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Republic Counter-Invasion of Prakith [OOC]

Kian Karr said:
[member="Freanne"] | [member="Catherine Soja"]

Actually, we are planning on dropping a distance away from the Spaceport and then moving toward the Spaceport undercover. The unit I'm bringing with me is meant for infiltration. That is why I was wondering if there was a map for the spaceport like we have at the Stronghold on Kashyyyk.
I feel the term "map" might be getting stretched these days :D

If people want I can try and generate a map of Prak City and place a spaceport on the outskirts.
Just reminding people about the rules of mention:

I mention* this as I have two characters in two simultaneous invasions and don't have time to read every post in case I'm included. I logged in this morning to one character and found zero notifications. Only because I know that was unlikely, I searched for a character that I expected to have included me and yes...there was the tag. But even if it looks fine, unless it conforms to the rules above - it won't work. And remember that spoilered tags don't work either.

So...if you've tagged someone and they didn't respond, please check with them (via PM or the OOC thread) after say 12 hours.

Thanks :)

*did you see what I did there? No? :(

[member="Darth Isolda"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]<3Aye -- please tag anyone who is also near you too!That way they know you are available to fight. Right now this is the list I show available at the citadelFoes: Republic/Jedi At the REAL Citadel
  • [member="Ryan Korr"] (Isolda)
  • [member="Quinn Vos"] ( Isolda )
  • [member="Jannik Morlandt"] (Nephthys)
<p>C I T A D E L N P C F O R C E S U N D E R D A R T H N E P T H Y S' C O M M A N DLOCATION: The CitadelObjective: DefendControler: Nepthys
  • Rakamat : 20
  • Firebreathers: 5
  • Umrach: 2000
  • Skrall: 5000
  • Yuuzhan Vong Soldiers: 20,000 with Yuuzhan Vong crab armor treated with the Baffor Worm. Applicable weaponry such as razor bugs, Spark bugs, singularity mines, borash jelly, and all other normal vong weapons apply
  • Implanter: 2000
  • Yargh'un: 2000
  • Grokata : 10
  • Slayers: 1000
At the breeding grounds that have been white current-ed Citadel
  • Chrom-Vrone: 1 seated to the right of the keep along the cliffside at the FAKE CITADEL
  • The big beasts will be showing up!
  • [member="Elizie Adasca"] - Padawan
  • [member="Haytham Kaze"] - Padawan
  • [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - Padawan
  • [member="Varus Shatterstar"] - knight
  • [member="Veino Garn"] - Knight
  • [member="Lan Graendal"] Vs (Claimed by Kaine)
  • [member="Corvus Raaf"] - Master
  • [member="Arumi Zy"] - Master
  • [member="Preliat Mantis"]
  • [member="Book"] - solider
  • [member="Vilaz Munin"]
And these are the One SithAllies: One SithInside the Citadel
  • [member="Darth Nephthys"] claimed by Jannik
  • @Darth Isolda vs claimed by Quinn and Ryan
  • [member="Darth Carach"] claimed by corvus
  • [member="Sena Lassiter"]
Ready to pew pew at the citadel
  • [member="SV-421"] ???
  • [member="GC-9001"] ???
  • [member="Dass Tallav"] ???
Around the Citadel
  • [member="Lady Exedō"]
  • [member="Harley"]
  • [member="Yusan Fenn"]
  • [member="Randial"]
  • [member="Darth Vornskr"] claimed by Lan!
I sent a PM to [member="SV-421"] in regards to sticking to the invasion rules of the 24 hour waiting period if directly engaged since I did that.

Waiting on edits.

EDIT: Nevermind -- not worth the headache.

I'll just roll with it and state the damage caused.
Corvus Raaf said:
Just reminding people about the rules of mention:

So...if you've tagged someone and they didn't respond, please check with them (via PM or the OOC thread) after say 12 hours.

Thanks :)
[member="Darth Isolda"]
Trolling Tefka are we?

I like your style.

I will wait for everyone to make their one post ( You can free talk if you like but actual actions against one sith will have to wait for my reply) -- if you have not posted within 24 hours of my post, and 24 hours have passed then I will continue to post to interact with those I have tagged below and have replied to me.

At 12 hours from now i'll remind folks to please post to me in here -- so at like 12am?

Please wait for my post as I am controlling the NPC forces at the Citadel.

Thank you!!

[member="SV-421"] and [member="Dass Tallav"]. [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Sena Lassiter"] and [member="Jannik Morlandt"] who I will be messing with directly.

  1. [member="Elizie Adasca"] - Padawan

  2. [member="Haytham Kaze"] - Padawan

  3. [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - Padawan

  4. [member="Varus Shatterstar"] - knight

  5. [member="Veino Garn"] - Knight

  6. [member="Lan Graendal"] (Claimed by Kaine)

  7. [member="Corvus Raaf"] - Master

  8. [member="Arumi Zy"] - Master

  9. [member="Preliat Mantis"]

  10. [member="Book"] - solider

  11. [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Ok, I have't got time for a sub, but thought I'd try and be helpful.

So if I take the wookiepedia article:

Prak City was the capital of the planet Prakith. The many skyscrapers of Prak City were said to look like the pointed fangs of some animal when seen from a distance. Cloud cars and airspeeders were common forms of transportation, as the land terrain was difficult to navigate. The city served as the seat of power for Imperial Warlord Foga Brill, and many other companies established headquarters in the business district. Prak City was situated on the largest plateau on all of Prakith, allowing plenty of land to house a huge, Imperial-class spaceport. The Asonel cave system ran through the mountains just outside of the city border.

Let's expand a little:

The city sits on a plateau only 5km across that is roughly circular. For this reason the city is particularly vertical and dominated by skyscrapers. The very largest reaching to nearly a kilometer in height and hundreds of metres wide at the base. Whilst the plateau is "flat" relative to the surrounding mountains, the ground level of the city varies by as much as 500m. This ensures travelling by foot can be difficult, with winding slopes between the lowest layers of buildings.

The spaceport of the city sits around the base of one particularly large control tower. The ground is flattest here, for the largest shuttles to deposit their goods. Smaller shuttles may dock directly on the central tower. The space port is on the eastern edge of the city. The southeast border of the plateau drops off very sharply and into a valley, down which much of the traffic travels. For this reason approach to the city from the south east on the ground is exceedingly difficult.

The western side of the city leads into lower ranges and the Asonel cave system. The mountain ranges to the North and North-East of the city tower over even the highest skyscrapers.

There are two major business districts to the city, one directly east of the spaceport and one on the northwestern edge. Much of the rest of the city is surprisingly multi-purpose, with no clearly defined districts. The reason for this is that each of the skyscrapers is multi-purpose, with each a mix of several uses. A single skyscraper could have housing, leisure, office space, and industrial regions all spread across its levels. Housing towards the lower levels is generally much more affordable. Housing to the north-east of the city is particularly cheap and the lower levels here are closer to slums, with several red-light districts frequented by merchants.

There are two main areas of the city, where great effort has been taken to cultivate parkland and flora. Often the most expensive residential areas are near here, with the lower levels near the greenery actually quite desirable.

A massive speeder lane bisects the city from north-south, with many layers of traffic being organised down this highway, airspeeders can cross the city with ease. Moving from west-east is more problematic, and requires travel at lower speeds to weave between the jagged skyscrapers.

And here's a quick go at a map. Assume everything is fairly well built up that's off the main roads. However, the larger black boxes all indicate a huge skyscraper.


And then, highlight the spaceport and add a handy grid:

People could put their location, once they've landed as A1(5).

Each large grid could be 500m?

(Obviously Ashin et al will be off this map to the North East in the mountains.



The Second Seal, broken.

Looks nice :)

I do have an issue or two with it, tho;
  • Prakith is a military world, and Prak city is its capital
  • The spaceport of such an important place would be far larger, I believe (by your scale — that is, 500m per grid — it hardly measures 1 km across)
  • A map legend would make for an excellent addition
Otherwise, great work. :D

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