Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Asmus?" that was his name? Curious.

He was a quirky guy, and Kaile could tell right away that he was more talk than actual follow through. To a degree, he was more innocent than others she met. It was a strange thing to think on, but ... it fit.

Just a man pretending to be something else. Which honestly, she couldn't blame him. She did the same. She played roles, fluttered from place to place. Got the information she required then moved on.

"And you say you're a smuggler?"


He asked if he could buy her a drink.

It always started out like that. However, at least his pick up line was smoother than the others she'd heard, and she'd heard plenty. Her mouth twitched. Kaile rocked the glass of ale between her glass, left over rinds of oranges on her plate. The cantina music was playing a jolly tune in the background.

"I already have one." she said, smiling, but it didn't reach her eyes. No, those large brown eyes told of a loss.

However, as soon as she said it, when he appeared to be ready to leave, she added. "But I don't mind another."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
Kairon's hand came out, palm down and motioned for calm. He was well aware that he was a grumpy sod, but the reaction he'd elicited was more than was due.

“If I'm honest, it's probably easier now to take you along than try and sneak you back through the cordon. I don't need to know why you want to move on, won't ever ask either,” Kairon said. He pursed his lips and turned aside, heading towards the cockpit.

“If you wanna get your clothes sorted, have another caf and think on it. Boy, show her where the cleaners are.”

Kairon headed into the cockpit, keen to remove himself from the situation and calm himself down. She'd offered to leave, why was he now offering her a ride? Damnit, why did he always have such a soft streak for the strays. Asmus wasn't so awful as to explain how sad she looked. She was stubborn, but something had happened or she was running from something. At least Mal thought his predilection to brining along strays was sweet. Then he had a sudden vision. A vision of another permanent crew member who was just as disrespectful as Mai. Sometimes he despaired at himself, he really did.
Hah! And he'd been about to play the ‘but you can get me a drink?’ game, with his very most coy grin. She'd beaten him to the punch though. Now this was getting interesting.

He turned back to face her, a subtle incline of the head and he waved the barman over without looking back over his shoulder.

“This used to be a much nicet bar you know. Few years back, quarantine probably doesn't help. I'm just passing through mind,” subtle, invite the question down the line. “But dark, drab and dingy now, like the happy music is trying to convince you you're not…here,” he said, one arm swinging out to encompass the rabble around them. “What do you think?” he asked, trying to get her engaged in conversation.


The Rodian male replied with a string of very colourful words. He shook his head in bewilderment and stormed off from the table. Well, turned out he really wasn't into…that. Asmus sighed, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Still, he hadn't smuggled himself through two security checkpoints for nothing. He'd only risked it because Mal wasn't around. She always seemed to know what he was planning before he was planning it.

Bright green eyes scanned the bar. Oh hello. Maybe out of his league. Maybe not. Nothing ventured…

Noticing that her drink was full, Asmus drained the rest of his glass so he could play the role swapping game. He wasn't one for corny pickup lines. Despite what Kairon said he was capable of being reasonably charming when he was in the mood and obvious pick up lines were distinctly polarising. Better to be quick and clever - and handsome - than resort to something from the ‘net.
[member="Kairon Rees"] 's left with an order hanging between them all.

Kalie would shift on her bare feet, uneasy. Sure, they would take her off planet, but...

I don't need to know why you want to move on, won't ever ask either.
Kurt had been the same. In almost the full year that they had lived together, the courier had not once prodded nor inquired about her past. He took with cheer whatever the Lorrdian would tell him, amused at the banter, and while curious, was never inquisitive to the point of asking for more. He had every respect for her in that aspect, and to be truthful, it had been what Kaile originally enjoyed. There was a relief in knowing he wouldn't press.

It was just that coming to know Kurt made it all the more harder to keep to that.

Humorous green eyes would lock onto brown; Asmus gave her a wag of his eyebrows in good cheer. "Come on Kayleeh," he strode on over to her with that little cocky swagger that had more bark than bite. "Cleaners are this way."

Kaile gave a nod, giving the galley one last look as the breakfast she made...
He was watching her.

One of the perks of all the espion training was being able to notice what others were doing at all times. It was second nature, keeping situational awareness. The only issue is that right now Kaile' s mind was so strung out that she couldn't quite keep focus. The past few days had been a series of transport ships, dives, booze, and whatever she could do to just... be.

Now she wasn't really even making much sense. But maybe it was just how it was meant to be.

Her fingers went dribbling up and down the pint of her ale. She enjoyed microbrews. Lots of oranges with it too. It was an odd snack to be sure, but just something that Kaile enjoyed. Almost as much as fresh strawberries; but those were so expensive and few and far in between. Fresh fruit always was.

He was curious. That she could tell. Young too. A spare glance prompted eye contact, and Kaile gave a small sad 'Heh' as he soon drew his way over.



Figured. Two hands came up to rub her face, elbows bracing upon the table. Now she was stuck her for who knows how long. It would ruin her schedule and honestly... she didn't feel like being stuck under quarantine in the tiny little hostel she rented for the night. Her hands would come up to rub her eyes, feeling the slight bit of puffiness there.

She was getting better. At least, as much as she could hope. Granted it didn't occur to her how she'd already lost weight, wasn't eating healthy, and getting little enough sleep as it was.

For those who knew Kaile, it would seem as if she was simply wasting away, bit by bit. The joy in her life wilting and left behind like the petals of a rose during winter.
The front saucer section of the Quintessence was split into two levels. Living space and cockpit on the top level, quarters on the lower level. A circular corridor ran around a central chamber that housed the ship's computers. Asmus had always nagged Kairon to buy more guns, but Kairon had always invested in scanners, engines and computers. In truth the old man was right, Asmus could admit. They'd given many a cruiser a slip by calculating a string of micro-hops to shake them off. Not like a turbolaser gave a Sith cruiser much pause.

He led her back to his narrow little bunk to gather clothes and then to the small room that contained two sonic showers and the laundry machines. Asmus hopped up onto a machine whilst Kaile loaded her clothes.

Now he only wore simple cargo pants and a vest. No fancy jacket, no hand stitched holster. His scoundrel routine had been stripped back in more ways than one. Berated by Kairon in front of her, the girl nearly in tears. Things couldn't get much worse. What was there left now really? The damn truth and the fact that you signed up to help her get out of here, he chastised himself. Was it always this difficult trying to do the right thing? They always seemed to get into the worst scrapes when they went out of their way for others.

He shot her a half smile from his perch, legs tucked up beneath him. He had the same bright eyes as his uncle, but green flecked with yellow rather than blue with grey. Instead of being framed by weathered features that sketched out a difficult past Asmus had sharp, almost feminine features and high cheekbones. Kairon always remarked that he had more of his mother than the broad jawlined males of the Rees family.

“I'm so sorry,” he said earnestly. “I'd intended to explain to him first. He'd have been fine with it all. He barks and he doesn't want people to realise he gives a kriff, that's all. You should see him around his partner, he's soft as soap really. She'd have given him a good dressing down for swearing at you like that,” he said with amusement in his eyes.

“Sooo…me. I was in that shootout on Mantell, but I only shot one guy. Kairon and his bodyguard do most of the work when we get in a scrap. I did get tortured by the Union when they hauled us over, but I sang like a bird after twenty minutes of it. Aaand I really have been in one battle, not three. But I did shoot down some TIEs. Can't remember how many I said last night but it wasn't that many,” he said holding up two fingers and waggling them.

“Hey, if you hang about we've got a light load. We usually use a bay for some ball. Can do some two on two with you aboard!” he said, trying to find some positive in the situation. Asmus did that a lot. Not much kept his spirits down for long. There was always something positive to be found in the ‘verse. After all, the alternative for him was being an accountant in his dad's company. Spaceports had excitement, sex, beer and conversation. He couldn't imagine an office job offering the same.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“You are not authorised to enter this sector,” droned the door in its monotonous voice.

“Heard you the first time!” replied Asmus. He didn't spot attempting to jemmy open the access panel under the sockets. He connected in his datapad at the same time as he wedged a hydrospanner between two connections and twisted.

“Access granted.”

“Thats more like it!” Asmus laughed. He stood quickly, but took a moment to adjust his holster and jacket. He ran his fingers through his hair to get it just as he liked it, mostly swept back but a few strands falling across his eyes. His blaster hung low on his hips from dark leather holster.

Kairon thought he was a vain and indolent youth. Truth was a lot of the time he was just quicker than his uncle. Actually he was quicker than a lot of people. He'd always found school so boring. When he'd been forced to take some astronavigation exams he'd got them done. In two weeks. Should have been four months work. By getting it done in two weeks he'd been let loose on Zeltron for three nights straight instead of being tucked up on the Quin whilst his uncle enjoyed a filthy few days with Mal. And those had been three good nights
. The bits he could remember anyway. And how hard was it exactly to show that in the presence of multiple singularities and hyperspace anomalies a Chatsy-Xsatra metric was the correct choice and then to solve to find the least number of hops for a safe hyperspace route?

When Asmus put his mind to it there wasn't much he couldn't achieve. The door to the restricted zone slid open before him. He smiled a big self-satisfied smile as he heard the discordant rhythm from the nightlife district.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"I know."

The reply was simple, and was offered with a ghost of a smile. Chocolate brown eyes would lift to meet emerald flecked with gold. The corner of her mouth would perk, a small roll of her shoulder, where the smooth curve of it would be bare against the wide neck of his shirt that she wore.

Her answer was in reference about the truth of it all. She had known he had been exaggerating. Read it in his eyes, in his body, in the way he conducted himself. Lorrdian's had that ability to discern intent through body language. Kaile knew that Asmus had been spinning tales.

But she didn't care then. Nor now. She just didn't want to be alone.

"I appreciate it." she added, moving her clothes into the first cleaner. Long wisps of strawberry blonde hair fell forward over her brow, veiling her right eye. "...but I don't want to be a bother."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He shot her a quick wink. "We actually are pretty good smugglers you know?" regardless of whether it was true or not, Asmus believed this wholeheartedly.

"Besides worth it for extra company. Coming into port is always a welcome change of pace - quarantine lockdowns the exception. We have to run some pretty convoluted routes to get through the borders. All these wars and border patrols make it a tough gig. Kairon knows all the good routes though!" Asmus said. For the lorridan, the esteem in which he held his uncle would be all too clear.

Asmus blinked a few times. He was still a little hazy from the drink. Probably why he was talking just a little too quickly. Still, one of the virtues of youth was escaping without much if a hangover. Plain good old eriadu human stock here, but his body was pretty well versed in gettinf through a hard night and coming out the other side in good shape.

"Sonics behind you by the way," he said with a wave. He frowned then as he considered something. "You have some more stuff we need to pick up before we haul out? One of us will have to go grab it."
[member="Asmus Janes"]


Kaile's soft answer came floating over to Asmus. It was as if she was walking on eggshells. As if she didn't want to go beyond anything that could potentially be a bother to anyone of the crew. His uncle might believe that his nephew was to blame but honestly, this was Kaile. It was Kaile who just didn't want to be alone.

"I have everything with me. Thank you." she told him honestly, hair falling forward to shield her face. Inching down her fingers went curling around the hem of the shirt. It fell at about mid thigh for the young woman, but far more would be revealed in the next few seconds.

Hands curled, drew up, and the soft swish of fabric would sweep over low valleys and full peaks. The shirt drew over Kaile's head, musing her hair, and sending it into an artful disarray around her shoulders. The brisk temperature of the air-recycler would pebble skin, and a fine coat of goosebumps would be left in their wake. A lithe body, if a little bit underweight. Asmus wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Then again, most men rarely consider that fact when a naked woman is in front of them.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He drew in a deep stuttered breath and then let it out very, very slowly. Not even the slightest bit embarrassed, he drank her in with his eyes before whispering in breathy tones: “Never much liked that shirt anyway.”

One foot came down to the floor, but stopped on outstretched toes as it met it. In his estimation, nothing cheered people up like a good tumble. Far as he could tell that applied to every species and gender he’d tried so far, especially with him in his own high self-estimation. The words: ‘You know, I’m not sure the other one is working…’ were on the tip of his tongue. Already he could feel the stirring that told him his body wanted this…but did she?

Asmus didn’t always think even one step ahead, let alone two, but he paused and thought on this. He paused because he saw her eyes. He had brought her back into the ship because in some way he thought he was doing the right thing. That his uncle would respect him for it. Hearing Kairon trying to put her off the ship had tied his guts all up in knots as he’d scrambled up the ladder to intervene. Fingers digging deep, the firm press of skin as the vibrations of the sonic sent nerves into overdrive.

Those big beautiful big eyes were a window to depth of sadness he could drown in. Would moving on her now be taking advantage? And when did he fething care so much about what Kairon thought of what he got up to on the ship? This was Mal’s fault for instilling some sense of responsibility. Feth it!

He slid down off the machine as he hands slipped his vest over his head. Asmus was tall like the rest of his family, but had a slighter build. Well defined muscles, especially the obliques, led the eye down to his slender waist and happy trail. There was no point spending so much time on his hair and clothing if what was underneath didn’t match.

He flashed her a wry smile as he walked past her, she might notice his hands balled into fists to prevent them from betraying him. He kept walking, actually holding his breath.

“Think I could do with one too,” he said as he slid off his pants and opened the door to the furthest of the two shower cubicles.

Don’t look back.

He looked back over his shoulder, eyes running down the curve of her waist to pert rump. Asmus winced pathetically and closed the door behind him. There was the sound of a forehead coming into contact with the shower wall. A shame there was no ‘cold’ setting to a sonic.

“So, whereabouts are you from originally?” he asked through the wall, a hint of strain in his voice.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He wants me.

That much was clear. It was in the strain of his body, the tension that lined musculature as tanned skin rippled over sinew and bone. He was a good looking man. Younger, likely younger than Kurt if she was honest with herself. But age had no real boundaries when it came to two consenting adults. The only issue being that one was in it for the good time, the other to simply blank away the thoughts that mired her.

It was with surprise, a widening of the eyes, that Kaile heard the firm and distinct sound of the secondary sonic shower door lock. He wanted her, badly. Enough that one could see the whites of his knuckles in an attempt to control himself. Yet he didn't do it.

That struck her.

After a pause, Kaile glanced at the other sonic. A few more seconds passed, decisions to make, and she entered the empty one herself.

"... The Dalonbian Sector." she told him. Which was true in a way. Dantooine had been a longer stint of temporary homes during her time in the Rebellion. After that had come Arbra. Then Fondor. Then Sullust.

"What about you?" she would ask inquisitively, closing the door behind her. Fingers would gingerly move over the controls.

"The crew?"
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Puppies, snails, grandfather, engine wait that one doesn't help...oh yeah that mechanic we had aboard for two!...trandoshans, broken power couplings, a running tap...gently lowered to the floor of the shower, gradually falling to one knee, fingers gently parting...that buck-toothed Gran Kairon makes you negotiate with on Nar Shaddaa...

"Dalonbian? That's pretty far out there," he remarked. "We're from Eriadu. That's kind of how we ended up in that battle. Back in the early days Alliance was pretty desperate for manpower. Sent a fleet of smugglers after a pair of docked ships."

Asmus leant his head back and thought back to the aftermath of that battle. Quin shot to hell, Kairon burned all down his face. He recalled the look on Mal's face when she'd seen him. No one looked at him in that way ever. Odd, he hadn't thought of that at the time. He'd been busy sniffing around that Starchaser girl.

"We're heading to Felucia for a trade next. Always fun trying not to be eaten by the local species whilst waiting at a remote site for our man," he added with a chuckle. Oh dear, now he had to think logistics. Did he try and get out first and scarper before she came out, or wait til she was dressed?
[member="Asmus Janes"]

The first vibrating hum of her sonic shower would drone first.


The sound of her voice would draw nearer, as if she was closer to the side of the wall that Asmus would be at. The soft sonic pulses ran down the length of her body, slowly lifting up sweat, grime, and the lingering sticky sensation of the namada nectar.

"... were you part of the Protectorate Eriadu Militia then?" Some had remained, transferring over towards the Alliance. The dark slash of her brows drew forward, and the turned, her hand sliding down to rest at the nape of her neck.

Or were they part of the Merchant fleet?

Hands drew up into her hair, threading it back, tucking it behind her ears. It didn't have the comfort nor the relaxation of a traditional water shower, but it did what it was supposed to do.

The low, husky rasp of her sigh followed shortly after.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Hangover sweats had started kicking in this morning and just a few seconds in the sonic made him feel a good bit more human. In his mind he tried to piece together all the moments from the previous night. Wait, did I really get back through the security checkpoint like that? Damn, but that made all the effort of breaking in to the restricted sectors seem a waste. He’d felt so very clever at that too.

Eyebrows came up to meet in the middle in another pathetic wince as he heard her sigh. “No we were merchant fleet,” Asmus replied. “That’s why the Quin still has that long orange stripe down her. Paid pretty well, but took the ship out of action for a long time. Pay was good, but it was a gamble. Good job we could work on another ship for a bit really. Anywhere in particular you’re headed?” he asked.

Making up his mind, he slipped out of the sonic and into his clothes post haste. He was pretty damn good at getting dressed in a hurry, it came from plenty of practise with high stakes. Her clothes were finished so he stepped out into the corridor, back to the bulkhead beside the door, eyes firmly forwards.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile heard him step out first. It would prompt a curiosity in her. After a few seconds the sonic shower's pulses waned. Standing there for a few seconds she considered where she was and how she got there. Shoulders rose with her deep breath.


Stepping out of the sonic, the Lorrdian noticed right away that Asmus had his back to her, eyes forward. The corner of her mouth perked.

"So are you still working with the Alliance?" She asked, moving over to collect her clothes. The sound of shifting fabric, legs sliding into pants and the shift of a shirt over a head seemed terribly enhanced in the quiet.
See, being a good person.

Well...mostly good person, he corrected himself after his head turned a fraction and looked back through his hair.

"Ah a couple of times. They've had less work for our sort recently," he said. "Other than the odd scrap - oh crap I didn't even tell you about the time we lifted a shipment of credits off some stormtroopers!" he said excitedly. No, not the time Asmus. "But yeah we did quite a lot of getting weapons to them on the down low in the early days. We all still care about Eriadu I s'pose. Did you finish your breakfast? I am absolutely starving."

One leg bent, he used that foot to push himself off the wall and rounded on the fully dressed passenger. "Always so much more fun doing a run when we have new passengers aboard."

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Kaile laughed.

It was a light laugh. Melodic, and for a moment, one could see the fleeting jovial expression of what had once been a bubbly Kaileann. It made her face glow, a single dimple revealing itself on her left cheek. It brightened her tired eyes, revealing tiny laughter lines at the corners, that while brief, transformed her in its entirety.

It was gone as soon as it came, but it was there.

He amused her. With his excitement, the ability that he had to go from one topic to the next with the same amount of energy as before. He may not be all that he inflates himself to be, but it was harmless. Who didn’t want to look good or walk in the shoes of their idol? And it was evident that Asmus’ idol was no other than his uncle the Captain himself.

“Well… I hope everyone enjoyed what I made,” she said, smoothing her shirt and then reaching up to push her hair away from her face
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Just that fleeting moment was enough to widen the smile on his face. That sweet laughter evoked a warm glow deep inside him. Yet it was brief and that strain returned to the corner of her eyes so very quickly. It was a home that pain didn't seem to want to leave for long. He had made the right choice hadn’t he? Even if he now physically ached for having made it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“They’ve probably had the lot,” he remarked as he headed up to the galley. “Aaaand they have. Kairon would have left some, but you can’t leave bacon and eggs within range of our Cathar’s nose. She’ll sneak in and pinch the lot. Grab a chair, you’re the guest I’ll make more.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]His head disappeared into a cupboard for a moment, before returning to a pan. “You know, we once made a trip right out to the edge of the galactic disk. You load up with fuel, head out to the end of the Corellian run and keep going in a straight line,” he said, pushing a straight hand out ahead of him. “Keep going and you come to the mega-light array. Big optical telescope array a kilometre wide for peering out beyond the galaxy. They’ve got a visitor's centre and a restaurant. Big glassteel dome and they only light it with candles that burn a deep burgundy.” Pan went on the stove, another pot of caf went into the filter machine. His stomach rumbled. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“You can sit there and look in both directions. Look back towards the Galaxy and you can see the whole disk laid out before you. A sea of stars you can’t even begin to count. Fixed points that don’t even twinkle ‘cos there’s no atmosphere between you and them. Look the other way and there’s nothing. True emptiness. No matter how long you look there your eyes won’t see a thing. You start you lose yourself in the bleak emptiness. You start to feel that if you step in that direction you’ll fall off the edge of existence and tumble to the infinite void.” Bacon sizzled quietly in the background, Asmus felt his mouth watering. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Then they should you some images from the megalight array. They show you whole fields that look like stars, but each point is a galaxy of its own. All shapes, sizes and colours. Red elliptical smudges that look like they’re burning, bright blue spirals that seem to pop out of the black canvas. Each one of those just like our own galaxy, maybe holding billions of lives and cultures. The Yuuzhan Vong showed us that’s possible. So…” Pan came off the stove, he reached up top open a cupboard of plates.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Sometimes you can look at what’s ahead of you and see absolutely nothing. Just a void that seems to look back. But normally…normally you’ll find you’re just not looking right to see all the beauty hiding out there and there’s more potential than you can imagine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Right then, how hungry are you?[/SIZE]
[member="Asmus Janes"]

He made her smile.

It was in the animation in his voice, the way he would weave the story the reenactment of what had occurred, what he’d seen. Almost as if every action was a part of a dance. Perhaps he wouldn’t see it that way, but for Kaileann, it was an interesting play to watch.

The scent of mouthwatering bacon and eggs would tempt any stomach to an appetite. Kaile wasn’t sure how much she’d be able to eat, but having a little bit wouldn’t hurt. She knew she had to get something in her belly. Continuing on with not eating well would do her no good.

As Asmus continued to paint a canvas through his tale, Kaile would watch his every step. That was one thing about Lorrdians. They were able to read another by observing. One could manipulate with lies, spin tales with words, or hide their nature through a mask -- but not the body. No, it told more than what most would be comfortable to learn. Chocolate brown eyes would follow the man, noting that while he was young, he had a good nature. Oh, he certainly believed himself to be far more charming than in reality, but he was simply out to have a good time.

Live the dream.

It reminded her of Kurt honesty.

Was this an image of what Kurt could have been years ago? It made her wonder. It also made her somber. A slight perk of her lips would attempt to have some measure bearing.

“Sounds absolutely lovely..” she would tell him. In her life, she had never experienced anything such as that. What other wonders out there could there be?

"Not too much honestly," answering his question. Normally she would be the one cooking. Kurt had left her be to do so. Actually, his version of making meals had been the processor.

Cooking had always been her niche. But she enjoyed it. A lifetime of short cooking and waitress roles left her with that joy.

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