
Issue #6 - Retribution: Jedi Strike Back
Objective 2: Strike Team Skywalker
Dimitri Voltura

But things rarely went as smoothly as plans suggested.
The sound of metal striking rock echoed off the walls around him, alerting him that he drew closer. He continued in that direction, and as he did, the presence of Darkness grew that much more.
Zaka reached back slowly, as if that'd help his chances of going undetected. Close enough to see torch light, he could sense that he was close enough to the excavation that trying to hide would be to play the fool. Glad that he needn't keep up pretenses of stealth, he clambered to the top of the short incline and spotted the source of the Darkness he'd been guided to.
Two of them.
His Senses, blossoming around him gradually drew in to focus on the pair of Sith he came to face. With the forward warning, he withdrew the handheld object and stepped into their line of sight. By then, his arm had already reached back and was thrust forward, pelting the object towards the closer of the two.
Small wings, to help with self-determined guidance were destined to come out the closer it drew to its targets. Without a connection to the Force, that snap decision to alter its path, Zaka knew would be fruitless. Determined to make space, the violet blade of his saber exploded in a bright brilliance as he charged after his thrown blast bug.