Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boost Reap the Whirlwind (GALACTIC BOUNTY HUNT: GA, NIO, SO, BOTM, HSC, SW, ME, AC, and all others)

Nash Darklighter

As Nash bounded down the stairs, from above and behind him a mighty crash rung out and within seconds the clubs fire-prevention systems rained cool water all over the patrons. Nash froze in the middle of the stairs as he saw the huge wave of fleeing clubbers rushing up to the exits. He pivoted on his heel to look at the guards, stunned like him. They weighed their options, and booked it with the rest of the crowd. Nash tried to force himself up the stairs, only to slip on the veneer of water upon them. As Nash went down, the crowd overtook him. Frantic bootsteps crushed down upon his limbs, and wayward kicks found themselves striking his ribcage.

Nash reached for the handrailing above him and pulled himself painfully up, pushing away fleeing patrons as they barrelled into him. He could hear outside the continued mayhem of explosive noise.

Once he'd gather himself, he made a harried approach the exit, pushing through the crowd the best he could. The masses of partygoers drenched by the sprinklers tumbled out into the street, but their escape to safety was an illusion. Nash walked slowly backwards towards the alley he'd parked his stolen car in, observing carefully the fight continuing in the street.

He could see another air speeder peeling away from the scene, and with the bounty hunters' attentions focused on it. That could only mean it was their mark. Nash made a mental note of the car, though in the heat of the moment and the darkness he could see much. He would just have to follow the trail of destruction.

As he turned to round the alley way, the ground beneath him began to quake. The duracrete beneath the crowd cracked and rippled like it was mere water, knocking dozens to the ground. and churning up the many storefronts of the bustling street. Nash bolted for his car, hoping in just in time to lift it off the ground and out of the alley way as the night club began to collapse.

Nash let his hands fall from the wheel as the autopilot carried him safely into the nearest lane. The spacer bowed his head and knocked it belligerently against the wheel. Am I really doing this? What have I got myself into? he wondered. 80,000 credits and a figure that just seemed to go up was too enticing to give up, but he came to grips with reality. His body ached from the trampling, and his clothes were sopping wet. He looked into his cut up hands. The best of the best were out here. Nash bordered on a complete disbarment from the Bounty Hunters Guilds. His stomach growled fiercely, reminding him he still hadn't eaten in half a day.

His best course of action? Call it quits and fill his stomach with what little money he had left. So, Nash veered his stolen taxi towards the Promenade in search of dinner...

Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Amun Amun | 5-WCH (Switchblade) | Alexandra Feanor | Cyran Vaas | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Shai Arvelis

Speeder Lot
Kaahlil Kaahlil l Valery Noble Valery Noble | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Nash Darklighter | Cyran Vaas | Takumi Tikotzki | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Amun Amun
5-WCH (Switchblade) | Shai Arvelis

A sudden stream of stun bolts pounded the ground around Arkaitz, slapping and skipping across the permacrete with energized screeches. His form flickered as he concentrated, trying to bend the light around him once again, making him harder to hit as his silhouette wavered like a mirage.

Her voice sounded in his mind again. <Keep moving, don't stop.>

Arkaitz took another step forward, then there was a streak of movement and an explosion right in front of him. The permacrete blew apart in a spray of pulverized debris that blasted him off his feet and sent him tumbling. He rolled to a stop and struggled to rise, ears ringing, looking back the way he had come. A lightsaber carved through the screaming mass of people, leaving dissected bodies in a wake like half-eaten fruit. The ground rippled underneath him, sending him to a knee, and he saw a figure cutting his way toward him.

His brother.

Panic rushed through his veins like ice water.

Overhead, two jetpacks rumbled. Nearby, the Jedi waited. Arkaitz looked toward the speeder lot, then back toward the approaching figures.

People were dying.

Raising his blasters he fired, bolts of plasma shrieking out as fast as he could pull the triggers, the lancets of superheated red energy shrieked through the air. Some hummed toward Kaahlil, while others raced for the Mandalorian.

People surged past Arkaitz, running for safety.

Tags: @All

His bolts were blocked by solid air, ricocheting uselessly against the force. Xun of Throne Xun of Throne 's body seemed to waver and displace, but Ghorua could see his lifesigns clearly though his helm. The Shark turned his helmet to Valery Noble Valery Noble aside the target, pointing his blaster at the Jedi.

Koda Fett Koda Fett 's entrance was explosive, to say the least, knocking the Zeltron off his feet. Ghorua risked a glance at his fellow hunter. "Alive, please," he barked, turning his attention back to Master Noble.

The Herglic was well-equipped to face a Jedi. If he focused on her, Koda could bag the target...

Two whistled in alarm, causing Ghorua's head to turn, just in time to see a red lightsaber harvesting swaths of bystanders. There was a split second of confusion, of biting sadness, before he jumped into action.

But not against the target. Or the Jedi. Or even Kaahlil Kaahlil .

Waves of Force rippled through the streets, catching a crowd of innocents in it's wake. Ghorua shot forward, sliding along the ground that was beginning to buck. Using his whipcord launcher, he snagged one more civillian by the waist, pulled them close, and activated his VT-portable shield generator.

A bubble of blue energy encased the small group, just as rubble and kinetic force would overtake them.

There were some things he cared about more than credits. If that made him a bad bounty hunter...

So be it.




For someone referred to as the Shark, the fearsomeness of Ghorua had not distanced him from the intrinsic need to save those that cannot save themselves. It made him the better man, Fett noted, all too aware that there must have been far more ice in his own veins. It was a shame to see the innocent massacred, but the dedication to the mission had ensured the Mandalorian remained the number one.

His T-visor remained ahead, locked onto the Zambrano as the Force tore the area ahead into shreds. He was fortunate to have avoided that. Even if blaster bolts then streaked across towards him to strike his armoured chest, forced into a hover as the two struck him and recoiled his entire frame in the air. He terminated the use of his rocket and landed with a thud, a sudden roll to his side set Fett behind a small craft. It shielded him from the hail of blaster bolts until he elected to return fire of his own.

His ammunition was live, even if aimed for the extremities. Much to the dismay of Ghorua, he assumed.

"Herd the Jedi and Sith towards one another," he said into his comms, "Then he's all ours."

Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Target: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne
Tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Kaahlil Kaahlil

Explosions. A great hint to where he should go next and relatively close to where he was. The Kyuzo raced across the roofs, jumping great distances and making it with ease. The closer he got, the louder the commotion was. Screaming of panicked bystanders, the roaring of munitions going live. He was at the edge of the rooftop where he stood, quickly observing the situation.

The duo of Koda and Ghorua, the former displaying his cruel indifference towards innocents as he was gunning at the target and the latter showing compassion in saving the lives of others. Amun was one to be in the middle of such extremities. Making sure innocents weren’t collateral damage, but also never going out his way to help someone in desperate need.

Everyone had a code, even scum.

A better code than the Sith, more relentless than the Bounty Hunters as he caused harm indiscriminately without remorse. Typical to their nature.

Amun had to act now with strategy. Right now this was an all out war for one Zambrano. Bounty Hunters at each other’s throats, civilians as casualties, and even the Jedi and Sith mixed up in this pursuit. His bowcaster was raised and aimed right at Kaahlil Kaahlil , firing powerful munitions at the Sith. The less interference from the Sith and Jedi, the better chances there was to snatch this bounty.

Speeder Lot
Kaahlil Kaahlil l Valery Noble Valery Noble | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Amun Amun
| Shai Arvelis

The mammoth in armor started saving civilians, but Arkaitz didn't have time to wonder as the titan's Mandalorian companion started shooting at him from behind cover. Another blaster bolt struck his energy shield, causing the half-dome of iridescent green to flicker. The shield beeped. It could only take one more hit, then it would be toast.

Ark ducked behind a nearby speeder and returned fire over the top of it, aiming for the fuel tank of the craft the Mandalorian hid behind to try to get a secondary explosion. Another thing he had learned from his father's tutors. All the best ways to kill people. Hurt them. Make them bleed.

Well he wouldn't be going back. He glanced over to see how the Jedi was doing.


A sound plan had gone awry.

She had thought to use the cover of the nightclub to provide the target with an escape then take him down later in a less heated circumstance. With the situation as it was, with too many factors to keep track of, there were bound to be unforeseen circumstances. In this case, her route suddenly filled with smoke and heat. While she could navigate it, thanks to the life-preserving features of her helmet, she doubted her target was still within the compound. That meant she had already put herself at a disadvantage.

She cursed to herself as she turned and focused her energy on finding a path out of the burning building. It would do her little good to go up through the flames, she could tell already by the movement of the smoke that there would be nothing there for her but an embarrassing death. She had to go deeper. Her hands groped the concrete walls as she searched with her mind. Her desire for self-preservation sharpened her focus, the dark side whispering of debts coming due.

No, not like this.

Then she stopped and looked down. She stepped back, then forward again as she listened intently. She pulled aside a shaggy rug to reveal a metal hatch, then pulled it open. Slipping down inside the hatch, her feet splashed down into a shallow puddle of stagnant water. It appeared to be a storm drain. It would seem there was a smuggler's route through this way. Her helmet captured a snapshot of the markings for later identification, then urgency caught up with her.

Arkaitz - He must not fall into the hands of the Jedi.

She hurried down the storm-drain, her mind probing through the darkness and solid matter ahead in search of signatures and signs. She could feel him, just barely. There were feelings, fear, anger, then sudden shock and pain. Ophidia stopped and raised her arm in defence as the ground above cracked and broke open. The neon light of Nar Shaddaa flooded into the storm drain.

The Force had given her a new chance.

The Sith Lord jumped and caught the lip of broken concrete, scratching her way through the shattered ground with an unnatural flexibility. The hard shell of her helmet helped her push through, and as she came to the surface, the assassin peered out in search for her prey. She could feel him now.

She sensed his fear.

The Dark Mirror's eyes narrowed, his lips curling back in a feral snarl. His blade swung back and forth to deflect his brother's blaster fire into the ground and potentially into other people nearby, the Dark Mirror was uncoordinated in the plotting of their new trajectory.

How dare he? How dare he raise a hand against his own flesh and blood?

The hypocrisy of these thoughts did not enter his mind, overpowered by feelings of anger and betrayal. They mixed together with the lingering sentiments of resentment, jealousy, and entitlement that were already festering beneath the surface. A horrid melting pot of impulse and lunatic justification. If Arkaitz was so keen to throw in his lot with the Jedi, then he was no brother of his, and was little more than another enemy he would have to cut down.

"So be it, brother," he spat venomously.

He did not have long to think upon this fresh wound on his psyche, for danger flared within his mind as a volley of bowcaster bolts careened towards him. The first he deflected, the sheer impact behind the bolt nearly sending the lightsaber tumbling from his grasp. He did not have time to deflect the second, which slammed into his shoulder and yanked the young Sith off of his feet, where he fell on his back with a hard thud, the breath driven from his lungs in an instant. The third and second bolt thereby sailed over his head, slamming into random pieces of ferrocrete that had been dislodged by the Dark Mirror's outburst.

Scrambling for cover, the Dark Mirror narrowly avoided several more shots that would have potentially ended him. Pain lanced through him, the smoldering wound in his shoulder unignorable. Though he had been tutored in first aid, there wasn't enough time for him to properly prepare the dressing, let alone operate the kit with only one fully operational arm. But then his golden eyes spied a few huddling bodies, pressed tightly into the alley that he had taken refuge in to escape from the fighting; but had found themselves trapped in a dead end.

A voice in the back of his mind told him what he must do, and so the Dark Mirror obeyed.


Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Kaahlil Kaahlil

His aim was true, and the smaller craft the Mandalorian concealed himself behind combusted in a roar of flames and a hail of metal that once coated it. Beneath all the fire and smoke, Fett was lost to the vision of others, as it continued to crackle and creak and whine. He was out of this skirmish as far as the others in the midst of it had known, but his own name commanded more of him and all that came next was the sudden reveal of his frame whilst it broke free from all the smoke overhead as he rocketed closer.

He underestimated Arkaitz, a mistake he vowed not to make twice.

The Mandalorian armour soared towards the Zambrano, an aimed blaster fired a hail of crimson bolts towards the Zambrano as a streak of fire from the wrist-mounted flamethrower thundered, the darts from the knee sent themselves forwards in a wild arc but one that encroached on his location all the same. Embers stuck to the frame as if their attachment was intended, the reflection in the T-visor that neared was one of all sorts of harsh colours as a fraction of the arsenal was activated all at once.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne Kaahlil Kaahlil Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Koda Fett Koda Fett Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

There was no easy way out.

No matter the path Xun of Throne Xun of Throne tried to follow, Bounty Hunters or Sith quickly swarmed the area and pinned him down. Her cover only ensured he wouldn't get shredded instantly, but it did little to offer him a true route of escape. So the time had come for her to take a more active stance in his defense, and perhaps he'd finally work with her to get through this. Even if he cared nothing for the Jedi, and wanted to stay away from him, she was quite certain that he didn't want to die or get captured.

And she was the only one with the exact same goal here.

Within the club she had been fighting her way through, Kaahlil had thrown his weapon to cut down a lot of people, and while she wanted to help them somehow, all she could do was go after the one responsible. Sprinting her way out the building, she spotted Ark right as a rather familiar Mandalorian rocketed away from a burning vehicle and made his attack run.

This time, though, she wasn't going to just project a barrier to shield the Zambrano. The two blades of her weapon ignited and with a powerful Force-assisted jump, she launched herself up in the air and straight for Koda Fett Koda Fett . Her fiery eyes settled on the man as his flamethrower roared, and in an attempt to draw all that fire away from his target, she came in to slash across his torso with one of her blades.

With his armor, it wasn't going to be a lethal strike if it were to hit, and that's exactly what she preferred — she just hoped to send him back down to the ground, so his arsenal of weapons was no longer turned against Arkaitz


Tags: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne - Valery Noble Valery Noble - Kaahlil Kaahlil - Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia - Koda Fett Koda Fett - Amun Amun

Ghorua deactivated his shield after a moment, looking on with distaste at all the people he couldn't get to in time. He jammed a thumb into the air, pointing behind himself. "Get out of here, now!"

The group dashed as quick as they could away, leaving Ghorua to once again focus on the task at hand. Koda Fett Koda Fett 's suggestion was a good one, but how could they achieve it?

The Shark turned his head at the gunfight erupting between his new partner and Xun of Throne Xun of Throne . Ghorua had no concerns his bounty hunting counterpart would be fine, but the explosion did give him pause, before seeing Koda's ascent through it on his jetpak, and his consequent all-in attack.

Fett wanted to end this fast. At this point, Ghorua had trouble disagreeing. It was getting sloppy.

With his enhanced reflexes, Ghorua spotted Jedi Master Valery Noble Valery Noble 's approach towards the Mandalorian, and grinned. Not today, he thought to himself.

The Shark activated his jump pack once more to catch up with the speeding Jedi, and interposed himself between her arcing lightsaber and his ally's armor, leaving him free to focus on the target. The blade caught his gauntlet, superheating the beskar plating.

Ghorua had expected to brush off the attack, but the strength of the blow knocked him towards the ground, caught off-guard by the raw power the Jedi possessed. As he was falling, Ghorua stuck out an arm, and his whipcord launcher snapped towards Valery, in an attempt to pull her down with him, and slam her into the Nar Shaddaa street.


Speeder Lot
Kaahlil Kaahlil l Valery Noble Valery Noble | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Amun Amun
| Shai Arvelis

The explosion rocked the speeder lot, but the Mandalorian soared out of the inferno like a hawk bat out of hell, blaster blazing. A cascade of plasma bolts came for Arkaitz and he fired back, the Force flowing through him as he targeted individual bolts with shots of his own, bolt meeting bolt midair in a shower of sparks. But it was all a distraction. Fire roared out from the Mandalorian's wrist, engulfing Arkaitz. His energy shield flickered and went out.

Fire engulfed him and he screamed as the tongues of flame licked at the side of one arm, catching his sleeve on fire. He stumbled backward, desperate just to get away from the flames, shaking his burning arm in a panic.

That was when the darts came.

Several thudded into the armorweave blast vest covering Arkaitz's torso.

He felt a sting in his leg and looked down. One of the darts stuck from his thigh like a strange growth. He pulled it out and tossed it aside with shaking fingers. The feeling in his legs leaked away and he fell to his knees, then the feeling left those too and he slumped sideways into a puddle of blood leaking from one of the massacred club goers. The flames on his arm went out with a hiss, doused in the scarlet pool.

Vision fading at the edges, Arkaitz struggled to breathe, struggled to concentrate. This was a neurotoxin. It would kill him in a mere minute if he didn't get it under control. His breathing slowed. His eyes flickered shut. Inside his mind, he fought a war of attrition with the toxin. Being poisoned was a constant threat in Sith society. Figuring out how to neutralize such toxins and venoms, with the Force or otherwise, was part of Arkaitz's curriculum. His teachers had not been kind. This was not the first time he had been poisoned, but it might be the last.

Arkaitz lay on the shattered ferrocrete, unmoving, struggling to purge the toxin from his body with the Force.

Last edited:

Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia

It seemed as if the situation had become the mess that the Mandalorian had first made mention of, even if the amount of hunters that battled for the Zambrano hide had dwindled for one reason or another. Fear of loss, Fett assumed, whether that be of their brand or their life - it was often that the two had been one in the same. It mattered not in the end, as even a floored foe was still an unclaimed one and the Jedi and Sith still remained foes to cause a sense of alertness.

But Ghorua seemed to handle on; the other roamed free.

Fett closed the distance more so even as the flames that once hoisted him into the air had ceased, and his armoured frame neared the surface and a short slide followed in the bid to find traction in the bid to enter a standstill. He continued on, even still, and it was with an aimed blaster that a sole bolt left his carbine in the direction of the Zambrano, able to harbour the intent to strike the flesh above his femur if a successul blast. The Sith had measures to defeat such toxins, he learned in service to them, but a wound that seared into their skin... less so.

"It's over, Jedi!" His voice, identical to that of millions of clones that once warred in the name of a lost nation, "You make another move and I end him."

The herd was thinning, as she had hoped, yet there were still too many hunters at once.

Quietly, the assassin skulked along the rubble under the cover of her cloaking device, avoiding the paths of blaster shots and gouts of flame thrown from one to the other. Her window was closing fast, but there were still opportunities to be had. She simply had to seize the right one. From its place on her leg, the tsaisibola slithered out from her cover identifying the jedi as the most pressing target. The serpent's active camouflage kicked in, copying the ground around it in hue and texture as it slithered through the rubble. Flames and streaking plasma were dangerous to it as well, but once released it had a single-minded focus: Bite the target.

The target fell back, fighting the toxin.

The dark mirror fought for his life while the Jedi launched herself at Fett, only to be intercepted by the shark. Furthermore, the sudden collapse of Arkaitz pointed to a hidden combatant other than her - A most dangerous situation. Now, the unconscious body of the Zambrano heirling was held at gunpoint.

Focusing through the Force, she seized Arkaitz' limp form and quickly yanked him in her direction, toward the shattered ground from which she had emerged.

The tsaisibola launched at Valery's leg, seeking to deliver its venomous bite before she could foil the Pale Assassin's attempt.

If the heirling died, then so be it.

But she would not allow him to fall into the hands of the Jedi or the Alliance.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne Kaahlil Kaahlil Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Koda Fett Koda Fett Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

Her attack connected, but not with the intended target.

Instead, Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark had absorbed her powerful strike with his gauntlet, and was sent flying down towards the ground. But in this descent, a cord was launched and wrapped itself around her right leg to pull her down alongside him. Not having any time to respond, she slammed against the ground with her chest, but was able to keep her head from hitting the ground by using her arms.

She felt the pain echo through her knees, elbows and torso, but a quick swipe of her blade and she set herself free again. Just in time to see Koda Fett Koda Fett with the now unconscious Zambrano. As much as she had tried to shield him from enemy weapons, there were simply too many of them to block.

And now, another threat emerged from the shadows — one tainted by the dark side and one who used her strength to try and pull the Zambrano in her direction. Valery quickly stepped closer, wanting to interfere, but a sudden spike of danger struck her, and she launched herself back up into the air right before the venomous teeth of the creature could bite into her leg.


While she was in the air and making her descent, she directed a hand out for a quick and mostly subtle telekinetic push, hoping it would off-balance the Sith and maybe allow a bounty hunter a follow-up attack. She wasn't here to help them, but as long as the fight was on, Ark could not be taken away.

<Telepathy> "You must fight it. Direct the Force through your body," she wasn't sure if he could still listen, but she needed him to wake up. Getting him out of here was going to be difficult otherwise.


Tags: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne - Valery Noble Valery Noble - Kaahlil Kaahlil - Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia - Koda Fett Koda Fett - Amun Amun

Ghorua didn't escape from his own fall unscathed, either.

He'd managed to get his feet under him as he slammed into the ground, cracking it beneath his weight. If it hadn't been for his anti-gravity belt, he would have broken a few bones. Instead, all he got was shooting pain up his legs, and an unsteady rise to his full height once more.

If the Jedi had capitalized on the moment of weakness, she might've had him.

Thankfully, she had been distracted by some snake. What a serpent was doing on Nar Shaddaa, Ghorua didn't know. He doubted it was a bounty hunter after the prize, but one could never be too sure. He hadn't noticed the movement of the unconscious body, or the puppeteer in the shadows orchestrating it. Thankfully, his probe droids had, and sent him their visuals.

The Shark spun, dropped to a knee, and fired a volley of stun shots from the Firaxa at the dark figure emerging from the rubble. Accurate to a tee, placed in odd angles, and exploding into small stun bursts upon contact. Nothing a master of the Force couldn't handle, but hopefully enough to keep her busy.

He kept the corner of his eye on the Jedi. And he sighed.

"Well, I tried."

He paused the suppressive fire, and flicked the blaster cannon off it's stun setting.

Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Amun Amun | Kaahlil Kaahlil

Fett felt so sure of his success in the moment, no matter how brief that moment had then become.

The Zambrano, both motionless and in a state of near-death, remained at his feet. If either wished for him to survive the ordeal, then the Mandalorian was needed; the idea of the Force-sensitives access to detoxification eluded him for now. His tenuous alliance with Ghorua had seen the Jedi countered, the infamous Shark able to do more than hold his own; no one wished to face ten feet of near-indestructable metal that encased all the muscles that could dish out more than all the armour was sure to recieve.

Koda held onto the ace, the card that won them this match. Until...

"Oh, come on." He mumbled in frustration, the movements that stemmed from Arkaitz as he slid across the duracrete existed in the corner of his visor. His swift movements had seen him turn to face the Zambrano and a cable shot out to twirl around his ankle, for Fett to then slam his heels into the road in an effort to contest his claim over the half-Zeltron. Beneath the helmet, his eyes trailed the would-be route to the unmistakable and bald head of the Rattataki assassin he so often worked beside once the Sith held all the control.

His one arm remained outstretched and his frame leaned backwards, before his blaster was then rushed to take aim at the Sith. His business with her was over, as far as he was concerned, and one shot was all one ever needed to take them out. But the tense shuffle had seen him shift about, it was hard to find an accurate shot, and the moment he believed it had been secured... Fett was thrown head over heels, the Force was of another world and the Mandalorian failed to match it.

It was a sound that so often created discomfort, one of metal on the road as it slid across it too behind Arkaitz. His blaster still in hand, but unable to take whatever shot he needed to in the meantime.

Speeder Lot
Kaahlil Kaahlil l Valery Noble Valery Noble | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Khama Fett Khama Fett | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Amun Amun
| Shai Arvelis

A blaster bolt barked through the air, hit Arkaitz in the thigh, and burned through fabric and flesh as he lay insensate on the ground. He let out a whimper, mind lost in trying to fight the toxin. The Force seized his body and pulled one way, while a whipcord wrapped around his ankle and pulled the other. A gasp of pain left his lips as for a moment he felt the bones in his right leg threaten to leave their sockets, hip screaming at him, then he was sliding across the ground toward a familiar presence in the Force.

Arkaitz's eyes fluttered. A voice came into his mind again.

The Jedi.

A moment of clarity cut through the pain.

The kolcta. He had kolcta injectors. If he could just reach them he could...

The Zambrano's shaking fingers fumbled at his pant's pocket as he pulled out an auto-injector and slammed it into his leg.


He watched with half-lidded eyes as the wound in his shoulder sealed up, the raw flesh covering the wound and quickly turning into silvery scar tissue. The feeling was intoxicating, a rush of euphoria as the vitality passed from one vessel and into another. Those he left behind were little more than dried husks, skin thinner and more fragile than paper, eyes sunken and mouth twisted into a silent cry. There had been nothing they could have done to stop him, their strikes had been rebuffed and their pleas for mercy had fallen on deaf ears.

The voice in the back of his mind commanded him to feed, and so he fed. A smaller portion of him, weaker and buried deep beneath, cried out against what he had done. But that small whisper had been fading and fading for a long time now, its words having no effect in the face of that which spoke in the voice of his Father. Even his own thoughts were drowned out by his Father's voice.

+Get up.+

His vision blurred, and he stumbled forward before dry heaving on all fours, acrid air sucked in through his nose and exhaled with a series of hacking coughs. He wiped his mouth and managed to haul himself up onto both feet, hand extended to the alley wall for support. He took several steps forward, almost falling down on the way, before he turned a corner and progressed deeper into the alleyway.


He continued to walk, reaching for the lightsaber at his belt and pulling it into his trembling hand. When next he activated the weapon, he was at the mouth of the alley, having made the journey around the main thoroughfare to end up ahead of where the hunters and their prey were heading. Not only had the ignited blade illuminated himself, but also Arkaitz Zambrano a few feet away, slowly rousing back from the brink after having been thrown through the air.


The blade was raised into the air, the Dark Side of the Force circling the both of them.

Then it was brought down.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Target: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne
Tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia

His attack on the Sith Assassin was direct, impacting on his shoulder and knocking him off his feet. Alive he still was, but the Sith would be handicapped from his injury. How badly was the wound? Unsure, but it was enough for the Sith to retreat back into the shadows. The Kyuzo would not pursue, his focus was not on the Sith…though it would be a handsome bounty to give to the Alliance. A good lump sum of credits and a pardon.

But Arkaitz could promise the same. Already battered and tired from the chase, as the war criminal lay helplessly on the floor. Koda and Ghorua fending off the Jedi, as she somehow had some interest in the Zambrano. Perhaps to take him to the courts of the Alliance; it seemed everyone was trying to bring this man to justice. Different forms of justice, but all the same.

A tug-o-war over the Zambrano, the Mandalorian ensnaring the Zeltron with a cord and pulling against an invisible grasp that tried to drag away from Koda. Then the same Sith he injured came out, with his wounds tended and with his aim to kill the Zambrano. The details of the bounty was to being him alive, or dead. The price wouldn’t change how the Zambrano was brought in, so he wouldn’t fire upon the Sith Assassin as he aimed to end Arkait’s life.

What did, however, mattered was bringing the criminal in for proof. Didn’t have to be the whole carcass, the head would be quite enough.

He’d make his next move depending on what would happen.

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