Im going to say one more thing and then I'm done. Not everyone has the same personality type. Some people are alright with people not taking into account what's been done, or doing things that contradict their stories. That's fine. There are also people who don't like it when what they've done is ignored or discarded. For people like the latter, it's actually hurtful to have their hard work ignored or run rough shod over. For those that don't care, it shouldn't matter as much if rebuilding destroyed worlds is allowed. But for those who do care, if it is allowed, they get the shaft, and I can guarantee they won't participate in such events in the future.
Look, I'm not fond of the idea of adding this mechanic, either, but I'm a realist. If it's something that's wanted, and it's not unreasonable, and the site staff agree with it, then it could very well happen. That's a fact here, on Chaos. So I'd rather make sure it's implemented properly and is as challenging as it needs to be, IF IT DOES HAPPEN, rather than digging my heals in and saying 'oh hell, naw.'
Because when it comes down to it, I got people here I enjoy writing with, regardless. Them's the beans, man.