Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW

Xarielle Pavanos

The facility was massive - it reminded Xarielle of the old videos she had seen, the holos of Balmorra's history where massive factories once stood. Where craters had been created by artillery fire, there she was on Asog in the thick of such a fight. Only this wasn't the Republic and the Empire, no it was simpler than that. It was the Jedi and the Sith being there though still made her wonder what was she doing. Xarielle wasn't a Jedi, she didn't have a lightsaber - not officially, and was there some sort of ceremony to the whole thing? The being and becoming of a Jedi.​
The Balmorran's thoughts were dashed, scattered as the sounds of lightsabers hissing and thrumming could be heard. Clashing against one another as the Force screamed at her. It was perhaps the first time she had felt it - heard it so loud - the conflict that surrounded her all spoke and sang in its own rhythms. Among those voices was one Haro Harend Haro Harend that warned Xarielle to get down, clearly, she had wandered too close to something. She was quick to duck down and maneuver around the fight.​
Her blaster in hand, she was so nervous she didn't notice that she was shaking. Her heart, felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest. Xarielle felt the heat of the bolts as they punched the air beside her. This was no place to try and sort things out, and it was definitely not a place for those who hadn't been in combat. Xarielle looked down at her hand and used the other to hold it steady. Swallowing hard she exhaled and steadied her breathing - she could do this, she could get through this and do her part to help the Jedi.​


Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo

"Yeah I'm full of sass thanks for the complement," Jax chuckled though he remained cautious around the mysterious man. The darkness was growing stronger around him. Jax needed to penetrate his defenses quickly before he channels even more power. However, wings started to protrude from behind the man and the next thing Jax knew was that he was sinking fast under a pits of sand. "Chit!" The Jedi Master could hardly move as the Sith Lord floated above him.



Destroy The Superweapon
Fight The Maw

Darth Kalyptos Darth Kalyptos
Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina


Alone Against All
In, out, in, out, in, out.

The Knight’s breath was kept steady as his eyes followed the Maw soldiers approaching. Either they were deaf, or they decided not to listen to his warning. Their gaze was locked with his, almost as if they were waiting to see who made the first move.

They would be the quicker of the two.

Weapons raised the soldiers began to rain fire onto the Jedi. Lifting the lightsaber from his side the Knight deflected the first round of bolts sin a blue-white blur of energy. The weapon glided between his hands, a circular ring of blades return some of the blaster bolts back onto the Maw soldiers.

It seemed as if the first wave was being held off by the Knight. Hopefully this was going to be enough support to give time for those destroying the superweapon. That was until a shot hit him on his right shoulder.

Dropping down the man could feel every bit of the pain. He tried to hold off the soldiers in front, just now realizing that they were coming from all sides. More and more bolts of energy were shot at him, and now a the smell of poison was starting to fill the air.

There was only way to try and hold off the soldiers, and unfortunately that way was to give them a taste of the dark side. From deep within the Knight could feel the electricity start to build up. But this time it was fueled by a more evil power. It had been many years since he had used this, but now seemed like the right time.

Slamming his hand into the ground an array of blue lightning danced outward, tracing its way toward the soldiers. The once dim cave now was alive with light as electricity cling to the walls. Most of the Maw were knocked off of their feet, hopefully unconscious, or better yet dead.

Sparks now decorated the Knight’s eyes, a sign of his former self. But it is what must be down to defeat the Maw.

Looking off to his left the watched as a purple blade extended upward, its illumination still to dim to light up the figure behind. Trying to regain his breath, the Knight called out.

“Hey Jedi, over here! The Maw are still coming and I need your help!”

It was only till the man took a moment to realize the the strong dark presence wasn’t just coming from the soldiers, but the figure standing across from him now. Deactivating his white blade, the Knight’s single blue blade was brought upward to a fighting position.

No going back now.


// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //

"Ah yes, the Jedi come to save the galaxy from another Sith threat."

Tooth met tooth as they grit together, the Echani's weight falling backwards as she aimed to parry every strike of his blade. Her dance had to remain fluid, foot and hand in rhythm to knock aside his strikes before he could lock her in spot. The strikes felt soft, the Jedi's own strength not being pressed into every strike. Delicate control over the azure blade was a surprise, amber eyes watched his weight shift, looking for a sign of commitment she could use to regain her lead.

"You were part of the war effort against the Sith Empire were you not?" The tone of her voice let the raven-haired man know she already held the answer. "Tell me, Master Jedi, how many Sith Empires have you seen rise and fall?" Sparks flew by as her amber eyes renewed their passion. "There will always be the next madman to craves dominion, power, or some other sickening depravity."

There it was. A shift in the Jedi's weight.

"You may kill as many Emperors, Lords, and Prophets as you want..." She fluttered backwards, her body desperate to prevent the Jedi from slamming his full weight down upon her. "But as long as ambition remains in men, the Sith will rise up to butcher the Galaxy." Crimson blade drove upwards, tilted to the side to redirect the azure glow coming to meet it. "And there is no safer place than at their side."

The blades never met. The Echani's blade waved up but failed to find its partner. The focus on her face turned to surprise as the Jedi retreated his sword, instead offering his hand to lead instead. The blast left her almost winded, the rhythm of her feet failing her as they both left the ground they danced upon. Silver hair freed itself from the knot it had been tied into as she flew backwards, the trajectory of her body threatening to send her to the monument below.

Darkened fingertips found purchase in the grating of the parapet, her delivery to this weapon delayed a moment longer.

Frustration filled the Sith's amber eyes as they burned from underneath loose silver strands. The Jedi was offered a momentary reprieve from the glare as her gaze instead searched for her lightsaber, which had found its separation during the blast.

The force called out to the black hilt from her left hand as Jorryn sat on one knee against the edge of the abyss.


Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Spindle Spindle

Kitti stopped as her body emerged into the light, her head tilting to the side as she looked nonchalantly in the Jedi's direction. It was apparent that her mentalism was having little of its desired effect. She pouted as her lower lip protruded itself with a slight whimper.

"You're no fun…" she pulled her saber hilt from her belt as her tattered garments clung to her supple frame. "You want to... fight me? What kind of Jedi wants to fight a poor, innocent girl in a cave?" Her voice was sultry and hushed, her eyes almost seemed to have trouble finding something to focus on. She raised the hilt up, holding it almost like an unwanted object in between two fingers, "I do like to play with sabers… I'm not very good with the fighting part…. but…" She grasped onto it suddenly as it ignited with a hiss, its purple hue flooding her features with light. "The cutting part… and…" She slowly twisted the saber in her hand, as if observing its brilliant light for the first time, "the severing of limbs…" He face almost had a sense of wonder as she gawked at the blade. She slowly entered into an attack stance, the saber readied in front of her, "I find it so… cathartic. Makes me feel… understood, somehow. Not so… alone." She let out a forced laugh as a tear rolled down her cheek. Suddenly she crumpled to the ground as if she had been struck in the stomach, letting out a scream as her head rolled upwards, her shoulders bobbing as she collapsed to the floor. "Please…. Help me… I…" She reached out desperately towards the Jedi, her face contorted in fear and grief, "I just want… peace…" Her saber was still lit, however it was dangling carelessly from one hand as she began to pull herself towards the Jedi along the ground, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know… where I am…" Her movements almost seemed intoxicated in their nature, it was clear that she wasn't in her right mind. She drew closer to the Jedi, reaching out towards him, almost close enough now to touch him…


Location: Asog | Mining Facility | Covered Bridge
Objective: Defeat the Intruder
Wound Status: Dagger Lodge in Right Shoulder | Lightsaber Burn on Left Forearm | Broken Left Wrist | Lightsaber Cut on Right Side
Equipment: Loose Fitting Black-Red Robes | Purple Lightsaber |2x Tehk'la Blades | Telos IV Orb (Force Talisman)
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Kaiah managed to move three steps forward before she was flung far backwards. The Jedi's telekinetic push had managed to hit her dead on, despite her attempts to conceal herself. The smoke around her dispersed and she gasped as her vision tilted; her daggers clattering to the ground. She spun through the air – flying further down the corridor, closer to where the flames from the fuel depot surged out. She landed badly on her left hand, stifling a scream of pain as she broke her left wrist.

With difficulty, she moved up into a crouch only to see her opponent moving fast toward her. She ignited her lightsaber just in time to block the first strike, the two purple blades locking for just a moment. She back stepped, gasping in pain as she avoided the swipe of the woman's other saber. Kaiah found herself on the defensive, desperately using her own weapon block what blows she could and dodging those she could not.

In lightsaber combat she was outclassed by the other woman, and this was made abundantly clear as she tried to dodge the Jedi's next blow. She swung her weapon around to parry an incoming blow, only to realise it was a feint that left her exposed. The purple saber cut through her right side, barely missing any vital organs, causing the Nagian to stumble back.

Kaiah hissed in pain, feeling her anger bubble up into the surface. She kept backing up, parrying where she could, until she was just beyond the entrance to the fuel depot. The entire warehouse was a raging inferno at this point, and a significant heat was pushing out into the hallway. Kaiah grinned madly and disengaged from the Jedi, running wildly into the burning fuel depot and leaping into the flames.

The fire greedily latched onto her, setting her clothes and hair alight. She could feel its hunger, a desire to destroy that mirrored her own. It tried to consume her, but she bent the fire to her will - commanding it to serve not harm. She became the eye of the storm, the fire around her a malevolent beast that was hers to control.

She held the orb aloft, the dull metal slowly turning bright red in the heat. She let her opponent wait, to think she was dead or had fled, and drew upon the orb's power once more. There was an awful high-pitched keening sound as she healed her broken wrist and cut side. She orb's cracks spread even further, becoming a convoluted and extensive network across the talisman's surface. Yet the artefact still held together.

Kaiah directed the fire to push out into the hallway, and she followed it with a deliberate walk. Her hair rose off her shoulders from the hot air, aflame but not burning. The same could be said of her robes, but even Kaiah couldn't stop the flames from singing the cuffs. Her eyes glowed a deep dark red.

She would take the fight back to her opponent, sending out large gouts of flame to incinerate the Jedi.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Mining facility, Asog
Objective I.: To perform a diversionary attack
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Closed
[ Valhalla Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina remained there even after the others had left. There she hovered over the battlefield and began to meditate. Her goal was really to get more people to feel her strong Light Side aura, the more Sith would come out to where she was. She knew there were a few who could feel her from the other side of a planet, some who were very strong. It was hard to hide the gift she had thanks to her betrothed. Or the gift of Ashla, as others have said.

Most of the Jedi disappeared near the woman, and some began fighting with the arriving Sith forces out here. Eina also had some weaker opponents who made her have to descend from the air to fight them on the ground. The two weaker, perhaps knights, were her first two opponents. One had to be killed because the Bogan had imbued his soul so much that he was completely corrupt, there was no going back for him. Yes; she used to promise to Gei, she will kill the followers of Bogan, if necessary, but otherwise she would give everyone a chance to return to Ashla's path, into her grace and light.

That's why she spared the other Sith, because in her case she saw hope that she would really leave the Bogan's path. So this woman was just lying unconscious on one of the dropships, handcuffed. As she headed back to the battlefield in the air, Eina sensed a familiar aura, a familiar Force signature. It flashed for a moment; she recognized this was a challenge. The Valkyrja flew closer in the air towards the man and then looked down at him as the man was among the fighters. He shouldn't have been here. He should still be in the Netherworld.

As she was nearby, she nailed her spear to the man as she spoke. She kept herself up in the air with her wings. Like a real angel or Valkyrie.

"You shouldn't be here! You should still be in the Netherworld, as a punishment! Maybe next time I'll trust you to Ashla's personal grace and she will judge you. Now begone, fiend!" Eina was still not religious, but she already had evidence that the oversoul existed, so she could refer to the goddess as a pagan.



Location: Asog
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl
While the raging inferno was causing the intensity of the heat within the facility to rise quickly, it seemed the fiery nature of the clash between the Jedi and the Ashen woman followed along in intensity. With smoke drawn around her opponent, Valery had managed to strike with a telekinetic push, sending the woman flying so she had the chance to finally pressure the Dark Jedi up-close with flurries of strikes.
Most were blocked or dodged but with the continuous barrage of attacks, she soon landed another hit against Kaiah, this time cutting into her right side. It wasn't a lethal blow by any means, but it was one step closer to crippling the woman who was forced into gradually backing up.
But then she did something rather unexpected. With a wicked grin, she turned and sprinted straight into the flames to disappear behind smoke and heat, and Valery was again forced to stop her pursuit. This entire situation was strange — Sith or Dark Jedi were not the suicidal types, and she could still sense Kaiah out there.
Another attempt at a trap?
With both her blades lowered to her sides, she stood still and waited, her fiery orange eyes turned into the inferno. But within seconds, she felt a massive surge of danger that forced her a few steps back. From within the flames, she watched Kaiah emerge and along with her, a sea of flames were directed out towards Valery. In response, she raised her hands up and projected a barrier as quickly as she could, but due to a lack of time, flames were able to wrap around, causing her arms to get burned.
She gritted her teeth at the pain but her barrier didn't fade — she forced it wider to stop the flames from burning her further, which by extension forced her in a defensive standstill. If she remained in a position like this, the flames would eventually overwhelm her. If she backed up, the fight's momentum would shift against her. So there was only one option.
Straight into the fire.
In an instant, Valery let the Barrier fade, and in its place, two funnels of blue energy formed within the palms of her hand. Through them, she siphoned in the fire that was looking to consume her in the absence of a protective shield, and all its chaotic energy began to flow through her body. Her eyes then settled on the woman again, who looked to have recovered from her injuries somehow, and her orange eyes narrowed.
The palms of her hands came together and between them, all the stored energy was rapidly condensed for a powerful attack. With her jaws still clenched and the intense heat burning against her skin, she released the explosive Force Burst through the flames, and towards Kaiah.


Issue #2 vs. Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps


Dagon didn't follow up on pressing after her, giving no quarter. He remained nestled in one place, his blade lowered down in a subtle gesture of his intentions. Every soldier worth their salt would've criticized it, his choice was bereft of rationality and sacrificed a hard-gained advantage.

But he was a Jedi.

It was all that he was and has ever been.

Her words moments ago caught his attention.

"Safe?" he asked, eyes narrowing into a frown, "How many times a day do you look over your shoulder, lady?"

"How long before Solipsis sacrifices you?"


The Aegis of Woe | Lightsaber
The Perished
| 4254/4400
// Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor \\

He listened courteously, his attention given though the turn of his features wasn't. The measure of Cotan's resolve piqued the distant edges of his lips, bringing a rare smile to the surface. As easily as it had come, it was brushed away by the breeze. A blink would have missed it. In many ways, Cotan once more, reminded the miraluka of what should have been. The ever pestilent "what if" that loomed over his shoulders and nipped at his heels when he was left alone to think. "There was a time, Cotan, where you and I would have been great friends." He remarked steadily, "Your resolution is the same color as my own, though by now mine has been touched too deeply by the muck and filth of this galaxy to resonate with the purity of yours." An observation stated as fact, unbiased in its nature. "You're right, I am tired, more than ever before. This war has stripped me to my bones, leaving so little not even corpse-flies flutter near. So humor a walking corpse and listen well, would you?" The sorcerer drew a steadying breath, urging the cold air into his lungs and withholding it.

"When I was a boy, the Sith took me from my home, one of many subjugated by their efforts to capitalize on our nature. I was liberated-" he offered that word with questionable emphasis, "-by the Jedi. Heh, I was a pathetic excuse for a Padawan, as much I can admit freely. I was disobedient, too curious for my own good. Deprived of the core values of my ilk, I was left yearning for family, for unity. Anything at all, some semblance of belonging. Everything that the Jedi of those years frowned upon, and yet my Master embraced me like a son, believing in me where others ordered her to do otherwise." Halketh's hands clenched by his sides, the air crackling and moving with the exhalation of his breath, yet his Presence remained as ambiguous as ever, "And in kind, well... I'd claim I didn't know better, but my guilty conscience decries it." He turned his head down to his hip briefly, his empyrean gaze fixated on the accursed Jedi saber left to slumber in its sling.

"I watched from the fringes as this galaxy tore itself apart time and time again, the gluttony of sentience prevailing timelessly, mankind slaughtering one another for simply rallying beneath separate ideals. For believing in different gods. For practicing different policies." The Saint looked toward Cotan, "I tried to waste my breath for a better tomorrow amongst the New Imperials. I rallied for peace, for sharing our prosperity in a way that maintained structure and tranquility. Waste it was, I was shot down or ignored, trampled over countless times by the warmongers and hungry military officers with naught but conquest on their minds." Halketh lowered himself into a crouch, cupping a hand through the gathered snow before them. "Irveric Tavlar was a warmonger, but he was no tyrant, my regret lies within his death placing one into command." The snow trickled between his fingers, slouching to the ground below, "I've come to terms that what I did was not enough, and my time with the New Imperials would have been short regardless, their temperance toward my innate gift was as narrow as the Jedi's was. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , heh. I'm well aware of how he abused my fragility to render me an ally, and perhaps that is where my strength shines. Yet," He snorted, "He's no different than any other ruler, all are the same. His search for this weapon will see it turned on another planet, Csilla will pale in comparison." The Dark Lord rose finally, "And I would have no part in it."

The miraluka looked unto Cotan then, his expression pacifying. "Do you understand now?"

"What would you have done, then?" Cotan asked after a few silent moments of thought. None of what Halketh said came as much of a surprise, between the little that Cotan already knew and what he'd felt and caught glimpses of back on Coruscant. "You're still far from a corpse yet, and if you want to focus on that would have been, could have been great friends, then know that I won't allow you to give in to doom that easily."

He was somewhat struck by the parallels between Halketh's life and his own, although Halketh had been made to suffer at a much younger age. It was, perhaps, a cruel trick of the galaxy that Cotan had come out so ahead, where Halketh had been drug through the mud for it all; but, Cotan being Cotan, he refused to accept that such was just the way things were, impossible to alter.

"Halketh, I felt your pain—at least some of it—back on Coruscant. And I could feel what was beneath it, too." His jaw set firmly as he met Halketh's gaze, eyes to blindfold. "This conflict is a fact of life, more in our age than almost any before, but that doesn't have to be the only truth to our existence. Sometime's it's better to pursue our personal peace than it is to try and be actors on the galactic scale, and there's no shame in drawing back from it all—by the Force, it's probably a failing of my own that I never do, not to the extent that maybe I ought."

He paused, watching Halketh's reaction, if any was given, carefully.

"But what I can do is help get you out of it. I'm not asking you to work with the Jedi, certainly not with Fel, just with me. You say you would have no part in Solipsis's further destruction, and I would much rather that come to pass in such a way that doesn't require either your resigned, unwilling participation or your expiration."


The carbine went off like a cannon, punching a fist-shaped hole into the fleeing Sith Lord that made him flip before skidding to a halt. Relaxing, Haro trotted over to the warm body, checking for a pulse before pocketing his lightsaber. Satisfied, he turned to Xarielle Pavanos .

She had had the piece of mind to drop immediately, and she was in the process of getting a hold of herself. She was dressed like a Corellian- or maybe all the youth are wearing the blood-stripes? Who knows? But the Force was with this one, clearly. "Young one", Haro intoned in a gruff voice. He extended a hand. "Haro Harond, Jedi. I'm glad your unharmed. As I told our...friend there, I was knocked out of hyperspace and Wherever here is. Care to fill me in what's going on? And why there are so many Dark Jedi running around? That one said he was a Sith Lord of all things..." Haro chuckled incredulously.

"Oh!" Haro pulled out the Sith's lightsaber. "You might want to hold onto this. I sense the Force is strong with you, young one- it might do you more good then that", he said, motioned to the blaster Xarielle was clutching.

Xarielle Pavanos


Libertas quae sera tamen


The Aegis of Woe | Lightsaber
The Perished
| 4234/4400
// Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor \\
The fallen warlord harkened the words of the Je'daii, the knowledge of his creed lingering in the forefront of his attention. It was not an impossibility, yet his proposition was not an easy undertaking by any means. Entrenched in the horrors of the galaxy, his mind was not so easily mended. His thoughts, as far as he was aware, were not always his own. Such was by design, the grand scheme of the indiscernible force that had torn a wound through him time couldn't mend so many years ago. Before the wickedness of his practice gouged the steadiness of his hands, before the Darkness had stained his veins black and deprived his skin of its warmth. Before silver bloomed at his temples and streaked his chin. He released a deep sigh, canting his head to course digits across his moustache in some self-soothing gesture.

"There is no one in this galaxy less deserving of forgiveness or redemption than me," he iterated truthfully, "but my desire to drag myself from the abyss comes not from a place where such hastened gatherings reside. No," his lips pursed before he continued and with his following words, his head shook briefly, "'tis not redemption that guides the hand driving my deceptions. I seek one finality before I am resolved to die; I care not how my end comes about then. Clemency is not for me, pray heed that much." The hand left unoccupied by the hold of his helmet stretched out before them, grasping tangibly at the crimson ties binding his fallen soldiers to his consciousness. "Nor am I one to practice it." Each armored digit rolled into his palm, the hand clasping into a tight fist, and with it came the silent command.

Rampaging down low, the corpse soldiers adorned in armors of their living factions stiffened abruptly, hundreds of heads twisted on a dime, gazing distantly toward the call beckoning them to heel. The crunch of snow grew more intense, the rush of undead surging back from whence they came, making their way over their fallen to return to Halketh's proximity. His hand fell back to his side, anxious teeth chewing the innards of a cheek as he considered.
" Rurik Fel Rurik Fel has a right to my head, as much as anyone else. He will come for it when the opportunity presents itself, becoming my ally may put you in the crosshairs just as well." The necromancer stated with certainty, "He is the order to my madness, the foil spawned by the galaxy to maintain the fabric which allows all to be. Our clash is inevitable and will be decisive, I pray you do not find yourself caught someplace you'd be better kept from."

The sea of undead gathered along the ridge now, standing in the falling snow to the two's flank with unnatural stillness. Red eyes blared at nothing, staring through the two with vacancy, a far cry from their reported keenness. Their master turned toward them, his back to the ongoing conflict now.
"Aid me in my path of vengeance, as much I've earned in my tortured years." He uttered, his voice expressing guttural emotion where previously it was empty, "But leave me to what fate the galaxy has in store after."

The miraluka's head turned, his Sight squared on Cotan at last.
"Nothing I can do will change what I have done. But I can stop the consequences from crushing peoples further. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis must die, and none have navigated into a better position to strike the killing blow than I."



"Hello, Kaigann."

Deep in meditation, Master San Tekka cast his mind down to the planet and a physical projection manifested in the Dark Lord's presence. He wore simple white robes and an infuriating passive expression. They watched the chaos of battle unfolding until Zark turned to admire the Sith superweapon. So close, and yet he could not harm it.

"This is your vision for the galaxy?" he shook his head, "Not impressed."

His mere spirit was enough to inspire hope and bolster resolve. Only a Jedi Master could withstand the awful presence of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis for long. Their energies clashed, and Zark's mind hammered at the dark tendrils the Sith Lord scattered across his cult's excavation site. He activated his crossguard lightsaber, white plasma arcing above the Jedi's head into a Djem So attack stance.

"Even a Jedi's mercy has limits."
Last edited:


ENEMIES: Strike Team Kenobi | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble
ENGAGING: Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

"Do you normally make mention of dinner during combat?" Spindle's voice broke a way from its usual dissonant whisper, a brow rising in near-genuine bewilderment. "Fascinating. I'd have thought you Jedi of all people weren't ones for dinner and a show."

The bewilderment continued, though the pale woman's expression dipped back into a calculated concentration. The initial onslaught the other Sithling brought down upon the Jedi was a chaotic sort, the kind of eclectic dance one couldn't simply jump into after observing a minute or two. Tide of the battle seemed to shift almost as soon as it was initiated, too, with whatever that incited the change in the other Sith lost upon Spindle, as were the ramblings that followed.

"I just want... peace..."​

The beginnings of a scoff caught in Spindle's throat, the beginnings of the Sith mantra drifting to the forefront of her mind. Peace was a lie indeed, the other woman's seeming descent being only indicative of such. For half a moment, Spindle considered turning her blade onto the younger woman, even if it meant sacrificing the edge over the Jedi.

Rather than acting on that urge, Spindle steered clear of the crumpled and reaching form, hoping to capitalize on split attention that came with facing multiple enemies. Her blade glowed crimson in one hand, her body also adapting the stances and mannerisms of one acquainted with form six. The other hand grasped and contorted at a force unseen, as if to encourage the shadows themselves to close in on the trio.

"I'd hardly call this two against one."








Urgent shouts — sounded like instructions — tremoured through the earth and rock that enclosed the Jedi who’d managed to make it so far without being noticed. Somehow, she’d managed to withstand the pull of violence that beckoned her. From the opening of the underground passageway, confrontation pulled aside counterparts of Strike team Skywalker and distracted them from their focus. One after the other, deadly matches were made. How busy it would have been then, for Strike team Skywalker, if Kenobi weren’t providing a distraction. Without a doubt, those that were crawling underground would have been irrecoverably overwhelmed.

Worries about would-haves, or what might have beens had no place in the present, and Ishida refocused on her task. Like others under Zaka Zaka ’s leadership, her objective was the destruction of the superweapon. If the Horde got it first — the idea died at the base of her skull. Intolerance for that future forced her forward. A shiver worked deeper and deeper into her spine the further she navigated into the caves.

With her hand pressed against the cave’s cool stone, she let it guide her to its weak points. Letting the whispers of shatterpoint draw her to where it was weakening, and where the Maw was working at reducing the natural fortification of the crust to unearth something unholy.

The sounds of work were louder now, unmistakable. Sounds that drove a spike through her gut. Sounds that could only mean the weapon had been discovered. And not by the Jedi first. She sucked in a sharp breath and hissed it out at the unsettling realization that sprawled ahead of her. Tens and tens of bodies, a fraction of a horde, converged on a single point and concentrated their efforts on thinning the rock enough to break through.

They had to be destroyed.

Ishida pressed forward, so far undetected. She’d gone to some length to conceal herself, even so far as trading in her traditional white armour for black — more appropriate for slinking around in the darkness. And it, so dark. An Arkanian’s ability to see in unideal lighting conditions would have been a good partnership right about now. And it would reduce the sting along her eyelids from the rounds of poison starting to saturate the halls.

Somehow, the throes of vile sithspawn’s attention were split. Both between their work, and another sort of magnetic draw. They’d been positioned as a barrier, firing at the opening Ishida travelled through (for there was no other at this juncture). It tore her apart not to withdraw her blade and deflect the shots, but they weren’t at her yet. They were all at another who was drawing their focus, deflecting as Ishida used the chaos to push deeper into their midst.

The weapon. The whisper of the weapon was all that mattered. And while she didn’t speak its language, the network of connected and disconnected lines that reinforced the cavern’s structure guided her well enough.

She was behind the first row of the firing squad when a bright, electric luminescence snapped out. White-hot crackling skittered through the cave in a flash of power, sparking up and around its intended targets. It was effective, and the outline of the boy she’d partnered with on Krayiss glowed with residual tendrils, keeping the dark space aglow from his core outward.

Beneath her rebreather, the jaws of a Bryn’dûl, she grinned at the display and pushed herself against the wall to avoid being crispened. It proved an excellent distraction, even if it was just temporary. It let her slip even further into the distracted horde as they crumpled, groaning back to struggle and rise.

But then an even larger shadow muscled its way forward, splitting the sea of spawn, with a purple sabre lighting the dim space in its ominous glow to meet Okkeus’ blue. Ishida frowned.

“Come on Dainlei.” Ishida urged soundlessly, just a buzz of her vocal cords.

“Hey Jedi, over here! The Maw are still coming and I need your help!”

Beneath her mask, her mouth drew into a thin line. Disappointed.

Her disappointment didn’t stop the horde from firing. And, pressed against the wall, Ishida weighed her options. Dainlei could continue to draw attention to himself and continue fighting until he was either exhausted or bested. The longer he survived, the longer the sithspawn were distracted from the task of breaking through to the weapon beneath. The longer the weapon remained harmless and dormant. The longer it could wait until she shattered it.

But he asked for help.

And now she was hesitating.

And hesitation was defeat.

With a self-berating groan at her indecision, the Ashina heir’s sabre activated into the side of the nearest sithspawn who was belching out salvo in the direction of the Jedi Knight. Her position put her behind the giant shadow that outweighed the horde, and even further from Okkeus. She was within the horde of workers who’d collected for the ambush.

The one she’d struck first gasped beneath its mask, fogging up its ventilator and dropping to the muck. Her blade deactivated before she moved to the next one, doing her best to make herself obscure and untraceable as white hummed on and off from one lethal strike to another.

NJO | SKYWALKERS/GROUNDCRAWLERS | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
| Zaka Zaka | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Jorah zos Darnus

BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW | Darth Kalyptos Darth Kalyptos | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Darth Vow Darth Vow | Dimitri Voltura | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis


The Aegis of Woe | Lightsaber
The Perished
| 4234/4400
// Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor \\
The fallen warlord harkened the words of the Je'daii, the knowledge of his creed lingering in the forefront of his attention. It was not an impossibility, yet his proposition was not an easy undertaking by any means. Entrenched in the horrors of the galaxy, his mind was not so easily mended. His thoughts, as far as he was aware, were not always his own. Such was by design, the grand scheme of the indiscernible force that had torn a wound through him time couldn't mend so many years ago. Before the wickedness of his practice gouged the steadiness of his hands, before the Darkness had stained his veins black and deprived his skin of its warmth. Before silver bloomed at his temples and streaked his chin. He released a deep sigh, canting his head to course digits across his moustache in some self-soothing gesture.

"There is no one in this galaxy less deserving of forgiveness or redemption than me," he iterated truthfully, "but my desire to drag myself from the abyss comes not from a place where such hastened gatherings reside. No," his lips pursed before he continued and with his following words, his head shook briefly, "'tis not redemption that guides the hand driving my deceptions. I seek one finality before I am resolved to die; I care not how my end comes about then. Clemency is not for me, pray heed that much." The hand left unoccupied by the hold of his helmet stretched out before them, grasping tangibly at the crimson ties binding his fallen soldiers to his consciousness. "Nor am I one to practice it." Each armored digit rolled into his palm, the hand clasping into a tight fist, and with it came the silent command.

Rampaging down low, the corpse soldiers adorned in armors of their living factions stiffened abruptly, hundreds of heads twisted on a dime, gazing distantly toward the call beckoning them to heel. The crunch of snow grew more intense, the rush of undead surging back from whence they came, making their way over their fallen to return to Halketh's proximity. His hand fell back to his side, anxious teeth chewing the innards of a cheek as he considered.
" Rurik Fel Rurik Fel has a right to my head, as much as anyone else. He will come for it when the opportunity presents itself, becoming my ally may put you in the crosshairs just as well." The necromancer stated with certainty, "He is the order to my madness, the foil spawned by the galaxy to maintain the fabric which allows all to be. Our clash is inevitable and will be decisive, I pray you do not find yourself caught someplace you'd be better kept from."

The sea of undead gathered along the ridge now, standing in the falling snow to the two's flank with unnatural stillness. Red eyes blared at nothing, staring through the two with vacancy, a far cry from their reported keenness. Their master turned toward them, his back to the ongoing conflict now. "Aid me in my path of vengeance, as much I've earned in my tortured years." He uttered, his voice expressing guttural emotion where previously it was empty, "But leave me to what fate the galaxy has in store after."

The miraluka's head turned, his Sight squared on Cotan at last. "Nothing I can do will change what I have done. But I can stop the consequences from crushing peoples further. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis must die, and none have navigated into a better position to strike the killing blow than I."

Cotan fell silent as Halketh spoke again, and stood silent for long moments after, eyes over the undead throng that had been called back toward them. The call to accept immediately was strong; Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis was a menace, one that had to be stopped. Just as Cotan had devoted a significant portion of his life before to stopping Carnifex and Prazutis, and the rest of their empire. Given such an opportunity, one that had, perhaps, a greater chance of success than any of the attempts previous...

"Is that the choice you would have me make?"

His voice broke the silence at last. "To aid you against Solipsis, to rid the galaxy of one tyrant, only to hand you off to the next when he comes calling?" He shook his head, frown deepening. Asked for or not, welcomed or not, such a betrayal was a difficult pill for him to swallow; more so still for him to be the one to enact it. He had already long since eschewed any offer of command over soldiers or the like, the ruthless calculus of war never sitting right with his soul.

This offer was no different to his mind.

"No, Halketh," he said softly. "I can't do that." He held up a hand to stave off any further comment before he continued:

"In an ideal world, I would have been an archivist, like my master before me. I'd be known for keeping books, not for rushing to the top of the council spire to duel Emperor Carnifex or for throwing myself into every battle I could just to hold safe a few more people behind me. We wouldn't have been forced to opposing sides of this damnable conflict, and Rurik..." He shook his head again, disappointedly.

"I respect his devotion. Under Irveric, he was a valuable asset. In an ideal world, however, he wouldn't hold the power he does now. He of all people should recognize that, and I hope that he hasn't managed to delude himself into thinking himself a martyr for grasping what he has now. I have no doubt that soon enough he'll seek out my own head, whether I force his hand or he, mine."

He offered his raised hand outward next, waiting for Halketh to grasp it.

"I will stand with you against Solipsis, whether it be for vengeance, justice, to try and protect others, or just to shed his taint from the Living Force. But I won't abandon you before Rurik Fel Rurik Fel . If he can't be made to see reason, then...come what may."
Last edited:


Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | OPEN


ASOG '74
The Children of the Void were an uncaring, formidable mass of sentient flesh and bone. The shards of lightning surged from Okkeus's fingertips, jolting through the bodies and equipment of the Neophytes as they instinctively kept their fingers squeezing over the triggers of their blasters, sending splashes of superheated tibanna thudding into nearby floors or walls as they aimed toward the Jedi in spite of the electric fury. However, many of them were brought to death easily from the lightning impacts. The 'Battlemind', one of Kalyptos's lieutenant barked down the tunnel way, yelling down the corridor in Yuuzhon Vong once more to summon another section of willful zealots from the forward point of the tunnels being mined out by the Children of the Void.

Folding stocks unfurled, power packs loaded up and explosives were armed as another section of the Neophytes began to make their way down the corridor, two of them making up an 'E-WEB' team, moving one of the more backline emplacements forward in the tunnel in the hopes of snatching any initiative away from the Jedi and making a choke point by which they they could chew up any advancing Jedi or Alliance forces in a meat grinder of their own machination.

Until then however, Kalyptos, their praised bringer of apocalypse would be the one to fetter the advance of the Jedi.


Another Neophyte was brought to a savage end as its crooked maw belched open in a last defiant cry of pain before slumping to the floor at Ishina's saber only for another to be next, violet gore spewing from the impact of blade. In spite of her attempt at stealth, the Cult was one force indivisible, undivided in its destructive ambitions.

The Battlemind, commanding the fields of fire of the Neophyte's snapped in the direction of the fallen gun, clutching his vibro axe tightly in his hand he belted out a horrid, guttural and nauseating scream at the top of his lungs before jolting forward and swinging down the vibro axe toward the Atrisian warrior.

Okkeus was left to the Messiah himself, his gaze lifted from the hood, slowly pulled down to reveal the horrid, gruesome and misshapen visage of the Sithspawn mutant. Humanoid enough to be recognizable but otherwise horrid in uncanny, disconcerting ways as the pale Umbaran eyes of Kalyptos began to emit a violet glow not too far off-tune with the color of his saber ignited from the curved, duelist's hilt of the Sorcerer.

He glided forward toward the Jedi, swinging his violet blade to meet Okkeus's own, carrying each dervish and strike in his right hand as his left was brought up in an open claw as he sought to reposte Okkeus's saber away from his center mass before channeling a parasitic drain through Okkeus's form back to Kalyptos.

All the while, the sounds of footfalls information could be heard further down the tunnels. Even though the Jedi might have been able to easily dispense of the Sith's throng of cultists....there were more coming.

The new dawn was rising and they would not impede on the coming apocalypse.



Death to Strike Team Kenobi!

Post: 3
Objective: The Hard Way
Location: Outside the Mining Facility
Equipment: Orange Lightsaber (Fire) | Blue Lightsaber (ICE) | x8 throwing daggers | Poison Dagger | x6 thermal detonators | x8 Smoke Grenades | Brown MidNight Duster with Hood
Allies: The Brotherhood of Maw
Enemies: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zaka Zaka | Yula Perl | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Haro Harend Haro Harend | Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar | Kahlil Zambrano | Eslo Anderson | Jorah zos Darnus | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Bernard of Arca | Leon Gallo | Romi Jade | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Inosuke Ashina | Tieuvelli Renlas | Keiran Varn | Greer Caimbeulaich | Amanda | Madison Starr | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Xarielle Pavanos
Special Tags: Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar

Blade stood there as his opponent took up the charge the speed at which his opponent charged him becoming a white with a bit of green blur. Blade didn't flinch to everyone around them the speed at which Dhalinar was an unfathomable blur. Yet Blade's mind was at the ready and clear, what was mere second seemed like minutes to him. His own movements speed up by the force, his style was a heavily modified version of Atura if one could break it down from what it had become. It was based off speed and the longer a fight went on the faster the combat would become.

As Dhalinar charged ever closer Blade pivoted on his left foot out and away doing a near full one hundred and eighty degrees then spun out so he could come at his opponent's right side as he passed. Blade's movements were so fast he left a residual image (Illusion) of himself around making it look like he hadn't moved and as soon as the opponent struck it would dissipate.

Blade's left Orange saber came in at a cross swing left to right from the side at Dhalinar's right shoulder in an attempt to sever the mans arm clean off. Then his right blue saber came in lower towards the man's right hip in another cross swing this one from right to left, his arms would cross in the finish as he would once again pivot on his left foot and spin himself once more this time to be at the mans back. Blade's long coat flapping in the breeze as he did so.

Understanding he was that he was facing one of those cool Jedi who used Vaapad who thought it would never corrupt them. Too him though the Jedi were the biggest hypocrites in the Galaxy, they so hate the ones who delved into the darkside and they would kill, enslave, and manipulate millions just to end the darkness. Vaapad or things like lightside force lightening didn't corrupt them because they were already corrupt, they were just to blind to realize it.


Location: Asog | Mining Facility | Covered Bridge
Objective: Defeat the Intruder
Wound Status: Dagger Lodge in Right Shoulder | Lightsaber Burn on Left Forearm | Broken Left Wrist | Lightsaber Cut on Right Side
Equipment: Loose Fitting Black-Red Robes | Purple Lightsaber |2x Tehk'la Blades | Telos IV Orb (Force Talisman)
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Kaiah grinned madly as her opponent was finally wounded and put on the defensive. She took a few steps further and splayed her arms wide. Soon she had every flicker of fire from the fuel depot surrounding the stranger. She couldn't see the other woman beneath the shifting inferno, but knew she still struggled beneath her barrier. "Trapped behind flame, soon to-

"-meet your end" a young Kaiah said, a mad grin on her face. She pressed in the flames tighter around the Gizka, causing the small creature to squeal in terror. "Kaiah? What are you doing?!" Her mother had approached unnoticed from behind. "Stop that, it's cruel!". The usually refined Nagian woman had a deeply concerned look on her face. "Father says I need to practice wielding my power" Kaiah said simply, without looking at her parent. Her mother came over and saved the reptile from the flames, letting it go to return to the nearby forest. "Kaiah, you do indeed have a special gift" her mother said as the youngster reluctantly smothered the flames. "Fire is source of life for nearly all life in the universe. It is closely entwined with the force. But know this, my child". The older woman sat down next to her daughter by the charred circle of grass. She pulled back her sleeves to reveal two badly burned forearms. "It is a fickle and hungry beast, liable to bite the hand that feeds it. So ravenous is it that, if you are not careful, it may one day consume you as well". The thought made-

-her head hurt, and her outstretched arms felt heavy. She could feel the heat starting to bleed through the barriers around her body. She turned her focus more toward protecting herself, feeling her grip on the flames attacking the Jedi weaken. She felt-

-sick to her stomach as she walked across the beach, stepping over charred bodies. The corpses, both friend and foe alike, were unrecognizable. Her flames had spared no one – leaving the battlefield eerily silent. An armoured glove clapped her on the shoulder. "You did well" Sieger Ren said, his amber eyes peering out from beneath his hood. "An acceptable sacrifice. You truly have a gift". Her master's praise meant nothing to her anymore. She felt numb. What was-

wrong with her? She was moments away from victory, yet she could feel herself faltering. She knew she should press in for the killing blow. That's what her training had taught her. That's what she used her power for. "Do really still believe what I had told myself then?" she whispered to herself. "That I-

-have earned my second chance". Her whisper seemed to carry over the plains of Telos IV. After years of exile, she had found it. Inner peace. With the help of Jedi Padawan Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek ; she had ventured beneath the temple and confronted the darkness there, both within and without. But there was still something…else. A tug. A disturbance of the force that came from her pocket. She reached in, pulling out the Jedi Talisman - the orb from the temple. She knew she shouldn't have taken it. Dagos had cleansed it of the taint of the Dark Side, but it belonged by the sacred pool. Not with her. It wasn't never meant to serve as a conduit of power. The temple's guardian had corrupted it by using it for that very purpose. She should return it to its resting place, to let it once again slowly heal the planet's surface. But she didn't. She was afraid, unsure of what the future had in store. She couldn't let go of its power, its potential. What if, one day, there was a fight that she-

-couldn't win? The Jedi's Force Burst hit the distracted Kaiah dead on, launching the woman backward for the third time. The woman flew into the ruins of the fuel depot, now only a smoldering mess of melted metal with an acrid odor of burning fuel. She landed on her back, in the middle of the warehouse, her lightsaber falling from her pocket and rolling out of reach. A numbness filled her body, a feeling that Kaiah dimly recognized as shock. She tried to stand up, only to find her muscles wouldn't respond to her. With the last of her strength, she drew the orb from the other pocket. She held it in her left hand, drawing the power from the talisman and-

The orb shattered.



// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //

The black hilt of her lightsaber reached her hand, though the red glow didn't ignite. The Jedi had had her on the ropes, it would be improper to return the gesture with an immediate assault. Instead, the Echani slowly raised back to her feet. Irritation crossed her features as the raven-haired figure dissected her words.

It was frustrating. She was no child, she chose this path freely.

"You would be smarter to look behind your own, Jedi." Her arms folded within one another, posture straightening as she stared down at the man. "How many of yours have turned against you. The history of the Jedi is stained with betrayal as much as the Sith's, even more so."

Betrayal was a truth of the Sith, a code that had been taught to Jorryn at a very young age. Lords always coveted what power others held, no matter the size.

But it was dispassionate. Almost businesslike in its cold nature, a transaction as old as the Sith themselves. But as much as the Jedi of old lauded their passivity, there was no more passionate betrayal than from one of the light. Ambition was what drove Sith to kill each other, each vying for what control they needed in their lives. Jorryn didn't need control, didn't want it. What she craved was simplicity and comfort, something she had become good at finding while dodging the steps of giants.

"As for Solipsis," She continued, dropping back into a battle stance. "I can't imagine there is much he won't burn to get what he wants, I just plan to be the last of the kindling."


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