Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ren Tags.

Yay or nay?

  • Total voters


Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Ferox"]

That's... actually probably true.

Ya know. You should throw up a poll and get some votes going here. Even the Admins might think twice if they see 200 votes Aye and 1 vote JSC Nay. :D :p
skin, bone, and arrogance
Jay Scott Clark said:
Kinda feels like a single Major Factions way of gaming the Rank Tags for personal use. AKA, minority leveraging the majority. But that's just my 2 cents. Again. 1 bazillion sith in canon(s) vs Kylo? I'm going nahhh bro.
You know I love you, but this is really stupid :p

"Gaming" rank tags? "leveraging the majority"? Neither of these allegations really make sense. I mean, we're not talking about a tactical advantage or putting upon anyone else. It impacts literally nothing. No member of 'the majority' will be impacted in any way. Adding three additional tags may cause milliseconds of additional scrolling for the staff when assigning new ranks, but it will take years for that to add up to minutes of additional time. If your argument is "I just don't want them to have it" say so, because at least we'll know what we're dealing with -- and it really does just sound like that.


Disney's Princess
Natasi Fortan said:
If your argument is "I just don't want them to have it" say so,

I'm just saying... There are a lot of Sith in canon(s). Like, bagillion'zallions of them.

And, I still don't know what a Knight of Ren is. :p

Tirdarius said:
The site shall speak like the Republic, and the Admins will come forth and Sith you all.

Makes sense to me. :p

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
I have and will continue to be against the use of Ren tags. So long as they apply to a single faction, it will remain a niche. Other factions don't need exclusive FU tags for their faction, and the First Order is no different. This is definitely one of those situations where it's 'if I say yes to you, then I have to say yes to everyone'. As far as the witches go, while the Witches of Dathomir may have been the original intent, they do have a broader applicability with a more primitive style of Force users.

Don't get me wrong, I get why you guys want them, but I still fail to see why you need them or why their addition would be better for Chaos as a whole.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Ferox"] It's canon, so it exists, and as you say it'll get bigger and grow with the new episodes.

The First Order managed to rise from 'TFA' here, so let's inject another new "resurrection" of the Knights of Ren for new and old fans coming here to explore.
If we get more Ren, especially higher ranked ones (there are no Master level Ren at the moment) we will certainly consider it next time there's a tag update.
Next time there's a rank competition Ren tags may be resubmitted and will be considered then and only then.
Last time it was asked, this was said in regards to the Ren receiving Rank Tags.

This is the current list of Ren from the FO Faction Tracker.
Rolf Amsel said:

[member="Samka Derith"]​
[member="Isla Ashen"]​
[member="Anor Ren"]​
[member="Kriel Firin"]​
[member="Greifen Ren"]​

[member="Castor Ren"]​
[member="Phenex Ren"]​
[member="Viktor DuSang"]​
[member="Misha Ren"]​
[member="Thresh Sken"]​
[member="Perth Levov"]​
[member="Soleil Ishtar"]​
[member="Darren Onyx"]​
[member="Morrison Jericho"]​
And this thread is it not being a Rank Tag Competition.
[member="Zeradias Mant"]

The way I see it, nine out of ten people who come here now will know of the Ren. I dunno how many people of those will want to be a Ren, but with the ren tags under the name will give those who want to be ren the ability to easily identify who is and PM them.

Sure its in the sig, but if you're lile me you only read those if you're waiting for a post and are too lazy to pop on youtube for videos.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Darth Ferox"]

Know of Kylo Ren maybe, but the Knights of Ren wiki page is hardly two paragraphs and are far lesser known than you would think. If you're referencing the First Order's Force user order, they're probably a little more known on Chaos, but still, adding their tag does not contribute to Chaos for the better. I'm pretty sure ease of recruitment and access to information for prospects for a single faction doesn't constitute a valid justification for their addition either.
[member="Zeradias Mant"]

You are correct in that regard!

But! Another thought. The Jedi were made in cannon to serve the Republic. There was no multi group syndrome ( at least in Disney cannon).

Same with the Sith (again, disney).

Who's to say that when the movies come out there wont be multiple Ren groups running around? Sure, its an unknown and thus shouodnt be a thing now.

But why not make it a thing now?

[member="Draco Vereen"]

I didnt know of that thread or anything asked in it. Thanks for bringing attention to it! I suppose it means this vote is somewhat useless now.

But, I'll keep it up and going just to see how many on the site want it. Who knows, if enough people do it'll be a thing anyway.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Darth Ferox"]

The Jedi Order predates the formation of the Galactic Republic, and they originally distanced themselves from it purposefully. Rather than type up a storm here though, I'll leave you with a link to the wiki for the Jedi Order so you can read up on it if you so choose. I'd be lying if I said I was an expert on the topic, but it does make for a good read, even if only in bits and pieces. Compare even just the length of it with the Knights of Ren wiki, and it's a bit easier to see why there's multiple Jedi orders on Chaos.

Who's to say that when the movies come out there wont be multiple Ren groups running around? Sure, its an unknown and thus shouodnt be a thing now.

But why not make it a thing now?
Pretty sure there won't be. It is an unknown, but that's more of a reason not to make it a thing.

Nonetheless though, this isn't so much about the canon Knights of Ren so much as it is the Chaos Knights of Ren. Everything I've said before though previously still stands and applies just as well.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Jamie Pyne said:
If I am not mistaken, this has already been raised in the past and was shot down by the admins during the last tags update. I forget the specifics, but I was pretty certain that it was denied.
Which presumably forbids any further discussion?

For the record the last time it was brought up the conclusion was that the Ren had not shown a staying power as yet. Not that it would and could never be, just that the timing was not right.

Unless staff policy has changed and no one bothered to tell us (which is highly unlikely though possible), perhaps it would be wise to avoid discouraging a discussion of the merits.
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Abraham lincoln ran for president.. i dunno how many times, and eventually won.

If there's a will, theres a way.

[member="Natasi Fortan"]

It is good to know what was said last time, and it is important to recognize what was saiid last and see if its been adressed.

But lets keep this civil. Everyone has opinions and shouldn't be damned for them. (Unless you're a heathenis Jedi scum of course :p)

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