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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 3 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal


Objective: III - The March Home
Location: Tangletown, Lothal
Equipment: In Bio
Callsign: Face
Entourage: Spike, Whiskers, two redshirt squadmates, Redshirt squadmate "Delight"
Tags: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax


”You’re damn right I’m that wild. In everything I do,” Valmy responded with a wide grin and a bit of a cackle as the stim started a pulsing excitement inside of her. ”Only reason I can see I got to lead this squad is because every viable squad leader was sent to Dac. I have experience and I usually get the job done.” Previously random movements started to become more focused. Valmy faked a move one way and then another, but it seemed this opponent wasn’t going to believe such head fakes. It was only stim enhanced dodges that kept Valmy in one piece.

Keeping the valkyrie occupied was something that Valmy found easier ordered than complied. If Valmy could get fifty meters of space she could use her own blaster. Even then, Rafaela seemed a bit bored with the assaults of her teammates. Valmy wasn’t sure that was the type of occupying that was desired. Valmy wished she’d spent more time practicing close combat, but when you loved shooting a rifle like Valmy did, you never imagine your life will come down to a knife dance against a dark and sexy valkyrie over seven feet tall.

Valmy flipped the vibroblade in her hand to a reverse grip and was about to lunge in an attack when Rafaela’s blade struck down BoomBoom. Valmy’s breath caught. She knew that BoomBoom was gone. Her thoughts rushed in awe and terror of what this woman could do to her if she so desired. In anticipation Valmy bit her lower lip so hard that she started to bleed. It was the coppery taste of blood that brought Valmy back to the present and her need to act. ”I guess it’s time to prove myself worthy then…” Valmy growled at the glee that Rafaela seemed to take in BoomBoom’s demise, and started the previously planned lunge.

It was wild just as Valmy had described herself. As she closed the distance Valmy was hit by a sudden feeling of dread and stopped midstep, backpedaling for a moment before the effects of the stim caused her to focus once more. She couldn’t worry about what her squadmates were doing. They would do their best and hopefully they would fall back if needed. The invitation to attack came in such a sultry manner that Valmy couldn’t help but lick her bloody lip and view what was about to happen as some sort of twisted foreplay.

As she steadied herself from the quick forward then backward motions, Valmy’s foot hit something. She dared to look down and saw a piece of debris that she thought would make for a much better opening salvo than her little blade. She skillfully shifted the makeshift weapon from the ground to top of her boot and gave Rafaela a wide grin. ”Alright. Here comes Valmy!” She kicked the object, which turned out to be a metal reinforcing rod If fit easily in her hands and she darted forward with stim augmented speed swinging her new weapon at the valkyrie’s midsection.

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