Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW

Despite the animosity the pair of Sith felt for each other—and boy, could Yula feel it—they worked with surprising synergy. The masked man had chosen to attack from a distance, slicing his way through one panel before sending the remaining two hurdling back at Yula. A tight spin allowed her to dodge one of the projectiles, and from the corner of her eye she glimpsed the bright ignition of flames.

"Hup-" With a sharp flick of her wrist and a grasping motion, she snatched the remaining metallic plate as it hurtled towards her, using it as a makeshift shield. Flames streamed around the durasteel sheet, warping the low-grade metal barricade but keeping the Zeltron protected for the moment.

While the cloaked Sith assaulted from range, his companion has elected to get up close. And, well, high. She came crashing in from above again, vibroblade poised to remove one of the Zeltron's limbs. Yula swung her durasteel panel, melted at the edges, to parry away the blonde's sword. The movement was wider than she'd wanted and left her open for a counter—and the blonde had prepared one, in the form of a lightsaber hilt. Yula's heart leaped into her throat and a spike of anxiety shot through her, but the pommel, lacking a lightsaber crystal, emitted only a handful of sparks.

Dark brows scrunched in confusion. Perhaps it had been a malfunction, but dwelling on a technicality could get her killed. The woman's blade raced for her left side again, and Yula responded by thrusting the metallic shield into her, attempting put some distance between herself and the blonde. The Sith woman was fast and precise, and Yula presumed a fluke had saved herself from losing a leg or foot.

Which made the masked Sith's order, and the woman's responding obedience a surprise. The pair of them had already put Yula on the defensive, and she was beginning to think that the Jedi kid who was supposed to catch up with her had run into trouble on his own.

Bewildered and skeptical, she watched as the blonde ceded and…hung back. Not without a few snide comments of her own. She'd keep that one in the periphery of her senses.

"Honor among Sith, huh?" The Zeltron drawled, distrust brazen in every word. Twirling the hilt of her saber in one hand, she swept the opposite palm to the side in a questioning gesture. "Whose pride are we trying to save here, exactly?"


Location: Asog
Objective: 2, Destroy the weapon
Tags: Darth Vow Darth Vow / OPEN

<"Are you scared, little one?">

A taunting whisper brewed inside his head, one that sounded malicious and merciless. He had heard about how Force users could talk to one another through thought alone, and how it could be used as a weapon to drive their opponent crazy. His eyes slowly widened when he saw a girl approaching him, begging in desperation to help her find relief from this horrid place. For whatever reason, he couldn't seem to move. Fear had locked his limbs in place to prevent him from moving a muscle, a feeling he had never felt before in his life

<"Do you thing they will hear you scream?">

The voice goaded him once more, preaching about how his impending doom was going to be one of pure agony. It was clear sith, only cowards who hid away in the darkness could only use it to great effect. The woman before him was no sith, but a person who desperately needed his help and looked to give him no harm. With his breath quickening slightly, he finally had the courage to finally speak to the girl who really needed his aid

"D-don't worry... no one is going to harm you while i'm here" the boy reassured the girl, his voice slightly trembling from a mixture of fear and anticipation of a sith running at him from the darkness.

Silas looked down into her eyes as she gripped hold of his shirt, pleading with him to get her out. Hesitantly, he managed to move his arm up and place a hand on her shoulder, lightly squeezing it to let her know everything was alright "Let's get you out of here alright?" he said with a nervous smile. The boy kept a close eye on the darkness behind her, searching for any signs of the sith that was trying to bury its way into his head. But for now, it seemed to be hiding we'll away from him. Although only a moment later its true form would reveal itself

"Dear one…" those frightening words stabbed into his heart when he looked down to the monster below, a look of fright beginning to spread across his very face "Will they hear you scream…when you die?" the shock itself locked his body down, frozen in place from the hideous voice he had heard from the former shell of its victim. Suddenly, the siths claws would rage forward and sink into his arm, going deep and true.

"ARGHHHHH!" he shouted at the top of his lungs while he fell backward to the cold floor of the cave. Upon impact, he released a loud grunt and involuntarily let go of his ignited saber which rolled along the floor behind him. The distance of his weapon only left him with a dim light to see the wretched creature before him, an evil demented sithspawn that had no humility in its nature.

Silas looked over to his bloody arm and uncomfortably placed it across his chest. The wound looked nasty, especially when a steady stream of blood was starting to roll down it with all the freedom in the world. Right now he couldn't do anything but slowly crawl backwards in desperation as he glared back at the nightmare in dismay. He couldn't calm down or think straight, everything the jedi had taught him had been thrown out the window. What was going on... he needed to figure a way out before it was too late!

"N-no! I-I will not die here!" he mustered with the determination he had left, trying all he could to get close enough to call over his lightsaber.

Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Judah Lesan Spindle

As the Jedi's attention shifted towards the other woman, Kitti tightened her grasp quickly on the saber, her eyes darting up with a sudden focus on the man in front of her. All Jedi were the same… the savior… the knight in shining armor…

They wanted to be the hero of the story… the one who could fix the broken. And she leaned into that narrative emphatically, giving the Jedi the wounded soul that they couldn't help but feel compassion and mercy for.

And then, when their guard dropped, she would strikeshe would make them pay for their arrogance and their pity… for looking at her like a broken vessel in need of mending.

It was time for the broken vessel to tear through this Jedi's perfectly presented persona, revealing the hidden wounds and imperfections that would be discovered underneath.

She let out a terrifying scream as she flung herself towards the Jedi, the purple saber lashing out towards him in chaotic fashion, aimed at his side. She suddenly felt the effects of the force light, and it caused her to close her eyes and wince, resulting in her first strike missing its mark. She stumbled and regained her composure as she quickly came in for another swing at the mans back. She was not the strongest when it came to saber combat, so she drew on diversion and chaos to aid her. It was also to her benefit that the other woman was here... With the two of them attacking from either side, perhaps they stood a chance against the knight.
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Mandalorian Armor

Just as Hilal hoped she managed to land on Asog undetected by neither the Jedi nor the Sith. Too busy killing each to notice the Mandalorian sneaking past their backlines. She didn't need to install that cloaking device to do so landing next to the mines, the young woman ventured out of her freighter her eyes darting around the desolate land. The advanced didn't pick up any nearby enemies that was good, all Hilal needed to do was to enter the mine, collect the material and be on her way. As eager as she was to test her armor against the stinking Jedi or sociopathic Sith, she had a job to do. Fighting was just a waste of time.

It sucked not able to test her skills, but Hilal needed the money and she needed to prove that she was reliable Bounty Hunter. Venturing forth, Hilal descended down the large mines until her sensors picked up a hostile ahead. Breathing slowly, Hilal raised her blaster canon heading towards the target. Looks like she got her wish, she just needed to finish them off quickly. Rounding the corner, Hilal pointed her weapon at the target. "Don't move!" she shouted. "Toss your Lightsaber to me and put your hands up!"

On the other hand..... Maybe capturing a Jedi and Sith could bring an even bigger reward. Especially a live one.

Del Del Yula Perl Yula Perl Cadere Cadere


Libertas quae sera tamen


The Aegis of Woe | Lightsaber
The Perished
// Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor \\
The miraluka's scarred lips tugged, drawn by the plucked threads of fate it seemed everyone around him was so fond of tugging beyond his control. He lifted his hand, wiping the expression from his face, but could do little to stifle the light-hearted chuckles that departed him, his smile brought into a grin, the most genuine he'd accomplished in a time he wouldn't be made to admit. "You certainly measure up in the drama department," he snickered on, "I knew I liked you." His head turned, his unseen gaze situated on the outstretched hand, and he was made to remember the fateful evening on Ilum, where he had deployed a similar tactic to plunge his blade through Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ' stomach. Feigned comradery into instant betrayal, nothing sacrificed, with the hopes to gain everything.

Briefly, before he extended the same offer and took the Je'daii's hand, he regretted that he had not aimed his saber more true, and destroyed the maniac's heart outright. A million regrets, a million wishes for do overs, a million what ifs, and none of them would ever be worth the effort of his wondering.
"Of course not, I'll not be handed off anymore," he waved a hand dismissively, his grasp finally clasping around Cotan's firmly, "I'm unsure what I'll do when I have my revenge, I've spent decades wandering the galaxy, such a life isn't for me anymore. Perhaps I'll find a nice cold planet to settle down on, what a thought that is." A cold scoff cast a frosted cloud before his features, almost as if he found the notion of settling down to be some sort of sick joke, and with that, his touch was taken back.

Like Ezra Dune Ezra Dune would be as eager for peace and quiet as he was. No, his partner was a whole different tyrant to tackle, especially now.

Yet another regret to heap onto the pile.

But that was for another day, another time.

"I blasted Rurik Fel Rurik Fel out of my castle once before, he survived. If there's anything that man can do, it's survive. Perhaps you and I will have to get creative and deploy giant magnets to get the edge when we face that executioner, hm?" The Dark Lord hummed with amusement, taking to stride toward his army. "Tell your commander you wounded me horribly or something, I don't care. I'm leaving. I'll be in touch, if you're sincere."



The colors shifted as Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri started to do something. Iris wasn't too sure what it was, but she took it as a chance to strike out again after Thalia Senn Thalia Senn deflected her first strike. Disarm, disable. Anything to bring her down without killing her. She darted in, only to realize the colors shifting from Kai's control were being warped. Confusion, then realization. The Keshian gritted her teeth as the blast meant for Thalia was changed to her.

Her saber extinguished as she covered her face, being thrown back by the whirlwind. Not just thrown, spun. A disorienting spin through the air as she cartwheeled into the nearby wall of the tunnel. The impact made her wince. Hurt. It was like before. On the train. Iris fell to the ground on her side, struggling to stand. The world was still spinning.


// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //

The pale red blade reached up to meet the Jedi's, the woman behind it chewing her lip as it swung. His words rang true, as much as the Echani loathed to admit it. In her short time with the Maw, she had already been reminded what the Sith purpose was. When she was Lord Inquisitor of the Sith Empire, she could hide behind her desk and all the schemes and violence in the galaxy would be hidden behind a few datapad entries.

There was no such luxury for her in the Maw.

The musings in the back of her mind jostled with these feelings. Acknowledgement of the truth of what he said chirped somewhere in her head, but it would find itself drowned in a sea of anger and denial. The Echani had lived as a Sith for far too long to accept or consider any other way of living, no matter what the right path was.

No. I will survive.

Amber eyes reignited with passion and frustration as the raven-hair man took the lead. Defense was hardly where she wanted to be but the distance between the pair prevented the Jedi from bearing the difference in size upon her. Feet shuffled carefully alongside the edge of the parapet, careful not to get knocked into the abyss below.

"I have seen... nothing." She breathed, her focus held delicately against the frustration she felt. "Nothing but doom for their enemies and glory for their Lords. Glory for me." Of all the emotion she poured into those words; anger, hatred, cowardice, conviction was not one of them.

There would be no regaining the advantage fighting as she was now, redirecting his strikes and keeping distance could only hold him at bay for some time. The metal walls of the facility grew closer as he forced Jorryn back, spelling the end for the Echani if her back met it. She needed a trick. As the neck few slashes came for the former Lord Inquisitor, she waited for an angle a bit too far, hoping it would come.

As the azure blade came down, she feigned another deflection. But the blades never met. The pale red glow of her lightsaber faded as it retreated into the hilt. Jorryn all but threw herself to the side, the Jedi's strike burning off some of her silver locks as she moved. Without the grace or the skill one would hope of an Echani, she spun her leg out and drove it into the man's knee. It was a simple trick, lacking the power or finesse she had trained for, but still the woman prayed it would work.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Mining facility, Asog
Objective I.: To perform a diversionary attack
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Closed
[ Valhalla Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina saw exactly that the knight had no chance against Zachariel, which is why she wanted the man not to fight but to stop the attack. But all this did not happen, and the consequences were clear to the Valkyrja as well. She knew that every Jedi, a crusader, was going to fight in a way that might be the last and they give their lives for the innocent, or just for Ashla, but that was pointless even then.

Eina understood and knew exactly what Zachariel was, and even knew she had to wound and destroy the man's brain in order for Gen'daii to remain dead. But for the girl, there really were only demons that were demons. She did not care that the mortals endowed evil men and beings with the demon token. For her, they were creatures of the Netherworld, not others. Everything else is just Ashla's enemy, the followers of the Bogan and the Bogan. That's why Zachariel was just that or a monster, but not a demon.

"Leave him alone!" she shouted at the man.

Yes, Eina couldn't stand the same thing her mother did. The inertia. Though the difference was that Ingrid could have easily watched without emotion the way Zachariel killed any of her men; Eina was unable to do so. She could feel the tears starting to pinch her eyes. She knew that if she moved and attacked, this monster would still kill the man, but if she did nothing, she would still. She was completely at a stalemate situation.

"Please!" she beseech him, her voice was like a little girl's, perhaps this was the first moment, where there was no resemblance to Ingrid in anything.

She saw in the man's soul that he was not evil and corrupt, he was not what Zachariel had said. The man only felt the Force, but Eina saw the Force, the souls, and everything else completely differently. She saw the wounds that arose, which were really filled with pain and fear, but he was not evil. It was a terrible feeling for the Valkyrja to have to watch this helplessly. However, she still did not see and consider the man as a demon, just a monster. But he was perhaps the greatest she had ever met.

"Just because you done this... from being tortured to getting to the dark side, he will not be evil and cruel. There will be always a way back to Ashla's light for him!" she said resolutely. "No one else will die today because of you."

When Zachariel tried to eat the soul, Eina held out her hand. The soul stopped and began to shine in a golden light. The soul reacted to the presence of the Valkyrja. And here Eina showed her real power in what she could do. If Zachariel was able to see and feel, he could see and feel that the injuries to the soul he had caused earlier and the corruption, all of them, everything slowly disappeared and the soul would be completely Lightsider again as Eina’s power embraced the fallen crusader's soul and she was able to heal it with her talent and abilities.

While Zachariel was the darkness itself, Eina was the light…

"You judge over the living, you mutilate them. However, I heal their souls, I offer them peace, a safe place, safety, protection. The souls belong to me, even here, in the Realspace. You can break their bodies, you can torture them, but you can't hurt them afterwards."

The soul then perceptibly tried to break away from Zachariel's proximity and float to Eina, who had not yet used any ability to do so, it was only her proximity and presence that caused this from the soul. The soul wanted to go where it belonged and not stay close to Zachariel.

//OOC: I didn't ignore Zach's post, we discussed in DM that Eina will trying to save the soul.//


Objective: Pick a fight with Jedi
Location: Mining Facility, Asog
Equipment: Lightsaber, Voidsaber
Allies: BOTM | NSO
Enemies: Jedi
Tag: Leon Gallo


Looking at the flailing Sabers for too long made them blur into arcs of colour and this was because
the battle had escalated into a mass of noise and lightsabers within several hours of beginning. Within the Chaos, Superious fought with calculated and ruthless efficiency, adding to the struggle and strife.

Destroy and leave nothing behind is the Maw's motto after all, and where there is discord, a sith follows thereafter. Never send a Padawan to do a Knight's job. He had to duck a few times from a few overswings by fellow sith and have a go Padawans.

Friendly fire is after all in its application is anything but friendly. He'll need to ask why they call it that, he didn't understand how something unfriendly would be called "Friendy". The best time would be after the war on this planet when everything isn't run with Adrenalin or Cortisol. It was a military term that he had always wondered about but never really queried after.

Soon enough he needed someone else to fight, this was not giving him what he needed, but the intended fight found him as he spotted a Jedi by himself. Leaving another Lightsider to die on the ground with a wounded chest he moved to intercept, swinging his Saber down in a controlled arc aiming for the head, chest and neck.

But this time he was countered, it didn't take long before Superious was forced into the defensive warding of Leon's strikes, feeling the burning plasma scald his skin as it came in too close for comfort to his arm, he swore he felt his skin blister from the heat.

After defending his vulnerable areas he managed to get enough distance from the Jedi to let loose Force Lightning in short bursts, directed solely at Leon's direction, not caring if others are caught in the crossfire.


Location: Asog | Mining Facility | Ashen Fuel Depot
Objective: ???
Wound Status: Unknown | Near Death
Equipment: Loose Fitting Black-Red Robes
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble


Kaiah's mind reeled at the response, she felt sick. She felt like she had been falling and had come to sudden stop. The Jedi crouched down next to her and reached underneath her body. "I do believe that some people are beyond redemption; that some have truly fallen too far into darkness. But I know that isn't the case for you. I can feel it". Kaiah didn't know what to say. She wasn't even sure what was happening was real. The world seemed to move in a out of focus. The Jedi continued. "What you've done will never be forgotten, but it can be forgiven if you change your ways. If you show you can be better." She didn't understand what was happening. 'Is this a trick?' she thought 'Sure this woman couldn't really-'

She hissed in pain as the Jedi picked her up. Her vision clouded as she was raised into the air, and when her sight returned the room was spinning. "I need to get you out of here and to someone who can take care of your injuries. So I'm going to ask you to trust me. If you don't, you're going to die in this fuel depot." The woman said bluntly. "But if you do, I promise that I can help you." Her tone seemed genuine. "I-" Kaiah began, but the woozy feeling returned, along with a rush of blackness.

After some time, she raised her head, gazing at her surroundings. The world around her pulsed along with her pounding headache. She was being carried through a field of ash and bone, a barren lifeless wasteland as far as she could see.

The silt went up to her rescuer's knees, yet the woman waded through with no difficulty. She continued on toward a distant soft light. Kaiah's back was to it, but she knew that they drew closer. Together.

A pair of orange eyes appeared in the smoke, silently observing her. Despite their familarity she knew they were not her own. Not anymore. She watched the woman they belonged to catch fire with a deep dark flame. The heat burned away at the woman until she nothing but ash, blending into the endless landscape. She felt something deep inside her unknot and she wept, her tears falling onto the back of the Jedi.

Lucidity returned like the edge of a knife – sharp and painful. Salty tears ran down her cheeks. She gasped in a deep breath, wincing at the bumps as the Jedi walked. "I can't say I understand why you spared me" Kaiah said. "But I want to. There is so little I know of the Jedi, and of the force. But I'm afraid". She breathed deeply. Talking was difficult, both physically and emotionally.

"Nevertheless; I, Kaiah Nihl submit myself to the Jedi's judgement. I hope you can truly help me". She fell silent, lost in her musings, until she once again fainted.



Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo (Enemy)

"Fracking don't like sand," Jax muttered to himself as the Sith Lord dumped even more sand on him. Jax's body was compressed his arms being pushed to his ribs. He could feel the pain of his prosthetic pressing onto his side like a knife slowly cutting him open. Yet in spite of this, Jax remained calm allowing the Force to take over and dictate his actions. Gathering as much Force energy as he could, Jax unleashed a wave of kinetic energy pushing back the sand and creating a dust storm around the combatants.

He fell towards his knees breathing heavily and reached out towards his Lightsaber before backflipping away trying to blend in with the sandstorm that was just created. "Come and find me," he muttered gripping his Lightsaber while maintaining his distance from the Sith Lord.




Looking for: Blade Ice Blade Ice
Dhalinar flowed into his first strike and passed through the after image. An impressive technique, but not one that would fool a Jedi Master. He used the opportunity to pivot to face his opponent. One, two, the emerald blade smacked the blades aside, using the power of the first to parry around the second. It was a brief exchange but a good one to test the skill of his opponent. Dhalinar quirked a bushy white brow in admiration but quickly quashed the anticipation of dueling a strong opponent. A Jedi never sought the thrill of battle but the Thrill was something Dhalinar had fought with all his life.

He took a ready stance and gestured with his blade. If the man was going to take the time for the theatrics of battle Dhalinar would at least give him the courtesy to strike first this time.

"Come on then. Let's get this started again," he taunted.


Madison Starr


Madison's opponent dismounted the platform and expertly withdrew to the ground level. My my. Quite the snark for a war droid too. Perhaps she was rather a cyborg or an HRD? Madison wasn't quite sure. However, her opponent had proven resistant, creative, and surprisingly; less aggressive than she had anticipated of common Sith underlings. In fact, the Force was pulling Starr in a whole new direction. Away from Hacks and more towards her original objective. The superweapon.


Her moment of contemplation was interrupted however. A thrown vibro weapon and then a flurry of gunfire erupted from her opponent down below. Causing Madison to frown and quickly leap backwards into the open doorway behind her. Allowing the third-story railing to be completely devoured in smoke, and sparks, and blaster vapor. Interestingly enough. The bolts seemed to track a bit as Madison retreated. Burning a line into the railing until the bolts hit the rock and disappeared from view.

"Perhaps we'll talk later darling."

Madison removed her blaster pistol and shot the panel on the outside of the door. Then she turned and hit the inside panel with the butt of her plasma wand. Sssspt. The iron door slide closed with gusto. Leaving Madison alone in a Sith corridor of more-modern decoration.

"Right. Now. To find a computer room and get back on track."

She turned to eye a T in the hallway. Sensing that those two guards had probably come from an observation room on the right. A perfect place to start.

The Jedi leapt down the hallway at an unprecedented pace. Anxious to remember that her allies were battling on the surface above them. Granting her expedition just enough time to do the impossible.

* * *​


Hacks had found that her mysterious opponent had retreated into the corridors above. Smoke and black debris from her hail of gunfire was still billowing away from the seared wall face. Scattering remains of rock and steel at her feet. Just like falling snow. Though, more to her attention was the now completely open and unguarded doorway present in front of her. With no Jedi, nor droid, nor guard in the way to obstruct her.

Perhaps she was free at last.

"Hey lady!" Came a peasant voice from the cell's behind Hacks, "Look'see here eh? Mind if you open this door on your way out? Be a friend now eh? I mean, I could really go for..."

Suddenly. The cell door in front of him opened with a loud, Clunk!

"...Oh well. Bugger me! Thanks lass! That was quick! A real mind-reader you are eh!"

Suddenly. All the cell doors opened. Clunk! Clunk! Clunk! Even high above them. On every level and on every turn. Cell doors were opening everywhere. Rapidly.

"Oh. ...Uh. Uh oh?" The ragged prisoner gulped. That wasn't good.

A sudden monstrous roar and scampering of feet could be heard all around. The banging of cold steel and clobbering of freedom. Echoing like distant tiny raindrops. Out-out into the distance.

"Oh no. I think somebody let the diggers out too!"

The tattered prisoner quickly gasped and sprinted past Hacks on his little skinny legs. Stopping only to hover over near the door panel and beckoning her to follow.

"Come on now lass! Don't linger! Them diggers ain't the type to be reckoned with. Hungry little Sith beasts. We'd better sk'daddle or we'll..!"

Again a distant roar in the darkness. Closer this time.

"Gaaa!" The rising panic surmounted the escaped prisoner by the door and he quickly turned and ran away with a yelp. Forgetting Hacks entirely and sprinting away. Hoping for life and limb, and whatever came next.

Metal banged on distant floors and dust in far shadows swirled in ominous ways. Scampering feet, all hungry in the dark. And no matter what level of the prison you where on. First, second, third, or even out the wicked tunnels beyond?

Slicers beware. Something wicked this way comes.

* * *​

Madison Starr was high up in a third-story Sith computer room. Typing away at the tiny console screen with gusto. Trying desperately for information when the first naked creature ran past her. Far down a distant hallway. Just a quick glance was all it took too. All claws and bone and chattering teeth. Causing her to turn quickly and stare out ravenously into the empty expanse. Her latent danger senses tingling. Warning her of something not right.

"Hello?" She echoed down the long bright corridor.

But nothing replied except silence and the soft pattering of tiny little feet.

Hmm? Maybe bi-lingual cyborgs weren't the worst surprise waiting for her deep underground after all?

Hacks Hacks
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Kai’s eyes widened as Thalia diverted the whirlwind into Iris. He tried to stop it, but Iris was thrown against a wall. With his ally down for the count, and Kai missing a lightsaber, things weren’t looking good.

A mental command to Sophie sent the Warghest over to guard Iris, then a gesture of his hand sent Iris’ lightsaber into Kai’s grasp. He advanced toward Thalia, striking at the Sith, aiming mainly to keep her occupied for now.

come and get your lightsaber back plz Iris Arani Iris Arani Thalia Senn Thalia Senn

Tempest took a moment to admire her handiwork. It wasn't every day that one made art out of an artist afterall. Her smirk melted into a frown when the other Sithspawn beast moved to protect the Jedi. Her teeth ground, her anger at the hypocrisy of the Jedi on full display. Oh if the Holorecorders could see this...

She was snapped from her childish rage by a flying lightsaber and the snap-hiss of its activation in the hands of other Sithspawn. Her blades cracked and sparked, their dance illuminating the cave with flash after flash of color.

"You - are - persistent," she ground out in between clashes.







They kept coming. Flooding in from the shadows, innumerable in quantity, the children of darkness replaced one after the other that were felled by the Jedi’s bright white sabre. And they never stopped firing. Their objective was clear and surprisingly organized. She’d observed that before diving into the fight, and was witness to their uniformity. When her blade concealed, and she used the darkness to hide, someone would report her location in frantic desperation before they silenced her. It was hive-mind without the uniformity of The Force ——— of course.

Beneath her mask, her molars met in a grimace. This sort of horde didn’t operate of their own volition — there had to be one that controlled the masses. This one was who she sought.

And who sought her too.

But Ishida didn’t know that yet. All she knew was survival and her goal to get to the weapon first.

Survival prioritized itself over the mission objective, and she leaped backwards to narrow avoid the deadly trajectory of the vibrating blade of the long-handled weapon. The battle gave her ample warning. As the blade came down, and she twisted out of the way, her body rotated to bring her two-handed grip on her sabre down to trap or sever the long handle of the axe. Simultaneously, she planted her left foot to the ground and drew her right leg with Force-imbued strength to deliver a kick to the horrible creature that shrieked bloodthirstily at her.

At this range, not landing the punt wasn’t a fret. It was the follow-through she was concerned about. Especially since she lifted one hand from her double drip to call forth two Ashina-steel Shurikens and, Force willed it, send them hurtling to back of the freshly-exposed head that was bearing down on Okkeus.

NJO | SKYWALKERS/GROUNDCRAWLERS | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
| Zaka Zaka | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Jorah zos Darnus

BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW | Darth Kalyptos Darth Kalyptos | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Darth Vow Darth Vow | Dimitri Voltura | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis


Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina


ASOG '74
The Knight had a burning fire in him, a will to fight, not to give up in the face of impending horror. But did he have the will to kill, to completely abandon any helpless ideal of self-preservation in the interest of felling the enemy before him. For one to win in this mortal struggle, in war. One must carry both of those tenets- the will to kill and the will to die. In spite of Okkeus's fury, the Neophytes of the Void continued to funnel into the room, laying blaster fire in interlocking fields before them in the hopes of catching a break in the Jedi's guard as Kalyptos arrived to tangle with them both.

Kalyptos whisked himself away a few feet from the exchange with a pulse of the force as the lightning crackled at his fingertips. As soon as those electric blue shards of fury veered out from the Jedi's hand, Kalyptos swung his blade to catch the electric spray that veered toward him, containing it within his violet blade before swaying the blade away from his body and lashing out a spear of violet lightning toward the Jedi's abdomen as his body was exposed before surging toward Okkeus and bringing the saber up to lash it down toward the knight's collar bone.

He would've continued a more savage assault were it not for the two shurikens which landed in his shoulder, one of them digging itself into the environmental armor vest strewn over his abdomen atop his royal purple robes but the other made purchase in the flesh- failing to draw a visceral reaction from the Sithspawn however. It immediately set down the searing sensation of the inflicted wound by controlling its pain through the force- its zealotry and brutality unfettered by the weakness of the flesh.

All the while, the Battlemind caught the swipe of Ishina's blade in the heavy, durasteel haft of its vibro-axe before grasping the haft in both hands low by its hip, bringing it up to swing it down towards the Atrisian's skull as another Neophyte joined the attack, primed to kill in close range all the same as it lugged up a rock cutter in its...three arms. It chomped once at the hair in a shriek of metallic horror but a few feet from the Samurai before its gruesome metal jaws splayed open once more to reveal old, neglected layers of built-up blood and gore coating the metal in a rust-red. Accompanying the failed chomp of steel the Khot Vong offered another deep, guttural alien battle cry as it pried open its sickly purplish jaws to reel out the terror inflicting scream.

They were savages, born in the harshest pits, evolved to live in the deepest depths. They were the perfect specimen to conduct the dig and their unfettered ferocity and zealotry would ensure the work would be done.


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The Aegis of Woe | Lightsaber
The Perished
// Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor \\
The miraluka's scarred lips tugged, drawn by the plucked threads of fate it seemed everyone around him was so fond of tugging beyond his control. He lifted his hand, wiping the expression from his face, but could do little to stifle the light-hearted chuckles that departed him, his smile brought into a grin, the most genuine he'd accomplished in a time he wouldn't be made to admit. "You certainly measure up in the drama department," he snickered on, "I knew I liked you." His head turned, his unseen gaze situated on the outstretched hand, and he was made to remember the fateful evening on Ilum, where he had deployed a similar tactic to plunge his blade through Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ' stomach. Feigned comradery into instant betrayal, nothing sacrificed, with the hopes to gain everything.

Briefly, before he extended the same offer and took the Je'daii's hand, he regretted that he had not aimed his saber more true, and destroyed the maniac's heart outright. A million regrets, a million wishes for do overs, a million what ifs, and none of them would ever be worth the effort of his wondering.
"Of course not, I'll not be handed off anymore," he waved a hand dismissively, his grasp finally clasping around Cotan's firmly, "I'm unsure what I'll do when I have my revenge, I've spent decades wandering the galaxy, such a life isn't for me anymore. Perhaps I'll find a nice cold planet to settle down on, what a thought that is." A cold scoff cast a frosted cloud before his features, almost as if he found the notion of settling down to be some sort of sick joke, and with that, his touch was taken back.

Like Ezra Dune Ezra Dune would be as eager for peace and quiet as he was. No, his partner was a whole different tyrant to tackle, especially now.

Yet another regret to heap onto the pile.

But that was for another day, another time.

"I blasted Rurik Fel Rurik Fel out of my castle once before, he survived. If there's anything that man can do, it's survive. Perhaps you and I will have to get creative and deploy giant magnets to get the edge when we face that executioner, hm?" The Dark Lord hummed with amusement, taking to stride toward his army. "Tell your commander you wounded me horribly or something, I don't care. I'm leaving. I'll be in touch, if you're sincere."

"I'd be surprised if he chose a magnetic alloy for that shiny skin of his," came Cotan's dry reply, a small smirk growing on his face. The fact that he'd brought the pained Sith lord to a genuine smile and laughter was victory enough for the day. The rest, at the facility down below...could be handled without his efforts, so long as the undead army was truly gone from the battle.

"Before you go, Halketh," he called out to the departing man, "If any time soon you want or need, or indeed after all is done, come to Tribunal station. It's hard to get to, but it's no secret. I have a garden I think you'd enjoy there." With that said, he turned on one foot and began to make his own trek away, thinking of his own preparations he would need to make for the trials ahead.

"Solipsis and Rurik. Heh." A bit of a grim chuckle escaped his lips at the thought of both men. "Might be the most fun I've had since the council spire."

Death to Strike Team Kenobi!

Post: 4
Objective: To Old To Die Young
Location: Outside the Mining Facility
Equipment: Orange Lightsaber (Fire) | Blue Lightsaber (ICE) | x8 throwing daggers | Poison Dagger | x6 thermal detonators | x8 Smoke Grenades | Brown MidNight Duster with Hood
Allies: The Brotherhood of Maw
Enemies: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zaka Zaka | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Haro Harend | Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar | Kahlil Zambrano | Eslo Anderson | Jorah zos Darnus | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Bernard of Arca | Leon Gallo | Romi Jade | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Zark San Tekka | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Inosuke Ashina | Tieuvelli Renlas | Keiran Varn | Greer Caimbeulaich | Amanda | Madison Starr | Judah Lesan | Xarielle Pavanos
Special Tags: Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar

The Jedi's saber clashed with both of Blade's sabers causing sparks to fly. Blade's attack failing to do any damage though that didn't deter him one bit. As the Jedi pulled away and chose to talk, Blade was already on the move. Blade was not about to let up one bit he moved in quickly his right blue saber struck out towards the Jedi's green blade, he was going to keep it at bay as his left orange saber went in to strike directly at the man's chest but pulled a feint at the last second moving out left wide as Blade stepped in.

Blade stepped in and he spit forth that death stick still hanging from his lips into the Jedi face. The force flowed from his lips into the death stick charging it and as he spit it towards the jedi's face it would explode into fiery hot embers in attempt to blind or even burn his opponent. Just as quickly as he stepped in her took a step back and his orange saber moved back inward aiming to slice the jedi across the lower midsection.

Blade had been a sith for a long time and he had fourth many wars at his core he was a warrior above anything else someone might deem him. He had been forged in blood and steel long before this jedi before e him had been born. Blade had faced done thousands of Jedi and sith, they both bleed the same. If the jedi realized they were more like the sith then they would want to admit. They so love to think that shedding emotion and feeling made them better then everyone else. The fact is that the majority of the Galaxy was ran one feeling and emotion men killed men with feeling in their heart whether it be rage, despair, jealousy or some other emotion.

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