Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rank Titles Here!


Insert Hilarious Title Here
It's actually just in time, as I just brought back the character.
Flawless work as usual, [member="Kyra Sol"].
But as long as you're making things again. . . Could I have a 'Thief' title and one that says 'Honorhall Brat', or just 'Honorhall' if that fits better.
You da best <3
[member="The Black Hat"]

If you didn't want them matching let me know and I'll make the second one different.


[member="Nara Basaar"]

Same applies to you.


[member="Azula Feanor"]

I don't do gifs at the moment, I hope this will suffice

Since it sadly stopped working. Can I get a new "Dark Lady/Woman" tag please.

and now it is working again ah well If you have one made I wouldn't mind but this doesn't need to be fulfilled

[member="Kyra Sol"].


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
[member="Kyra Sol"] Wow this is really good work. Could I get a Boxer tag perhaps? I'm trying to get this theme across. You've got some great ideas for background pictures so you pick what's fitting, you've got great judgement so you should pick that one. I saw the armored carpet and thought it was good but maybe there could be a wookie tag? Please and thank you kindly ma'am.
I know I just asked for some, however I would like to request just a few more.

In the similar theme with this beauty ~

Fireshaping, Airshaping,and Earthshaping ranks.

As well a Shaper one and a bloodshaping one for the faction.

For me specifically, I would really like a Var one, which is essentially my Star Wars version of the avatar from the legend of korra and last airbender fandom. Maybe a avatar state background or something like that would suit it? And just in case I decide to be less original, the same style with Avatar or The Avatar instead of Var would be amazing.

Thank you so much! If this is too much at one time, for now the core elements would work with maybe the avatar and var request.
Hiya [member="Kyra Sol"] !

You've already done a few of these for me but I was wondering if I could ask for one more favor. I'd really love it if you could make a Faction like rank title to go in the signatures of our accounts reading:

"The Outcasts of Arkaos"

If you could do this for me, I'd be absolutely stoked. The factions going to be in some dark taste so something bordering a chaotic nuetral alignment would be perfect for the background.

Hope I'm not asking for too much!

Thanks kindly :)
[member="Kyra Sol"]

Hey, I was wondering if I could a similar theme to the
tag, or something that would match the picture in my sig?

The tags would be "Powerbroker" "Street Legend" "Doting Father"

Just whenever you got the chance.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kyra Sol"]

Emergency tag required:

Avenger Of Light

Blue/Red colour please. Cap America shield style. ;)





[member="Azula Feanor"]




[member="Zarack Arkaos"]

That's too big for a rank title, do you have a shorter version?

[member="Jorvan Hatha"]

I didn't do that one, I rarely use colour in my rank titles' words unless I personally find it fitting - sorry! Hope these are okay, tried to mimic the darker theme.


[member="Juliet Varos"]


[member="Connor Harrison"]


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