Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reunification (Neema)

Dav Scorpio

"Ahh I see." Dav said as he stopped and leaned over the railing. He had gotten used to heights by now and grinned as he went back to pulling Neema along. They were now in front of a cantina which Dav promptly pulled Neema into. They were supposed to meet in a back room. Dav saw the back rooms and started walking towards them.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema followed Dav into the cantina, eyeing the myriad of species milling about. She allowed herself to be led towards the back rooms, figuring that it made sense for his contact to be waiting there.

Dav Scorpio

Dav lead Neema into the designated room, sitting down at the table after he pulled a chair out beside him for Neema. "He should be here shortly"


Captain Neema Farron
Neema removed her duster, loosely draping it over the back of the provided chair before sitting down. "Thanks a bunch." She smiled at the gesture, as she settled in, leaning forward onto her elbows.

Dav Scorpio

Dav smiled and said "You're welc..." when two men stormed into the room, pointing heavy blaster pistols at Neema and Dav. Dav raised his hands in the air slowly. Are you here to see the boss? one of them grunted. "Yes we are. Neema hand your weapons to the nice men." Dav smirked at the sarcasm and handed over his vibrosword. Once their weapons were handed over, the two men went out to guard the door and a man in a black robe with a hood pulled over his face came in...


Captain Neema Farron
After a moment's hesitation, Neema drew her heavy blaster, relinquishing it to the two men. After the left, a man entered, his face obscured by the shadow cast by his hood. His robe was black, his face wasn't readily visible, and she was unarmed. Neema had a bad feeling about this.

Dav Scorpio

Neema seemed nervous, so Dav put this phrase in her head. Don't worry. If this goes sour my vibroshield is good for slashing too. He smiled and put his hand on her knee, hoping to comfort her a bit. "The target's dead, where's my creds?" He set his helmet on the table. I don't have any actual proof that you're not cheating me. Before he could finish, Dav spoke loudly. "Play recording, 2300 hours. Dagobah." His helmet emitted a beep sound, then projected a holovid on the table of the fight between Dav, Neema and the man they were hunting


Captain Neema Farron
Neema couldn't explain it, but an unnatural calm took hold of her. As she felt Dav's armored hand rest upon her knee, she realized that her thoughts had been effected, she thought she recognized the feeling of force persuasion, but she could not say for sure. Regardless, she had calmed slightly, her hands balling to ready fists under the table, ready to fly into a kidney if they had to. Dav spoke to the contact, displaying the proof of the kill. She watched the holo of the fight, how Dav had pulled the man to him, and she shot him.

Dav Scorpio

As the man watched the holovid, he turned to Neema for a second then turned back to the holovid. "So where's the credits?" Dav clipped his helmet onto his belt again, the video shutting down. The man pulled out a suitcase and without a word, left the room. He could hear footsteps as they walked away. Before they left, one of the guards put their weapons back on the table. Picking up his vibrosword, Dav said "You wanna count em? I trust you." He sat back down beside her


Captain Neema Farron
Neema collected her weapon, holstering it quickly, before shrugging her shoulders, "sure." She opened the case, gazing over the money quickly, counting it.


Captain Neema Farron
Neema nodded, "It's all here... unless you expected a bonus?" She closes the case, sliding it over towards Dav.

Dav Scorpio

"Good, no bonus was expected. So after we take this back to the ship would you care for a drink?" Dav smiled and stood up, offering a hand to help Neema up.

Dav Scorpio

Dav smiled and picked up the suitcase. "Especially with you" he said, grinning. He held her hand with his free hand and walked to his ship with her, unloading half of the credits and then giving the other half to her. "Here's your half" he said with a wink


Captain Neema Farron
Neema grinned, never one to turn down an easy five grand. "Why thank you." She took the money, stowing it securely on her person before turning back to Dav. "Now, I believe you mentioned drinks?"

Dav Scorpio

"Well you did kill him, it's not a problem." He smirked as he said this. "Yes I did, let's go" he said as he grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the cantina they just left. "Of course, I'm buying." He grinned and flashed a quick wink

Dav Scorpio

Dav just smiled as he lead her into the bar, taking her to a booth in the corner. He sat facing the rest of the bar, so he could look for trouble should it come. When they were seated, a waiter came over. "Give us a round of ne'tra gal" he said, looking at neema with a grin

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