Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boost Reap the Whirlwind (GALACTIC BOUNTY HUNT: GA, NIO, SO, BOTM, HSC, SW, ME, AC, and all others)

Nar Shaddaa
Skyscraper Walkway
In Scene: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia
On Planet: Khama Fett Khama Fett | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki | Nash Darklighter | Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor

Arkaitz skidded to a halt as a woman jumped off a ledge above and landed in front of him. On her feet. A Jedi. Even before she spoke he knew it, could feel it. The compassion in her voice felt real. Could it be? He clenched his jaw tight, then opened his mouth.

That was when the shot rang out.

He spun, pale violet eyes wide as a Rodian behind him fell dead and a voice spoke from nowhere.

"Do not trust her."

Ark couldn't pinpoint the voice. It sounded familiar.

Before he could formulate any more thoughts an enormous Herglic in full battle armor stomped in with a rotary cannon, followed by a Mandalorian with a familiar helmet. Even Arkaitz knew about that one. Koda Fett.


Earlier, he was worried about lasting through the week. Now? He didn't know if he would last the next five minutes. Arkaitz looked at the Jedi, his eyes a tortured wreck of regret.


He waved a hand.

The air shimmered and warped around him, light distorting as he applied the photokinetic techniques of the Disciples of Twilight. His figure became no more than a hazy outline.

For all that he cursed his father, he could not say that he had learned nothing in his eighteen years at court, with tutors of exotic Force orders around every corner. Arkaitz had excelled in two schools. The first was with the teachings of the Disciples.

The second?

The Gray Paladins.

In a blink, he palmed and fired his blaster pistol twice in quick succession, bending the traveling bolt with the absurd accuracy of the Paladins at the barrel of the Herglic's rotary cannon, because the moment that weapon fired he would be cut down in an instant.

Then he turned and ran.

Gunfire called out like a beacon in the black of space, practically begging to be heard. It was Nar Shadda, it could've been anything, but Redmond knew it was him, it had to be. Methodically he pulled a rifle from the magnetized plate on his back, crossing from one rooftop to another, he pulled a long barrel from the webbing on his thigh and twisted it into place as he cleared another rooftop. The site of the commotion was beneath his vantage now, Redmond dropped into a slide, and affixed the scope with a simple gliding motion.

It was a population center, packed tight with everyday people going about their everyday lives, now scrambling to get away. But they were too slow, they were in his way. The rifle snapped to his shoulder as he took a read of the situation. The big players stood out to the trained eye. The Mandalorian, the Jedi, the Shark, and the empty space where his target should've been. He could've gone for a detonator, but explosives could've ruined any chance at ID, so he opted for the safer option. If not for the money, then for him to use the money as the reason, the excuse.

There was no waiting for the crowd to disperse, no time to line up a clean shot, and though something inside him clawed at the walls of his soul, he didn't think he'd have waited even if he could.

Redmond opened fire into the open spaces and hoped to hit something, either his mark or something that'd draw him out, or maybe someone.

His insides were on fire.

It was as if someone had torn open his stomach, filled it with red-hot coals, and sewn him back up. No such operation had taken place, yet the agony remained. Sometimes the gnawing heat was too much, his vision swam as he doubled over and dry heaved. Yet, whenever he was on the precipice of throwing into the yawning chasm of Nar Shaddaa's endless cityscape, a voice seized his mind and pulled him back from the brink. It was the voice of his Father, that pitiless sire who had given him thought and purpose.

His left hand held fast to his stomach as he peered down from his elevated perch, vision magnifying as the optic sensors built into his mask enhanced his sight. He could see his brother leaving the shop, biometric data trickling in the long he stared directly at Arkaitz. But he was not the only one who was watching his lost kin, as multiple other hunters descended from their own hiding places to confront him. The multiple bounties complicated things, but it was not yet unmanageable.

Lunging down to a lower elevation, the Dark Mirror traversed the ferrocrete awnings and sparse landings, shadowing the fleeing Arkaitz as he did. His orders had been to observe and monitor Arkaitz on Nar Shaddaa, with apprehension only applicable if the opportunity arose. Destruction of the asset was authorized if there was no feasible means to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Though a small voice, his conscious perhaps, recoiled at the prospect of fratricide, his Father's voice was stronger.

Either he would rejoin the flock or be destroyed.

Father would not suffer a repeat of Kahlil's heresy.

Despite his chief prerogative to merely monitor Arkaitz, the Dark Mirror felt the compulsion to launch a magna bola towards Arkaitz's lower legs as he fled. The trio of metallic spheres sang through the air with a distinct whistle, perceivable even with the cacophonous dirge of the growing chaos.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Allies: ???
Target(s): Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Khama Fett Khama Fett

Very convenient. Having a high profile bounty come up around Nar Shaddaa, inviting all Bounty Hunters to come and hunt. There was always work around the Smuggler’s Moon, fortune be it to Bounty Hunters, smugglers, thugs, and other outcasts of the Galaxy. Always work, but uncommon to have a large bounty nearby. Enough to pay personal expenses, even acquire upgrades or more tools to use.

If that wasn’t enough to incite someone to grind their gears, another ten thousand credits were added to value of this Zambrano’s head. Sixty for a bastard of the Sith Lord? Enough to make someone rich had their been bounties on all the entire clan, so long as more of them were bred.

There was already a commotion going on when the Kyuzo arrived at the scene of action, observing from afar on one of the rooftops. Already there was Koda and a large fellow confronting someone, though the target in question was not present. A woman, but where was the Zambrano? He was doubting if he was at the right place when suddenly another Hunter opened fire out in the open, probably firing upon Koda and Ghorua to prevent the capture of the Bounty.

Unethical and unprofessional.

No honor in the sport of the hunt was disgusting, especially for a Kyuzo that was raised up with those values. Sadly, it was a common thing to see as many Bounty Hunters oftentimes betrayed another to keep all the profits.

His Bowcaster was raised and aim right at Redmond Geller Redmond Geller , firing upon on the man as Amun hoped to neutralize the rogue Bounty Hunter.

There was scum and there was snakes; a huge difference between the two.


Switchblade looked down in disgust as the Jedi, Sith, and sorry excuses for bounty hunters all made an attempt at apprehending the wanted individual.

Trying to compete with multiple variables at once was always going to be a challenge. The worst possible choice of action was to have all of them engage at once. It would only have them bickering among themselves instead of focusing on the target. What a shame, truly, that they didn’t know this.

Standing up from his position on the rooftop the droid changed his optics from normal view to heat sensor. While the target, dubbed “Ark” for easy-of-use, was gifted in the force, he would be no match to the power of technology.

The droid watched as the bounty took off, trying to escape the now disoriented hunters. Now would be the time for action. Leaping down from his current position, the droid aimed toward the fleeing target. Out of his right wrist would launch a bola aimed at Ark’s legs. If immobilized, Switchblade would go on to collect his bounty as if he was the only one here.

“Games over Zambrano.”

Hunting: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne
Competition: Amun Amun | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor | Nash Darklighter | Koda Fett Koda Fett
Other: Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt


Assassin's Armour, Pins, Snek, Blaster, vibroblade, smoke grenade.
Xun of Throne Xun of Throne Valery Noble Valery Noble Koda Fett Koda Fett Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Khama Fett Khama Fett
Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Nash Darklighter Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Amun Amun Kaahlil Kaahlil
and all of the others (goddamn).​

The street was filling up with bounty hunters fast; some of these faces were known to her, others she had to guess based on reputation, and some were completely unknown to her. It was not unusual, as the bounty hunter profession was one that drew new social outcasts almost as quickly as it disposed of them. The speed at which they all had found him was rather impressive, considering few of them had networks of surveillance to siphon.

She supposed that was all attributable to the nature of Nar Shaddaa: A hunter waited behind every corner. Even so, she would need to diversify her assets and liquidate some of her informants to protect from backwash in the wake of this operation.

The mark vanished under a cloak, not dissimilar to a technique she had studied to perfect her own forms of stealth, and shots peeled out against the hunters on his tail.

Ophidia peeled off to the side under the cover of her cloaking device, following after the path of the blasts. As she moved, she also swiped her hand out against Valery, seeking to toss her into a garbage can in the opposite direction.

There would be a chaotic scramble, and she would rather avoid having to deal with a Jedi at the same time.

Bolas were thrown after the fleeing, twilight-cloaked Zambrano, but Ophidia was fast upon the hunters and covered by a cloaking system of her own. There were too many actors, and so the herd would have to be thinned -and soon.


As if the bounty hunters and other associated parties didn't have enough to think about, another player had entered the sphere. An young aspiring bounty hunters, familiar with the Ashlans had been searching the name looking to find the best pay off for the captured Zambrano. In his search he found a bounty posted by the Ashlan crusade, the Ashlans wanted him alive to face justice for his crimes in a criminal court.

The bounty notice was quickly circulated to the rest of the hunters.


Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Nar Shadaa
Objective: Run into a Zambrano, do some blasting, maybe collect a bounty or maybe stop people from collecting.

Alexandra drew her eyes towards the sound of the shot and the commotion going on between the bounty hunters and their target, her still holding out the Datapad to Adara Raxis Adara Raxis but not having yet moved to do anything, her eyes being surrendered to the force as she looked through it, saw without the physical world and was interested when the presence of so many were tied together, the conflict growing between them as things progressed further and further.

It seemed few sided with the man and she almost found that boring, watching as more and more appeared to head after the Sith and then another notification flashing on the screen to add yet another bounty to the man's record. She sighed, her shoulders dropping as the whole scenario seemed rather disappointing to her considering how little fun it would be to help this rather one sided effort. She thought it over, biting on her lip for a moment before smiling wide and letting her hand run up the shaft of the spear she used so often.

"Shall we have some fun Adara?" She did not explain very well at first, lifting the spear into a throwing position and looking for the cleanest target, humming to herself and with a step forward she aimed the spear and threw it with the force hammering behind it, letting it rockete out towards the shoulder of Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , having decided that would be the least likely to miss considering the size of the target.

Alexandra had decided in doing that that she would help the Zambrano, her fingers coming to her lips and whistling over to Xun of Throne Xun of Throne , her voice rising up over the commotion and waving him down.

"Hey, Kid, Over here..." She couldn't have looked much older than Arkaitz but if the man recognized her or Adara he would recognize individuals that had served Kaine Zambrano at one point or another, or atleast been around the man. Alexandra for her credit smirked at those nearby, focusing her eyes on the Mandalorian especially and wondering if it was someone who Yasha knew? If it was, she might have to apologize to her wife later for having interrupted the Mandalorian just trying to do their job, but then again... She doubted the former Mandalor would care that much about her interrupting his job.

Her eyes were still grey and clouded, as if she were blind and in a way she was but she happily latched onto the force and had started to draw it in towards her, letting it flow into and through her like she was some living conduit. The Force was as alive as everyone in the area around them, and its flow was something that worked with the living, not against it, it danced around them and she couldn't help but move with hit when she worked. It provided her greater sight, sight that did not become hampered when one vanished from the physical world, and instead relied on that connection, those strands that links every living being together and to the force.

And it was because of that that she smirked, waiting for the Bounty Hunters to find out that their payout was not going to be that easy.

(Others not directly mentioned: Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Valery Noble Valery Noble Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) Amun Amun Kaahlil Kaahlil Redmond Geller Redmond Geller and others.)

Nash Darklighter


The taxi soared through the air quickly, dodging and weaving through the dense and unyielding traffic of the Narsh airstreets. Nash waited patiently for the ride to end, struggling to contain his excitement at the thought of the high rollin' bounty he was on to.

All of a sudden, the taxi droid piloting him to the spaceport stopped abruptly and pulled onto a platform.

"Hey whatsa matter?"

"I am sorry, customer. My programming has forbidden me from taking you to [Spaceport], due to unforeseen cirumstances. Your funds will be returned to your account within [12] standard business days. Thank you for choosing LuxRide Taxi Services, have a nice day." the droid sat motionless in the drivers seat as the passenger door swung open.

Nash looked at the ground, then back at the droid. He reached for the door and slammed it shut again.

"like hell." Nash grunted as he drew one pistol and placed it to the side of the droids head.

"Spaceport, now."

"I cannot do that, customer. Please exit the vehicle and await arrival of authorities in [20] minutes."

Nash rolled his eyes and pulled the trigger, sending a .45 bullet through the droidbrain and out of the speeder's window on the other side. Nash reached across, opening the door, then hefted the heavy metal corpse out of the speeder and down 50 stories into the night. Nash scooched over into the drivers seat and peeled back into the street, hitting the radio to see if he could get some info.

"-listening to 102.3 The Rancor, Narsh's greatest rock hits of the 600s, 700s, and Now, with me, Raltaz Vergabon. We've got word coming in of a panic down near the spaceport, and I'm not talking about vacation season! Our lines have been flooded with footage and eyewitness reports of a whole gang of bounty hunters shootin' up a storm in the streets. All flights offworld have been grounded following the start of what's shaping up to be one of the greatest bounty hunts in recent memory! There's a hot, hot, hot sixty-thousand credit bounty for the head of, drum roll please... the former Sith Emperor's son! Jedi are reportedly on the the scene, but when has that stopped any of you beautiful freaks? If you're a registered member of a bounty hunters guild and currently in this district, you better get yourself a gun and cash in! This next song goes out to all the bounty hunters out there tonight tearin' it up. Stay wild Nar Shaddaa."

Nash turned up the radio as the song began. Things were heating up. The bounty's face and pricetag were plastered on every street corner, and the holonet was just begging for people to throw their attention at the hunt.

Nash careened his stolen taxi towards the location of the fighting. He pulled sharply into a side alley and stashed the car before taking off on foot in the direction of the roaring blasters. When he arrived, the scene was just as bad as he expected. Nash drew both his revolvers and pressed himself up against a wall within viewing distance of the many hunters who'd beaten him to the jump, now quite literally beating each other over who gets the bounty. As soon as it was a little more clear he'd make his jump into the fray too. He had a bad feeling about this, but 60k would sure lighten him up.

Redmond was a veteran of a hundred battles and a thousand gunfights. He knew survival almost as intimately as he knew violence. What he'd expected had been armed guards, some kind of nutjobs loyal to the Zambrano for reasons beyond money. Their family had people like that, real devotees who'd given everything just to serve the ever-growing horde of Epicanthix spawned from the loins of the Dark Lord.

What he hadn't expected was another bounty hunter. Was he some moralistic fool, or was there something more at play? Redmond didn't think on it long, already too busy dropping into a roll to avoid taking the shot from the bowcaster full in the chest. The bolt cascaded over his arm, heating the outer layer of his combat suit and leaving what would doubtlessly be a nasty bruise on the skin below.

But it didn't take his arm off like his adversary might've hoped, no the Sith Empire had used finer material than that for the likes of the Odacai. Geller came out of the roll with his rifle leveled with the Kyuzo hunter and loosed a barrage of deadly accurate blasterfire, trying to either force it into cover or kill the thing entirely.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
For a moment, Valery saw something in Xun of Throne Xun of Throne 's eyes — he was considering her offer and it made her hopeful that she could get through to him. She felt it through the Force as well, but something else quickly clouded those feelings. It started with a spark of danger that triggered the woman to ignite the violet blade of her lightsaber. A Rodian behind her was shot, and the first Bounty Hunters arrived to the scene.
But the worst part of all was that when she looked back at Ark, she could see the pain in his eyes, as he said sorry and tried to disappear from sight. Valery frowned and quickly drew her blade up defensively as even more joined the hunt. Most of the bounty hunters, Valery wasn't familiar with but she certainly recognized Kaahlil Kaahlil , the dark clone of her husband.
She instantly felt her muscles tighten up, and the fire in her eyes began to burn bright. While she knew this was going to be a difficult task from the start, it had just gotten a lot more complicated.
With an extended arm, Valery then channeled the Force and tried to freeze the Bolas that were thrown after Ark in mid-air. Even if she couldn't bring him to safety herself, perhaps she could help him escape on his own and earn his trust. The seed was hopefully planted.
But in a last attempt to at least open his mind to her assistance, she tried to reach out Telepathically.
<T> "Keep running, I'll cover you."
A fierce battle then erupted in the area, and Valery slid across the ground as a telekinetic push tried to send her flying. While she kept her balance, it was quite difficult to even decide on her next move. She had no desire to fight these people; she just wanted to protect the Zambrano.
So for now, she turned her focus to Kaahlil Kaahlil and watched, ready to take action against any threat to Ark.


Redmond was no amatuer, and similar shots had ended lesser men countless times over. It seemed as if a sad twist of fate for the former-soldier that neither the number one or two in their chosen career had been amatuers either, and the tools of their trade were no doubt to show for it. Fett was coated in Mandalorian armour, notorious for an indestructible nature, and the various modifications ensured that was to be the case; the red streak struck him to no effect, the turn of his T-visor had sent a stare towards the shooter but it had no time to last.

It all descended into chaos.

The Zambrano had a small strike force after him, soon to have several armies worth of hunters on his trail. The Jedi intervened, the Sith wished for their lost son to return, and the scum of these worlds wished for their next credit chit. So the worlds turned on and on, the same as it ever was.

His interest in a battlefield waned, and flames thrust him into the air with a roar and towards one of the countless roofs of Nar Shaddaa; bathed in neon, rubbish and waste all around, remnants of a careless crime. He switched the vision mode to one that followed heat, able to see the blur of the Zambrano that fled as the others followed him from his newfound nest above the rest.

Fett wished to watch and wait.


TAG: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Nash Darklighter | So Many Others

As soon as Faroussh had tracked down his quarry, the scene had already descend into madness. The Ubese took his blaster-axe hybrid from the sling on his back. The visor of his helmet scanned across the scene. Truly, a hunt to be remembered.

He instantly recognized Koda Fett just as he rocketed from the street. The huge, armored titan he could tell that it was the Herglic, Ghorua. Amun, the Kyuzo bow shooter. It also seemed that Jedi and Sith had joined the commotion as well. This was no longer a mere bounty hunt. This was a full on warzone.

Faroussh kept to the alleyway nearby, taking cover from Redmond's suppressive fire. The Ubese rifled through his utility belt of various grenades and tricks. He finally found what he sought: a flash bang. Holding the metallic orb in his hand, he darted out from his hiding spot.

"E chu ta! He insulted the rooftop sharpshooter loudly.

He clicked the activation button on his flash bang, and lobbed into the air. The object beeped omniously thrice as it flew in an arc.

Then BANG!

The area overhead was briefly lit up with bright light and loud noise. Enough to disorient and distract, but far from fatal. Faroussh would hope to take advantage of this distraction, should it prove effective.


Jack/bounty hunter/ traveler

Jack a bounty hunter and traveler for hire
Target: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne

Competition: Amun Amun | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor | Nash Darklighter | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Jack/bounty hunter/ traveler Jack/bounty hunter/ traveler

Try to do the right thing... and you make an enemy of all.

Wasn't that a lesson poor Arkaitz was learning in real-time? He abandoned his father's empire. He was disgusted by the atrocities. Worn down by years of neglect and abuse. But the Galaxy did not welcome him with open arms. Did not embrace him as a brother, who could stand shoulder-to-shoulder against his father.

No, they put a bounty on his head.

From vengeful imperials to do-good Jedi... all clamoring for their pound of meat.

Shai was not one to participate in a competition if he could help it. As Arkaitz vanished into thin air, smoke grenades were dropped into the alleyways and streets. They choked up the air, made it difficult to see anything, and covered Arkaitz' escape neatly. Relatively speaking anyway. Anyone with the presence of mind to have a thermal sight on a hunt would still be have a good chance of penetrating the smoke.

A second act was made however.

Every hunter's comm-link was flooded with new chatter. Arkaitz was spotted again! In the Rodian sector! No, fools, a man just saw him strolling past Golden Hutta Avenue!

Misinformation spread.

It wouldn't confuse all hunters. But at the very least it would forestall a whole karking army to these streets.

Perhaps that would increase the odds for our poor Arkaitz. Thirteen on one was so distasteful. Shai preferred it one on one... as long as he was part of that one, of course.

Tags: Uh...

Well, it was worth a shot, at least.

Ghorua's attention moved from Valery Noble Valery Noble and Xun of Throne Xun of Throne to a green-plated figure beyond. The Shark widened his stance, and responded in a jovial tone, despite his sinister words. "I learned from my mistakes, Fett. Do you?"

In that moment, Ghorua's HUD was overwhelmed by the squeaking of his probe droids in the air. People were closing in fast. From hidden vantages around tall buildings, they began tagging the growing horde of bounty hunters. So distracted by this development, he wasn't able to block Ark's Force-assisted blaster bolts from scorching the Seamstress' barrels, fusing them. Ghorua cursed under his breath, and watched as the target disappeared into thin air.

At least, to visual scanners. Photokinesis didn't stop life-signs, after all.

Ghorua was about to give chase, but his droid gave him a heads up. Danger. Ghorua turned around to where his HUD was designated, towards Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor . And as she hucked her Force-imbued spear with the speed and power of a charging train...

He caught it.

To be fair, Ghorua caught the spear after it collided with and created a nasty dent in his armor, but he caught the shaft of it nonetheless. He yanked it out of the beskar plating of his chest, and stared at the thrower behind his visor. Then he casually, disrespectfully, tossed it to the side, and activated his armor's rocket pack.

Assisted by his anti-gravity belt, the enormous Herglic soared into the sky, catching a nearby roof, and heaving himself up, switching his HUD to track life-signs. While the others were busy with each other, he would be...

Ghorua saw Koda Fett Koda Fett , and couldn't help but smile.

"Get your own roof," he chuckled, beginning to run above the city's streets, probe droids keeping watch from the sky.

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Nar Shaddaa
Exiting Street and Entering Nightclub

Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Amun Amun | Kaahlil Kaahlil | 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Nash Darklighter | Shai the Jaded Shai the Jaded | Jack/bounty hunter/ traveler Jack/bounty hunter/ traveler | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas

Everything happened all at once.

A red bolt of plasma screamed through the air and smacked into an iridescent half-dome of green energy that shimmered briefly around Arkaitz. A buzzing at his waist informed him that the powercell had been depleted by at least one-third. Ark clenched his jaw and sprinted toward the opposite end of the street as the air behind him erupted with the sound of jetpacks and blasterfire.

He heard a telepathic voice inside his mind - hadn't inherited his father's Epicanthix genes on that end - and figured it had to be the Jedi. Ark looked to his right and felt her stop something coming at him mid-air.

Then he heard a sound like a whip crack and a second spinning bola wrapped around his ankles, sending him tumbling to the street. His focus broken, the Force technique distorting the light around him fell apart and he became visible again.

He let the fall take him into a roll, remembering years of painful training beaten into him. He fumbled for his vibroknife as he rolled, eventually pulling it loose as he came to a stop and reaching down.

Elbows skinned and bruised, panting for breath, Ark sliced through the cords around his ankles and got to his feet even as yet another figure landed in front of him.

"Game's over Zambrano," said a synthesized voice.

A scowl twisted Ark's features, "Like hell." He raised his blaster pistol and fired two quick shots at the droid, while he lurched into a sprint again.

"Hey kid, over here." A quick flick of his eyes towards that voice and he saw a figure from his father's court.

No. He wasn't going back.

Arkaitz cast a quick look over his shoulder and saw jet packed figures leaping onto the tops of buildings. They were all around him. They would track him from above. Pen him in.

Couldn't trust his father's psychotic followers.

And the Jedi... he couldn't....

His eyes caught a nearby flashing sign above a door to a nightclub. The thumping music from within could be heard even above the blasterfire and shouting outside.

Overhead, a flashbang exploded with blinding brilliance. Smoke started to hiss all around from smoke grenades.

Yeah fuck this.

Ark ran into the nightclub, shoving aside the Nikto bouncer and taking the stairs down to the dance floor three at a time. He reached the bottom and starting pushing his way through the mass of bodies. The smell of sweat and pheromones hung heavy in the air. The people on the floor kept dancing, half-deaf, oblivious to the outside world as the intense bass of elecronic music drowned out everything else.


Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

The Mandalorian followed the movements of the half-Zeltron, frantic as he fled from one skirmish and into the next, then into the bowels of another venue that was too oblivious to notice the commotion outside; the sound of the music within thrummed out into the streets, soon to find unwelcome visitors their Nikto bouncer was unable to deter. It seemed as if near all of Nar Shaddaa had been on this hunt, several lone men after the one man. It ensured added difficulties, he mentioned to none other than himself, but this was a situation all too similar to Carida - the Mandalorian found success there, there was no reason for the odds to not be in his favour now.

Yet, if said odds could be twisted towards himself even more...

He shifted his attention to the thud crashed beside him, the massive form of Ghorua encased in armour. His mood was one most sour, no hint of amusement was found in the remark tossed towards himself from the Shark, but the T-visor settled on him nonetheless.

"It's a mess down there," his helmeted head nodded towards the streets beneath them as he rose from his knee, "Better chances if the two of us become a team for this one. I'm not about to let some amatuer steal Zambrano because someone has a score to settle."

Fett took a moment to consider if that score was himself, and the one that intended to settle it was the Shark. If not him, then countless others. He had an abundance of enemies, to be sure, and even as the offer of an alliance had been made he readied his arsenal. Ghorua was a tank, either with the armour or not. He had no intention to find out how much of one should it come to it.

"Half of this reward is better than none of it."


Nash Darklighter


The flashbang gave Nash the opening he needed, or at least the possibility of it. A hunt like this had no certainties whatsoever. While the many brawlers recovered and Nash remained tucked in his side alley hideaway, he peered out to see that a few of the seemingly more experience hunters had escaped. He scanned the streets through the smokey haze, noticing the Nikto bouncer having been thrown to the curb, which no doubt meant their quarry was trying to take them for a little dance.

The street where the bounty hunters had been tripping over themselves was a mess, one Nash wasn't going to charge into now. Clubs always had some kind of back entrance for staff, dancers, drugs, and the like. Muscling in there wouldn't be easy, but nor was joining the head on assault that was probably about to occur.

Nash circled the block to find much as he expected... a door. The door was at the bottom of a small flight off stairs descending from the alley. Guarding the entrance was another lone Nikto, dressed in the same uniform as the bouncer, carrying a blaster rifle loosely in his tired hands. He leaned up against the wall beside the door with a dejected look.

Nash called down to him, "Havin' a good night?"

The guard snapped to in fright, like the last thing he'd expected was to see another soul in this dank back alley. He levelled his gun at the silhouette on the street above him, and Nash put up his hands.

"Now now, friend, ain't no need for that."

"Whaddya want, vagrant?!" The Nikto yelled.

"Vagrant? No sir, Ima professional. A bounty hunter, and well you see: I'm on a mission."

"Ain't no mission back here mister, now scram." The tone in the Nikto's voice carried little authority, rife with fear. Perhaps he was new, or maybe Nash had just really caught him off guard.

"This establishment is harboring one of the galaxy's most wanted men, and believe me when I say the $%!# is mere inches from the fan buddy. For your own safety you should hit the road."

"Listen pal this place pays well, I ain't got the creds to be hittin' the road."

"You got two good legs, ain't ya? This place ain't gonna be around much longer to pay you anyway."

The Nikto remained quiet. The single red violet light above the door illuminated a look on his face that said he had no idea what was about to happen, and he was scared.

"Look here," Nash pulled his holocomm from his pocket and opened the bounty, displaying a holographic bust of the Zambrano lad. "this ain't just any bounty. It's a Sith Lord."

"A... a Sith Lord, really? In here?" the guard asked meekly.

"The bounty doesn't lie."

They both knew that was true. The guard paused for a few seconds, weighing his options. Without a word, he opened the door and let loose the thumping bass from inside, then mounted the stairs and rushed past Nash into the night. Nash made his way down, quite happy to have not needed to draw his guns on the poor fool.

Nash made his way through the empty, dimly lit backrooms towards the main area. He wasn't dressed for the occasion. His loose fitting clothes evoked manual labour on a moisture farm, and they covered entirely too much of his body to be appropriate for such a place. Yet, given the heavily armed Herglic outside, he didn't worry too much about keeping appearances.

The dance floors were filled to the brim, which presented the hunters with an opportunity and a challenge. The mark's movement would be restricted surely, but to find him among the mass of sweaty bodies would require keener senses than Nash possessed. Maybe the others would do better on that front. Above all else, Arkaitz was a Zeltron... and there was no place better suited than a party for a Zeltron to thrive.

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