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Dominion Rise of the Eternal Fleet - Eternal Empire Conquest of D'rinba IV

Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Imperator of the Eternal Phalanx | Field Marshal in the Ultranaut Corps
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: 2 Shock and Awe
Location: D'Rinba IV, Capital City, Government District, Landing Zone Dorn-1, Attacking the Prime Ministers Seat
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7, Rex Imperator, Lancer, Shroudsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , Urail Gau Urail Gau

{✠} The Eternal Crusader {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>

Moments later the signal would have been given. As one the A-Company of the first Battalion of the 42nd Regiment would rise from its cover and advance at decent pace. Their weapons were at their shoulders, shots occasionally fired and grenades thrown. Their infantry fighting vehicles would advance with them, the sounds of the tracks over the concrete accompanying the steady assault of this excellent heavy infantry. Advancing over open ground would be madness, foolish and not plausible in an tactical handbook.

But the rest of the first battalion was delivering such a massive amount of suppression fire with mortars, repeating blasters and missile launchers, that there was little to be desired. From windows higher than ground level dozens of soldiers were covering the advance of their finest companions. It was a well organised dance, a choreography of war perfected by grim veterans.

They were not foolish or morons, they did not advance in a line, shoulder to shoulder, like absolute ignorant amateurs. The sections were moving together, keeping their proper spacing and using every cover they could get to give overlaying arcs of cover fire. Moving move. Such was their finesse, that the own mortars were not actually shooting at the enemy, except very selected ones. They were shooting in front of the advancing first company, providing small craters to be used as cover.

In the midst of their line was marching the Black Knight, the tall half-Valkyri was the center of the line, his giant sword not reflecting any light, but several blaster bolts. Belisarius was commanding his men personally, leading them into the fray. The sword in one hand, which seemed impossible to be held like that, and a Lancer blaster in the other, spitting death and destruction to enemies and their cover alike.

When the last twenty meters were between the Ultranauts and their adversaries, the entire Company burst into a sprint, the covering fire fading as they provided their own cover by spraying the enemy line with their own weapons. Vital seconds of a stunned and wavering enemy passed where they refused to shoot back. An error made once. The Ultranauts of Aurek Company came crushing into the defensive line of the Ministers guards.

Professional, armored soldiers versus rag-tag mercenaries and gang members assembled by greed and oppression were not an even match. Bayonets came down, flamethrowers spit their fiery death, skulls were shattered under boots and swings of rifle stocks. A bloody affair which was a quickly over as it was expected.

Turning the weapons and defenses now against the attackers, Aurek-Company had a moment of rest to reorganize and reload. The moment brief as the rest of the First Battalion was already advanced onto their position.

More than three quarters of the complex were now surrounded by the 42nd Regiment, the pincer successfully drawing manpower and stretching it thin while the Ultranauts were engaging the enemy head on which meant certain defeat for the miserable creatures which defended the false regime.


Belisarius would not take time to breath, his voice exchanging information with the Brigadier who got intel incoming that needed to go underground as well. With a verbal nod the Ghost Troopers and Pyronauts of the Second Battalion were ordered underground, supported by two companies of Ultranauts from the same battalion. Furthermore the pincer would extend and clench around the entirety of the building, to envelope the area completely. Fifth and Sixth Battalion were to advance and take positions along the Third and Fourth, each sending their troops underground as well. Scans were distributed to NCOs to provide maps for possible exit routes and entries through canalisation.

Suddenly the shooting intensified around the Field Marshal when fresh reinforcements tried a counter assault out of the main entrance. This was ridiculous desperation and for sure beyond greed. Without even having to issue a verbal command, the heavy weapons of the tanks and squads starting to tear holes into the advancing enemy.

"A-Company! Advance! We take the building! B and C Companies, ready to move in behind!"

Effortlessly Vactovions voice carried over the thunder of the roaring guns of the battlefield, his sword pointing towards the entrance, as the first company countered the enemy advance by a much more furious and professional assault themselves, right away breaking spirit and neck of the enemy charge by simply doing what they did not expect. It was a slaughter which only lasted for a minute, the Company then entered the large building complex.

Close combat was what the Ultranauts excelled at, fighting the enemy head-on, overwhelming them by skill, discipline and firepower. Now they had to use the first to clear a vast building complex, sections were moving into corridors to check every room, every wardrobe, every corner to find the prey. Intense shoot-outs began, soldiers using door frames as cover while grenades rolled down the marble surface to find their mark. It was intense, but it were the last breaths of a dying enemy.

At a junction near the center of the building, the Field Marshal was issuing commands and recommendations to the Company commanders of Besh and Cresh Companies as suddenly the Empress emerged from the shadows. The veterans of the 42nd right away saluted their liege, but did not get out of cover or made any special ceremony. It was no place or time for pomp.

"Empress. We are approaching on surface and underground, completely surrounding the area. Cherek and Dorn Company are just entering the building while Besh and Cresh are going downstairs into the cellars. They will not escape. With your permission I will order a failsafe in form of an interceptor squadron to patrol over the city."

The Field Marshal was professional and neutral, but respectful in his tone with the Eternal Empress. He towered over her, physically, but his body language, as subtle as it may be through the massive armor he was clad in, offered obedience. Bel never was a lackey, but he was a soldier of the Eternal Empire and not some salon-politician, so he was as straight to her as to his soldiers.

Location: Flying Over Capital City -> En Route to Large Tunnel - D’rinba IV
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Belisarius Vactovion Urail Gau Urail Gau

The armored vehicles and infantry of the 42nd moved in precise choreography in their advance, heavy weapons unleashing a slew of suppressing fire to cover the movements of the infantry. This was the Storm War doctrine played to full and devastating effect, executed by a group of hardened veterans and professionals. Staying out of the artillery’s firing arcs, Eleena flew her machine along the flanks of the main force, strafing any disparate holdouts from above as the 42nd continued their advance. In spite of playing more of a supporting role, her beam cannons were still kept hot throughout the engagement, finding their marks in enemy heavy gunners and anti-tank troops, in the process. By the time Aurek Company crashed into the main defensive lines, she had eight more kills on her tally, enough to call it a day by most standards, but Eleena found herself wanting more.

She was not even halfway spent.

Landing her jet swoop on top of a nearby office building as the Aurek Company reorganized in the wake of the assault, Eleena took in the scene around the complex, which was now almost completely surrounded. Before long, new orders reached her, given directly from the highest figure in the Empire, the Empress herself, under her operational codename.

<< Mermaid Two, this is the Red Witch. Under the Prime Minister's residence, MANIAC marks two underground roads. You and the other Mermaids must ensure that no one gets through these, no one can escape. >> she ordered.

Eleena blinked.

“Yes, my Lord!” She answered, after a short, bewildered pause. “It will be done. We’ll cover them right away.” The Twi’lek finished, giving a deep breath as the line cut off. Immediately, MEIPOC projected the information on the underground tunnels into her retina. Processing the data, Eleena’s eyes went wide when she saw that one of the tunnels was over 50 miles long and could only be entered from a semi-isolated point far outside the city. Fortunately, the other one was more accessible for infantry, being smaller and only leading to the outskirts. Already, the 42nd was preparing to move troops towards the smaller tunnel’s entrance, but Eleena knew that she needed to secure the larger one as well in order to cut off any potential, last-ditch escape options.

Swiping the data clear from her feed, Eleena gripped the vanes and took off from the building, driving her machine at full burn towards the entrance to the larger tunnel.

“MEIPOC, let them know we are en route to secure the large tunnel.” Eleena said, gripping the vanes as her machine blew past Mach 1, then 2 with violent acceleration.

“It’s time for a tunnel run.”


Location: Aboard the ENS Blood Knight
Objective: Observe, and assist if required
Equipment: Lightsaber, Lanvarok
Tag: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Bella Bella Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
Asaaj's assent was felt through the Dark Side even as her words carried to Ambrosia's mind. A welcome, a warm welcome, to join in the pleasure that the two Nightsisters would take from destroying those who dared, who showed such impudence and arrogance as to attack them openly. Ambrosia flowed into herself and came back to the physical world alongside her sister, just as all the lights and illumination went out, leaving everyone consumed and cloaked by complete and utter darkness. Perfect.

There would be little to no sight for the enemies, stuck and confused in the black darkness, but not for the Nightsisters, and not for the Dark Sister Ambrosia Iota. She, could see in the dark. Raising her left arm, she unloaded the Lanvarok into the corridor before them, the poisoned razor shards zipping out through the inky blackness to find targets' flesh, bringing down several enemies. Her gaderrffi was in her right hand, the solid weight a comfort to her. Custom dictated that she allow Asaaj to lead, and so Ambrosia ensured she kept to her place as a guest on another's quest, ready to assist, but never to command.

"I follow your lead, Sister." She voiced, sotto voce, to her fellow Nightsister, awaiting the impetus to leap into the darkness to hunt, in concert with Asaaj. Though she knew one of them could more than handle what was before them, she pulsed gratitude into the Force that she was allowed to take part in the slaughter of these ungrateful and treasonous scum, enemies of the Eternal Empire.



Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga
Objective: Break the enemy
Links: Beskad Elite | Beskad Warriors | Hellwalkers | AT-AD | Titan Tank | Heavy Walkers
<Mandalorian> | Basic

Beyond the command post, the combined forces of those assembled marched, heading towards the city and towards war. In a sense, it was chaos, organized, but chaos nonetheless. Within the command center, it was no different, simply somewhat quieter. There were less individuals here, and certainly no vehicles. This made command centers a somewhat calm island, in a raging sea of action. Beneath his helmet, Adenn held a smirk, so reminded of old times was he.

However, as his hard gaze swept those present, that smirk vanished, as he was reminded those times were over. No longer would he stand side by side with dozens of other clan leaders planning war, now he dealt with areutii. There was one oddity however, one who was clearly not an areutii, but a Mandalorian. One he vaguely knew, having seen her before. Suppressing a chuckle as she speaks quickly, he nods to her before responding.
"<Su cuy'gar, Silhana, well met. By all means, join us. Just do try to keep up, we won't slow or stop until our enemy is crushed beneath our boots.>"

If she could keep up, she would live up to her Cadera name. If she didn't, then that was her issue. Regardless, it would be interesting to see her in action. Eventually he returned his gaze to the others, even as Arturo called them to attention. The surrounded the table, either eyeing Adenn or Arturo. Whatever their issues with Arturo, Adenn neither knew nor cared. And the looks given him were easily understood, he was an unknown factor, and unknown factors can lead to the deaths of soldiers. Still, they fell in line and laid our their plan.

"Our obvious plan is to take over the city, but we don't want to reduce it to rubble. So try not to damage the structures, and more importantly don't kill the civilians, or at least, keep it to a minimum. That out of the way, our plan is simple. Target their strong points and crush them, then move on from there to hit other points." The officer speaking indicated several highlighted points, each with certain coordinates and street names present. Adenn took note of those, sending that information to his Titan Tanks, even as the officer continued. "We're going to capture or destroy these positions, and then leap frog further into the city. We'll encircle any defensive positions and force them out. As for order of who's attacking, we are simply advancign together, to aid one another as best we can. Are there any questions?"

Adenn shook his head, even as the officer would answer any other questions given. Once those were done, the officer would clap their hands and state.
"Good, then let's begin."

Immediately following that proclamation, the sound of vehicles advancing could be heard. However, it was the sudden rocket fire that drew the attention of all present, before gazes snapped to Adenn. No one else had yet had the chance to speak with their troops, so it was rightly assumed he had been. Rather than say anything, Adenn would simply laugh, before turning from the table and marching to the door, motioning for the Silhana to follow. At the door, Adenn paused and ominously spoke.
"We have begun, and now you shall see the might of Clan Mortui."

Then, he was gone, his personal guard in tow. Outside the command center, hell was being unleashed. Those Titan Tanks in artillery form had opened fire once Adenn had given the word, directly targeting those designated areas of heavy enemy resistance. All along the lines, their forces also mobilized. At first it had only been Clan Mortui, who had been ready to move out the moment Adenn said so. But around them came other soldiers, eager to not be overshadowed by the Mandalorians.

Still, the massed formations of Clan Mortui were a sight to behold. At the fore marched Hellwalkers and in between them the ranks of the AT-ADs. These droids formed massive shield walls, creating several unbroken segments of Mandalorian might. Behind them marched the Beskad Warriors, interspersed with them rolled Titan Tanks. Those tanks not yet in artillery or anti air forms that is. And more rarely came the Heavy Walkers, towering over their fellows and sweeping their weapons to and fro, ready for any attack. All around these last rows were the regular Mando'ade, not marching in regulated formations, but acting as skirmishers and QRF warriors.

Into this mass of warriors did Adenn and his Beskad Elite merge. With weapons raised, hell was unleashed. Blaster fire began to spread, and return fire on their part began. Blaster fire came from the city, often a handful of buildings repurposed for fighting, or simply dens of corruption. These areas were quickly put under fire from blaster and slug, even as they continued. Adenn himself adding his fire to the mass, even as the attackers continued to move at a fast jog. It was here, as their armored beskar boots stepped into the city, that a cry from the Mandalorians emerged.
"For Mandalore, for our aliit!"
Location: D’rinba IV Space
Call Sign: FAE/eI-01 “Ballerina” Star Interceptor Mk. II - Royal Four
Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Ambrosia Iota Ambrosia Iota

In spite of her disappointment, the Togruta snapped her Ballerina into a drop-kick turn and accelerated back into the debris field, intending to finish what she had started. In spite of the danger of flying in such close, dangerous terrain, Bella remained confident. Environments such as this that demanded technical skill, agility, and daring in spades were her element and she would be remiss to let the enemy outfly her in it.

“I’m going back in.” She said softly, yet with an intense focus in her tone. “Royal Squadron, cover for me.” She added to a chorus of affirmative voices.

No longer under any deception or duplicity, Bella closed in on the last known location of the enemy fighters, her sensors tuned to pick them out from the debris as she twisted and wove her machine through the field. Unfortunately, they couldn’t detect everything. Flying past an asteroid, it was only at the very last second that they registered the distinct energy signature of engines firing up, the bandit having hid on the underside of the asteroid in an attempt to ambush her. Nostrils flaring at the danger, Bella pulled back on the control sticks, her left foot slamming pedal to activate the braking engines.

Then, a single, silent command passed between her mind and the machine.

The maneuver seemed almost impossible, and yet, the Ballerina was capable of executing it. In the next split-second, retro-thrusters howled to life, violently accelerating the interceptor in reverse over a short distance. It was just enough to place the interceptor on the six of the ambushing craft, effectively turning the engagement on its head before the bandit could even fire a single shot.

In that, Bella did not hesitate.

The bandit died confused, his body consumed and vaporized by fire as the four beam cannons lanced through the hull of his craft. At almost the same time, three more bandits emerged from their hiding spots, surprised to find their comrade dead, but still determined to finish the fight. In response to the threat, Bella activated the SLAM module, bringing her interceptor up to speed before pulling the control sticks and driving her machine into a lateral drift to port. In that time, a lock confirmation pinged in her montrals, to which Bella gave the command to fire a trio of concussion missiles at the two bandits, with two managing to connect with their marks, while the third sailed wide.

In turn, the last surviving bandit managed to lock onto her, unleashing a pair of proton torpedoes, which were answered with a cloud of nagnol gas, thrown up like a curtain by countermeasure nano missiles. Then, pulling her interceptor straight and level out of the drift, Bella grunted as she pulled the Ballerina into a 180-degree lateral turn to starboard, violently shifting her trajectory as a second layer of defense, in the event that the nagnol gas failed to counter the incoming warheads. Accelerating past the cloud of gas, Bella lined up her nose with the bandit, turning to meet their six before her beam cannons whined to life once more, ripping through the right wing of the Starbird-class superiority fighter.

Then, the enemy pilot ejected from their craft.

“Bandits scratched.” Bella breathed out over the comms. “I also…have a prisoner. Transmitting location for pick-up, Captain.” She added, as she brought her craft level with the ejected pilot, both victor and defeated, staring intently at each other through the void.

Giving a deep, exhausted breath, the Togruta closed her eyes in relief, secure in her victory and survival on this day.

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective I: Shock and Awe
Location: City, near to the Prime Minister's castle
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Of course, I fully understood that Arutro was less enthusiastic than I was. But it really meant a lot to me. Others are enthusiastic when they can see their favourite singer, actor, or insert the list about their favourite celebrities here. To me, HE was the celebrity and his clan. That's why I acted the way I did. And I even wrote myself a red dot because I was able to do the "stunt" (i.e. talk to him) without asking him for an autograph, and I didn’t even ask him to give one if the war was over.

I wasn't sure he would have been happy about that. And there was a rather unpleasant atmosphere inside when Arturo followed me. I looked up at the words of the Alor and nodded.

<"I'm not going to disappoint, alor!"> I replied.

I may have been low and even at the lowest rank, but my combat skills were never a problem. I’ve already gotten into Mandalorian culture by being able to fight and have been a bounty hunter for years. I listened carefully to the briefing on the attack plans. Those were clear; I also shook my head when the officer asked if there was a question. Although there was one.

<"At what level do we coordinate our work with the Eternal Imperial Forces?"> I asked.

When the Alor waved his head to follow him, I hurried after him. I was used to the fact that most of the fighters were taller than me. They have longer legs and I almost have to run after them. I had an average height, but men used to be much taller nonetheless. I looked at Arturo for a moment, hoping he would come too. There was no problem with my combat skills anyway; my only weakness was while I had to use the jetpack during melee combat. Fortunately, this did not happen many times; I couldn’t deal with that, but everything else went great.

<" It is an honour for me! For Mandalore, for our aliit!"> I replied to the Alor.

Hell broke out, I had been in the war more than once, so I knew what to expect. Both of my pistols were in my hands; for my part, I was among the scouts and not among the heavy infantry, but now I had to prove it in this field. I kept trying to stay close to Alor, but I tried not to lose Arturo either. I don't know... I have no idea how much he fought among the Mandalorians, but I somewhat felt that in this place he was my responsibility.

They fired at us from the buildings, luckily from a prominent location, so it was easy to shoot them even from the ground. I was moving fast, forward, purposefully, the points given were already in advance of where to go. And according to my job and general schedule, I “painted” the target for our heavy infantry, the weaker point of the buildings, and the rooms where there were several enemies were based on the sensor data. I progressed from cover to cover. Of course, when it was needed, I came out and fought, with my pistol or my swords.

And at the next corner, it was just the quick reaction of my sensors that saved me…

<< Snipers at the next building, just around the corner! >> I said to the comm. channel.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion | Urail Gau Urail Gau | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<"Do it, however I think the Mandalorians will partly do the same."> she replied.

There were also many Valkyri among Ingrid's ancestors, but this was also true of most of the clans in Nelvaan, now in Terraris. From here they inherited their militancy, height, and stubbornness. In vain, centuries, millennia, have passed since their ancestors left Midwinter; many of their features have been preserved to this day. The straight behaviour did not bother the woman; anyway, she preferred the leaders and people of the Empire to treat her only as a military leader and not as a ruler. She liked it better anyway.

She wanted to say something more when she suddenly felt thoughts and new feelings that were independent of the usual Eternal Imperial standard. And these thoughts and feelings were moving, not standing in a single place. Ingrid was a predator who eats negative thoughts and feelings; and they were all independent of the Force, these were their racial abilities. In vain, this was one of the reasons why it was so difficult to surprise her in melee as an invisible assassin. The red-haired woman raised her hand and signalled to Vactovion with military signals that they were not alone.

The man could have gone in one direction from here, as the door to the stairwell had not yet opened; that was the direction they wanted to go, only the other entrance was open, from the hallway where Ingrid and the soldiers were coming, along with the bounty hunter. Ingrid teleported, ahead of the invisible figure. Then she stopped in front of the stairwell door, where she appeared in a moment. Meanwhile, Eleena's message that they are coming has also arrived.

"If you don’t want anyone to hear or feel you, take care of your thoughts and emotions too! Deactivate the cloaking device, I know exactly where you are. If you don't, you'll be dead in three seconds! You're not the first who tried to kill me like this over the years." she said in an ice-cold voice.

But before the man could proceed, the woman held out her hand, her sword flying from her back, her arm outstretched with the sword in front of the stairwell at the door to block the invisible person's path. Although she did not perceive them in the Force, the woman sensed the waves of thought and emotion, so she looked straight at where the man was.

"Come on! 3… 2… 1…" she said in a still ice-cold, emotionless voice. "Field Marshal, activate the fire alarm, let the system cover the building with fire-fighting dust. Against those, cloaking devices are also useless."

// OOC: I don't want to do godmodding, so if you ( Urail Gau Urail Gau ) feel like it's too much, say so and I'll edit my post, or feel free to take it that your character wasn't caught by Ingrid, I intentionally used the "them" and not the "him". :) //



Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Gau Armour & Equipment | 2x Scherezade Energized Vibroblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | 2x WESTAR-35 | SR-930 Electro-Fusion Blaster Rifle
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Urail was nearly past them, so close to passing her, when suddenly he froze. No, thats not possible, no no no no. She was right there! Standing in front of him!

"If you don’t want anyone to hear or feel you, take care of your thoughts and emotions too! Deactivate the cloaking device, I know exactly where you are. If you don't, you'll be dead in three seconds! You're not the first who tried to kill me like this over the years."

He stood there contemplating his decision. He had no choice, would be able to catch him if he retraced his steps? No, whatever she did to catch him could happen again. Which left only one choice, deactivate his cloaking device. As long as his helmet wasn't taken off, no one would be able to tell who he was. He assured himself of this as he took a slow step back.

"Come on! 3… 2… 1…" she said in a still ice-cold, emotionless voice. "Field Marshal, activate the fire alarm, let the system cover the building with fire-fighting dust. Against those, cloaking devices are also useless."

"All right!" He shouted in a panicked voice. His cloaking device deactivated to reveal him in his mandalorian armour. He was still in shock at what had happened, how had she managed to see him? No, sense him. Blasted force users! Using the neural interface in his helmet, he prepared to fire all of his rockets if he was forced to escape. This was going to get complicated.

Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Imperator of the Eternal Phalanx | Field Marshal in the Ultranaut Corps
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: 2 Shock and Awe
Location: D'Rinba IV, Capital City, Government District, Landing Zone Dorn-1, Attacking the Prime Ministers Seat
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7, Rex Imperator, Lancer, Shroudsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , Urail Gau Urail Gau

{✠} The Eternal Crusader {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>

The towering Field Marshal observed as the Empress disappeared again and did what she was best at: hunting. It was strange and not entirely to the ideal Bel favored what the Empress was and how she behaved, it also was reflected in her rule but there was no question of tolerance or approval, just obedience to the Empire and its cause. People choose different approaches. As long as the ideology of the Eternal Empire would be the highest good and the goal and mindset of the Wardens be kept as ultimate decision-maker, Belisarius would follow.

Without delay and even without another order, the soldiers around him started to make their move to find the nearest possibility to turn on the fire alarm. Vactovion had less of a struggle or long thought process. With a casual gesture he was aiming his Lancer upwards at one of the sensors and pulled the trigger once. The high-explosive blaster bolt shredded the glass which was responsible for turning the alarm on and immediatly covering the corridors and rooms of the entire building in the fire-fighting substance.

He kept his heavy blaster up though, moving it to the appearing individual. From this distance every conscript could hit and Belisarius was far from being one.

"Do you want me to eliminate the intruder or take him as a prisoner, Empress?"


All around the building, Ultranauts swarmed in and secured exits and entrances, squads and fireteams cleared room after room, corridor after corridors, the resistance crumbling swiftly. They did not pay any heed, attention or care to any of the precious and expensive interior, they just did their bloody, dirty job with professionalism and passion.

Below the ground the search was more complex, but proceeded equally well. The Ghost Troopers eliminating enemy holdouts or sending the Pyronauts to burn them out of their cover and ratholes. The possibilities to escape were one by one excluded and shut for anyone or anything.

Two squadrons of interceptors were born from the bowels of carriers, one heading to patrol directly over the city itself, the other towards the supposed exit of the underground hangar. No stain shall be on the Eternal Empires victory today, no mark of failure.



Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Gau Armour & Equipment | 2x Scherezade Energized Vibroblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | 2x WESTAR-35 | SR-930 Electro-Fusion Blaster Rifle
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Urail quickly contemplated his options, he could threaten to blow up the building? He already had that set up. But no, none of it would work. Hopefully the Empress would be too preoccipied for his helmet though, even if she didn't know him, a soldier in the crowd certainly would. First things first though, he needed to complete the objective, in whatever way possible. The alarm went off as Vactovion shot it, I hate alarms.
"Do you want me to eliminate the intruder or take him as a prisoner, Empress?"

"Before you finish that thought, my lord." He addressed the Empress. "I am not in violation of any law, and if I am mistaken please indulge me. I am simply here to complete an objective, I mean no harm." Urail had decided to leave the threat out of his argument, just incase it caused any backlash. "This mission was authorised by Flag Command." He added. He wasn't ready to reveal Field Marshal Krai's part in this mission, incase he could use it as leverage.

Through the neural interface he quickly contacted the Field Marshal's command staff, transmitting one word, help. He wasn't sure what they could do in a situation against the Empress, but it was worth a try. In the meantime, Urail was hoping she was see him as an asset, instead of an enemy. Suddenly a thought sprang to his head! Once again, through the neural interface he transmitted orders to his squad, continue towards the Prime Minister and capture him at all cost. If he couldn't catch him, hopefully his squad could slow the Prime Minister down.


Location: Entering the Large Tunnel - D’rinba IV
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Belisarius Vactovion Urail Gau Urail Gau

No matter how the day ended, she would live or die at speed.

Strong legs kept the accelerator pinned as the jet swoop soared above, then out of the city at hypersonic velocity, covering the distance to the large tunnel’s entrance in a short span of time. All the while, Eleena listened intently to the comm chatter, mentally and physically preparing herself in the moments prior to the next stage of the battle. In the embrace of the skies, she was relatively safe. However, as soon as she reached the tunnel, Eleena knew that she would be met with fire and fury unrelenting, the violence of a cornered animal willing to do anything to save its life.

<“MEIPOC, status on the large tunnel?”>

<“Enemy vehicles are converging en masse on the entrance, Warrant Officer Salwa.”> The AI answered. <“Be advised, you may have to run a gauntlet to get inside. We believe that the prime minister may attempt to initiate his escape through the large tunnel via speeder motorcade, escorted by armored vehicles and speeder bikes. Since the small tunnel has been captured by friendly forces, it is not an option for his escape.”> MEIPOC finished.

<“Copy that! I’m descending now, approaching the entrance!”> Eleena breathed. Adrenaline flowing like a raging tsunami through her veins, the Twi’lek, let her foot come off the accelerator, throwing her bike in a G-intensive snap turn, her body seeming to hang off the side of the machine as she did. The maneuver effectively reversed her course, lining the swoop’s nose up with the entrance to the tunnel, along with the column of hostile walkers, tanks, and speeder bikes massing outside of it in the process. A silent command initiated the launch of two anti-energy weapon aerosol canisters, which went off in ahead of her to release a cloud of pink gas to cover her charge into the tunnel. Behind, a pair of nagnol gas canisters detonated in turn, covering her back with sensor-obfuscating gas intended to frustrate targeting systems.

Now, all she could do was pray and slam the accelerator with as much strength as her legs could muster.


Fleet: 1x Acklay-class Cruiser, 2x Dragonsnake-class Picket Cruisers, 2x Refit Ranger-class FACs, 1x Directorate "Ghost" Viper Interceptor, 3x CST Toscan 8-R squadrons, 1x Kessel-class Armed Courier squadron
Objective: Take on the Eternal Fleet.
Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

Kalic watched out of the view ports as strike craft began to swing around. The Miraluka looked at the cruiser's captain, quickly saying "Get our fighter back here, now! Point defense and flak get ready, and start to scatter! Make sure they can't focus on one point." Kalic held tight as the cruiser's engines roared to full power, with weapons mostly trying to train on the closer strike craft. At the same time, the Rangers began to run back, hoping to not be too close too long. Along with them, the fighters and interceptors began pulling back, hoping to beat the Imperial fighters to their target.

Kalic though... he was somewhere else now. He was... on a planet.... He then saw someone he didn't recognize, but then they weren't there. Then there was another. And another. All the same. They vanished. It was... strange. He didn't understand this....

"Daws! We need a little help here if you can get your head out of the stars."

"Right.... Right. Keep going full speed."
Location: Large Tunnel - D’rinba IV
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Belisarius Vactovion Urail Gau Urail Gau

Normally, when one said a prayer, they had the luxury of closing their eyes.

Here, Eleena was afforded no such luxury as she hurled her machine down towards the mouth of the large tunnel, punching through the cloud of pink gas in the process. Seeing the angry flashes of colorful light from the ground stemming from fire levied in her direction, Eleena activated the ion afterburners for a split-second, needing the speed but knowing that she couldn’t risk going too fast as she closed in on the tunnel. Feeling her nerves explode with adrenaline, she suspended her breath in her lungs. All the while, the targeting computer locked onto two bandits entering the tunnel, immediately identifying them as Confederate variant KV-109s.

Her nostrils flared with both bloodlust and anticipation.

Not a moment later, her beam cannons whined to life with a silent command, lancing through the two enemy speeder bikes and their hapless riders. Leaving explosions and debris in her wake, Eleena zoomed into the tunnel, checking her six as she did and much to her relief, finding it clear of pursuers.

<”MEIPOC, I’m in! What’s my objective?”>

<”Stop the prime minister’s convoy, at all costs, Warrant Officer Salwa. He can not be allowed to escape. Take out as many of his escorts as you can.”> The AI responded.

<”Already on it!”> Eleena called out, her beam cannons whining as they struck down a lightly-armored Sidewinder scout walker, with twin beams concentrated on its left leg, quickly disabling the machine by rendering it unable to move.

<”Also, do not-”> The AI’s voice was suddenly consumed by static as the swoop ace drove her machine deeper into the tunnel, her eyes wide with focus as she gunned down one, two, three, then four purple KV-109s in quick succession, doing so with a ruthless, single-minded focus.

Then, her sensors picked up a repulsor tank.

Switching her cannons to the ion firing mode, Eleena opened fire as soon as she turned the corner, casting forth twin lances of ionized energy capable of disabling electronics and shields. Letting her cannons deliver their full, three-second burn, Eleena activated the afterburners as soon as they cut off, a cloud of nagnol gas blooming in her wake to cover her retreat.

However, she wasn’t quite finished with the tank.

Approaching a junction in the tunnel, Eleena let off the accelerator and pulled a G-inducing drop-kick maneuver, turning her swoop in the opposite direction, back towards the tank. Not a moment later, she accelerated through the cloud of nagnol gas, cannons roaring to life and unleashing their firepower. Under the direct, close-range strafing run, the tank’s shields collapsed, leaving only its armor to fend off against the beam cannons. Struck from above, the tank couldn’t hold out long before it was engulfed in flames.

Cutting her speed, Eleena pulled her swoop around on its yaw axis, before pushing the afterburners and accelerating past the tank as the three of the crew members sought to escape, the last being consumed by the raging inferno in the process.

She dwelled on the crewman’s suffering only as long as it took for her to fly past the tank.

Entering the leftmost tunnel in the junction, Eleena continued down the tunnel with as much speed as she dared, gunning down a second scout walker, along with a trio of KV-109s as she did. Not long after that, her sensors pinged with multiple contacts, her nostrils flaring as she realized that the prime minister’s convoy was almost dead ahead.

<”I’m on the convoy now. Engaging targets.”> The swoop ace said coldly. Her beam cannons howling their fury, they swept across the convoy, cutting down the two speeder bikes at the front. Soaring past them, Eleena willed the cannons to unleash yet more fire, scything through a landspeeder and subsequently forcing the other vehicles to take evasive action, with more than a few crashing in the process. Nagnol gas was popped in her wake, but Eleena continued on towards the rear of the convoy regardless. Then, as soon as her cannons were recharged, she willed them to fire once more, scorching the armor of a tank, before catching a black hoverlimo directly in the cockpit, the beam focused lengthwise along its midnight black frame, before a violent explosion consumed the vehicle. By then, warnings were screaming against her ear cones as the cannons overheated. Fortunately, she needed only to glance back to tell that her mission had been a success.

<”The convoy isn’t moving, MEIPOC.”> Eleena gasped, her breath heavy with exhaustion. <”Coming out of the tunnel.”> She added. Before long, after flying through a network of vents, she reached the surface, giving a breath of relief as the sunlight and fresh air welcomed her senses.

Along with MEIPOC’s deep, paternal bass, which seemed more stern than it had before.

<”Warrant Officer Salwa, did you kill the prime minister?”>

Eleena blinked.

<”I umm...stopped the convoy.”> She stammered out, feeling oddly intimidated by the AI. <”Was I not supposed to kill him? He didn’t die did he?”> The ace paused. <”Is he dead?”> She added softly, her cheeks flushed crimson with a humiliating mixture of embarrassment and fear. <”You never said not to kill him!”>

<”RTB for debrief, Warrant Officer Salwa."> The AI answered coldly, after a pregnant silence.


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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion | Urail Gau Urail Gau | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Although the woman's face was not visible because of the helmet, she looked at the assassin(?) with a cold, emotionless look. She didn't know if it was really or just someone trying something like that. The red-haired woman was so sure he wasn't experienced. The panic sound was a surprise to her. This supported the idea that the man could be an amateur. Or he had no practice in anything like that; he might not expect that he'll lose his camouflage.

Yes, Belisarius was not the only one who did not like the way Ingrid did her job; the Empress regularly bittered the work of the bodyguards. Just because she didn't like bodyguards. She always said they were unnecessary because she herself was much more trained than them. If an opponent is sent against her who is at the woman's level, there is no bodyguard who can protect her. Not even Kessia.

Mandalorian armour; to the best of the woman's knowledge Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud and rest of the Mandalorians are fighting out there and not doing this task. She knew that they would coordinate with them. The Empress looked at the other Lord Commander for a moment, then back at the "assassin."

"Arrest him, then hand him over to Alor of the Clan Mortui." She told; now intentionally in a Galactic common language for the man to understand as well.

"I am the commander of the operation and I have not approved the joining of any outsiders. Their Mandalorians are dealing with the siege of the city, not the capture of the Prime Minister." she told the man.

It was, in fact, a statement that could not be disputed, through which the woman was commander-in-chief of the Army and Fleet, the entire Military; she was the senior military leader in the Eternal Empire.

Moments later, a report ran into her biochip, which MANIAC immediately projected onto the woman's retina. The Prime Minister was dead, killed in an accident in an underground tunnel just a minute ago. She shook her head and sighed wearily; none of this was heard because it could not be heard outside her helmet, the hands-free, audio system filtered them.

"The target is dead, arrest all the officials in the building and hand over the Mandalorian to his own." she said in her cold, emotionless voice. "You are in charge, Field Marshal!"

She said more, then walked backwards, and from that moment on, no one needed her presence anymore, the soldiers would solve the rest.

Last post.​


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