Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 2 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal

Tags: Open

Objective: Bust in and Take out that Shield generator.

Location: Island Station Nilfheim


As the Great Mother Shark looms over Station Nilfheim, it initiates a powerful air support strike. The Thunderer Turbolasers and Hammer Turbolasers rain down destructive fire, while Tusk Missile Launchers target key defenses, softening the stronghold from above. Meanwhile, Warthog Blaster Cannons and Spear Thrower Anti-Starfighter Cannons provide overwatch, ensuring Tirin and his Jedi companion can advance safely. The Araniik Point-Defense Systems remain vigilant, countering any incoming threats, as Tirin descends to the island, prepared to secure the shield generator.

Tirin's presence exudes quiet strength, his golden saber a blur as he moves with agility and grace, cutting down any Empire of the Lost combatants that cross his path. Working in perfect tandem with Valin Zenth Valin Zenth , Tirin's swift and precise strikes complement Valin's brute strength. Valin takes point, charging through foes with raw power, while Tirin eliminates those who slip past with fluid efficiency, ensuring their advance remains unstoppable. Together, they form an unstoppable force, balancing strength and finesse.

Tirin expertly employs a range of powerful Force abilities to dominate the battlefield. He uses Battle Meditation to bolster his allies and weaken his enemies. To protect himself and Valin, he conjures Force Barriers, shielding them from attacks. When facing groups of enemies, Tirin immobilizes them with Force Stasis, rendering them helpless. Against enemy Force-users, he utilizes Force Sever to cut them off from the Force, neutralizing their powers and ensuring their swift defeat.

As Tirin and Valin fight side by side, Valin grins, cleaving through a group of enemies with his massive vibro blade., and asks, "So, Tirin, did you miss me after Coruscant? You know, it's not the same without me around."

Tirin, effortlessly parrying an attack, responds with a faint smile, "Miss you? Perhaps a little—your chaos certainly keeps things interesting."

Valin chuckles, "Admit it, you missed my charms."

Tirin smirks, "If by charms, you mean drawing the aim of every blaster bolt within a mile, then yes."

Valin laughs, "Hah! You know you love it when I'm around."

Tirin, still in control, quips, "Let's just say, you do have your uses, Valin."

As they continue, Valin, charging through foes, teases, "I could get used to you cleaning up my mess." Tirin, dispatching an enemy with grace, replies,

"Just try not to leave too much of a mess. I prefer my battles... tidy." Valin laughs again, "What fun would it be if I didn't leave you something to do."

As they carve their way through the battlefield, Tirin glances at Valin with a smirk. "Sometimes you're like a rabid dog—unstoppable and a little too wild."

Valin laughs, cutting down another foe with ease. "What can I say? I'm a dog of war, and I'm damn good at it."

Tirin raises an eyebrow, teasing, "Oh~? Does that make you a good boy, then?"

Valin grins mischievously, "Depends on who's asking. You looking to train me, 'Master' Tirin?"

Tirin chuckles, "If you do not learn to... restrain yourself better, Knight Zenth, then I might have to find a way to keep you on a tighter leash."

Valin's grin widens, his voice full of playful challenge. "Careful, Tirin. I might start thinking you're serious—and who knows where that would lead."

Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Battlecruiser: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

“Good smoke, Justice. We’re getting closer to the Coalition landing zones!” Esmeralda called back to the clone as she sprinted her way through the tall grass. All the while, The Siren gave a short, satisfied breath. So far, all seemed to be going well, and if they could pin the Coalition raiders down at their landing zones, the battle would be brought to a swift and decisive end. However, before she could move much further a sudden and powerful shockwave threw the Siren off of her feet, causing the ground beneath her to shake as the air rushed around her in a large gale, causing many of the nearby palm trees to bend and flex in the process. Just as quickly, Esmeralda pushed herself back up onto her feet, at which point she glanced up towards the sky to a sight that her mind initially failed to comprehend.

Her gaze widened as she caught sight of a massive battlecruiser, looming over the island at such low altitude that it casted a massive shadow over much of the landscape, blotting out the sky in quite the literal sense. All the while, what could only be described as nigh-apocalyptic amounts of destructive firepower rained down from the vessel. Turbolaser blasts incinerated entire chunks of the island as missiles detonated in blooming explosions of light and searing heat. Fires raged and screams filled the air as entire squads of Imperial troopers were effectively incinerated in an instant, their bodies reduced to ashes and charred, mangled flesh.

“How did they get a battlecruiser past the shi—” Esmeralda sealed her mouth shut, features drawn in a tight grimace as she tried to process the situation. The question of how the Coalition had gotten such a large vessel past the planetary shield and into low altitude slipped into the back of her mind then, no longer relevant. As robust as the Defense Brigades were, they had no orbital defense cannons which might be able to threaten a battlecruiser, much less a capital ship. Not to mention, if only by virtue of its size and power capacity, the enemy vessel had more than enough firepower to destroy the shield station, while doing far more damage in the process.

Thus, for all intents and purposes, their mission to defend Station Nilfheim was a failure.

“Justice! Justice! We may need to evacuate!” Esmeralda called out as the area around her filled with acrid black smoke, compelling the Siren to switch her helmet’s optics to thermal and low-light modes. At the same time, the filters worked to protect her lungs, but even with her now-restored vision, she saw no signs of her squadmate.

A deep breath and Jared called on the Force, none-too-subtly, and created an after and before image of himself, three blades, then becoming six, moving through the smoke.

"You can turn back now." He spoke, a resounding voice amplified by the Force.

The fires were close, the heat so blistering and intense that Esmeralda felt much of it through her temperature-controlled armor, causing her skin to go slick with condensation. Nevertheless, the Siren raised her double-barrel rifle, leveling it in the vague direction of the apparitions as a slow awareness formed in her mind at the nature of the threat against her.

Nevertheless, Esmeralda didn’t hesitate. She gritted her teeth and laid on the two triggers, unleashing a full-auto barrage of slugs that sped towards the advancing Force wielder at blistering hypervelocity, filling the smoke with a lethal hail of fire that might threaten to rip through flesh and armor, should they connect.

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Sicarius grinned and petted Schmetterling Schmetterling soothingly

"There there good boy." Sicarius was enjoying her new pet. When she had pictured riding a giant monster into battle it had always been on the back of a rancor, but riding this massive beast was even better.

"Please I thought you were a soldier. Even a thick one like yourself should realise the tactical advantage of having a 300 metre beast at yeah beck and call during a battle." Sicarius kept her grin on her face "Besides if you knew anything about your glorious Emperor you'd know that mercurial doesn't even begin to cover it."

Sicarius turned her attention to the battle. As much as she held contempt for the Empire her disdain for these rebel scum was infanantly worse. They reminded her of those fools her master had freed and led a revolution back on Kessel before they abandoned them to their fate.

The strong ruled the weak were crushed. Pretending otherwise was just foolish.

"Now let's find a noble hearted enemy foolish enough to take us on while we're riding my baby boy." Sicarius was looking forward to this fight and seeing exactly what her new pet was capable of. What had started off as a mission for a potential science specimen had turned into something much more lucrative. Sicarius also had to admit she felt a certain amount of affection for the beast. She had a flash of concern that he might be harmed but then laughed it off. She'd like to see them try!

"Now now Schmetty try not to kill any of the Imp's" Sicarius whispered loudly enough for Shov to here.

Shov Brald Shov Brald Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
It was months ago when the massive beast was abducted from his homeland or mirial and into the possession of the imperials. For months he had been in the facility, strong and formidable enough to escape but apparently lacked much of the braincells to execute. But there was one lady he grown quite fond of, he saw her everyday, she was not as mean to him as the other imperials were trying to tame him - most who ended up under his foot. Although Sicarus was a mere 5-6 foot compared to his 301, the large beast showed remarkable carefulness around her. Even as there was a massive anti-force bubble around him as it was his means of nourishment, it surprisingly excluded his master.

He couldn't quite understand what the lady mounted atop his head spoke, but nevertheless, he stood on the massive starship, waiting to be deployed. Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate

Tags: Drenn Drenn

“You’re a long way from home, Jedi,” he said, his voice low but smooth. “Your kind always had a way of placing yourselves into situations where you are not welcome or belong. But I suppose that doesn’t matter now.”

"Let's not jump to conclusions now," Jasper remarked "I was born a few systems over. Not as far from home as you'd expect."

Less born, more created in a lab, but that wasn't information that was important. Here this Imperial was, enforcing a foreign power on a planet he had no business being on. Perhaps there was a level of irony in that given his words. Jasper analyzed the stance as quickly as it appeared. He was no stranger to lightsaber combat after all. Of all of his skills, talent with a blade was by far his best. Makashi, not an uncommon form for the duel-centric Imperial. Notably, this was a very orthodox style dependent on parries and the maintenance of footing. Minimize movement and turn the attacks of your opponents against them. Jasper knew the style well. It was one of his two preferred styles.

The Jedi Master drew his lightsaber from it's scabbard, revealing a wild blue blade, wisps of raw plasma flowing off of the center of the weapon. It burned brighter than the average blade, enhanced by a special crystal within that amplified it's power. He'd start with a Soresu opening, raising his blade above his head and putting his mechanical arm forward...

Only to flick his wrists. Three crossbow bolts fired out of the concealed weapon mounted in his prosthetic in rapid succession, aimed at the Imperial's feet. In the blink of an eye he had transitioned to wielding his blade with two hand, following up the projectiles with a dash into a powerful overhead strike. Djem So. A fake-out. Steam billowed out from the piston in his mechanical arm, increasing the strength of the blow. That would compound onto the Force enhancement he was already making use of, passed onto him from his stent with the Matukai.

He just had to be the one hitting harder. Jasper was fully prepared to throw his weight around.


Tag: Shov Brald Shov Brald Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate Schmetterling Schmetterling

Deep beheath the waves, Anthony watched as...something was coming down.

"Jonyna, we got incoming." He said, his voice being carried through the waves over the encrypted radio. "...something big. I need air support on this thing. Launching Raven to overwatch. Get Braze's boys to bomb this thing the moment it drops. I'm keeping my distance for now..."

The probe droid launched from his back, into the air and scanned the approaching mass. While it couldn't get a read on what exactly the thing was, it could send coordinates back to the ships above. Even a few Tornados would do some damage against this thing...

Taking the axe off his back, he knew what would come next. If this thing didn't get dealt with quick...

He'd have to climb it himself. He could feel it, a disconnect from the Force. Whatever was up there, he couldn't rely on jedi ways to allow him to overpower it...

Or maybe...

There was a plan.

But first it'd have to hit the water...

The Sword of the Empire

Modified IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor
HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle
x4 Thermal Detonator

Shov attempted to keep his balance while Sicarius rode the giant monstrosity through the ocean. "There are advantages to have a large weapon such as this thing," Shov retorted. "I'm just wondering if the wielder will eventually turn against us."

He grew tired of Sicarius' relentless teasing, it was actually good that she was more belligerent. Maybe she can unleash that Sith anger on the invaders. Speaking of which..... Shov looked up seeing a probe droid scouting them and the beast. He raised rifle attempting to fire at it. If his aim was true, then the probe droid would've been destroyed.

"Looks like we have company Sith," Shov said beginning to fire. "Steel yourself for we have hostiles coming."

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate , Schmetterling Schmetterling , Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
Sicarius rolled her eyes at Shov's fretting and complaining. It's what he always did it's all he ever did fret and complain and scold.

"Why can't you see the fun in life?" Sicarius called back a grin on her face "Here we are riding a giant monster into battle. This is every nightsisters dream. Only my monster is huge!"

"And a very good boy" Sicarius added petting Schmetterling fondly

Sicarius nodded acknowledged Shov's warning spotted the probe tried and tried to focus. Having Schmetty was a huge advantage but it would do no good if she was careless a rogue probe droid who took her out while she was distracted could be far more of a threat than a giant tank. Or atleast just as deadly and harder to spot.

Still despite the risk Sicarius was excited to see what Schmetty could do and if any of these fool hardy people were brave enough to take them on. One of Sicarius bigger fears is that they would have no one worthy for her to face. It would be a shame if her and Schmetty's first time out was a waste.

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Schmetterling Schmetterling Shov Brald Shov Brald



An attack from one of the TAC's battle cruisers has come with unexpected consequences. What was intended to be light air support to weaken the defenses of the Niflheim installation has caused critical damage to the structure, as it seems these reactors were less fortified than the Coalition's intelligence had predicted to an alarming degree. Red lights and sirens fire off across the structure, which has now gone up in flames. In the center of the generator the meltdown process begins. TAC command issues the order for a full retreat from Niflheim.

Niflheim Objective: Evacuate.

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene , CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" , Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io , Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser , Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

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Location: Station Jotunheim, Underwater Facility - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Tag: Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan Fervos Kej Fervos Kej

”I’ll be right behind you,” Skyria purred at the question of whether she would rather go first.

“Perfect, then. Just don’t get distracted by the view. Let’s go!” Oola gave a soft smile then, a hint of playfulness in the glint of her indigo-hued eyes before she turned and made her way into the facility. In doing so, the Twi’lek pulled out her lightsaber, leaving it unignited as she led the way, maintaining a brisk jog in the process.

“We’ll follow the maintenance access until we reach the control center.” Oola stated. “I’m expecting a heavy enemy presence, so we will approach slowly and try to ambush any patrols.” She finished.

From there, it didn’t take long for the pair to come within vicinity of their objective, at which point Oola slowed down and activated select portions of the personal concealment system in her bodysuit. On cue, her footsteps fell silent, her heat signature went cold, and her sensor profile was rendered nigh-invisible. In moments, the pair came up on one of the patrols, at which point she gestured towards one, then the other.

Then, igniting her lightsaber with muted snap-hiss, Oola launched the weapon towards one of the Coalition soldiers in a telekinetically-impelled throw. The blade flew through the air on a straight and direct trajectory, before staking her target through his skull, swiftly dropping the man like a sack of bricks.

The other soldier, she entrusted to Skyria.



Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Drenn’s sharp gaze tracked the man’s every movement like a hawk, recognizing the Soresu form as the stranger raised his own weapon. Remaining focused, he was meticulously analyzing potential attacks that might follow. As his thoughts churned, a series of projectiles suddenly rang out from what he presumed to be the non-dominant hand.

With a lightning quick response, he forcefully pushed off with his lead foot, having to shift his weight, and retreat several steps.The first two bolts struck the ground with mere inches to spare, but the third bolt grazed against his boot leaving a faint scratch. A jolt of adrenaline surged through the Crusader’s body. The duel was not simply a challenge; it was a pledge to his purpose.

While it wasn't how he necessarily expected it to begin, Drenn appeared unfazed, his stance still balanced and poised. Instincts kicking in, he brought up the yellow blade to intercept the incoming strike. The clash of their lightsabers erupted with sparks in the air around them. His eyes bore into his opponent with cold calculation as a jolt from the impact coursed through his forearm, a sting that further ignited his senses. The shock that further ran through his arm was a testament of the raw power behind the attack.

Yet, in that instant, he also found clarity. Drenn didn’t try to merely block the attack; he was trying to redirect it, hoping to catch the Jedi off balance. Utilizing his footwork, he glided with grace as he pivoted on the ball of his boot, moving like a stream of water–fluid and calculated. He transitioned from defense to offense, launching a precise and direct thrust towards the Jedi’s midsection. He would attempt to showcase the gracefulness of Makashi against the brute strength of Djem So.
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Tags: Drenn Drenn

Jasper went through the motions, as he had thousands of times during the Second Great Hyperspace War. His overhead strike was met with a block and an attempt at a parry. Jasper drew his blade back, the raw strength he output keeping the lightsaber on it's course to bring it down and block the thrust towards his gut. Jasper was, however, more than just a duelist. He fought with his environment.

The young Master slid back a little and swung his blade up, slicing through a section of the low ceiling above them. The extreme heat of the amplified blade was just enough to activate the emergency sprinkler system, at least in their portion of the structure. He then swatted his mechanical arm through the air, the rune scrawled onto one of his fingers activating and letting Force energy surge into his surroundings. Cold. The droplets froze instantaneously before his hand, launched towards the Imperial in a large radius as sharp projectiles.

He would follow behind the projectiles with a diagonal slash, lower with an upward trajectory aimed to go through the man's torso.

Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Battlecruiser: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
Tag: Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

He looked at as he heard the horror in Esmeralda's voice, seeing what looked to be a giant fish coming down from orbit. Somehow the Navy must have lost the battle in orbit though that didn't really make sense. They shouldn't have broken through the blockade this fast... Quickly he sent a message over voice comms, telling the garrison to take cover in the site's bomb shelter. Whether it would protect them from orbital bombardment, he didn't fully know but he wasn't going to take the risk. At least if they did blow the shield generator, the garrison could fight the rebels off and potentially repair it again. And then the turbolaser fire and missiles came crashing down, the beach sand kicking up in massive geysers around him as he charged forward, knowing one false step could mean his death.

He heard Esmeralda's Solar Flare through all of this, churning out slugs that could be heard even through the bombardment. The filters in his helmet were keeping the smoke out from the flaming but who knows how long that would last. Well, it's now or never... He hadn't expected to go out with his only remains being a crater or a lightsaber through his guts but sometimes duty came before all. At least that's what the indoctrination in his head forced him to do despite the pounding inside it. Acting without thinking, he jumped into the air and came back down with the full force of his sword at whatever his ally was shooting at. Whatever target in the small group that his sword hit would have their head crushed. Whatever happened after, at least he had tried to keep his ally safe.
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Interacting With : Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser | CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" | Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io

Quickly, in an instant, she was separated from her cousin.

Iona brought the force pike to her hand, immediately powering on the weapon. Firefights had broken out and she would need to deflect any blaster bolts coming through the smoke. While it wasn't a lightsaber, the force pike had many of the same features and benefits. Granted it wouldn't be cutting through metal, which as a budding Warden of the Sky, was critical in her line of 'work' so to speak.

Suddenly alarms started to sound. Not the typical alarms. These alarms were omnious, blaring loud and long. The Mirialan teenager could hear some chatter over the sounds of battle, dodging blaster bolts that were furiously coming at her from an unknown source across the smoke. There were scouts of evacuation among the soldiers. Panic was creeping in their voice.

Not good.

Just as she was going to comm her cousin, she was alerted to the sound of someone jumping. Coming straight for her. Force pike was raised, blocking his sword as she tried to bend her knees and absorb the impact of the weight of a grown man trying to hack her head off. Arms burned at the weight and she shook slightly, holding steady, the sword coming dangerously close to her black hair.

Drawing upon the Force around her, she pushed outward, trying to get the man away from her.

Interacting: Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

Moving with so many versions of himself was taking a little toll. He wasn’t well versed in the arts of the Fallanassi, but he knew enough from his life out in the Outer Rim. The strangeness of the Force was open to all, it was more a matter of which muscles one chose to stretch. And here? He needed to make his team seem bigger, or at least throw the enemy off their guard. Until he felt he mastered the Witch skills, he was going to use the ones that seemed a bit less-taxing.

He kept himself between the foes and Iona, allowing the younger Starchaser the time to select her targets and approach into the foray of battle. He hadn’t noticed with the arrival of the battlecruiser above that they were separated.

What he wasn’t prepped for was two fold. One, the damned hypervelocity rifle, and the second, the battlecruiser above him. Jared did get tunnel vision from time to time. Battle sense had enough time to kick in and Jared began to move, guided by the Force. He moved to the side, getting his cortosis armor’d arm up to help in deflecting as he moved, both his body and the Force to avoid the hypervelocity round. The armor paid off and shattered, but left him winded and focusing more on the defense of himself. His echoes fading from view.

If Iona was away, but not gone, he’d have felt that, it was time to fight. She could defend herself, or find herself a place to remain hidden. First thing was getting rid of that damned rifle.

With the target so far away, he extinguished the shoto and found cover behind a coral outcrop. His green blade still giving his position, but he knew he wanted that gun focused on him. Taking the extinguished hilt of his shoto, he threw it, and guided it with the Force through a non-predictable-arc-for-the-size-of-the-cylinder, igniting the blade as it closed in towards the rifle carrier.
Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Tag: Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

His target managed to get their weapon up just in time to block him. That was a pity. He could feel her almost breaking though, bucking under his strike till she surprised him by actually forcing away with some unseen force. Wait, he knew those type of powers. It was the Force or something close it. Still, it was nothing compared to his will and as he forced the sword into the disturbed sand to slow his slide as turbolaser fire landed around them both. He eventually stopped with a grunt, staring down his enemy with the distain, they deserved.

His rebreather had kicked into high gear as it tried to compensate for the smoke from the ruined area around them, making his voice wheeze as he spoke. "So, this is what the Jedi send at us... And to think I feared meeting one... but you aren't anything special, are you...?" He dashed forward with the help of his jetpack, aiming a volley of kicks to her stomach as he tried to break her guard, hoping to make their death quick, easily and painless even if they didn't deserve it.
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Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Battlecruiser: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

Her rifle clicked empty. Fortunately, Esmeralda had already bought herself a small measure of time, as the Force wielder seemed to have moved into cover behind a nearby outcrop. Still, the Siren couldn’t be certain that anything from her barrage had connected with its intended target. Or alternatively, targets. Her helmet’s thermal imaging system hadn’t provided much clarity in that regard, as it had displayed the apparitions as well.

Thus, given the elusiveness of the apparitions and the close-quarters nature of the engagement, Esmeradla was unwilling to risk a lengthy magazine swap. Instead, the Siren swapped the empty rifle for her light repeating blaster—a smaller, more agile weapon that might prove better-suited towards close-quarters.

Or so, she hoped.

All the while, Esmeralda held an unblinking, frozen gaze towards the outcrop, features tight with tension as she watched for movement. It was then that she saw something coming towards her in-flight. She nearly dismissed it as a stick at first, but it took less than a moment for her mind to realize the danger. Thus, leveraging her Ghost Link-enhanced reflexes, the Siren brought up her right arm with superhuman impulse and fired a repulsive gravity pulse from her tractor/pressor device at the object, in the hopes of sending it flying back in the opposite direction. With the action came a high-pitched whoosh as the hazy air was pushed away from her as well.

From there, Esmeralda brought up her light repeating blaster, leveled it towards the outcrop, and laid on the trigger. A trio of magenta-hued incendiary plasma bolts exploded out from the barrel in a quick full-auto burst, each aimed to strike the outcrop 12 meters away from her position. Should they impact, the bolts would lose their integrity in a veritable splash, thereby releasing globules of semi-solid plasma “gel” that would adhere to the outcrop (and possibly anything around it) and burn at searing temperatures.

Through that, she hoped to root the Force wielder out, possibly exposing them to the full force of her fire in the process.

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Tags: Open

Objective: Take out the Enemy / Stabilize the Reactor

Location: Island Station Nilfheim

"Perhaps that's exactly what I'm counting on, Valin. A little discipline might do you some good. And look at this mess—they didn't think to put much in the way of defensive shielding on the building housing the last shield generator... Odd. I'd have expected it to be much more heavily defended."

Valin smirks, effortlessly sidestepping a blaster bolt before slamming his shoulder into an approaching soldier, sending them sprawling. "Discipline's never been my strong suit. I prefer to follow my instincts—they've kept us alive so far, haven't they?"

Tirin gracefully deflects a series of incoming shots, his movements almost dance-like. Around them, the building bears the scars of the orbital bombardment: crumbling walls, exposed wiring, and flames licking at the edges of shattered windows. "True, but imagine how much more efficient we'd be if you combined those instincts with a bit more... strategy."

Valin laughs, the sound hearty amidst the chaos. "Leave the thinking to you, and I'll handle the smashing. It's worked out pretty well up to now."

Tirin takes a brief moment to assess their surroundings. The corridor ahead is littered with debris, and the once heavily fortified doorway now leans precariously, barely holding together after the bombardment. He glances at Valin, a plan forming in his mind. "That entrance looks like it's on its last legs. Think your 'smashing' can finish the job, or should we try a more subtle approach?"

Valin's eyes light up at the challenge, gripping his vibro blade tighter. "Watch and learn, my friend." He charges forward, channeling the Force to amplify his strength as he delivers a powerful strike to the door. The metal groans under the impact and, with a final screech, collapses inward, revealing a squad of surprised enemy soldiers on the other side, some already retreating, clearly shaken by the destruction.

Without missing a beat, Valin leaps into action, using the element of surprise to his advantage. "Knock, knock! Delivery for the Empire of the Lost!" His blade swings in wide arcs, disarming and disabling foes with raw power as they scramble to flee.

Tirin follows closely, his movements precise and controlled as he weaves through the fray. With a swift gesture, he uses Force Push to send a cluster of enemies sprawling backwards, clearing their path further into the facility. The smell of scorched metal and ozone fills the air as they advance.

As the last soldier falls, Valin wipes a bead of sweat from his brow, grinning at Tirin. "See? Who needs subtlety when brute force works just fine?"

Tirin smirks, his tone light but edged with sarcasm. "And yet, it was a touch of finesse that ensured our swift victory."

Valin rolls his eyes playfully as they proceed deeper into the facility, the distant sound of collapsing structures echoing through the halls. "Always have to have the last word, don't you?"

Tirin glances over with a serene smile. "Only when I'm right."

They arrive at a large chamber housing the shield generator, its hum filling the air. The room is guarded by a contingent of elite soldiers and automated turrets, though many of the turrets spark and sputter from the bombardment damage. The defenders look shaken, their resolve wavering as they witness the state of their once-imposing fortress.

Valin whistles low, eyeing the defenses. "Looks like they've rolled out the welcome mat for us, but it seems the cleaners missed a few spots."

Tirin's expression remains calm as he surveys the situation. "We'll need to disable those turrets first. Cover me?"

Valin grins, cracking his knuckles. "With pleasure. Just don't take too long—I can only look this good under fire for so long."

Tirin shakes his head with a slight laugh before darting to the side, moving swiftly between cover as Valin charges forward, drawing the attention and fire of the defenders. Blaster bolts ricochet around him as he deftly deflects some with his blade and dodges others, creating chaos among the enemy ranks.

Channeling the Force, Tirin focuses on the nearest turret, extending his hand and crushing its internal mechanisms with a precise Force Crush. The turret sparks and sputters before falling silent.

Meanwhile, Valin engages the elite soldiers head-on, his combat style brutal yet effective. He parries an incoming strike and counters with a powerful kick, sending his opponent crashing into a console.

Tirin continues disabling the turrets one by one, their defensive grid rapidly deteriorating under his calculated assault. With the last turret destroyed, he turns his attention back to Valin, who is finishing off the remaining soldiers.

As the room falls quiet, Valin breathes heavily but smiles triumphantly. "Not bad for a day's work, huh?"

Tirin approaches the central console of the shield generator, examining it carefully. "Indeed. Now, let's finish what we came here for." He begins accessing the controls, fingers flying over the interface as he works to shut down the generator.

Valin stands guard, but his curiosity gets the better of him. "Need any help with that, or is this where your 'finesse' shines through again?"

Tirin smirks without looking up, his focus unwavering despite the rising tension. "Unless you've suddenly become an expert in Imperial technology, I think I've got this covered."

Just as Tirin finishes his sentence, the sudden blare of alarms echoes throughout the facility, red lights flashing ominously. The structure around them shakes slightly, dust and debris falling from the ceiling. Valin's eyes dart around, muscles tensing. "Looks like we've overstayed our welcome. Any chance you can speed that up?"

Tirin's expression sharpens as he works more urgently, bypassing several security protocols. "Working on it. But something's not right… these readings… Valin, the reactor is destabilizing. If it goes, this entire island—and possibly more—will be vaporized."

Valin glances around, his usual bravado faltering for a moment. "Can we stop it?"

Tirin's brow furrows as he considers the options. "The reactor's control systems are damaged. I can try to stabilize it through the console, but I might need to use the Force to directly interact with the reactor's core. It's risky, and it's going to take everything I have."

Valin grins, his determination renewed. "Risky is my middle name. Lead the way, Tirin—let's save this rock from going up in smoke."

Tirin nods, his resolve steeled as he pulls up a map of the facility. "The reactor control room is just below us. If we move quickly, we can get there before the meltdown reaches critical mass."

They break into a sprint, navigating the crumbling corridors as the facility continues to shake. The sound of approaching footsteps echoes from behind them, but Valin keeps them at bay with quick, decisive strikes, buying them the precious seconds they need.

Bursting into the reactor control room, Tirin immediately takes in the chaotic scene: consoles sparking, warning lights flashing, and the reactor itself emitting an ominous, deep hum.

"I'll need you to keep everything off my back while I work. This is going to take every ounce of concentration I have." Tirin says, already moving to the central control console.

"You got it," Valin responds, positioning himself at the entrance as the first wave of soldiers pours in. He slashes through them with brutal efficiency, holding the line as Tirin works frantically at the console.

Tirin's brow furrows as he accesses the reactor's systems. The readings are grim—time is running out, and the damage is severe. Realizing that conventional means might not be enough, he closes his eyes and reaches out with the Force, focusing on the chaotic energy within the reactor core.

"Come on… let me guide you…" he murmurs, his voice tense with concentration.



Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

The defense against his thrust was to be expected, given that the move was a basic one. Still, he had plotted out the strategy in advance with intention of using it as a means to gain a better position for a more lethal strike. What he hadn’t anticipated was the Jedi’s next move to set off the sprinkler system. He watched as the arm rose into the air, almost if that action alone signaled the end of any chance for a duel.

With a calm demeanor, he centered his thoughts and reached into the depths of his power. Raising his offhand he began to summon the energy around, feeling it pulse at his fingertips. A translucent barrier erupted in front of Drenn, its surface glistening. The ice shards began colliding against it with loud echoing sounds, most of them shattering into fragments. His concentration faltered for a mere heartbeat, however, as he saw the Jedi following up behind. It proved costly; one managed to slip through the barrier, striking him just above the hip where the suit was more vulnerable. The impact was enough to send a jolt of pain through his body, and dark red fluid seeped out, mirroring the very color of his armor.

At the last possible moment, he pivoted, raising the yellow blade in a motion that was both graceful and swift to meet the oncoming slash. While it lacked the same power of the initial strike, it did carry enough weight to push him back several paces. His body tensed, and he gritted his teeth, absorbing the impact as he also fought to maintain his balance. The movements elicited a searing sensation in the muscles of his leg, close to where the hip had been penetrated only moments ago.

A slight flicker of uncertainty in his eyes was quickly replaced with determination; they were just getting started. Channeling his strength once more, he instantly propelled himself backward, his body soaring through the air, trying to create more distance from the man’s reach. His gaze remained locked onto the figure, assuming he would be preparing another attack. The Crusader landed quietly on the ground, his knees bending slightly. With a flick of his wrist and a thrust of his hand, a wave of energy rippled outward. It would surge forth with raw power, aiming to knock him off balance.
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Tags: Drenn Drenn

Lux Ultima
A barrier was something that Jasper was surprised to see. It was a common ability, but not one often utilized by those of Imperial training. Still, it faltered at the swing of his blade, allowing Jasper to gain a little ground and push them back. One ice projectile plunged into their flesh above the hip, drawing blood. Still, it was clear that they were getting pumped up to continue.

His senses began to shudder with anticipation as energy began to gather around his opponent. Jasper sheathed his lightsaber and drew his claymore, the Lux Ultima, plunging it into the ground to hold himself in place as a Force push came to topple him. It was powerful. No bag of tricks, just raw natural talent. There was a glint in Jasper's eyes, perhaps even a sense of thrill. He had seen hundreds of battles across the second Hyperspace War. A part of him hated it, but the puzzle of combat was truly thrilling.

Keeping his distance, aiming for instability... Jasper needed them to keep in one place.

While the Lux Ultima was made to amplify his Force Light, the channeling blade enhanced all Force abilities directed into it, increasing their power. He had seen it done before with pyrokinesis. With the battlefield covered in water Jasper had seen to it that the terrain was to his favor. Another rune activated on his hand, sending energy into his blade: Lightning. The electrical energy swirled around the radiant claymore before fanning out before the Master, surging across the wet floor with incredible speed towards his opponent in a dangerous wave, making it's way up the walls and even to the edges of the ceiling.

They were just getting started.


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