Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boost Reap the Whirlwind (GALACTIC BOUNTY HUNT: GA, NIO, SO, BOTM, HSC, SW, ME, AC, and all others)

Tags: @Yakety Sax

Ghorua squeezed the handle of the Firaxa, peering at Koda Fett Koda Fett with cautious eyes. The large hunter knew what he had done wrong last time they'd faced off. He'd added some tech to deal with the Mandalorian, should they meet again. Could he get to it in time?

But, as always, Fett surprised him. This time, with the offer of an alliance.

Of course, the Shark was skeptical. According to everything the Herglic knew about his many run-ins with the Number One, he was a loner. The fact that he was asking to team up was surprising. And all it took was one of the most accomplished Jedi in the galaxy and an army of the Nar Shaddaa's nastiest killers.

"Deal," he rumbled, relaxing his hand on the cannon.

"Don't make me regret this," Ghorua began, his jolly clip from before honing into a sharp, dangerous edge. But he left it at that, unsure what good a serious threat would do.

The hunters ran along the roof, following the action below, watching on as Xun of Throne Xun of Throne ducked into a nightclub, hunters hot on his tail. From their vantage on the roof, Ghorua commanded two of his probe droids in after the fleeing Zambrano, as the other two circled the building, covering exits.

"I've got eyes on the doors," the Shark barked quickly, video feeds erupting at the edges of his vision. "Flush him out or let the others, your call!"

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Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Bounty Hunt

Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: Marketplace
Ambience: Marketplace ambience
Clothes: red poncho and some clothes under it(no helmet)
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

"Whoa...this is so cool mate" Takumi replied to an old trader, in one of the many trading shops, that gattered around in the market area on Nar Shaddaa. Takumi was wearing an old phase 2 clone trooper armor, the old man had in store, and Takumi was trying the armor on. Quite surprising for him, the armor actually fitted very well. While he was looking at himself, the old man was telling Takumi many stories about the Clone Wars, just to make Takumi more amazed about the armor, since he saw the interest on Takumi's side. For some time, Takumi forgot about his surroundings and about Cyran who tagged along on the shopping trip. He was just too amazed about the armor, but after he was done, he looked at the old man. "How much?" Takumi asked nicely. The old man was smiling brightly as he gave Takumi a too expensive number. He was shocked. "No way. I mean there's always a way down. C'mon man, this isn't worth THAT much. It's an old armor" Takumi played it down. He wasn't experienced with trading and therefore making the right prices, but he knew, the armor was too expensive. So Takumi and the old man got into a heated argument trying to find a common base for a price. Luckily, Takumi managed to lower the price after some time, but he got interrupted by Cyran. They had to leave, right now. Of course, Takumi was Cyran's apprentice, and therefore, what Cyran said was to be followed. So in a matter of seconds, he took off the helmet he just wore and left all the other parts there too. "I'll be back for it, please don't sell it" he asked the old man, and quickly changed back into his clothes, with the red poncho. He also took all his weapons and safely concealed those, who had holsters. The only exception here was his EE-3 Blaster carabine, which he bought a while back while being on solo hunts, without Cyran. With him being all geared up again, he run towards Cyran, because he thought it was important. "What's wrong Cyran?" he asked him quite curious as to what made Cyran decide, that the shopping trip was over.


TAG: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Nash Darklighter | @Others

The flashbang was a success! It was the distraction that the Ubese needed. He, like a few others, took notice of the former Imperial Prince's dashing into the nightclub. The hunter assessed the situation carefully. Nearly every other hunter was going to foolishly try to get in through the front entrance. That came with its own set of problems. The bouncer, the other patrons waiting in line. Plus, his prey was acutely aware of being hunted now. The turf war he just escaped was more than a clue. No, Faroussh would be taking a different approach.

The nomadic hunter took to the side of the nightclub's exterior, his visor stoically staring near the building's rooftop. He stopped, finding what he needed: a hook on the ledge. He also noticed something that wounded his pride as a hunter. A swarm of probe droids skulking about the airspace above the club. He knew some other bounty hunter must have deployed them. To the Ubese, it was a matter of principle, as he saw it as not as sporting. Snares and traps to beguile one's prey? Fine. But to stoop to laziness where one lets droids stalk for them? He could not let that stand.

He raised his wrist, a whipcord firing from his vambrace and catching on the hook. He used the retraction of the cord to launch himself up into the air. While airborne, Faroussh snagged one of the probe droid, throwing it down on the roof's ground as he landed. It was forceful enough to break the machine's repulsors, but not enough to stop it from transmitting back to its source. The Ubese squatted down so that his helmet was in view of the transmitter camera.

"You want to hunt this prey?" Came his raspy, helmet-modulated voice, "Earn it like a true hunter, and don't rely on the eyes of droids."

With that, he stood, pulling the Glie-44 from his hip holster, and shooting the rest of the droid. With that, he holstered his pistol and retrieved his axe-staff as he moved towards the entrance from the roof to the innards of the nightclub. He suspected retaliation would be coming quite soon.


Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Nar Shadaa
Objective: Run into a Zambrano, do some blasting, maybe collect a bounty or maybe stop people from collecting.

She watched as Arkaitz' attention was directed her way, and then a moment of realization in the expression that crossed his face before he darted into the club, her groaning slightly as she knew exactly what was happening there because SHE had once left Kaine's service through whatever means possible.

The man didn't want to go back to Kaine.

And she honestly could not blame him but that wasn't her intention making her shake her head and reach out with her hand. Pulling the spear back to her hand once it had been thrown away by Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , she would focus back on the club and where Arkaitz had gone.

She sighed, her the man's actions leaving her clearly agitated as she walked towards the club too, just giving Nash Darklighter and the bouncer a smile as she approached. Her eyes remained clouded and dull in their light, still blind to the world physically and her mood very much darker as she now had to follow and track down this damned kid.

She watched Dash enter the establishment before she could, groaning further internally and just waving her hand, the force throwing to the side the bouncer before doing the same with the door to the establishment. She smirked as she came up behind Dash Darklighter, stepping to his side and flashing him a quick smile again before reaching down and removing a small blaster. Pointing it up, she let loose a few shots from the weapon, not even hesitating and causing mass chaos in the area.

"Apologies, got to keep that kid safe. I owe his father a little something." With that she dropped the blaster humming at the chaos, her body moving to avoid anyone rushing to get out and to clean out the location. As blind as she looked, her movements did not suggest that, infact the moved through the crowd rather easily, her hands behind her head with the spear having been reduced to its smaller size and strapped to her side. Her sabers remained out of sight so far, letting her relax for the moment.

She wouldnt have that much trouble following the trail that Xun of Throne Xun of Throne left in the force, she knew the feeling of people like him quite well, making her following him to be quite simple. She would give a glance to Dash again, curious if the man was going to get involved in this still or if he would be off on his own, her grey and clouded eyes turned right towards him.

(Others watching the Nightclub/in it - Koda Fett Koda Fett Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark )
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The Dark Mirror observed Arkaitz cut through the tether of the bola wrapped around his legs, quickly avoiding another hunter and rushing into a nearby club. Others would assuredly follow, some might be even so brash as to force their entry through the front. He had other ideas, he'd jump down and cut his way in through a wall before slipping inside. That was how he had been taught by his Father, to burrow his way into the establishments of the enemy and destroy them from within. That was how the Sith corrupted everything in the galaxy.

But before he could carry out his plan, his attention was drawn elsewhere as a familiar sensation tickled the hairs at the back of his neck. As he turned to look, Valery Noble landed a short distance away with all of her attention fixed upon him. The mere sight of her was enough to renew the confusingly mixed feelings of anger, desire, and jealousy that had festered within him ever since their last confrontation on Ossus.

"Must you vex me so?" growled the Dark Mirror, his lightsaber igniting as the hilt slid into his hand. Though the blade burned a bright red, the hilt would've been immediately recognizable. It was the very same one that she had lost to her tormentor on Janara III. Its crystal had been bled through the power of the Dark Side, and now it was in the hands of the one that shared her husband's face. A face that was contorted in rage at this very moment, golden eyes shimmering with hate.

"You have meddled in our affairs for the last time, Jedi. I will see my brother die before he falls into your hands." The Dark Mirror tore a large segment of structural siding from a nearby building and hurled it Valery's way, quickly jumping down to land near the club's outer wall and plunging his blade into the ferrocrete. He spun the blade to create an appropriately sized circle, and pushed it through with the Force. The Dark Mirror then disappeared through that hole, the scarlet glow of his blade disappearing as he deactivated the weapon once inside.

The hunt was renewed.


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
"Must you vex me so?"
"I'm quite a persistent woman when I set my mind to something," Valery said as her eyes narrowed at the man, but her expression shifted into something akin to a smirk, "As my husband knows all too well." A comment like that was probably going to frustrate the clone even more, but that was exactly what she wanted. Many Sith or Dark Siders used their emotions to fuel their strength and desire to fight, but it could also blind them if they pushed it too far.
Or perhaps it was just too amusing to her not to jab at the Sith who had caused her so many problems.
The man then finally drew his weapon and her gaze turned cold again instantly — she recognized the weapon he used and when the crimson blade ignited, she could faintly feel a distant echo in the Force. He had bled the crystal that was once bonded to her but taken by Carnifex during her time in captivity.
"You're going to fail again, as you always do."
Valery raised the violet blade of her lightsaber up but he decided against engaging her up-close and channeled his rage into the Force to throw a pile of debris and rubble from a nearby building towards her. With an extended hand, Valery caught the incoming stone and metal but unlike the Sith, she wasn't going to wildly throw it around. And in the time she took to set it down safely, he disappeared into the nightclub to hunt down Xun of Throne Xun of Throne .
With a great leap, she jumped after him and made her way through the hole he had cut into the building, her weapon drawn in case any threat was waiting for her. She was a step behind now, but as long as Ark could keep himself alive long enough, she'd be there to help him against this new problem.


Assassin's Armour, Pins, Snek, Blaster, vibroblade, smoke grenade.
Xun of Throne Xun of Throne Valery Noble Valery Noble Koda Fett Koda Fett Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark
Khama Fett Khama Fett Kaahlil Kaahlil Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Nash Darklighter

Flash - bang - smoke curling through the air.
Hunters jumped, flew, climbed, and carved their way in tenacious pursuit of Nar Shaddaa's favourite prey of the night.

Darth Ophidia's helmet took the brunt of the flashbang, but her visor would take time to return to its normal hue, and the audio protector on her left side was shot and needed replacing. Smoke was simultaneously more and less of an issue; the unnatural senses she cultivated through her study of the Force helped her navigate through the thick cloud, but the vortexes created by her movement compromised the efficacy of her cloaking device. Then again, anyone stuck in the cloud with her would be equally blind.

Sticking to the wall to mitigate the problem of the smoke vortexes, the Pale Assassin just caught the sound of Arkaitz pushing the bouncers aside, and she could see how the other hunters honed in on the night club. She could follow, of course. It would only make sense. He would either be flushed out, or he would be trapped like a rat in an inescapable cellar

Never escape to a cellar unless you know a secret way out.

Rather than follow, she knelt down and closed her eyes. Her hands hovered just above the litter-stained ground as she took a moment to sense her surroundings. She felt the many presences, from the armoured shark, to the Jedi and the Dark Mirror, to the smallest vermin hiding in the dirt. She sensed the space below, the cellar pulsing with music and surface thoughts.

Around it, rooms, cubicles, corridors. Walls: Thick and doors sturdy to carry the weight of the city above. Except -The sith took two steps forward and made herself narrow as a nail. She tilted her head back and allowed herself to fall. The world turned and the ground leapt up to catch her, but she denied it. Instead, she passed through the earth and fell.

It was dark in the storage room. Her feet touched down on a large crate with nigh a sound. She swung herself down quietly and inspected the surroundings. She took a moment to catch her breath, feeling her age after the taxing effort of phasing.

But, she was close - She could feel him.


Nash Darklighter

Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Amun Amun | 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) | Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Shai the Jaded Shai the Jaded

The general sense of drug-induced euphoria in the club made it simple for Nash to slide his way through the crowd. The out of place cowboy was to the dancers nothing more than a hallucination of their expanded consciousness, or at the least he was looked upon as just another freak looking for a good time. They did not judge in either case, too enraptured by the chemicals holding their withering bodies in blissful ignorance.

Nash shouldered his way through the crowd towards the bar, where a man of his demeanor could observe the floor without having to dance. His eyes took on a hawkish disposition, on guard for the target or the other hunters. Through the clinging smoke, distorting lights, and the constant shift of people it was hard to get a bearing. As he parted the sea of clubbers his head spun back and forth trying to get a desperate lock on anyone worth while, but it was pointless given how far behind in the chase he was. He'd hardly got a eye for the opposition outside with all the chaos and the flashbang.

With the bar in sight, he felt a body push up against his, not in the way that many a dancer had before but like someone moving through the crowd same as him. He turned to look, seeing a woman. She smiled straight at him, and judging by her armour she wasn't looking to be taken to the dancefloor. Before Nash could move away, the woman pulled a gun and fired a warning shot. The crowd of dancers immediately adjacent to the pair dispersed in fear, but their cries weren't heard over the blasting music. Instead, the kinetic wave of people pushing over one another to leave vicinity of the gunshot brought chaos inside the club. Every available bouncer had their attention on the dancefloor now, where Nash stood alone. The woman had lept off back into the crowd. She'd said something to him, but in the noise all he could reply was "What in the hell?"

Nash broke into a sprint and frantically pushed his way through the crowd of people now having a collective very bad experience. He only had a few feet in advance of the bouncers now chasing him down the stairs to the club's lower level. Whatever that woman had hoped to achieve by stirring the pot, she'd definitely put on a show. Yet, the DJ droid kept laying down the beats, the music still pulsed. Daring patrons took back the dancefloor and stunned drinkers returned to sipping in their shadowed seats.

Just another day on Nar Shaddaa... Nash wondered if these folks knew exactly what they were in the middle of.

Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Amun Amun | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki | Nash Darklighter | Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor

Bathed in the countless neon shades of Nar Shaddaa, the Mandalorian had entered a sudden and silent freefall. It was as if his armoured frame was made from the heaviest of all stones in how soon he descended towards the surface, the crowds stretched out onto the duracrete streets had envisioned a much easier time to bear than all that was to come; soon allowed a wide berth for Fett as he motioned towards the entrance, even the Nikto at the mouth of the club dared not to intervene in his affairs - whatever it was his affairs were, that is, neither had he been interested in a demand of them.

"Just make sure the exits are covered," his voice arrived in the comms of the Shark as he crossed the threshold, "I can flush them out, the crowds too."

It was a mess on the streets, even more so on the inside. Series of small skirmishes scattered themselves about, albeit in the dim corners for others to have no attention set on them. Far easier should these crowds vanish, he mused, and thusly raised a vambrace covered arm towards the roof - but one fast command was all that was needed to shoot fire from his wrist, the thunderous roar startled the patrons less than the bright flames that spewed out across the room. If someone else was burned, oh well, but so be it.

He was a cruel man by nature.

If the crowds had not scattered beforehand, they ran for their lives now as the fire continued. In due time, it was no doubt to be an entirely vacant structure as the absence of the guests had been able to shine a light on the other small battles that took place inside between hunters, even Jedi and Sith.

"He's either inside or with the crowds, monitor them now. Nowhere left to hide."
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Location: Nar Shaddaa
Allies: ???
Target(s): Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Khama Fett Khama Fett

Not a direct hit, but a hit all the same. Right on the arm, though whether it was bruised or numbed was remain to be seen. All he did was duck for cover as the Bounty Hunter returned fire, didn’t need acute reflexes to react to Geller’s retaliation. Duck for cover and find a new position, making sure to monitor whether or not the bounty was captured and if Geller lurked about.

Seemed like it was still open as there was no confirmation the Shark and the Mandalorian captured their prey, seeing their silhouettes on a rooftop without a body in their grasp to deliver. Unsettling for Bounty Hunters to fight over a corpse to show as proof to their client.

Time to get on the move.

Following the two technological Bounty Hunters would lead him to the Zambrano. The prey did not put a great distance between himself and his hunters it seemed. Looked to be some nightclub the Zambrano retreated to, finding haven in a crowd full of patrons with only having a calling to their vices. If the lad thought hiding behind bystanders would stop a relentless bounty hunter, he was wrong.

The Kyuzo followed and ran across rooftops, reaching the nightclub while keeping his distance from his competitors. The boy would not last long within, his only chances were to keep running. It was a matter of time until he would escape from the nightclub through its many entry points.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Allies: Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki
Tags: Amun Amun | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Khama Fett Khama Fett | (And probably some others I missed :D)


Cyran knew all too well how the situation must be going now, even without even being present with the target. With such a high priority target and in such a public job Cyran could see things turning into a full blown conflict on nar shaddaa as bounty hunters of all ranks. From the most prestigious to the most lowly and desperate to clash openly in the streets of this planet. Scum and villainy crawling out of every nook and cranny to make it big with a single bounty.

Those responsible for placing the bounty likely knew this, and didn’t care about how recklessly they were playing with the lives of many people. It truly made Cyran wonder if partaking in this was even worth it. He stopped in tracks outside and thought about what he could be doing. Sometimes being a bounty hunter with a conscience has it’s pros and cons. He found himself almost becoming swept up in the hunt. 50-60 thousand credits was nothing to scoff at. But what would partaking in this job cost him, and even Takumi?

Now Cyran was second guessing this whole deal. Whatever might happen, would he in some way not be guilty himself for engaging in such a hunt? Surely people were going to get hurt with this bounty. Perhaps by stepping back and not taking part in it could he, in some minor and invisible way, not encourage such a reckless job. Not to mention, the likely danger to himself, and even worse his apprentice.

‘No bounty is worth dying for’ is literally the number one rule of The Bounty Hunter’s Creed. And following the creed, Cyran believed it made him a better bounty hunter. Maybe not the best or the greatest, but one that was good.

After giving it some thought he noticed Takumi had caught up with him now on the street. Looking back at his apprentice Cyran took off his helmet, looking a little concerned, and like he’d made a mistake. “There’s a high profile bounty planet here on Nar Shaddaa. Tens of thousands of credit, real high end gig ya know? I had thought if we rushed ourselves we could take it on together.” He looked away for a moment, still in a rather contemplative mood. “But now I’m starting to think that’s not the best idea. Even if I could do it solo I don’t think it would go well.” Then Cyran looked back with a slight smirk. “Plus, I would be a pretty lousy mentor if I could only continue your training from a bacta tank.”

He hoped that Takumi understood where he was coming from, and the gravity he was giving the situation that this was this was pretty serious. Wondering if Takumi would try and convince him if they should pursue this job. But by now Cyran was pretty dead set on avoiding the situation. Perhaps this could just be another teaching moment for his promising apprentice. That sometimes a job just isn’t worth it no matter how well it pays. He also felt bad that he may have gotten Takumi excited for nothing now.

Inside the Nightclub…
Kaahlil Kaahlil l Valery Noble Valery Noble | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Nash Darklighter | Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Amun Amun
5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) | Shai the Jaded Shai the Jaded

The thud of the music droned out everything else, an erratic beat that he could feel in his chest as the bass blared. Arkaitz frantically shoved his way through the sweaty mass of bodies, constantly looking over his shoulder.

The sound of a blaster discharge caused people to scatter momentarily, Arkaitz looked around but couldn’t tell where it had come from, but even as he looked he saw a mandalorian in full armor shove his way into the crowd, hold up an arm, and unleash a torrent of fire into the ceiling. The structure went up in flames that began to crawl across the ceiling like the red-orange tendrils of a spider’s web, casting a harsh glow on those below.

People start screaming and there was a stampede for the doors. Arkaitz ran with them. If he didn’t he’d be left behind and isolated. Reaching out with the Force, he shoved on a strut holding up part of the ceiling, trying to cave the flaming roof in on top of the Mandalorian.

Then the tide of bodies dragged Arkaitz along with them. He nearly fell as everyone pressed shoulder to shoulder, squeezing tight as they could through one of the exits. Someone in front of him did fall, going under like a drowning man beneath a wave. Arkaitz didn’t see them get up but he felt them beneath his boot as he pressed forward.

Heart racing wildly in his chest, Arkaitz fought through the crowd, shoving and elbowing until he made it out into the street on the opposite side of the nightclub from where he had originally entered. The people were spilling out all around him, scared and crying, some still screaming.

He didn’t have time to help them. He couldn’t help. It would just make things worse.

Ark sprinted down the street, heading for a row of speeders parked nearby.

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Bounty Hunt

Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: Marketplace
Ambience: Marketplace ambience
Clothes: red poncho and some clothes under it(no helmet)
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

Takumi looked at Cyran with a confused face. "Did somebody steal your balls, mate?" he replied with a grin on his face. "I mean your ass ain't solo no more. You got me Cyran. We can take this bounty together, I'm sure" He was quite surprised by Cyrans sudden change of heart. He witnessed Takumi taking on some bounties alone, with no problem, always coming back victorious. Little did he know though, that at some bounties he asked for help, but nonetheless, he got the bounties. But anyhow, Takumi looked at him with a slightly disappointed face now. "Is it....Is it because you think, I'm not good enough?" he asked. Takumi thought, he had shown Cyran a lot of his potential, but maybe he was overthinking the whole thing. To be fair, it did sound, as Takumi would only hold him back, but maybe he was misinterpreting it a little.

Takumi sighed. "It's your call Cyran, but I'm pretty sure we could get it" He looked down on the ground. His thoughts were all over due to his overthinking and slight misinterpretation of Cyrans words. "But hey, on the other side seeing you getting beaten up by someone else other than me, would be quite the variety" he added with a quick chuckle, to cover his disappointment in thinking, that Cyran thinks he's still not ready. To give the situation a more comedic atmosphere, so that nothing would indicate Takumis negative emotions, he punched Cyrans shoulder gently with his fist.


Tags: @The Baker's Dozen

The Shark watched on as Koda Fett Koda Fett dropped from their roof, while drones Two and Four watched Xun of Throne Xun of Throne . The target was pushing through the nightclub, just ahead of his pursuers. Ghorua frowned; the collateral could get bad.

Ghorua was distracted by a tinny squeal of alarm. One of the small probes was pounced upon, and pulled from the sky by Khama Fett Khama Fett . The Shark watched on with an annoyed grimace as the Ubese delivered his message, and put the robot out of it's misery.

That was One.

Ghorua shoved the display from his mind, fighting the urge to jump this upstart, and show him the same courtesy as he showed Ghorua's droid.

Maybe if he got the chance later. But for now, eyes had to be on the prize.

Very quickly, the nightclub was set aflame. Ghorua watched on as Nar Shaddaa denizens streamed from every exit, trampling each other to escape. His three remaining probes, now wary of the hunter with a vendetta against them, scanned the flood of bodies, looking for one in particular.

"Got 'im," Ghorua snarled into the comms, prepping his jump pack once more. "Back entrance, headed for speeders!"

The Shark took a few steps back from the edge of the building he was perched upon. Running forward, Ghorua's beskar-tipped boot cracked the duracrete below him as the hunter pushed off the ledge. He soared into the air once more, jet exhausts spewing flames to keep him aloft.

While midair, the Shark raised his blaster cannon at the fleeing Zeltron, and pressed the trigger. A stream of stun blasts rained from the sky. each one impacting with a small blue explosion. None of them were entirely accurate, due to his flight, but there were a great many of them, each with a wide dispersal blast radius.

Ghorua hit the ground, rolled on his shoulder, and came up quickly, Firaxa raised. He wasn't far from the Zambrano now.

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Location: Nar Shaddaa
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Having made it into the nightclub, Valery looked around and followed her senses to find the Zambrano she was looking for. But long before she could make a move towards him, chaos followed into the club as well — people were running, screaming or getting trampled, and Ark made a quick run for the exit.
As he did, however, Valery felt danger echo through the Force. Not because something was about to strike her, but because he was about to get ambushed, and likely needed to help.
So without any thought about the potential threats that still lingered nearby, she accelerated through the Force and extended a hand, channeling her energy to form a Protective Barrier around the Zeltron. Then from above, a massive volley of stun rounds began to rain down on him, some missing completely but others were destined to impact the barrier. Luckily, they had far less energy to them than standard blaster bolts, so hopefully, her shielding technique would hold.
<Telepathy> "Keep moving, don't stop."
The things she did to help Zambranos who weren't beyond redemption...


Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Valery Noble Valery Noble | +Everyone

Fire reached out across all the interior surfaces, latched onto them as if made from hot tendrils that carried a sickness hellbent on one final victim. It forced the crowds to flee, forced both their cries and frantic movements to shift them as far from all the flames that stretched out across the inside as their feet could allow for them. It even caused the cracks in the club to show, as well as be heard. Before Fett had seen the shattered beam cause the crash of the roof, he heard it; the T-visor swivelled towards it in a flash and a swift rolled that followed allowed for the Mandalorian to avoid a most brutal death, one he often afforded to others.

If stuck beneath a beam in a fire, his armour was no doubt to ensure his survival for a time until it boiled him alive on the inside.

Ghorua sounded off in the helmet, and so the Bounty Hunter rushed towards the rear exit. It was the mass of bodies that slowed him for a second, if not a second more, until he came onto the streets. He saw the Zeltron flee, but rather than fire on him had turned to face the rear exit first and launched a wrist-mounted missile towards the mouth of it. It crumbled, the debris to either make one unable to leave from that exit and need to turn back to the front, or to make it rather difficult to traverse.

Nonetheless, it afforded him and Ghorua more time.

Fett rocketed himself into the air, but it was a more lethal move on the Zamrabno than all that the Shark had offered him. His Mandalorian vambrance had been extended once more, another missile to soar from it but aimed for the duracrete that Arkaitz ran across in an effort to throw him from his feet.

From the corner of his vision, he noted the Jedi.

That made things much more difficult.

The Dark Mirror stood anchored amidst the sea of men and women scrambling for safety, yearning for succor. All the noise was but a fading echo as he scanned the crowd, golden eyes peering far to see where his quarry had gone to. There was so much chaos and confusion, everything had been thrown into madness as more and more hunters converged on their location; the reward placed upon his brother's head far too tantalizing to ignore. But nothing would impede his mission, not when the Father was watching over him.


He could see his brother in the distance, carried by the momentum of the crowd away from the nightclub. And there was the Jedi, Valery Noble, moving to protect him from the hunters. The mere sight of her lit a fire in his chest, conflicting emotions raging as his vision narrowed, and his breathing became shallower. How dare she come here, show her face again after what she had done. Father should have gutted her on Janara III, but the Dark Mirror did not dare question the Father's ways; he only sought to understand. His fingers curled tightly around the hilt of his lightsaber, the one taken from Valery and given to him as a token of the Father's favor.

In a moment of rage, he wrenched his arm back and threw his lightsaber, the blade igniting shortly after leaving his hand. The swirling buzzsaw of scarlet hate scythed through the teeming crowd before him, cutting down dozens in an unimpeded advance towards where Valery and his brother were. At the last moment, the lightsaber rebounded from hitting its mark, whether by Valery's efforts to shield herself and Arkaitz or through another means. The Dark Mirror did not care which was true, he was already moving and calling the blade back to his outstretched hand.

Calling upon the power of the Dark Side, he lunged up into the air. He pooled power into his left hand, unburdened by any weapon, and slammed it down into the ferrocrete as he landed. The ground buckled like ripples on a pond from a stone, sparks of bright electricity snapping from between the cracks as the wave cascaded out from where the Dark Mirror crouched. It demolished building fronts and threatened to overwhelm those nearby, many bystanders having already been crushed by the upturned debris.

"It is not too late," cried the Dark Mirror's voice above the carnage, "He will forgive you!"


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tags: Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki
Some bitchin' tunes:


At first Cyran could only let out a rather annoyed sigh, both at himself and from Takumi’s response. He felt like he needed to counter with a further explanation for his reasoning. “It’s not about the bounty, it’s about the other hunters. One’s that are like, not as professional as we are. Too ruthless and have no interest in cooperation.” Cyran explained to him. Sometimes the greatest threat to a bounty hunter isn’t the target but instead other more “mercenary” hunters.

He then shook his head at what Takumi said about Cyran thinking he wasn’t good enough, even together. “Listen it’s not like that, I know you’re capable, and very promising. But sometimes the stars just are too misaligned to take on a job like this. Maybe if it wasn’t here on Nar Shaddaa I wouldn’t be having this conversation.” Perhaps this was just another lesson that Takumi could learn from. Similarly to how he taught Takumi to look at combat in a different way from what he was used to.

Giving a slight smirk to his apprentice's last comment he gave a slight smirk. However, he instantly picked up on the disappointment that Takumi was trying to mask. Perhaps his student just forgot who, and what they were talking about. Could hide much emotionally from zeltrons, some of the greatest empaths in the galaxy. By now in some ways Cyran was starting to feel like some sort of big brother trying to look after their sibling. In an attempt to try and reassure Takumi and not negatively overthink this, Cyran put a firm hand on Takumi’s shoulder and spoke. “I’m sorry if i disappointed you, or got you excited for a big score just to pull the rug out from under. Trust me when I said you're turning into a very promising bounty hunter. Far better than I was when I was at your stage. But sometimes folks like us need to know when to turn down a job, okay?” All the while telepathically projecting his emotional sincerity to Takumi.

After that Cyran removed his hand from his shoulder and began to walk back to the store they were just at. As he did he checked his datapad. Reading about how the bounty has increased by several tens of thousands of credits. It was tough to walk away from that kind of money. But it also confirmed that it would likely draw every kind of cut throat out to scrape and claw their way to capturing this bounty. Cyran looked back to Takumi and spoke to them. “Hey, let’s get you that clone armor, you looked pretty snazzy in that old suit.” He wasn’t lying when he said that Takumi was doing better now than Cyran was when he was still new to the job. Probably even less reckless too, knowing fully well in hindsight that cosplaying himself as a mandalorian was a bad idea. But he knew that he probably wouldn’t be taken as seriously as a mentor if he just went along now with Takumi to take on this bounty. Knowing that he kinda needed to put his foot down. Even if his student wasn’t going to like it.

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Bounty Hunt

Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: Marketplace
Ambience: Marketplace ambience
Clothes: red poncho and some clothes under it(no helmet)
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

Takumi listened to Cyran and nodded slowly while looking at Cyran. "Right...The Guild rules...." he replied more quietly as if it was a loud spoken thought of his. He did forget the rule. The reason for that was probably, that Takumi didn't want to care for them. If it weren't for Cyran, he wouldn't even follow them. But yet he did, because Cyran knew better, or at least Takumi trusted Cyran's words and therefore thought, he knew better. So it was safe to say, that Takumi would be one of those ruthless hunters, Cyran was talking about.

Cyran's words to lift his spirit up, did work though, as he was relieved, that it wasn't because Cyran thought he wasn't good. He himself worked his ass off, to become better. Since they both met on the very same planet, they are on right now, he tried to work on himself, especially on his fighting skills and he thought, he made some good progress. "I understand" he replied shortly to Cyran and turned around as well, to follow him back to the store. With a grin on his face he walked next to Cyran. "You think? I mean, probably looks heroic to the ladies when I arrive to save them in that armor" he jokingly commented. Arriving there, Takumi went back to the store owner. "So about that Armor...It's still overpriced, sir" He began to talk.


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