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Ren Tags.

Yay or nay?

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Natasi Fortan said:
For the record the last time it was brought up the conclusion was that the Ren had not shown a staying power as yet. Not that it would and could never be, just that the timing was not right.

The last time it was discussed, this was said
If we get more Ren, especially higher ranked ones (there are no Master level Ren at the moment) we will certainly consider it next time there's a tag update.
The Roster in the FO Faction Page indicates there are still no masters, and only a small handful of knights (6).

Varus Ren

Draco Vereen said:
The Roster in the FO Faction Page indicates there are still no masters, and only a small handful of knights (6).
As much as I'm in favor of Ren tags, this is a fair point, we don't have any masters that I know of as of yet. Perhaps once we do this argument will be an easier call to make. Still think we should have them, just acknowledging the point.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Jamie Pyne said:
Pretty sure that is not even remotely close to what I said, so please don't put words in my mouth.

I simply stated what the last result of said discussion was for those who may not have been present for it.
I apologize, truly, if you feel that's what I did. It wasn't my intent. Without context it read very much (to me and others) like "This has been settled, so why are you still talking?"
Natasi Fortan said:
If you can cherry-pick half a sentence, so can I It also calls for "more Ren" which we manifestly have. Why is your half of the sentence determinative but mine is not?

Draco Vereen said:
especially higher ranked ones

The bolded word.



  1. 1.

    used to single out one person, thing, or situation over all others.

  2. 2.

    to a great extent; very much.

skin, bone, and arrogance
Draco Vereen said:
The bolded word.



  1. 1.

    used to single out one person, thing, or situation over all others.

  2. 2.

    to a great extent; very much.

You seem to be missing the point, but since [member="Valiens Nantaris"] has laid down the law, I'm going to skip on passive-aggressively copying the dictionary back to you.
Valiens Nantaris said:
Nah, you're here to write philosophical guides which most people agree with but don't understand. :p

Tirdarius said:
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

You say the nicest things :)
I understand them I just refuse to acknowledge their validity as they go against my own personal stubborn I think I am always right goals.


Disney's Princess
[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Don't listen to Val. I still love you. :D


One day there shall be Tirdarius Tags on this website. And, yes, you will still be disappointed in all the teenagers, morons, and phonys that use them. :p
There you have it folks, we'll be back once more of the given criteria is filled in and see what we get but I feel like this is where I should highlight this matters to our admittedly smallish yet active group while the discussion is still ongoing.

The problem for us is that Force User rank tags are compulsory, not like the tags for slave, dancer, nobility and so on so every member of the Order of Ren has to include one of the tags given but none of them cover what the organisation is very well. We follow the Dark Side but we are not Sith ( [member="Tirdarius"] would probably die in shock and anger if we all turned up with those tags :p ) and we do not even pretend to follow the Sith ways. We have the Rogue tags but that implies a member of another organisation gone AWOL. We are the opposite of rogues, standing for strength in uniformity. The neutral tags are, well, neutral which again we're not. The Ren are quite firmly followers of the Dark Side of the Force and every bit as likely to serve a role as an antagonist as a Sith Lord. Witch and Jedi go without saying so we're left with the best fit imo, the Dark Jedi tags. As Dark Jedi is frequently used to describe any Dark Force user, sometimes even Sith. The problem with those is that Dark Jedi in canon are typically defectors from the Jedi Order who've been corrupted by the Dark Side, something I don't believe applies to a single character currently active. I feel the very fact that it includes Jedi in the name is as much of a weirdness to the Jedi Order as it is the Order of Ren. The two have had nothing to do with one another. There's a good discussion going on in this thread about the problem with 'Dark Jedi' as a general term for Dark Force users. The gist of it is, if you're Dark, you're not a Jedi.

So we basically have to pick the least worst option. Do we need Knight of Ren tags? Not in the sense that all our characters are useless without them. It won't change our roleplaying much, if at all. I am perfectly happy to admit that. Likewise I will admit that, for the moment at least, this is a faction specific tag. You won't be finding Ren who aren't a part of this board's First Order faction unlike the many Jedi and Sith spread across factions. But it does feel delegitimising to us considering we're a group based around the main antagonist of (presumably) several core films in the Star Wars Saga and can give people the wrong idea of who we are and what we represent when we write with people unfamiliar with us. The tags beneath your name are an instant check of the general gist of the character you're facing if you don't have time to check their multi-page bio.

This isn't meant to change anyone's mind or overturn the staff decision but I'd like to explain as best I can why this matters to us. Tags can seem like no big deal at all and in many ways, you'd be right! We'll keep on going with trying to create fun and interesting stories with everyone on this board even if we're all forced to have 'Whiny Emo from TFA' tags! But a Knight of Ren tag would be a real boost to morale and recognition to a fair number of writers with relatively little effort required on anyone's part :)

Again, let's see what happens in the months to come when I return as Empress of all the known star systems in the galaxy and hope for a good response!

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