Eisley!

"Thanks Kurt!"

Her moment of star struck however would have to wait. They were after all -- under attack!
Location: With [member="Cryax Bane"]
Controller: Kerstas
Forces: Lion Squad (see signature)
Objective: C
Opponents: Republican Maggots (<3), [member="Coryn Raxis"] hopefully.
Equipment: Lightsaber (see signature)

Kerstas and her small team had arrived on the field with Cryax Bane and his mechanical horde, standing out among the shiny metal. Though she would have much preferred to arrive in her own dropship, it made much more sense to carpool (shippool?) with the Chiss slicer.

A glittered, dark pink nail came up to absently scratch at the Chagrian's cheek. This wouldn't be her first combat experience, but it would be the first where she led a squad. Her orange eyes quickly cut over to look at them. Seven individuals, each one unique and each one vital for survival. Though, the Acolyte was rather glad that she wasn't standing next to the communications soldier right now...what was his name? Mack? Zack? Though Sergeant Leon had suggested she get to know the people she was leading into battle, the girl had found the task rather bothersome. After all, why should she learn the favourite colours of people whose sole use was for battle?

In any case, he (Zakk or whatever) was probably gossiping with one of Bane's nerd groupies, talking about technology and other things which both bored and perplexed her. DS and Leon were talking quietly amongst themselves, occasionally glancing at Kerstas, not that she cared. Talk was cheap, as far as she was concerned. Izzy and Tavil were talking, too, and even the Sith could tell that the Chiss was annoyed with the Corporal. Kerstas was, too -- Izzy was loyal, but extremely bothersome in her opinion. Last but not least, Ani'ta was double-checking her equipment while Junior attempted to hit on her. Foolish human, she thought derisively. Junior might've had his used, but the man thought he was the Universe's gift to women.

All members of her squad in check, the Acolyte made her way towards Cryax Bane. She wasn't sure if the Chiss outranked her, or if they were equals, so the Chagrian simply greeted, "Governor Bane? I am Acolyte Amida, with the Lion Squad. I do not believe we have met before." There was nothing else to say, so the girl fell silent.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6667px]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]Space Station - Docking Bay D39[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] B (Hold The Line)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Allies:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] He, himself and him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Enemies:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] The Beast ( [member="Greta Kohler"] )[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]His men had been sent to secure the parameter, to hold the line and buy the Mechanic some time to finish up the repairs on their ship - he wasn’t sure if the man would be able to pull it off, hell he wasn’t even sure if he wouldn’t just leave them here to rot, at this point in time Khal wasn’t sure of a lot of things and it bothered him only [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]slightly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]But as he walked down the hallway there was [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]one[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] thing that he did know for sure. Well, maybe two things, first of all there was the sound of fire exchange in the distance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Which meant that his men had encountered resistance (or perhaps it was more accurate to say that the Sith encountered resistance in his own men.), the second notion that was sure, was the fact that there was someone here with him. It was subtle, that little pulse in the air, a slight shimmer that indicated something [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]living[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] and [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]breathing[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] was in the area - but it was also unmistakable for a man like Khaleel.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Who had spent so much time amidst the tribes of Ossus. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“If you come out, we might be able to discuss this as reasonable adults.” the trenchcoated man whispered into the air, but the whisper did not come from him directly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]He was a positive man, but he wasn’t entirely stupid. Instead the sound would come from a slight distance - a warrior or soldier who was trained to shoot first, would immediately start firing in the direction of the sound and would miss Khal by a few solid meters.[/SIZE]
Location: Objective A Killing Fields
Objective: Awakening
Allies: [member="Erinyes Draclau"]
Enemies: [member="Erinyes Draclau"]

Some claim to understand darkness. Flailing out at the world like infants they claim they are in the cause of darkness. However few truly underatand it's nature. Darkness is within. Darkness exists deep inside. When you peel away the layers and find within a dark beating heart. A heart that relishes the very pain it fears so much.

The pain of love.

He felt it, a dark pulse hammering against his heart. His own desire roaring to life in response to hers. A familiar twang of emotions tumbled out from the corners of his mind. Warmth of a winter sun, cold marble beneath his feet, the touch of familiar flesh. He could feel her spirit. She was powerful, much more powerful than before. He could not deny her touch. Her sight. His own eyes clouded over, his lips curled into a smile.

This time along with all the familiar emotions another emotion reared it's head. Hate came snaking behind love.

She is close.

He was doomed. He had enjoyed some wonderful days with her once.Innocent days spent of Lao Mon. However those days were now gone forever. He had since tried to be close to her, tried to exist in the same space. He had failed. Erinyes and Skorn were fire and water, light and dark. Yet he could not simply walk away. He was bound to her as she was bound to him.

Bound by blood of the Dragon.

Thus he was doomed. Repeating an endless cycle of love, yearning and loss.

And he would never be free...unless.

He focused his eyes, he was teethering over the edge of the balcony. On the wind, he could smell her on the wind. Without glancing back Skorn took another step and stepped off the castle and into thin air.
Location: Space, Entering Space Dock
Objective: Objective B
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Sirus"], Soon​

A throne of blood and bones and hate. The passions of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Shai Domain, it all encompassed the interests that encumbered him. There was crack in the air, the sound of thunderous applause. The echo of a world, on the teetering edge, just before it breaks in half. And the domain that clung to it, desperately wanting, would plummet from the broken swivel. These were the dreams, the inclement reports, that stirred the gusto in the One Sith war machine. Such were the ambitions of the destructive, the hell bent, and the unstoppable and crushing gears. The trail of blood that began this path was long coagulated and crusty, demanding fresh offering. And so it would have it, one way or another.

He stepped down from lofty position, armor of shell and stubbornness. It squirmed, it ached, it lashed out for that ritual of sacrifice. And Gabriel was more than happy to give in, to claim the position of guided by both his equipment and his voxyn arm. There were many mouths to feed, so much anger to sate, he silently wondered if time would permit for the full serving. Holding his helmet under his arm, he approached the helm of skin and flesh and polyps, pressing against the shaper of the navibrain.

"Closest docking station that's relatively open..."
"Here..." The shaper pointed to the display, made whole by the Villip Choir.

He walked quietly out into the womb of the ship, crawling into a slayer ship. From out, it birthed in violently twirling speed as he guided himself towards the station. His place was in battle, for purpose, but battle nonetheless. The Teleute and Immortal combination would provide coverage for him, through immersion of fire and the expulsion of ships, if needed. But this was merely a black starfighter in the dark, a miniscule piece to the whole set.

Objective A
Location killing fields
Allies GR
Enemy OS [member="Asajj"]

The air went brisk, it was unexpected. Unnatural.. A shadow fell over his mind at this and a tingling sensation stirred him from his thoughts.

With a grim expression his hand moved to unclick his lightsaber. Glimts of an abomination, a living dead.

His green saber sprung to life.

While it all happened within a glimpse of an eye the precognition also gave away something more...

Slashing downward he severed the clawlike hand of the walking dead that reached out for his ankle. The notion quickly turned his stomach as a black liquid that must once been the creatures blood splashed out. A white pipe of a bone still pointed at him the undead still kept coming.

The real threat had hidden itself well and while he had sensed it he had failed to assemble and do the correct judgement from the situation.
He moved with both feet but not fast enough to deflect the attack or avoid it entirely.
It cut down and shrieked its way down the metal of Mantics jedi armor hidden beneath his robes. While a precise and undisturbed hit would have penetrated the protection the angle that Mantic did manage to produce saved him from that fate.
Swinging around with his saber the jedi spun around forcing his opponent to give him some distance. At first the jedi stumbled away looking about for more hidden dangers but his training soon kicked in and his mind turned to one thing, the task to kill the sith in front of him.

Mantics first thought was that of sith illusions, but at [member="Asajj"] s side the zombie still crawled forward. Illusion or not, he had to dispatch of this thing to even the odds.

With his left hand pushing forward he threw the creature tumbling far away, being crushed by a sound thud meters away. At the same time Mantic drew a fast X in the air with the tip of his saber, moved one foot behind the other and unleashed a series of fast strikes and slashes in a twirling light of green.
The brutal Ataru styled attack was an intense one meant to cut his opponent to pieces without offering any mercy.


Location: At the staging camp with the other commanders
Controller: Darth Rapax
Forces: 20,000 N1-Battle Droid (Loadout: BTI-reaver series repeater x3 Thermal Detonators)x20 {url=}Tartorosclass walker alpha model{/url} x8 Iw-02a Logengrin x10 Daisya Infiltrator
Objective: Time to help cryat
Opponents: GR forces at C
His two lightsabers, 2 Verpine shatter guns, The blade of Satvas, Poisoned dauntless blade

Rapax moved his artillery so that he may properly shell the Gr garrison. This would take time but he had his forces ready to immediatly move, He saw Alvas force's join the fray as well. This will truly be fun to do, He had his Daisya squadrons fly over and start strafing runs on there forces as well as engage any air ships that are in the air. He was doing his best to cover [member="Cryax Bane"]'s movement, He had his droids ready to move as well as put his tartoros walkers into artillery stationary mode and prepare to bombard them relentlessly. he will do his best to support there forces in this fight and he will make sure to win this one.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A - Understand the issue
Allies: None Nearby
Enemies: [member="Braith Achlys"]
An insect flies from the grasp of the spider, just to find another. The slayer ship, remnants of an unsavory taste left in Maalik's mouth, set down upon ash and stone. Barring his teeth as he stepped out, his weight crunched against the decay of bones. Looking down, he lifted what appeared to be a femur snapped in two, and felt the brittle edges. A long and hard stare, molten orbs gazed out into the distances as skeletons of war beasts and gnarled snags stood monument to the throes and battle that preceded this day. Even the sky would weep, it seemed, as he forecasted an unfortunate deluge and clap of clamorous light. While absent the sentiments of fear, many Yuuzhan Vong were wary of the powers of lightning. But for the torturous ordeal, Maalik welcomed an end that would be defined by such energy.

It would put an end to this endless melancholy.

As he walked down the hill, he looked across the field. The wind swept across him, blasting the roamers armorweave robe about to reveal a lack of armor. He didn't need it, not with the shapers treatment. Across his waist, a plasma eel sat as as a taut belt. Across each thigh, a bandoleer of snap and thud bugs. And wrapped from shoulder to shoulder, the amphistaff slept quietly in abhorrence of the Chom-huun that rested against the hip. A pouch would later reveal the presence of magma pebbles, most beneficial against droids and the like. It was more a good luck charm than anything, a reminder that even the smallest of objects could conquer great foes. Not that such mentality impacted him but in a life past, the Chiss would have appreciated such notions. Notions left long abandoned by the Vong.

It was then that he spotted an armored figure standing solemn in the killing fields. Carrying a sword brandished, Maalik would get within sight, though he felt the slightest pang of protection from bones stripped clean of meat and a nearby tree, still standing watch of the bloody battle.

"Why am I here?" He spoke, yelling to the figure that seemed somewhat distracted. Or perhaps it was undistracted...indestractable. Focused, that's the word.
Objective: C
NPC Template:
Locations: See below
Controller: Cryax Bane
Forces: 10,000 N1 "Chiss" Battle Droids (loadout: Charric Rifle, 3 Vape charges), 4 AT-AW, 10 Tartoros Class Walkers, 30 CRC slicers with Blue Phoenix Slicing Software, 4 Probe droids
Objective: Sending troops, slicers, and vehicles towards the garrison
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] [member="Kerstas"]
Opponents: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Jordun Darko."] [member="SC-4486"]

2 AT-AW with pilots, 5 slicers, and 200 droids, moving southeast through the mountains
1,000 droids and 2 AT-AW moving southwest through the valley
8,800 droids. 10 Tartoros-Class Walkers, 25 slicers at Northern spawn point

More battlefield commanders and troops arrived on the field by dropship and carrier, like Mandalorian Commander and Techno Union ally, [member="Draco Vereen"] with his mythosaur walkers. By this time, Cryax’s probe droids were close to the Republic garrison, and as they floated peacefully through Contruum's ridges and valleys, began to send a live feed back to not only Bane's ARCs, but also to an encrypted wireless Holonet feed, easily accessible by all One Sith commanders. The four recon droids spread out, each one taking a different corner of the garrison. Through the eyes of his little metal spies, he could see gunships, snipers, and missile emplacements. He donned a pair of electrobinoculars and after a perfunctory view around the area, lowered them, and gave a voice command to his ARCs. In his steely tenor, the Chiss slicer opened up an encrypted channel for only the highest ranking military members of the operation.

“Commander Bane here. We need to take out their shield generators around the garrison as well as their artillery. There are snipers in the mountains to the southeast and missile launchers on the roads. Be on the lookout for gunships, too.”

"Governor Bane..." A female voice came from behind him, almost startling the Chiss. He turned and through his Phrik helm studied the Chagrian Sith (@Kerstas) "Well met, Acolyte Amida," he said. "We're about to make the first push forward. We could use your troops on those snipers."

In the meantime, Cryax ordered five of his elite slicers to climb into one of the four AT-AWs waiting in the wings. The two siege vehicles clanked to life and headed southeast through a mountain pass, flanked by a squad of a two hundred Chiss Ascendancy droids. It would be a treacherous journey for the squad. Therefore the custom-made Hegemonic droids carried charric rifles, courtesy of the Chiss, which differed from ordinary blasters by firing maser-guided particle discharges, which caused an electric shock upon contact with metallic armors. The Hegemonic droids also came equipped with vape charges, which were the Chiss equivalent of thermal detonators. The baradium charged grenades were also known to disintegrate anything within their blast radius, organic or inanimate. Being the Will of Csilla had its perks in access to unusual technology.

If Bane’s slicers made it to the garrison, their jobs were to manually slice into shield arrays to disable shields. Provided that the Republic didn't have counter slicers, they would coordinate attacks on the security systems that held closed the garrison’s blast doors. With his electrobinoculars pressed to his glowing red eyes, Cryax watched the first squads depart for the garrison.

Summary of Actions:
Sent out 5 slicers in 1 AT-AW with 200 droids heading south towards the garrison.
Sent out 2 AT-AW with 1,000 droids marching towards the garrison
Probe droids sending back recorded footage of various locations around the garrison
Slicers accessed communication satellite over Contruum and are beginning to slice into it.

Cryax’s Gear:
LOCATION: The Killing Fields
ENEMIES: GR ( [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] )

And so beats the drums of war. Ever so slowly the Sith began to talk through the battlefield, listening to the anguish cries of allies and enemies alike. Bones cracking, blood spilling, lightsaber cutting and guns blasting. A sympathy with the pounding of footsteps acting as the base line. His arms waved as his eyes closed, just feeling the throbbing of the Force. Its eternal cry as many died. But something was off. He could feel many around him. Vong existed outside the Force, meaning he couldn't see them, even as a divot within the force. An absence. But he felt one.

Red eyes snapped open and came to focus on the abnormality. There it was. There she was. What was she? He could already tell she wasn't on the side of the Sith. So a republic? A flick of the wrist and his golden lightsaber would hum to life.

War had found his prey.

Galactic Republic Supreme Commander
Ali Hadrix
Contruum Republic Garrison
2115 Hours (Local Time)
Ali watched [member=Draco Vereen]'s forces drop to the ground in the far distance from the sky above. Their falling soldiers and war machines dropped like asteroids and meteors, a veritable shower in the growing night. They disappeared behind mountains in the distance, vanishing from sight. They could only be Draco's forces she knew, and her scouts would soon confirm the presence of Mythosaur walkers unbridling themselves from their assistive devices and lumbering onward with the rest of Draco's force. Ali knew enough of her people's history to understand how they would proceed; formless, heading toward the objective like a swarm. Individuals within their ranks would perform as a group, but the rest would be heedless, mindless damn near. Mando'ade were good at fighting alone, but sometimes lacked the unit cohesion necessary to win a fight. However, Ali had never faced Draco's soldiers in battle, and could only glean so much from anecdote.
With a quick call via her wristcomp, Ali put in orders for two of their own Mythosaur walkers to clamber up the mountain slope from the bottom of the valley. They would be accompanied by collections of MAT-TE Walkers harboring troops in their bellies, and various other scout walkers and personnel. The unit began its ascent to the Eastern mountain range in the general direction of the recently landed hostile forces. Alternate units on that side had already spent the afternoon setting up firing positions along ravines and natural pathways, and the roads were littered with mines and ambush locations.

Contruum was sprawled out before her, the snow-capped peaks of the mountains surrounding them as if they sat upon the tongue of a great beast and were gazing out of its maw. The Garrison Hill was well defended and the emplacements were ready. The majority of the garrison itself was underground, burrowed deep into the small mountain upon which Ali stood. If it came down to it, the fighting would take place in cramped, stone-walled tunnels too narrow to fit more than two men abreast, save for in the service areas near the two hangars which were built into opposite sides of the mountain and separated within by as many pathways.
The valley sloped downward the further North it went, and only two channels provided entry from the mountains to the North. Whilst the bottommost elevation was spared the snowfall, everything else was covered in white. The Republic soldiers stationed here were well accustomed to this, and their pale white layered garb reflected such experience. Even the vehicles were painted a mottled white-grey, making them hard to see on a clear day from the distance, and near impossible at night without assistive devices.
The mountains themselves were jagged trenches and small valleys filled with forests and laden with snow. Rock slides and avalanches were commonplace at higher elevations, raining down snow and stone on the ridges below. Storms were frequent and whipped up at a moment's notice, only to vanish as fast as they appeared before an individual realises they've strayed off course. Local wildlife existed mainly in the form of birds, though predators were always a threat.

The Garrison Hill itself was tall, several hundred meters so, and its base covered much of the valley itself to the South. To the North, however, some distance of land was open before the mountains took over once more, and it was from there the Sith seemed to be landing the majority of their forces. Ali absentmindedly keyed her wristcomp and called for their air support to leave the safety of its hangers. Moments later she heard a distant rumbling on either side of the mountain; the hangar doors were grinding open. These were thick, massive doors that rolled upon wheels the size of speeder cars, and they took nearly a minute to open far enough for flight craft to exit.
Ali looked sideward and saw them leave, a squadron of K-wing Assault Bombers ripping out of the hangar and shrinking in the distance many dozens of kilometers away before making a wide loop and coming back around. From the other hangar, many of the A-10 LAAT Gunships left as well, the deep thrumming of their engines loud and strong. The Gunships circled the Garrison Hill before landing upon its South side to join with their assigned platoons of Republic Soldiers.

Other groups of soldiers were manning the artillery weaponry that was located all over the mountain. The Garrison Hill practically bristled with power. Emplacements were located every hundred meters or so, large cannons that would reach out and truly touch the Sith once the time came. Large, 6 meter ion emplacements were mounted between artillery platforms, and dispersed between those were rocket and missile batteries.
Anti-aircraft turrets and emplacements were dispersed evenly around the Hill as well, to help defend against any enemy aircraft attempting to bomb the garrison's defenders. MAT-TE tanks stood watch behind concrete berms that would absorb or reflect any fire; much of their structure was hidden when viewed from a 1100-0100 clock position. [member=Alva Calvarona]'s own Imperial forces were dispersed throughout the region, many of them located within the mountains themselves, working alongside Ali's own Republic soldiers and armor.

Further off, in the mountains themselves, Calvarona's soldiers set up fighting positions and ambush points. Ali had a pair of MAT-TE walkers to help defend every Imperial unit, with Republic soldiers marching right alongside them. It was an unprecedented display of cooperation and unity between the Empire and the Republic, which, before the Gulag Plague, had been enemies for decades. Time changes all, but war...war never changes.

Soldiers waited at their positions with their weapons in hand, hanging from slings or resting nearby. The enemy was known to them, and artillery crews were in communication with forward observers hidden away in the mountains, attempting to glean enemy positions and calculate firing solutions for the guns back on the Hill. One of these FO's, a Sergent by the name of Teddy Lesko, was working on such a solution at the moment.
"Home Plate, this is F-O-Two-Two-One, I've got a mass of hostiles making landfall here in the mountains. Looks like...thousands of them. Battle droids. Some four hundred meters out. They're splitting into groups and heading through one of the passes. Calling in for fire mission, you copy?" Lesko muttered.
A moment later, "Yes Two-One, we copy. What's their location?"
"Grid Location, eight, fiver, niner, eight. Two, seven, eight, tree. How copy, over?" Lesko murmured into his commlink, which was transmitting on a tightly secured military frequency to orbital satellites and being relayed to the Hill far to their South. Lesko was resting on the edge of a cliff of one of the taller mountains in the region, overlooking an area where Sith forces had begun to deploy and stabilize themselves.
"Foggy, we copy, prepare for back-brief. Grid Location, eight, fiver, niner, eight. Two, seven, eight, tree. Over." Lesko replied quietly, "Roger that, you've got it."
"And what's their heading, over?"
Lesko looked back out through his macrobinoculars at the mass of droids before. They were endeavoring to generate formations at the moment, with no real direction of travel yet selected. "I've got nothing at the moment, the region they're in is pretty open. I'll update you when poss--" Lesko silenced himself as a group of objects lifted away from the gaggle of enemy troops and began floating South, heading through the forests and ravines.
"Hold that, I've got four probes it looks like that just broke off and are on a direct heading for the Garrison, over." He updated Home Plate.
"Roger that, we've got units on it now." Came the response. "Now about that heading..."

Some distance South, tucked away against the side of a large, crooked mountain, Imperial and Republic troops sat at fortified weapon positions. The channel they were overlooking ran North and East, turning crooked and disappearing around the base of a large, rocky hillock. The AT-FAT that stood some distance behind them had taken position to guard against the passage of enemy troops, though so far no engagements had been made.
Sergent Jaret Haerun was sitting back against a slab of ice, his rifle laying across his thighs and a cigar between his teeth when his commlink flashed. He keyed it, "Sergent Haerun, go ahead."
"Sergent, this is Home Plate, we've got a group of probes heading your way on a South-West bearing. Please acknowledge their presence and destroy them." Haerun stood and set his rifle down, gazing out down the channel with his macrobinoculars. Trees littered the landscape, growing more scarce only as one looked up to the higher slopes. At first he saw nothing, but soon he caught sight of the buggers, flitting back and forth through the trees before dipping down and out of sight and then reappearing. He dropped the binos and left them to hang from his hip, then hopped on the horn and got the attention of their rocket-bearers.
"Yeah Home Plate, I got 'em. Gents, get your rockets up, we've got four bogies incoming, five hundred meters!" He snapped over the commlink. Within moments, a trio of Republic soldiers had shouldered surface-to-air missile launchers and were attempting to gain a lock on the small electronic fliers. The probes seemed to anticipate the attack and attempted to continue forward, though two were shot down. The other pair flittered over the back of the AT-FAT and vanished in the distance, hiding once more amongst the trees. Haerun swore at himself, then reconnected with Home Plate.
"Home Plate, this is Haerun. We vaped two, but the other pair got away. They're heading South still, they'll probably pass over Baker Camp."
Indeed the probes did pass over Baker Camp some minutes later, which overlooked the valley and Garrison Hill from the mouth of a ravine that turned steeply down from the mountainsides between which it sat. The probes hung in the air some distance away from the Garrison Hill and were able to glean holo-images from its North and some of its East face, but were summarily destroyed shortly after those recordings were transmitted.

Back at the Garrison Hill, Sergent Turo'l Agama was watching comms and communicating with the Electronic Warfare unit over issues with the satellites. "What's wrong with them?" He asked, knee-deep in a conversation that was boring him to no end. "Nothing, the military side is fine, they keep muddling with civilian comm channels though. It's cutting off emergency messages and evacuation information for the populations further South of us."
"But they haven't touched our data?"
"No, and I don't think they will, but I'm worried about those civilians. Can't we get a detachment here to help local law enforcement?"
"I'm sorry, but we can't spare anyone from the Hill. Hostile forces are already on approach. You're just going to have to deal. Try laser comms, those will work regardless of satellite interference."
Sigh. "Fine, thank you for your help."
Agama shut off the link, then turned back to the FO he'd been talking to over comms, Sergent Lesko. "F-O-Two-Two-One, we've got that fire mission locked in are we good to fire?"
"Home Plate this is Two-One, you are clear for fire, over."
Agama grinned, "I love this part," he muttered to himself. "Copy. Incoming in five...four...three..." Agama looked to the Fire Missions Coordinator and counted him down from two to one. The Coordinator nodded and gave the order to the artillery crew. In the distance, from outside the mountain, a gentle shiver sounded as five long-range artillery cannons on the North-East face of the Hill dropped their shields and fired.


The rounds arced through the air into the clouds and rained down in the area where [member=Cryax Bane] 's forces were organizing. Sergent Lesko watched as explosions rocked the area, though the fog, distance and smoke prevented him from gleaning much feedback for Home Plate.
"Looks like a hit, Home Plate, sort of. Try to tighten it up, once they start moving you won't have the freedom to miss."

--Fired artillery barrage from North and East facing artillery cannons on Cyrax Bane's 2 AT-AW w/ 1,000 droids that are marching towards the garrison

--Destroyed the four probe droids sent to glean imagery of the Garrison Hill, after the North and East faces of the hill had been holographed.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: Destroy Sith

Allies: GR
Enemies: GR [member="James Mathison"]

Iziz felt the tendrils wrap around his mind and attempt to pierce through the Terentatek hood of his armour, which it did so with ease, not really preventing much of the attack itself so much as take some of the edge off of the attack. As the Jedi crossed the thresh-hold of Iziz's mind he would find doors closed to the strength and focus of Iziz, the mind of the Jawa was locked into combat with his opponent, the brutality and determination of the Jawa acting as a mental barrier to the Jedi and enhancing his own mental defenses. However, amongst the darkness of the small creatures mind, in the forum of presence which the Jedi was able to maintain there was not a single mind present, there was two... One far darker and sinister than the other as nightmarish tendrils of darkness flung forth for the Jedi's mind, glimpses of the dark dimension of Marka Ragnos and the truth of the Chaotic Nether-realm would flash by the Jedi's mind in rapid succession.

Some minds weren't alone...

The force of the spiral as it came into contact with his opponent's light-saber would strike with enough force behind it to fracture a humans' wrist, as the blows would be attempted to be deflected the entirety of Iziz's weight and spin force would be channeled through the defending blade and in theory be smashed aside as the Jawa plummeted to the earth where the Jedi once stood. Legs landing and subsequently giving way due to the force behind Iziz as the Jawa reacted, tucking his upper body in and continuing to roll with the momentum which he had attained, not wanting to let much of it go. Iziz would roll forward once before finding his legs once again, twisting his upper body and with some difficulty extending a leg and rounding off his momentum, coming to a complete stop and eyeing up his opponent.

Now, lets see if this Jedi can keep up...

Tilting his upper body forward, Iziz allowed the power of the force flow through his body and enhance him with the power which he was most gifted at. Kicking off the ground the sand behind the Jawa would explode backwards as the Jawa accelerated to beyond natural parameters, becoming a blur as the light of his blades seemed to leave a trail along where he had been. Iziz attempted to dash inward to such an extent that he would easily outpace his back-pedaling adversary. Gripping his blade with both hands Iziz would almost 'appear' at Mathison's side, attempting to overtake him with a blow to the center of his Shin, hopefully by surprise... His mechanical tail beginning to loosen around his waist as the Jawa attempted to anticipate his attacks, putting plans within plans and traps within traps for the Jedi to fall into one by one. Thinking to himself...

I may not have a title, but i'm more than enough for him.

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