Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Reconstruction/Revitalize/Something Catchier About Bringing Planets Back

So a potential possible single new writer gets to be the premise to take away the story of 20+ writers collaborating together for weeks at a time?

Invasions can dictate a faction narrative and direction. Dominions impact RP, I can't make a faction rp as a Sith on Coruscant without upsetting the GA.

We already have systems in place that trumps personal stories.
You totally can though, no one is gonna stop you. We'll have questions, but if you have good answers, no one is gonna stop you.
And there it is.

WelshPsych WelshPsych

By saying someone else's RP is more valuable than another's because oh, this is a major faction and you're just a single writer. Is not the approach, to take.

Because one writer is writing private stories, doesn't make those stores less valuable or suddenly invalid because you said so. You can exactly make a faction on any planet and write whatever story. Sure it might annoy people but that's kind of a them problem isn't it? Invasion narratives are determined by faction narratives which are ultimately determined by a group of writers telling personal stories. At the end of the day no one person's single, story, major, minor faction or otherwise is more valuable than another.

You can't make a faction RP anything it doesn't want to. But you placing value on RP is already the wrong move.

Dominions don't impact RP because writers impact RP.

Writers determine what they want to write.

You do not have to acknowledge it.

Getting upsetti spaghetti because you've based the value of your writing on a set of mechanics isn't the site's problem or a faction's problem.

New writers, current writers, past writers, all get the choice of hitting ignore and RPing, as Sith in the GA if they like. You do not get to tell them what they can and can't RP. Same as if the Jedi were RPing in Sith Space, can't do shit to them, they can do whatever they want. Ain't gonna impact the faction story as determined by its writers.
Prophet of Bogan
Codex Judge
Late to the party, wow this thread really got going, but I've read over everything and as someone that does come from a faction with a lot of old faces and big history while having never really partaken in Annihilations myself I have to side with the restoration argument on this one. To look at the bringing back of a planet as disrespecting an Annihilation is the wrong way to look at it in my opinion. Like many people have said, such a process should have the same if not more effort and criteria as an Annihilation in order to succeed.

In particular however I wanted to address the "permanency" angle and history and all that as I have to look both quite a bit due to the faction that I'm an admin for featuring a pretty expansive history with plenty of big players and grand old stories.

Frankly, to quote a certain character, at some point you have to let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.

While big stuff that happens on the site shouldn't be disregarded out of hand there does come a point when old stuff has to give way to the new, when the current has to matter more than the previous or else stagnation is just inevitable.

As someone that's never been in Annihilations to me it's rather unfair that I'm suddenly not allowed to write on one particular world just because two or three majors decided to pop it like a balloon. Now don't get me wrong, this obviously can and has led to some unique stories about loss and recovery and the like but it gets to a point where it's just a blockage to new stories.

Say for example a year or two in the future someone has the idea of a new Sith faction in the Unknown Regions and they wanted to use Exegol, but can't because it's been Annihilated. Is that fair to them? Even if everyone that participated in that Annihilation is no longer around? What happens to folks in the future that have no idea what a Brotherhood of the Maw is or who the Galactic Alliance are? Do they get told they can't write their story because of something people did back in the day?

Or what if someone wants to do a Chiss major with the explicit intent of restoring Csilla? Have that be the whole plot for their faction and be their main goal. Do they get denied that opportunity? Why should they have to hamper and hinder their story which hinges on a specific world based on an event that could have just as easily happened to any other world? What about new Chiss writers? Do they get handed a little list of alternate Chiss worlds because they weren't lucky enough to have joined the site a year or two prior? Is that fair to them?

Sure doesn't sound fair to me.

It sets a bad precedent is all I'm saying, and if anything to me it discourages Annihilations more if there isn't a restoration option. Like take Coruscant or Tatooine for example, some of the most iconic worlds in the setting. Now Annihilate them. They're gone. Forever. Are we really going to bind ourselves to that? Are we willing to give up all the potential stories and changes that could happen to those worlds had they not been destroyed? If anything I should think Annihilations are a sort of mutually assured destruction, someone blows up an important world to one group and later on gets theirs blown up in retaliation and so on and so forth until only custom worlds and blank Wookiepedia planets are left.
When I started reading, I was strongly opposed to the idea of "undoing" the amazing stories done in the annihilations. Just bringing worlds back that some dozen(s) people spent a month of blowing up and hoping it actually will blow up? Seemed disrespectful.

I totally agree that a setup is not the same as a rule and should not necessarily serve as a justification. To make the site convenient, appealing and interesting, fan-favorite planets had to be returned. That just seems logical.

But reading on and thinking about it, seeing some amazing arguments and thoughts shared. It is not disrespectful at all. It requires some scrutiny and rules but that's about it. I certainly would not apply the 400+ posts count for it, but a judgement and conditions met in Factory or Codex could apply that make it a joint effort.

And Roleplay is just that. A joint effort. If two people write their Sith taking over an undersector of Coruscant in their private story nobody will ever hear about or if it is the multiple faction junction that sees two dozen characters pitted against each other. In the end it is the same.

And on Chaos, we have the luxury and pleasure that while nothing matters - everything can matter. I totally follow the approach of checking what happened previously on planets I write stories on, to see what others did (plus I love history). Do I expect others to do so? No, it's too big, too vast and took many people have had their input.

A Reconstruction can be as fun as an annihilation for those who participate and does in no way oppose, neglect or disrespect the previous thread. It in fact, does the opposite because an annihilation has to succeed so it can happen.

Chaos gives absolute freedom because nothing is absolute.

You will leave your mark and your writings will be remembered. Be it by only one person or a hundred. By an individual or a faction.

I could honestly see a Development thread as a perfect opportunity for a planet to be reconstructed. Not adding a time limit, but potentially a post/writer count, adding some Factory stuff for 'how' and Codex for 'why'. No 'mere' building project will be as thrilling as mass PvP, so to make it a slow-burner could automatically add the time span in relation to the destruction. Could utilise the Chapter mechanics for connecting other threads to it, adding fights for it. I am just braindumping ideas of how to do it right now. :D

It's a fun idea, intriguing to continue a story AND remember history.
I could honestly see a Development thread as a perfect opportunity for a planet to be reconstructed. Not adding a time limit, but potentially a post/writer count, adding some Factory stuff for 'how' and Codex for 'why'. No 'mere' building project will be as thrilling as mass PvP, so to make it a slow-burner could automatically add the time span in relation to the destruction. Could utilise the Chapter mechanics for connecting other threads to it, adding fights for it. I am just braindumping ideas of how to do it right now.

Yeah, agreed, it likely would work better styled a little differently from an annihilation. I could see different types of threads/chapters that ultimately have to be referenced in a written planet sub (and possibly lore submission(s)?), and posting to the map update thread to added back as a planet.

And laying out story beats in the rules for it that could be looked for (e.g. stuff about the displaced peoples, the process taken to rebuild, any contracting with companies, etc, off the top of my head?) in this kind of undertaking being judged, as a possibility.

And like SSDs, possibly only major factions would be capable of such an undertaking, or something of that nature 'cause this would most definitely be a significantly larger and more expensive project. That makes sense to me.
Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine
Would it change anything if a planetary renewal also took 400 posts minimum?

I want to draw attention to this rule here.

"The Codex and Factory are optional for your participation on this board."

So again, nothing "invalidates the Annihilation RP" except for actual judgments from the admin team. This is all optional.

The people who annihilate and renew planets should be committed to the RP. Definitely. 400 posts is no joke.
The people who annihilate and renew planets should be committed to the RP. Definitely. 400 posts is no joke.

At a minimum! If this took different aspects of the overall build into account, I could see the cumulative postcount possibly being larger.

All in all, destroying something is easier, if you think about it. Putting it back together is less so.
Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine
If it happens it should take just as much effort as annihilation or else it does take away from the annihilation and diminishs them.
That's a great idea.

Perhaps the number of posts required could also be the number of posts made in that thread.

E.g. Csilla ended up having 524 replies total, and so the rehabilitation effort would take minimum 524 posts.
E.g. Csilla ended up having 524 replies total, and so the rehabilitation effort would take minimum 524 posts.

Ooh, I like that thought. Definitely agree.

And having to link/reference the annihilation thread and any preamble threads (some ideas would be any senate discourse, and contracting agreements related to the upcoming project?) in setting out on the rehabilitation effort... kind of like the requirement to reference prior threads for Populates.

Edit: Oh, and another thought...

There should be a sufficiently long moratorium period on rebuilding a planet after it's been annihilated, like how you can't run a dominion on a planet that's been lost via invasion for thirty days after the invasion result has been announced, so maybe something like a year (or more) in this case? And maybe a major faction can only do one rebuild.

And/because a major faction can only start an annihilation every 4 months, but in practice, I don't think any one major has ever started more than one a year. A rehabilitation project should have similar or greater restraints on starting it.

Like usual, as with most planet-affecting mechanics, it'd probably require the annihilated planet in question to be within your faction's reach. If it isn't there's only so many ways you can change that (e.g. sattelite states, domming/invading your way to it, etc).

And an another possibility, given the sheer amount of resources something like such a rebuild project would take, It might not be unreasonable to demand the loss of a number of hexes from your faction cloud for it. ;)
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Im going to say one more thing and then I'm done. Not everyone has the same personality type. Some people are alright with people not taking into account what's been done, or doing things that contradict their stories. That's fine. There are also people who don't like it when what they've done is ignored or discarded. For people like the latter, it's actually hurtful to have their hard work ignored or run rough shod over. For those that don't care, it shouldn't matter as much if rebuilding destroyed worlds is allowed. But for those who do care, if it is allowed, they get the shaft, and I can guarantee they won't participate in such events in the future.
I was a codex judge. It used to be a requirement when submitting planets (at the least) that you indicate how they fared in major events such as the gulag. So yes, it has been a requirement before.

That's kind of pathetic that people have never looked at the timeline or the map, to be frank.
Damn, I have only been on the site for three months and good to know that I am in the Pathetic qualification.
Shiesh lol.
I do this to write with my brother and I let him deal with a lot of the backroom stuff as it is not my major hobby. There is a lot of things you can stumble across, a lot you can not stumble across and I have spent several nights trying to read ALL of the rules.
I think for a lot of people this is not their 100% knee deep hobby and they should not be penalized or demeaned.
A message from an Admin should always be accepted and returned with kindness but I don't think we should start calling people pathetic for a hobby.

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