Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Imperator of the Eternal Phalanx | Field Marshal in the Ultranaut Corps
The Black Knight of Vengard
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Imperator of the Eternal Phalanx | Field Marshal in the Ultranaut Corps
The Black Knight of Vengard

Objective: 2 Shock and Awe
Location: D'Rinba IV, Capital City, Government District, Landing Zone Dorn-1, Attacking the Prime Ministers Seat
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7, Rex Imperator, Lancer, Shroudsaber

Moments later the signal would have been given. As one the A-Company of the first Battalion of the 42nd Regiment would rise from its cover and advance at decent pace. Their weapons were at their shoulders, shots occasionally fired and grenades thrown. Their infantry fighting vehicles would advance with them, the sounds of the tracks over the concrete accompanying the steady assault of this excellent heavy infantry. Advancing over open ground would be madness, foolish and not plausible in an tactical handbook.
But the rest of the first battalion was delivering such a massive amount of suppression fire with mortars, repeating blasters and missile launchers, that there was little to be desired. From windows higher than ground level dozens of soldiers were covering the advance of their finest companions. It was a well organised dance, a choreography of war perfected by grim veterans.
They were not foolish or morons, they did not advance in a line, shoulder to shoulder, like absolute ignorant amateurs. The sections were moving together, keeping their proper spacing and using every cover they could get to give overlaying arcs of cover fire. Moving move. Such was their finesse, that the own mortars were not actually shooting at the enemy, except very selected ones. They were shooting in front of the advancing first company, providing small craters to be used as cover.
In the midst of their line was marching the Black Knight, the tall half-Valkyri was the center of the line, his giant sword not reflecting any light, but several blaster bolts. Belisarius was commanding his men personally, leading them into the fray. The sword in one hand, which seemed impossible to be held like that, and a Lancer blaster in the other, spitting death and destruction to enemies and their cover alike.
When the last twenty meters were between the Ultranauts and their adversaries, the entire Company burst into a sprint, the covering fire fading as they provided their own cover by spraying the enemy line with their own weapons. Vital seconds of a stunned and wavering enemy passed where they refused to shoot back. An error made once. The Ultranauts of Aurek Company came crushing into the defensive line of the Ministers guards.
Professional, armored soldiers versus rag-tag mercenaries and gang members assembled by greed and oppression were not an even match. Bayonets came down, flamethrowers spit their fiery death, skulls were shattered under boots and swings of rifle stocks. A bloody affair which was a quickly over as it was expected.
Turning the weapons and defenses now against the attackers, Aurek-Company had a moment of rest to reorganize and reload. The moment brief as the rest of the First Battalion was already advanced onto their position.
More than three quarters of the complex were now surrounded by the 42nd Regiment, the pincer successfully drawing manpower and stretching it thin while the Ultranauts were engaging the enemy head on which meant certain defeat for the miserable creatures which defended the false regime.

Suddenly the shooting intensified around the Field Marshal when fresh reinforcements tried a counter assault out of the main entrance. This was ridiculous desperation and for sure beyond greed. Without even having to issue a verbal command, the heavy weapons of the tanks and squads starting to tear holes into the advancing enemy.
"A-Company! Advance! We take the building! B and C Companies, ready to move in behind!"
Effortlessly Vactovions voice carried over the thunder of the roaring guns of the battlefield, his sword pointing towards the entrance, as the first company countered the enemy advance by a much more furious and professional assault themselves, right away breaking spirit and neck of the enemy charge by simply doing what they did not expect. It was a slaughter which only lasted for a minute, the Company then entered the large building complex.
Close combat was what the Ultranauts excelled at, fighting the enemy head-on, overwhelming them by skill, discipline and firepower. Now they had to use the first to clear a vast building complex, sections were moving into corridors to check every room, every wardrobe, every corner to find the prey. Intense shoot-outs began, soldiers using door frames as cover while grenades rolled down the marble surface to find their mark. It was intense, but it were the last breaths of a dying enemy.
At a junction near the center of the building, the Field Marshal was issuing commands and recommendations to the Company commanders of Besh and Cresh Companies as suddenly the Empress emerged from the shadows. The veterans of the 42nd right away saluted their liege, but did not get out of cover or made any special ceremony. It was no place or time for pomp.
"Empress. We are approaching on surface and underground, completely surrounding the area. Cherek and Dorn Company are just entering the building while Besh and Cresh are going downstairs into the cellars. They will not escape. With your permission I will order a failsafe in form of an interceptor squadron to patrol over the city."
The Field Marshal was professional and neutral, but respectful in his tone with the Eternal Empress. He towered over her, physically, but his body language, as subtle as it may be through the massive armor he was clad in, offered obedience. Bel never was a lackey, but he was a soldier of the Eternal Empire and not some salon-politician, so he was as straight to her as to his soldiers.