Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW

Dimitri Voltura



~ Whatever the cost, I will stop them, master. I believe … it's the Jedi. ~

Dimitri chuckled as the thought rang through his mind.
<Indeed.> he replied mentally. He sensed his apprentice's surprise at the fact that he was able to sense the intruders before any of the others. Orlov had never been exposed to the true being that was the Dragon before. To the draining dread that was Dimitri's species.
The Dark Master didn't exactly take his apprentice on hunting trips.

But the time would soon come when the apprentice would be exposed to the truth.

It didn't take long for the Jedi to make their presence known on the planet. One even stepped out to confront the duo with a surprise attack. Not that the predator had stood idly, waiting for its prey.

When the Jedi emerged, Dimitri moved - unnaturally fast for even a Force User. So when the Jedi rushed forward to follow up on his surprise attack, the Lord of the Sith was already behind the Lightsider. The Dragon knew that his apprentice could hold his own against the biot - he was no longer a mere acolyte. Dimitri would face the true demon in his ward's stead.
"A boy? They send a boy to face the Darkness?" Dimitri sounded resigned - almost melancholy. How were the Jedi any better from the liberating Confederacy that Dimitri had been part of a few years ago? They were willing to send children to their death, like the Confederacy sent slaves to their death. How was that for the greater good? Putting a young life, no matter how talented, on the line to halt the night?

When would it end?

He extended a hand in the same breath while speaking, a Force shield materialising between the Jedi and Ptolemis, hopefully halting the aggressive advance of the Lightsider. The biot was his apprentice's battle alone now. The Force dead Vong creature would keep him busy enough.
"I did not wish for this, Young One. But if it's the crossing of blades you seek, then rather face me." Dimitri told the young Jedi, finally unclipping the curved hilt from his belt, the crimson blade igniting eerily yet reluctantly in the dark.

Raising a blade against a child.

He dreaded it. He had almost broken the wheel before - had come close to redemption. Had a Lightsider guiding his way, standing at his side, easing away the shadows on his soul.

And then the dream had shattered. Along with the mirrors in his estate.

All while, slaves were slaughtered by their liberators in front of his eyes while the bell on his fate tolled.

Another apprentice had come under his care since.

One that Dimitri would not see slaughtered or spirited away by forked tongues. Not that this Jedi seemed to be the forgiving kind. It was sadly hypocritical. Jedi out for vengeance while the Sith Lord was the reluctant one. Ironic.

Yet the Dragon was ready with blade and Force to face the scorching Light.

He awaited the onslaught of the violet blade.



Location: Asog
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl
"You Sith are all the same."
Valery said as she stepped through the fire and into the room where Kaiah lay on the floor, her eyes burning bright with the intent to finish this encounter once and for all. She held both her lightsabers low on her sides again, the light of the violet plasma blades shining against her skin and clothing.
With a flick of her eyes and a gentle motion of her head, she then sent the woman's lightsaber flying, into the fire behind her so she couldn't reach for it. Even if she was somehow able to call it back to her hand, the hilt would hopefully be far too hot to hold and use in a fight.
"So caught up in any damage you do, so much overconfidence and arrogance," Valery spoke through her clenched jaws and stopped just short of Kaiah, but out of range for any kicking or sudden strikes to reach her. One of her arms finally extended, the blade of her lightsaber tilting up to point to just underneath the woman's jaw.
"But I don't go down so easily."
This was it. Valery looked at her extended, burnt arm and then down to the woman on the ground. Every part of her body and mind, from early upbringing to her training as a Shadow, called out for her to end it swiftly. To drive the blade through the woman's neck and finish the fight without more unnecessary suffering. But she felt... something within Kaiah that made her hesitate. As if part of the ashen woman was filled with genuine regret, and a desire to change that battled against the darker teachings she had been subjected to.
Then, familiar voices echoed through her mind — Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Iris Arani Iris Arani , her fiancé and Padawan respectively, who had both been influential in her stepping away from the Jedi Shadows. They had opened her mind to alternative routes and now Valery wondered if the time had come for her to approach things differently.
Without truly realizing it, the blade she held out towards Kaiah lowered and her fierce expression softened somewhat.
"Why do you let the Dark Side be such a burden? Can't you see what kind of suffering it inflicts?" Valery asked as she continued to stare the woman down. "You can do so much more, I can feel it. You know it to be true as well."


/ /A S O G / /
O B J | I I / / T H E = W E A P O N
e l e g a n c e

She had heard him, venom slithering across torn lips, she held back the urge to devour him…or would she? Unlike her other, she was the type to toy with her food, push around prey while it begged for mercy, a swift release from the madness that bloomed from her jagged claws.

"I…I heard sc-screaming? Gods…it sounds much pain…s-s-someone is in pain…" She had torn the voice from her puppet, pitching the sound so that all he could hear was her fear and her desire to escape. How valiant he had been, his care trickling through the first few words he spoke,and yet he made a mockery of his steadiness. He was but a twig, attempting to hold itself by the fibers left upon the tree.
 She was the breeze however, the force that would snap him from his trunk.

"Show yourself..."

Foolish child, she thought, wandering alone in the caves with a little toy stick to keep him safe. Vow lifted herself from her pocket within the rock. Her steps calculated though she staggered giving off the illusion of fragility. They had left him here to rot...

<"Are you scared, little one?"> She whispered in between his ears, her claws raking his mind, pulling apart the grey fibers uncovering what he feared most. Outside his eyes could only see a woman a few years older than he, her body covered in ichor, a patchwork robe would keep her safe. "P-please….h-help me…" Her face wore tears now, frantic and afraid but the other side of her bore her fangs. <"Do you thing they will hear you scream?"> The whisper continued within him, how she longed to see his face, to capture the essence of fear from his eyes.

She inched herself closer until the light of his saber illuminated her in her purest form. She was small, just a little over five feet, her hair matted, face covered in dirt and tears. She looked like one of the workers, her true form slithering under it's skin. "P-lease….please don't leave me! They'll k-kill me…" She cried, finally falling until her hands held onto the fabric of his shirt. Had he not stepped away she would burn her fingers into his flesh, her blacken claws peeling away from the skin she wore. "Dear one…" Her voice finally breaking out of borrowed chords, "Will they hear you scream…when you die?"

Canting her head to the side, the flame of destruction flickering in her eyes. If he'd stayed still, freezing due to fear he would have felt his body become rigid, paralyzed within its shell.

"...enots…." she whispered…sinking her claws into his skin, showing him what he feared most.

/ / Silas Westgard



Judah was certain he had found the two most insane Sith he had ever met, and that was saying a lot. He had known Vega and Razielle Van-Derveled, Sianna, the Sith clown. None of them seemed to exude the instability of the two he met here, especially the silver haired child. He could feel the conflict within her. Something about her was off, and it was not from the obvious fact that she had began to writhe about like a demon possessed maniac.

The second moved in with the opportunity. Darkness began to surround them as though the shadows themselves were closing in. His lips pulled into another smirk at the comment which came from the one carrying the crimson blade. Her stance was all too familiar to him. It was his strongest form. As such he knew it came with no apparent strengths and no apparent weaknesses. It had been a difficult form to master, but it had always been his advantage. It would likely be hers as well.

He would help the other if the more stable one had not been in the way. Judah pressed forward with the force. While his feet remained, the Master Jedi would begin his attack with a skill to counter the shadow around them.

Force Light.

The skill was not overly combative, but in this situation it was designed to weaken the connection of a dark side user to the force. If successful the woman in front of him would begin to feel her control of the shadows slip, and the girl losing her grasp on reality would hopefully find herself more free.

“No I suppose this is hardly two against one…”

Judah chuckled once more, recalling something his master had once said when they found themselves surrounded by Sith.

“There are more with us than there are with them…”

Odin had always been right, even now as much as he had been then.​


ALLIES: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble | NJO
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the MAW | Spindle Spindle | Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Closed
Links: Weapons

Focused so fully on Eina, Zachariel proved to be a promising target for any Jedi present. It was also clear who his target was, one need only follow his line of sight to witness the still floating Eina. One Jedi decided he had to interfere, running in front of Zachariel to try and stop him, shouting out a warcry to Ashla as he did so. This didn't even garner a reaction from the warlord, until the Jedi swung his lightsaber at him. Gaze snapping from Eina to the man, Zachariel's axe swung up to catch the blade before it reached him.

Sneering down at the man, even as Eina approached, Zachariel chuckled. Pushing back, Zachariel slowly marched towards Eina, even as she gave her declaration. Glancing up at her, the man laughed, completely ignoring the Jedi still locking blades with him. This confused his opponent, who broke blade contact for but a moment. Sword holstering then, Zachariel's axe struck back, beginning the power struggle anew. Only for Zachariel to keep pushing, even as he answered Eina.
"Punishment? HAH! All you did was bring me closer to the Avatars, how would that be punishment?" Pushing the man a few steps further, Zachariel snarled. "There will be no next time. You will fail."

With a sudden twirl of his axe, he broke contact with the lightsaber, pushing it to the side. Then, in one smooth motion, it had struck forward, cutting the mans arm off and sending it flying away, lightsaber in hand. The man fell backwards, screaming in sudden agony, before Zachariel's free hand shot forward to grab his upper torso and neck. Lifting the man and holding him between himself and Eina, Zachariel laughed darkly as he spoke.
"All that remains to be seen, is how many will die as you fail, again and again."



Preventing intruders from getting to the superweapon, within the bowels of Asog.

Equipment in bio.

TAG: Dimitri Voltura Zaka Zaka | Open!


Drudges dragged dirt with each hobbled step as they minded their own business; slaves still expanding the tunnels through strained labor, as they were ordered to do. The menacing gazes of the two Sith Lords prowled the far end of the inclined tunnel, dimly lit by makeshift torches, leading up toward the surface. As the Force had foretold, the Jedi were here. An ambush. How uncharacteristic.

The following sequence of events happened almost at an instant.

Violet blades tore swiftly into the darkness, a fearless member of the New Jedi Order, most likely, springing into action, omitting any kind of verbal exchange. Upon the momentum of his steps and swing of his arm, a strange projectile darted directly at the Lords. However, the Dragon, as always, was one step ahead. For everyone else, it seemed almost like he had teleported behind the padawan, erecting a barrier between Ptolemis and the violet warrior to halt his advance. But the Sith apprentice was not afforded the time to observe their clash, as he had instantly recognized the clever surprise the young warrior had opened up with.

The Masked Horror lacked the finesse of a blademaster, but made up for it with extensive knowledge. Ptolemis more often spent his time researching and meditating in his dark hideout, surrounded by skeletons and occult paraphernalia; but the Vong and their genetics-based technology had also been a field he was greatly fascinated by, specifically their magnum opus of destruction, the
dovin basal. Almost like a mirror to his master, Ptolemis flashed backward in the opposite direction with a Force-imbued rush; while his master closed the gap, he rocketed back, knowing full well the sheer firepower such a unique and beautiful weapon posed.

A couple of moments were all the leeway he had gained.

A snap of his arm at a nearby drudge toiling away at the rocks, and a violent dragging motion with his clenched, gloved fist in the air, as if dragging a person by their hair. The exercise in telekinesis was haphazard and imprecise, wrenching the manufactured being from their feet and spinning them in the air. The two created biological tools met mid-flight, but the flung body of the drudge was hit at an unfavorable angle. The projected bug plowed into its head, exploding, but its flammable insides spewed forward, travelling along their previous vector, spreading flame and chaos, its diminished flames ultimately embracing Darth Ptolemis as well.

Panic erupted among the nearby slaves. The smell of burnt flesh violated the noses of everybody present. Bone-chilling screams of terror clogged up the tunnels, conjuring an atmosphere of dread and suspense. A perfect setting for the followers of Darkness. The emotionless mask emerged from the dying flames, stepping over the explosively decapitated remains of the drudge, his outer layer of robes completely burnt off by the white-hot flames of the blast bug. Now boiling with hate, the Masked Horror
erupted his single beam of crimson blade as he walked, and cut off the excess fabric of his charred garments with three quick swings. Without stopping and without hesitation, he grabbed a hold of a fleeing Rodian slave through the Force, now much more firmly, and with a foreboding growl hurtled her toward the Jedi ahead, aiming to smash her frame into that of the Jedi's.

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Issue #2 vs. Jorryn Fordyce


The fist around the hilt clenched till his knuckles turned white. Her words of a Jedi's betrayal struck a nerve, the frown dropping a shadow over his face recalling the fresh wound of his recently fallen padawan. Jem, the Sith'ari's daughter.

The Sith lady did not strike back, only shifted into her combat stance as she laid out her ambitions. A survivor's talk. She hailed from the fallen Sith Empire, he deduced. Her reluctance to fight ravenously like most Sith reminded him of Danika, the Sith Lord he still believed had a way back from the twisted corruption of the dark side.

"I don't think you're as convinced in that as you sound." Dagon remarked, "I can sense the taint of the darkness isn't as strong in you, lady, but this path you've taken... it'll only lead to suffering and destruction."

" won't help you survive. Only expedite your demise." he added hoarsely, thinking of his fallen brother before he surged forward at her with a series of slashes and swings that aimed to keep her at bay as he considered his options of finding a way through her and to the control room of the facility. "You've seen that better than me."
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Mining facility, Asog
Objective I.: To perform a diversionary attack
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Closed
[ Valhalla Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"NO-" Eina wanted to shout at the knight who had attacked Zach.

However, she was late because the man intervened and this had very serious consequences. At first she hoped the knight would be smart enough to stop attacking after that. But apparently he didn't want to do that. And the gen'daii's words also revealed that he had learned nothing. He didn't learn why Eina had put him there. She had guessed before, but now she was absolutely certain that the man was inescapable and had no choice but to kill him.

And she didn't like to kill mortals. It wasn't her business. Killing demons and other creatures is a completely different matter in the Netherworld. But the living! Eina knew she shouldn't protect them because her job could only be quiet observation, but she didn't care. As a Lightsider, the Valkyrja could no longer remain a silent observer. Though she knew there was nothing wrong with death and it was natural. So for her, this was more so that others didn’t have to suffer, and didn't have to feel pain. Yes, that was much more accurate.

The man may not have known how much he had hit Eina for now with his words. That the girl is afraid of failing, that she cannot help others, that she cannot protect and heal others. The Valkyrja therefore existed, so for her, if she failed in such an area, it could hurt her so much. She arrived on the ground the moment Zachariel lifted the wounded knight off the ground. There was defiance in her blue eyes. Her gaze for a moment was very much like that of the strict Ingrid's.

"Let him go! This is a fight between the two of us, do not try to involve another! It is cowardice to hide behind the innocent and the defenceless!" her voice was now as cold, commanding, and emotionless as Ingrid's usual.

However, she had a feeling that her words would not stop the man and try to kill the Jedi. So before that happens, she tries to create a golden coloured Force barrier around the Jedi with a full of Light side to protect him.

Ashla wills it…



Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Closed
Links: Weapons

The Jedi had tried to retreat, to attack from elsewhere, Zachariel simply had not let him. Having fought once before, Eina would be able to see just how outclassed this Jedi Knight was. She would see the most likely future, that of the mans death. Zachariel meanwhile, he knew that future to be fact. And through that, the Jedi tried to prevent it, fought, hoped, and prayed that something, anything would save him. Through this little duel, Zachariel also noticed Eina and her newfound certainty. It garnered another laugh from him.

That was something Eina still didn't understand, what Zachariel truly was. She didn't enjoy killing mortals, though demons and the like were easy for her. But she drew a hard line there, between what was a mortal and a demon. Zachariel blurred that line, merged them, and became something more, something greater for it. He was no mere mortal, as a gen'dai he would live forever, unless something killed him. And through the blessings of the Avatars, he was also empowered by the Nether. Some would say, he was a demon in mortal flesh. Though, a mortal in demon flesh would also fit.

Darkly grinning up at Eina, Zachariel had struck, severing the Jedi's arm from his body. Holding the poor fool in his hand, between himself and Eina, the man's fear and despair would be clear for anyone to notice, to feel. It practically screamed off him, telling anyone that he believed he was going to die. That terrified him, because he didn't know if he would join the Force, or be consumed by the terrifying abomination holding him. He was so focused on Zachariel that he didn't notice the Force barrier, though the warlord did. Still, the words of Eina brought him some measure of hope, until Zachariel gently squeezed.

Squealing in pain, the Jedi thrashed in Zachariel's grip. For his part, the warlord was simply amused, he could still crush this puny mortal with ease. Cocking his head to the side, he focused on Eina, even as the man thrashed and screamed in his grip.
"Really now?" Grinning at Eina's voice, he continued. "Welcome back, little Ingrid. As with so many things, child, you are wrong." Zachariel's grip tightened again, constricting the mans throat and his screams. "This one's killed many people, I can feel the blood on his hands. The souls haunting him, the ones he's killed. No doubt though, all done for the greater good. Still, hardly innocent, no? Oh and let's not forget, a Jedi Knight such as him always has the Force with him. Don't you, little one?"

Leering closer to the man, he laughs. The poor man was a trembling wreck by this point, so close to a nexus of the Dark Side, and pure evil. Not to mention, he had been constantly assaulted by the sheer, terrifying presence of Zachariel since reaching him. Despite this, he still found the strength to nod to Zachariel's words. Even if he couldn't use it, he still had the Force. For one moment, he reached out, trying to do something. Only for that tendril of hope to be squashed, just as his grasp on the Force was. Just as his torso and neck were being crushed.
"So... little Ingrid, neither innocent, nor defenseless." Cackling darkly, his crimson gaze watched Eina. Then, with contemptuous ease, Zachariel's armored fist crushed the mans torso fully, letting out a sickening crack easily heard by both parties. "You fail, again. First in ending me, now in saving this mortals life. How many more will join him, before the day is done?"

Laughing darkly, Zachariel absorbed the mans soul, eating it before Eina's eyes. She would be able to see it as well, a pale thing struggling, scrabbling against the ground, against his armor, screaming as he went. But its struggles didn't save it, and it shortly vanished into the maw of Zachariels helmet, its screams being cut short. Eye lenses brightening with the power, Zachariel shuddered for a moment, still unused to such an appetite, but enjoying it greatly. But his gaze never left Eina, his focus didn't waver, as he devoured the soul of the Jedi.

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Issue #6 - Retribution: Jedi Strike Back
Objective 2: Strike Team Skywalker

Dimitri Voltura Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Zaka's charge came to an abrupt stop, skidding across the stone ground as the Sith he assaulted split up. One lurched back and away in an attempt to retreat from the blast bug, the other--

He sensed the overbearing Dark Side manifest behind him, he lurched forward before spinning about. The common consensus seemed to be that the shrouded one would be temporarily busy with the vong biot. Only a few seconds, but, he'd achieved his goal in flinging it. Space. Space to get his bearings, and space to isolate one of them.

Shame he split off from the rest of the Strike Force, but there were few Jedi who had his faith. And most of them had joined Dagon's team to begin with.

"A boy? They send a boy to face the Darkness?"

His upper lip curled into a sneer, making way for the disgusted suck of his teeth sound that came forth. "Tch." A moment spent to regard the Sith, and then he raised the violet blade up between them, a mirthless smile crawling upon his melanin features.

First Solipsis. A Jedi turned to the Dark. Abandoning beliefs and oaths in order to survive. The claim of the Jedi being too weak to protect the Galaxy rang true. Even now. It was more than a taunt. It was a truth that there was less and less faith in the overarching Jedi Order as a whole in the Galaxy,

Then Caelitus. A Sith who he determined to have delusions of God-hood. Reanimating and perverting those he'd killed.

And now this Sith.

"You should've saved that moralistic grand standing for a locale where you weren't digging up a superweapon." Claims of him being too young. And yet, "...You don't actually care." He could sense the disregard, the disrespect. Jedi or not, his warrior pride had taken even more damage than his body had since joining up with the New Jedi. Always too young. Future of the Jedi, but if the trend continued, there'd be no Jedi. "If you did, you wouldn't be here now. Wouldn't fight alongside Marauders and wouldn't dig up weapons capable of killing millions of children at once."

It was simple, Zaka thought. How could he be too young to be fought and killed? Too young to fight for his own future? But at the same time, be an acceptable victim of some life cleansing ritual or some other genocidal creation. There was no honour in an unbalanced fight, he agreed. But where was the honour, the virtue, in killing hundreds of thousands in seconds. What was the difference in this Sith cutting him down personally, and some ancient ritual, or laser from the sky turning him to atoms? The means didn't matter if the outcome was the same.

There was no righteousness to be found in these tunnels. And he'd entertain the delusion no longer.

"If you don't have the stomach to kill a boy, or to stop your Masters excavation--" The violet blade steadied in front of him. Internally counting down the seconds, anticipating. "--Then stay out of m--His brow raised as his danger sense piqued his mind, and he sprung into action, lunging and ducking to the side as the scrambling, Force-thrown Rodian flew right through the spot he'd been occupying -- right at the Dragon.

As he came back up, in a knelt position he swung in a momentum carried slash at one of Voltura's kneecaps.


Cadere Cadere Del Del Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla and cameo by Hacks Hacks
Yula landed with a decisive thud, the golden blade in her hands scorching the ground below while her opponent leapt just out of range. The natural empath felt his surprise and his…disbelief? No, something more intimate than that. Being startled was one thing, but his apprehension was not expected. Her head jerked upwards, still smiling like a wildling.

Huh. Wonder what that's about.

Whatever it was, the Dark One did not let it deter him. The Zeltron went on the defensive, deflecting fierce strikes with fluid stokes. The burn of his strength and decisiveness ebbed and flowed each time crimson clashed against gold.

What exactly did he have to be decisive about?

"I'm watching you, (x_x)"

The Zeltron's smile flipped to a grimace, focus interrupted by the foreign message flashing across the display of her cybernetic eye. Strangely, she recalled a very similar sensation when her broadcast of Denon's riot had been disrupted. Off her guard, the Sith's scarlet blade crashed heavily against her own, forcing Yula to bend back as red sparks leaped from the blade and sizzled against her face. "Urgh..." A grunt in exertion, disgust, and pain forced past her lips. As quickly as the rogue message had come, it disappeared. "Fuck you." She ground out, intended for whoever had apparently gained access to her bionic eye. For the Sith too, she supposed.

Something didn't seem right, but nothing ever felt right where Sith were concerned. No, something was out of place. She couldn't yet pin it on the masked man, the mystery hacker, or the blonde woman. Speaking of-

The hairs at the back of her neck prickled pink skin in warning. Yula gathered her strength, gathered the Force, and sprung backward in a wide leap to avoid a last-second decapitation by the woman's blade. Landing with some distance between herself and the pair of Sith, she exhaled a laugh that carried easily through the dead air. Yula wrinkled her nose.

"Two on one doesn't seem very fair." Her complaint sounded more like a taunt as she raised a hand and curled her fingers, ripping several panels from the scaffolding above with invisible strength. With a sharp motion, she sent three durasteel plates, sharp edges and all, spinning violently towards the Sith.

"C'mon, she's got a sword and a lightsaber. At least give me one to even things out!"

Thrusting her palm to the ground, a brief wave of ethereal energy kicked up an opaque cloud of sand and dust. With eager tension tingling nearly every nerve in her body, Yula didn't move.

She waited.

After all, she wasn't here to win. She was here to be a distraction by way of being snide and troublesome.

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Hacks scaled the wall with speed, her body twisting around as she moved to jump from the wall, across the gap and to the platform. The guards were shouting when their bodies seemed to move without their command, one going toppling over the railing and down to the ground far below. A sickening, meaty slap followed his landing. The other prepared to fire at the Jedi, and Hacks followed the path of his aim. The Jedi brushed her hand in a fluid movement, Hacks turned and saw the rifle move to aim at her and fire.

Hacks let go of the wall instantly, dropping several feet before her arms punched two more holes in the duracrete and caught herself from a possible fatal fall. The stone above where her head had once been was red hot and slagged. The shadowrunner glanced to the bodies on the ground, recalling something of the Jedi ethos she had once overheard. "So you monks do kill," she said, bemused, then watched the Jedi jump from rock to platform and up to the floor Hacks had planned to escape from, "Going somewhere?" the Jedi said.

"Me? Not anymore, but you? I hope not with an outfit like that," Hacks spat, one of her four hands reaching to her waist and flicking the vibrablade out and towards the Jedi with augmented speed. As the blade left her hand, she loosed her grip of the stone and fell again. Metal fingers grasping for previously made holes in the wall to slow her descent until she hit the ground with a loud thud. Mechanical legs flexed. The bodies not far from her, but it was her jacket that interested her. She dove for where she had left it, rolled and spun back up, hands inside the jacket.

From beneath the jacket her palms slid around the grips of her two Q87 smart blasters, heat-targeting bolts that could change trajectory to follow its mark. She squeezed the trigger, twin blaster bolts shredded the jacket and soared up towards the platform above.

Madison Starr
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Mandalorian Armor

Just as Hilal entered Asog's orbit the ship began to rumble a bit. This was natural as sometimes it was the hyperdrive trying to adjust the ship after exiting hyperspace. Hyperspace physics were pretty wonky compared to normal physics in space. The rumble didn't disturb Hilal, what disturbed was the constant blaring of alarms coming from the cockpit. "That's strange," Hilal slowly moved trying to get used to the enhanced speed of the armor. One of her test runs ended up with Hilal accidentally running face first onto a wall leaving her with a bruised face. The young woman approached the monitor her eyes widened with shock.

"What the?" She breathed. "There's a lot of contacts on the surface." Hilal typed on the panel trying to analyze the multiple anomalies on the planet. It took half a second but as soon as the results displayed on the screen, the young woman stumbled back.

"Are you kidding me?!" Hilal shouted flabbergasted at what she saw. "Jedi?! Sith?! Are you fracking kidding me?! What are these chits doing he- Oh wait this is Sith territory so of course the fearless bathrobe wearing morons would come and try kill all the Sith."

This just made her job a lot harder, due to being preoccupied with building her armor she forgot about the war. For Bounty Hunters a war was always great so as soon as Hilal finished up, she'll have to sign up for some contracts. Preferably ones that do not involve the rave stick wielding hypocritical monks. "I'll just have to chance this," Hilal said bringing her ship to the surface. "Jedi and Sith are more interested in killing each other anyway be easier for me to slip through the cracks.


Yula Perl Yula Perl Del Del (Enemy) Cadere Cadere (Enemy)
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Location: Asog | Mining Facility | Ashen Fuel Depot
Objective: ???
Wound Status: Unknown | Near Death
Equipment: Loose Fitting Black-Red Robes
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"No, no!" she whispered desperately. The orb had shattered in hand, the sharp pieces of stone cutting deep into her skin. "Please, please…" she sobbed.

The room swam in and out of view, dark spots crowded at the edge of her vision. She heard the Jedi approach from far away, yet the woman appeared by her side just a moment later. An object flew past her vision to clatter deeper into the warehouse. 'My lightsaber' she thought, realizing she was now disarmed. She tried to shift her legs to sit up, only to gasp at the incredible pain. She could barely move any part of her body, only her neck and the fingers that still clutched at the debris of the talisman.

The woman was talking to her, but the words were muffled – as if she was speaking underwater. The Jedi extended one of her arms toward her, the lightsaber stopping just short of her neck. Kaiah could feel the heat of the blade on her throat, so close that she was afraid to swallow.

'So, this is it' she thought. 'This is the end'. She thought she was ready for death, but she wasn't. She didn't feel brave or arrogant. She was terrified. She let out a choked sob and screwed her eyes shut. She waited for the final blow.

But it never came. Instead, she felt the blade pull away from her neck.

Confused, she opened her eyes to find a conflicted expression on the Jedi's face. "Why do you let the Dark Side be such a burden? Can't you see what kind of suffering it inflicts?" the woman asked as she continued to stare her down. Her voice came through much more clearly now. "You can do so much more, I can feel it. You know it to be true as well."

Kaiah blinked, her mind reeling. What did this woman want? Why hadn't she gone for the killing blow? "I'm not sure you'd understand" Kaiah said, addressing the Jedi for the first time. A little bit of her musical accent came through beneath the hoarseness of her throat. "What would you do if you'd been given the power to destroy anything you touched at such a young age? Kept locked away out of fear and called a monster?". She coughed, hacking up blood. Talking hurt, but she kept going anyway. "I grasped on to any power I could. It didn't matter if I suffered, as long as those I hated suffered too". She was surprised at her candour, but she was about to die so she supposed there was no need to lie.

"They're long gone now, along with my hate" she continued, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Sometimes I wish I could speak with them again, but I know that's not possible. I know it is not what I derserve". She raised her head to stare directly at the Jedi, locking on to her orange eyes. "I thought I was cursed once, maybe even possessed. But there was never anyone in control. It was only ever me. I committed great evils in the name of others and for myself. And you would surely know, Jedi, that some evils cannot be forgiven".

She closed her eyes and laid her head back. "I know I can do more, and that is what I am afraid of". She took a deep breath and finally let go of the remains of the orb. "I ask that you finish it quickly. Every breath is painful".



Del Del | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

During his time as Tynen, Cadere never had the honor of seeing the Zeltron actually use a lightsaber. He never would have imagined actually coming up against her. Admittedly, the Dark Jedi was impressed - she matched his speed and ferocity with fluidity and finesse. Unbeknownst to the Kiffar, his old friend was probing into his thoughts and feelings while he did the same, searching for a hint of weakness or something to exploit in Yula. She was in a state of hyperfocus, there were no exploits for him to find as of yet.

Something happened, coupled with her scowl he felt the Zeltron's focus wither and took the opportunity to quickly send a poweful strike, putting Perl on her backfoot. Cadere halted his advance when he felt a small breeze pass over and flutter his hood, distracting him long enough for Yula to create distance between himself and-- Delphine, he'd completely forgotten she was there.

Cadere's blank mask stared at his pink-skinned adversary, his body language conveyed no sense of emotion despite his internal feelings. Meeting her words with silence, the Dark Jedi watched Yula's movements as her arm raised and fingers curled. What followed was the groaning of metal being moved and seperated, leading him to cast a sidelong glance in the direction of where the sound was coming from.

Spinning in the direction of the durasteel plates heading for both him and Del, Cadere swung his lightsaber upward, cutting the first piece in two and threw his right arm forward, taking control of the remaining two panels and halting their trajectory. "You want to prove yourself to him? Stay out of this and don't die." he demanded, addressing Del but not looking at her "You're not ready." he added calmly. Delphine had potential, but right now she wouldn't stand a chance against Yula - and she'd be more a hidrance than a help to him in this situation.

Turning back around to face the Zeltron, the steel panels floated and rotated around the Dark Jedi as he took a few steps closer to her. He ignored her quip, Tynen would have responded with a quip of his own, but now he was above such childish antics. Surveying as she kicked up a sand and dust cloud, the fallen Knight proceeded to launch the two steel panels in the direction of the Zeltron before sending a stream of flames from the palm of his hand after her.

Xarielle Pavanos


Xarielle put the pieces together and took another deep breath, she exhaled when the man addressed her as young one. Snapping out of her trance she looked up at him and then down at the blaster in her hand. "Asog," she remarked without a second thought, "something, something darkside, and Sith. I didn't really catch the entire briefing Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze gave. Just that his name was Dagon and he sure did like to talk." Xarielle carefully got back to her feet and knocked the blaster with her hand.

The man who introduced himself as Haro Harond, seemingly gave her a lightsaber. She could feel it - the darkside, how it radiated around the lightsaber it was poisonous. She supposed it was too late to run back and grab her lightsaber crystal to stick into the chamber, "um thanks." She managed as she examined the hilt. Xarielle excepted the lightsaber and attached it to her belt with a clip that held onto the handle. "Besides, a trusty blaster works so long as you actually, use it."

Steeling herself, she exhaled, "right I uh, I got here because Master Noble was heading here and ..."

That left Xarielle with the question of just where Valery Noble Valery Noble was in this mess. Licking her up lips she exhaled again this time she looked at Haro and then the area around them. "Finding Noble is what I need to do," and now was the time to make use of the Force. Xarielle focused for a moment pushing out her own thoughts and clearing her mind. Orienting herself in the proper direction she gestured, "that way."



Destroy The Superweapon
Fight The Maw

Darth Kalyptos
Ishida Ashina


Rather Die Than Give You Control
It would remain unknown to the Knight if his call for help got answered. Right now there was a bigger threat he had to deal with.

The figure across from him slowly removed their hood to reveal a sickening, mutated face. No other word could describe it besides frightening. Whatever was alive inside was now forever lost to the Sith. This meant no remorse, no mercy, no forgiveness. His kind was destroyed in the Galactic East not to long ago, and they would soon be destroyed again.

Suddenly the Sith shot forward with treated speed than the Knight expected. Their first few attacks were parried away with some difficulty, but it seemed as if each attack was stronger and stronger. No room was given for the Jedi to counter attack.

Dropping onto a knee the man brought up his lightsaber to block the wave of attacks still coming. He watched as a clawed hand was brought toward his head. Instantly pain crept upward in his body. It felt like he was back on Ithor after his X-Wing crash. Like his soul was feeling from his body.

Faintly in the distance more footsteps could be heard marching closer and closer. That was only the first way he fought. There were still more coming. More time was needed to destroy the superweapon, but it seemed like they were running out of it.

Weakly looking upward at the clawed fingers of the Sith, the man had only a few ideas left of what he could do. Grabbing onto the hand with his own the Knight would use almost all of his remaining energy to second another wave of electricity through the man.

He didn’t even know if it would work, but right now, his options were running thing. If it somehow did send a jolt of electricity through the Sith’s body the Knight would try to pull his lightsaber block away and slash at the creature’s left leg.

This was only if the force willed it though, and right now, he needed the force on his side.
New Horizons

Location: Morellia
Notable Equipment: N/A
Tags: Cadere Cadere Yula Perl Yula Perl Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla


The woman had defended herself against their combined efforts expertly through both skilled use of her sabre and good footwork. Delphine never did press down on the ignition button of her lightsabre pommel. It wouldn't have done much regardless. Their foe dodged away quickly and was out of her reach before she knew it.

She leaned her head to the side. The Jedi spoke of fairness and in all honesty, the apprentice agreed. The fight did not seem very fair at all but there was one factor which weighed much heavier than fairness. "My master doesn't care"

What came next may have highlighted a difference between the two Sith. While Cadere tried to manage the threat that was hurled at them, Delphine chose to attack by rushing forth in a force infused leap. It would allow her to avoid the plates if Cadere failed. It would also work to put some pressure on the Jedi.

Delphine would arrive only moments after Yula completed her second sentence. This time, she didn't respond and instead swung her vibroblade against against her opponent's shoulder as she came crashing down on her. It was quickly followed up by the lightsabre pommel being swung towards the Jedi's feet - still with the thumb ready at the ignition button. A third attack, once more with the vibroblade would be sent towards the opponents left arm - the flurry of attacks was fast and aggressive, albeit not nearly performed at the same level that Cadere's previous assault had been at.

Her heart sank a little when her peer called for her to leave the battle. There she was, pressuring their foe while he stood back - and now he wanted her to retreat? After all her training, he still thought that she was too weak? Although disappointed, the girl wouldn't defy Insatious and she could only assume that Cadere was a better representative for him that she was. With a small hop backwards, Delphine looked to the woman whom she had been attacking. Jedi couldn't be trusted and a counter attack could come at any moment. Still, she started to backpedal carefully whilst uttering a resentful "Fine"

Yula's chances to attack Delphine would be quite hampered as Cadere threw some debris back at her followed by some vicious flames. "I guess I'll go entertain myself then" Each word was drenched in resentment as she somewhat ironically added "Maybe monitor comms frequencies or read about the art of mining"
Last edited:

Location: Asog
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl
Glaring down at the woman on the ground, Valery could feel her fear but also the confusion caused by the Jedi Master's hesitation to finish it quickly. To see her seemingly change so significantly from one moment to another was perhaps strange, but Valery figured this fear and her doubts about her own path had been buried deep within for a long time. Now, all of it was coming out at once in a moment she believed to be her last.
The ashen woman then spoke of her past, her struggle with power, and to an extent, Valery could relate to it. She was brought into the Jedi Order when she was little and quickly developed the power and skills to cause great harm to others. But it was because of her training and the people around her that she never even considered using any of her abilities for such a thing. She wasn't surrounded by hate or suffering — the people in her life were caring and helpful.
She closed her eyes and laid her head back. "I know I can do more, and that is what I am afraid of". She took a deep breath and finally let go of the remains of the orb. "I ask that you finish it quickly. Every breath is painful".

Valery frowned and remained quiet for a long moment, which likely unintentionally made this more difficult for Kaiah. But finally, she drew in a deep breath and extinguished both of her lightsabers. The hilts remained in her hands just in case, but Valery felt no desire to strike the woman down.
Silence again lingered for a moment and Valery stepped closer to crouch down beside the woman's body.
"I do believe that some people are beyond redemption; that some have truly fallen too far into darkness. But I know that isn't the case for you. I can feel it" Valery said as she moved her arms underneath Kaiah so she could lift her off the ground. "What you've done will never be forgotten, but it can be forgiven if you change your ways. If you show you can be better." She stood up with Kaiah carefully lifted over her shoulder.
"I need to get you out of here and to someone who can take care of your injuries. So I'm going to ask you to trust me. If you don't, you're going to die in this fuel depot." She stated bluntly. "But if you do, I promise that I can help you." Her tone was more genuine now, and regardless of what Kaiah said, she began to move through the burning facility with the woman over her shoulder.
Location: Asog, A Sith World.
Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Eslo Anderson ignited his lightsaber and dashed his way past the other Jedi as if he was a phantom until he came face to face with the Sith'Ari, Darth Solipsis who he had a feeling he was waiting for something else to happen. Now he had this one chance to destroy this evil forever, knowing of the evils of the Sith, he will soon have to choose a side, now that he is a Jedi Master, he has to be able to stand against the greatest evil the galaxy has ever known, and to face the horror that would befall the galaxy if he fails. "Dark Lord!" he yelled, even at the top of his lungs, he managed to gain authority. "You will bring ruin, to us all!" he proclaimed as he engaged Solipsis sending a powerful force wave to knock him to the ground.

Then Eslo engaged him, sending powerful attacks in his wake, he then went on the defensive, adding powerful parries and blocks in the duel that proceeded, Solipsis was powerful that much Eslo will admit, but Solipsis won't win. He will ensure that. He then went on the offensive using a mixture of Form 4, Form 5, and Form 3 using the environment to his advantage.

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