Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reunification (Neema)

Dav Scorpio

"Umm nooooo. Why would you think that?" he said, with a devious grin. Their drinks came and he picked his up, promptly drinking half of it. "Well you don't come here for the water, right?" He smirked and took another drink

Dav Scorpio

"Agreed." He said as he drank some more. He was almost done with the first glass already. Slowing down, he took more time to taste the sweet ale. "So, have you put any thought into the question.. the one I asked earlier?" Dav looked down at his drink, worried that he was bothering her by asking too much.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema's eyes diverted to her glass. "I have..." She looked back up at Dav, "You've been patient, so far... and I appreciate it, I just haven't really done anything like that before..." She smiled then. "I'm willing to give it a shot, though..."

Dav Scorpio

Dav smiled and leaned in, resting his elbows on the table. "Cheers to us, then." He raised his glass a bit, then drained it. "So do you wanna tell me more about yourself? So far almost all I know is that you're an attractive smuggler who got her finger bitten off." He grinned and ordered another drink for himself, since Neema wasn't done with hers yet.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema drained the remainder of her glass. "Well, let's see... I was born on Tatooine, for starters, parents were boring farmers."

Dav Scorpio

"Now I'll tell you something." he ordered Neema another drink and continued. "There's not much to me, I'm just a simple man that makes his way in the galaxy by killing people. I don't know where I was born, actually."


Captain Neema Farron
Neema frowned. "Really? that's kinda sad..." She then leaned forward onto the table, "But you aren't that simple, not with the stuff you can do."

Dav Scorpio

"I don't mind, really.." Dav said, looking into her eyes. "It's kind of in my genetics. Us Korunai are all force sensitive."
[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

Dav Scorpio

"Neema, it's not magic" he said, laughing. "It's the force. It's what everything is made up of. That's why I can levitate things. I am manipulating the force." he explained, smiling. "Magic is something different, which I cannot do." He winked and sipped some more ale


Captain Neema Farron
Neema shrugged, "Say what you want, it still looks like magic, I know it's the force but..." She laughed then, "You cannot seriously tell me it's different than what magic is supposed to do."

Dav Scorpio

"Well I can, because force magic is a different thing entirely. For instance, I can't teleport or create foggy black tendrils or imbue a weapon with the force or do any of the more.. exotic magic powers." Dav grinned a bit. "But I have mastered telekinesis." As he said this, he used the force to levitate her slightly like he did on tatooine.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema giggled to herself as she lifted off of the chair. "That still feels weird" She drummed her fingers along the table, "So... What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?"

Dav Scorpio

"The stupidest thing?" he set her down, thinking. "So this one time, I jumped out of a ship over a target's mansion, without a parachute. Luckily I have good aim and landed in the pool. But the plan worked, I got inside the walls of the mansion without being picked up by the cameras." He grinned, remembering that mission..


Captain Neema Farron
Neema eyes practically bulged from her head. "That's ridiculous!" She slaps the table, laughing. "I cannot believe that worked!"


Captain Neema Farron
Neema thought for a second. "Well, one time I was being chased by a lot of enemy ships... and I mean a lot, I was encroaching on a rival's business, and I didn't want him to catch on, so I was flying through some old closed off routes that are apparently too dangerous for conventional space travel. I was flying by a dying star when six heavily kitted fighters show up." She held up six fingers for redundant emphasis. "I was trying to evade them, but it got to a point when I was taking more hits than I'd like." She was getting excited, and picked up speed. "So I punched a bunch of random coordinates and jumped blind!"

Dav Scorpio

"Oh jeez, that's about as stupid as mine" he said, laughing. "I've never jumped blind, mostly because I'd rather jump on the ground than in space." He smiled and finished his new glass of ale


Captain Neema Farron
Neema shrugged, "Well, it turned out fine, I did not end up in any strange galaxies or anything, just ended up almost headbutting a Neebray." She sipped a second drink, leaning her chin on her palm. "So... did you have to train or anything? To do that stuff you do."

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