Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

"He likes you." Kaile told Asmus, walking along with the scoundrel over to the room. Just a bit of tells she managed to glean. "And worries about you."

"Your uncle is a good man, Asmus." Kaile was able to tell him genuinely, her head slightly forward as she glanced at the man beside her. He still held the bags of peas by his face. His very pretty face. A faint twitch at the corner of her mouth perked.

Asmus was pretty. There was no other way to describe him. He had the sort of angular face and slightly effeminate features that could provoke a second look. Combine it with the long hair, there was no doubt why he considered himself quite the charmer. It was more hot air than actual carry through, but underneath it all, he too was a good man. Young, but would grow into something more.

One day, Kaile was sure, he would make someone special very happy.

Or several, but that was a different subject all together.

"Do you plan to stay with your uncle for the rest of your life?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"I know he does," Asmus said, though it sounded like a complaint. "Would have shipped me off to be an accountant for my dad if he didn't!" He tentatively took the bag off, gently touching the swelling with the pads of his fingers.

She was so sweet. He suddenly found himself distinctly interested in what could have made her so sad? Would someone have hurt her? He felt a hot bubble of anger at the notion.

"Nope. Well, not got a plan for what else, but can't imagine I'll be here forever. Going navy, going solo or making my own crew, or going back to work for the family company. Don't rightly fancy any at the moment," he admitted.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"There isn't anything wrong with the navy."

Kaile told him. Maybe this was due to her experience with the Galactic Alliance and her time in the Protectorate. It was a good occupation. And they did a lot of things that were good. Were good for protecting others and for what would happen.

"But I'm sure whatever you do... you'll do fine with it." Kaile told him with a soft smile. That's the sort of of man Kaile would figure Asmus would be. One day. Perhaps just like his uncle in character, but not as serious.

They came upon this room, where she waited for Asmus to unlock it. It wasn't hers so she didn't want to assume.

"Is there anything you want to do though?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Thank you,” he replied to Kaile, mirroring her smile, suddenly feeling a warm blush run up the sides of his neck. He couldn’t think of a time someone had appraised his real life and said something so encouraging.

The next question, however, elicited a deep frown. He pondered it as he slid open his door. “Hmm,” was all he said as he stepped inside. Pulling out the sliding table over the bed, it become something closer to a pair of chairs and he slumped down on the far side. “I mean I…well…oh.” His eyes turned to the ceiling and he briefly chewed his bottom lip in contemplation.

“I’m not sure I’ve ever really tried to tackle that head on. Like, I think a lot about what I don’t want to do. Haven’t ever really tried to plan out my life. When Kairon stole the Harlequin he put the crew off at the first stop, but not me. Said he was going to arrange a safe meeting with the family. I begged him to keep me on. You know…after all those swashbuckling tales of pirate life. He looked scared. So he picked sold the cargo, used it to change up the ship and used the spare credits to grab another cargo.

“’Just one trip’ he told me,” Asmus said, mimicking Kairon’s tone. “So we do our run, have some more credits to hand. I argue we’re too far away.

“’Just one more trip’ he says again. Then we drop off the cargo and this time he picks up some crew. But they’re not pirates right. Jarrick, couple of other hands. Solid types.

“’Just one more trip boy’ he affirms again. He stopped saying it after around six months. I saw the strain it put on him, could always tell when he’d been on the vid screen to my mother.” Asmus was well aware that he wasn’t given her room to interject whilst she went through her bag. He was bloviating with a well-worn story whilst he tried to figure something out in his head that didn’t sound stupid.

“I’m going to ship out with Mal next. She knows her stuff, has been helping me work on my piloting and navigation. She’s ex-navy. I guess I just take a step at a time? A bit more conversation would be nice though. It is a bit lonely on the long voyages truth be told. It’s not always so frantic. Seems a silly answer. What do you want? More conversation.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile enjoyed hearing him talk.

It was the sound of his voice. His enthusiasm. It allowed her to wear a ghost of a smile while he went on to elaborate about his uncle, someone named Mal, and how clearly, Kairon had a soft spot for the boy.

“Who is Mal?” Kaile knew he asked if she wanted more conversation, so her answer to that was to ask another question. Digging through her bag, she found the small med-kit that contained the bottle of bacta lotion. While Asmsu spoke, Kaile was constantly bracing herself for going in and out of Bobo’s Force null bubble.

It stun, and if Asmus would pay enough attention, he’d see the slight grimace pass across her face. The slight unsteadiness in her step as she stood to return over to where he sat.

“Let’s see here,” she gestured with a kind half smile with a finger towards his face. She uncapped the bottle with a flip of her thumb, then squeezed a bit of the blue tinted medicine cream onto her fingers.

“I won’t hurt you,” Kaile added with a faint tease, “Promise.” Her fingers lightly coming up to smooth the substance over the growing bruise he sported.
"Mhmm," Asmus replied, keeping his jaw still as she rubbed the gel into the bruise. He was pretty certain it hadn't been fractured. Most of the power of the blow had struck his head slightly higher. Probably worth a scan in a few days if the pain didn't go away, he decided. He thought about the pain, honed his attention on that spot. In that way he could keep his mind from wondering. He was glad he'd found his own cubicle. Something had been decidedly off with that whole situation and it was a refreshing change to have some honest conversation with someone who wasn't a middle-aged smuggler. He didn't really keep many friends beyond the crew. Well, none, now he came to think on it. Still, after what he'd nearly done and with the adrenaline coursing through him he was still a little het up and all too aware of how close she was. The grimace had passed him by entirely.

"So believe it or not," Asmus explained after moving his jaw around. "Mal is Kairon's partner. He found another smuggler as stubborn as he is. She's nice though, knows her stuff, good fun to be around. Hard to imagine with the grump right? So is there anywhere in particular you're heading? We've got a straight run now for a week now, but we might be able to take a diversion on the next route if you've got a system in mind."

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile gave a half smile, still slowly and carefully rubbing in the bacta lotion. It had a sickly sweet smell to it, anything with Bacta always did. But if one could get past the scent, they would see an increase in anti-inflammation and discoloration than by any normal means.

"This stuff always comes in handy," Kaile would tell him, explaining a bit. "Smells like you dipped yourself into spun candied Nabooian sugar, but it works."

So Mal was Kairon's partner. Interesting. Then came the question. Where was she headed to? Pearly white teeth once again began to nibble on her lower lip. A reminder of where she had to go.

"Denon." she told him, her fingers brushing against the soft swell of his cheekbone, over the faint dark scruff, rubbing small light circles as she worked the lotion in. His eyes were so bright green at this distance. Enough to see the gold flecks. He had the longest lashes she'd ever seen.

Yup. Asmus was even prettier than me!

"I've a pick up there in a few days."
Those fingers gently smoothing the gel into his cheek was incredibly soothing. They'd all spent a week on Zeltron once and he'd had every part of his body massaged that was legal. He'd been surprised to find the head and face work by far the most relaxing and had fallen sound asleep whilst someone worked their fingers into his scalp.

Slowly drawing his gaze from her large eyes, he pulled a datapad and a stylus from the wall and laid them on the table. He started scratching notation onto it. Large matrices of symbols and equations. “Denon eh?” he mumbled. He was carrying out hyperspace calculations by hand, the kind of work they gave Naval officer cadets to do once they'd graduated from university.

“Well, if we take the route I think we're looking at…” he quickly changed seconds to days in his head. “Just over four days. Is that quick enough? We left early so we could probably take a detour…I suppose…” he said, looking back up to those hazel orbs. It was such a refreshing change to have company aboard. [member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile would curiously would observe Asmus as he did his mental calculations, surprise slowly blooming over her heart shape face. He was doing all the calculations in his head; quickly too. Kaile knew that there was more than met the eye when it came to sentients, but this was a nice discovery. Not because of some thought that Asmus wouldn't of had that ability, but that there were far more interesting bits about the scoundrel that she had yet to discover.

That he was able to do such calculations meant he was brilliant. At least, in her book that is. "You did that all in your head?" she asked with wide-eyed wonder, the sing song of her voice floating over with avid interest.

The young woman would rub her hands together, rubbing in the rest of the bacta lotion. Waste not, want not. She didn't mind it if her hands had the lingering scent of all too rich cotton candy. "... four days is just fine, Asmus."

Taking a step forward, the Lorrdian set her hand upon his shoulder. "Thank you," she smiled, only to lean in and press a small kiss on his good cheek in her gratitude.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

For a moment he found himself a little confused. He'd been juggling numbers in his head and she'd been helping him with his jaw so why...oh of course, getting her off that station.

"That's alright," he whispered back. His free hand find the gap between her shoulder blades and he pulled her in for a brief squeeze.

"And yeah, it winds Kairon up something fierce, so I picked it up pretty quickly. He always thinks he can use coursework to stop me going out when we reach port. Quicker it's done, more time I get off ship! We should get to checkin' the tanks in a min. You ever play togrutan handball?" he asked, a wry smile on his face.

Yes, he decided, this was a welcome change from the usual journey.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Truth be told, Kailr found herself sinking into the hug. Maybe she lingered a bit too long. Would he notice? Her body seemed to just sigh against the touch of another, the warmth that it gave. She didn't even mind the sickly sweet scent of the bacta. Kaile craved touch. Craved to social and physical tethers of another. Did that make her needy? Maybe a bit clingy? Perhaps. It all just seemed to get worst the more days passed by...

"Hmm?" Her head perked, and he caught her attention. Play what? Both brows rose in curious query. At this distance he'd be able to see the light dusting of tiny freckles over the bridge of her nose.

"No, can't say I have." She answered, having scrunched her face to try and recall the game.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus didn't even think of the smell of the bacta, he was only aware of the scent of her hair. His hand found the small of her back as he turned to regard her.

"Well we've got even numbers and a spare hangar so likely you'll find out soon enough," he said with a cheeky smile. "Gets a little rough cos you're allowed some contact, but it's good fun."

The fact that he still hadn't removed his hand or fully broken the embrace was telling. He let out a small sigh. He was really a little lost. The last day had been very strange. She was ever so pretty, yet he'd walked past her in the utility room. It was all very confusing.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile didn't mind the contact. No instead it was like her body melted against his. Kaile tucked the crown of her head under his chin, her cheek pressed against his chest. It was as if she were a Nexu cub seeking affection, contact.

"Sounds fun and exciting," her voice was muffled, and her hands came up to slip round his waist. She missed this. She missed having another close. Being in there embrace, even if it was just talking. It was just nice to be able to hear the steady lull of Asmus' heart thumping under her ear. To feel the ride and fall of his chest with his breathing. To find comfort in the warmth of his body. To shut her eyes and hear the tenor of his voice as he spoke, how it resonated in his chest, and just...

Made me feel as if I wasn't alone.

"What are the rules?" Her low inquiry was spoken alongside his neck, as Kaile just snuggled herself closer.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus looked down at his hands. Both were behind her back, just away from her with palms up. His eyes traced the lines across them. Those marks identified who he was, but who was that? She'd asked where he wanted to go, but where was he now? Just drifting on the breeze. If he was always affected and never an effect, was he really anyone much at all? It would make a change to leave a mark that went beyond a pleasant memory of a few hours ‘tween the sheets. Her eyes had not been inviting when she'd lifted his shirt so seductively. Now he started to think that maybe she just needed the company. He could relate to that; there'd been more than one occasion when he'd been down and sought solace in the physical.
Those hands twisted to press against her back, high and low. He placed his good cheek against the top of her head, before shifting his position on account of a ticklish errant hair against the nose. Silence reigned for a few seconds, but it was a comfortable one.

“You can pass the ball backwards and kick it in any direction, but if you run with it you have to bounce it off your foot or the ground every two steps. Contact from hip to hip or shoulder to shoulder is allowed. Oh and you've got to get into the scoring circle at the and and throw it through the hoop,” he explained, one hand gentle rubbing up and down her back between the shoulder blades. “Oh and watch out for Mai. She's got a nasty streak a mile wide when we play.”

There was work to be done, but right now he was content to risk Kairon's ire until Kaile wanted to let go.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

As he spoke, Kaile couldn't help but shut her eyes at the pressure of his hands as they ran up and down her hand. A low hum of pleasure rumbled in her throat, much like a purr of a content cat. Slowly, she nuzzled against the crook of his neck, feeling the weight of his cheek on top of her head. It felt good, and with every subsequent stroke that followed his elaboration, Kaile found herself relaxing more.

The tension waned, her breathing deepened, and her own fingers began their own idle wandering. Her forefinger would start a slow doodle at the small of his back, an idle trace of small circles. The Lorrdian was such a tactile creature. When her entire body was used to communicate with others of her kind, it was of very little surprise. "Are there different halves? How do you reckon one wins in the end?"

Her voice had fallen an octave, and now it was this soft rasp of a whisper. The entire scene was as innocent as one could imagine, but likely would be met by Kairon with suspicion were he to arrive. Odd, to be sure, but for now, Kaile was was enjoying what Asmus was willing to give.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Stray strands of her hair were blown free as Asmus let out a gentle "heh."

"I'm not sure how much what we do reflects the real thing. Not that I'd ever tune in to watch athletic Togrutans go at each other hammer and tongs of course. We generally pause for a break when the old man needs a rest and stop when he's fed up. What's that gun of yours by the way?"

That very same thought on Kairon had run through his own mind, yet he could hear now sounds of footsteps reverberating through the bulkheads. His Uncle had probably sat down to run through some accounts up in the cockpit. So he closed his eyes and focused on the sensation of her pressed against him. He allowed himself a small sigh and gave her another gentle squeeze.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"Ohhh..." Kaile would say in understanding. That made sense. The game for the crew of the Quin was just to have fun, to enjoy each others company. Maybe to get a little competitive streak going on. It was then that she felt his embrace tighten around her, drawing her in, pressing her close. It was a delightful sin. Kaile knew she shouldn't take advantage of it. That perhaps she should step away. Yet she couldn't help herself.

"My blaster?" her fingers kept on with the wander, fabric shifting, curling, lifting. Small little circles with the pads of her fingers. "It's a stun blaster." she would elaborate, feeling the slight flutter of the stray strands of her hair with every breath he took. "I just can adjust the settings on it. To species that is." lift enough fabric and then the warmth of her finger would meet bare skin. Again, the soft doodle, the idle trace right at the small of his back.

"It's good against vong crab armor and beskar; it will still stun them... if I set it to the right settings." A rather powerful weapon, but non lethal if Kaile could help it. That is, as long as she set it to the right settings.

Hitting a target with too much of a charge could very well kill them instead of stunning them.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Hairs at the back of his neck stood on end as her fingers delicately traced patterns on bare skin. Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. Hard. It wasn't an unwelcome sensation but part of him had set to wondering whether it was an attempt to initiate something else.

No, he told himself. No it wasn't. He didn't know what had upset her so. A death, a relationship, something she was running from. Had no right to ask really, but she was just seeking some company he reckoned. Should he ask what it was? Should he offer aid? Perhaps it would have been the right thing to do. Perhaps he was a social coward, but it seemed easier to just hold her.

In fact one of his hands went searching behind him for the corner of the bed. The soft lining curved away to the wall at each end of the bed so it could be used as chairs. One hand tugged her from the small of the back as he leant back into it, sitting up. With both hands he tried to gentle maneuver her so she could lie against him, shoulder and head against his chest side on. One hand ran a ghost of a touch down the outside of her arm.

"Just hadn't seen one before like it is all. Sounds pretty unique. Know much on engines?"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He was humoring her.

No. No it wasn't that. He was doing the best of what he could. Kaile was content with that. In fact, it endeared him to her. So she fell into his embrace upon the bed, curling up beside him after he adjusted himself. Using his shoulder as a pillow, Kaile snuggled up close. He would find that the woman in his arms wasn't one to stay still. At least some part of her had to keep moving; usually this was her hands for her.

It was an amusing situation, laying on his bed while they stuck to high heavens of bacta. It was okay though. Kaile didn't mind. It may not be the most normal of situations, but this was okay. Blinking lightly, Kaile shifted and lifted her hand. As she spoke, her fingers began an odd little walk up Asmus's arm, starting from his wrist, then slowly moving up.

"It is pretty unique, but it helps out because I don't actually want to hurt anyone." that much was clear, her half shut eyes watching the walk of her fingers move over his forearm. As for engines," A bit. I've done some time fixing things when I was young."

Her time in the Rebellion had been spent doing so because she had been so small. Tiny hands were able to get into places larger ones were not. She may not be a total grease monkey, but she knew her ins and outs.

"Tell me about Eriadu."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

As he fingers walked up his forearm it sent butterflies fluttering through his stomach. His own hand found a comfortable purchase just above her elbow and stayed there, quite still.

"I'm sorry you got drawn into that mess in the hangar then," Asmus said, a twinge of guilt in his voice. "Glad you stood with us though. Never thought they'd have been so bold but looks like our man ran into trouble with debtors and didn't have the assets to satisfy them. Eriadu."

There was a pause as he pondered what to start on there. "It still, even after all this time, has a pretty rigid caste system. My family was in the merchant class of you like. Wealthy, but generally seen as crude and uppity by the nobles. 'Money doesn't buy class' they like to say. Merchant family balls tend to be lavish and colourful affairs. Nobles now see these as gaudy and you'll find they try and show them wealth in more subtle ways. They even have an annual black and white ball just as a statement on how they view the merchants. Still, ours are much, much more entertaining," he said with a broad grin. Even back then he'd been a bit of a skirt chaser. Or trousers, if the mood took him. "Ever been to an Eriadu ball?" he asked, thinking a silly notion.

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