Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW


Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo (Enemy)

"Ah damn it," Jax muttered to himself seeing that the Wyvern was undeterred by its own gas. "Shoulda known that it had immunity to its own acid."

The Wyvern roared showing off its large claws in preparation to swoop Jax from the sky. The Jedi Master skid to a stop raising his hand. "Eat this!" Jax roared a blast of Force Lightning erupted from his hand plastering the Wyvern's body. Hopefully that can weaken it so Jax can finish it off.




Firrerreo watched from a distance away, floating ever still in the sand filled air. Hands behind his back. Studying. Always and forever studying. In this case, the Jedi, how they fought against a beast such as Uzul. Jax Thio Jax Thio did something he didn't expect, though. Lightning ripped from the Jedi's hands, scarring across the draconic creature's flesh. Flesh made to withstand blasters. Slugthrowers. Even lightsabers.

But not lightning. A weapon against Jedi and their allies had no need for protection against such Sith powers as Lightning.

The Cirmuhai's body seized, wings freezing as it plummeted to the ground like a rock. Slamming into the desert sand, half buried by the time it came to a stop before the Jedi Master. Low, guttural whimpers escaped the Alchemized creature. But as Jax would go for the lethal strike, a voice spoke up behind him.

"That's not very Jedi of you, you know." In the blink of an eye the Sith simply existed behind the Jedi. An invisible force soared out. A raw blast of the Force, aiming to throw Jax away from the draconic creature.

"I never did like cheaters."


Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo (Enemy)

That was easier than Jax thought, then again being a creature of pure darkness, it was likely that it anticipate Jax unleashing Force Lightning. Most of his opponents never did which why he utilized it as much as possible. Activating his Lightsaber, Jax could smell the burnt flesh radiating from the Wyvern as he got closer. Just as Jax was about to strike the final blow, a voice called out saying that it wasn't a very Jedi thing he did. He used the Force in an attempt to move Jax away, but he powered through and stood his ground.

"Join the club!" Jax frowned turning to face the Sith Lord. "I assume you're this beast's master? Quite a shame for me to take it out of its misery. For all of it's..... frightening features there's something majestic about it. Too bad it's associated with you!"

With a strong vertical overhead strike, the Jedi Master decapitated the beast its headless body stumbling, flopping about before it collapsed behind Jax. "Cheater?" Jax chuckled holding the saber close to him. "I'm not the one who sent a Wyvern to do their dirty work!"

He sighed. "Who are you?" Jax asked. "Care to tell me your particular brand of crazy?"

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Objective II


An ocean of data washed over Hacks', her glasses presenting a scrolling stream of code that represented local battlenets, security subsystems and facility monitors. Hands raced against the keypad, her eyes moving in precise, calculated motions that her augmented reality glasses registered as specific commands. Images displayed in the corner of her vision, a view of the battle above and data from fighting below the surface of the planet. "Well, that's not good," she muttered.

She began facial scans of those she could accurately see on the sliced security cameras, no one she recognised from her time stealing from the Jedi on Coruscant. Her hand made a slow cutting motion, right to left, and the camera turned with the movement. A soft skinned Zeltron came into view, attacking someone she didn't recognize, and Hacks paused for the briefest moment, "What the-" she paused from swearing as the facial scan confirmed her belief. It was Yula Perl Yula Perl , again. Hacks raced to access the security subnetwork and retrieve a localized layout for the slicer, tracing Yula's position on the blueprints she had retrieved. Hacks was far from her, good. She wondered, was she here on an assignment from the Jedi? No, Jedi don't contract criminals.

A Jedi spy in the Darkwire network? Christ, its worse than I thought. "When I get back to Denon I'm throttling their necks," she quietly breathed, thinking of the other shadowrunners who had allowed a Jedi to burrow into Darkwire. She watched for a moment then her fingers danced across the keypads. On Denon she had briefly broken through to Yula's cybernetics, she was going to try it again to send a brief message. Lines of code raced across the screens of the datapads and were swiftly sent out, piggybacking off the prisons communication systems. A simple, rudimentary encryption hid the message. "I'm watching you, (x_x)"

Once the message was sent, Hacks cut the power. The datapds shut down, one by one. "I need to move," she said to herself aloud, then directed her tone to the protocol droids mulling about, "Pack up shop, we're leaving." They quietly obeyed her command and began to disassemble the machines. The shadowrunner reached to her feet and took her weapons, a vibrodagger and four guns she always kept on her person. It was starting to make sense to the woman, the Jedi wouldn't let the Corpos just treat people how they wanted, abuse their power. They must be using Yula in Darkwire to destabilize Corporate control of Denon. Perhaps she was right, or perhaps she was insanely wrong.

No time to wait for the protocol droids, they would just have to catch up. Hacks needed to get off this planet before the Jedi found her and took her head. She tucked her weapons into the inner pockets of her leather jacket and sheathed the blade. "Be quick," she told the droids, "Catch up with me at the docking pads." She left the room and walked out into the open hall. She could hear stirrings from the handful of prisoners kept here. The guards were gone and one prisoner shouted out, "Hey, don't leave us here!" She ignored them and looked around, it seemed safe for now.​

Madison Starr


ENEMIES: Strike Team Kenobi | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble
ENGAGING: Judah Lesan | Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Spindle blinked once, twice, beady eyes staring down the girl whose blood-soaked fingers gestured to her books. Her head canted to the side, considering the girl and her words, joints stretching with a dry chorus of pops. "No, I suppose blood wouldn't do on these volumes. A shame, I can always do so much more with live material than pages."

"I don't know you, that's different." Spindle replied, her head tilting once more to mirror the other. Piercing gaze would meet the abyss as the woman went from several blinks in rapid succession to nothing at all. Unmoving, eyes empty yet also so very full all at the same time. The moment was gone just as quickly as it had started. "If I didn't like you, you wouldn't be here."

A bony hand ran through her hair, a couple strands protesting as she neared the ends before all but one strand eventually fell back into place. The lone wisp seemed to shrivel and writhe under her scrutiny, shying away from the mine's light, inching towards the shadows of tunnels. The very same tunnels, as the Force would have it, leading to that growing presence of a wielder of light. It seemed the strings of fate would have their way this day.

Stained fingertips twitched every so often as Spindle took to following the other at a slight distance, as if pulling at strings not yet known to the naked eye. The lightsaber at her side, a basic model (one she loathed to carry and truly only did so by her master, Lord Letifer Lord Letifer 's command), weighed heavy on her belt. It had seen minimal combat, the Weaver preferring other, far more refined methods of eliminating enemies. Combat by saber was too straightforward, too finite.

"Why don't you play with this one first," she hissed toward her ally of the moment. Spindle would keep back for the moment. Ready to react if and when things came her way, certainly, but her efforts were more invested in study at the moment. Better to learn the enemy as she spun her web around them.




Location: Asog | Mining Facility | Covered Bridge
Objective: Defeat the Intruder
Wound Status: Dagger Lodge in Right Shoulder | Lightsaber Burn on Left Forearm
Equipment: Loose Fitting Black-Red Robes | Purple Lightsaber |2x Tehk'la Blades | Telos IV Orb (Force Talisman)
Tags: Valery Noble

The stranger barely shifted to dodge the blade and started advancing. Kaiah brought up her left hand, intending to use cortosis-weaved blade to parry the woman's lightsabers. She dropped her right hand down behind her back and splayed her hand as she summoned the flying blade back. The stranger pressed forward, unaware of the dagger now rapidly approaching her exposed back. The woman raised her right lightsaber for a diagonal sweep, aiming for Kaiah's torso. Kaiah swapped from her defensive stance and instead angled her left blade upwards, leaving herself exposed. Once her other Tehkla blade made contact, she would strike from the front and end the woman's life swiftly.

Kaiah's eyes widened in surprise as the felt the blade lodge in her right shoulder. The weapon had made no contact with the Jedi, passing through her as if she was a ghost. Now off-balance and out of her stance, Kaiah was completely defenseless against the woman's attack.

The impact of the dagger had saved her life, however, knocking her back far enough that her centre mass was just out of range of the saber. Only her left arm was still caught in the path, and she felt searing pain as the blade 'nicked' the edge of her forearm. She immediately ducked down into a crouch, wary of the other lightsaber in the stranger's hand. She pushed off the balls of her feet and jumped backwards, putting 3 metres (10ft) between her and her opponent.

Her calm was gone - replaced with pain, fear and fury. Her eyes flashed a brighter orange, and the room started to grow significantly hotter. She reached out and drew the smoke towards her, creating a large shifting vortex between her and the stranger. The smoke was thick enough that seeing through conventionally was impossible. Hopefully it would disguise Kaiah's movements from the Jedi.

She backed off deep into the vortex, breathing deeply. She gritted her teeth and removed the blade from her shoulder, barely stifling a scream as she did so. She then took the orb from her pocket, all her thoughts of breaking it forgotten. She drew on the power of the orb, commanding through force. She felt it shudder as she utilized the power in an twisted way. As the web of cracks spread across the talisman her wounds healed, the tissue stitching back together as if by an invisible hand. Once done her grey skin could be seen intact behind new tears in her robe.

She pulled the smoke in further, until it just flowed around her body and parted around her eyes – a deliberate mimicry of how the stranger had first appeared. The smoke would ideally mask her movements from her opponent, but she'd taken her time healing and so would have to just brace herself for the Jedi's next attack.


The Storm of the Force whipped wildly around her casting waves this way and that. A dark ocean of anger and pain washed over her as she struggled to keep her craft right with the Tempest that drove her forward. The paint splattered across her helmet and visor completely coloring her vision with green. But a storm did not see, it simply devoured. With a flick of her wrist she flung the staff forward, propelled by more than a little push from the force. She didn't see if the staff reached the young Padawan but it didn't matter.

Standing there, Tempest took a moment to wipe the blood from her mask. No, not blood. For a moment she stared at her paint-covered glove. First it was green Blink. Now red? Blink. Green again. Pain. Absolute searing pain, like the electric bite of a Skyeel, shot through her body. A familiar presence of pressure fell over her. A sense of purpose. Movement.


She couldn't fight with this paint over her helmet visor. In one, violent motion Tempest threw her helmet to the ground, hard enough to crack the visor. Her face was twisted in a snarl of pain. Thalia cried out in pain but the roar of a might Pamarthen Drake on in flight on black wings drowned out the cry. It landed, wrapping its wings around her. It whispered something to her.

Tempest reached up and gripped one of her lightsabers and pulled them from her holsters. Her grip on it was so tight she could feel the leather of her glove groaning. Her thumb found the switch and with a snap-hiss Tempest ignited her lightsaber.


She reached deep. Pulled out everything. Her hate, her anger, all of the dark clouds and the gale of emotions that moved her through the Tempest. She was riding the biggest wave of her life now and the rush was like none other. She spat to the side as she stalked forward. With each step though, a metamorphosis was taking place. She could hear it now, almost like the first time she plucked the crystals from the caves of Illum as a wandering Padawan. She'd been alone, even then, but the Force and the Kyber had guided her with their song, like a gentle breeze on the sail. She remembered that day well. The ice caves were dark and the only light for miles were to two green jewels in the wall. They had been with her then.

They screamed. Shrieked. Belting a song begging her not to do this. But Tempest needed this. Why couldn't they understand that? She would force them to understand. With each step she forced her will on the kyber and as the crystal bled, so did the emerald blade of a Jedi die, slowly at first. The red trickled down the blade as it became cursed to forever bear its wounds to the world. Tempest raised her blade before her and took the Jedi Ready stance the red glow of her weapons illuminating the golden irises befitting a Child of the Dark.


Yes Master.




Firrerreo just stared.

The headless body of his dragon. His dragon. "Do you know how hard it is to replace him? Every time he dies, I have to take an evening out of my life to try and fix him. Or replace him. Replacing him is even harder!" He walked forward, past Jax Thio Jax Thio . Uncaring of the Jedi Master. Instead, just focusing on the now still corpse of Uzul. "Ah well."

And like that the rage around him faded to a simmering hate. Heat, not hate. Fire. The sands around him whipped up as he pointed a single finger towards the Jedi Master. A dull, joyless expression was all he had to offer before a torrent of flame erupted. Not even to consume the Jedi, more to consume the remains of his precious creation. Better to turn it to ash.



All around them darkness bled into the colors. But it wasn't from Thalia Senn Thalia Senn . Then who..? The smile on Iris's lips dissipated just as the colors did. Kai. For a moment, panic. Iris leapt back, her blue saber cutting through the spear thrown towards her in a blind rage. What was happening? Why was this familiar? The clawing darkness continued through her world of color, consuming all. Agony.

What that..?

She stilled her mind. Both hands gripped her saber, scarred and less scared, as she let the panic go. Created her shield of color, keeping the darkness from consuming her like it was consuming the others. It was.. Easier, with Domxite. Her gaze shifted to Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri first. Watching as he closed in behind the other woman. Girl? Wait. Purple eyes blinked as she stared at Thalia.

Without a mask.

A girl, her own age. The darkness seemed glued around her, devouring the bits of light still within. ".. Wait." Her blade lowered as her eyes widened. The green saber ignited. A Jedi? How..?

Then pain. A black abyss erupted from the hilt in her world of colors, staining everything. No more colors, just grey. "Stop." Kyber crystals were alive. Not like Domxite was, no. But her own still felt alive. The pain radiating from Thalia's own.. It filled Iris with horror. .. There was no talking with the Fallen now, was there? Not with this darkness around, clinging to them all.

Iris lifted her blade, mirroring the stance. <Someone's here. Messing with the colors. I can't.. We can't help her here. Not with this darkness.> The storm was coming now. The most she could do was hope to weather it.

<Yeah, I get that!> Kai sounded pretty annoyed, strained as he was through the pain the Old Man of the Sith had inflicted upon him. <Help me knock her out!>

He was still trying to slam the pommel of his lightsaber down on Thalia, repeatedly if necessary, until she went down. Since she’d elected to remove her paint-covered helmet, he’d be quite literally beating the Pamarthen wench over the head with the butt of his weapon unless she quit screwing around with her kyber crystal and stopped him.


Madison Starr


Hacks had just passed a prison cell block when a noise from around the approaching corner garnered some rather peculiar attention.

Zzzspt zzzspt ssshpst

The sounds of cutting plasma followed by the hard crash of plastic on concrete and a splash of light. A sentry droids head rolled around the corner. Embers still smoking. A splash of plasma particles sliding across the floor in his wake. Mmm. It appears, he'd just been flatlined.

"You there!"

A woman stood in between Hacks and her exit. Her silhouette shown perfectly in the doorway. A fur coat. Twin plasma wands in her hands, burning brightly. A familiar plastic robot carcass at her feet.


Stop. Stop. Stop.

The words echoed in Hacks head like an unfamiliar reality. As if they'd been placed there illegally. They required attention. Questions? As if you needed to think them over again. Like, why were they there? Or could possibly put words in other peoples heads? This wasn't right? Why did she need to stop doing anything?

It was only the briefest of distractions. But a Jedi's tricks are not always so straight forward.

"You will take me to the command center."

You will take me...

There it was again? Those words in her head. Alien and most certainly not hers. More questions? Or..? Was this a virus? No. It couldn't be...

It was only the briefest of suggestions. Yet. Unfamiliar. Unpolished. Not of this world.

The woman in the doorway began to approach Hacks. Twin wands still burning. An otherworldly presence amongst the shadows and dust. The severed head of the sentry droid still lingered near the bend of the rocks. Embers still hushing away.

Time to make a call.

Then suddenly.

A doorway high above opened with a loud hiss. Another exit. High above. Third story. Two Maw cultists appeared, bending over the jagged railing. Dim-witted brutes this place called guards. They did not seem pleased.

"Well bugger me!" A tired voice responded from the cells behind Hacks, "...Heh. It's a bongin' Jedi."

His bloodshot eyes were all you could see between the bars. But somewhere back there in that damp, sullen cave.

You could almost hear him smiling.

Hacks Hacks

Tempest lashed out with her lightsaber slashing at the Sithspawn's lightsaber hilt as it came towards her head. In a swift motion pulled her other lightsaber from her chest holster. This one was still green and the whirlwind of color that came from Tempest was a sight to dazzle the eyes. The power she felt was intoxicating. She could feel the fear from Iris. The only thing she wished now was that the blade she had bled had been that Padawans so she could feel real terror.

"Not so confident now that you've seen it are you Iris?" Tempest cackled, not letting up on the storm of blows. "If Doxmite is as fickle and rebellious as you say, I can't wait to try it on that blade too! A shame you won't be there!"



Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri brought his hilt around for Thalia Senn Thalia Senn , and Iris rushed in. Her grip shifted on her saber as she thrusted out in a single hand. Makashi style. Atop the train she hadn't been able to keep her footing. Not with the high winds wiping around. Underground? Her blade flicked, cutting down suddenly from the thrust. A feint, trying to pull her attention. Fighting against two people wasn't easy, right?


".. You hurt them." Did that mean she was going to hurt Domxite too? She bit her cheek. "Please! You can stop! Don't listen to the dark!"

Kai blinked as his lightsaber’s blade abruptly vanished, the hilt sliced in two by Thalia’s.

<I knew I should’ve made the casing out of phrik or cortosis,> he muttered.

Now weaponless, he sprouted an extra set of arms and just started pummeling her, beating his fists against her back and head at superhuman speeds while she was (hopefully) distracted fighting Iris. Otherwise, he was probably going to lose some limbs—but that was why he grew some extra arms in the first place.

All this was happening while Iris was pleading with Thalia to turn back to the Light. Beautiful.



Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo (Enemy)

"Then maybe you should've done your own fighting if you cared about your pet!" Jax retorted. "Sorry to inconvenience you!" From the looks of this person, he's done some extensive experimentation on himself. Still of all of the enhancements why the horns? They're more impractical than fearsome. Jax growled when the sands swirled around the Sith Lord, the corpse of the beast started to disintegrate behind him.

The Jedi Master leapt sideways to avoid the burning Wyvern. Who knows what kind of ritual he performed on it, the Dark Side had pathways to many abilities that were considered esoteric. With his Lightsaber in front of him Jax could feel the sheer hatred generating from the Sith Lord. Yet he was prepared to defend against whatever he had in store for him.




She considered his serious reply, being that Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was apparently uncertain as to whether or not she, herself, had been serious in the rambling she had been engaged in, despite her attempt at framing it as little more than a joke. It was cute, in a way, that even he defended his own father's reputation in nearly the same breath that he downplayed the leniency the man had been given by people that thought like him, and for a moment she almost thought he had been referring to herself unintentionally as he described the notion of devouring planets until he made it clear that he had been describing dear old Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex instead.

She pursed her lips and then frowned.

"I don't know whether you're too focused on whatever your goal is or if you're just that much of an idiot."

She started to walk away, shaking her head, despite her pride urging her to stand there and fight. Her ego, however, kept her talking as she did exactly as he suggested and began to leave. "Your father preyed on the worlds already under his thumb, or otherwise acted like carrion fowl whenever another planet was under siege and death was merely an opportunity he could leap on." She said, her lightsaber shutting off. "The man has skill, strength, power, but he is too cautious for his own good - he doesn't take the risks that I do."

She cracked her wrists with the turning of her hands and stretching of her fingers, the temperature of the air dropping as the energy of the matter suspended within it was sapped away - like the arid desert they were standing in had been taken by the winter months. "Rhand.. Coruscant.. Mykr.. I do things myself, get my own hands dirty." She continued, turning around to step away backwards, her pace slowing as she braced herself for the man to play a much different tune than an affable hero. "Go on, destroy the weapon, take what Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis wants to badly - give him a reason to rely on your dear cousin, whatever the degree of separation." Mori added with a smirk, openly goading him on.

"I'll let you in on a little secret, Kahlil, I don't need a weapon to destroy a planet."

Her lightsaber ignited as she lifted her hands up and away from her sides, smiling now.

"I am the weapon."

That was one out of the fight- Or at least she'd thought so until the Sithspawn sprouted another set of arms and came in swinging. She looked between the blades at this...Jedi padawan, and wondered for the first time if she might be so hell-bent on getting her lightsaber back that she'd ignore the monsters standing beside her. Her green off blade moved to stop the thrust but the feint caught her off guard. The blade hissed through the duraplast of her chest plate, but a quick jerk back stopped the blade from cutting flesh.

"Cricking schutta-" One of the fists collided with her face. She felt her lip explode in pain, a warm trickle of blood welling from her split lip. "And you!" She reached out with her hand and released a blast meant to just shove the thing back.
"You should be submitting to me! To us!"
Had Hacks any skin left on her arms she would have goose bumps right now. She had heard the noise. Her scans didn't detect the guards, nor was the noise from within the cells. It wasn't soon enough for Yula to have found her if she dared, so who was it? she wondered as she spun around to face the person. Hacks eyes glanced over, no one she recognised. "You there! stop," the woman ordered and the sound reverberated in her mind, her head tilted a degree as she thought about it, pausing in her tracks for the briefest moment but a moment that felt like it had extended out to an eternity. "Take me to the command centre," the woman made another order.​
The words passed over her, convincing, pulling her to listen and obey. A virus? she wondered, her cybernetics scanning internal systems and coming up empty. Something wasn't right, she could hear the other voice in her mind, coaxing her to listen. Her eyes quickly danced across her glasses, inputting commands that would initiate a cleanse and reboot of her cranial subsystems. A tingle shot down her spine and it was complete, but the voice, it was still there. "Karking Jedi," she muttered, she had heard of their magic. Even on Coruscant at their temple she didn't encounter one close enough to see it for herself.​
"Neat trick," Hacks said, "But I can do one better." Her shoulders jostled and removed her jacket, exposing an uncomfortably complex system of cybernetics, layered one over the other across her entire body. All that was human of her were her organs and mind. Four powerful robotic arms flexed and curled fists, jagged blades rose from her forward arms. It was quiet enough now to hear the fine motors spinning in her limbs. The Jedi came towards her and Hacks was ready.​
The hydraulic hiss of a door up above caught their attention, guards entered and began shouting from above, pointing down to the two. "Cavalry's here," Hacks said, turning her face back to Madison, "Au revoir, chienne." With an unnatural speed no ordinary human was capable of, Hacks kicked off towards the wall, a robotic fist punching a hole through the duracrete, then another above it, all four arms punched a hole, each other higher than the next and she began to scale the wall, like rungs of a ladder. She moved vertically up the side of the prison as fluently she would on her two feet. She was making for the third floor.​

Madison Starr

Madison Starr


The mysterious Jedi frowned and disengaged her plasma weapons. Holstering them against the small of her back, she reached out with one hand towards the retreating war droid. Or, at least, that's what she thought it was.

She would pull the four armed creature right off the wall with just a tug of the...


A vibro-axe spun right over the Jedi's left shoulder and banged against the rock.

Ah, right. Guards. Duh. She shifted her aim.

She gave a long gesture of her arm and pulled the giant, axe-throwing Maw cultist right up and over the railing. Slip! Barking some guttural, violent surprise as he fell, head-first. Then smashing against the ground with a terrible gusto. The awful sound might have matter more if Madison wasn't so busy with the next one up there. She made another long gesture as the second guard began to aim a cultist staff-like rifle in her direction.

Nah. She tweaked his aim.

A coupling of blaster fire echoed out from above and came straight for Hacks through the air.

The cultist immediately stopped firing with indecent surprise and violent indignation. Then his rifle began to shake and suddenly smacked him right in the eye. Gah! Then an invisible hand grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him right over the balcony too. Aghh! His guttural yell wasn't half as inspiring as the first's.

He smacked against the floor too. Just as suddenly.

"Sweet Gods alive!" The prison cells gasped from their view in the dark. Another wet body decorating the concrete with a falling smash. "...They're falling like birds, they are! Bugger me."

Well. At least the prisoners were enjoying themselves. Hmph.

Madison frowned again and decided that was probably enough theatrics for now. After all. She wasn't quite done with that fancy war droid just yet.

The Jedi reinforced her bomb leathers and then leapt a dozen meters into the air and bounced off a rock. Then she bounced again, and again, and again. Jumping like some inhuman acrobat. From rock, to railing, to prison's jagged edge. The Jedi was climbing too. And fast.


They reached the top at exactly the same time. The Jedi landed right on top of the jagged railing from which the two guards had just been thrown. Perching like a smiling spider and withdrawing a single plasma wand. Igniting it into the darkness and blocking Hacks way once again.

"Going somewhere?"

Clearly this Jedi creature wasn't going to make this easy.

Hacks Hacks


// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //

He's Quick.

The man's size belied his nimble movement, the Echani's strike grazing flesh perhaps only due to his diplomatic nature. As her blade stretched past him, an azure glow came up for Jorryn's wrists. The Sith's blade retreated to save both hand and hilt, but her stance failed as the blades slammed together. Her blade hand went wide as they connected, footwork hastening itself to hold balance.

Curious as Jorryn was to what they were unearthing in the mines, she would prefer not to be thrown off the parapets to witness it.

A boot slid across the metal floor, the Echani trying to force her foot in the middle of the Jedi's own to press the attack. Quickly as her feet shuffled, her blade came back to her less gracefully. She attempted to retreat it to her chest, a clumsy effort to put up a quick defence. Denying the raven-haired man the power behind his swings by closing the distance between them wasn't enough to keep her from getting carved to pieces when lightsabers were their weapon of choice.

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