The flashbang gave Nash the opening he needed, or at least the possibility of it. A hunt like this had no certainties whatsoever. While the many brawlers recovered and Nash remained tucked in his side alley hideaway, he peered out to see that a few of the seemingly more experience hunters had escaped. He scanned the streets through the smokey haze, noticing the Nikto bouncer having been thrown to the curb, which no doubt meant their quarry was trying to take them for a little dance.
The street where the bounty hunters had been tripping over themselves was a mess, one Nash wasn't going to charge into now. Clubs always had some kind of back entrance for staff, dancers, drugs, and the like. Muscling in there wouldn't be easy, but nor was joining the head on assault that was probably about to occur.
Nash circled the block to find much as he expected... a door. The door was at the bottom of a small flight off stairs descending from the alley. Guarding the entrance was another lone Nikto, dressed in the same uniform as the bouncer, carrying a blaster rifle loosely in his tired hands. He leaned up against the wall beside the door with a dejected look.
Nash called down to him,
"Havin' a good night?"
The guard snapped to in fright, like the last thing he'd expected was to see another soul in this dank back alley. He levelled his gun at the silhouette on the street above him, and Nash put up his hands.
"Now now, friend, ain't no need for that."
"Whaddya want, vagrant?!" The Nikto yelled.
"Vagrant? No sir, Ima professional. A bounty hunter, and well you see: I'm on a mission."
"Ain't no mission back here mister, now scram." The tone in the Nikto's voice carried little authority, rife with fear. Perhaps he was new, or maybe Nash had just really caught him off guard.
"This establishment is harboring one of the galaxy's most wanted men, and believe me when I say the $%!# is mere inches from the fan buddy. For your own safety you should hit the road."
"Listen pal this place pays well, I ain't got the creds to be hittin' the road."
"You got two good legs, ain't ya? This place ain't gonna be around much longer to pay you anyway."
The Nikto remained quiet. The single red violet light above the door illuminated a look on his face that said he had no idea what was about to happen, and he was scared.
"Look here," Nash pulled his holocomm from his pocket and opened the bounty, displaying a holographic bust of the Zambrano lad.
"this ain't just any bounty. It's a Sith Lord."
"A... a Sith Lord, really? In here?" the guard asked meekly.
"The bounty doesn't lie."
They both knew that was true. The guard paused for a few seconds, weighing his options. Without a word, he opened the door and let loose the thumping bass from inside, then mounted the stairs and rushed past Nash into the night. Nash made his way down, quite happy to have not needed to draw his guns on the poor fool.
Nash made his way through the empty, dimly lit backrooms towards the main area. He wasn't dressed for the occasion. His loose fitting clothes evoked manual labour on a moisture farm, and they covered entirely too much of his body to be appropriate for such a place. Yet, given the heavily armed Herglic outside, he didn't worry too much about keeping appearances.
The dance floors were filled to the brim, which presented the hunters with an opportunity and a challenge. The mark's movement would be restricted surely, but to find him among the mass of sweaty bodies would require keener senses than Nash possessed. Maybe the others would do better on that front. Above all else, Arkaitz was a Zeltron... and there was no place better suited than a party for a Zeltron to thrive.