~ Whatever the cost, I will stop them, master. I believe … it's the Jedi. ~
Dimitri chuckled as the thought rang through his mind.
<Indeed.> he replied mentally. He sensed his apprentice's surprise at the fact that he was able to sense the intruders before any of the others. Orlov had never been exposed to the true being that was the Dragon before. To the draining dread that was Dimitri's species.
The Dark Master didn't exactly take his apprentice on hunting trips.
But the time would soon come when the apprentice would be exposed to the truth.
It didn't take long for the Jedi to make their presence known on the planet. One even stepped out to confront the duo with a surprise attack. Not that the predator had stood idly, waiting for its prey.
When the Jedi emerged, Dimitri moved - unnaturally fast for even a Force User. So when the Jedi rushed forward to follow up on his surprise attack, the Lord of the Sith was already behind the Lightsider. The Dragon knew that his apprentice could hold his own against the biot - he was no longer a mere acolyte. Dimitri would face the true demon in his ward's stead.
"A boy? They send a boy to face the Darkness?" Dimitri sounded resigned - almost melancholy. How were the Jedi any better from the liberating Confederacy that Dimitri had been part of a few years ago? They were willing to send children to their death, like the Confederacy sent slaves to their death. How was that for the greater good? Putting a young life, no matter how talented, on the line to halt the night?
When would it end?
He extended a hand in the same breath while speaking, a Force shield materialising between the Jedi and Ptolemis, hopefully halting the aggressive advance of the Lightsider. The biot was his apprentice's battle alone now. The Force dead Vong creature would keep him busy enough.
"I did not wish for this, Young One. But if it's the crossing of blades you seek, then rather face me." Dimitri told the young Jedi, finally unclipping the curved hilt from his belt, the crimson blade igniting eerily yet reluctantly in the dark.
Raising a blade against a child.
He dreaded it. He had almost broken the wheel before - had come close to redemption. Had a Lightsider guiding his way, standing at his side, easing away the shadows on his soul.
And then the dream had shattered. Along with the mirrors in his estate.
All while, slaves were slaughtered by their liberators in front of his eyes while the bell on his fate tolled.
Another apprentice had come under his care since.
One that Dimitri would not see slaughtered or spirited away by forked tongues. Not that this Jedi seemed to be the forgiving kind. It was sadly hypocritical. Jedi out for vengeance while the Sith Lord was the reluctant one. Ironic.
Yet the Dragon was ready with blade and Force to face the scorching Light.
He awaited the onslaught of the violet blade.