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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW



Issue #6 - Retribution: Jedi Strike Back
Objective 2: Strike Team Skywalker

Dimitri Voltura Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis
Step after step Zaka progressed deeper through the dark tunnels, letting his astute senses forge him a path toward his goal. Clenching tight to his hilt, he could sense a shift in the Force's currents. He could feel the probing minds of the Dark reaching into the ether, searching for the source of the disturbances. It was part of Dagon's plan. Being the distraction. Without a doubt, he would've much rather been part of the first strike team, taking the fight directly to the Sith...

But things rarely went as smoothly as plans suggested.

The sound of metal striking rock echoed off the walls around him, alerting him that he drew closer. He continued in that direction, and as he did, the presence of Darkness grew that much more.

Zaka reached back slowly, as if that'd help his chances of going undetected. Close enough to see torch light, he could sense that he was close enough to the excavation that trying to hide would be to play the fool. Glad that he needn't keep up pretenses of stealth, he clambered to the top of the short incline and spotted the source of the Darkness he'd been guided to.

Two of them.

His Senses, blossoming around him gradually drew in to focus on the pair of Sith he came to face. With the forward warning, he withdrew the handheld object and stepped into their line of sight. By then, his arm had already reached back and was thrust forward, pelting the object towards the closer of the two.

Small wings, to help with self-determined guidance were destined to come out the closer it drew to its targets. Without a connection to the Force, that snap decision to alter its path, Zaka knew would be fruitless. Determined to make space, the violet blade of his saber exploded in a bright brilliance as he charged after his thrown blast bug.

Location: Asog
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl
A brief glimpse of pain.
Valery felt it as the dagger buried itself into the woman's shoulder, but she hadn't quite expected her to recoil the way she did. The sweep of her violet blade that was meant to finish the fight now only grazed Kaiah's arm, allowing her to duck underneath any attempt at a second attack, before she distanced herself with a quick jump. With the woman injured, Valery planned to maintain offensive pressure but she stopped when it seemed that her opponent had tricks up her sleeve as well.
The temperature within the room began to suddenly and abnormally increase, and hot smoke began to swirl in a vortex between them, rather than rise up to the ceiling. It was a display of Alter Environment not beyond what she had seen before, but it made for a tricky situation. She felt the Dark Side rising behind the concealing smoke, but stepping through the chaos could expose her if this was meant to be a trap. That the woman was actually healing herself, Valery didn't know.
So for now, she tempered her desire to pressure Kaiah, and drew in a small breath as her senses extended. Seeing the woman through the fire and smoke was impossible, but her presence in the Force was distinct, especially this close. Valery focused on it and when the smoke began to shape itself around the woman, it was finally time to act again. Pushing out her breath, Valery brought a hand up, fingers curled around a temporarily extinguished blade, and the Force rising within her.
"The Dark Side is not your ally. It won't save you."
She then extended her arm and directed a powerful telekinetic pulse outward, aimed for where she sensed the woman's presence. Hoping it would blast Kaiah across the room, she ignited her lightsaber again and moved in pursuit with explosive speed, both weapons drawn ready and if she were to get close enough, both would be used in a flurry of alternating strikes towards her opponent.
The pressure was back on, and she intended to maintain this momentum. But while she fought with the aggressive tactics of a former Shadow, deep down she felt something swirl within her. Something told her that this fight was going to be very different from the countless others she's been in.


More of the darkness swirled, consuming colors as a blast of the Force was released towards Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri . Before, she'd of been far more worried. But.. Knowing what he was, knowing how resilient he could be, her attention stayed on Thalia Senn Thalia Senn . Her blade cut around again, this time aiming for the green saber in a quick thrust. Trying to take advantage of Thalia's focus to disarm the fallen Padawan.


"Could be both, let's be honest." Ah, humor. The great uniter or.. Something like that. If it kept Darth Mori from striking out at him, why not laugh a little in the process? He flashed a grin, brief as it might be. Then, much to his relief, she turned to leave. The saber disengaged, she started to walk away. Then the temperature started to drop. The grin was all but faded at that point as he continued to listen. Every word, ever subtle tick in her voice.

Her blade lit up, goading. Trying to get him to act against some great evil. There were too many similarities to what he saw with his father or even the twisted clone of himself. No, too many similarities to what he could've become had he stayed with his father. The Sith. A sad smile was all he could offer. Sympathy. His hands stayed by his sides as he shook his head.

"You're not a weapon, Vesta."


The gout of flame ceased as the Sith Lord closed his hand. Sighing.

"Sass." Again Firrerreo pointed his finger towards Jax Thio Jax Thio , a joyless smile spreading across ashen features. Pressure. The air around them shook as he reached through the Force. Swirling sands came to a stop, frozen in the air. His finger lowered, pointing to the ground. "When you should be kneeling."

The sand dropped as the pressure grew. Gravity itself bent to his will, flattening the dune hills around them to a level pit. Loose grains of sand compressed onto themselves, making a solid structure of rock. Firrerreo's wings unfurled as he floated above where the ground had been, glaring down towards the Jedi as he used that same pressure to try and crush the man.



Darkness crept upon his mind. Judah knew the ilk of it instantly. Years as a shadow made him more intimately familiar with it than he wished. Torture experienced at the hands of a dark mistress made him even more familiar with what depravity lurks in the unseen depths. His mind and thoughts were well guarded, and the child's attempt to confuse him would have to be more than an illusion. Her own thoughts would meet with a brick wall.​
Her words, Judah allowed. Perhaps if she felt her attempts met with some success it would give an advantage he could use later. A smirk drew at his lips as the question rolled about his mind. His eyes closed as his thoughts projected an answer.​
<< "Play? Show yourself and let me see you…" >>
Judah turned to look over his shoulder. She wanted to bite his flesh. His head shook. This time his words were spoken aloud.​
"You should really buy me dinner first," the Jedi said with a laugh.​
His lightsaber presented in the opening stance for the sixth form. Judah waited patiently for her to actually attack. Even as he could feel the thought of her biting into his neck press into his mind, Judah pushed back against it. He would not allow that illusion to distract him.​
"Tell your friend to come out of hiding as well. Two against one isn't a fair fight already. Give an old man fighting chance… hmmm?"​


ALLIES: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble | NJO
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the MAW | Spindle Spindle | Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Kai almost smiled as his fist connected with Thalia's face, drawing blood. His little victory was short-lived, however, as he was soon blasted back by telekinesis. The blow sent him arcing through the air, flipping end over end, until he slammed into the cave wall.

He landed on his feet, like a cat.

"You should be submitting to me! To us!"

<I submit to no one.>

All four arms pushed forward, sending a whirlwind spinning through the tunnel toward Thalia.



Issue #2 vs. Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps


She's smart.

It came to no surprise why she was the one overseeing the heinous project from above rather than digging through the grime and dirt among those of the lower hierarchy of power. That observation had been his prime reason for splitting the padawans to the task underground. Some may have silently argued against it given the crucial objective set on the shoulders of the less experienced but Dagon stood firm. Every Sith strived to be at the top of the pyramid not beneath it. The Knight may have dozed off on many of Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec 's lectures but he still remembered well the caste system of the ancient Sith.

Her sharpness and quick adaptability were enviable as she moved into a more intimate distance. No matter how extremely agile Dagon was, the argent-haired Sith still was a head shorter and half his size. The laws of nature behooved her diminutive stature.

They exchanged swings and thrusts, Dagon's own searching to either disarm her or disable her but never to kill. That final judgment was the absolute last resort but time was ticking away and he was not an inch closer to reaching his contingency.

The two blades connected into a spark-crackling lock as did their glares. Cerulean blue and crimson red illuminated their eyes as the heat of plasma drew sweat down their brows and cheeks.

"Give... it up... lady." he muttered through gritted teeth the classical offer. "I can see... you'd rather be... anywhere else than here..." he bluffed on instinct.

Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Closed
Links: Weapons

Though he was no Sith, Zachariel still came to this planet. There had been talks of future bloodshed in the making, something he was all to eager to join. It had been some time since he had entered the fray proper, instead having brought more chaotic order to the planets under the Bloodsworn's control. Now though, that ended, and more bloodshed began. And if all went well, there would be much of it in the future. That thought alone made the warlord grin, thinking of all the possibilities, all the slaves to be had, and the skulls to take.

Shaking his head, he focused on the present, that would come in the future. For now, he had to help deal with the fools attacking this place. Stalking the shadows, Zachariel searched the foe as they battled with the Sith. Thus far, none had engaged him. Either they feared him, didn't see him, or had engaged some other foe. He neither knew, nor cared. Instead, he decided to finally engage his own targets. Emerging from the shadows, he walked freely toward the Jedi.

Sensing out any worthy foes, he found himself walking towards a specific person, a specific light. A worthy target. As he came closer, he finally saw the figure, Eina. Scowling at that, Zachariel didn't bother saying anything, simply flaring his presence out as an announcement. It was a challenge to her, even as he held his weapons in hand. Without breaking stride, he continued his advance, eyes focusing upon Eina, ready for battle.

Last edited:


Del Del | Yula Perl | Hilal Vizsla

The danger Cadere felt persisted, his hairs stood up and his gut felt like a crater. The Dark Jedi ran a thousand scenarios in his head, with the most prominent one being the girl - Del. He knew of her contempt toward him, and she was of Darth Insatious, Cadere wouldn't put it past her to stab him in the back or attack him unprovoked. Especially with how she followed close behind him.

Prodding into the mind of the girl hard on his heels, Cadere searched for any hint of betrayal from her. Surprisingly, he saw nothing, aside from the less than flattering thoughts of him she had no plans to attempt to kill him.

So what else was gnawing at him? Why was every instinct screaming 'danger' at him?

A familiar hum alerted him once more, growing louder and louder as it drew near. Coupled with that, Cadere's sense of danger cranked all the way up to 11. Reacting quickly, the Dark Jedi ignited his crimson lightsaber as he pulled it from his belt, instinctively protecting himself from the whatever was about to attack him.

Cadere pranced into a backward somersault, perching a few feet away from his attacker in a crouched position. Tilting his head upward slightly, his red visor gazed upon the would-be-opponent. Cadere's mask protected the Kiffar from portraying the surprise that married his bronze features, lava-like eyes lingering on the pink skinned woman in front of him. The familiar alluring features, dark hair and devilish grin - it was Yula, of course it was.

It was like the Force was playing a cruel game with him, its Light trying to sway him away from the path he needed to be on. Placing those from Cas Tynen's life against him so he could falter. No. He wouldn't. He couldn't. Fighting the small wave of nostalgia that washed over him, the Kiffar gritted his teeth and his grip on his lightsaber tightened like a vice.

"More will be here." he flatly told Del before charging at the Zeltron ferociously, almost pouncing on her as he unleashed a flurry of wild strikes at his former friend. She wasn't alone, Yula was brave but she wasn't stupid - word must have gotten out about the mining site and a strike team was sent to disrupt the Sith's plans. It was a good thing in hindsight, but he couldn't have Del reporting back to her forefather of Cadere's 'lack of resistance' if he refused to aid the Sith in this attack.

The miraluka grew still, his figure unmoving. "You've come far to ask me to dance," he spoke, his fatigue evident through even his typical monotone, "did you think I left myself unguarded so I could be bothered to fight?" He questioned, his features tugged into a frown, "Or that I would choose to remove myself from this conflict because I seek confrontation?" He sighed, his breath pushing a frosted cloud from between his scarred lips, "No." The Dark Lord turned his back on the man, his Sight focusing upon the view from the vista he had chosen to appreciate prior, "I'm glad you survived the collapse of the Temple," he stated, though his sincerity was hard to gauge, "would that anyone could, I am glad you did."

Halketh overturned the helm in his hands, bringing it to his body, he tucked it beneath an arm. "You should waste your talents on pursuits you care about, Sar'andor, not on these fickle quarrels no one will win."

"Perhaps this fickle quarrel is something I care about," came Cotan's rebuttle. The tip of his blade dropped towards the ground, out of measure, out of ready, though he didn't sheathe it just yet. "Or perhaps it's just the opportunity to help people that calls me to action." His eyes followed Halketh's gaze, out towards the carnage taking place in the facility proper. Had this been any normal fight, he'd likely be right in the center of it, just as he'd been at the temple. Drawing attention to himself to try and keep the others at least slightly safer, pulling more resources away.

And yet, now he was standing away, overlooking the battle with one of the ones ostensibly coordinating it.


"You're tired, Halketh. That flame of yours isn't burning as bright as it did on Coruscant." Cotan stepped up next to the man, sliding his blade back into its scabbard; between his lightsabers, his other skills, and the lack of immediate threat he could sense, he wasn't too terribly worried about an attack that might come his way. "Why come here? Why stay? You should spend your talents on the things you care about, not waste them playing into that madman's schemes."


Location: Asog
Objective: 2, Destroy the weapon
Tags: Darth Vow Darth Vow / OPEN

The light from his saber was the only thing warding the surrounding darkness, one that begged to consume him in the ever narrow pitch black tunnel. Its shining blue light radiated against half of his face as he shuffled further into the unknown abyss, closer to a strange creature that would make him regret thinking of coming alone in the first place.


Silas froze from the revelation of a dastardly voice in front of him. Unsure of who it belonged to, he carefully edged along and extended his lightsaber hand forwards to try and catch a sight of the mystery figure. It could have been anyone down there, an injured worker who had been left behind to rot, or a crafty sith looking to draw him in. Unfortuneately, there was only one way to find out.

"Who am I speaking to? do you need any help?" the boy questioned suspiciously before coming to a halt once more.

From what he heard, the voice calling back to him sounded shakey and unnerved. Whoever it was, they didn't seem to be in a good position. That was not the only thing that worried him, further down the tunnel a noise that could only be described as agitated shuffling was echoing back to where he stood. Unknownst to him, it was the sound of shaking bones.

"Are you... are you hurt?"

Right now he was doing his best to keep down any sign of weakness, but it was clear through the sound of his voice he was beginning to get nervous about the whole ordeal. Although, after swallowing any doubts he began to take one after another towards the source.

"Show yourself..."

Darkness, chaotic, vile darkness, surrounded and blanketed Revenant Seven as he struggled free. Deeper he sank, pulled down towards a crimson figure, waiting for him at the pit of despair. A hazy and undefined hand reached forward, as if commanding Leon to take it.

The pilot woke with a start. Sweat rolled down his brow. The nightmares were back. Just like Ziost, or after Korriban, the Jedi had barely slept for weeks. Flying with the Revenants had kept him busy, but something else was creeping into the back of his mind. Leon needed to fight, needed to feel a saber in his hand as he danced a deadly duel.

Two weeks later



The Knight’s gloved hand gripped his lightsaber tightly. The first saber ignited, and in moments, his own sapphire blade was raised high, joining the charge. Quickly, everything devolved into chaos. Leon moved quickly, seeking a foe to clash blades with. It didn’t take much time before a Ubese sith leapt into his path.

Warding off the initial blow with a twirl of his lightsabre, Leon stepped back. In an instant, he halted his backward momentum, taking note of his foe. The next instant, he’d sprung forward again, bursting into a series of rapid, precise strikes.

Erion Justeene Erion Justeene


// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //

Sparks threatened to singe her white hair as blades danced mere inches from their faces, the proximity almost blinding with every clash between the blades. But the Sith couldn't afford to give him purchase to plant his stance. As intimate as their spar was the Echani's stature allowed her to movements to be precise, moves she needed as their blades weaved together.

If Jorryn offered him even a metre, she was unsure if her duelling form could afford a steadfast defence against the Jedi. The difference in the strength could be seen, apparent even from whichever Lord decided to look up from their superweapon. Makashi was swift and graceful but against fifty kilos in weight, the Echani would prefer to stay on the offence.

"Give... it up... lady."

More words from the Jedi, wasting breath on words instead of balance.

"I can see... you'd rather be... anywhere else than here..."

Teeth met lip in a momentary lapse of judgement. Movement slowed as part of her concurred.

She agreed.

Anywhere else was truer than even his bluff. It wasn't the call to any planet in specific. The Echani had never known a home, being shipped from one Sith Institute to the next had robbed her of that. But as the feeling lurking in the air danced upon her neck her heart knew she didn't want to be there. Whatever perversion of the force the Maw had uncovered in the tunnels molested her senses, it sensed her as a fickle dull flame to be swallowed in the inferno. Jorryn was no Jedi. No pebble standing against the tide. She would be just another drop of water added to the torrent of whatever poured out.

Amber eyes reignited as she found herself, but her body didn't follow in step. In her distraction, the silver-haired Sith failed to follow the Jedi in step. She had missed a step, her role as leader of this dance at risk.

"Here is where I must be." Crimson blade arched backwards towards her bosom once again. "I will not sit idly on some ill-fated rock and wait for my end." Her leading foot followed its retreat, her weight leaning back as she awaited his next blow. "That fate is best left to the old, the invalid, and the virtuous."

New Horizons

Location: Morellia
Notable Equipment: N/A
Tags: Cadere Cadere Yula Perl Hilal Vizsla


Something flashed by in her peripheral vision. A pinkish blur, descending at a rapid rate. Delphine's attention immediately snapped to what appeared to be a Zeltron. She was envious of the woman who - armed with a lightsabre - leapt to strike at the man whom they both wanted to destroy. Of course, she couldn't allow Cadere to fall. He was important to Insatious and thus - in some weird way - he was important to her.

Still, he was a competent fighter, she had learned as much the hard way. Lingering for a few brief moments wouldn't hurt all that much. Or at least so she thought. The girl reached for her blaster but stopped midway. It would be rather embarrassing if her stray bolt was the deciding factor in Cadere's defeat. With that, she picked up the lightsabre with her right hand and the vibrosword with the left.

Following the example of the inspiring Zeltron, she leapt from above. The woman was - from what she could tell - defending herself against the ferocious onslaught from Cadere. Delphine therefore aimed to strike at the Jedi with her vibrosword from above, hoping that she would be distracted enough by the more senior Sith. If the attack didn't produce a fight-ending blow, Delphine would thrust her lightsabre towards Yula's core with her thumb placed firmly on the ignition button.


Issue #2 vs. Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps


The battle was like a pendulum, each side vying for control over the momentum.

He caught the hesitance in her words through the movement of her legs. Where previously there was no quarter for him to risk a move beyond the reactionary, suddenly there was an inch. A ground to take and momentum to gain. A committed step forward and he could possibly take the lead in this dance of blades. But a short-term gain never lasted, not with the caliber of Sith who stood here above the rest. No, he had to think three steps ahead. Always.

"And yet..." Dagon began as he feigned a series of swings as if to take the gap she had opened.

"'re here." on an ill-fated rock. The blade suddenly halted midway through a slash and his free hand snapped forward sending a powerful push of the Force.


Libertas quae sera tamen


The Aegis of Woe | Lightsaber
The Perished
| 4254/4400
// Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor \\

He listened courteously, his attention given though the turn of his features wasn't. The measure of Cotan's resolve piqued the distant edges of his lips, bringing a rare smile to the surface. As easily as it had come, it was brushed away by the breeze. A blink would have missed it. In many ways, Cotan once more, reminded the miraluka of what should have been. The ever pestilent "what if" that loomed over his shoulders and nipped at his heels when he was left alone to think. "There was a time, Cotan, where you and I would have been great friends." He remarked steadily, "Your resolution is the same color as my own, though by now mine has been touched too deeply by the muck and filth of this galaxy to resonate with the purity of yours." An observation stated as fact, unbiased in its nature. "You're right, I am tired, more than ever before. This war has stripped me to my bones, leaving so little not even corpse-flies flutter near. So humor a walking corpse and listen well, would you?" The sorcerer drew a steadying breath, urging the cold air into his lungs and withholding it.

"When I was a boy, the Sith took me from my home, one of many subjugated by their efforts to capitalize on our nature. I was liberated-" he offered that word with questionable emphasis, "-by the Jedi. Heh, I was a pathetic excuse for a Padawan, as much I can admit freely. I was disobedient, too curious for my own good. Deprived of the core values of my ilk, I was left yearning for family, for unity. Anything at all, some semblance of belonging. Everything that the Jedi of those years frowned upon, and yet my Master embraced me like a son, believing in me where others ordered her to do otherwise." Halketh's hands clenched by his sides, the air crackling and moving with the exhalation of his breath, yet his Presence remained as ambiguous as ever, "And in kind, well... I'd claim I didn't know better, but my guilty conscience decries it." He turned his head down to his hip briefly, his empyrean gaze fixated on the accursed Jedi saber left to slumber in its sling.

"I watched from the fringes as this galaxy tore itself apart time and time again, the gluttony of sentience prevailing timelessly, mankind slaughtering one another for simply rallying beneath separate ideals. For believing in different gods. For practicing different policies." The Saint looked toward Cotan, "I tried to waste my breath for a better tomorrow amongst the New Imperials. I rallied for peace, for sharing our prosperity in a way that maintained structure and tranquility. Waste it was, I was shot down or ignored, trampled over countless times by the warmongers and hungry military officers with naught but conquest on their minds." Halketh lowered himself into a crouch, cupping a hand through the gathered snow before them. " Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar was a warmonger, but he was no tyrant, my regret lies within his death placing one into command." The snow trickled between his fingers, slouching to the ground below, "I've come to terms that what I did was not enough, and my time with the New Imperials would have been short regardless, their temperance toward my innate gift was as narrow as the Jedi's was. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , heh. I'm well aware of how he abused my fragility to render me an ally, and perhaps that is where my strength shines. Yet," He snorted, "He's no different than any other ruler, all are the same. His search for this weapon will see it turned on another planet, Csilla will pale in comparison." The Dark Lord rose finally, "And I would have no part in it."

The miraluka looked unto Cotan then, his expression pacifying. "Do you understand now?"




Looking for: Blade Ice

"Or yours," Dhalinar muttered, leveling his emerald blade at the Sith. The man stunk with the Dark Side but seeing him here did give him hope. Maybe the Sith were so focused on the Masters and Knights that their bloodlust really would distract them from the true goal of this mission.

Dhalinar called on the Force, lunging at the Jedi and becoming a white blur. Dhalinar's blade moved like green lightning as he slipped into Vapaad. Accepting the Darkness of this place and of his opponent, accepting it and returning it, showing this poor soul that this was not the way. This, to Dhalinar was the pinnacle of a Jedi's duty. He thought many misunderstood the violence of the Way of the Vornskr. Many thought it led down a dark path and called for violence, but was speaking and negotiating in the only language the Sith understood really that bad?

The battlefied was not the place for musings though. Dhalinar refocused his mind on overpowering the Sith.


Jorah zos Darnus


Talay was an ocean world.

Jorah had grown up hunting in bog lands, accustomed to tepid swamps. The move to Alaris Prime had introduced the young shaman to the forests of Kashyyyk, where he'd honed his skills as a hunter alongside the Wookiees. But both had been open environments. This cave was not.

Even the arenas where Nightbrothers would test themselves with zhaboka were open-air pits.

Walls of earthen rock surrounded him. There was no sky. No forest or vegetation, save for some moss creeping through where moisture seeped through the stone. Moving through the cave system, the boy felt as though the Jedi had fallen down a rabbit hole.

The question was, were they the fox? Or the rabbit?

The boy had slowed his pace. Adjusting his grip on the long handle of the inert lightsaber, he listened carefully. His eyes could see fine but showed him only an empty cave.

Jorah didn't think that it was.

If he were more creative, then perhaps he could lure this predator into a trap. Except it seemed more likely for the reverse to be true. The Jedi were after something of the Sith's. If the Sith suspected as much, then these caves would be prepared.

Faint echoes trickling for elsewhere in the caves suggested as much.

Perhaps there was naught to be done but step into the spider's web, and then see from where the creature would spring. Blinking his eyes twice, the boy dispelled the magick from his vision as he activated the lightsaber. The distinctive snap-hiss echoed, a courtesy call of sorts.

His path illuminated by the misty-green blade, the Nightbrother held the weapon parallel to the floor as he advanced cautiously as he waited and listened for a response from the darkness.

Tempest ground her teeth at the defiance in the Sithspawn's voice. She couldn't give too much thought to the creature though. The Padawan still had her blade and was a much more immediate threat to her life. She stepped back and batted the blade aside before tapping into wave form and guiding the whirlwind off towards Iris. The monster was strong, stronger than she initially thought but she could use that strength against both of them.

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