Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Reconstruction/Revitalize/Something Catchier About Bringing Planets Back

It's not greed to want the things that you do to be respected. If we don't respect what other people do, what's the point of RP? It's just the same as when someone powergames: they aren't respecting what other people are doing, and the end result is those people don't want to RP with them anymore.
I think it's unrealistic to expect every writer to conform in that way. Even so, why is it disrespectful for people to want to rebuild a planet? It inherently relies on all the writers collectively acknowledging the past destruction and everything that came with it.

A lot of this thread thus far honestly sounds like the early discussions for implementing annihilations. Lots of arguments that it would be used to spite other writers or damage the website. The expectation so far sounds like people are afraid of reconstruction being used in the same way. For the sole purpose of undoing another creator's work. But thus far Annihilations have all been a massive, collaborative experience, by and large done in good faith for the sake of storytelling. Can't reconstructions be the same?
I keep seeing post count mentioned. 400 posts isn't even a lot of posts for a group story.

I think it would be an interesting event to terraform planets back into existence. Keeps a story going and boom, planet has freshly returned with a plausible story.
In the last 1 year of Chaos, only a single public thread has reached 400 posts. I think you're wildly underestimating how many posts it takes for the current level of activity on Chaos.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Cool suggestion, and with a lot of skimming I hope I am not adding voice to something that has already been said:

Annihilations are determined successful by the criteria listed in the rules.

Whether a resurrection or Terraform of the dead remains is successful should be subject to the same ruleset. IF it were to be allowed.

I do not think the community could get enough interest to get the 400 posts to terraform a planet as most annihilations need multiple major factions to participate to reach the 400 post count mark also. Really it is a way of polling the community, but also creating story and activity in the process!
In the last 1 year of Chaos, only a single public thread has reached 400 posts. I think you're wildly underestimating how many posts it takes for the current level of activity on Chaos.

To be fair, factions are bloated and I haven't seen many interesting stories that involve a wider plotline beyond Jedi versus Sith. It's been a lot of the same old, which may limit post count.
I have participated in every annihilation thread except tython always on the side of destruction.

That said a reconstruction mechanic the opposite of annihilation would be neat. You would need a terraforming like superweapon. The end result is guaranteed just like annihilation of which only three have been successful.

For me though it's more things to bring options for stories to tell to the table. I like the idea of a major faction trying bring back a planet and those characters that destroyed it like myself trying to stop that from happening.

Its not about precedence it's about what story can be told with in that mechanic. A chiss faction rising trying to rebuild there homeworld. Or the sith trying to bring back the glory of exegol while those who know of its past try to stop it. It tells a new unique style of story especially with something like exegol.

It puts some factions in the opposite role of trying to save something. Or a faction that is disenfranchised a reason to return.

It creates more stories and unique ones that is why I'm in favor of it.

I think it should be set up exactly like an annihilation except with a superweapon designed to rebuild, reform, or terraform. It would also take a major faction to commit to it. You have people trying to stop it or help it succeed.

Also if it's successful I can just annihilate it again. But that's just me.
To be fair, factions are bloated and I haven't seen many interesting stories that involve a wider plotline beyond Jedi versus Sith. It's been a lot of the same old, which may limit post count.
That's entirely your opinion. A writer who has been around for ages and barely participates or interacts with current factions.

A lot of new folks are having a great time because to them, it's new.
I think it's pretty clear that there are solid arguments for both perspectives on this topic. Feel free to share your thoughts with each other but be mindful to do so constructively and avoid spreading misinformation.

We get passionate about these things because our stories matter to us but some of ya'll are reading a bit snippy. The OP made a perfectly reasonable suggestion thread. Be kind. Take a beat. Touch grass. Come back to it.
And likewise, no single person would be capable of rebuilding a planet. If we're applying the same rules to that as we do to an annihilation, then I personally just don't see the argument for why it couldn't happen. Otherwise we might as well just give up on all writing. Another faction can just invade a hex back, so why bother writing invasions? Nobody else is gonna read my private threads, so why do I bother fleshing them out?

Invasions and Annihilations have very different requirements and affects. You losing a faction hex you get back next month is not as impactful as multiple factions and a large writing base coming together on a narrative.

A narrative that is not guaranteed to succeed and already has opposition in terms of people defending the planet against exploding.

Bringing a planet back to life is not as narratively interesting for 400+ posts and is a lot more one sided.

I've heard this argument a hundred times.

I've heard people tell me that if cathar gets annihilated, then I should be forced to just settle a new planet and make a new story. Why? Why uproot my story to some new world when I had all that narrative investment in Cathar, not Neo Cathar, or New Cathar, or whatever. If I put in the effort to restore the world how it was, should that not be rewarded?

People have threatened blowing up Zeltros longer than they have Cathar. It's a joke and thinking otherwise is kinda silly. If there was a serious attempt, you and your faction would have to be on board for that story and narrative.
WelshPsych WelshPsych Respectfully, this comes across as saying one type of RP has more value than the other, and that's not how that should be viewed. Mechanics and rules change all the time that doesn't suddenly make someone's work less valuable than another. And you may not mean to come across this way. I would argue however this is where we look at it becoming a thing where. Hey, remember all this work X faction did on Y planet. Well A Faction, B faction and C faction are gonna now put in this work and blow it up, so now your work on Y planet will no longer exist but our RP is going to be site lore and this is our legacy.

Some new writer joins a year later not knowing anything of this existed.

Therefore, we should have a mechanic that allows us to bring back planets in the same effort that it took to break them, there.
Putting mechanical/OOC impact/respecting past work concerns aside...

After some thought, from a storytelling perspective, rebuilding doesn't really take away from the fact that those annihilations happened. Realistically, people affected by such an event would be affected by it, traumatised by it, for generations, but...

...they would eventually heal. Life moves on. People forget, and can be happy again.

That honestly does align with the overall life of the site. Every time something phenomenally bad has happened, it has had effects for decently long while., and you get new people, eventually, who weren't there. Site narrative moves on. More or less simulates the above.

So what I'm thinking here, is if this rebuilding was to be done, I for one would love to see the above narrative as a part of it. The storytelling for such a 'rebuild' would be fantastic if it included such beats, and would likely go beyond just the initial rebuild.

Y'all could milk that humanitarian angle for many threads, quite possibly many months!
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People have threatened blowing up Zeltros longer than they have Cathar. It's a joke and thinking otherwise is kinda silly. If there was a serious attempt, you and your faction would have to be on board for that story and narrative.
Would I need to be?

Rules state that there doesn't need to be an opposing faction for an annihilation. Naturally, I would be, but would I be able to convince the entire GA to back me on that? Perhaps not.

Annihilation of Cathar when?
And there it is.
Respectfully, this comes across as saying one type of RP has more value than the other, and that's not how that should be viewed. Mechanics and rules change all the time that doesn't suddenly make someone's work less valuable than another. And you may not mean to come across this way. I would argue however this is where we look at it becoming a thing where. Hey, remember all this work X faction did on Y planet. Well A Faction, B faction and C faction are gonna now put in this work and blow it up, so now your work on Y planet will no longer exist but our RP is going to be site lore and this is our legacy.

Some new writer joins a year later not knowing anything of this existed.

Therefore, we should have a mechanic that allows us to bring back planets in the same effort that it took to break them, there.

So a potential possible single new writer gets to be the premise to take away the story of 20+ writers collaborating together for weeks at a time?

Invasions can dictate a faction narrative and direction. Dominions impact RP, I can't make a faction rp as a Sith on Coruscant without upsetting the GA.

We already have systems in place that trumps personal stories.

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