The Spacepiress of Chaos
I would like to request a set of Rank Tags for the Templar Order.
- Knight-Commander
- Knight-Captain
- Knight-Lieutenant
- Knight-Corporal
- Knight-Errant
- The Ancient
- Armiger
- The Chronicler
- Enlightened
- Lord / Lady Seeker (one of each preferably)
- Seeker
- The Theurgist
- Hospitaller
For the above, if it is possible, I would like it to have the Order of the Righteous Flame symbol, as shown in the spoiler.

If the above request isn't viable, then I shall leave the creativity in your hands.
I would also like to request the following, leaving the creativity fully in your hands because your work is awesome.
- Harbringer
- Divine Crusader
- Seneschal
- Armigers
- Enlightened
- Seekers
- Hospitallers
- Order of the Righteous Flame
[member="Kyra Sol"]