Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rank Titles Here!

[member="Kyra Sol"]

Hey! Could i request two tag please?
One for the Sephi species, not seen any so far. With an elf ear in the background maybe? odd but it is one of their most distinguishable traits.

And a forest dweller tag please.
[member="Kyra Sol"]

Sorry I guess I should've been more clear, in hind sight this might not be the place for it but as far as ranks go, could you please make an "Outcast" one for me. Perhaps Neutral colors would be the best for it.

Thanks Kyra :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Kyra Sol"] Oh it's perfect. Thank you! <3

[member="Kyra Sol"] - When you have the time....

Something similar to this in colors:


But along the lines of 'Forge Father' or 'Force-Smith'... Noticed a distinct lack of smithing related rank titles despite the proliferation of such types... This guy is retasking to be a Je'daii like artisan smith, so anything fitting there is welcome!

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